Today, I thought I’d share a little bit about how I wake up every morning and greet the world on a work day.
Now I can’t exactly say I’m an I-hate-the-morning-type-person, nor do I wake up feeling like Attila the Hun. But I’m one of those people who needs to wake up slowly and with as little to do to get myself ready for work, so I prepare everything at night, thus not having to contend with it in the morning.
All my clothes are selected and ironed. My shoes are polished. My bag that I take to work with me everyday (filled with supplies) is sitting by the front door, stocked, and ready to go. Even my French press coffee maker is readily-positioned in the kitchen with my coffee cup and spoon, so that all I have to do is throw in the coffee grinds and boil the water.
I don’t want to have to THINK about anything in the morning, because my brain feels like a foggy sunrise on Shutter Island.
Luckily, I’m not required to be at work until early afternoon, so I enjoy staying up until usually 1 a.m., and arising at 9 a.m.
But even still, I can’t just pop out of bed - I like to move gradually. And I need at least two hours to be able to SPEAK to anyone.
This past Monday morning, I had to go down to my apartment managers office to talk to her about something, and when I walked into her office and opened my mouth to speak, I sounded like I had just smoked the most killer Colombian grass - I could barely form sentences that made any sense whatsoever. I finally had to say to her, “I’m sorry, I know I sound like Janis Joplin, but I just woke up about 20 minutes ago.”
The only things I want to do first thing in the morning are have my cup of coffee and cereal, stretch my body, and then quietly read emails and maybe visit a few blogs.
Then I shave, shower, eat something light, and am out the door by 12:30 to be at work at 1:00.
I enjoy the fact that my job doesn’t required me to go into work really early, because my physical energy and mental capacity gradually escalate throughout the day. I actually get more energized as the day moves on, so by evening I’m RARING to go when most people are winding down.
So, here’s a tip if you ever come to visit me and spend the night, or I come to visit you and spend the night….
…..don’t talk to me until the following night.
Or at least until I’ve had my coffee.
"...don’t talk to me until the following night" BWahahaha!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't consider myself a morning person either. I'm more of a 2:10pm to 2:25pm person. Yes, I only have a good 15 minutes in me each day.
And yes, one does need to prepare for the next day the night before. The key thing with me is wearing socks to bed. My mind can't seem to grasp the concept of socks at 6am. Heck, I'm lucky to remember to take the baby with me to the sitter's in the morning. I have this fear that I'll get to work *then* remember that I left Tyler in his crib. There was that time when I drove all the way into work only to realize that Tyler was sleeping peacefully in the back seat. Heh...
Howdy Herman~
ReplyDelete"I'm more of a 2:10pm to 2:25pm person. Yes, I only have a good 15 minutes in me each day."
Bwhahahahahaahaha! Too funny!
"I have this fear that I'll get to work *then* remember that I left Tyler in his crib. There was that time when I drove all the way into work only to realize that Tyler was sleeping peacefully in the back seat. Heh..."
OMG...with my foggy brain, I can't even imagine having to be responsible for another little life in the morning. I'd have the same fear.
((( Tyler )))
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, buddy! It's always great to see ya!
Wishing you, Karin, and Tyler a super weekend!
Ron, we must be wired the same way. It takes me a while to get going when I get up. As the day moves on, so does my mind and my body. The last thing I want to do first thing in the morning is anything physical. I know people who get out of bed and right into the gym. That is not me. I'm much better working out later in the day after I've been moving around for hours.
ReplyDeleteMy habits have changed, Ron. I used to be a late night bird but not any more. Always got stuff ready for next day though and still do. These days I'm a lot slower in the mornings 'cause I don't have to go out to work. And now that I'm suffering with vertigo I'm terrified of moving too fast. Well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Have a brilliant weekend.
ReplyDeleteOh dearheart....you do not EVEN wanna approach me until after the sun's up a good few hours.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I show up for work at 8am. The kiddos and staff are well trained to leave me alone for that first hour....and they have the coffee hot and ready.
They're kind enough (most times) to warn the new kid on the block.....sometimes they let 'em suffer and learn....LOL It IS a growth experience getting to deal with me when I'm caffeine deficient!!
The best thing to do--hand me a cuppa and run for cover!
<-- will now finish the morning routine which is void of people (cuz they're smart like that!)
So I guess a breakfast meeting is out of the question? LOL We'll stick to cocktails or dinner. That's more fun anyway!
ReplyDeleteWell when you come and stay (you will come to England won't you?) we will get on just fine because I do all the things you do - ie getting everything ready the night before. I need at least two hours to pull myself together in the morning. :)
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Matty~
Yes...we sound EXACTLY like we're wired the same way!
"As the day moves on, so does my mind and my body. The last thing I want to do first thing in the morning is anything physical. I know people who get out of bed and right into the gym. That is not me."
Meeeeeeeeeee neither.
Years ago while I was still living in Florida, I decided to take an aerobics class that started at 9 a.m. OMG, you should have seen me - I looked like the Tin Man in the Wizard of OZ - I could BARELY move! That, and the fact that I couldn't stand how CHEERY and LOUD the aerobics was, so I opted to change to a 6 p.m. class. MUCH better - HA!
Thanks for stopping by, Matty! Always great to see ya!
Have a great weekend, neighbor!
Good Morning Valerie~
ReplyDelete"And now that I'm suffering with vertigo I'm terrified of moving too fast. Well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hey, maybe that's my problem too - vertigo.
It's funny, because the only time I become less of a late night bird and more of an early bird is when I go on a solitary retreat. I go to bed very early and wake up very early. And actually, I enjoy it.
Always so great to see you, dear lady! Thank you for stopping by!
Have a brilliant weekend!
Gooooooood Morning Mel~
ReplyDelete*yawning, stretching, sipping my coffee*
"Oh dearheart....you do not EVEN wanna approach me until after the sun's up a good few hours."
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I had a feeling you and I were the same when it comes to mornings!!!
"It IS a growth experience getting to deal with me when I'm caffeine deficient!!
The best thing to do--hand me a cuppa and run for cover!"
Bwhahahahahahahaha! Me too! Me too!
OMG, you should see me when I sometimes have to go into NYC for work VERY early, and have to be up at 4:30 a.m. to catch a 7 a.m train into Penn Station. I have a HUGE cup of coffee with me that I sip the whole way, so that two hours later - I'm finally AWAKE!
"<-- will now finish the morning routine which is void of people (cuz they're smart like that!)"
You GO, dear lady!
Thanks for stopping by Mel! Have a FABU weekend!
X to you and the bug!
Good Morning Peg~
ReplyDelete"So I guess a breakfast meeting is out of the question? LOL We'll stick to cocktails or dinner."
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, I think cocktails and dinner will be much more FUN!
Can't wait to see ya, dear friend!
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!
Good Morning Akelamalu~
ReplyDeleteYes, I would LOVE to come to England to visit you!!!
And yes, we will get on famously! Wine in evenings and our tea and coffee in the mornings - and no talking for at least two hours - HA!
Have a glorious weekend, m'dear! Thanks for stopping by!
Hello Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteMy God, a big "Gold star" for ya! Everything is ready to go the next day :)
I get up early by necessity,not by love of the morning. But through years of this early bird existance, I do see advantages. I like having do to things before there are hoards of people and buying fresh produce when it is still... fresh( just try at the day's end; blah).
OF course, you can't have everything. That usally means that I am "OUT" before 11 p.m.
So, if we ever go partying in Philly one day, I need to program sleep in the afternoon. To be fresh and ready to party with ya !!
Sp happy to cross you at the in box now & then ;)
Happy weekend! xoxo
oh we are alike in so many ways
ReplyDeleteI too prepare as much as possible the night before, I absolutely hate to think in the AM and when pressed to do so I will most likely muss it up
I also don't like to talk in the morning, it's not how I sound it's that I just don't want to :)
I do enjoy being awake early though - I often go out in the back yard or drive down to the marina and enjoy the day before too many people foul it all up
I usually go to bed close to midnight, but I must rise at 7:00 (not by choice!). On the weekends when I can sleepein which means I am still up by 8:00 (darn internal body clock!)I leisurely drink my coffee and surf the internet...it takes me a few hours to get it together. So, I totally understand your slow moving mornings. Years ago, I was a morning person and didn't have to get to work until ten...no internet then, I just about died of boredom in the mornings!!!!
ReplyDeleteBonjour Barbara~
ReplyDelete"My God, a big "Gold star" for ya! Everything is ready to go the next day :)
Yeah, I'm a regular BOY SCOUT - everything prepared! HA!
"But through years of this early bird existance, I do see advantages. I like having do to things before there are hoards of people and buying fresh produce when it is still... fresh."
Yup, I have to agree with you, because on the days that I may have to get up extra-early for something to do with work, I do see the advantages you speak of. And yes, on those days I usually have to go to bed earlier because I'm bushed.
"So, if we ever go partying in Philly one day, I need to program sleep in the afternoon. To be fresh and ready to party with ya "
That's a super idea! You can take a nap, while I'm a work, and then we can PARTY HARDY at night - woo! woo!
ALWAYS fab seeing ya, my friend! Thanks for stopping by!
Happy weekend!
Good Morning Dianne~
ReplyDeleteHA! Why am I not surprised to hear that you and I are similar in many ways????
Perhaps it's that 'NYC gene' we both share, hu?
Yeah, me too....I'm most likely to muss things up in the morning when my brain is still in a fog. I don't even like to answer the phone in the morning.
"I do enjoy being awake early though - I often go out in the back yard or drive down to the marina and enjoy the day before too many people foul it all up."
That's the thing for me too, I don't mind mornings for peace and quiet, it's just that I can't deal with people/talking that early.
I think you and I would make excellent roommates!
Always a pleasure to see ya, dear lady! Much thanks for stopping by!
X to you and the gang!
P.S. it's gonna be COLD this weekend - YAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Janis Joplin?!! I can only imagine trying to fit together the sentence fragments. hahaha
ReplyDeleteCristy says when she was a little girl she LOVED the Jetsons (like you) but mostly because they had that conveyor belt thingy. She just wanted to roll out of bed onto the conveyor belt and have robots to dress her and get her ready for school in 5 minutes.
I probably told you that story before. But I still think it is funny. And sometime I am envious too.
Why do they show that sh*t to kids? It's something we'll never be able to have. The animators must be sadists.
Anyway, wish I had more energy to stay up later. Actually, I wish i didn't have to sleep at ALL! But i start getting drowsy by 10pm. And that pesky alarm chirps at 5am. Clockmakers are sadists too.
Morning SuziCate~
ReplyDeleteOMG...you and I sound so much the same!
"I leisurely drink my coffee and surf the internet...it takes me a few hours to get it together."
Yes! Yes!
And isn't funny how our internal clocks work? Even when we change to daylight savings time, my body takes adjusting to that ONE hour - HA!
"Years ago, I was a morning person and didn't have to get to work until ten...no internet then, I just about died of boredom in the mornings!!!!"
I soooooooo know what you mean, Suzi!
Thank you for stopping by today! Have a glorious weekend!
Morning Diane~
ReplyDelete"Janis Joplin?!! I can only imagine trying to fit together the sentence fragments."
No lie....I TRULY sounded like her - HA!
(and like Bette Midler in 'The Rose.')
"but mostly because they had that conveyor belt thingy. She just wanted to roll out of bed onto the conveyor belt and have robots to dress her and get her ready for school in 5 minutes."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Please tell Cristy that I LOVE her!!!!
"Why do they show that sh*t to kids? It's something we'll never be able to have. The animators must be sadists."
But if you REALLY think about, A LOT of that stuff they showed on the Jetsons HAS come true - moving sidewalks, microwave ovens, and Skype.
Oh, me to...I wish I didn't have to sleep at all. I really don't enjoy sleeping, except during the winter months when it's colder.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, dear lady!
Have a gorgeous weekend!
X to you and Cristy!
Somehow it does seem so difficult to get oneself up and going in the morning...especially as we get older and do the same thing over and over again. I am like you in that I have mostly every thing prepared the night before. The one thing that lures me out of bed is the coffee. I live for that first thing in the morning. It is like gasoline filling a tank on empty. After a few wonderful sips I am able to hit the hair and makeup department and then outfit myself for yet another day!!!
ReplyDeleteI, like you need time to wake up in the morning. I have to let the idea of getting my butt off the bed sink into my head. I lie there for a few minutes and let the knowing that I have to get up get dressed and get going take effect. I then have gotten into the habit of thanking God and the universe for another day and for the days I have had so far. Then I proceed to get into the shower and I let the warm soothing fingers of water bring me back into this world. I love feel of that warm water washing all over me and the feeling that I am alive become part of my routine. I cannot just jump out of bed and be a morning glory. For those who are around me in the morning and are that type of person I just want to look them in the eye (after I am able to focus my vision) and grumble a SHUT THE HELL UP! at them as I proceed to pee on their left foot. This of course will be before the prayer of Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteMost mornings are like what I describe with no interfence and bubbly personalites bounding around and all is well.
So if we are ever in the same place on the same morning then I will talk to you and you will talk to me after that cup of coffee and the knowing that now is the time to converse. Or just wear rubbers over your slippers.
Good Morning, Ron
Hiya Susie~
ReplyDelete"Somehow it does seem so difficult to get oneself up and going in the morning...especially as we get older and do the same thing over and over again."
Ya know, come to think of it you're right...when I was younger I was much more of a POP-out-of-bed-in-the-morning-person. Oh dear heavens, do you think it's AGE?!?!? HA!
"The one thing that lures me out of bed is the coffee. I live for that first thing in the morning. It is like gasoline filling a tank on empty. After a few wonderful sips I am able to hit the hair and makeup department and then outfit myself for yet another day!!!"
I couldn't have said that any better! And that first cup is the best. It's like nature's jumper cables! I only two cups a day (LARGE of course), one in the morning, and one about 4 in the afternoon. LOVE IT!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend! Always a delight!
Have a super weekend!
I've to wake up before sun-rise to say my prayers - even though sun rise is at 8:00 AM these days. But in the summers that's like 4:00 AM.
ReplyDeleteBut once up - I can't find myself going back to bed. So I turn on my laptop and sit until I feel hungry and remember that I need to have breakfast... LOL
But I make up for it by having a nap early in the evening.
Okay, Dave....this totally made me pee my pants....
ReplyDelete"I cannot just jump out of bed and be a morning glory. For those who are around me in the morning and are that type of person I just want to look them in the eye (after I am able to focus my vision) and grumble a SHUT THE HELL UP! at them as I proceed to pee on their left foot."
Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha! YOU. KILL. ME!
Yes, I too try to give thanks (and share a little Reiki with myself) before I get out of bed. I also try to do that before I go to bed because it truly sets the mood for my day.
"So if we are ever in the same place on the same morning then I will talk to you and you will talk to me after that cup of coffee and the knowing that now is the time to converse. Or just wear rubbers over your slippers."
*laughing hysterically*
Ok, my Libra friend....it's a deal!
Thanks sooooo much for stopping by and making me laugh this morning, sir! Much enjoyed!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Good Morning, Dave!
Hey Jaffer~
ReplyDelete"I've to wake up before sun-rise to say my prayers - even though sun rise is at 8:00 AM these days. But in the summers that's like 4:00 AM."
Oh that's wonderful! And aren't mornings the best time to quietly reflect? Sometimes when I've gone on a 4-day retreat in the country, I find myself adapting to early morning rising. Sitting by a window while sipping my coffee; watching the deer nibble at the berry bushes, having their breakfast.
Those are truly the times when I appreciate early mornings.
Always great too see ya, Jaffer! Thanks for stopping by.
Enjoy your weekend!
"Oh Lord wont you buy me a Cup of Coffee"
ReplyDeleteThis could be a new theme song for first thing in the morning, as long as I don't sing too loudly--right
I love the mornings and my coffee but I have to lie there a while and take it all in before I get myself up and going.
Loved the Post Buddy!!
Howdy Jimmy~
ReplyDelete"Oh Lord wont you buy me a Cup of Coffee"
This could be a new theme song for first thing in the morning, as long as I don't sing too loudly--right."
YES!! That's flawless!! This way we could say our morning prayers and give thanks for coffee at the same time!
Oh, from us slow morning risers....thank you Lord.
Always so great to see ya, buddy! Thanks for stopping by!
Wishing you and Cindy a terrific weekend!
You know, dear Ron, the first thing I thought of when I read this post was of Janis Joplin singing "Ball and Chain". You gave me a good laugh with that suggestion, thinking you were in your manager's office singing, "whoa, whoa, whoa...." Too much! Enjoy your coffee as much as I enjoyed reading this. EFH
ReplyDeleteHey Expat~
ReplyDeleteIt's sooooooo great to see you!
"the first thing I thought of when I read this post was of Janis Joplin singing "Ball and Chain".
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, and that's a perfect Janis Joplin song to express how I acted in her office on Monday...."whoa...whoa..whoa..."
I truly could not form sentences that made any sense - I looked like a total 60's pothead!
Thanks for stopping by, Expat!
Have a super weekend!
giggled my way through another post of yours Ron. I bet my kids would agree that mornings only start after Mommy has her coffee here. The alarm clock has bruises all over it too, to give evidence of the abuse that I slam on it in the dark hours of the morning. In my mind it isn't morning until the sun is up, but at least this weekend we will all get that extra hour to sleep in. Cheers Ron!
ReplyDeleteron you are so the man. i love you. i was nodding my head and laughing through this whole post. i am a morning person and i do not want to talk to anyone, but start moving my mouth between the hours of 9-11 am. then i shut down. when i get home i don't want to talk either, it's so overrated. i also love how you prepare things the night before,i try to do that on most days, doesn't always happen. i sometimes get to set the breakfast table the night before and i like to wake up to coffee too so i prepare it the night before and use the automatic timer. i don't pop out of bed either and love to take my time, another reason why i get up at 5. other days i'm so prepared for work, i make myself late!
ReplyDeleteHey V~
ReplyDelete"when i get home i don't want to talk either, it's so overrated."
*nodding my head and laughing*
Yes! Yes! I'm EXACTLY the same way. My job requires me to talk ALL DAY LONG (which I don't mind at all), however when I get home I want complete silence. I even hate to talk on the phone with anyone. I try to save all my telephone call-backs for one specific night, so I can do them all together.
"and i like to wake up to coffee too so i prepare it the night before and use the automatic timer."
That's one of the things I miss about using a coffee maker. I use to have one when I lived in Florida (loved it), but ever since I moved back east, I use a French press.
Even though I don't have to be into work until 1, I have to get up at 9, so I have ALL THAT TIME to prepare myself to function in the world - HA!
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl! Always great to share with you!
Have a great weekend and enjoy your days off!
Hello Katherine
ReplyDelete"The alarm clock has bruises all over it too, to give evidence of the abuse that I slam on it in the dark hours of the morning."
OMG, katherine....that's HILARIOUS! What a FLAWLESS visual!
"In my mind it isn't morning until the sun is up, but at least this weekend we will all get that extra hour to sleep in."
Yup, I totally agree! And thank you SO MUCH for reminding me about the "time change" this weekend. For some reason, I always forget "fall backward" this time of the year.
Always FAB seeing you, dear lady! Thank you for stopping by!
Enjoy your weekend!
i hate mornings. mornings suck. mornings shouldn't start before 11.
ReplyDeleteHelloooooo Kate~
ReplyDelete"hate mornings. mornings suck. mornings shouldn't start before 11."
Yes, thank you.....shouldn't start before 11.
(and a cup of coffee)
Thanks for stopping by, Kate! Always nice to see you!
Enjoy your weekend!
So interesting dear Ron... I am the exact same. All that is possible is ready. It has to be. I am also a fervent believer in minimum morning thinking!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about! LOL I used to want to punch Katie Couric in the head 'cause she was so freakin' perky in the morning. The worst is being the house guest of a morning person. The poor dears. I know I've discombobulated more than one. I look like Attila the Hun and have the personality of a under the bridge troll before my coffee. And PLEASE don't talk to me for at least an hour. Morning people just annoy the crap out of me.
ReplyDeleteBonjour Susu~
ReplyDeleteYeah, I had a feeling your were the same way, my friend!
I know you're a Leo and most of the Leo's I know come to life in the evenings and are minimalist in the morning. My partner of five years was a Leo and he was the same way!
Thanks for stopping by, beautiful lady!
Always great to see you!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Hey Nitebyrd~
ReplyDelete"I used to want to punch Katie Couric in the head 'cause she was so freakin' perky in the morning."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! yes, I know what you mean. I've actually met her in person (while living in Florida and did the hair and makeup for the NBC news anchors) and she was VERY perky!
"The worst is being the house guest of a morning person."
THANK YOU!! You and I would make perfect house guests for one another!
"I look like Attila the Hun and have the personality of a under the bridge troll before my coffee."
Thanks for stopping by, Sis! Hope you're having a great weekend and enjoying your workout classes!
Well, Janis, you are JUST like me! But, of course, you say.
ReplyDeleteI'm fortunate enough to not have to "clock in" by 8AM. Since I travel to different locations, some mornings I can get a little extra shut in and come in around 9:30-10:00. In a perfect world, I could do what you do-stay up late and sleep until 9:00. I think my body clock was most happy when I was unemployed.
And like you, even though I'm not a morning person, I can't be rushed. I like to get my dose of Good Morning America while I'm giving Bernie (and Vinny) some lovin' to last them until I get home.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend! We got SNOW! Did you?
Hellooooooo Miss Chrissy~
ReplyDeleteHA! YES!....but, of course!
Two peas in a pod!
"I think my body clock was most happy when I was unemployed."
OMG, I know what you mean because 4 years ago when I was layed off for 4 months until my new store opened, I was UNEMPLOYED...I LOVED it! No time clock to deal with!
"I like to get my dose of Good Morning America while I'm giving Bernie (and Vinny) some lovin' to last them until I get home."
Awwwwww....((( Bernie and Vinny )))
Yeah, don't you hate being rushed in the morning? That's why I get up three hour before I actually have to be at work.
Thanks oodles for stopping by, girl! ALWAYS so great to see ya!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
P.S. OMG....you got SNOW????? How how LUCKY you are! No, we didn't get any. Send some, please.
As C dosnt sleep much Im never sure when morning is! So coffee is a must for me too :)
ReplyDelete"I know I sound like Janis Joplin." OMG. Hysterical. You are like my husband. He hates going to bed before midnight, then complains all day that he's tired (he leaves for work at 6:30AM). When we were first dating and he was in a band, we used to get ready and leave the house at 9PM and they'd play sets until 2AM. Get home by 3AM and maybe to sleep by 4AM.
ReplyDeleteNow I get up at 4AM. What the hell happened to me?
Funny post, as always, Ron! I know you must be enjoying this extra hour today!
Good Morning Casdok~
ReplyDeleteIt's soooo great to see ya!
"So coffee is a must for me too."
Ah, coffee....Mother Natures Jumper Cables - HA!
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
X to you and C
Hellooooooo Kathy~
ReplyDelete"....When we were first dating and he was in a band, we used to get ready and leave the house at 9PM and they'd play sets until 2AM. Get home by 3AM and maybe to sleep by 4AM."
HA, he sounded just like me when I was doing theater; performing in Vegas. My day started at 9 p.m. and ended 4-5 a.m. I slept all day and worked all night!
"Now I get up at 4AM. What the hell happened to me?"
OMG...I would DIE!!!!!!!!!!
Funny, last night as I was falling asleep I suddenly remembered about the time change, so I had to get up and turn back the clocks. I couldn't believe how the sun was up by like 6 a.m.!
Thanks for stopping by, neighbor! Always FAB to see ya!
P.S. Aren't you lovin' this cooler weather we're having?
Hi, Ron! In your own way, you are very organized - a skill that I lack. Would it freak you out to know that I do no preparing at night, my clothes are picked the next morning - forget if they need to be ironed - and I roll out of bed 4:30, sometimes 5:00, talking up a blue streak? Weird, huh?
ReplyDeleteNo one, and I mean NO ONE, is allowed to talk to me, or even LOOK at me - until well after my 2nd cup of coffee! And I cannot "spring" out of bed either. I like to wake up slowly too! Maybe it's a Libra thing?
ReplyDeleteHello Gail From Brooklyn~
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not freaking out at all - actually, I think it's GREAT that you can roll out of bed at 4:30, sometimes 5:00 (talking up a blue streak) and not prepare a thing.
However, do you at least need coffee? HA!
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady! I was just thinking about you the other day and looking forward to your next post!
Hope you had a great weekend!
Hello Meleah, my Libra Twin~
ReplyDelete"No one, and I mean NO ONE, is allowed to talk to me, or even LOOK at me - until well after my 2nd cup of coffee!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You GO, girl! I'm the SAME way!
And if we were meant to "spring" out of bed, we'd all sleep in toasters, right? HA!
Note: if you read Mels comment you will find that she too is just like us - and a LIBRA!
Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you had a FAB weekend!
I'm the same way my friend... as little talking and doing as possible. Just take my time. It's the best method.
ReplyDeleteHey Dr. Cynicism~
ReplyDelete"as little talking and doing as possible. Just take my time. It's the best method."
Thanks for stopping by, sir! Always great seeing ya!
Have a great Monday!
We were just away this weekend staying at a friend's house. Yesterday morning I got up to get my coffee and couldn't make the machine work. I sat there and stared at it then paced then stared at it again for about an hour until my friends got up. I was not a happy camper. I need my coffee in the morning. I function best between about 8am and 4pm. I'm pretty useless in the evenings.
ReplyDeleteHiya Jen~
ReplyDelete"I sat there and stared at it then paced then stared at it again for about an hour until my friends got up. I was not a happy camper."
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh I hear ya, my friend, because I wouldn't have been a happy camper either! I NEED my caffeine fix in the morning. Yep!
I truly think I'm a vampire - I come to life at night!
Always great seeing ya! Thanks for stopping by, have a great rest of your Monday!