The smiley face you see above, is how I felt when I looked at my browser yesterday afternoon and finally saw my own domain name.
I stood up like I was at a Pentecostal revival and shouted……HALLELUJAH!
However, it didn’t come without aggravation and a certain amount of tenacity.
I love how Blogger tells you that setting up a custom domain through them is as easy as…1-2-3.
It’s more like….1-2-3.…and then spending the next TWO HOURS trying to figure out why your new domain name is not showing up; eventually discovering that it’s because they left out some very important information concerning the setup.
Easy? Yeah. About as easy as having a testicle examination with cold hands.
I’m so glad I had done a lot of online research before I took the plunge because it truly helped. Not only did I research the positive experiences other people had with changing over to a custom domain, but also the negative. And it was through the negative experiences I read about, which helped me find a solution to the problem I had. In fact, the same thing that happened to me happened to many other people when they set up their domain name through Blogger, so I was somewhat familiar with the issue. Therefore, I would like to give a HUGE thank you to all those bloggers out there who helped me find a solution through their own custom domain experiences via the Blogger forum.
I would also like to thank the people over at Go Daddy, who patiently guided me through the darkness in getting things properly set up. Blogger uses Go Daddy as one of their domain sellers, but I did not purchase the name directly from them. So, I think it was awesome they took the time to help me with a problem which had nothing to do concerning their end. Honestly, it was some of the best customer service I’ve ever experienced.
I won’t use this post to try and explain what happened when I set up my domain name because it’s too long and technical. However, I will tell you that it had to do with the Google apps feature which Blogger includes with a custom domain. My biggest complaint is that Blogger needs to be WAY more thorough in explaining how to set up a domain name through them.
But I will say, that once the setup was fixed and completed, the actual domain name transference was immediate. I realize it will take some time for the full transition to occur, however I googled some of my archive posts and when I clicked on my old URL, it redirected me to my new address.
My old address is still working, but I would like to suggest to anyone who may have my blog in their browsers, to change the URL because eventually that old domain will be finito.
And as far as my blog feed goes, if you’re using Google Reader it will/should continue to update my posts as usual. It should also do the same thing if you’re using my Feedburner feed, because Google owns them.
If any of you ladies and gents experience issues with my new domain, or have problems with my feed updating, please don’t hesitate to contact me through email. I would really appreciate it.
Also, if any of you have tips or advice on something I should do that I may have forgotten about, please let me know in your comments. Thank you so much for your help and support during these recent changes on Vent.
Anyhoo….after four and a half years, I FINALLY have my own domain name.
P.S. You’ll notice that when you click on the comment link, I finally discovered a way to widen the comment box. Hope you enjoy it!
WooHoo!! Congrats, my man! The new site design goes well with your new domain. Will be updating the link to your site post haste. Way. To. Go!! *internet high five*
ReplyDeleteGood morning!
ReplyDeleteSince I've never had a testicle examination, I'll have to take your word on all that. ;)
CONGRATULATIONS and HALLELUJAH on your new domain name! I will make a note of the new link.
I don't know that I'll ever get one myself, but if I do I'll certainly know who to ask. Go Ron, Go Ron!
And it was nice to hear that there is still some good customer service to be had when needed.
ENJOY your new domain.... hey, does it come with air-conditioning?? OMG, you'll need it the beginning of this week.
No? It doesn't? Okay then, well, open your window .... I'll throw ice cubes over.
WHOOPEE! Well congratulations, dear boy, you finally got what you wanted. Apart from changing the name and the comment box everything else looks the same. Or am I missing something? I will substitute the old URL for the new one just in case I miss anything in the future. Can't have that, can we? I mean, life would be very dull without your blog popping up to cheer my humdrum days. This is the start of a good week, enjoy!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your domain name! I'm so happy for you! You're in the big time now, baby!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a wonderful week :)
Yeah! Congratulations! Look at that! A new blog design AND a new domain name. It's onwards and upwards :)
ReplyDeleteIt all went smoothly in my feed reader.
Well congratulations! Not being a techie I have no idea what having your own domain name involves or means, but if you're happy I'm happy m'deario. xxxx
ReplyDeleteHAPPY fruits!
ReplyDelete*laughing* I guess that's 'us who follow', huh? ;-)
Way cool, sir.
NFW........ LOL Just sayin'.....
Congratulations to you, sir.
And job well done, apparently.
So far.
At this moment.
Until something changes....
Hopefully not.
Well.......change IS inevitable, right?
<-- going to look for the comfy chair now! :-)
...hee,HEEEE! *now doing funky dance* Congrat's my friend! Bravo! I never doubted for a moment that you could do this - how liberating! :o)
ReplyDelete...Well, does it feel like 'yours' now? Does it feel different? I dunno why but I would think so. Sometime in the future as my site grows I would like to do the same but this will be in the f-u-t-u-r-e, like far off future. We're talkin' Jetsons here honey...*giggle* :o)
...This is awesome! I am so stinkin' proud of you - you go boy! ;o)
...Btw, love the 'hallelujah cat' too! So fitting! *giggle*
...You're free! *standing while holding arms out wide* :o)
...Have a fantastic week and blessings too...
Well done Ron. The new look is inviting.
ReplyDeleteHey, Ron, congratulations on the domain name! I can see that you're one happy cat. May the cold hands of misfortune stay far away from you-know-where.
ReplyDeleteHowdy Herman~
ReplyDeleteThanks, bud!
*internet high five* back at ya!
Thank you for stopping by and a faaaaaaaaaaaabulous week!
Hiya Crystal Chick~
ReplyDelete"Since I've never had a testicle examination, I'll have to take your word on all that. ;)"
Bwhahahahahahahahahahhaha! Trust ain't fun :(
Thank you. I finally did it yesterday after MUCH searching for a domain name that would be easy to remember and close to what I had before. .com was already taken, so I chose .net.
If you ever do decide to get your own domain, let me know...I'll try and help you.
Go Daddy was wonderful. The two people I spoke to were so patient and did everything they could to figure it out for me. I honestly couldn't have done it without them. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DADDY GOOOOOOOOOO!
"ENJOY your new domain.... hey, does it come with air-conditioning?? OMG, you'll need it the beginning of this week.
No? It doesn't? Okay then, well, open your window .... I'll throw ice cubes over."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Isn't the heat horrible? I'm doing my laundry while responding to comments and the laundry room is like an OVEN! OY!
Thanks for stopping by and for your well-wishes, my friend! Have great week and stay cool!
Good Morning Valerie~
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear lady!
"Apart from changing the name and the comment box everything else looks the same. Or am I missing something?"
No, nothing will really change except it will take some time for all my posts to be tranfered over to the new domain. The only thing that has changed which may affect my readers, is changing my URL from the old one to this one. However, the old URL will continue to redirect for sometime. Also, I had to update a few blog directories I'm listed with, and a few other things. But, other than's the same as usual. Actually, once the new domain was finally set up properly, the switch over has been going very well.
*crossing my fingers*
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your support, Valerie. Have faaaaaaabulous week!
Hi myfwbs~
ReplyDelete((((( You ))))))
Thank you, girl! You're a sweetheart!
Thanks for stopping by and have a MARVI week!
Mornin' Babs~
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Great to hear that it went well in your feed reader. Yahooooooooooooo!
I did look into self-hosting with the provider you recommended and they were GREAT. I decided to change over my domain name first, and then later if I should decide to self-host on WP, the name will come with me. I read that if you already have a long standing blog, it's better to get the domain name first before switching. I may switch over in the future. We'll see.
Thanks for stopping by and for your support. Have a glorious week!
Hello Akelamalu~
ReplyDeleteThank you so much.
Having your domain name simply means you own it. It's just another step in branding your blog. I've been wanting to do this for the longest time, so I decided to do it while I have some time off from work because I knew it would take a lot of focus. I'm so glad I did it!
Thank you so much for stopping by, m'dear! Have a great week!
I also want a hallelujah kitty!
ReplyDeleteNow it is all done, huh... I've seen my IT specialist hubby in action and even with the bestest, compu stuff never does go as easily as you'd expect. But now you can relax, sit down and sip a glass of bubbly! (Picture me there with ya, buds, if you'd appreciate my company, I know I would love to celebrate with you!)
Hiya Mel~
ReplyDelete"HAPPY fruits!
*laughing* I guess that's 'us who follow', huh? ;-)"
"Way cool, sir.
NFW........ LOL Just sayin'....."
Hey listen, I was soooooo scared right before I actually did it because I was worried that I would have issues (which I did), but through the help and support of some REALLY great people, it got fixed :) You know us LIBRA'S, we're a determined bunch of folk, aren't we - HA!
Glad to hear you're still getting my blog feed and that nothing other than my domain name has changed - YAHOOOOO!
Thanks for stopping by and for your supportive words, dear lady. Have a wonderful week!
Good Morning TJ~
ReplyDeleteAw....thank you, dear lady.
I was sweatin' bullets there for a few hours, but through the help and support of others it got fixed.
Yeah, it does kinda feel a little different. But in a good way. I love having this blog, so having my own domain name now has made me love and appreciate it even more.
" Sometime in the future as my site grows I would like to do the same but this will be in the f-u-t-u-r-e, like far off future. We're talkin' Jetsons here honey...*giggle* :o)"
Bwhahahahahahahahahahahaha! OMG...that made me giggle BIG TIME because I LOVE the Jetsons! I always considered myself more of a Flintstone because I feel waaaaaay behind in the technology world. OMG.....I only got DSL internet service a little over a year ago, can you believe it? Up until that point I was using DIAL UP!!
Don't you LOVE the hallelujah kitty? When I saw it, I knew I had to use it.
Thank you for stopping by and for your support and kind words. Muchly appreciated!
Have a fantabulous week!
X and blessings to you!
Hey there Matty!
ReplyDeleteThank you, buddy!
It was a little 'touch and go' there for awhile, but through the support of some really great people, it got fixed
Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor. Have a wonderful week!
Stay cool.
Hiya Rob~
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Yes, I am VERY happy!!!!!
"May the cold hands of misfortune stay far away from you-know-where."
Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaha! Rob, that was freakin' BRILLIANT, man! You CRACK ME UP!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by and for your support. Have a super week!
Bonjour Susu~
ReplyDelete"I also want a hallelujah kitty."
Isn't it adorable? I LOVE kitties!
"I've seen my IT specialist hubby in action and even with the bestest, compu stuff never does go as easily as you'd expect."
You're absolutely correct! Over the past 4 1/2 years I've have several things be a challenge with computers, the internet, customizing. But,'s how we learn, right?
"But now you can relax, sit down and sip a glass of bubbly! (Picture me there with ya, buds, if you'd appreciate my company, I know I would love to celebrate with you!)"
Yes, I would so enjoy your company!! OMG...just think of all the things we can talk about while sipping a glass of bubbly!
And one day I bet we will!
Thank you for stopping by and for your support, beautiful lady. Wishing you a maaaaaaaavalous week!
If it's a pretty girl giving the exam, I don't much care that her hands are cold or not. It's still going to be a pleasurable experience. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd, a big CONGRATULATIONS to you! It's exciting, having your own domain name. And contagious...I've now got three...oops. How did that happen? has a nice ring to it - good job!
ReplyDeleteI love the cat :)
Blogger needs to be more thorough in the way they explain everything!
onwards and upwards to total internet domination
Howdy Mark~
ReplyDelete"If it's a pretty girl giving the exam, I don't much care that her hands are cold or not. It's still going to be a pleasurable experience. :)"
Bwhahahahahahahahahahahaaha! That was BRILLIANT! And how did I know that YOU were going to find something incredibly witty and wonderful to say about that line????
Thank you, bud. I wanted .com, but it's already taken. Yet, the strange part about it is that it's not being used and I was not about to pay out the ying-yang to buy it.
You have THREE domain names? WOW! Doesn't it feel GREAT to finally have them?
As always, thank you for stopping by, Mark. Have a supa' week!
Hey Lady Dianne~
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Isn't the cat freakin' awesome???? That's exactly how I felt.
"Blogger needs to be more thorough in the way they explain everything!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
Honestly though, I've learned more about blogging, customizing, etc,. from them NOT explaining things well, and then learning it on my own. In so many ways Blogger is easier, yet in other ways it's waaaaaaaaay more difficult.
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady! Have a great week. Stay cool!
X to you and the gang!
YAY! And congrats to you! I am so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteI love the kitty picture at the end. So sweet! Maybe now I won't have those issues trying to leave you comments anymore?
I am so proud of you for doing that on your own. I think... no, I KNOW I'm not patient enough to go through all that trouble. I'd have probably gotten aggravated and thrown the whole dang computer out the window!
Hope you have a marvelous week!
Hey Peg~
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Isn't the kitty pic adorable? Meow!
Well, I don't know if widening the comment box will deter issues trying to leave comments (because that has more to do with Blogger), but it should make typing a comment easier. I hate those tiny little comment boxes that normally come with Blogger, so I figured a way to widen it.
"I think... no, I KNOW I'm not patient enough to go through all that trouble. I'd have probably gotten aggravated and thrown the whole dang computer out the window!"
I'm not patience either. Trust me....I was getting ready to throw the whole computer out the window myself. I finally had to take a walk and removed myself after my domain went through.
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear friend. Have a MARVI week too!
ReplyDeleteOK-had a slight problem connected with not being signed in yet and that took time for blogger/google to figure out that we are on the same team with you (i think that is what held it up-had to try twice but here's the comment and that is the point, right?;)
Wow, i cannot even imagine the hassle of getting this one done!!!! i see you are a 'net' so you must have hit a snag with a 'com'? anyway, i shall dutifully change it on my blog and anywhere else i may have you down as a blogspot. :) one of these days i shall do the same thing but am in no hurry to further upset my hormonal system-collapsed adrenals. if ever.........
the blog looks lovely and i like the aqua, it is very calming... if you are using more color, have you seen have no idea why they call it that but it's a great site...
congrats, dear friend, it looks faaaaaabulous. xoxoxox
Hey Linda~
ReplyDelete"OK-had a slight problem connected with not being signed in yet and that took time for blogger/google to figure out that we are on the same team with you (i think that is what held it up-had to try twice but here's the comment and that is the point, right?;)"
No, I don't think that had anything to do with changing my domain name because that happens to me a lot. If I don't previously log into my blogger account before leaving a comment, it will often do the same thing to me. That's why I try to always log in first.
Yes, .com was already taken. I thought of using triloquistblog dot com at first, but then realized it would be so much easier for everyone to remember triloquist dot net. Someone else owns .com, however they're not using, it's just parked.
Thank you. I'm so happy to hear you like my new blog template. I'm really happy with it. It's got more color than my other one, but not too much. And I'm glad you see it as aqua (me too), others are seeing it as only a green. I think it more of a combo, like a teal. However, I do love the color green.
Always so wonderful to read your comments, dear lady. Thank you for stopping by! Have a fab week!
((((( Linda )))))
Congrats, bro! You'll find it's no problem and that after a few months it'll be like you always had your own domain.
ReplyDeleteI like owning my own domain and if you're like me because we are DOMAIN OWNERS, we'll need minions. I can't wait to have at least one minion for my domain!
Hey Lady Nitebyrd~
ReplyDelete"You'll find it's no problem and that after a few months it'll be like you always had your own domain."
That's faaaaaaaaaabulous to hear! So far, everything is switching over smoothly. However, the setup was a major BITCH! OMG...I thought I was going to go INSANE. Thank god for Go Daddy because I couldn't have done it without them.
"I like owning my own domain and if you're like me because we are DOMAIN OWNERS, we'll need minions. I can't wait to have at least one minion for my domain!"
Bwhahahahahahahahahahahah! Flawless! Absolutely FLAWLESS!
Thanks for stopping by, Sis! And thanks for your support!
X ya, bunches!
Congratulations Ron! Oh my...if I had a blog I don't think I would have even tried this. It sounds very involved.
ReplyDeleteBut, I'm so glad it all worked out for you! And yes, your feed came through perfectly.
Enjoy your new domain name :)!
Hola Denise~
ReplyDeleteThank you, girl!
Yes, it was very involved but I've been wanting to do this for the longest time, so I was DETERMINED to figure it out.
Glad to hear my feed came through for you - YAHOOOOOOO!
Thanks a lot for stopping by and letting me know. You're a sweetheart!
Have a FAB week.....X
Yipppeeee! Congrats on owing your own little piece of Internet real estate!!
ReplyDeleteHi Meleah~
ReplyDeleteThank you, my fellow Libra!
It's about time I did this. I'm sooooooooooo glad I did - yipppeeee!
Mucho thanks for stopping by, girl! Have a great week!
SUH-weet! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteHi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteThis is GREAT! Congrats!!!
And now, I can say "hey there cat!", and, it will be your name!! Hallelujah Cat! Haaaaa!!!
Yes, watch him jump! Watch him go! :)
This summer has been the summer of revamping and makeovers. Everyone needs a refresher :)
The domaine step is the step that all serious bloggers must think about. I haven't taken it for now. Maybe I should go see how that works...
Have a great day and maybe I'll see you later on my blog.
That's awesome, Ron! Glad you got it all worked out! Computer headaches are not for the weak!
ReplyDeleteHiya Chrissy~
ReplyDeleteThank you, girl.
Yup....I finally did it....yahoooooooooo!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I just read your post for today and sent you card.
((((( Chrissy )))))))
X ya!
Hi Barbara~
ReplyDeleteThank you.
"And now, I can say "hey there cat!", and, it will be your name!! Hallelujah Cat!"
"This summer has been the summer of revamping and makeovers. Everyone needs a refresher."
True! I've been feeling very creative this summer, so I decided to change my blog design and domain name. I've also been taking a lot of photos.
"The domaine step is the step that all serious bloggers must think about. I haven't taken it for now. Maybe I should go see how that works..."
I've been wanting to do this for the longest time, therefore having this time off from work has allowed me to research and finally do it - yahooooooooo!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your support, my friend!
((((( Barb )))))
Have a GREAT day!
Goooood Morning Bijoux~
ReplyDeleteThank you, my friend.
I've been wanting to do this for the longest time, but kept fearing that because I've had this blog for over four years, the change over would be difficult. The setup was challenging, the shift over to my domain seems to be going smoothly.
" Computer headaches are not for the weak!" said it. But I was determined to do it.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your support, my friend!
Have a wonderful day.....X
Love the domain name and love the Hallelujah cat. I had to scroll up THREE TIMES to spell that right! Wouldn't it be funny after all that if I didn't spell it correctly???? :)
ReplyDeleteKatherine....I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
ReplyDelete" had to scroll up THREE TIMES to spell that right! Wouldn't it be funny after all that if I didn't spell it correctly????"
And ya know what? I had to google that name SEVERAL times to find out how to spell it!!!!
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady! Always a delight to see you!
Have a great week.....X
Ron, you give me courage to do this myself. I think it just might be high time in my world as well. Glad to hear minus a few glitches it went well. I wanted to let you know that when I went into blogger to update your domain, it was already done! Blogger automatically updated it would seem. Cool! Just thought I would pass that along.
Hellooooooo Katherine~
ReplyDelete"I think it just might be high time in my world as well. Glad to hear minus a few glitches it went well."
YES!!!! You should do it if you feel it's time. If you decide to do it through Blogger and want any help, just email me and I do what I can to help you prevent what initially happened to me. Other than that, the actual shift-over went smoothly.
"I wanted to let you know that when I went into blogger to update your domain, it was already done! Blogger automatically updated it would seem. Cool! Just thought I would pass that along."
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Thank you for sharing that with me!!!!! It's good to know.
Thanks oodles for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you're enjoying your summer. It's soooooooooo hot here.!@#@?
Have a great week!
Congrats my friend! It's all workin', the new look at all. Snap snap - that was my double "hell yeah" finger snap to you!
ReplyDeleteHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tracy!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG, it's so great to see you! I've missed your posts this last week. I hope you post again soon!
Thank you, girl.
And I just about DIED reading this....
" Snap snap - that was my double "hell yeah" finger snap to you!"
Bwhahahahahahahhahahahaaha! I could actually HEAR that!!!! Flawless!
Thank you so much for stopping by. Hope you're having a super week!
Oh how fab!
ReplyDeleteWell done you :)
Greetings Casdok~
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear lady.
I've been wanting to do this for so long, it was time.
Thanks so much for stopping by today.
(((( Casdok ))))
X to you and C!
This is so great! I really need to do it but I'm afraid. I do have a custom name that I bought which redirects people to my site but the Squarespace still shows up. Good for you for taking the plunge. I really like the new look of your site. It's very warm and inviting.
ReplyDeleteHey Jen~
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words, my friend.
I know exactly how you feel, because I was scared too. VERY scared. And not that my page ranking would decline, but that my readers wouldn't receive my new URL feed. But I gotta say, other than the initial setup, it has gone VERY smoothly.
*crossing my fingers it continues*
Thanks a bunch for stopping by. Always so fab to see ya! Hope you're having a great week and that all is going well with the kitchen makeover!
congratulations, hallelujah and amen! seriously, good job Ron. Very impressive and decisive undertaking. As soon as I read this (yes I know I'm 4 days late) I revised the link address for your blog over at my place. I'm not yet motivated to follow suit, but I did spend 15 seconds today reviewing some of the premium features of wordpress and found that for about 20 or 30 dollars per year, I can get an ad-free blog. I didn't know they put ads on my blog. WTF?
ReplyDeleteYou don't have ads on your blog and I heart that <3
Hope you're having a good week and I'll be dropping in again shortly since it's almost Friday.
xoxo Diane (& Cristy too)
Hello Dearest Diane~
ReplyDeleteThank you, my friend.
((((( You )))))
I'm sooooooooooooo happy that I did this. But I was afraid, I have to admit it. I was so scared that my new domain wouldn't pick up all my past posts. But it did. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Thank you for changing my link on your blog. This URL will work for some time, but eventually it will fade.
Yes, WP has a TON of different options. And you can also purchase your domain name from them, I think it's like $17.00 a year. Which isn't bad at all. And yes, WP does sometimes put ads on your blog. I've seen them on certain WP bloggers blogs. That's what I like about Blogger. No ads, but if you do decide to use them, you can. Blogger has a lot technical issues, but for me, I still enjoy the freedom I have here. And one day they may FINALLY fix this lousy commenting system - HA!
Thanks ooodle for stopping by, my friend. You made my week!
X to you and Cristybella!
congratulation for the new domain! i totally feel your excitement. n you reminded me of how happy i was back then when i first get my domain as well. right now all i did with my domain was just looking through some other companies that offer its renewal n find the cheapest one to switch to. i'm just stingy eh, hah! with blogspot address gone, does it mean the next step you are going to take is to buy a hosting space to store n manage your blog through it?
ReplyDeleteThank you Levian!
ReplyDelete" i totally feel your excitement. n you reminded me of how happy i was back then when i first get my domain as well."
Isn't it a GREAT feeling? I should have done it a long time ago.
"well. right now all i did with my domain was just looking through some other companies that offer its renewal n find the cheapest one to switch to. i'm just stingy eh, hah!"
No, I don't think you're stingy at all, because I'm the same way! I don't know what you're paying now, but Blogger offers $10.00 a year, which I felt was very reasonable.
" does it mean the next step you are going to take is to buy a hosting space to store n manage your blog through it?"
I'm looking into it, yes. However, I may do it later. I wanted to purchase my domain name first, because if and when I decide to move, it will be much easier for the search engines to redirect my blog to the new hosting.
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a great day!