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If you were to go shopping with me in a CVS, Rite Aid or Walgreen's, you would most likely find me making a B line over to the trial size toiletry section of the store.

I can’t help it, I know it’s more practical to purchase full size products, but for some reason I LOVE having about 50 thousand little trial sizes overflowing in a basket that I keep in my bathroom.

I’ve got everything from dwarf size products of hand cream, shampoo, hair gel, baby powder, body wash, you name it, I’ve got it. I even have trial sizes of Q-tips and band aids. My bathroom looks like one of the Lollipop Guild munchkins from The Wizard of Oz lives here.

Everything is tiny.

I do this mainly because I‘m a new product junkie, and enjoy trial and error before actually purchasing a full size product. But I also do this because I like switching from various products - I get bored using the same stuff all the time. Besides, I find the trial sizes so freakin’ cute.

I’ve never been one who shops at places like Costco or Sam’s; buying everything in bulk. Somehow it makes my bowels feel anxious and overwhelmed, seeing 50 rolls of toilet paper wrapped in what looks like a thick piece of clear plastic tarp, and needing a forklift to get them home. I realize it’s more economical to purchase quantity (especially with a family), but when you’re only shopping for one, it’s more fun to buy in the immediate moment. And since I live in a studio apartment….little is better.

Yet, there are certain things I will purchase in regular full sizes. Things, such as my Rembrandt toothpaste, my Art of Shaving shaving cream, and my Secret deodorant (yes, I know it‘s a woman‘s deodorant, but since it‘s strong enough for a man I can use it too.'s a secret). These are my constant can’t-live-without full size staples.

Oh yeah, and there's one more thing I will always purchase in a FULL size…….

Ooops!…..sorry, I didn’t mean to brag.

*or rather, slightly exaggerate.

Wishing you a big ol’ MAGNUM weekend everyone!



  1. ah shit...i wrote you the best stupid comment and did it disappear on me? i hope not, it was so good and i cannot possibly repeat it again....the most important, what is lining your baskets of these sweet little toiletries, linen napkins, linen doilies, washcloths, nothing? and i thought i was not going to get shocked with dottie's friends and all until the tip began to i can't possibly rewrite this comment but it was about the tip and your dimensions....and how much praying i had to do to overcome my nasties...and much 'oh lords' were also febrile i am, and i'm sticking to it...........sticking.

    then i remembered the best part....what i forgot and so did you...last season, you were going to send me a certain little thing you had access to...remember? well, that little sample didn't come and now, i remember now......... so now, i want to know, is it possible or is it possible you had the snail's mail and it didn't come? no, it would come....i mean, of course it would....xoxoxoxox let me know k? i must if possible smell me some. oops, i gave it away...well, not really. xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxo and if you get the other comment, well, lucky lucky.xox

  2. Too much! I think I'd be more concerned not with the length, but more with the girth. 1.5" might impress some, yet terrify others! ;-)

    I do have to agree with your trial-size addiction. Whenever the wife and I travel we also hit up this section of the store. It's like a wonderland of new and newly-discontinued products that we've often never heard of. "Chocolate-scented shapoo"? Check! "Bubblegum-flavored mouthwash"? Check! "Q-Tip/tooth pick/Toothpaste combo stick thingy"? Double check!

  3. Bonjour Ronnie,

    Now of course; you can't possibly be buying S size for the Trojans! You crack me up :)Thats why we are friends( uh your humor and not the trojans ;) )
    I got such a kick hearing about your "obsession". Believe me; we could have heard worse. Hearing that you collect pink pigs or lipstick containers...

    I am not a collector, but these are "usable" collections. The size is so small so if you tire of it, it is no big loss.Or give away the unopened stuff that you havent used.

    Its nice to see the munchkins!I love those guys :))

    Happy weekend to ya xoxo

  4. I was happily reading along, nodding, agreeing and laughing about my own little basket of bitty goodies--


    Those......are NOT in my basket.
    ....just wanting to go on record, of course.....

    NOT that it's pertinent information for you or anyone else to have one way or the other.....
    Oh, there is no getting out of this one, is there. LOLOLOL

  5. I use Secret too!!

    I love trial size
    I have a basket of tiny perfume bottles in my bathroom
    they're pretty and I can change how I stink up the joint every single day

    I love the size diagram on those magnums, so subtle

  6. I'm a sample junkie too, Ron. The cosmetic counter staff have a habit of giving them when we buy another product, plus there are hotels who leave them in the bathroom for honest patrons to help themselves. My best come form the cruiseliners who use top products. Hmm, had to rack my brains to remember what that last item was. Heehee, it's been a long, long time..... grins. Have a great weekend.

  7. Good Morning Linda~

    Sorry about your disappearing comment, but I didn't get the first one you published - drats! Blogger has been doing some weird things lately with comments. I've been having trouble too.

    "and i thought i was not going to get shocked with dottie's friends and all until the tip began to i can't possibly rewrite this comment..."

    Bwhahahaahahahahahaha! Doesn't it look like a submarine torpedo?

    No, my friend...I haven't forgotten about that 'certain little thing' I promised you, it's just that I haven't had time to send it. However, I'll get it to you sometime before Christmas.

    Thanks for stopping by, dear lady! Always great to see you!

    Hope you're feeling better!

    Have a grrrrrrrrreat weekend!


  8. Morning Herman~

    "I think I'd be more concerned not with the length, but more with the girth. 1.5" might impress some, yet terrify others!"

    Bwhahahahhahahhahahaahha! I know what you mean, because I thought the exact same thing! Somehow the girth looks a bit odd in comparison to the length. Isn't it freakish-looking? I tried searching for other photos, but alas, they all had the same girth - a #2 pencil!

    "Chocolate-scented shapoo"? Check! "Bubblegum-flavored mouthwash"? Check! "Q-Tip/tooth pick/Toothpaste combo stick thingy" Doube check!"

    Too funny!

    Always great seeing ya, buddy! Thanks for stopping by!

    Wishing you, Karin, and Tyler a FAB weekend!


  9. Bonjour Barbara~

    "Now of course; you can't possibly be buying S size for the Trojans! You crack me up :)Thats why we are friends( uh your humor and not the trojans"

    No, I could NEVER be buying S size Trojans, that would be like trying to wear a size 7 shoe with a size 12 foot - Bwhahahahahahahahahaha!

    "we could have heard worse. Hearing that you collect pink pigs or lipstick containers..."

    Ooooo, lipstick just gave me a new collection idea - HA!

    "The size is so small so if you tire of it, it is no big loss.Or give away the unopened stuff that you havent used."


    Thanks a bunch for stopping by this morning, my friend! Wishing you a fabulous weekend!

    Ron (from the Lollipop Guild),


    P.S. I'm so enjoying your historical blog posts!

  10. Gooood Morning Mel~

    "I was happily reading along, nodding, agreeing and laughing about my own little basket of bitty goodies--


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Aren't I a sneaky little devil? I just couldn't resist sharing a SHOCK ending. I mean I didn't want this to be a boring post, ya know?

    "Those......are NOT in my basket.

    ....just wanting to go on record, of course.....

    Bwhahahahahahahaha! Too funny, Mel!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady! You always give me a great chuckle!

    Have a FAB weekend!


  11. Good Morning Lady Dianne~

    Isn't Secret the best deodorant? I started using it while living in Florida because of the heat and sweating so much. I LOVE IT!

    Oooooooo.... me too! I also collect tiny bottles of perfume and cologne. I get them at work from all the various vendors I work with. I have like a million of them!

    "I love the size diagram on those magnums, so subtle."

    Bwhahahahahahaaahhaahahaha! Oh, you crack me up, woman!

    Yeah, 'subtle' is my middle name.

    Always FAB seeing ya, dear lady! Thanks for stopping by!

    Wishing you and the gang a great weekend!

    X ya's!

    P.S. I hear it's going to get VERY cold this weekend - yipeeeeeeeeeee!

  12. Good Morning Valerie~

    "Hmm, had to rack my brains to remember what that last item was. Heehee, it's been a long, long time..... grins"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA! Oh, I love you, Valerie! You're such a HOOT!

    Oooooo....and don't you just love the samples you get at the cosmetic counter? We give them out too, and it's amazing how many times a customer will come back after trying them and actually purchase a full size product. Samples are great selling tools.

    Yup, hotels and cruseliners are some of the best places to sample trial sizes.

    Always such a delight to see you, dear lady! Wishing you a terrific weekend!


  13. O.M.G... that last picture... Wow, learn something new about you every day! hehe

    I think your basket of little trial sizes sounds absolutely adorable! Although, if my husband used your bathroom he would probably have a panic attack!!! He's a BULK guy. Must have like 12 rolls of toilet paper in the house at all times or he gets the sweats. And since he's a hair monster, I have to buy him the LARGE bottle of Tresemme and there should be a back up bottle or two of that as well.
    Two cans of tuna is good but 10 would be better because then he's not worried about next week or the week after. Same thing with soup. And carrots. I think he's mentioned two or three times that we have been out of carrots this week. LOL Oh, and soap. He likes the bulk size pack of bars. If I buy a measly 3 pack he makes a comment.
    We do have a small home, but thank thee Gods for a basement! He put shelves in down there so I could buy 'extra' stuff. The only thing is... we go out to eat alot sometimes and also I'm never sure what I feel like making each week so there have been times I've had to throw out some stocked canned goods because the date was expired. Oops. So I prefer to not have toooo much of anything like that.
    We don't have a membership to anywhere like Sams or Costco... but OMG, if we did, my man would have an orgasm everytime we walked in there!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. I think I learned something valuable today. I don't know what it is but I am going to remember this post every-time I am looking for space in my tiny and cramped apartment and when I go to the store - buy trail sizes and buy new brands.

    P.S. The only sizes I've seen for Condoms are Large, Jumbo & Super-Jumbo.

    "Honey don't forget to get us a pack of Trojans ... MEE-DIUM !"

    Does NOT work !

  15. Good Morning Crystal Chick~

    "O.M.G... that last picture... Wow, learn something new about you every day!

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! I know, just when you thought you knew EVERYTHING, right?

    I love being silly - tee, hee!

    I think if I had a home and partner, I too would likely shop in larger quantities because it really is more ecomonical and just plain practical, so I can understand your hubby enjoying bulk size readily available.

    Oooo...and I too sometimes use Tresemme shampoo. It's inexpensive and VERY good!

    As far as groceries go, I shop more like a European city dweller - every 4-5 days. I like things fresh and also because of my small apartment, I can't have too much.

    "We do have a small home, but thank thee Gods for a basement!"

    OMG, how lucky you are. Having a basement is like having a whole other room in your house!

    "We don't have a membership to anywhere like Sams or Costco... but OMG, if we did, my man would have an orgasm everytime we walked in there!!!"

    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH! Yeah, I bet he would!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! I always enjoy our chats!

    Have a flawless weekend!


    P.S. it's suppose to get VERY cold this weekend. FINALLY, some nice holiday weather - yaaaaaaaaaaaaay

  16. Finally was able to track back to your blog! :-)

    Funny stuff. And I completely agree with you re: the buying-in-bulk bit. Makes me anxious.


  17. Hey Jaffer~

    "I think I learned something valuable today. I don't know what it is..."


    Hey, do you have a small apartment too? Listen, trial sizes are GREAT for small places. Just get yourself a basket and throw everything inside, and there you go! Yeah, it's also a great way to try new stuff.

    "Honey don't forget to get us a pack of Trojans ... MEE-DIUM !"

    Does NOT work !"

    Bwhahahahaahahahahahaha! Too funny, man!

    Always great seeing ya, Jaffer! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    Have a Super-Jumbo weekend!

  18. Greetings Pearl~

    Welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing a comment. Nice to meet you!

    "..the buying-in-bulk bit. Makes me anxious."

    Meeeeeeee too!

    I would much rather shop in smaller quantities, more often.

    Please stop by anytime, you're always welcomed here!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  19. LOL I nearly choked laughing when I got to the end of your post Ron - you're a card!

    I used to have a basket in our guest room filled with samples of all sorts of stuff like you have. Guests loved it, trying out things they hadn't tried before. Quite a lot of the stuff in there were toiletries from hotel rooms which I hadn't used because I'd taken my own. I thought I may as well take them home as I'd paid for them! ;)

  20. Gooood Morning Akelamalu~

    " I nearly choked laughing when I got to the end of your post...."

    Tee, hee...aren't I a wicked?

    Yes, you're right...another great thing about having trial sizes is for when you have house guests who may have forgotten to bring something.

    "Quite a lot of the stuff in there were toiletries from hotel rooms which I hadn't used because I'd taken my own. I thought I may as well take them home as I'd paid for them!"

    Exactly, you paid for them, so why not take them home?

    Thank you for stopping by, m'dear! Always a joy!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


    P.S. Hope MWM is feeling well!

  21. Ron, you are too much...oh, no you aren't I forgot you were exagerating! Funny! Have a fab weekend!

  22. Hey SuziCate~

    "Ron, you are too much...oh, no you aren't I forgot you were exagerating!"

    Bwhahahahhahahaha! WAY TO GO, GIRL!

    BRAVA! Hysterical!

    Always FAB seeing ya, Suzi! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    Marvi weekend to ya!


  23. Ok, first confession time. As I was reading your post and I was scrolling down, at first, it was only the top of the picture and I'm thinking to myself "Why in the hell does Ron need tampons? He's stranger than I thought!" LOL I don't know why that was the first thing that popped in my head until I saw the package! Ok... confession time over.

    I love trial sizes too. That's why I love to I have an excuse to buy the little bitty packages of stuff!

    have a wonderbar weekend!

  24. Okay first I want to say you can brag all you like!!! If there is something big to be proud of...go for it!! second...I use Secret too!! Of course it would be that we both like the scent of Secret. That is just too funny. I am also like you in that I love small beauty products. I have my travel kit always ready to go with the greatest and latest little items. I am so glad so many companies make their products in mini sizes. I also hate Costco and places like that. I don't like to buy in bulk either. It gets my bowels all twisted too!!

  25. Does this mean that one could sync "Dark Side Of The Moon" to a tour of your bathroom? Or maybe you have the album playing on a constant loop every time you go in there?

  26. I love this post...I can relate but that ending TOO FUNNY...HILARIOUS!!!

  27. OH RON!!

    I LOVE the little peep pic!! I think you and I might have to fight over those travel sized items... When in Longs or CVS, I'd get caught up for hours and hours- (well, not that long, really) but I'd LOVE to see what kind of good stuff they had... In fact, just walking up and down the aisles at the drugstores was one of my FAV things to do when I was in the U.S. last year! WHOOO hoooo...
    Magnum trojans- do you get the ribbed ones or spiked ones for enhanced pleasure sensations?
    Do tell...
    Have a GREAT weekend!

  28. i knew you were going there. men are so fascinated with their member. i know nothing of those things.

    i think the trial size items are cute too, but i don't buy them.

  29. Hiya Peg~

    "I was scrolling down, at first, it was only the top of the picture and I'm thinking to myself "Why in the hell does Ron need tampons? "

    Bwhahahahahahahhahaaha! OMG, Peg....that's freakin' HILARIOUS!!!!

    And you know what? That's exactly what it DOES look like! You are tooooo funny!

    Aren't trial sizes the BOMB? That's one of the things I love about traveling too. Also, stealing the little sizes out of the hotel bathroom and taking them home!

    Thanks for stopping by, dear friend! And thanks for the GREAT laugh!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  30. Helloooooooo Susie~

    "Okay first I want to say you can brag all you like!!! If there is something big to be proud of...go for it!!"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well, it's not exactly 8.1, but it's nice. *wink* use Secret too? But, of course! I've experimented with so many other brands, only to come back to Secret. It really is the best.

    Knowing that you're like me when it comes to trying new beauty products, trial sizes are the best way to go, aren't they? And they're so easy to travel with too.

    Yup, no Costco for me either, gets my bowels all twisted!


    Always GRAND seeing you, my friend! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you had a great day!

    Enjoy your weekend!


  31. Hey Mark~

    "Does this mean that one could sync "Dark Side Of The Moon" to a tour of your bathroom?"

    HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG, that's hysterical, man!!!!

    "Or maybe you have the album playing on a constant loop every time you go in there?"

    No, but that's a GREAT idea!

    Thank you for stopping by today, Mark! So glad we hooked up because I'm so enjoying your blog. You're a wonderful writer!

    Have a great weekend!

  32. Greetings Lady J~

    Welcome! Thank you for stopping and sharing a comment. Nice to meet you!

    "I can relate but that ending TOO FUNNY."

    Tee, hee! Aren't I silly man?

    I just briefly stopped over at your blog and saw that you were a Libra. So am I!

    I'll be dropping by later to read more.

    Please stop by whenever you wish. You're always welcomed.

    Have a super weekend!

  33. Hey Leesa~

    "I LOVE the little peep pic!!"

    Tee, hee! You know me, I just couldn't resist a little smut!

    "Magnum trojans- do you get the ribbed ones or spiked ones for enhanced pleasure sensations?
    Do tell..."

    Yes, they're ribbed, spiked, and also GLOW IN THE DARK. Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Don't ya just LOVE the trial size section of a drug store? I too can spend HOURS looking through the bins with all the various little products. Sometimes I even buy razors, because they're cheaper that way. You get three in pack for .99 cents.

    What a DEAL!

    Always great seeing ya, Leesa! Thanks for stopping by!

    Have an AWESOME weekend!


  34. Hey V~

    "i knew you were going there. men are so fascinated with their member."

    HAHAHHAHAHAAHA! You said it, girl!

    It's like a TOY!

    Always so FAB seeing ya! Thank you for dropping by! Hope you had a great day.

    Enjoy your weekend!


  35. Lordy Lordy Ron, I am still laughing at Peg's comment Ha Ha

    As far as the Trojans go some things are just more sensible to buy in bulk and if the bulk purchase of TP really gets to your bowels then you just may look into the trial size packages there, I think they are labeled as Kleenex though.

    Funny stuff my friend, have a Great weekend Buddy

  36. Howdy Jimmy~

    "Lordy Lordy Ron, I am still laughing at Peg's comment."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG, wasn't it HYSTERICAL? I laughed my ass off! She's such a trip! I can't wait to meet her in person next month!

    "and if the bulk purchase of TP really gets to your bowels then you just may look into the trial size packages there, I think they are labeled as Kleenex though."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Toooooooo funny!!! And do you know what's REALLY ironic? I've USED Kleenex as toilet paper in an emergency situation, and I found them so much SOFTER than most TP - HA!

    Always so great to see ya, pal! Much thanks for stopping by!

    Wishing you and Miss Cindy a FAB weekend!


  37. puhleez...tee-em-eye :)

    I have a cupboard full of bathroom tissue, a pantry shelf full of kleenex and another cupboard full of economy sized refill bottles of house cleaning products.

    Seems like I'm forever having to run to the store for something. It's my little way of attempting to eliminate these pesky errands. For some reason, this logic never exactly works though.

    Is it just me or is the combination of the munchkins and the 8.1" trojan just too weird? Overtones of porn.

    Hope you have a splendid trial-sized glow-in-the-dark weekend :) xo

  38. Helloooooooo Dear Diane~'s so great to see you!

    As I was meditating earlier today I keep thinking of you and sharing 'good thoughts' and 'prayers'; hoping you were doing well.

    (((( Diane ))))

    I tend to shop like that too, I find myself at the grocery store every 4-5 days getting SOMETHING. And I shop at two different stores.

    "Is it just me or is the combination of the munchkins and the 8.1" trojan just too weird? Overtones of porn."

    Bwhahahahahahahahaha! OMG, THAT. CRACKED. ME. UP!

    Yes.....overtones of porn.


    Thanks sooooooooooo much for stopping by tonight, dear friend. You made my day!

    Wishing you and C a peaceful weekend.


  39. Only 8.1" ?

    If that's all they sell, I'll have to forego planning any long term holidays in the states.

  40. Greetings Symdaddy~

    Welcome! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a comment. Nice to meet you.


    "Only 8.1" ?

    If that's all they sell, I'll have to forego planning any long term holidays in the states."


    Please stop by anytime, you're always welcomed!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  41. Tiny is cute. Tiny is adorable. As for products, I go for normal sizes. I don't like it too small, nor the giant packaging. I actually have a tendency to get stuck on certain things, and not want to let go.

  42. Bonjour Susu~

    "Tiny is cute. Tiny is adorable."

    Oh, you funny lady, you!

    Yes, munchkin size is kinda cute, isn't it? - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    "I actually have a tendency to get stuck on certain things, and not want to let go."

    Meeeee too! There's certain things I'm definitely stuck on and can't live without. Like Secret - shhhhhh, but don't tell anyone, ok?

    Always so lovely to see you, beautiful lady! Thank you for stopping by!

    Have a glorious weekend!


  43. first things first: miss you..

    smooches and hugs...

    you = me. SEE??? this is why we're besties! OMG i can't get enough trial size things. i'm pretty sure i've written about it before to at some point, everone think i'm such an outcast.
    not you though!!! our bathrooms would be such good friends.

    i love mini things. no idea why. sometimes, i order stuff from sephora just to get the sample bag. ugh.

  44. OMG...Blunt!!!!!

    *jumping up and down*

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! It's sooooooooo great seeing ya, bestie!

    *smooch and hugs*

    Aren't trial sizes the BEST? No, my friend you're not an outcast. And if you are, so am I!

    Oooooo....don't ya just LOVE how Sephora gives you TONS of samples???? I'm virtually a Sephora addict!

    Thanks for stopping by, girl! Always so GRAND seeing you!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  45. Funny. I bet you're one of those people that loves to steal all the sample size stuff from hotels. What is it about miniature sizes that makes everything so cute?

  46. thank you Ron. I mean : THANK YOU.

    I was about to go out and buy myself the most popular ice-cream in my country nowadays (thanks to the 100x/day advertisement in all tv channels). and after seeing this post, I dont think I will be able to enjoy my ice-cream without smiling (with a smile that only God, you and all of your readers know).

    by the way, have I mentioned that the name of the ice-cream is :Wall's MAGNUM?

    OMG LOL.

    dont worry. nothing you have posted here will ruin my appetite. will still go out and buy it :D

  47. Hiya Kate~

    "I bet you're one of those people that loves to steal all the sample size stuff from hotels."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YES! And how did you guess???? Aren't I EVIL?

    True, what is it about minature sizes that makes everything so cute?

    Thanks for stopping by, Kate! Always great seeing you!

    Hope you're having a FAB weekend!


  48. Hello Tyka~

    OH. MY. GOD. Your comment made me HOWL out loud!

    "and after seeing this post, I dont think I will be able to enjoy my ice-cream without smiling (with a smile that only God, you and all of your readers know)."

    Bwhahahahahahahahahahha! That's HILARIOUS!!!!

    "by the way, have I mentioned that the name of the ice-cream is :Wall's MAGNUM?"

    Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha! BRILLIANT!

    LOVE your sense of humor, Tyka! So glad we've met through our blogs!

    Hope you're having a faaaaabulous weekend!

    Enjoy your MAGNUM!


  49. HAhaha! I'm hooked on the tiny stuff too. My favs are the tiny liquor bottles... LOVE EM! Makes me feel like a giant that's getting drunk with little towns people :-)

  50. Good Morning Dr. Cynicism~

    "My favs are the tiny liquor bottles... LOVE EM! Makes me feel like a giant that's getting drunk with little towns people."

    Tooooooooo funny!

    So, I'm assuming you enjoy the mini bar in hotels? HA!

    Thanks for stopping by, Doc! Always great seeing ya!

    Hope you're enjoying a super weekend!


  51. OMG! The end of this blog post CRACKED me up! You're too funny Ron! Ahahahahahhahahahahahha.

    I also love tiny little travel sized products. They are so friggen cute. But, I do buy my toilet paper in bulk! I dont think one can ever have too much TP!

  52. Hello Meleah~

    "OMG! The end of this blog post CRACKED me up!"

    I just couldn't resist the 'subtle' ending.

    Tee, hee!

    "But, I do buy my toilet paper in bulk! I dont think one can ever have too much TP!"

    OMG, thank you for reminding me about getting toilet paper, because I totally forgot to get it today while I was at the store - drats! Serves me right for not getting it in BULK!!!

    Always so great seeing ya, my Libra friend! Thanks for stopping by!

    Hope you had a great weekend!


  53. I was in Publix the other day and they had some of those condoms in the "clearance" bin. Had I known, I would have gotten them for you! ;) Apparently they aren't big sellers here with the geriatric crowd.

    Those little trial size are good when you want to try out a new item. I also used to take all the little shampoos and things from hotels but gave up on that when I had a whole box full that I never used!

  54. Helloooo Nitebyrd~

    "I was in Publix the other day and they had some of those condoms in the "clearance" bin. Had I known, I would have gotten them for you! ;) Apparently they aren't big sellers here with the geriatric crowd."

    Bwhahahahahahahahahaha! OMG, I LOVE YOU, WOMAN!

    Yeah, I Florida it's more of the VIAGRA that's in demand - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Yes, that's one of the main reason WHY I love those little trial sizes. Trial and error.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Sis! Always so great seeing ya!

    Hope you had a super weekend!

    X ya!

  55. "Somehow it makes my bowels feel anxious and overwhelmed, seeing 50 rolls of toilet paper wrapped in what looks like a thick piece of clear plastic tarp..."
    Now, I'm the exact opposite. I start to get all concerned when I don't have enough toilet paper in the house to get us through Armegeddon and back.
    I am a fan of those little trial size bottles though. Everytime we stay somewhere I take the extras in the hotel room. I figure, I'm paying for it.

  56. Hey Jen~

    "Now, I'm the exact opposite. I start to get all concerned when I don't have enough toilet paper in the house to get us through Armegeddon and back."

    Bwahahahahahahahaha...OMG, that's HYSTERICAL!!!

    "Armegeddon and back."

    And I know what you mean though, because whenever I run out of toilet paper while on the loo, I think to myself, "Now why the hell didn't I get it in BULK??"

    Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the laugh!

    Enjoy your day!


  57. bwahahaha I cannot believe that I missed this post! You are friggin hilarious my friend! Love it!!!
    go big or go home!

  58. Hi Katherine~

    "go big or go home!"


    You GO, girl!

    Thanks for stopping by, dear lady!

    Mr. Magnum
