I bet when you first read this post title on your feed reader, you thought I had posted about something dirty and risqué didn’t you?
Well then, SHIT, it didn’t work!
No, actually this post is about a pet peeve of mine.
Well, it’s probably more a combination of a pet peeve AND a psychological disturbance, due to a horrible childhood memory of going to Catholic school and serving time-out in a dark and tightly confined cloakroom closet, with the smell of moth balls, for committing the mortal sin of not knowing all Ten Commandments.
First, let me ask you a question. Have you ever used someone else’s computer and found that their browser toolbar had so many additional toolbars attached to it, that it resembled the second largest State in the U.S., Texas? It was so BIG, you only had about an inch clear to view a web page.
Kind of like this…..

Do you have any idea how much this makes me insane? Tell me, why the hell does anyone need THAT many toolbars?
You see, I have this ‘thing’ about needing a WIDE open space on my computer monitor with a minimal amount toolbar blocking my view.
I need SPACE while I’m on the Internet. And if I don’t have it, not only does it make me feel claustrophobic, but it also makes me feel like I can’t breathe – as though I’m suffocating.
And recalling moth balls.
The first thing I do when I get a new computer is make sure I uncheck all the additional toolbars that the browser initially comes with because I want a clean, simple, and very narrow toolbar at the top. If something is not absolutely necessary to be there, then I don’t want it on the toolbar blocking my view.
For the past zillion years, I’ve always used Internet Explorer for my browser and still do at times. However, if any of you also use IE, I’m sure you’ve experienced much of the same issues with it acting weird lately. Issues, like it not being compatible with certain web pages, and frequently freezing up (Internet Explorer has stopped working). I don’t know what’s going on with IE, but it’s quickly becoming my least favorite web browser.
A few months ago, I downloaded Google Chrome because I had heard it would work better with my new commenting format, Disqus. Well, can I just tell you something? It ROCKS! And not only because it’s much faster, gives a crisper look to a web page, and is more compatible with the Internet, but also because the toolbar is the thinnest toolbar have I ever seen. In fact, you barely even know it’s there.
Honestly, ever since downloading Chrome, I hardly use IE anymore. Yes, it took some getting use to because it works a little differently than IE, but once I got use to it….it was a breeze!
Oh, and getting back to my post title, A BIG Toolbar.
I leave you now with something dirty and risqué…..

It’s no wonder Victoria is always SMILING….

Wishing you a BIG weekend everyone!
I totally agree about Chrome and I love it's so-called toolbar. It took me a while to understand it but now that I do I'm a big fan. I have mine organised with pages I need quickly, saving them to 'new tab' ... it's perfect because they're all hidden behind the slender toolbar. When Chrome had a slight fit last week I tried IE again.... forget it, it is still useless. Firefox wasn't much better either. Now, about David Beckham........ slurps. Have a spectacular weekend.
ReplyDeletebwhahaha! You are a freakin' riot Ron!!! I am in total agreement with you about the whole toolbar thing. Why on earth would anyone NEED that many? It's weird. And uncalled for. I switched to Mozilla Firefox awhile ago and use Google Chrome also. I never, ever use IE anymore. Most of the time I am on my ipad anyway, but when I'm doing mega blogging, I use our desktop Dell and it's running Windows 7...very compatible with Firefox and Chrome. Have a fabulous weekend and keep on smiling!!! :)
RONALD!!!! Doesn't your MOTHER read this blog????
ReplyDeleteI have had the same problem with IE lately. Facebook doesn't work at ALL with it anymore. Drives me nuts! I too downloaded Google Chrome and use that now for facebook and gmail. But I haven't figured out how to get my Favorites that I imported from IE to be anywhere other than the top in a toolbar! I'd prefer my Favorites listed on the side so I can see the majority at once, instead of at the top, where you can only see 8 or so.
Have a super weekend, Ronnie!!! XO
Ron, I’m the SAME way! Go figure, ha ha!
ReplyDeleteIt drives me nuts when I download something, and then, POOF, my toolbar is CHANGED because when I “accepted” the software it had some stupid ass clause in there about Yahoo! or Bing being added to my toolbar. ARGH! Then I have to go in and UN-install. Such a PITA!!
My desktop is very neat and tidy (and I’ll be yours is too!). I can’t stand a lot of icons all over the place. Now, my dad, bless his heart, LOVES to “tweak” MY computer when he’s over and using it. I tell him, “Dad, don’t be changing anything on my computer.” He tells me, “But it makes it better.” Better for what? Putting me in a strait jacket. (Oh crap, does he have a plan?)
He thinks it’s just so funny that I get all bent out of shape. That’s my dad. But he has been behaving lately. Maybe he’s just too busy with the bazillion icons on his NEW laptop to even think about tweaking mine!
And in ending: Ron, I don’t think you should be Photoshopping David Beckham’s face on YOUR body. It’s not nice to tease Spice (who looks like my sister-in-law, by the way).
P.S. That's so funny how your face is peeking out from beneath those obnoxious toolbars! It looks like they are growing and trying to suffocate you! ;-)
total agreement here about google chrome, pesky toolbars and David Beckham (not necessarily in that order). A cluttered up computer screen makes me feel all panicky. I'm so glad I don't have that moth-ball closet memory, but I totally relate to what you're saying. Sending love and wishing you a clutter-free weekend! xoxo, diane
ReplyDeleteI hate those stupid tool bars! I started using chrome a few weeks ago, also; love it!
ReplyDelete...hee,hee,HEE!...David Beckham. *swoons* ;o) How'd you like his underwear commercial? Whoa.
ReplyDelete...I too LOVE Google Chrome. I've been with it for about 6 months now and for me, there is no going back. Seriously, LOVE IT. :o)
...And I'm with you regarding having a wide open space on my computer. I don't like all those toolbars either. Seriously, what is the reason? And that is why I often feel claustrophobic when I visit someone's blog and it's loaded with ads. All this STUFF clogging up my view and then things flashing off to the side or my pet peeve is when you're reading a post and all of a sudden here comes an ad floating down blocking your view - ugh!
...Okay, and when I first read the title to this post? I laughed out loud. My first thought was, "oh dear, that Ron!"...lol ;o)
...Enjoy your day my friend! Happy Weekend! :o)
I found Chrome much better than IE too but now I'm using Firefox and it is SO much better than either of them!
ReplyDeleteIsn't David Beckham just gorgeous? Phew!
Good morning Valerie~
ReplyDeleteYaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Another Chrome lover! When I first signed up with Disqus, they highly recommeded Chrome as the most compatible browser to use with it. Then, one of my other blogging friends, who also uses Disqus recommended it, so I tried it. LOVE IT!
"I have mine organised with pages I need quickly, saving them to 'new tab' ... it's perfect because they're all hidden behind the slender toolbar."
Isn't that the BEST????
Yes, I did notice a slight fit with Chrome last week too. That may be because Google is making all sorts of changes with it's email and feed reader interface. Google is making a lot of changes right now. Especially with Blogger.
I've never tried Firefox.
" Now, about David Beckham........ slurps."
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Have spectacular weekend!
Good morning Jeanne~
ReplyDeleteTee, hee! I just couldn't resist that ending :)
It's funny, as long as I've been online and blogging, I've only used IE because I just assumed it was the best browser for Windows software - WRONG! I was always afraid to try another browser until I got this new commenting format (Disqus) because IE does not always work well with it. But now, I'm HOOKED. Not only because of Disqus, but also because it's so FAST and seems to be more compatible with the Internet.
"Most of the time I am on my ipad anyway, but when I'm doing mega blogging, I use our desktop Dell and it's running Windows 7...very compatible with Firefox and Chrome."
I agree, it works excellent with Windows 7!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, dear lady. Have a faaaaaaabulous weekend!
Oh, Ron, great post! I know exactly what you mean about cyber-claustrophobia. And being a Catholic school survivor I completely understand the flashbacks to the old confessional days. Glad the Google Chrome is working out for you, but for posting that naughty photo, I'm sending you back into the confessional!!! Remember, thou shall not post bulging Beckham pictures. Have a great weekend, buddy!
ReplyDeleteHey there Bijoux~
ReplyDelete"RONALD!!!! Doesn't your MOTHER read this blog????"
HAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, she does and she's gonna blush BIG time when she reads this post. She'll probably call me and say, "Now, Ronnie....was that picture necessary?" And I'll say, "Yes!" HA!
"Facebook doesn't work at ALL with it anymore. Drives me nuts!"
I'm not on FB much, but I have noticed that it does NOT work well with IE. It's sooooooooo slow and often crashes.
" But I haven't figured out how to get my Favorites that I imported from IE to be anywhere other than the top in a toolbar! I'd prefer my Favorites listed on the side so I can see the majority at once, instead of at the top, where you can only see 8 or so."
Yes, I have to agree with you about that. I think my Favorites was the most challenging to get use to because I was so use to them being on the left with IE.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend. Have a SUPER weekend!
Hey there Pamela~
ReplyDelete"It drives me nuts when I download something, and then, POOF, my toolbar is CHANGED because when I “accepted” the software it had some stupid ass clause in there about Yahoo! or Bing being added to my toolbar. ARGH! Then I have to go in and UN-install. Such a PITA!!"
Yes! Yes! Yes! And I love how they try to 'slip' those additional toolbars in (such as Bing and Yahoo) into the main toolbar. When I got this new computer in Dec., I made sure I unchecked all the additional toolbars once I got online.
"My desktop is very neat and tidy (and I’ll be yours is too!). I can’t stand a lot of icons all over the place."
OMG, how funny, because I'm the SAME WAY with my desktop. I only have THREE icons on it (Chrome, my virus protection, and my recycle bin).
I'm also OCD about my email accounts. I can't stand to have my mailbox filled with a TON of saved emails.
"And in ending: Ron, I don’t think you should be Photoshopping David Beckham’s face on YOUR body."
Bwhahahahahhahahahaha! OMG, that was FLAWLESS, girl!!!! Yes, doesn't my body look faaaaaabulous on Beckham?
"P.S. That's so funny how your face is peeking out from beneath those obnoxious toolbars! It looks like they are growing and trying to suffocate you! ;-)"
Tee, hee! It took me FOREVER to figure out a way to photoshop those two photos together. I ended up doing it by using Lunapic.
Always fab to see your comments, Pamela. Thanks for stopping by and sharing the laughs!
Have a great weekend......X
Morning SuzCate~
ReplyDelete"I started using chrome a few weeks ago, also; love it!"
Yahooooooooo...another Chrome user! Isn't it the best?
Thanks for stopping by, Suzi! Have a great weekend!
Hey there Diane~
ReplyDelete"total agreement here about google chrome, pesky toolbars and David Beckham (not necessarily in that order)."
"A cluttered up computer screen makes me feel all panicky."
Meeeeeeeeeeeee too! And as I shared with Pamela, I feel the same way about my email accounts. I like my mail box clean and tidy, without having a TON of saved emails.
"I'm so glad I don't have that moth-ball closet memory, but I totally relate to what you're saying."
HA! When I was a kid, everyone used moths balls in the closets, so that when winter came, all the kids I went to school with had their coats DRENCHED in the aroma of MOTH BALLS. The cloakroom closet REEKED!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, dear friend. Have a glorious weekend!
X to you and C!
Good morning Akelamalu~
ReplyDelete"I found Chrome much better than IE too but now I'm using Firefox and it is SO much better than either of them!"
It's funny because other than Chrome, I've never tried any other browser except IE. I think much of that had to do with having Vista as my software on my last computer, which was always made me afraid to try something new because it was so temperamental. Yet, I have heard great things about Firefox, so I may try it.
"Isn't David Beckham just gorgeous? Phew!"
Thanks for stopping by, m'dear! Have a terrific weekend!
Hey Rob~
ReplyDelete"I know exactly what you mean about cyber-claustrophobia."
And for me, it's even more important to have a clear and open view on my laptop because it has a MUCH smaller monitor. My desk top is monitor is HUGE.
"And being a Catholic school survivor I completely understand the flashbacks to the old confessional days."
Isn't funny how much blog fodder we can come up with for having gone to Catholic school? It was truly horrible, but it does give us something to talk about, doesn't it?
"Glad the Google Chrome is working out for you, but for posting that naughty photo, I'm sending you back into the confessional!!! Remember, thou shall not post bulging Beckham pictures."
Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha! HILARIOUS!!!
Please me father, for I have sinned!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, buddy. Have a grrrrrreat weekend!
Good morning dear TJ~
ReplyDelete"..hee,hee,HEE!...David Beckham. *swoons* ;o) How'd you like his underwear commercial? Whoa."
To be honest (because I don't watch TV), I've never seen his commercials, only his print work ads in magazines. Gosh, I had no idea he even made an underwear commercial?!?! But I bet it's GREAT!
You use Chrome too? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Isn't it the BOMB? I can't believe I've waited this long to try it.
" And that is why I often feel claustrophobic when I visit someone's blog and it's loaded with ads. All this STUFF clogging up my view and then things flashing off to the side or my pet peeve is when you're reading a post and all of a sudden here comes an ad floating down blocking your view - ugh! "
I TOTALLY agree with you on that, TJ! And not only pop-up ads, but also if someone's blog is cluttered with so much sidebar stuff and widgets. I don't think some people realize that the more widgets you have, the slower the page load. I LOVE how you have your blog designed - clean, simple, and easy to read!
"...Okay, and when I first read the title to this post? I laughed out loud. My first thought was, "oh dear, that Ron!"...lol ;o)"
HA! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.....it worked!!!!!!
Always a delight see your comments, dear lady. MUCHO thanks for stopping by today. Have a beautiful weekend!
(((( You )))))
All those tool bars would make me stubby.
ReplyDelete"You see, I have this ‘thing’ about needing a WIDE open space on my computer monitor with a minimal amount toolbar blocking my view."
Um yeah. ME TOO!
Google Chrome is awesome.
And David Beckham = SWOON!
Hey there Meleah~
ReplyDelete"All those tool bars would make me stubby."
Aren't they horrible?!?!?! And I LOVE the word you used...stubby!!!
You use Chrome too? Isn't it AWESOME?!?!? I know you have a Mac and I think it comes with Safari. I didn't realize you could use other browsers with an Apple, how cool! One of these days I think I will eventually get one.
"And David Beckham = SWOON!"
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl! Have a great Friday and weekend!
ReplyDeleteI meant to type STABBY!
And I hate Safari. HATE IT. Its as bad as IE.
We really ARE alike. I was having so many problems with IE that I quit using it too! Hubby still uses it but I think I may delete it off my computer if I can! I use Google Chrome all the time now! I LOVE IT!!!
ReplyDeletehaha! ron, i thought you were practicing the new blog rule of using a 'catchy' title to gain readers! ;0
ReplyDeletei did not even know you could do that with computers nor did i know what you meant by a toolbar! i am computer illiterate (and obviously other types-illiterate too!)unless it's something i want to know. but glad to hear chrome works so well for you with the disqus...i think i had some problems with dis. because of safari.
are you bothered that chrome is a google product with the new changes coming with G? i am as husband used it but he switched to safari.
anyway my dear... apologies i have been MIA but not out and about much. having body problems and it hurts if i am online, scrolling or using keyboard. but i'm better so i rushed over here FIRST instead of going somewhere else first. at least i could say hello to you. :)
have a great weekend sweets.
First of all, I want to thank you for the eye candy! I did sneak a peek at your blog before I started work this morning but didn't have time to comment. I have to say you started my day off right! I LOVE a big tool bar.
ReplyDeleteExcept on my computer.
Both of the computers that I use, at home and at work, have a total of about 1" in tool bars. There are a few things I just love to have there. I like having my Facebook, my Pinterest pinner, and Google search. Other than that, I like to see what I'm looking at.
Well, I'm going to sneak one more peek at the good big tool bar before I navigate away from your page. Thanks again for that!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I have to say I am a Firefox user so your love of google chrome has not made its way to me sorry to say. I checked my toolbar during this post and I am happy to say it is pretty thin! I have the Xfinity toolbar because it was downloaded when I set up internet but I can complain about it. I must admit though in computers past I have been a big toolbar offender. I went through a phase where a played a variety of games that if you downloaded the toolbar you got extra perks...and who doesnt like perks right? Needless to say in those dark days my computer would have made you crazy!!
ReplyDeleteHey there Peg~
ReplyDeleteI only just started having issues with IE last year and thought that it was because of my Vista software on my desktop AND the fact that my IE browser was an older one. But then it started doing with my new computer (Windows 7), so I switched over to Chrome and LOVE it!
Isn't Chrome AWESOME for Windows software?
Thanks for stopping by, dear friend. Have a super-duper weekend!
"I mean to type STABBY!"
ReplyDeleteOMG...how funny! Well, either stubby or stabby, I loved them both!
Oh wow....didn't know that about Safari! People seem to like either Firefox or Chrome. I may try Firefox later on, just to check it out.
Good evening Linda~
ReplyDelete"haha! ron, i thought you were practicing the new blog rule of using a 'catchy' title to gain readers! ;0"
No, to gain readers, but to catch the attention of the ones I have - HA!
"i did not even know you could do that with computers....."
Yes, you can download a variety of browsers to use on your computer. However, I know you're a Mac user and Safari is the browser it comes with. And yes, you could have had problems with Disqus using Safari (depending on the version). I honestly think Chrome works best with Disqus.
"are you bothered that chrome is a google product with the new changes coming with G? i am as husband used it but he switched to safari."
No, not at all because it seems to work so well with PC's.
Thank you, but no apologies needed, dear friend. I totally understand that you've been experiencing body problems and appreciate whenever your stop by. And thank you for stopping by today!
(((((( Linda ))))))
I sent you some Reiki yesterday afternoon. Hope you felt it!
Have a great weekend, sweets!
Hey there Diane~
ReplyDelete"I want to thank you for the eye candy! I did sneak a peek at your blog before I started work this morning but didn't have time to comment. I have to say you started my day off right! I LOVE a big tool bar."
Bwhahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! HILARIOUS!!!!!!! Glad you enjoyed the 'eye candy' - I just couldn't resist!
" I like having my Facebook, my Pinterest pinner, and Google search. Other than that, I like to see what I'm looking at."
WOW....I didn't even know there was a Facebook or Pinterest toolbar available!?!?
"Well, I'm going to sneak one more peek at the good big tool bar before I navigate away from your page. Thanks again for that!"
You GO, girl!!!!!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by. Have an awesome weekend, and enjoy the Wine Fest!
I use Firefox. I like it.
ReplyDeleteGreetings Shae~
ReplyDelete"I have to say I am a Firefox user so your love of google chrome has not made its way to me sorry to say. I checked my toolbar during this post and I am happy to say it is pretty thin!"
That's GREAT to hear that you enjoy using Firefox. In fact, several of my readers enjoy it too! I may have to download it, just to see how it works!
I've never heard of Xfinity.
"I must admit though in computers past I have been a big toolbar offender. I went through a phase where a played a variety of games that if you downloaded the toolbar you got extra perks...and who doesnt like perks right?"
Yes, there are several things I've wanted to use on the Internet (like, social media), but they required that you download their toolbar to make it work, which is why I never did.
Always great to see your comments, girl. Thanks so much for stopping by today!
Have a great weekend!
Great, then I'm definitely going to try it because you're like the 5th person on this post that has raved about. Thanks, girl!
I so agree with you! I use Firefox and Chrome. I had 'Tribal Blogs' and 'Stumble Upon' tool-bars in Firefox, but reading this post prompted me to uninstall them because I never actually use them anymore! I do, however, use my bookmarks toolbar constantly, so I always have that open.
ReplyDeleteOf the two browsers I prefer Chrome but my feed reader is a Firefox add-on so I have to use that as my main browser unfortunately. It's slower than Chrome.
As for David Beckam's ......You know what, it's probably airbrushed in. No published photo is real anymore ;)
Hey there Babs~
ReplyDeleteOMG, I was JUST thinking of you this very second, so when I saw your comment in moderation, I died!!!!
"I use Firefox and Chrome. I had 'Tribal Blogs' and 'Stumble Upon' tool-bars in Firefox, but reading this post prompted me to uninstall them because I never actually use them anymore! I do, however, use my bookmarks toolbar constantly, so I always have that open."
I really need to try out Firefox because you're the SIXTH person to mention it in liking. A year or so back, I was asked to join Tribal Blogs, but declined because of the toolbar. Same thing with Stumble Upon. I joined Stumble, but never used it because of the toolbar.
"Of the two browsers I prefer Chrome but my feed reader is a Firefox add-on so I have to use that as my main browser unfortunately. It's slower than Chrome."
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Another Chrome lover! And have to agree...it's so FAST! MUCH faster than IE.
"As for David Beckam's ......You know what, it's probably airbrushed in. No published photo is real anymore ;)"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hey, you know what? I never even thought of that, but I bet you're right because no published photo is real anymore. OMG....it looks like a FIRE HOSE!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Wishing you an AWESOME weekend!
X to you and Mo!
Me and your mom--we'll both blush.
ReplyDeleteOy......... LOL
I've been a Chrome user for a year or better--it just suits me better. I'm not sure why that is. Maybe it's the toolbar (of which I have a dinky one with the 'other bookmarks' on the right and that's it. I have a 'coffee' theme (go figure) that I've had forever and it's just ..... comfy. It's simple, it's clean and it's customized with a theme just for me! :-)
I stopped using IE long ago and went to Firefox--and then got invited to try Chrome. I've never gone back.
I do know that the tab deal is easier for me on Chrome. And I don't have to look at 'junk' I don't want.
And as one of those that has three icons and one folder on the desktop--the less junk the better!
BTW--I'm not Catholic and I've never been tortured with moth balls......
But I DO know the Ten Commandments!
And I do know one of 'em has to do with coveting the neighbor's goodies.
*sniff sniff*
What's that I smell?
Moth balls?!
UH oh.......
Hiya Mel~
ReplyDeleteOMG....your comment made me HOWL!!!!!!!!!!!
"Me and your mom--we'll both blush.
Oy......... LOL"
Tee, hee......Sorry :O
And yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! So glad to hear you use Chrome too!!!! And I know being a fellow-Libra, you enjoy the fact that it's simple. Because we Libra's LOVE simple. I've never used Firefox myself, but many people hear have shared that they like it.
"BTW--I'm not Catholic and I've never been tortured with moth balls......
But I DO know the Ten Commandments!
And I do know one of 'em has to do with coveting the neighbor's goodies.
*sniff sniff*
What's that I smell?
Moth balls?!"
Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! CRACKED ME THE HELL UP!!!!
Thanks soooooooooo much for stopping by, dearest lady. ALWAYS a delight to see ya!
Have a FLAWLESS weekend, you!
((((((You )))))))
HA HA HA!!!!! The "Look at This!" cracked me up!!!!! WOO WOO!!!!! But he is NOTHING compared to you, my dear.
ReplyDeleteI use firefox. When google chrome first came out I didn't like it - but that was only a DAY in to it. I did NOT give it a chance... I think it's time!
I use Firefox and it's been great. I've been thinking about moving over to Chrome but then I'm not sure how to get all my bookmarks transferred over. I didn't even know you could have multiple tool bars like that showing up on your screen. That would drive me bananas. I'm like you, I need my computer to look neat and tidy.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Jen~
ReplyDeleteYes, I keep hearing how great Firefox is, but have never tried it myself. I may just try it and keep it as one of my alternative browsers.
"I've been thinking about moving over to Chrome but then I'm not sure how to get all my bookmarks transferred over."
I just checked my browser options and they have a way to import bookmarks and favorites from IE, but nothing else. When I first installed Chrome, I had no idea you could easily import them from IE, so I did it the hard way and transferred each one by hand - UGH!
"I didn't even know you could have multiple tool bars like that showing up on your screen. That would drive me bananas. I'm like you, I need my computer to look neat and tidy."
Yes, you can add as many toolbars as you wish (like, social media or search engine bars), but brother....that would drive me BANANA's too!
I'm so OCD - HA!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a super weekend!
Hey there Katherine~
ReplyDelete"The "Look at This!" cracked me up!!!!! WOO WOO!!!!! But he is NOTHING compared to you, my dear."
HA! Thank you, but I'm not quite 'packed' as Mr. Beckham - HAHAHAHAHAHA!
"I use firefox. When google chrome first came out I didn't like it - but that was only a DAY in to it. I did NOT give it a chance... I think it's time!"
Yes, I keep hearing how great Firefox is, so I may have to try it myself. I love Chrome, but I think it's all about personal preference. I initially installed it for Disqus, but found it to be an overall better browser than IE. It's so fast!
Always great see ya, Katherine. Thanks a bunch for stopping by. Have a FAB weekend!
Haha! made me laugh!
ReplyDeleteBut I agree with you about IE, I thought it was just my computer that was packing up. It's a pity. It was a nice browser. Still, I'm a faithless thing too and now I'm in love with Chrome! :)
ReplyDeleteHiya Jenny!
Tee, hee....so glad you had a giggle.
"But I agree with you about IE, I thought it was just my computer that was packing up. It's a pity. It was a nice browser. Still, I'm a faithless thing too and now I'm in love with Chrome!"
Me too! When I first started having issues with IE, I also thought it was my computer and software. But even since getting a new computer (back in Dec.) I still had issues with it. So, I switched over to Chrome and am now a HUGE fan!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you're having a MARVI weekend!
OMG, just had to say i laughed myself silly over "The Big Tool Bar" comment! and the peeking... thanks! :D
ReplyDeleteOMG....it looks like a FIRE HOSE!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletehahahahahahaahahh....aw... and air-brushed or not... hmmm.
have to get off here now but needed to have a bit of hilarity over here and now will stop cluttering up YOUR comments! xoxoxoxox
Hey there Linda~
ReplyDeleteWasn't Diane's comment HILARIOUS??????????
Hey there Linda~
ReplyDeleteSo glad you got a giggle!
But, my god....doesn't it look exactly like a FIRE HOSE????
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear friend. Hope you're having a great weekend!
((((( Linda ))))))
the photo of you being crushed by the toolbar is priceless
ReplyDeleteI too need space - both in and out of the internet tubes
Goooood morning Lady Dianne~
ReplyDeleteThank you. I edited those two photos together over at Lunapic. It took me FOREVER to cut and paste them into one image.
"I too need space - both in and out of the internet tubes."
HA! Meeeeeeeee too.
Thanks for stopping by this morning, dear lady. Hope you're having a faaaaaaabulous weekend!
X to you and the gang!
I used to use Firefox, but it was so incompatible with many blogs and made posting photos a real pain in the ass. I.E. is just a loser. Chrome is my go-to browser, too. And I agree about the toolbar. People with wide tool bars are clearly compensating for lack in other areas. ;)
ReplyDeleteHey Jayne~
ReplyDelete"I used to use Firefox, but it was so incompatible with many blogs and made posting photos a real pain in the ass. I.E. is just a loser."
I don't know anything about Firefox, but have to agree with you about IE....what a loser! It's quickly becoming a lot of people's least favorite browser.
" Chrome is my go-to browser, too."
Isn't Chrome the BOMB? And thank YOU for being one who really convinced me to download it as a browser very compatible with Disqus.
"People with wide tool bars are clearly compensating for lack in other areas. ;)"
Bwhahahahahahhahahaha! Love ya, Jayne!!!!!
Have a super Sunday, dear lady!
i am using ff more and more...it's much faster and get the colored tabs-they are pretty. lots of add ons too that are helpful not a hindrance. just me 3cents xxx
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! I absolutely hate these toolbars and all these programs who sneak some crap on your computer. No, I don't want a new default browser, a new toolbar or this great media player!
ReplyDeleteFirst thing I do when I get a new device or laptop is to clean it up.
Hey there Zhu~
ReplyDelete"I absolutely hate these toolbars and all these programs who sneak some crap on your computer. No, I don't want a new default browser, a new toolbar or this great media player!"
THANK. YOU.! And these companies/programs are very tricky in trying to get their toolbar on our websites, which is why I won't sign up and join them.
"First thing I do when I get a new device or laptop is to clean it up."
Have a great week, my friend!
I bet when you first read this post title on your feed reader, you thought I had posted about something dirty and risqué didn’t you?
ReplyDeleteYou DIDN’T?
Well then, SHIT, it didn’t work! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
i have one, no two tool bars, one is yahoo and the other is norton but it's so thin it doesn't take up space. i too don't like a lot of stuff covering the screen and i hate it when people open up 15 firefox browsers. use the freaking tabs if one needs to toggle back and forth between web pages. that is all.
haven't tried chrome. i do like safari and use it on occasion but i'm a firefox girl.
Hiya ladyV~
ReplyDelete"i have one, no two tool bars, one is yahoo and the other is norton but it's so thin it doesn't take up space."
Well, that's not big at all. TWO I can totally understand - especially having the Norton one.
"haven't tried chrome. i do like safari and use it on occasion but i'm a firefox girl."
Yes, so many people on this post mentioned they LOVE Firefox, so I really need to give it a try one day. Chrome, I was apprehensive to try because I didn't know if it would work well with Blogger (because Blogger is so temperamental), but it works GREAT! And I love how FAST it is.
Have a great Sunday, girl. Much thanks for stopping by!
Greetings Shae~
ReplyDelete"I have to say I am a Firefox user so your love of google chrome has not made its way to me sorry to say. I checked my toolbar during this post and I am happy to say it is pretty thin!"
That's GREAT to hear that you enjoy using Firefox. In fact, several of my readers enjoy it too! I may have to download it, just to see how it works!
I've never heard of Xfinity.
"I must admit though in computers past I have been a big toolbar offender. I went through a phase where a played a variety of games that if you downloaded the toolbar you got extra perks...and who doesnt like perks right?"
Yes, there are several things I've wanted to use on the Internet (like, social media), but they required that you download their toolbar to make it work, which is why I never did.
Always great to see your comments, girl. Thanks so much for stopping by today!
Have a great weekend!