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I thought moving back east would be a much safer place to live because all that ever really happens here as far as severe, hazardous weather conditions are mainly snow blizzards during the winter. But nooooooooooooooooo, now that I’ve moved back east we’re experiencing EARTHQUAKES and HURRICANES.

Having lived in Florida for 20 years, I’m use to hurricanes. So I was not really freaked out about the grand entrance of Irene. Like a boy scout, I’ve learned how to be well prepared for hurricanes and that the weather reports will often present the storms much bigger than they really are as a safety precaution.


Last Wednesday afternoon, whilst standing in my bathroom, I felt a tremor and vibration that went from my feet to the top of my head. I blew it off, assuming it was caused from heavy construction work being done in the street below me. However, as I walked from the bathroom to my computer desk, I actually felt the building sway. Still ignoring it, I proceeded to leave my apartment and take the elevator down 20-something floors and then walked out onto the city streets.

THAT’S when I started to realized something was up.

The entire city was FILLED with chaos, while people quickly evacuated all the office buildings. I finally walked up to a group of ladies standing on a street corner and asked them what was going on. They all looked at me like I was insane and said, “Haven’t you heard? We just got hit by an earthquake from Virginia!!!”

Well, you never saw someone start walking so fast in your life. I decided that the safest place to be would be outside Center City limits, so I headed over to the Fairmount Park area which is AWAY from tall buildings.

Here are some photographs I took of the pedestrian congestion on Market Street, as I power walked over to Fairmount Park.

I was the only person on the street without a cell phone, but I overheard many people say they could not get a connection because certain cell phone towers were affected by the earthquake.

Notice how the kids were acting like nothing was happening. Well…all but that one kid on the left who had the same expression on his face that I had. PANIC!

I actually had to walk in the street because the sidewalks were packed with people.

Hurricane Irene

We were very blessed in Philadelphia because the hurricane only brought us some heavy rain and wind, but no power outages.

Here’s what it looked like as Irene was just getting started. I know, it looks like it was raining BUBBLES!

Like an idiot, I kept one of my windows slightly opened (which is something you should NEVER do during a hurricane), thus my apartment got rained in.

The wind was so bad I had some rain leakage through one of the upper window frames, so I had to haul out a bucket to catch the drippings.

The morning after. Notice how deserted the streets are - it was like a ghost town. The summer temperature had dropped considerably and there was still a bit of gusty wind present.

An abandoned umbrella (or what use to be an umbrella) on the sidewalk.

OUCH! I caught this photo while walking down one of the little side streets.

Well, I don’t know about the rest of you who live here on the east coast, but I can’t wait until summer is over and winter arrives.

Because I’ll take a snow blizzard over an earthquake or a hurricane ANY day.


  1. Good morning Ronnie,
    Talk about excitement... your city neighbors got their dose!
    Yes, you are a hurricane veteran(me too; I survived one!), but I had one experience with a small earthquake it Hawaii.
    Believe me, it is quick and frightening!

    Once again, we get some eyewitness shots! I followed the coverage of the hurricane in the Inquirer & on CNN. Philly had been spared really bad dammage; thank God.

    Oopsy; someone just forgot to close a window... That can be wiped up.. And looking at your first pic of the falling rain, I think that these raindrops were huge. I got a similar picture once when photographing falling snowfall. Our camera's settings were too slow to capture this...

    Philly will be cleaning up today and continuing with business as usual...

    Have a great day!

  2. It really was a long, weird week!! It's still affecting me though as it's well after 2 am and yet I'm wide awake. My body really felt the changes in the air.

    I had just left lunch with my girlfriend when the earthquake happened but I didn't realize it until later. I'd been having some car issues so at first I thought that's what I was feeling. LOL
    For Irene, I wasn't tuning into the news every hour on the hour but what I did watch was unnerving. At one point I wondered if we should get a hotel room a little further out of the highlighted area because I was concerned about the trees in our yard. We had a big branch fall not too long ago so there was some worry about that. But hubby is so practical and reassuring. Once he heard which way the thing was coming he explained it to me. I'm just terrible about directions and apparently my sense of scale is off too because I practically had the neighbors tree and a telephone pole crashing into our house but he told me that IF the wind was even strong enough to knock those things over they would only come to our driveway.
    Whew, okay, so we hung out in the living room with our son and had lots of munchies and movies to ride it all out.

    Great photos! Glad you got thru it all safe and sound. I'm not looking forward to a blizzard either, but yes, they are easier in some ways to deal with because we have more experience with them I guess. I'd still like all days to be around 70 and then have gentle cool breezes at night. Just enough maybe for a light jacket and the occasional scarf. Is that asking tooooo much??? LOL
    Have a wonderful week!!!

  3. Oh wow... is that how high your apartment is? What a magnificent view. I'm not surprised you got out though, it must have been a scary moment. Not being much good at geography I didn't know if you would be affected by Irene. I'm glad you got through without a scratch. We had televised news since before Irene hit and then during and afterwards. A New York cabby was interviewed (a white guy called Peter) who was a better comic than those that get paid to make us laugh. I loved the guy, he was so cheerful. So, can I stop praying for all you good folk in the US? Happy Monday, my friend.

  4. My gosh! You guys got more than we did of the hurricane! We barely got a sprinkling of rain. The wind was moderate at most.

    The earthquake didn't seem to be as big a deal here either - and was only about 90 miles away. My co-worker and I were sitting at our desks thinking someone was shaking the wall from the other side as a joke. When it went on a little longer than it should have, he went to the USGA website and found that we had, in fact, experienced an earthquake. There was a lot of chatter about it, but no one was evacuating buildings.

    Glad you are ok up there! Would hate to see anything happen to my favorite blogger ;)

    Have a wonderful week, Ron!


  5. Oh hey! I used to work at that pool you can see from your window. Too bad we didn't know each other then, I'd have snuck you in all day every day!

  6. Now I know why Irene hit y'all! You got your teeth cleaned!!!!


    Seriously, I'm glad you're okay and that damage was minimal. Sitting in FL - in the broiling sun, no breeze, 94+ degrees - listening to MSNBC and FOXNews (24/7) over the weekend, you would have thought that it was the Apocalypse.

  7. I'm so glad to hear you escaped the worst of the hurricane Ron. We don't really get anything like that over here, thankfully. x

  8. We actually had an earthquake in the UK a a year or two back. The first and hopefully the last, in my life.

    I would be petrified in a hurricane if I lived up so high. I know they must be built to withstand high winds but even so. Mind you, you wouldn't be under threat of falling trees would you? I've never lived higher than the third floor of a house ;)

  9. Good morning Barbara~

    "Yes, you are a hurricane veteran(me too; I survived one!), but I had one experience with a small earthquake it Hawaii.
    Believe me, it is quick and frightening!"

    Yup...having lived Hawaii I KNOW you've experienced your share of hurrincanes - and I bet doozies too! WOW, I didn't realize Hawaii has gotten earthquakes too!?!

    Yes, thank god we were spared really bad damage. I walked around the city yesterday snapping photos of the aftermath, but honestly there wasn't too much debris. Just a lot of tree branches.

    "Oopsy; someone just forgot to close a window... That can be wiped up.."

    I know, can you believe it? I mean I should know better than to keep a window open during a HURRICANE - that's one of the most dangerous things you can do. And because my apartment is so high up, the wind was whipping through - yikes!

    Isn't it funny how the raindrops photographed? They truly look like BUBBLES!!! is pretty much all cleaned up today and the weather is GORGEOUS! Cool and sunny. You can almost feel FALL coming!

    Thanks for stopping by, my friend. And thanks again for all your emails of concern.

    ((((( Barb ))))))

    Have a grrrreat week!

    X to you and D!

  10. So glad that you safely "weathered" all that crazy weather you guys have had the last week! I worried about you being so high up in your apartment. Glad you didn't get shaken out or blown out!

  11. Hey there Lora~

    " I used to work at that pool you can see from your window. Too bad we didn't know each other then, I'd have snuck you in all day every day!"

    Damn...I would have had a 'connection!' HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!

    Hope you didn't get too much wind damage in your area this weekend. I was thinking of you and hoping you and your family were safe and sound.

    Thank god, we here in Philly, didn't get hit too bad.

    Thanks for stopping by, neighbor! Have a great week!


    P.S. Isn't the weather stunning today?

  12. Good morning Akelamalu~

    Thank you, m'dear.

    We were VERY lucky not to have been hit as hard as certain parts of the east coast. Areas of New Jersery had A LOT of flooding.

    Thanks so much for stopping by today. Have a super week!


  13. Too much excitement for one week, huh?! Glad you are safe! As of yesterday they were still feeling aftershocks from the earthquake!

  14. Hey Lady Nitebyrd~

    "Now I know why Irene hit y'all! You got your teeth cleaned!!!"

    BWhahahahahahahahahahahaha! Touche'! I guess I better wait another 20 years so we don't get another one!

    "Sitting in FL - in the broiling sun, no breeze, 94+ degrees - listening to MSNBC and FOXNews (24/7) over the weekend, you would have thought that it was the Apocalypse."

    OMG, I know! People were FREAKING out here. The people work with were saying, "Why the hell aren't you freaking out about the hurricane?"

    I said, "Been there, done that!"

    But seriously, we were VERY blessed to have not had much damage, or lost power.

    Today, is gorgeous! Cool and sunny.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Sis! And thanks again for your email.

    ((((( You )))))

    Have a great week!


  15. Great post, Ron, love the photos. (Were you the model for that snowman?!? Great abs!) That earthquake was a hoot, wasn't it? I avoid L.A. because of the damn earthquakes and now we got 'em here! All right, let's stay safe and hope for a little less mayhem this week. Take care!

  16. Hiya Babs~

    "We actually had an earthquake in the UK a a year or two back. The first and hopefully the last, in my life."

    YIKES! You've experienced one too???? Aren't they SCARY? At least with a hurricane you have warning, but with an earthquake it just happens with NO warning.

    "I would be petrified in a hurricane if I lived up so high. I know they must be built to withstand high winds but even so. Mind you, you wouldn't be under threat of falling trees would you? I've never lived higher than the third floor of a house ;)"

    Because I'm on a 20-something floor the wind up that high can get very GUSTY. I also don't have other buildings around me to block the air flow, so it WHIPS around like a tornado. Luckily, my building is very strong because it was built many years ago when construction was built to last. The only bad thing about living so high up is if we should lose power and I have to walk the stairs - OY!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a great day and week!

    X to you and Mo!

  17. Good morning myfwbs~

    "My gosh! You guys got more than we did of the hurricane! We barely got a sprinkling of rain. The wind was moderate at most."

    I know, I was assuming VA would get A LOT of damage from this hurricane. You poor guys got a lot of stuff last week. So glad to here you were safe. ESPECIALLY from the earthquake!

    " There was a lot of chatter about it, but no one was evacuating buildings." was BEDLAM here! I have to admit, I was bit shaken by the earthquake because I live so high up and that's the worst place to be during an earthquake.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet words, girl. You're such a doll!

    (((( myfwbs )))))

    Have a great day and week!


  18. Goooooood morning Dear Valerie~

    "Oh wow... is that how high your apartment is?"

    Yup! I love the view too, especially at night. And what's really funny is that I always said I would NEVER live in a high rise building. HA! Just goes to should never say NEVER.

    I thought NYC was going to get the worst of it, but apparently from other bloggers who live there they said it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be - thank God! From having lived in Florida for so many years, I know the weather stations will always paint the picture more severe than it is because of safety precautions. I've been through some DOOZIE hurricanes in Florida, so I wasn't freaked by Irene.

    " A New York cabby was interviewed (a white guy called Peter) who was a better comic than those that get paid to make us laugh. I loved the guy, he was so cheerful."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't ya just LOVE New Yorkers? Honestly, they're so adaptable and not easily frightened. I LOVE that city and its people!

    "So, can I stop praying for all you good folk in the US?"

    (((( Valerie )))))

    Yes, dear lady....we're fine. Thank you.

    Have a glorious week and much thanks for stopping by!


  19. Hey there Crystal Chick~

    "It really was a long, weird week!! It's still affecting me though as it's well after 2 am and yet I'm wide awake. My body really felt the changes in the air."

    I know, hasn't it been a WEIRD week for weather?

    I also think certain people (like you and I) because we work so closely with 'energy' feel things much more deeply and are more sensitive to stuff.

    "I had just left lunch with my girlfriend when the earthquake happened but I didn't realize it until later."

    The earthquake took me totally by surprise and at first I just ignored it because I honestly thought I was imagining it.

    However, the hurricane didn't concern me as much because I'm so use to them. I too didn't watch any new reports because I know how they can over dramatize hurricanes. My family called me several times Saturday night to see how I was. In fact, I was on the phone with my brother while we were getting the worst of the wind and rain.

    I was VERY concerned for Jersey and New York, though, because they said they were going to get a lot of flooding.

    "Whew, okay, so we hung out in the living room with our son and had lots of munchies and movies to ride it all out."

    Me too! I sat here and sipped my wine and blogged!

    Thank you, glad you enjoyed the photos. I wasn't really sure how they were going to turn out because I was snapping them so fast.

    " I'm not looking forward to a blizzard either, but yes, they are easier in some ways to deal with because we have more experience with them I guess." me, blizzards (snow) is so much easier to deal with than rain hurricanes (rain).

    I am soooooooooooo looking forward to fall and winter. Isn't the weather today stunning?

    Thanks so much for stopping by, and I'm so happy to hear you and your family got through this okay.

    ((((( M ))))))

    Have a maaaaaaaaavalous week!


  20. Hey Peg~

    Thank you, dear friend.

    Yes, we have had some CRAZY weather last week.

    "I worried about you being so high up in your apartment. Glad you didn't get shaken out or blown out!"

    HA! I know, being up in an apartment building has its advantages and disadvantages. LOVE the view, however if the power goes out or there's earthquakes - YIKES!

    Thanks for stopping by and have a flawless week!


  21. Hey there SuziCate~

    "Too much excitement for one week, huh?!"

    OMG...haven't we?!?!?!?!? Earthquakes. Hurricanes. What's next???

    "As of yesterday they were still feeling aftershocks from the earthquake!"

    WOW! You're kidding? I kept thinking that we might have the same thing, but thank god, not a tremor.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Sooooooooooooooooo glad to hear you and your family are safe and sound.

    (((( Suzi )))))

    Take care, and have a smooth and wonderful week!


  22. Hiya Rob~

    Thank you. I took the photos so fast, I wasn't really sure how they would turn out.

    "(Were you the model for that snowman?!? Great abs!)"

    Bwhahahahahhaahahahah! No, I wasn't. I wish. I actually took that photo right after we had a snow storm last winter. Isn't the snowman design FLAWLESS???

    " I avoid L.A. because of the damn earthquakes and now we got 'em here!"

    OMG, I know. Those on west coast are so use to earthquakes, they sleep right through them.

    " All right, let's stay safe and hope for a little less mayhem this week."


    Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. LOVED your post yesterday!

    Take care and have a super week!


  23. Great photos, Ron! I lived in Southern California for 13 years, so I knew it was an earthquake as soon as I felt it here in Pittsburgh. There's no mistaking an earthquake after you've been through a few big ones. The hurricane really had no effect on us here. Just a little wind, cooler temps, and an overcast sky. Let's draw a line down the middle of PA. Your half can have winter. My half will continue on with summer. Deal?

  24. Hey Tracy~

    Thank you. I took these photos so fast, I wasn't really sure how they would turn out.

    " I lived in Southern California for 13 years, so I knew it was an earthquake as soon as I felt it here in Pittsburgh. There's no mistaking an earthquake after you've been through a few big ones."

    Wow, so you're use to them like I am with hurricanes. The only other time I felt a tremor from an earthquake was while I was living in Kobe, Japan - but it was slight.

    "The hurricane really had no effect on us here. Just a little wind, cooler temps, and an overcast sky."

    I was watching a weather map online Saturday night and I could see that Pittbburgh was clear of the hurricane. Thank god!

    "Let's draw a line down the middle of PA. Your half can have winter. My half will continue on with summer. Deal? "

    HA! Deal!

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, girl. Have an awesome week!


  25. Hi Ron, so glad to here you're okay and that Irene didn't cause too much damage. I was thinking of you this weekend. A lot of weird weather going on in east coast lately.

    Great photos. Love the shot of the unbrella and the rain bubbles!

    Stay well.

  26. Hola Denise~

    Thank you for your thoughts and concern, girl.

    Yes, we're safe and sound here. I agree....a lot of weird weather we're experiencing here on the east coast.

    Glad you enjoyed the photos. I was so glad to get that shot of the umbrella.

    Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful day and week!


  27. It's bad enough that you have few trees in the middle of the urban jungle - worse to see at least one of them knocked over by the storm. Glad you made it through okay, though! I have a lot of family and friends back east and I was worried about them over the weekend.

    You do realize that you've now jinxed yourself and will experience the Mother Of All Blizzards this winter, right?

  28. Howdy Mark~

    "It's bad enough that you have few trees in the middle of the urban jungle - worse to see at least one of them knocked over by the storm."

    OMG, I know! That POOR car - OUCH!!#!?!

    "Glad you made it through okay, though! I have a lot of family and friends back east and I was worried about them over the weekend."

    Thanks, bud! I think parts of Jersey were hit prettty bad with flooding, but Irene was rather gentle on most of here on the east coast. I was VERY concerned about NY because the weather reports said that they would be hit hard.

    "You do realize that you've now jinxed yourself and will experience the Mother Of All Blizzards this winter, right?"


    Oh, SHIT!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Mark! Have a faaaaabulous day and week!


  29. I'm glad you are safe, Ron. The hurricane thing freaked me out a bit......we've had some major issues here with water in the basement and I was worried we'd get some of the torrential rains. We had a brief downpour yesterday, but nothing significant.

    And NOOOOOOOOOO on the blizzards!

  30. there was hardly a breeze in the tight streets of South Philly! We got some rain and the tops of the tall trees whipped around a bit but nothing major below the roofline!

    It is perfect outside today. Makes me want to buy new shoes and a three ring binder. Total New School Year weather!

  31. Hey there Bijoux~

    Thank you, dear lady. And looking at todays weather here, you wouldn't even know there was a hurricane two days ago. It's flawless!

    "The hurricane thing freaked me out a bit......we've had some major issues here with water in the basement and I was worried we'd get some of the torrential rains. We had a brief downpour yesterday, but nothing significant."

    Yes, I can definitely see why you were freaked out. I would have been too. That's the thing about hurricanes I don't like - water damage. And people with homes, it's much more scarier than living in high rise.

    "And NOOOOOOOOOO on the blizzards!"

    HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! on the blizzards!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Bijoux! Have a great day and super week!


  32. Hello again Lora~

    "there was hardly a breeze in the tight streets of South Philly! We got some rain and the tops of the tall trees whipped around a bit but nothing major below the roofline!"

    OMG, you're kidding? I'm AMAZED! We got A LOT of severe wind and hard rain here in Center City.

    "It is perfect outside today. Makes me want to buy new shoes and a three ring binder. Total New School Year weather!"

    HA! You said it, girl! I wish I could freeze todays weather and keep it in box for other days!

    Enjoy this PERFECT weather!


  33. ...I'm so glad you're okay! THAT is what really matters! :o)

    ...Okay, am I the only one here that thinks it would be so cool if it rained bubbles? Oh my stinkin' heck, just the thought of it! *swoons* :o)

    ...Gosh, what a beautiful city! I know, I know, I've seen the dumpsters that you've featured on here but all in all, still pretty.

    ...Being from the Midwest I've never experienced either a hurricane or an earthquake. I think we've had a little tremor now and then but they are years apart and so slight when they happen that you really don't even know they happened, 'cept for the talking heads on the news channels and then they're all over it! lol...

    ...So you've had quite the exciting week and weekend my friend! So glad you survived it, now go forth and get ya some rest! :o)


  34. Hello there Dearest TJ~

    Thank you. Yes, all is well. It's funny, because you would never even know we had a hurricane two days ago because the weather here today is FLAWLESS! Sunny, cool and BEAU-TI-FUL!

    "...Okay, am I the only one here that thinks it would be so cool if it rained bubbles? Oh my stinkin' heck, just the thought of it! *swoons* :o)"

    Bwhahahahaahahahahhaha! No, I think it would be so cool too! Like the Lawrence Welk Show - HA!

    Yes, Philadelphia IS a beautiful city, truly. LOTS of historical architecture and european quaintness. But like with any city, it does have it's 'less appealing' areas.

    "Being from the Midwest I've never experienced either a hurricane or an earthquake."

    OMG...LUCKY you!!!!! Other than severe snow storms during the winter months, I've never heard anything about Midwest having CRAZY weather like we do here on the east coast.

    Thanks oodles for stopping by, my dear friend! Always a highlight in my day! Have a lovely week!

    (((( TJ )))))


  35. No cell phone but by golly you had your CAMERA!! GOOD MAN!! Atta boy! I'm proud of ya!

    Out the door in a flash--yup, I have the camera. Cell phones? (yes, plural.....omg as in TWO) Oh. I'm suppose to cart those suckers with me?

    I'm sooooo proud of you I could just spit!

    And the photos--well done, sir!

    What's a little shake rattle and roll? :-) Sounds like an interesting moment or two, huh. But ya done good. You took PHOTOS.

    Yup. I'm just so proud I could spit!

    <-- considering spitting :-/

  36. Hiya Mel~

    "No cell phone but by golly you had your CAMERA!! GOOD MAN!! Atta boy! I'm proud of ya!"

    HAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, no cell phone but I ALWAYS travel with my camera now.

    Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

    "What's a little shake rattle and roll? :-) Sounds like an interesting moment or two, huh. But ya done good. You took PHOTOS."

    YEEEEHAAAAW, that's right...what's a little shake rattle and roll? Isn't it funny how us blogger are ALWAYS thinking, "Oooo...this would make for a good blog post!!!"

    Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady! Hope you're feeling better.

    ((( Mel )))


  37. Hey Ronnie!

    Where I am the earthquake was something we all felt but didnt know it until we heard it on the radio! That was crazy though! As for Irene...well her and I are not on speaking terms. My landlord says a tree hit my apartment so I have not even been back to survey the damage but I can only imagine. Most cities around here are without power which means no street lights. Oh the fun it is :/

  38. Hey there cestlavie~

    "Where I am the earthquake was something we all felt but didnt know it until we heard it on the radio! That was crazy though!"

    I know EXACTLY what you mean because I felt it, but kept thinking I was imagining it!

    "As for Irene...well her and I are not on speaking terms. My landlord says a tree hit my apartment so I have not even been back to survey the damage but I can only imagine. Most cities around here are without power which means no street lights. Oh the fun it is :/"

    Oh nooooooooooooooo....I am so sorry to hear that! got hit hard. Well, hopefully your apartment had more exterior damage than interior, so it will be livable until your landlord gets it repaired. Isn't it horrible to be without power? I've had that happen several times while living in Florida and going through some bad hurricanes.

    Sending ya much 'good enery' for a speedy recovery in your area.

    ((((( cestlavie )))))

    Thanks so much for stopping by. You take care, okay?


  39. hi Ronnie, I really enjoyed your photo essay. Too bad about the driver of that silver car. ouchee. Love the bubble rain image and the morning after image - especially the lost umbrella. So you didn't even suspect an earthquake? You just sort of thought the building was swaying because of ... construction down the block? I suppose that could be one explanation. But you did get on board with an action plan pretty darned quickly after hearing the news!! has all the elements of a little comedy episode :) thank you for dropping by and leaving such a kind comment on my little project - you're always so incredibly supportive. I appreciate you so very much Ron!! xoxo Diane

  40. Hey there Diane~

    Thank you, my friend. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

    "Too bad about the driver of that silver car. ouchee."

    Ouchee is right! I hope he had GOOD car insurance.

    "So you didn't even suspect an earthquake? You just sort of thought the building was swaying because of ... construction down the block? I suppose that could be one explanation."

    Yes, I totally thought it was caused from construction. It was a very weird feeling because it felt like I was getting lightheaded and dizzy for a second, but then it was gone!

    Yikes, darn right...I got on board quickly after I found out it was an EARTHQUAKE!!!!

    Oh, you are so welcome, my friend. I sooooo look forward to and enjoy reading your blog posts. They really brighten up my day! So, thank YOU!

    And thank you for stopping by! Have a wonderful week!

    X to you and Cristybella!

  41.'s raining bubbles! Gah!

    I'm surprised at how much life your part of the world has. Seems that every corner has its own tale to tell. Now, I'm not one who would feel comfortable living in a city (I'm just not wired that way), but your photos really make the scene look quite appealing!

  42. i was in the bathroom and didn't feel a thing either. i told everyone that must be the safest place in the building. when i came out everyone was in the halls as i was walking to my desk and i thought i was miss america and they just forgot to clap. turns out it was a freaking earthquake. way to upstage my entrance. ha!

    loved your pics ron!!!

    there is no place safe on earth, but yeah i never would have expected NOT to feel an earthquake.

  43. Howdy Herman~

    "'s raining bubbles! Gah"

    HA! Isn't it hysterical how that photo came out?

    "I'm surprised at how much life your part of the world has. Seems that every corner has its own tale to tell."

    That's what I really enjoy about city life. It's so diverse in its areas.

    " Now, I'm not one who would feel comfortable living in a city (I'm just not wired that way), but your photos really make the scene look quite appealing!"

    Yup, I totally understand. City living is not for everyone. Sometimes even for me, I need a break.

    Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Always great to see ya. Hope you're enjoying a fab week!

    X to you and the family!

  44. Hey there V~

    " when i came out everyone was in the halls as i was walking to my desk and i thought i was miss america and they just forgot to clap. turns out it was a freaking earthquake. way to upstage my entrance. ha!"

    Bwhahahahahaahahahahahaha! OMG....that CRACKED ME UP! How FUNNY!

    "there is no place safe on earth, but yeah i never would have expected NOT to feel an earthquake."

    You said it. Weird weather is going on EVERYwhere in the world. No place is really safe.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, girl! Hope all is well in your part of the east and that you didn't get much damage from Miss Irene.

    Have a super week!


    P.S. thank your supportive words concerning my photos. You're a sweetheart (((( V )))).

  45. the expression on the panic kid is priceless
    I want to hug him

    you already know most of my hurricane story so I won't bore you with it
    I'll just say I hate summer to begin with and now I really deeply despise it

    I love the houses on the fallen down tree street
    the brick and green is so pretty
    the ability to notice architecture during an emergency is what separates us from the animals ;)

    wait til you see/hear about the cats and the storm and the hotel
    it's freakin' hilarious

  46. I think I was one of the FEW people in NJ that did NOT feel the quake. I did however, have a rough time getting through the hurricane!

    "I’ll take a snow blizzard over an earthquake or a hurricane ANY day. " DITTO!

  47. Hey there Lady Dianne~

    "the expression on the panic kid is priceless
    I want to hug him."

    Me too! Isn't he faaaaaaaaabulous!

    "I'll just say I hate summer to begin with and now I really deeply despise it."

    *fist pump*

    You said! COME ON FALL!!!!

    "the ability to notice architecture during an emergency is what separates us from the animals ;)"

    Bwhahahahahahaahahahaha! OMG...that cracked me the hell up! Aren't we blogger/photographers something else?

    "wait til you see/hear about the cats and the storm and the hotel
    it's freakin' hilarious."

    Ooooooo....I can't WAIT!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you're feeling better.

    ((((( Dianne )))))

    Have a great week!

    X to you and the gang!

  48. Hiya Meleah~

    "I think I was one of the FEW people in NJ that did NOT feel the quake. I did however, have a rough time getting through the hurricane!"

    I know of several people who said they didn't feel the quake.

    However, the hurricane? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!

    I LOVED your post on the hurricane and Poppa Sye!

    ""I’ll take a snow blizzard over an earthquake or a hurricane ANY day. " DITTO!"

    THANK YOU!!!!

    And thanks for stopping by, girl! Have a great week!


  49. HA HA HA! Great minds DO think alike, don't they!!! Your title ROCKS!!!!!! :) TOO FUNNY!

    I loved hearing your experience - and your thoughts on the earthquake. What a crazy storm - the fact that it hit so many people for so long. On one day it is in FL and the next us and the next NY and everywhere in between. I am so thankful everyone I know is OK.

    LOVE THE BUBBLES.... I want some!

  50. Helloooooooooo Katherine~

    "Great minds DO think alike, don't they!!!"

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! They sure DO! I almost DIED when I saw your post title today! How ironic was that???

    "What a crazy storm - the fact that it hit so many people for so long. On one day it is in FL and the next us and the next NY and everywhere in between."

    You said it. I thought when I left Florida I left the hurricanes behind! NJ got hit pretty bad here on the east coast. The flooding was horrible. NYC didn't get it as bad as they thought they would.

    "I am so thankful everyone I know is OK."

    Meeeeeeeeee too!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Always a delight to read your comments. Enjoy your week!


    P.S. I'll send ya some BUBBLES the next time it rains, okay? HA!

  51. I heard about Irene - and all I've been able to think of is my Lovely Irene, who we lost to a tumour on her spine very early in 2009, poor sweet soul. I miss her so much. It would never have crossed her mind to cause so much damage (just supposing she could) and I kind of resent the hurricane being given her name.

    But I know how much chaos this not-so-lovely Irene has caused, and NOBODY is going to affectionately call her Renie, are they? I'm glad you escaped with only a little water damage.

    I love the 'raining balloons' picture, but the lost umbrella is iconic - that's a truly great shot!

  52. Hey there Jay~

    I'm soooooooo sorry to hear about the passing of your Lovely Irene back in 2009. I still miss my Jerry who I lost back in 2001, so I know how you feel.

    (((((( Jay )))))

    "But I know how much chaos this not-so-lovely Irene has caused, and NOBODY is going to affectionately call her Renie, are they? I'm glad you escaped with only a little water damage."

    HA! You're so right. Parts of the east coast were hit VERY bad with flooding, especially sections of New Jersey and Vermont. So sad. Philadelphia was spared a lot of damage and power outages.

    Thank you, dear lady. Glad you enjoyed the photos. I like the umbrella one too. I took that the day after the hurricane.

    Always so nice to see you, Jay! Have a great rest of your week!


  53. Ron, I thought the tree/car photo was the best. Although I feel bad complimenting such an awesome photo because I'm sure the car's owner was not too happy that day. LOL. Ouch is right!

    Have a nice holiday weekend.

  54. Hey Constant Complainer~

    Grrrrrrreat to see ya! Much thanks for stopping by!

    Thank you. And YES...I'm sure the car's owner was NOT too happy that day. All I kept thinking was...."God, I hope his/her car insurance didn't lapse :(

    Hope you were safe and sound during Irene!

    Have a nice holiday weekend too! God, I can't believe summer is almost over.

    X to you and family!

  55. I love the view from your window! I'm trying not to read too much into this crazy weather. You know, like the apocalypse or anything.

    I did just see on the news, though, that one of the upcoming hurricanes should be hitting the gulf coast of FLA mid week just about the time I'm heading there. Pray for a change of direction!

  56. Hey there Chrissy Girl~

    Thank you. And what's totally ironic is that I'm deathly afraid of HEIGHTS - HA!

    " I'm trying not to read too much into this crazy weather. You know, like the apocalypse or anything."

    I know. I just keep telling myself that it's just the natural cycle of evolution and that the crazy weather is part of it. I think eventually places Florida will have four seasons and places like here will eventually have TWO seasons - HOT and COLD!

    "I did just see on the news, though, that one of the upcoming hurricanes should be hitting the gulf coast of FLA mid week just about the time I'm heading there. Pray for a change of direction!"

    Don't worry, because those Florida hurricanes can change direction over a period of hours. However, I just don't want it coming in THIS direction - HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!

    Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a suuuuuuper day!


  57. It's so funny. It's whatever you are used to. I grew up in CA so earthquakes don't phase me. Well, of course, if there was a really big one, I'd be freaked out. But, I remember waking up in the middle of the night to the house moving. I'd fall back asleep and find out there was an earthquake the next morning. Extreme weather always scares me. It's because I didn't grow up with it. It's all that you know. Glad Philly got out on the easy side.

  58. Hey Jen~

    "But, I remember waking up in the middle of the night to the house moving. I'd fall back asleep and find out there was an earthquake the next morning."


    But you're right, it's whatever your use to because Herman Trump shared the same thing on one his post last week - he too lives in CA.

    We were very blessed we didn't get hit harder. Jersey got A LOT of flooding, as well as Vermont.

    Thanks for stopping by, my friend! Hope you're having a great holiday weekend!



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