Tuesday I had the day off, so I took myself to a movie.
It was incredibly hot that day, so you have no idea how content I was to sit inside a dark movie theater, enjoying the ice cold air conditioner for two hours.
It felt so great to get out of the 93 degree heat with a 150,000 % humidity index.
If this weather is any indication of what the summer is going to be like in the northeast, I may have to put myself out of my misery and lie face down in the street, while a steam roller backs over me.
If anyone reading this blog is living in a part of the world that is experiencing Winter right now, I will gladly do an exchange student program with you. You can bring your flip-flops, while I bring my snow boots, okay?
Anyway, getting back to this story…..
As you all know, the price of a movie ticket has almost increased to a down payment on a mansion. And yet, what’s ironic is that the square footage of most movie theaters have gradually decreased to the size of a port-o-potty.
And I wonder….do you think they could possibly get the seats any smaller or uncomfortable? It feels like I’m sitting in a hard, tiny Barbie doll chair.
Do you remember when movie theater seats were all cushy and rocked?
And do you also remember when there was such a thing as matinee priced tickets?
Oh, the good old days!
Twizzlers are my favorite candy to eat in a movie theater. There is something so therapeutic about chewing on a bag of artificially flavored strawberry plastic strips, while watching a film. Especially if it’s a scary film because the chewing gives me something to do with my tension.
Since I’m frugal and don’t want to spend $12.00 on a movie ticket and another $40.00 on a pack of concession stand Twizzlers, I will stop by the drug store before going to the theater and purchase a family size bag for only $1.50.
Then what I do, is cleverly STUFF them down the front of my pants. Not only is this an inconspicuous way to get them inside the theater, but it’s also an ideal way for me to watch the reactions on peoples faces when they look at my crotch and mistaken me for a PORN star.
Once I get inside the theater and find a seat, I slide my legs forward and then discreetly reach inside my pants and WHIP them out.
(the Twizzlers, I mean)
By this time they’re nice and soft; easy to chew. So, I sit back in my tiny, uncomfortable seat and enjoy the movie.
So there you have it folks…I confess.
I’m a Twizzler smuggler.
But, you have to admit. At least I know how to PACK em’…..
Frugal...Isn't that Latin for "Cheap Bastard!"???
ReplyDeleteYou should be out here my friend. Nineteen friggin days of rain in a row. I'm about to go postal.
And I've got to say, the chances of getting a Twizzler with a side of curly hairs might in fact justify the price of buying them at the theater!!!
OMG Ron!! The picture at the bottom of the post had me BUSTING UP!!! You're too funny!!
ReplyDeleteOh wow... It's pretty hot there now-- we get that same kind of humidity here, too and when it gets that hot- PHEW- it's very uncomfortable...
It was never that humid in So. Cal!!
Anyhow, what movie did you see and was it good?? I'd like to know... Inquiring minds, after all!!
I think it's MUCH better to "smuggle" something in to the theatre than to pay their OUTRAGEOUS prices... I mean, really!!! We have to pay a small fortune just to walk through the door!! I smuggle things in, too... lunch, a drink, a bottle of water.. whatever it may be!
Have a FAB weekend, dear one!
Morning Ron
ReplyDeleteHow are you?
I'll gladly by your exchange student. I hate the winter, but you don't have to bring your snow boots though. It's not snowing in the winter here in South Africa.
This is so true. Movie ticket prices is getting sky high.... and the seats is getting smaller. We don't go to the movies that often, but I've noticed that prices is rising on everything in the world it seems.
We get away with lot more here in South Africa it seems. We "smuggle" sweets into the theater in the big shopping bag without blinking. I'm not going to buy something at the theater which I can buy at a supermarket for more than half price, but I'm glad you could take the day off and just relax. We all need it once in a while.
You should enjoy your weekend :)
well Ron another way we are alike. I used to love to eat Twizzlers...before the dreaded Diabetes diagnosis. My most favorite movie candy was Red vines. Now I have to wait until I have low blood sugar to enjoy the simple pleasures of candy. I think it has been the greatest loss for me. I know I am a dentist but that never stopped my sweet tooth from directing me straight down the candy aisle. I know what movie you were twizzling at!!!
ReplyDeleteI hop your weekend is not too hot...it supposed to be over 100 for Sam's graduation on Saturday...and it is out on the football field. Please email me and I will tell you all the stars in Brentwood.
have a great weekend and stay cool!!!!
You kill me Ron! Your pictures are the best anywhere in the blogosphere.
ReplyDeleteI once bought about $12 of movie candy and walked into a theater wearing my Matrix coat with lots of pockets. No one was the wiser. They couldn't see a thing. I figure I saved about $429 with that move.
Oh gosh......I can't remember the last time himself and I went to the theatre.......
ReplyDeleteI own it. I'm too squiggly and disruptive. I'm sure I irritate anyone and everyone around me.
I even irritate me. LOL
But OH the buttered popcorn.......
Sorry. It's NOT like home and I can't replicate it no matter what I do.
And I don't GET to have Twizzlers--which sorta kinda makes me grumpy.....
Wheat, yaknow.... *grumbling*
AND the purse I carry is too small to smuggle things in. *grumbling again!*
LOL Small wonder I grumble, eh?
Good Morning Jeff!
ReplyDelete"Frugal...Isn't that Latin for "Cheap Bastard!"???"
NINETEEN DAYS of rain???? OMG...have you grown web-feet yet? HA! It's unusually hot for this time of the year here. I can only imagine what the next two months are going to be like - OY!
"the chances of getting a Twizzler with a side of curly hairs might in fact justify the price of buying them at the theater!!!"
Bwhahahahahahhahaha.....that is HYSTERICAL!!!!!
Twizzlers with a side of PUBES!
Thanks for stopping by, buddy! And thanks for the the laughs!
Wishing you a DRY weekend...X
Bonjour Leesa!
ReplyDeleteOMG...when I saw that last photo online I BUSTED UP too! It's funny what you'll find when you google "Bulging man's crotch"
I don't think people realize just how HUMID it gets here in the summer. It's just like Florida. I've always heard the California has the BEST weather. And NO humidity. I would LOVE San Fran weather because I hear it never even gets HOT.
I went and saw the new SATC movie. And NO, I'm so sorry to say, it was not good. Parts of it were funny, but overall it was just a fashion show - that's it. My advice is to wait until it comes out on DVD.
I can just imagine what the cost of seeing a movie is in France, so I don't blame you at all for smuggling in lunch, water, etc. My favorite movie theaters are the ones where they serve food. I use to go to one in Florida that served sandwiches, pizza, wine, beer. Those theaters I don't mind paying for food because it's like sitting in a restaurant and seeing a movie at the same time.
Thanks so much for stopping by today, Leesa! ALWAYS so great seeing ya!
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
((( Leesa )))
Good Morning Bernadine!
ReplyDelete"I'll gladly by your exchange student. I hate the winter, but you don't have to bring your snow boots though. It's not snowing in the winter here in South Africa."
HA! Okay...it's a DEAL! I've ALWAYS wanted to visit Africa! That would be so much fun! I know, most people love summer and hate winter. Me? Just the opposite.
" We "smuggle" sweets into the theater in the big shopping bag without blinking. I'm not going to buy something at the theater which I can buy at a supermarket for more than half price."
My sentiments exactly! Especially when it comes to candy.
Always so great to see ya, Bernadine! Thanks for dropping by today. Have a great weekend.....X
...You go bay-bee! ;o)
ReplyDelete...And you're NOT a porn star?!
...Love twizzlers. Have an old jar full of 'em in my kitchen as we speak. :o)
Good Morning Susie!
ReplyDeleteOMG...I CANNOT believe you mentioned Red Vines because that is my all-time favorite licorice in the whole world!! It REALLY tasted like licorice. Twizzlers are more like plastic strips, but hey...I eat them anyway - HA!
Oh, how wonderful that your a dentist with a sweet tooth - I LOVE IT!!!
My father and I both shared a love for sweets. My favorite is chocolate. Dark.
OMG, I cannot believe it's going to be over 100 in California!?!? I didn't realise it got that hot there. And the graduation is going to be on a football field?!?!? OY VEY!
Yes, I will email you in a few days so you can tell me WHICH movie stars are in Brentwood - can't wait!
Listen, have a wonderful time at your son's graduation this weekend - I'll be thinking of you!
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady!
I knew that was what you were going to see and I should have warned you. My daughter is a HUGE SATC fan and she was sorely disappointed. She said that it was mostly making fun of other people and she only enjoyed that when SHE was doing it!
ReplyDelete"Once I get inside the theater and find a seat, I slide my legs forward and then discreetly reach inside my pants and WHIP them out.
(the Twizzlers, I mean)"
I CRACKED up when I read this part. I'm so glad I didn't have coffee in my mouth or I'd be wiping off my computer screen insted of typing! I always try to remind myself NOT to eat or drink while I'm reading either your posts OR your comments because at some point I'm sure to guffaw and whatever is in there is coming out! LOL
We always smuggle in candy and a bottle water for me. Hubby HAS to have a fountain coke and we always get a small (ok sometimes medium) buttered popcorn. What's a movie without the popcorn? I can't imagine what it's like for a whole family now. We took my youngest and her boyfriend to IMAX to see Avatar on Xmas and dropped $100 EASY! Ridiculous!
Hellooooooooooooooo Kathy!
ReplyDeleteTee, hee...isn't that last photo the BOMB?
Literally...the BOMB....Bwhahahahahaahahahaha!
I just couldn't resist.
"I once bought about $12 of movie candy and walked into a theater wearing my Matrix coat with lots of pockets. No one was the wiser. They couldn't see a thing. I figure I saved about $429 with that move."
OMG.... I LOVE you, Kathy!!!! $429 - Bwhahahahahahaaha!
But, it's the TRUTH! Between the price of the movie and the concession stand food, you have to take out a personal bank loan to pay for it.
Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! You always make me LAUGH - thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend....X
Goooood Mornin' Mel!
ReplyDeleteMe neither. I think the last movie I actually saw in a movie theater was a documentary about THREE years ago. And I'm the same way...
" I'm too squiggly and disruptive. I'm sure I iritate anyone and everyone around me.I even irritate me."
The theater I just went to had the MOST uncomfortable seats I've ever sat in. The springs in the seat were actually jabbing my butt - I kid you not! All through the movie I was squiggly. It took me 15 mins just to find a seat that was half way comfortable.
Oh, I agree Mel...there is nothing like movie theater popcorn - it's the BUTTER!!! And don't you just love Twizzlers? So sorry you can't have them though. I didn't even realise they had wheat in them?!?
As always, it's so great to see ya, dear lady!
Thank you for stopping by!
Have a wonderful weekend.
X to you and bug!
ReplyDelete"...And you're NOT a porn star?!"
No, however...whenever I go to the movies I get to PRETEND I'm one!
I tell everyone my professional name is: Ronnie Wang!
Oooooo....oooooo...so you love Twizzlers too????????
Aren't they the BEST? The problem with me is that once I start eating them, I CANNOT stop. I can literally eat a whole bag over a period of a few hours. I'm what you call "a Twizzler-holic"
Thanks oddles for stopping by today, dear lady!
You always "light up" this blog!
Have a blessed weekend.....X
Gooood Morning Dear Peg!
ReplyDeleteOMG...I was SOOOOOOOOOOO disappointed in the SATC movie!!! I loved the first 20 minutes, but then it took a nose dive to hell. I left the theater feeling so unsatisfied. I wanted so bad to love it, but I just couldn't. I enjoyed some of Samantha's scenes, and also Charlotte and Miranda's, but Carrie got on my nerves. Oh, well...glad I saw it, but I think the first film was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better.
(the Twizzlers, I mean)
Tee, hee...I just couldn't resist a cheap shot!
"We took my youngest and her boyfriend to IMAX to see Avatar on Xmas and dropped $100 EASY! Ridiculous!"
See what I mean? It's outrageous, isn't it? It's no wonder movie theaters are losing box office sales. I think people are simply waiting for the DVD to come out.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my dear friend!
I always love talking with ya!
Have a spectacular weekend!
X to you and your family!
Hey Ron,
ReplyDeleteMan it's a good thing you don't like pickles because more than one just may get you stopped at the door.
Yes it gets over 100 here and those days I don't get much done outside, we do have a theatre here that was just re done and it is very nice, you still have to get a loan to go see a movie except on Wednesdays where you can get in for a couple to three bucks.
And I aint smuggling in Popcorn for Cindy, that would just not look right.
Howdy Jimmy!
ReplyDelete"Man it's a good thing you don't like pickles because more than one just may get you stopped at the door."
Bwhahahahahaahahahaha....Holy cow, that was FLAWLWSS, buddy!!! I laughed my butt off at that!!!
WOW...over 100??? I didn't think it got that hot in California, but you and Susie said the same thing!!!
We use to have matinee priced movies, but for some reason I can't not find them here in Philly anymore.
"And I aint smuggling in Popcorn for Cindy, that would just not look right."
Thanks for stopping by, my friend! LOVE your sense of humor!!!!
Wishing you and Cindy a great weekend....X
It's HOT here too Ron so there's no point in us swapping places. ;)
ReplyDeleteIt's yonks since I went to the cinema but you're right you need to take out a second mortgage to afford to get in to see the film without any confectionary!
HAHAHAHAHAHA...I will never look at Twizzlers the same way again, I will always wonder if they've been "smuggled" in someone's pants and "whipped out"....You are a riot!
ReplyDeleteNice pants!
ReplyDeleteHilarious. I dig your sense of humor. I remember when it cost $1.00 to see a movie. And even then it was considered expensive. It's all relative, my dear.
ReplyDeleteif that's really you in that picture up top, i'll buy you a movie ticket, soda and popcorn, with butter. purrrrrr. hehehehe.
ReplyDeleteron you are so funny! you are right, the movies is expensive. i heard on the news that one theater in NY planned to charge $20 a ticket for a movie to see if people would be willing to pay. if anybody was in that movie theater other than the usher "they's a dang fool." said with a southern accent.
Ron, I have to stop back by because hubby just came up with a wonderful idea. You need to do movies with Twizzler ratings! You know like 4 Twizzlers would be great, 3 would be good, 2 would be EH...ok...1 LIMP would be bad and NO TWIZZLERS FOR YOU would equal WTF??? I want my $100 back!
ReplyDeleteWith that said.... how mamy twizzlers do you give SATC2?
Good Evening Akelamalu!
ReplyDeleteOh, drats...I was hoping it was a bit cooler where you lived because I would LOVE to change place with you this summer - HA!
"you need to take out a second mortgage to afford to get in to see the film without any confectionary!"
Yup...I bet the price of a movie ticket has pretty much skyrocketed all over the world. That's one of the main reasons WHY I usually wait for the DVD.
Thanks so much for stopping by today, m'dear!
Wishing you a glorious weekend....X
Good Evening Suziecate!
ReplyDelete"I will never look at Twizzlers the same way again, I will always wonder if they've been "smuggled" in someone's pants and "whipped out".!
OMG...I hope I didn't ruin your love of Twizzlers with my VISUAL!
ALWAYS so great to see ya, dear lady! Thanks a BUNCH for stopping by!
Have a flawless weekend......X
The Stud
Greetings Pixie!
ReplyDeleteWelcome! Thank you for stopping by, it's so nice to meet you!
Aren't the BULGING pants hysterical?
God...I WISH!
Have a wonderful weekend....X
Greetings CherylT!
ReplyDeleteWelcome! Thank you very much for stopping by and taking the time to share a comment. It's a pleasure meeting you! And thank you for your kind words on Blogcatalog - that was so sweet of you.
"I remember when it cost $1.00 to see a movie. And even then it was considered expensive."
OMG...I do too!!! And back then it WAS considered expensive. You're right...it's all relative.
Please stop by anytime. You're always welcome here.
Have a wonderful weekend....X
Good Evening Val!
ReplyDelete"if that's really you in that picture up top, i'll buy you a movie ticket, soda and popcorn, with butter. purrrrrr. hehehehe."
Bwhahahahhahahahahahahaah....OMG, girl, you're freakin' HYSTERICAL!!!! I LOVE your sense of humor!!!
"i heard on the news that one theater in NY planned to charge $20 a ticket for a movie to see if people would be willing to pay."
OH. MY. GOD. you're kidding me? $20.00??????
There is no way in hell I would pay that price. But, leave it to NY to try it! And you know what? I bet people DO pay it.
But I'm with you....
"if anybody was in that movie theater other than the usher "they's a dang fool." said with a southern accent."
HA! Agreed!
As always, thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Have an awesome weekend, my friend!
Hello again Peg!
ReplyDelete"1 LIMP would be bad and NO TWIZZLERS FOR YOU would equal WTF??? I want my $100 back!"
Bwhahahahahahahahah...OMG. PLEASE tell your hubby that I think he's freakin' BRILLIANT for thinking that up!!!!!!
clap! clap! clap!
Ok, for SATC2 I would give it only 1 LIMP!
And the only reason I wouldn't give it NO TWIZZLERS FOR YOU, is because I did find parts of it entertaining.
Thanks for stopping back, my dear friend!
Kudos to you and hubby!
I think I want to go to a movie with you Ron. Walking in with a porn star (you have to wear those pants!) picking pubes out of his teeth. Oh God, you make me bust a gut! Too frickin hilarious man!
ReplyDeleteHiya Katherine!
ReplyDelete"Walking in with a porn star (you have to wear those pants!) picking pubes out of his teeth."
Wahahahahahaahahahahaha...OMG, that's HILARIOUS because it totally caught me off guard!!!
What a GREAT visual!!!
Way to GO, girl!
Yeah, and perhaps I can be using DENTAL FLOSS!
Thanks sooooooo much for stopping by this evening, dear lady!
What a wonderfully fun "energy" you have! So glad we've met!
Enjoy your weekend........X
Hahahaha! I shall look out for you next time I'm in a movie theatre, but I warn you, I'll have my camera with me!
ReplyDeleteI smuggle in bottles of water. Why should I pay their inflated prices when I can bring one? Damn right. I never though of bringing it in two ziplock bags and stuffing it down my bra though. That'd give 'em something to think on, huh? Especially if they recognised me on my way out.
Good Morning Jay!
ReplyDelete"I shall look out for you next time I'm in a movie theatre, but I warn you, I'll have my camera with me!"
Okay....but promise me you won't SELL the photos to the National Inquire, ok?
"I never though of bringing it in two ziplock bags and stuffing it down my bra though. That'd give 'em something to think on, huh?"
Bwhahahahahahahahaha....OMG, that's FLAWLESS!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by today, Jay!
So nice to see ya! Have a wonderful weekend....X
Hilarious Ron! I SO wish I was in a movie theatre right NOW! Why is it so friggin hot? It feels like Texas! But for the price of a movie ticket, I could actually BE in Texas... UH. I can't win. At least in Texas they crank up the AC to WINTER. Here its on warm breeze at best... unless you're in the theatre or the grocery store. sheesh.
ReplyDeleteToo hot for eating candy... although I do love it. I'll wait until Fall I guess. Man, this comment is full of whining. Sorry!
You should see what I can do with Junior Mints!
ReplyDeleteIt is 90 here today and the humidity is rain forest combined with sauna
I need a way to get from AC home to AC car and then AC wherever the hell I'm going
I need an AC suit
I was supposed to go see a Lace Making Demo at a local historic site - I thought it would make for some great photos
I went out to get the mail and that was that
Could you picture me in the blazing sun at the demo!!? "Lady, would you make the fucking lace already! I'm schvitzing here!"
Hurry up November!
dear ron...damn, i was laying on my side, laptop on it's side, determined NOT to leave a comment anywhere as i have gone from bad to worse or is it the other way around because i forgot my meds this morning and then i think i have forgotten to read your post as yours doesn't come up with the others for some unknown reason i can't explain and so i read this and think how the hell can he write this stuff...i mean could i write this stuff and just post it? no, my kids would have something to say or someone would have something to say i would not like and i would n't have the nerve anyway, i cannot believe you would stuff your whatever down your whatever to warm and soften them up and then "whip" them out in full-well, enough full view-for anyone looking, and they would be, to see you whip it out...whip it out is not part of my vocab until just now but it's your fault, you dizzy twizzler head...i will not check and see if that is what they're called..omg, i am just stupified....and will never eat them again, even if i could because of the gluten they are stuffed with...omg what am i even writing here...good bye, i need a nap but i hope i don't dream about anyone's stuffed pants with red strings of sticky red things... the mind just reels ron, really reels..haha, that's a good one.. ;) this whole comment was only because i love you, you extreme weirdo.xoxoxxox hHhahahaah, it now says 'please choose a profile' hahaha......for some reason that's hysterical....which profile should i choose...x i am google account from now on - love ya weirdo
ReplyDeleteGood Evening Viv!
ReplyDelete"Why is it so friggin hot? It feels like Texas! But for the price of a movie ticket, I could actually BE in Texas..."
Hhahahahahahaha....I SO agree!!!! OMG, I have never felt it this HOT at this time of year before. And from reading everyone's comments, it seems to be hot all over the world.
I use to live in Florida, which is a lot like the Texas heat, and you're right...at least they CRANK up the AC to WINTER.
Listen, I've been whinning for the past week, so I don't blame you one bit.
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady! Always so nice to see ya!
Have a great and COOL weekend.....X
OMG...Dianne....I LOVE YOU, WOMAN!!!
ReplyDelete"You should see what I can do with Junior Mints!"
Bwhahahahahahahahahaha...that was beyond BRILLIANT!!!!
Listen, I just got home from work and after only walking just a few city blocks I was SCHVITZING like a race horse!!!
Is this heat not the WORST you've ever felt? The humidity is ungodly. Every customer who came into the store today was in such CRUMPY moods because of the heat. And what makes me laugh is that these are the same people who ALWAYS say, "I LOVE Summer!"
"Could you picture me in the blazing sun at the demo!!? "Lady, would you make the fucking lace already! I'm schvitzing here!"
Hahahahahahahahaahah....I'd be the SAME way!!!!
OMG...I can't wait for November either!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my wonderful friend. It's so nice to be able to bitch about the heat with someone - HA!
Sending COOL vibes your way!!!!!
X ya!!!
Helloooooooo Linda!
ReplyDelete"i read this and think how the hell can he write this stuff...?"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I just write it and have fun with it; allowing my readers to have fun with it too.
I think it's all in how you say it and present it.
Thank you soooooooo much for stopping by, dearest lady!
ALWAYS so wonderful seeing you!
Hey listen, I rented a movie for this evening on the life of Georgia O'Keefe. I thought of you as soon as I saw it. I can't wait to watch it!!!
Have a great evening!
(((( Linda )))))
The Weirdo
Hey Ron. A little something to check out at my place. Thanks for the laughs. :)
Is that a Twizzler in your pants, or are you just glad to see me?
ReplyDeleteAltho I guess a single Twizzler isn't much to get excited over. A whole pack, tho? WOOOO!
I'm dying to know what movie you saw.
I remember bringing my own diet popcorn and bottle of water (I was on Weight Watchers at the time) to see the 3-hour "Return of the King." The stupid old man ticket taker CONFISCATED my water, which I had stupidly not thought to stuff down the front of my pants. I refused to pay for their expensive bottled water, so they gave me a cup and told me to fill it at the water fountain. Um, I don't do water fountains. So I angrily ate my tasteless, dry popcorn throughout the movie, pledging to get revenge on that old man someday.
Good Afternoon Margaret!
ReplyDeleteOooooo....I love surprises!
Let me guess? A package of Twizzlers?
I'll be sure to stop by!
Gooooood afternoon JD!
ReplyDelete"Is that a Twizzler in your pants, or are you just glad to see me?"
Bwhahahahahahaha....oh, you are quick, girl! I never even thought of that!!!
" The stupid old man ticket taker CONFISCATED my water, which I had stupidly not thought to stuff down the front of my pants. I refused to pay for their expensive bottled water, so they gave me a cup and told me to fill it at the water fountain."
OMG...I would have been angry too! The NERVE!
And hope you got sweet revenge, like letting the air out of his car tires - HA!
I went to see "Sex and the City 2" and was not impressed. I've been waiting two years to see this film and it truly was a let down for me. Too much "fluff", not enough storyline.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, girl! ALWAYS great seeing ya! Hope you're having a super Sunday!
The Stud
hey dearest, what's the movie called and is it on netflix? was it worth a watch, i adore her and her art--swoon swoon...i'll come back later to see your answer or leave me a comment...love you, glad you're not mad at me, i was in a bit of a panty-wad from the med fiasco....i am medicated to be nice today :)
Hello Linda!
ReplyDeleteThe movie is called "Georgia O' Keefe" (2009). It stars Joan Allen and Jeremy Irons. I rented it at a video store, but I'm almost sure you can get it on Netflix. I actually rented TWO films last night, "Georgia O' Keefe" and "The September Issue", which is a fabulous documentary on Anna Wintour and Vogue Magazine. I watched THAT video first and tonight I will watch the O'Keefe one. However, I did watch some of the special attractions on the DVD and it looks WONDERFUL!!! Joan Allen and Jeremy Irons are incredible in it.
I just know you'd love it!
Hope you had a great weekend, dear lady!
Damn! It sounds as bad up there as it is down here! My sympathies, bro!
ReplyDeleteI totally get smuggling in the Twizzlers, I do it too. No in my pants or bra but in my purse. The extra LARGE purse I have just for movies. Twizzlers, Milk Duds, Soda - all in the purse! Ron, you should get a man purse! But then you'd be deprived of the leering looks at your crotch and that would lessen the fun! LOL
Howdy Nitebyrd!
ReplyDelete" Ron, you should get a man purse! But then you'd be deprived of the leering looks at your crotch and that would lessen the fun!"
Bwhahahahahahahaha....you're absolutely right! I mean where would the FUN be?????
Actually, I DO have a man purse, but I NEVER even thought of that! Next time, I'll try it!
OMG...the heat here is JUST like the heat in Florida. Only worse, because city heat is so condensed. And air smells HORRIBLE! This week the temps are dropping down into the 70's. THANK GOD!
Thanks for stopping by, Sis! Hope you had swell weekend!
X ya!
Heh! Brother, you and I are on the same wavelength. For me, it all started with my dad teaching me how to smuggle candy into the movie theater. It's progressed to my wife and I doing the same. You can be sure I'll be teaching my son my techniques for spiriting in forbidden "outside" food. $8 for a box of Junior Mints?! Heck no. Oh, and may I shake the hand of a fellow Twizzler aficionado? We're few and far between.
ReplyDeleteTwizzlers > Red Vines!
Hey Herman!
ReplyDeleteOk, first of all I have to say...YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! another Twizzler aficionado!!!!
Way to go, man! And you're right...we've few and far between. I don't care, because I LOVE em'!
And good for you and your wife smuggling in candy. And for teaching your son too - HA!
Can you believe the price of concession stuff?
Thanks so much for stopping by! Always great seeing ya!
Hope you and your family had a super weekend!
Hello Ron,
ReplyDeleteI too ask the question "What has happened to the movie theaters?" The place is like sitting in a walk-in freezer. The seats! Oh my God, The seats, They are either too small or my ass is the size of Rhode Island! The price of the concessions is a large as the economic bailout. In New York the tickets for the new Shrek Moive were going at $20.00 per seat. So if I wanted to take my wife and grand daughter to this movie I would had to get funding from China just to see the flick.
This weekend and until Wednesday we are in Washington DC, It is nice here today but hotter then hell Sat and Sun. The rain that came in Sunday was as if we were preparing for a monumetal flood. I was on the streets looking for Noah and his ark, I was going to book a 40 day passage. But it stopped and we were saved from peril.
Now as far as smuggling in snacks to the movie now that is feat unto itself. I have tried and tried to master the art of getting food into the movies. Once I got a plate of fried eggplant in. I hid it under my hat. The aroma wiffing around had the six rows in front and behind me salavating. Then the time we snuck in a complete ham dinner was something. I had the ham in my jacket that was over my arm. One friend had the mashed potatoes in his sneakers the others had corn and still an other had gravy in a rubber container that posed as big shoulders. Yet the time I put the Baby Ruth in the back of my pants then, when the movie started I Removed the candy from the back of my pants and ate cause seven people to get sick.
I guess I was the matinee idol that day.
Pass the popcorn
Oh...Mr. Dave/Matinee Idol...you KILL ME, MAN!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm reading your comment as I sip my morning coffee, so guess what happened?
"So if I wanted to take my wife and grand daughter to this movie I would had to get funding from China just to see the flick."
I CANNOT believe tickets in NY have gone up to $20.00! Here in Philly they've gone to $12.00-$13.00 and I thought THAT was bad, but $20.00??
So you're in DC? How GREAT! Yes, today the temps have dropped down into the 70's, but last week was horrendous!
"One friend had the mashed potatoes in his sneakers the others had corn and still an other had gravy in a rubber container that posed as big shoulders"
Bwhahahahahahaahhaha....OMG, your are TOOOOOOOOOOO funny!!! One of these days we have to meet, buddy. I have a feeling that all we'll do is LAUGH!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by this morning, my good friend. It was such a joy to read your comment!
Have a wonderful time in DC.....X
HA! Part of the reason I have such a giant pocketbook is merely to smuggle food into movie theaters! And, it should come as no surprise to you that Twizzlers are also MY favorite! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteHello Meleah!
ReplyDelete"Part of the reason I have such a giant pocketbook is merely to smuggle food into movie theaters!"
HAHAHAHAHAHA....you GO, girl!
And why am I NOT surprised that Twizzlers are your favorite too?
Maybe...because we're LIBRA'S?????????
Thanks for stopping by, my friend!
(((( Meleah ))))
hi sweets, thanks so much, i am wondering how you liked the flick, it sounds fab with that cast....can't wait, going to check out netflix this very minute well when i leave here and check for it there.....i am so excited-hope it's therexoxoxox thanks doll :)
ReplyDeleteSee Ron your a twizzler smuggler and i am a lighter smuggler cool huh we have something in common
ReplyDeleteI clicked over on your name and was SOOOOOOO happy to see that it was YOU!!!!!
"your a twizzler smuggler and i am a lighter smuggler "
Bwhahahahahahahaah...how TRUE!!!
Thank you soooo much for stopping by, Cindy!
You made my night!....X
P.S. say hi to Jimmy!
Hiya Linda!
ReplyDeleteYes.....I watched the movie last night and it was AMAZING!!!! You're gonna love it. It's more about her life with her husband and her journey to New Mexico. VERY emotional, very moving.
Let me know what YOU think after you watch it, ok?
You can email me if you wish.
(((( Linda )))))
I've got to tell you, I'm never going to the movies with you. Well, at least I'm never sharing any snacks you take in with you. There are some things that should just not be defiled. And, Twizzlers are one of them. Ha, Ha.
ReplyDeleteHellooooooooooo Jen!
ReplyDeleteOMG...you're comment made me HOWL!!!
"There are some things that should just not be defiled. And, Twizzlers are one of them."
I know. I should be SLAPPED for that.
If we DO ever see a movie together, I promise not to share my Twizzlers.
Thanks for the great laugh, my friend!
Enjoy your day.......X
Oh I'm so sorry for the late comment but I had to jump in....
ReplyDeleteI used to adore Twizzlers but for some reason I don't eat them much anymore. But we absolutely DO take treats to the movies with us. We'll buy popcorn, sometimes other stuff, but I usually always have candy bars in my handbag, okay, it's more like a small suitcase. I could get a roast turkey in there I think. ;)
We go to the movies alot and luckily there's a theater we like and they are renovating so the chairs are tall backs and cushy! And the prices, for the first matinee of the day it might only be 5 bucks, the next one or two time slots is 6 something and at night it's over 8. But the only place here in NJ that it's over 10 I think is the Ritz. And at our theater, FREE popcorn refill. :) Nomnomnomnom.
this is so freaking funny, I can hardly believe you actually wrote this. And twizzlers are absolutely one of my favorite candies. I love them! I smuggle too, but usually wrap it up in the quilt (I mean sweater) I have to take into the theater with me so I don't turn into an ice cube. The price of movie tickets must be driven by the megawatts of electricity needed to keep the theaters at ice-rink temperatures.
Good Evening Diane!
ReplyDeleteTee, hee!
I know, aren't I WICKED?
OMG....you're a Twizzler love too????? Yaaaaaaay! People seem to either LOVE EM' or think they're disgusting. I'm virtually an addict because if I get a bag, I have to eat the whole thing in one sitting.
"The price of movie tickets must be driven by the megawatts of electricity needed to keep the theaters at ice-rink temperatures."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA.....I never thought of it that way, but I bet you're right!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady!
ALWAYS so great seeing ya!
Hope you're having a wonderful week!
I can totally relate! You're lucky you're not a fatass like me trying to squish into those seats haha.
ReplyDeleteMy mom before she died always had us sneak cans of soda into the movies. She always had one of those big "hobo bag" purses; we could fit at least a 6 pack in one of those suckers, and candy too. Although sometimes I did prefer to conceal my candy in my pocket because I too enjoy warm candy :)
Greeting Mary Ann!
ReplyDeleteWelcome...thank you for stopping by and sharing a comment. It's so nice to meet you.
OMG, talk about seats!...the seats in this theater that I went to were HORRIBLE. They were the most uncomfortable seats I've ever sat in. I could actually feel the springs inside them - ouch!
Your mom sounded like such a COOOL lady! My mother had us kids do the same thing - SMUGGLE.
And A LOT of Twizzlers!
Please stop by anytime. You're always welcome!
You are very very funny! I enjoyed your Movie/Twizzler story... And I love twizzlers too.
ReplyDeleteYou must be in the East Coast... :)
Hello Anonymous~
ReplyDeleteSo glad you enjoyed!
Aren't Twizzlers the BEST? Especially when you're watching a movie because they last and last!
Thank you for stopping by!
Hilarious. You are the master of suspense, especially here:
ReplyDelete"Once I get inside the theater and find a seat, I slide my legs forward and then discreetly reach inside my pants and WHIP them out.
(the Twizzlers, I mean)"
Oh, and at first I thought you were highlighting a new Lady GaGa Twizzler dress - she could pull off a Twizzler A-line Grammy dress like the picture at the top. Do you know her number? We should call her?
Hi Vodka and Groundbeef~
ReplyDelete"Oh, and at first I thought you were highlighting a new Lady GaGa Twizzler dress - she could pull off a Twizzler A-line Grammy dress like the picture at the top."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...you are soooooooo right! I can so picture her in that!
Hey, and do you watch Project Runway? Do you remember when one of the designers made a dress out of TWIZZLERS?
OMG...it was the BOMB!