Friday night when I got home from work and opened my mailbox, I extracted a white and green envelope baring those DREADED words.
And I love how they use an exclamation point at the end of TURN!
As if they’re saying, “SURPRISE! And you BETTER show up or you may be held in contempt of court, and subjected to a $500.00 fine and/or 10 days in prison.”
10 days in PRISON?!?!?!?!
Honestly, I think that’s a bit extreme, don’t you?
Let’s see, I either have the choice of showing up with the possibility of getting selected for the jury and making a whopping $9.00 per day, OR, I can not show up and possibly end up paying a $500.00 fine and/or spend 10 days in prison in a lovely semi-private cell with a non-private toilet, and NO windows.
*tapping my chin*
Decisions, decisions.
Well, I think I’ll choose door #2.…NOT show up.
Actually, I’m not going to NOT show up, however I AM going to plead hardship because I work as an independent contractor, therefore I don’t receive the benefit of being compensated for jury duty absence.
This happened to me two years ago, when I was called in and got out of it because I told them that I was my only financial provider, so if I missed work I couldn’t pay my rent and would end up living on the street in a cardboard box; selling pencils.
Graciously, they granted me a pardon and said that I wouldn’t be summoned again for five years.
Excuse me, but it’s only been TWO years. Can’t they COUNT????
Anyway, I plan on mailing in my hardship request today to see if they will pardon me once again, because the summons date is right after Thanksgiving Day and I CANNOT miss work during one of the busiest times in retail.
So pray for me, okay? And hopefully I’ll be granted another pardon.
Because I really don’t relish the thought of spending 10 days in prison with a toothless cigar-smoking roommate named BIG BEN; being forced to play ‘drop the soap’ in a shower stall.

Note: if you have some extra time this week, please take 3 minutes and view the video on my sidebar. The music is utterly haunting (from the movie "Edward Scissorhands"). It's a touching tribute to my favorite actress of all time - Vivien Leigh. To me, Vivien Leigh was a beauty beyond belief. Please enjoy.
You get paid for jury service? Wow! It might not be much but it's more than we have. I was fortunate in being excused jury duty for ever because I worked for the wrong, sorry, right people. There was every chance I might know something about the defendants and my work could have influenced the jury. How's that for a good excuse! I hope your plea is accepted. Going back now to listen to the music. Yeah, I know, I should have done that first.
ReplyDeleteHope your week goes really, really well.
Good morning, Ron! I'm hoping I get this comment thing figured out this gi-round. I commented using my real name last time :P
ReplyDeleteI hate that you got that dreaded letter in the mail and hope that you get your pardon. I have been a registered voter for 25 years and, knock on wood, haven't found one of those in my mail *yet*.
Hope you have a fab week... and in case I can't figure out Disqus, I'll sign this,
I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS RON.....I also got summoned last week!!! It pisses me off because it's my fourth time, the third time in the last seven years. Fortunately, since I just did my damn duty in April 2010, I was excused because here, you can only serve every two years........
ReplyDeleteWhich makes me ask the obvious.........wouldn't you think they'd have something to keep them from issuing summons to those who've just served......hmmmm....I don't know, maybe like a freaking COMPUTER PROGRAM or something??? Sheesh, I could write them up a BASIC language program that would do the trick from my 1980 programming class!!!
I certainly hope you can get out of it again........ most people cannot afford to work for $9/day (we get $10 here!!! - jealous?). The biggest joke of it is that the $10 just about pays for your parking.
Oh this topic gets me going, doesn't it?
You poor thing. I've gotten out of jury duty every time. It seems each time I got a notice we were just about to move either out of the country or state. So, I've never even had to show up. I think I'm jinxing myself now. It's really too bad just about everyone feels this way. It's supposed to be this wonderful aspect of living in America but it ends up being a hardship.
ReplyDeleteAh yes....the dreaded postcard.
ReplyDeleteWe get those, too. I've showed up and been dismissed every time. I'm not sure why that is--I think I'd make a good little juror!
I'm compassionate.
I'm thorough.
I'm reliable.
I'm willing.
I have no fear of dropped soap.....
Not once. Never.
Dismissed every time. But they do thank me kindly for showing up!
Jury duty - I'm always torn between doing my civic duty and the fact that I couldn't be an impartial juror - EVER! We only get $7.00, I think. I'll keep a good thought for you because really it is a hardship for most working people.
ReplyDeleteVivian, she was so beautiful and so troubled. I absolutely LOVE her! Thanks for sharing that amazing video.
You get $9 over there? We only get $5, well, for the first few days and then it's more after that I think. Ooh, and free parking! :)
ReplyDeleteFor many years, I was able to use the reason that I was caring for minor children but the state finally got wise and figured the kids must have grown up at some point so they continued to send the summons. ha! The first time I actually went to the courthouse I sat in the room waiting to be called but never was. Then, when it was time to break for lunch they said anyone still waiting could leave for the day since the remaining cases settled. The last time I went I was called into a courtroom but it was for a medical malpractice case that was going to go on for 2-3 months. I had a doctor's note with me and talked to the judge about it. I was dismissed without any trouble. I certainly would have done my duty for a day or a few days, but months... no way. I'm not sure, but I think we can be called every 3 years in NJ.
My husband doesn't get paid if he misses work so he is always excused for the financial hardship reason. He first has to check that box and send it in, then he gets denied, then he sends a letter from his boss and they grant him the exemption. He would gladly serve if he got paid for the time out of work.
I hope you get excused! But if you don't, I'll be looking forward to a VERY interesting post about BIG BEN sometime after you get released from prison. Hey, maybe you could offer him some Reiki to help soothe the savage beast. ;)
Have a sweet week. x
Hi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteTalk about surprises! Oh my goodness... I ca
Hi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteSorry about my first comment; it was sent out when I didn't even finish!
Talk about surprises!! I can't get over that fine. I hope that they review each case because I am sure that there are people that have sound reasons to say no. Like you being self-employed and no work means no pay.
I was never summoned for jury duty. Good luck,perhaps, or I left the country before they got around to using me!
Good luck to you for the pardon. I can't believe that they asked you again!
I am think we are all will be dying to hear the outcome,too. To make sure that you won't be enjoying a semi-private flat furnished by the loving care of the PA Penitentiary system!
Hang in there, too. xo
Jury duty?!? That sucks, Ron, especially since they're not even standing by the five-year grace period. I got nailed for jury duty last year, but the two parties settled before we heard a word of testimony. Good luck getting out of it! I don't want you to be spending any time with Big Ben! Take care, buddy!
ReplyDeleteLooking at our economy and lack of a budget, I don't think the government passed math class...maybe they skipped that day!
ReplyDeleteGood morning Valerie~
ReplyDeleteYes, we do get paid for jury service. Well, that is, if you can call $9.00 a day getting paid - HA! Many companies here, will often pay their employees for attending jury duty, but since I'm an independent contractor, I receive that benefit.
"I was fortunate in being excused jury duty for ever because I worked for the wrong, sorry, right people. There was every chance I might know something about the defendants and my work could have influenced the jury. How's that for a good excuse!"
Way to go, Valerie! Lucky you!!!
I've gotten off several times, so hopefully they'll pardon me again.
*fingers crossed*
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you enjoyed the video clip. I ADORE Vivien Leigh. What a talented beauty she was!
Have a grrrrrrrreat week!
Greetings MYFWBS~
ReplyDeleteYes, your comment came through. You did it! YAY! It's funny, because it took me a few seconds to figure out it was YOU when you made your last comment on my previous post :)
"I hate that you got that dreaded letter in the mail and hope that you get your pardon. I have been a registered voter for 25 years and, knock on wood, haven't found one of those in my mail *yet*."
You GO, girl!
Yes, I wasn't registered to vote when I first moved back east, so for the longest time I NEVER got called. However, right after I got a voter's card, BAM, they called me. DAMN! But, so far, everytime they've called me I've been pardoned. Let's hope it happens again.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a fab week!
Hey there Bijoux~
ReplyDelete"I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS RON.....I also got summoned last week!!!"
OMG...you're kidding me?!?! How IRONIC!
"Fortunately, since I just did my damn duty in April 2010, I was excused because here, you can only serve every two years......."
YAY! Good for you!!!!!
"Which makes me ask the obvious.........wouldn't you think they'd have something to keep them from issuing summons to those who've just served......hmmmm....I don't know, maybe like a freaking COMPUTER PROGRAM or something???"
Yes, you would think so. I mean last time they told me I wouldn't be called again for five years, so I was confused as to why I got called so soon!?!?
"I certainly hope you can get out of it again........ most people cannot afford to work for $9/day (we get $10 here!!! - jealous?). The biggest joke of it is that the $10 just about pays for your parking."
HA! You're right! But Ooooo...I AM jealous you get $10.00!!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. And thanks for wishes that I get pardoned. I keep you posted.
Have a grrrrrrrrreat week.....X
Hey there Jen~
ReplyDelete" I've gotten out of jury duty every time. It seems each time I got a notice we were just about to move either out of the country or state. So, I've never even had to show up."
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay....lucky you!!!! I'm so hoping they pardon me again because I truly cannot miss any work after Thanksgiving because that's the time of the year when I get A LOT of hours, and I have to work them.
"It's really too bad just about everyone feels this way. It's supposed to be this wonderful aspect of living in America but it ends up being a hardship."
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. ALways great to see ya!
Have a super week.....X
Hiya Mel~
ReplyDelete" I'm not sure why that is--I think I'd make a good little juror!
I'm compassionate.
I'm thorough.
I'm reliable.
I'm willing.
I have no fear of dropped soap....."
Bwhahahahahahahahahaha! OMG...that line CRACKED ME UP!
And even though you'd make a GREAT juror, CONGRATS for not ever being selected. I'm hoping they do the same for me.
Thanks oodles for stopping by, dear lady. Have a terrific week!
(((( Mel ))))
hi Ronnie,
ReplyDeletedarnit! One of the least exciting letters to open. Seems I get a similar version in my mailbox about every 18 months. I went earlier this year and was absolutely holding my breath as they called the juror numbers to be selected on the trial because it was capital murder and the thought of it just made me quake. Big sigh of relief when they passed me over. Huge. Hope that you get another pass this time! I actually like going to justice of the peace courts because the jury panel watches the weddings before they get started on the trials. That's always a happy thing :)
Thank you for your wonderfully supportive comments. I'm going to watch the Vivien Leigh tribute while my stats model executes (I'll have a few minutes of waiting)....
xo, diane
Mornin' Nitebyrd~
ReplyDelete"Jury duty - I'm always torn between doing my civic duty and the fact that I couldn't be an impartial juror - EVER!"
Meeeeeeeeeeee too! That's why as much as I would have LOVED to been lawyer (and I really did think about doing that), I couldn't be impartial if I knew someone was guilty. That's the LIBRA in me - HA!
"Vivian, she was so beautiful and so troubled. I absolutely LOVE her! Thanks for sharing that amazing video."
So glad you enjoyed the video. I had a feeling you would. And you're right....she was SO beautiful and SO troubled. I once read her biography and wept at the end. She died way too young.
Thanks for stopping by, Sis! Have a great week!
X ya!
Hey there Barb~
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to your comment?!?!?
Hey there Rob~
ReplyDelete"That sucks, Ron, especially since they're not even standing by the five-year grace period."
I know, can you believe that? Here, I thought I'd be free for FIVE years, but noooooooooo...I got called again - DRATS!
" I got nailed for jury duty last year, but the two parties settled before we heard a word of testimony."
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.... lucky you!!!!
"Good luck getting out of it! I don't want you to be spending any time with Big Ben!"
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a super week!
I served last year. It was actually a pretty cool experience. I'd do it again without whining because it was so interesting.
ReplyDeleteYa, you don't make squat and that part seems a bit crappy, but then again, if they made it a money maker people would want to serve just for the money and not because they could be impartial.
You could always ask to defer service until s month when work isn't so crazy. They allow that here and might in Philly too. Now pull up your big boy panties and do your civic duty else Big Ben and his meat Popsicle are going to be paying you a visit!
Hey there Mary~
ReplyDelete"You get $9 over there? We only get $5, well, for the first few days and then it's more after that I think. Ooh, and free parking! :)"
OMG....I can't believe Jersey only pays $5.00?!?! Hell, that wouldn't even pay for a venti frappuccino at Starbucks - HA!
"The last time I went I was called into a courtroom but it was for a medical malpractice case that was going to go on for 2-3 months. I had a doctor's note with me and talked to the judge about it. I was dismissed without any trouble."
Yaaaaaaaaaay....good for you!
"My husband doesn't get paid if he misses work so he is always excused for the financial hardship reason. He first has to check that box and send it in, then he gets denied, then he sends a letter from his boss and they grant him the exemption. He would gladly serve if he got paid for the time out of work."
Luckily, that's always been the case for me too. I've gotten pardoned for the financial hardship reason, buy I've never had to send in a letter from my boss, they just pardoned me after I explained my situation.
"I hope you get excused! But if you don't, I'll be looking forward to a VERY interesting post about BIG BEN sometime after you get released from prison. Hey, maybe you could offer him some Reiki to help soothe the savage beast."
Bwhahahahahhahaahhahaa! OMG....that made me HOWL! Thanks for the great Monday morning laugh!!! And yeah, I'll be sure to keep you guys posted as to the outcome.
Have a sweet week, neighbor! Aren't you LOVIN' this gorgeous weather?
Hiya SuziCate~
ReplyDelete"Looking at our economy and lack of a budget, I don't think the government passed math class...maybe they skipped that day!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Touche' my friend! Touche'!
Thanks for stopping by, Suzi! And thanks for the great laugh!
Have a MARVI Monday.....X
Hey Jeff~
ReplyDelete"I served last year. It was actually a pretty cool experience. I'd do it again without whining because it was so interesting."
Actually, I truly wouldn't mind serving at all if I got compensated from my job, because I too think it would be interesting. I always had this desire to be a lawyer.
"Ya, you don't make squat and that part seems a bit crappy, but then again, if they made it a money maker people would want to serve just for the money and not because they could be impartial."
Good point! And I think you're right!
"You could always ask to defer service until s month when work isn't so crazy. They allow that here and might in Philly too."
Thanks for the suggestion, I may just do that.
" Now pull up your big boy panties and do your civic duty else Big Ben and his meat Popsicle are going to be paying you a visit!"
Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha! OMG...that made me HOWL!!!
Thanks for stopping by, bud! And thanks for the great laugh! Enjoy your week!
Good morning Diane~
ReplyDelete"Seems I get a similar version in my mailbox about every 18 months. I went earlier this year and was absolutely holding my breath as they called the juror numbers to be selected on the trial because it was capital murder and the thought of it just made me quake. Big sigh of relief when they passed me over."
Whew! I would have been so relieved too! Although, I bet that case would have been very interesting, but not easy.
Hope you enjoy the video. I LOVED Vivien Leigh. She was both a breathtaking beauty, as well as talented! She died much too young (at 53 years old).
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear friend. Have a wonderful week!
X to you and Cristybella!
P.S. LOVE your blog!
I got called for Jury Duty once. And I actually went! It was perhaps one of the most rewarding people watching experiences of alltime...beat out only by going to Wal-Mart in the wee hours.
Hey there Nancy~
ReplyDeleteGREAT to see ya!
"I got called for Jury Duty once. And I actually went! It was perhaps one of the most rewarding people watching experiences of alltime...beat out only by going to Wal-Mart in the wee hours."
I wouldn't actually mind serving jury duty, because I really think it would be a cool experience. Not mention, giving me some GREAT blog fodder!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you're enjoying the FALL and wearing your black turtlenecks! I've actually wore mine this past weekend!
Have a super week....X
Ron, can you believe I've never been called to serve jury duty? Now that I've said that, I probably will!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I would mind, because I think it would be kind of interesting. However I know that some cases can go on forever.
Have a great week!
Hola Denise~
ReplyDeleteOMG...you've never been called for jury duty? How luck you are!
Yes, I truly wouldn't mind serving because I too think it would be interesting. However, I only wish I had the benefit of getting jury duty pay at work. And also, that it wasn't at a particulary busy time in retail.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl! Have a FAB week!
Hey there Peg~
ReplyDeleteAw....thanks, my friend. I too am hoping to get another pardon. Like I shared in my comments, I wouldn't mind serving at all. However, I don't have company benefits in my line of work, Therefore, if I don't work...I don't get paid.
" I have always thought that Vivien Leigh was breathtakingly beautiful. They surely picked the right actress to play Scarlett. I don't think any other actress could have held a candle to her performance. It was like the role was written with her in mind!"
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay....another Vivien Leigh fan! Wasn't she a BEAUTY? And also incredibly talented? There was no one like her. And I agree..."I don't think ANY other actress could have played Scarlett like she did.
She WAS Scarlett!
And it makes me cringe when I hear talk of Hollywood doing a REMAKE of the movie! Ewwwwwwwwww!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear friend! Have a wonderful week!
ronnie, i have the plan and it's FOOLPROOF...with a few caveats anyway...firstly get diagnosed with some mental illness or other-depression, split personality, that sort of thing-then guess what? weeeell, do you think they want YOU to be a witness for either/or? hell no!
ReplyDeleteyou do need the written note, like grade school, you are indeed diagnosed and it is indeed, real and then you are off jury duty for the rest of your life! it is one of the few caveats [sadly-weeping] but i'll take what i can get...thought you'd appreciate my input! xoxoxoxo
oh vivienne, such a beauty.... and such a sad story and such sad music...weeping....again....
ReplyDeleteIt was so long ago that I did jury service that I don't remember if I had a choice. We also didn't get picked out of many once we got there. You receive the letter and just turn up on the day. I did get expenses, but again I don't remember how much that was. I have a feeling that I actually made a few pounds out of it. I was at college at the time, so only lost out on my course work.
ReplyDeleteI never got asked again, thankfully, because I became self employed soon after. Like you, I would have possibly lost out financially in those circumstances.
I hope you manage to get out of it again. I don't want you getting a soap aversion ;)
Too funny...I just got summoned myself last month (first time since living here...which has been fifteen years!). You'd think since I'm unemployed I'd jump at the chance to get out of the house and interact with other people, but noooo...I asked for a postponement. I'm just not crazy over the idea of sitting around in a stuffy room with nine of my peers talking about whether Hector ran the stop sign or not.
ReplyDeleteThen again, playing Drop The Soap doesn't sound particularly inviting, either. Even if it's a bar of Dove...
Bad luck. :( I hope they pardon you again! I'd hate to see you living in a cardboard box selling pencils, because I bet you wouldn't get a decent wi-fi connection in there, and then where would we be?
ReplyDeleteI've never been called for Jury service, and I don't relish the thought. They idea of trying to stay awake on hard chairs all day, let alone the terrible responsibility of trying to decide if someone is guilty of a serious crime or not, with their fate partly in my hands, is not a prospect I look forward to with any joy whatsoever.
Hey there Linda~
ReplyDelete"firstly get diagnosed with some mental illness or other-depression, split personality, that sort of thing-then guess what? weeeell, do you think they want YOU to be a witness for either/or? hell no!"
OMG, that's BRILLIANT! But, I don't think I'd have to get diagnosed, because I KNOW I'm mentally ill already - HA!
I'm hoping that I will be pardoned once again, by telling them about my work situation. I honestly wouldn't mind serving, but why couldn't they ask me when I'm off work, like during the summer months?!?!
Oh, well....cross your fingers for me that I am pardoned.
Thanks so much for stopping by, dearest lady! Hope you had a lovely Monday! The weather here today has been GORGEOUS, so I went out this afternoon and took a TON of photos!
((((( Linda ))))))
Hello again Linda~
ReplyDeleteOMG... I know, when I first watched this video I wept too! I think it's the combination of the haunting music and the stunning photos of her.
Wasn't she such a beauty?
Thanks so much for taking the time to view this tribute to my favorite star....Vivien Leigh!
Hey Babs~
ReplyDeleteYes, we really don't have a choice here in the States either, however, if it's a case of illness or something like, self-employment, they often do grant a pardon. I'm hoping they grant me that again because it's such bad timing.
"I hope you manage to get out of it again. I don't want you getting a soap aversion ;)"
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Hope you had a MARVI Monday!
Enjoy your week.....X
Howdy Mark~
ReplyDelete"Too funny...I just got summoned myself last month (first time since living here...which has been fifteen years!)."
OMG...you're kidding? You TOO????? YIKES, there's a few of us here in blogland who just recently got summoned.
I just wish it had been at a different time because Nov. thru Dec. is such a busy time for me at work. And it's a great time for me to make a lot of extra money.
"Then again, playing Drop The Soap doesn't sound particularly inviting, either. Even if it's a bar of Dove..."
Bwhahahahahahahahaha! Mark, you KILL ME, man!
Thanks for stopping by, buddy! Have a super week!
Hey there Jay!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYaaaaaaaaaay! You're back! I was so happy to see that you posted yesterday. I've been DYING to hear about your trip to Italy. Can't wait!
"I'd hate to see you living in a cardboard box selling pencils, because I bet you wouldn't get a decent wi-fi connection in there, and then where would we be?"
Bwhahahahahahahahahaha! OMG, Jay....that made HOWL! How clever and witty of you! LOVE your humor, my friend!
WOW...that's great you've never been called for jury duty!
Well, I've been called to serve several times already, but luckily got pardoned. So, I'm HOPING and PRAYING that I get pardoned once again.
I actually wouldn't mind serving if it were at a different time. However, Nov. and Dec. are so busy for me and I just can't take off.
*cross your fingers for me*
Thanks so much for stopping by. And WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!
Have great week!
Fingers crossed for you Ron!
ReplyDeleteJury Duty? Argh! Listen, I know it's a "privilege" to serve on a jury, but simply don't see it that way. And it seems as if every three years, like clockwork, I'm selected. I smell a conspiracy...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I really hope you're able to opt out this go around!
Hey there Katherine~
ReplyDeleteThank you, my friend!
And thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your week!
Howdy Herman~
ReplyDelete"Jury Duty? Argh! Listen, I know it's a "privilege" to serve on a jury, but simply don't see it that way."
Thank you.
"And it seems as if every three years, like clockwork, I'm selected. I smell a conspiracy..."
*sniff, sniff*
Hey, I think you're right! And for me, it seems like every TWO years!
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy! Hope you had a great Monday.
Enjoy your week!
X to you and the family!
I've not been called for Jury Service *yet* and would not have an excuse not to go being retired. I can understand your reluctance if you would lose income and not be compensated. I hope they understand and let you off this time Ron. x
ReplyDeleteGood morning Akelamalu~
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, m'dear! It's so great to see you! Hope you and MWM had a nice, relaxing weekend!
Yes, that's the thing....I would definitely lose income, if selected. So, I'm crossing my fingers for another pardon. I should know in about a week.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Looking foward to your posts!
Have a super week!
I'll scream "pardonnez-lui" as hard as I can from the mountain top in the Alps... if it doesn't work, I swear I'll bring you oranges. Or stinky French cheese. Your choice.
ReplyDeleteBonjour Susu~
ReplyDelete"I'll scream "pardonnez-lui" as hard as I can from the mountain top in the Alps... if it doesn't work, I swear I'll bring you oranges. Or stinky French cheese. Your choice."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, THANK YOU, my wonderful friend. I LOVE stinky French cheese!
Okay, I gotta remember that one...."pardonnes-lui!!!!"
Thanks so much for stopping by, beautiful lady! Hope you're having a wonderful time in the Alps!
like most of our systems, jury duty needs to be reformed so that it isn't a long, horrendous process
ReplyDeleteotherwise there will never be a jury of peers
Vivian Leigh was magical :)
AHHHHHHH JURY DUTY!!! One time I was in jury duty and they had NO food... the donuts were eaten early in the morning. By 1:00 people were STARVING and were locked in - not allowed to leave. It was outrageous. You know what totally worked for me? BREASTFEEDING! For THAT I was excused. Oh wait. You can't use that one. Darn. Well, you can't say I'm not trying.
ReplyDeleteAnother time I got out b/c of my gastroparesis... at that point there was a lot of ibs too so I told them I couldn't... I would have to excuse myself constantly. They agreed and I got off.
Oh geeze... two paragraphs and I've talked about two bodily functions. Well hey, that's OK cause you had a picture of spread butt cheeks last time... I'm on familiar territory LOLOLOL!
Hey there Lady Dianne~
ReplyDeleteGREAT point and suggestion! You're right...if it wasn't such a LONG, horrendous process, maybe most people wouldn't be so hesitant to serve.
Yes, wasn't Vivien Leigh...simply magical? She had both amazing talent AND beauty.
And those EYES of hers.....piercing!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you're having a super week!
X to you and the gang!
Hiya Katherine~
ReplyDelete"You know what totally worked for me? BREASTFEEDING! For THAT I was excused. Oh wait. You can't use that one. Darn. Well, you can't say I'm not trying."
Bwhahahahhahahahahaha.....OMG, that was BRILLIANT!!! I HOWLED!
No, that's one excuse I CAN'T use - HA!
"Oh geeze... two paragraphs and I've talked about two bodily functions. Well hey, that's OK cause you had a picture of spread butt cheeks last time... I'm on familiar territory LOLOLOL!"
You're right, my friend.....you're on familiar territory. NOTHING is too much on this blog.
LOVED your comment!
Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you're enjoying a smashing week!
Definitely hope you can opt out Ron. And I would have done exactly the same if I was living in the US. It shouldn't be a duty at all...
ReplyDeleteGreetings Tatiana~
ReplyDeleteThank you. Hopefully, I'll get another pardon.
*fingers crossed*
Have a great day! And thank you for stopping by!
Yikes! And good luck with your hardship request! Fingers crossed you WILL NOT have to attend Jury Duty.
ReplyDeleteAh, jury duty. I remember being summoned for my very first trial -- an attempted murder trial no less. And then being saved in the 11th hour because the prosecution's case fell apart before it even started (a key witness refused to testify). Literally, the last minute. The judgey was all robed up and came in our room to tell us we were excused. Oh, happy day! I wish the same for you. In fact, I wish you better -- that you don't get called in at all because I'm sure you can kick ass selling upscale cosmetics, but I'm not so sure how well you'd do with pencils.
ReplyDeleteyou mean you don't want to go to prison for 10 years and/or pay a fine. i love the options, show up or else. you get 9$? i think you got more than me. truthfully i don't ever remember receiving my JD check. i served for months and it wasn't bad at all and i met one of my bestest friends there.
ReplyDeletehave fun.
Hey Meleah~
ReplyDeleteThank you, my Libra friend!
*fingers crossed*
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl! Have a great rest of your week!
Hey there Kathy~
ReplyDelete"And then being saved in the 11th hour because the prosecution's case fell apart before it even started (a key witness refused to testify). Literally, the last minute. The judgey was all robed up and came in our room to tell us we were excused. Oh, happy day!"
WOW! What a blessing!!!! I bet you were SO happy!
"that you don't get called in at all because I'm sure you can kick ass selling upscale cosmetics, but I'm not so sure how well you'd do with pencils."
HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA! Yeah, I think you're right! Well, it would either be pencils or my Beanie Baby collection and I DON'T want to give those up!
Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor. Hope you're having a GREAT week!
Hey lady V~
ReplyDelete" i love the options, show up or else."
I know, isn't that lovely? I can understand the fine, but PRISON????
"truthfully i don't ever remember receiving my JD check."
You're kidding me? You didn't get your money???? WOW.
"i served for months and it wasn't bad at all and i met one of my bestest friends there."
I actually wouldn't mind serving, but I ALWAYS seem to be called when it's the busiest time of the year for me at work. And if I don't work, I don't get paid - UGH!
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Hope you're having a MARVI week!
ReplyDeleteFirst I hope you can get out of jury duty. I know that's not fair to even call someone who works on commission and has no one else to help support them!
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I have always thought that Vivien Leigh was breathtakingly beautiful. They surely picked the right actress to play Scarlett. I don't think any other actress could have held a candle to her performance. It was like the role was written with her in mind!