Hi folks!
Well…here it is only three more days until Christmas and I’m happy to say that so far, I made it through retail hell without totally freaking out and biting someone on the ass.
(however, Saturday I came VERY close several times)
I won’t lie…it’s been exhausting and aggravating not having a day off in two weeks; living my life at the store nine hours a day, eating, drinking and peeing, while waiting on mentally disturbed customers.
(please note: I haven't actually pee'd on a customer, though)
Thank god I work with several fun people, who we’ve kept each other joking and laughing through some rough spots. We’ve also kept each other alive with chocolate and MANY coffee runs to Starbucks.
(caffeine is such a beautiful thing, isn’t it?)
I would also like to let you know that the “laundry situation” got so bad, that I actually had to start hand-washing my underwear in the bathroom sink and then lying them out on the hot radiator over night, to dry. You’ve no idea how good it feels to put on a pair of rock-hard cotton underwear that feels like you’re wearing a piece of card board. I started getting paper cuts on my inner thighs.
I won’t be posting again until after Thursday, so I wanted to take this time to wish each and everyone of you and your families a blessed Merry Christmas, and to also thank you for your love and support while I’ve been away. Coming home after a day at work and reading your comments was like an emotional healing salve.
Please know just how much I value, appreciate and cherish your friendships.
You mean a hell of a lot to me.
So in the theme of Vent…I would like to share a little Christmas gift, letting you know that you’re ALL my favorite stars.
Now pretend that this is the Academy Awards and you’re nominated for Best Actor/Actress in a motion picture…and that you’ve ALL won.
Drum roll please……
For Best Actor/Actress in the movie Vent…..
*right click on star and save to your computer to receive your award.
Yes Dear, you ARE a STAR!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, with chocolate and Starbucks, who the hell needs a man?!
Thanks so much for the STAR Award, Ron... Dahling!! I lived sooo many years in Hollywood and this is the First Academy Award I've actually WON... I feel like I should win one EVERY YEAR... hehehehe!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update... I've been having VENT withdrawls, as I'm sure many of us have! I can't wait until you're done with your Holiday Rush so that you can be ALLLLLLL OURSSSSS again..... So, selfish, I know, but what I can I say!! We don't like to share you with the general public... esp. those who aren't appreciative!!
Alex and I are leaving tomorrow a.m. VERY EARLY in the morning... I can't wait to go to Strasbourg again... I'll blog about it when I get back on Christmas .... I'll also be blogging about our BIG HUGE Christmas feast with my mom-in-law...
Then, after it's all over, I'm starting my New Year's Day DIETTTTTTTTTTT!!!!
Take good care... Merry Christmas to you...
and in a very very Mariah Carey spirit, too..
(I love her Christmas song- I like the Love Actually singer a bit better, though)...
Hugggggs to you...
I've been thinking about you m'deario working hard. Not long now to a well deserved break.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a
Much love to you. xx
I'm so happy you're still somewhat sane and happy. Although, I think peeing on a customer would have been something to write home about. LOL
ReplyDeleteHave a very, merry Christmas, Ron. You definitely deserve it.
YOU are a star! Thanks, hun!
I'm glad you have managed to refrain from putting some customer's derriere in your mouth and so "relieved" you aren't about to pee on any customers.
ReplyDeleteI'm sending you positive energy.
And wishing you a wonderful Christmas.
Aloha Debi!
ReplyDeleteThank you sweet lady...and YOU TOO are a STAR!
EVERYONE here is!
OMG..you are so FUNNY!!!!!
YES!!!...Chocolate and Starbucks (with a some Twizzlers thrown in) are the perfect MATE!
Tee, hee!
And let me tell you...I've had the perfect relationship with those things for the past two weeks. Today, someone brought in a box of Russel Stover's and I ate 5 of them in 5 minutes!
(dark chocolate carmels)
Between the coffee and the chocolate...I was flying HIGH all day!!!!!!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, Deb!
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Bonjour Leesa!
ReplyDeleteYou're so VERY welcome!
So take a bow and enjoyed!
aawwww...you're so sweet! I can't wait until I'm done with this Holiday Rush too, so I can get back to posting regularly again. I've missed it SO! These last couple of days are going to be the most intense, but after that...I can take a DEEP breath and RELAX and be NORMAL again!!
Listen...have a WONDERFUL time on your Strasburg holiday trip. I can't wait to see and read all about it when you get back. Think of me while your sipping that fabulous French wine, ok?
And YES!...I too love that song by Mirah Carey, and what's strange...is that I haven't heard it ONCE this season! My other favorite is the "Merry Christmas Darling" by the Carpenters. It always makes me weepy!
Have a safe journey...and hurry back!
Hugs and Love!
Helloooo Akelamalu!
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear lady....I've been thinking about all of you too and missing ya LOTS!
I can't wait to really BLOG again!
I know...I can hardly believe that Christmas is almost here! This one seemed to come up very fast, too!
I can't wait until Christmas Eve, when I leave the store at 6pm and say to myself...
"YAHOOO....it's OVER!!!!!!!"
January will be my time to renew and rejuvenate!
Wishing you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
And much love to you too!
Thanks for stopping by!
Evening Sista' Nitebyrd!
ReplyDeleteOMG...there were a few cutomers I would have LOVED to pee'd on!
(among OTHER things!)
I had one today, that I thought I was going to lose my mind with! I had to keep telling myself, "Remember Ron...it's CHRISTMAS....BE NICE!" OMG...she was a BEAST!!!!
Oh, well...only two more days and then I can SCREAM into my pillow!
Have a very Merry Christmas, my dear friend...and know that I'll be toasting you with my glass of wine on Christmas Eve!
You wild STAR, you!
Thanks for dropping by!
Helloooo Twin Anndi!
ReplyDeleteOMG...you ALWAYS make me HOWL!!!
Holy shit...like I shared with Nitebyrd in my comment to her...there was one customer I had today, that I would have LOVED to bite, but I was almost positive she had rabies...so I refrained myself!!!
She was a cross between, Cujo and Satan!!!!
Thanks SOOOOOO MUCH for the positive energy, Anndi! I can really use these next two days!
Merry Christmas, my Twin!
P.S. hope you're feeling much better!
Oh I agree with the other Ron...YOU are the Star!!!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you haven't had a day off in two weeks. I don't even have a job and I haven't had a day off either. I have been busting my ass to get everything done before Christmas. Do you know how much work it is to prepare Christmas for 6 children? Geez o petes!! I'll be glad when they get older and just ask for money.
Anyways, Ron, just stopping by really quickly to say HI. Hope you have a fantastic Christmas. Don't eat too many cookies.
Oh, did I tell you my birthday is Wednesday? I will be 35, halfway to 70...my life is half over....HA!!
Have a good week Ron! {Hugs}
ReplyDeleteOMG...it's SO GREAT SEEING YA, GIRL!!!
What a wonderful TREAT!!!!
Hey, listen...I totally know that being a MOM is like a 24 hour a-day job and MUCH harder than working two weeks in Christmas retail. Being a MOM is a FULL-TIME job and I so admire and applaude all you wonderful ladies, cause I know it's rewarding, but not easy.
I'll be so glad when Wednesday comes and it's all over. Taking on these extra hours was INSANE. I FINALLY had time after work today to go grocery shopping, because I literally had NO food in my apartment. I've been eating all my meals out everyday for almost the entire two weeks.
OMG...your birthday is Wednesday???
And 34??? Wait until you move into your 40's and 50's. You'll love it, honestly! I know this may sound strange, but life actually BEGINS. You'll understand what I mean when you get there...it's FABULOUS!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Nicole!
Wishing you and your family a MAGICAL and WONDERFUL Christmas!!!
well ronnie,
ReplyDeletewhen you said you weren't coming back until after xmas, that's what I thought you meant and then I pop over just in case and HERE YOU ARE!! so now I am feeling badly I haven't left you any messages...oh well, you understand, dear man that you are, but I feel bad you are having so much hassle with hard undies and too much coffee....poor man, please take care of yourself so you don't end up sick with some godawful crud going around....take good care, it's almost over....I cannot wait either...sheesh...
I am turning into such a scroogette...
love you
Howdy Linda!
ReplyDeleteIt's SO WONDERFUL seeing ya!!!!
Thanks oodles for stopping by to saying Hi! And please...never feel bad about not leaving messages, dear friend. It's a pleasure to talk with you whenever you drop by.
Yes...I know I said that I wasn't really gonna start posting until after Christmas, but I just wanted to let you guys know periodically that I was still alive and surviving the INSANITY!#?!?*?
OMG, Linda...I will be SOOOO glad when it's all over and I can get back to doing some REAL posting and visiting everyone's blogs. I've really missed my communication with all of you!
I've got the month of January off, so I'll use that time to get back into the swing of things.
I can't believe there's only two more days until Christmas!
I've been using my evenings to do alot of Reflexology and Reiki on myself to stay healthy and it seems to have worked....thank god! Outside of being a little tired and not having the time to do normal things like: grocery shopping and laundry...I actually feel pretty good. I'm so looking forward to Christmas Day when I can sleep in and relax all day. I can't wait!
I hope you're doing fabulous and feeling well, and enjoying a bit of the holiday with your family.
It's gotten VERY cold here in Philly, which has made it feel more like Christmas. And you know I LOVE the cold!!!!
Thanks again for stopping by, Linda!
Wishing you and your family a very special Christmas!
We'll talk soon!
P.S. And here's some Reiki too....
Awwwwwwwwww......I'm honoured, indeed.
ReplyDelete((((((( you )))))))))))
The Merriest of Christmases to you, sir.
And only the best wishes for the New Year.
And really.....please know that I mean that.
(oh, and may you discover the joys of soft undies, soon!) ;-)
ronnie baby. You like me...you really-really like me.
ReplyDelete*cries and teary eyed as I look at my Academy Award*
I knew I'd eventually get one of these things.
I want to thank mother, father and all of my siters and brothers...you guys are the best family evah.
I also want to thank those bloggers that encouraged me to keep going.
I want to thank Giggles...because at her blog is where I first saw ronnie.
*Looks at ronnie with a smile and genuine affection reflecting from my eyes*
Ronnie...thank you for being you. God knew what he was doing in creating you. This world is a better place because of you.
I mean that.
I also want to thank my children, the prince and little vince and my girl who sticks with me...god knows why...I love you all.
*music startes...to tell me to get off the stage for Christ's sake*
Thank you...thank you...thank you...thank you all.
ronnie, I love you.
Merry Christmas sweetie and please have a happy New Year. I'll send a kiss your way at your midnight New Year Eve.
Ciao sweetie and I'm talking is ronnie award with me. Woo! :D
Hiya Dear Mel!
ReplyDeleteThanks SO MUCH for the hug, cause after today....I really needed it!!!!
OY VEY...it was INSANE!#?*!
The natives were restless all day today. All those last minute shoppers going bonkers because we're running out of things!!!!!
And YES...."soft undies" will be my reward for the past two weeks!
Thank you so much for stopping by today, dear lady. Your friendship is truly a great blessing in my life.
Wishing you and your family the BESTEST Christmas ever!
Love ya!
BRAVA....Miss Jones!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat was the BEST freaking acceptance speech I've EVER heard!!!!
woo! woo! woo!
And you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very welcome, my dear friend...cause you ARE a STAR!
And thank you SO MUCH for your kind, sweet words. You've no idea how much they touched me!
You're the BEST!!!!
And I needed it after today in retail hell!! My god...the store I work in is SO disorganized, which made the maddness even worse. Today was like total chaos...I thought I was going to lose my mind. However, I kept a smile on my face and was determined to keep it together!!!!
(thoughs "Hail Mary's" really helped!)
I'll be so glad at 6pm tomorrow, when I walk out that door and it's over!!!
Thanks so much for dropping by today and sharing your wonderful healing energy...it made me feel GREAT!
Have a FABULOUS Christmas Day, Miss Jones!
And we'll definately talk before New Years. I can't wait to get back to visiting everyone's blogs this weekend!!!!
I've missed you guys alot!
Blessings and LOVE to you and your family!
Ciao bella!
I would thank all the little people, but I am one of the little people! ;)
ReplyDeleteI gave the poor exhausted harasssed guy at Kohls a big hot fresh coffee in honor of you
Rest up!
Only a few days til they return everything they had to have!! LOL
Happy Merry sweetie
Hi Ron,
ReplyDeleteI would say first that you are a star. The best to survive retail during Christmas & the Pycho clients !!
Way to go !!
Thank you for the award my dear. It means a lot to me because you are behind it.
So, aren't you glad it's almost over ???
I'm not in the stores at all and I'm looking forward to the end. Xmas gets me down :(
Have a Merry Xmas too and enjoy being with your family.
Hugs from Didier & I
Just poking my head in to give you a (((((((HUG)))))
ReplyDeleteand to wish you peace, quiet and blessings in abundance.
happy holidays are over!
Happy Holidays, Ron! :) May you and yours experience abounding love, joy and peace this miraculous season!
Did ya make it without strangling anyone?
ReplyDeleteSure hope so, cause I don't know if they let you blog while behind bars.
Merry Christmas buddy!
Howdy Dianne!
ReplyDeleteBut oh, my dear...your ARE one of the very BIG people who make this world a WONDERFUL place to live, just in knowing you!!!
And I MEAN that!
You're a BRIGHT shiny STAR!!!
Omg...I bet the guy at KOHLS LOVED you for that cup of coffee!!! How thoughtful of you!!!
And your comment about the RETURNS on Friday made me HOWL, because it's the truth!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by today, Dianne!
Wishing you a magical and blessed Christmas Day!!
Bonjour Barbara!
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome for the Star Award!!!!
You SOOOO deserve it, dear friend!
It's been an absolute pleasure getting to know you and having you in my life. Thank so much for all the wonderful things that you share on your blog...it's so enjoyed!
And YES!!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!
Retail Hell is over!!!!!
And I'm so glad, because I'm exhausted and my patience was starting to run very thin today. When 6pm came, I grabbed my coat and hugged everyone goodbye...and RAN OUT THE DOOR!! I just finished soaking in a nice hot bath tub, so I feel very relaxed. Tomorrow I'll be sleeping in and enjoying the day!
Thanks for stopping by, Barb!
Wishing you and Didier the BESTEST Christmas ever!
Helloooo Lady Sorrow!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the HUG and your Christmas wishes, dear lady!
It felt SO {{{{{GOOD}}}}!
As of 6pm this evening, retail hell is OVER!!!!!!
I swear, these past two weeks have been a BLURR. It felt like I was on "fast-forward">>>>>>>>>>>>>!
I'm so looking forward to tomorrow and getting back to my normal life!
Again...thank you SOOOO MUCH for including me in your Christmas Gift of Love this year. It TOTALLY made my holiday!
Wishing you and your family a magical and blessed Christmas Day!
Love ya, Sorrow!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hellooooooo Grace!!!
It's so GREAT seeing ya!!!
Hope all is well and that you've been enjoying the holiday with your family and friends!
This has been a VERY busy one for me, so it flew by rather quickly. I'll be so glad to get back to a quieter pace.
Thanks for stopping by, Grace!
That was so nice of you!
Wishing you and your family a magical and blessed Christmas Day!
Howdy Mr. Jeff!
ReplyDeleteYES!!!...I made it without strangling anyone, but today was probably the LAST day I could have withheld myself!!
DAMN...you've no idea how GLAD I am that it's OVER! This has beed the strangest holiday season I've ever been through.
I ate so many sweets and drank so much coffee today, I thought my hair was going to fly off my head!
I am SO looking forward to CRASHING tomorrow!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, buddy!
It's so appreciated!
Wishing you and your family a magical and blessed Christmas Day!
Later gator!
I just popped in to say Merry Christmas to you..though 'tis Christmas every day here. You are always a light...truly a star!
ReplyDeleteI am on Drayton Island and all is quiet here..and the weather is perfect for me (not cold as I know you love it). I will toast you tonight as I listen to the cicada songs through my open windows. :)
Prop your feet up now and await 2009..which I am MOST excited about. I feel VERY good energies stirring!
Hi Ron,
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to you!!! We're back and had a wonderful trip to Strasbourg... Ate lots, drank lots, now I'm tired and can't get up....... I'll work on the pics tomorrow.... Love and Christmas holly to you... Leese
Merry Christmas Dearest Gypsy-Heart!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you SOOOO MUCH for your Christmas visit, my friend!!!!
Your sweet words and wonderful energy were the PERFECT gift...thank you!
OMG...it felt so FABULOUS just to sit at home today and relax. However, I did spend sometime in nature with my "squirrel friends" sharing some peanuts and conversation...HA!
Your day on the island sounds WONDERFUL!!!!
Yes...here too, the weather is just perfect. Clear and sunny skies and mildly chilly. The past few days have been FREEZING temperatures. I've been estatic, but most everyone else was freaking out!?:#!*
And yes...I too feel REALLY excited about 2009! You can FEEL the postive energy, can't you????
Tonight as I light my candles and sip my wine, I will be toasting you too...and sharing much LOVE!
Enjoy your Christmas evening, dear lady!
Bonjour and Merry Christmas Leesa!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow thoughtful of you to stop by today!!!!!
What a special Christmas TREAT!
So glad to hear your back and that you had a wonderful time in Strasbourg! I can't wait to hear all about it and see your ALWAYS awesome photos!!!!!
I had a great morning at home, sipping my French press coffee and watching the movie "Little Women" I also spent the afternoon in the park, feeling very blessed and relaxed. The weather was absolutely PERFECT and the city was nice and quiet. It's just what I needed too!
Enjoy the rest of your day, Leesa!
ReplyDeletewanted to stop by and see you, say merry christmas one last time and hope you are resting up, eating something good and spending time with friends...
much love and many blessings, you big sweetheart, linda
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU for stopping by and sharing Merry Christmas wishes!!!
That's so SWEET of you...you're a doll!
YES...I've had the BESTEST day decompressing and letting all the stress go!
I was kind of hoping for a little snow, but the weather ended up being absolutely gorgeous, that I was grateful for what it was!
I just got off the phone talking to a dear friend in Florida for two hours. I also talked to my family earlier in the day. Later on, I'm going to watch a movie and have a nice glass of red wine and then go to bed early to catch up on my sleep.
I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas Day with your family!
Blessings and Love to you, Linda!
Enjoy your evening!
P.S. yepeee!...retail hell is OVER!!!
The merriest of Merry Christmas' to you, sir.
ReplyDeleteI do hope you weren't tuckered out too much to enjoy!
(((((((( you )))))))))
ReplyDeleteThank you so VERY much for stopping by to share some Christmas CHEER!
That's so SWEET of you, dear lady!
I had a very enjoyable day doing nothing much but RELAXING and taking care of myself.
It feels so wondeful to have my normal life back!
Hope you had a GLORIOUS Christmas Day with your family!
(and I BET you had a SNOW!!!)
Blessings and love to you, Mel!