Well, the only four words I can actually think of to describe last week would be….
Okay, where shall I start?
First, my new blog template is doing weird things by making the white background disappear. And I’m so frustrated about this I could scream because I can’t figure out how to correct it. I am inches away from reverting back to my old template.
And allow me forewarn you, that what I’m going to be sharing next will be GROSS and ICKY stuff, so if you think that will bother you then you better stop reading right here.
Two Fridays ago, I began getting a very familiar feeling in my mouth, which told me I was developing a TOOTH ABSCESS.
This was not the same abscess I developed and took care of last year, but another one located on the opposite side of my mouth under an old bridge.
And of course it happened late Friday, so I couldn’t see my dentist until this past Monday to get penicillin, therefore I took care of it myself by using peroxide to help keep the infection to a minimum. Thank god I was not in any pain, but I began to feel very tired - almost like getting the flu.
Monday morning I didn’t even make an appointment, I just walked to my dentists’ office and asked if he could see me. And being the WONDERFUL man that he is, he came right out into the waiting room and looked at me. He was very busy with two other patients, but wrote me a prescription for penicillin and then made an appointment to see him the following Monday (today), so he could determined what was going on under my bridge after the infection was cleared up.
I already know that I need to have this bridge taken out and have implants done, but I don’t have dental insurance, so I’ve been putting it off until I decide to put it on my credit card.
Anyway, when I got home I immediately started taking the penicillin and thought it would clear up the abscess in a day or two. WRONG.
It actually got worse. MUCH worse.
By the second day, the lower right hand side of my mouth was so swollen, it looked like I had someones FIST in my mouth.
Yet I was not in any pain, nor running a fever.
I didn’t want to call my dentist and tell him, because I knew he would just tell me to go see the oral surgeon who drained the abscess I had over a year ago and was NOT about to let that horrible man touch me again, so I just used copious amounts of warm salt water to draw it out, allowing it to drain on its on. I was on a very strong penicillin, therefore I knew it would work in preventing the infection from entering the rest of my body.
I was also doing Reflexology on myself every hour on the hour to help my body bring the abscess to a head naturally.
Yeah, I know what you’re all thinking, “Whaaaat? Are you CRAZY?”
No, I’m not crazy, I just know my body well enough to realize how it can heal itself naturally, along with using traditional medicine.
And as you will soon read, it worked.
By Thursday morning, between the penicillin and what I was doing naturally, it was obviously doing the trick because the abscess was coming to a head; getting bigger and bigger.
And if you can believe this, I was still not experiencing pain. Just pressure.
Late Thursday evening at about 10:00, I could tell the abscess was getting ready to burst because I began to feel pain - A LOT. But I’ve been through this before, therefore was use to it. I just took some Advil and kept rinsing my mouth with warm salt water every half hour.
Then at about 11:45, just as I was getting ready to publish last Fridays’ post….it happened.
KA-POW! The abscess erupted!
I ran to the bathroom and began rinsing my mouth with massive amounts of MORE warm salt water.
OMG….you should have seen the stuff that drained out of that abscess.
It kinda looked like what Linda Blair threw up in the movie The Exorcist.
But I rinsed and rinsed for over an hour, until there was nothing left to rinse.
And it was amazing how wonderful I felt after this retched abscess was drained. I felt like a completely different person.
For the rest of the week, I continued to take the penicillin and rinsing my mouth with salt water every hour to dry it out.
Yesterday, I looked inside my mouth and saw that it had completely healed.
Today, I go see my dentist at 3:00, when he can take x-rays and then make a decision on what needs to be done with this bridge so I don’t EVER get another one of these abscesses again.
I’m at that age where the crown and bridge work I’ve had in my mouth for eons needs to be replaced.
It’s odd, because I very rarely incur illness except for teeth issues every so often. Other than that, I’m pretty healthy.
So, there you have it, folks….my week in review.
And can I just tell you? It was lovely……

Oy... fingers crossed for a better week next week!
ReplyDeleteAnd glad it was you rather than me...
oh ron, you're scaring me with all this 'bridge/crown being old' stuff because i have lots of them to fix and the same thing; no insurance, not wanting to spend the money until next year and just plain F E A R! But when i read this, i think maybe i should just literally bite the bullet and go in. you sound like you are a good healer but me? well, we know about that story so...hmmm.
ReplyDeletewell, i am glad you are feeling better and wondering how the dentist appt went(or will go) and if you are again all well and escaped the big bad bill of implants...i am afraid to even think of what that costs but they would look nice, i keep thinking....maybe you will get yourself some newbies and be all beautiful and young again!! xoxoxox and take good care just in case...fingers and toes crossed for a few days. ;)
also ron, your blog looks great from my place....i don't see anything wrong, the white is back with the bkgd the same green...but i don't know, maybe i cannot see it....but wanted you to know. xox
ReplyDeleteHey Brahm~
ReplyDeleteIt's so great to see ya, bud!
Yeah...Oy...it was a freakin' week from HELL!
I'm only so happy this thing drained on it's own. Now, I just need to get the bridge taken care of. Keep your fingers crossed.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you're having a great summer. Have a faaaaabulous week!
Hey there Linda~
ReplyDelete"oh ron, you're scaring me with all this 'bridge/crown being old' stuff because i have lots of them to fix and the same thing; no insurance, not wanting to spend the money until next year and just plain F E A R!"
I know, I need so much stuff done on my teeth but I keep hesitating because of no insurance, but I NEED to just put it all on a credit card and pay it off gradually because I cannot go through this again.
Thank god I know natural healing stuff or I think it would have been much worse. Honestly though, I really didn't experience any pain until right before the damn thing finally drained.
Yes, my mother has had a few implants done on her teeth and loves them. It's just that they're VERY expensive.
I'll know more after I see the dentist tomorrow. Keep your fingers and toe crossed!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your well wishes, dear friend.
Have a great week!
((((( Linda )))))
Hello again Linda~
ReplyDeleteOMG...I cannot believe that because I can't see it. I mean I can see it when I respond to comments, but not when my home page loads - the white is completely gone.
This is so weird.
Anyway, I'm glad you can see it. Other people have told me they can see it too, but others say they can't.
Thanks for letting me know, dear lady!
Re the blog... it looks fine to me. I checked the specs in case I was wearing the wrong ones but the specs were fine.
ReplyDeleteI am soooooo in sympathy with your mouth ulcer problem. Along time ago I had a spate of them but mine were PAINFUL right from the start. I hated it. I felt ill and bad tempered with it. Your attitude to it makes me feel ashamed of the way I coped. I really hope you get on okay with the dentist.... hateful people, dentists! Remedial hugs winging their way to you today. Have a blessed day.
What a horrid week! It sounds as bad as my week was. An abcess is the worst. I can't stand anything going wrong in my mouth! I hope everything goes well for you this week. You deserve a great one!
A.Piece.Of.Poop.............Oh, Ron, that TOTALLY cracked me up! There is nothing worse than illness, is there?? And don't you love how these things always tend to happen on a late Friday or the eve before a holiday? GRR!
ReplyDeleteSucks about the lack of dental insurance too!
Ooooh I just felt a little bit of sick come up into my mouth when I read about the abscess bursting! :0
ReplyDeleteI've had similar experiences Ron so I know exactly how you felt. I hope it's not going to cost you an arm and a leg to get everything sorted out.
*shudder* Dentists! Doing it the natural way is an excellent choice, Ron. I'm really surprised that you didn't feel any pain until the end. How freakin' lucky are you!?!
ReplyDeleteReading this just made my stomach clench, I HATE anything to do with teeth - especially dentists and OMFG! ORAL SURGEONS! Implants terrify me. You're a brave man, bro!
I get abcesses in the most awful places
ReplyDeleteusually when I am really tired and stressed
as if all the toxic energy rushes to the same place
you're a trooper!!
glad you're better
A.PIECE.OF.POOP. - Yeah, had weeks like that, sorry you had one of those! However, did you really have to add that Exorcist pic-I still have nightmares of that one scene and I've never seen the movie, just the commercials with that one shot!!!!!! Here's to hoping this week is A.PIECE.OF.CHOCOLATE CAKE.WITH.EXTRA.FROSTING!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYikes, Ron, what an ordeal! Sorry you had to go through all that misery, but I give you a big thumbs up for coming through it. Glad you're feeling better and please take care of yourself!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Valerie~
ReplyDeleteThat's the strange part about my blog, some people are seeing it just fine, however some are seeing what I'm seeing. Oh, well...if it doesn't fix itself sometime this week, it's back to old template.
"Along time ago I had a spate of them but mine were PAINFUL right from the start. I hated it. I felt ill and bad tempered with it."
Yes, I've had those type abscesses before too, yet this one and the one I had last year were not very painful. Perhaps because the were on the surface of the gum, not under the tooth.
" I really hope you get on okay with the dentist.... hateful people, dentists! Remedial hugs winging their way to you today. Have a blessed day."
I actually LOVE my dentist, it's the oral surgeon I experienced last year who was hateful - I will NEVER see that man again - EVIL.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your hugs, dear lady! Have a flawless week!
Hey there myfwbs~
ReplyDeleteGreat to see ya, girl! I've been wondering where you were all last week because you hadn't posted.
"An abcess is the worst. I can't stand anything going wrong in my mouth!"
Isn't it? I've have about 3 in my life and the last two were not fun.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope all is well for you and that you have a wonderful week!
((((( you )))))))
Hey there Bijoux~
ReplyDelete"A.Piece.Of.Poop.............Oh, Ron, that TOTALLY cracked me up!"
I was actually going to use a MUCH stronger word, but decided that Poop was easier on the ears.....HA
"And don't you love how these things always tend to happen on a late Friday or the eve before a holiday? GRR!"
OMG....ain't that the truth? The last time I experience this was last 4th of July weekend, and to wait FOUR days to see my dentist. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Have a wonderful week!
Good morning Akelamalu~
ReplyDelete"Ooooh I just felt a little bit of sick come up into my mouth when I read about the abscess bursting! :0"
Ooooops....sorry about that :0
Aren't these abscesses the pits? Yes, it will cost me an arm and a leg to get it all sorted out, but I have to do it and pay it off gradually because I cannot go through this again - UGH!
Thanks for stopping by, m'dear! Have a lovely week!
Hey there Lady Nitebyrd~
ReplyDelete"*shudder* Dentists!"
Ain't that the truth? But I gotta say, my dentist is a doll. Kind, gentle and very compassionate.
I think if it weren't for the reflexology I was applying, I WOULD HAVE felt more pain. I'll tell ya, that stuff really works. Powerful stuff.
Me too...I hate anything to do with the teeth because whenever something happens to them, it usually a HUGE deal and a HUGE expense. I've decided that whatever needs to be done, I'm just going to take it one step at a time.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, Sis! Have a FAB week!
Hiya Lady Dianne~
ReplyDelete"usually when I am really tired and stressed
as if all the toxic energy rushes to the same place"
Bingo! That's exactly what I think triggers them because a few weeks prior to the abscess, I myself felt more stressed. In fact, while I was doing reflexology and reiki on myself, I could actually FEEL the stress being released all around the abscess.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, dearest lady. And thank you for your loving support.
Have a terrific week!
X to you and the gang!
Hey there SuziCate~
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, because I don't often get weeks like last week, but when I do...it usually a bunch of stuff all piled together - UGH!
But I'm glad this abscess is better and that I will be seeing my dentist later today.
"However, did you really have to add that Exorcist pic-I still have nightmares of that one scene and I've never seen the movie, just the commercials with that one shot!!!!!!"
Bwhahahahahahaahhaahaha! I know, isn't the picture HORRIBLE? I've only seen that movie once and will never watch it again. I don't like any movies that have to do with the devil or evil stuff like that. Noooooooooooooo way.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Have a grrrrrrrrrreat week!
Howdy Rob~
ReplyDeleteYeah, it was a VERY trying week. But, I'm grateful that I had the week off from work, because I was able to stay home and really take care of myself.
Thanks for stopping by, buddy! And thanks for your well wishes. Have a FAB week!
Oh Ron. I've had so may of those, but ALWAYS with terrible pain. Twice I had such a bad abscess that my whole face was huge and I thought my lips would split. They were root abscesses. I've also had the type that is more of a gum abscess. I did the same as you, and managed to get all the muck out myself. Dentists say that unless I have all my teeth out I will continue to get these, but I really don't want to do that! Hope you get yours sorted out soon :)
ReplyDeleteHey there Babs~
ReplyDeleteOMG, you have no idea just how much I was thinking of you last week because I remember you writing a post a few months ago about YOUR abscess.
Aren't they FUN??????
"I had such a bad abscess that my whole face was huge and I thought my lips would split."
I know what you mean. I've had them before where even if you barely touch your face with bed sheet, the pain is horrendous.
Yes, I've had the kind that were under the tooth too, but the last one was along the gumline.
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. I know you understand completely. Have a super week!
X and hugs to you and Mo!
My god, man. I'm shuddering with revulsion over here. Seriously...my skin is crawling. All I can say is, thank GOD you didn't post any pictures!!
ReplyDeleteAnd...I'm glad you're feeling better now. Look at it this way: this week will be a thousand times better than last, no matter what!
Unless you get hit by a Tastykake truck.
Knock on wood.
Stay healthy, my friend!
BTW, your white background is alive and well today! Love the template - hope you keep it.
ReplyDeleteHowdy Mark~
ReplyDelete"Seriously...my skin is crawling. All I can say is, thank GOD you didn't post any pictures!!"
BWhahahahahahahahahahaha! No, I wouldn't do that to you guys. I barely could even look at it, let alone take photographs :(
"Look at it this way: this week will be a thousand times better than last, no matter what!
Unless you get hit by a Tastykake truck."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You KILL ME, man! And you're right, this week will be a MILLION times better than last. I can already feel it.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by and sharing your wit and well wishes, buddy! Have an awesome week!
P.S. Mark~
ReplyDeleteThank you for letting me know about the white background. It has to be something with certain browsers because some people can see the whole template, but others can't. I can see the white in the comment section, but not on my home page. Oh, well...it may just fix itself because last week I couldn't see the white background at all.
Later, bud!
Wow, Ron... what a weekend! And I thought that visiting my good old friend and her two toddlers was painful(especially to my lil' bunny ears).
ReplyDeleteBut you survived... cause you're a survivor! (humming Destiny's Child here for you... all the way in Finland).
you did the right thing! always trust your body and the power of healing, I know you don't need that piece of advice!
ReplyDeleteOMG... you poor poor baby! I understand why you said it was a piece of poop but I think with all that you might have used a little stronger language. That merits a cursing! A good old fashioned right out of the sailors mouth cursing. That was the week from HELL!!! I sure hope your dentist appointment went well. I'm glad the infection is over. Tooth problems can be a bear to deal with ... I know from experience! Here's hoping this week is the week from heaven!
ReplyDeleteBonjour Susu~
ReplyDelete"And I thought that visiting my good old friend and her two toddlers was painful(especially to my lil' bunny ears)."
Yes, I survived. And my appointment with my dentist today went very well. The work that needs to be done is not as bad as I thought it would be. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
*humming Destiny's Child*
Thanks for stopping by, beautiful lady. Have a wonderful week!
Hey there Lora~
ReplyDeleteThank you for your support, my friend!
Yes, I'm so glad I trusted and followed my intuition and did what I did.
My appointment today with my dentist went very well - whew!
Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a wonderful week!
Hiya Peg~
ReplyDelete"I understand why you said it was a piece of poop but I think with all that you might have used a little stronger language. That merits a cursing! A good old fashioned right out of the sailors mouth cursing. That was the week from HELL!!!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Trust me, that's what I REALLY felt like doing - curse like a sailor!
"Tooth problems can be a bear to deal with ... I know from experience!
Yes, I know that you know from experience that tooth stuff can be a royal pain in the ass.
And yes, my appointment today went much better than I thought it would. Apparently from all the x-rays he took, my teeth and gums are not nearly as horrible in condition as I thought they were. However, the bridge DOES need to come out and replaced with implants, but I will do that over a gradual period of time. I'm going back next Monday for a deep cleaning and then we'll take it from there.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your support, dear friend. Muchly appreciated.
(((( Peg )))))
Have a great week!
Ugh sounds like you had a terrible week Ronny! I gotta say I am petrified of the dentist so that would have been a nightmare for me. Horrifying picture to match btw!
ReplyDeleteHey there cestlavie~
ReplyDeleteOMG, too funny because I JUST this second left a comment on your blog! I LOVED the video!!!
Yeah, it was a week from HELL, but thank god it's over. This week has started out MUCH better. My appointment with my dentist today went well, so I'm VERY happy about that - whew!
"Horrifying picture to match btw!"
HA! Isn't it retched? But it so totally depicts the way I felt and looked last week.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, girl! Have a wonderful evening!
WOW, that was some ordeal! I'm so sorry you had to go thru that but all the rinsing, Reiki, etc. certainly seemed to help the process. It wasn't easy, but atleast you didn't have to see that other awful doctor. *shudder*
ReplyDeleteFor future consideration .... is it possible for you to look into a dental school in Philly, maybe HUP has one?? Some have clinics I think were senior students do the work (supervised, of course) for a fraction of the cost of what a specialist would charge.
Hope you won't be posting any evidence of this week of horrors on your photo blog. LOL
Hope the rest of your week goes well.
Boo, that sucks Ron. I remember the stories from your last one & it sounded horrible then. Sucks that you had to go through it again. Your constant reminders that there are natural ways that we can heal ourselves is a great reminder for me though. I have never properly tried reflexology, but as you know love reiki & completely believe in the power of it to heal. I hope you are 100% soon. Healing thoughts sent your way.
Hey Crystal Chick~
ReplyDeleteI was JUST thinking you, how ironic!!!!
"but all the rinsing, Reiki, etc. certainly seemed to help the process. It wasn't easy, but atleast you didn't have to see that other awful doctor. *shudder*
You said it! Thank GOD, I had reflexology and reiki because it TRULY helped. I honestly don'think I could have gone through this without them. They both helped tremendously with the pain.
"is it possible for you to look into a dental school in Philly, maybe HUP has one?? Some have clinics I think were senior students do the work (supervised, of course) for a fraction of the cost of what a specialist would charge."
Funny you mentioned that because my mother suggested the same thing! I know U of Penn has a great dental school, so I may check it out. Thank you for the suggestion.
After talking to my dentist today, it looks like I won't need as much work done as I thought. But the bridge DOES have to come out and implants put in, and that's gonna be costly - oy!
"Hope you won't be posting any evidence of this week of horrors on your photo blog. LOL"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! No, I promise....no photos! Actually, I tried very hard not to actually LOOK at the abscess until it burst, because I know seeing it would have probably made me have pain.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a great week!
P.S. hope your jewelry party was a smashing success!
Hiya Katherine~
ReplyDelete"I remember the stories from your last one & it sounded horrible then. Sucks that you had to go through it again."
OMG, yes, do you remember that? I can't believe it was over a year ago?!?!
"Your constant reminders that there are natural ways that we can heal ourselves is a great reminder for me though. I have never properly tried reflexology, but as you know love reiki & completely believe in the power of it to heal."
Honestly, if it weren't for both reiki AND reflexology I don't think I could have gone through this as easily as I did. They helped tremendously with the pain AND to bring the abscess to drain on it's own. When I first started practicing these modalities I had no idea how POWERFUL they both were/are. But as you already know, reiki is some amazing energy, isn't it?
Thank you for both stopping by and for your healing thoughts, my friend. I REALLY appreciate it!
((((( Katherine )))))))
I feel soooooooooo much better today. All went well with the dentist too - yipeeeeee!
Have a great week!
AAAHHHhhhh! Yeah, I've been through the whole abscess thing as well. The only time I've ever been happy to have a needle jabbed into my gums was when I was dealing with an abscess. They're nothing to mess with. Here's hoping that you're to get that thing permanently taken care of. *shudder*
ReplyDeleteNow...what were you going to tell us about your blog template? Heh..sorry. Was looking forward to the story ;-)
Howdy Herman~
ReplyDelete"AAAHHHhhhh! Yeah, I've been through the whole abscess thing as well. The only time I've ever been happy to have a needle jabbed into my gums was when I was dealing with an abscess."
You said it! Aren't they the WORST? I've had several in my life, but the last two were perhaps the biggest pains in my ass.
Or rather, my mouth - HA!
Yes, I after seeing my dentist today we've decided that the bridge needs to come out so that this does NOT happen again. I'm not looking forward to the proceedure, but it's got to be done.
"Now...what were you going to tell us about your blog template? Heh..sorry. Was looking forward to the story ;-)"
It's just very confusing because some people are NOT seeing the white background (like me), but others say they're viewing the template completely whole. I think it must have something to do with the different browsers.
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy! Have a great week!
X to you and the family!
Hi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteWe just got back yesterday from our relative's house, so I am catching up. Hubby's Aunt doesn't have a computer so, I haven't been in touch.
Wow! D's cousin had also an abcess of the same type this year! It is really painful. He had pain and had to sleep a lot. He just took painkillers and rested. Well, it drained like you, all of a sudden and he felt much better.
I am so glad that yours came out too! You will have to see about doing that bridge work. I surely know that dental work isn't cheap! It sounds like you have a nice dentist :)
Big hugs to ya and see ya soon.
Oh, good grief, Ron, you poor sweetie! I'm SO glad it all healed up OK.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely dread this happening to me. My dentist, too, is a wonderful man, but not only have I always had a fear of dentists, but I had oral cancer a number of years back and since then 1) my fear has increased because I'm convinced that one day he's going to say 'Houston, we have a problem' (yes, he really does speak like that!) and 2) the two ops on my tongue have left my mouth feeling numb in places, and super-sensitive in others. Oh yeah, and I'm allergic to most antibiotics! So the thought of having major work done, like maybe an extraction, is enough to make me hyperventilate, let alone an abscess!
I don't envy you having the work done, but clearly you must. :(
Hey Barbara~
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, my friend! Hope you and D had a wonderful time.
"Wow! D's cousin had also an abcess of the same type this year! It is really painful. He had pain and had to sleep a lot. He just took painkillers and rested. Well, it drained like you, all of a sudden and he felt much better."
OMG...you kidding? How weird is that? It must be the time of the year for getting tooth abscesses - HA!
I'm so glad to hear D's cousin is feeling much better after it drained. I felt like a MILLION bucks after mine did.
Yup, I saw my dentist yesterday and will have to have the bridge removed. He's first going do a deep cleaning on my teeth and then set up an appointment to have the bridge removed. I am not looking forward to that, but it NEEDS to be done.
Thanks oodles for stopping by, my friend! I saw that you posted your final guest photo blogger today, so I'll be over soon!
Have a wonderful week!
(((( Barb ))))
Hellooooooooooooooo Jay~
ReplyDeleteThank you. I am too! I feel a ZILLION times better this week.
YIKES! You've had oral cancer? It's ironic you mentioned that because while I was waiting to see my dentist yesterday, he had a DVD playing on a screen in the waiting room area and it was about the signs of oral cancer and what to look for.
But I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to hear that you're doing okay and that all is well.
(((( Jay )))))
"Oh yeah, and I'm allergic to most antibiotics! So the thought of having major work done, like maybe an extraction, is enough to make me hyperventilate, let alone an abscess!"
I know of several other people who are allergic to most antibiotics also. I try very hard not to take them unless it's TOTALLY necessary because they can also destroy a lot of good bacteria in your body if you take them too long. Whenever I get the flu or a really bad cold, I take natural antibiotics and they work wonderful.
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady! Always FAB seeing ya! Have a VUNDERBAR week!
Damn, Ron!! My mouth hurts after reading this!!
ReplyDeleteHey Meleah~
ReplyDelete"Damn, Ron!! My mouth hurts after reading this!!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! I know, isn't it horrible? I'm just soooo glad it's over and done with.
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Hope you're feeling better and having a great week!
'I try very hard not to take them unless it's TOTALLY necessary because they can also destroy a lot of good bacteria in your body if you take them too long. Whenever I get the flu or a really bad cold, I take natural antibiotics and they work wonderful.'
ReplyDeleteThat happened to Sid. He had a course of Clindamycin and it wiped out his gut flora - he had the most horrible bloody colitis. He screamed when he pooped. :( I had to give him probiotics for weeks.
But what are these natural antibiotics of which you speak? Do you eat mouldy bread??
OMG you poor baby. i hate any pain inside the mouth, those nerves do not play. i rather push a turkey out of the smallest opening on my body than have tooth pain. i will rock back and forth for you, but you're better now. right. yes. good.
ReplyDeleteHey there Jay~
ReplyDelete"That happened to Sid. He had a course of Clindamycin and it wiped out his gut flora - he had the most horrible bloody colitis. He screamed when he pooped. :( I had to give him probiotics for weeks."
Yes, that's exactly what I'm taking now after I finished the very strong penicillin I took for a week. Probiotics are wonderful. You can also find them in yogurt.
The natural antibiotics I'm referring to are Echinacea and Goldenseal. I purchase them in a liquid form together. The liguid form works faster than the capsule form. It tastes bitter, but it works. You should be able find them in any natural health food store in your area.
The brand I use is called: Nature's Answer. And it's very inexpensive.
Honestly, it works GREAT! I always keep a bottle at home just in case I feel like I'm starting to get a cold, so it knocks it right out of me.
Echinacea and Goldenseal are two natural herbs that promote a healthy immune system. You can find information online about them.
Hey V~
ReplyDeleteGreat to see ya, girl!
(((( you ))))
"i rather push a turkey out of the smallest opening on my body than have tooth pain."
Bwhahahahahhahaahahahahaha! OMG...that was HILARIOUS!!!!!!
But you're so right, those nerves do NOT play.
Yes, I'm muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better now, thank God!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, V. Hope you're having a wonderful week.
Hasn't the weather been great?
Oh mannnnn! I am sorry you had to go through all that!!!!! NOT the best week, indeed. It's awesome though that you were able to clear things up with the meds and home treatment. I believe there are so many people things can do naturally to help with their health. Not that I don't accept an antibiotic the minute a doctor tells me I need one, mind you! But to help with sinus infections? Let's just say this. Nasal Douche.
ReplyDeleteStill talking to me?
Hey Ron, I have had weeks like this before my friend, I remember the trouble you had last year with the oral surgeon and don't blame you for skip[ping him this time, glad you are feeling better Buddy.
ReplyDeleteAs far as your blog it looks great but I am sending you an email about my thoughts on where the white background went :^)
Dearest bestie,
ReplyDeleteUm, that is just dreadful. I've never had an abscess but i do have a root canal and it gets very painful all the time, which is weird, since isn't the nerve supposed to be dead?? i would ask my dentist, but if you can recall, i avoid him like the plague.
i too dont have dental insurance, which is part of the reason why I don't go. isnt that just awful?? America is going to be one very uneducated, bad mouthed country one day..
Hope you feel better, peaches! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI was feeling sorry for myself with a crappy week of it....and then I landed here.
((((((((((((( Ron ))))))))))))))))
Geeze.......when you get it, you get it good!
(the good news is I was finished with my coffee before I read...cuz now I'm really finished with my coffee....o m g)
Good Morning Katherine~
ReplyDelete"Let's just say this. Nasal Douche."
Bwhahahahahahahahahhaha! OMG....that CRACKED ME THE HELL UP!!!!
Brilliant, dear lady!
And thank you, yes, I'm so glad that the abscess cleared up too. I feel soooooooooooo much better this week!
Much thanks for stopping by and for the great laugh!
Have a super day, Katherine!
Hey there Jimmy~
ReplyDelete"I remember the trouble you had last year with the oral surgeon and don't blame you for skip[ping him this time..."
Yup...and there was NO WAY IN HELL that man was going to touch me again.
Hey, and I heard from my dentist when I saw him on Monday, that the oral surgeon RETIRED earlier this year and sold his practice.
Thanks for stopping by, bud. And for your email - I got it this morning.
Have a great day!
X to you and Cindy!
Hiya Mel~
ReplyDelete"Geeze.......when you get it, you get it good!"
Ain't that the truth. I hardly ever get sick, but when I do it's MAJOR!
"the good news is I was finished with my coffee before I read...cuz now I'm really finished with my coffee....o m g) "
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you're having a better this week too!
((((( Mel )))))
Hey Bestie Blunt~
ReplyDeleteOMG...you would DIE! Having an abscess is probably the worse pain you can experience because it effects your WHOLE body.
It's feels like someone is sticking a pin inside you gums - OUCH!
Yes, I've had a few root canals myself. I think reason you might feel pain is because when they do a root canal they don't always take the WHOLE root out. Sometimes they leave one or even two.
"i too dont have dental insurance, which is part of the reason why I don't go. isnt that just awful?? America is going to be one very uneducated, bad mouthed country one day.."
Isn't that the truth! It's not good for those of use who are independent contractors, is it?
Thanks for stopping by, girl. And yes, I feel soooooooooooo much better!
...Holy crap! (((((((HUG)))))))) Seriously, I don't know how you did it Ron! I would've went to the ER, I cannot. take. tooth. pain. Nada. Zip. Zilch. And the description of it all, this was right out of Stephen King! You poor thing!
ReplyDelete...I need to learn more regarding this reflexology that you speak of, I love stuff like that! :o)
...I laughed out loud at how demure you were in describing last week, "A. PIECE. OF. POOP." So sweet. I don't think I could've described it without throwing in a few choice expletives here 'n' there. lol...
...Well, I am glad to hear you won and that you are doing better! You get that taken care of and right away too please. :o)
...Whew! Now I feel a lil' nauseous. Eck! *shudders* :o\
...Blessings :o)
I'm so glad you're feeling better now Ronnie. And thank you ever so much for the advance warning. Otherwise there might have been a mighty sick girl here in Texas unable to peel herself away from the rim of the commode to type this comment to you :) So grateful! Yes, I do recall you saying that oral surgeon was a piece of, uh, work. Hope this week is going well for you mi amigo :) sending love, Diane
ReplyDeleteHey there TJ~
ReplyDelete"Seriously, I don't know how you did it Ron! I would've went to the ER, I cannot. take. tooth. pain. Nada. Zip. Zilch. And the description of it all, this was right out of Stephen King! You poor thing!
Bwhahahahhahahahaaha! OMG, how funny.....right out of Stephen King!!!!
Yup...that's about what it looked like too!
"...I need to learn more regarding this reflexology that you speak of, I love stuff like that! :o)"
Oh, you would LOVE reflexology, as well as reiki. And something about your 'energy' tells me that YOU would be a natural for it, too!
"A. PIECE. OF. POOP." So sweet. I don't think I could've described it without throwing in a few choice expletives here 'n' there. lol..."
Trust me, I wanted to use a more harsher word, but I didn't want to offend my readers. The word began with an F and ended in a K - HA!
Yes, I'm much better now, thank you. And yes, I will be taking care of this bridge within the next month. I have too, because I do not want to go through this again.
Thank you so much for stopping by, dear lady! Hope you're having a wonderful week!
((((( TJ )))))
Hiya Diane~
ReplyDelete"And thank you ever so much for the advance warning. Otherwise there might have been a mighty sick girl here in Texas unable to peel herself away from the rim of the commode to type this comment to you :)"
And can you believe I actually tried to temper the description down a bit, as not to make it as graphic as it was!
Yes, thank you, I'm MUCH better now and will be taking care of this bridge work within the next month. And gratefully, I just found out that the oral surgeon who I saw last year for my other abscess as RETIRED and is no longer in practice - yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my dear friend. Hope you're having a great week!
X to you and Cristybella!
What a complete nightmare. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. All I can think about is when horses get abscesses in their hooves. Same thing. It builds, the pain can be so terrible that they can't hardly walk. Then, it will break and they are fine. Hope the dentist can prevent this from happening ever again.
ReplyDeleteHey Jen~
ReplyDeleteOY...I'm just SO GLAD it's over! The one I had last year was much worse, but dealing with that horrible oral surgeon was the worst part of it. He was so nasty.
Yes, I'm having this bridge taken care of soon so that it doesn't happen in the future.
I had no idea that horses got abscesses in their hooves. Wow...that must be so painful for them because how can even stand?
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a wonderful weekend!