A lot has been going in my life right now concerning my mother, which I haven’t shared with you because she, and my brother and I, were unsure as to what was going on with her health.
In the past several weeks she’s had a battery of medical tests in the hopes of finding out what the problem was. She hasn’t been feeling well for a few months, experiencing breathing problems and several other things.
It would take far too long for me to tell you all the details of the various ups and downs she’s been through, and the runaround she got from her primary doctor. But let’s just say that the doctor was not proficient. Therefore, by the time they got around to sending my mother to a specialist, her health began to decline rapidly.
Monday night, my brother had to call 911 because my mother was having an extremely difficult time breathing. Then Tuesday afternoon, I got a call from my brother telling me that my mother had been diagnosed with cancer.
And it’s the tough kind.
The doctor told her that there may be a chance of miracle, but they give her anywhere from 4-6 months if she accepts chemo – which she has.
When I spoke to my mother on Tuesday night, she was very direct, saying, “Well…this is something we just have to accept and deal with.”
Honestly, I have a million things going through my heart and head right now.
One minute I’m fine, the next minute I’m sobbing like a baby.
Part of me believes that, yes, a miracle may occur. Yet another part of me is very scared, that there may not.
As you all know, I love my mother very much, and can’t imagine what my life would be like without my best friend.
I truly can’t imagine.
But for now, I’m just going to take one day at a time, openly walking through this journey with my mother; trusting that it will be as peaceful and gentle as possible.
I am keeping in close daily contact with her and my awesome brother, staying updated on what’s going on. I am also preparing myself for the time when I will need to fly to Florida and be with them. I don’t exactly know when that will be, because everything is uncertain right now. We’re just taking each moment as it comes.
I’ll intuitively just know when I need to go.
She is currently still in the hospital until they can stabilize her well enough to come home, which should be sometime this weekend. And believe it or not, her spirits are up and she’s as feisty as ever.
You know, this is one of those times in your life when you wish you would wake up and discover that it was just a dream.
But it’s as my mother said, “Well….this is something we just have to accept and deal with.”
And that’s one of the many things I love and admire about her….she’s not afraid to see what’s in front of her and face it, even though she might be afraid.
She’s a hit it head-on kind of gal. And taught me to be the same way.
But in the meantime, if you could all just send positive and loving energy to my mother, I would greatly appreciate it.
You see, I believe in the power of energy. And know that it can reach far and wide.
Thanks a bunch, you guys!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Good morning Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteThis is one of those times in life that no one can prepare you for. I am so sorry to read this. You know that I have personally "been there" with my Dad and my in-laws with their health issues towards the end of their lives.
All I wish is for peace and comfort for your Mom and for you, your family. Don't eliminate hope because as humans, we cannot live only on numbers and stats. The human spirit can sometimes make to body go beyond, provided there is love.
I shall e mail.
(((((((((((((((((((((( Ronnie)))))))))))))))))))))))
Good morning Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteI may have lost my previous comment...
I am really all stirred up reading our post. Feeling for you, your Mom and your brother.
I will e mail
(((((((((((((((((((((((( Ronnie)))))))))))))))))))
Love ya.
Ron, I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear this news today. I am praying that God's ministering angels will move in your lives to minister peace, health, and healing to her; shalom (nothing broken, nothing missing).
ReplyDeleteKeep faith that you will get your miricle. You said that she is feisty as ever, and I believe a fight frim the heart and the will to go on weighs heavy.
(((huggs)), sweetheart
I am so sorry to hear about your mother, Ron, and yes I shall be sending positive vibes to you and her. Your Mom sounds very positive. Quite often I have found that the worse the problem the better we cope. Don't ask me why that is, but it's fact. Those looking on are in a different position, that is when their whole lives are reviewed, events both happy and sad are suddenly resurrected. If that happens to you, my friend, be sure to look on them with happiness for that is what your mother needs right now. Unfortunately you can't change things, and acceptance is hard, but you will be there for her and that's what counts. (((Ron)))
ReplyDeleteForgot to wish you a troublefree weekend x
ReplyDeleteOh Ron , my dear friend, I am so, so sorry to hear this. God willing, your Mum will get the miracle you want for her. I'm sending as much love, positive thoughts and healing Reiki light as I can muster to your Mum, to you and to your family. Know that I'm praying for her and you all. Much love and Reiki blessings. xxxx
ReplyDeleteJust stumbled across your blog, but wanted to let you know I feel for you and your family. I've been there, and I know what you're going through.
ReplyDeleteBonjour Barb~
ReplyDelete"Don't eliminate hope because as humans, we cannot live only on numbers and stats. The human spirit can sometimes make to body go beyond, provided there is love."
Amen! And thank you for sharing that, my friend, because you're absolutely right. We're just going to take one day at a time, and live with hope. As I shared, my mother is VERY feisty, so she's not gonna take this lying down.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, Barb, and for your well-wishes and concern. I really appreciate that.
And thanks SO MUCH for your call this morning!
(((((( You )))))
Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend.
Hey there Barb~
ReplyDeleteYes, I got your previous comment. Thank you!
Ron, I'm so terrbily sorry to hear of this. I've walked down this road so I know what it's like. Your mom sounds like such a wonderful lady--and a pretty tough cookie, to boot! I'll be praying for you and your family during this very trying time. Take care, buddy!
ReplyDeleteGood morning Valerie~
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear lady, for sending your positive energy. We really appreciate that!
"Your Mom sounds very positive. Quite often I have found that the worse the problem the better we cope. Don't ask me why that is, but it's fact."
Yes, she is very positive. And she's incredible when it comes to coping with things, so I do believe what you said.
"Those looking on are in a different position, that is when their whole lives are reviewed, events both happy and sad are suddenly resurrected. If that happens to you, my friend, be sure to look on them with happiness for that is what your mother needs right now."
Thank you so much for sharing that because you're absolutely right, and I will.
((((((( You ))))))))
Much thanks for stopping by and for your supportive and loving words.
You're a sweetheart!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Aw...thank you, Valerie!
ReplyDelete(((( You )))))
Oh, Ron........you know how bad we all feel right now. For those of us who haven't gone through this already with a parent, we all get to the age where it's in the back of our minds that this is going to happen eventually, whether it's cancer or Alzheimer's or Parkinsons........I'm so sorry that your mom is suffering and I know how hard it must be for you to not live closer. Praying for a miracle, Ron and sending you lots of love and hugs.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Akelamalu~
ReplyDelete" God willing, your Mum will get the miracle you want for her."
Thank you. And yes, God willing.
"I'm sending as much love, positive thoughts and healing Reiki light as I can muster to your Mum, to you and to your family. Know that I'm praying for her and you all. Much love and Reiki blessings."
Thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much for that, m'dear!
(((((((( You ))))))))))
I'm relying so much on Reiki right now, to carry us through this. And so far, it's been an amazing blessing.
I so appreciate you stopping by and sharing your love and support. That means a lot to me.
Have a terrific weekend!
X ya!
Greetings Marcheline!
ReplyDeleteWelcome! And thank you SO MUCH for stopping by and sharing your support. I really appreciate that.
The blogging community is so amazing. They are always there to lend their support and love through challenging times.
Thank you.
Please stop by anytime. You're always welcome here.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hey there Rob~
ReplyDelete"I've walked down this road so I know what it's like."
Yes, I know you have, my friend, so thank you for your compassion and understanding.
"Your mom sounds like such a wonderful lady--and a pretty tough cookie, to boot! "
Yup...she is a pretty tough cookie, fighting with the doctors and nurses; telling THEM what to do - HA!
" I'll be praying for you and your family during this very trying time."
Thank you soooooooo much for that, buddy, I greatly appreciate it!
Thanks for stopping by; lending your love and support.
Have a great weekend!
Hey there Bijoux~
ReplyDeleteYes, it was difficult to decide to share this post, but you are all such a HUGE part of my life, I felt that I needed to let you know.
"For those of us who haven't gone through this already with a parent, we all get to the age where it's in the back of our minds that this is going to happen eventually, whether it's cancer or Alzheimer's or Parkinsons........"
Yup, it's a toughie. I remember going through this with my father about 15 year ago. But I have to say, as sad and challenging as it was, it was also a time of experiencing great LOVE.
Thanks so much for stopping by, and for sending your love and hugs. I REALLY appreciate that, my friend!
(((( You ))))
Have a great weekend!
Ron, I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear this news today. I am praying that God's ministering angels will move in your lives to minister peace, health, and healing to her; shalom (nothing broken, nothing missing). Keep faith that you will get your miricle. You said that she is feisty as ever, and I believe a fight frim the heart and the will to go on weighs heavy. (((huggs)), sweetheart XOXO
ReplyDeleteHey there Diane~
ReplyDelete" I am praying that God's ministering angels will move in your lives to minister peace, health, and healing to her; shalom (nothing broken, nothing missing)."
Thank you, girl!
(((((( You ))))))
" You said that she is feisty as ever, and I believe a fight from the heart and the will to go on weighs heavy."
Much thanks for stopping by and sharing your support, energy, and love.
I so appreciate that!
Have a great weekend!
Ron, you and your family will have all my good thoughts, positive energy and prayers. I have a healing spell I'll do tonight for all of you. (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteSo sorry, Ron. Cancer sucks. I'm sending you all positive energy, prayers, love, and virtual hugs.
ReplyDeleteOh Ron, what to say to that. Life presents and we have to deal with it, but that doesn't mean we have to like it. My heart cries for you and the awful anticipation that comes with a cancer journey. It is a life changing, challenging path that too many people have to walk. I wish your whole family strength to hold a positive vibe throughout and big hugs to you during this difficult time. Living life one day to the next is all that you can do. Try to be as gentle with yourself as you can & encourage the same for your mother. Blessings and peaceful thoughts to you my friend.
ReplyDeleteBig light green vibrations are sent your way
Hey there Lady Nitebyrd~
ReplyDeleteThank you SO MUCH for your supportive and kind words, that means a lot to me.
((((( You ))))))
I just got your email and will respond in a bit. Thank you!
X ya, Sis!
Good morning SuziCate~
ReplyDelete"I'm sending you all positive energy, prayers, love, and virtual hugs."
Thank you, my friend. I REALLY appreciate that!
(((( You )))))
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Have a wonderful weekend.....X
P.S. I still couldn't leave a comment on your blog using my normal sign-in information, so I signed in using my FAKE email - HA! Hope you got it!
Good morning Katherine~
ReplyDeleteI can't thank you enough for your sweet, kind, and supportive words, dear friend.
((((( You )))))
We're all just going to take this one day at a time, embracing the journey; surrounding ourselves with LOVE.
"Living life one day to the next is all that you can do. Try to be as gentle with yourself as you can & encourage the same for your mother."
Thank you. And yes, I will.
Thanks a BUNCH for stopping by, Katherine. Really appreciate that!
Have a wonderful weekend.....X
Gobs of energy coming your way, my friend.
ReplyDelete"We’re just taking each moment as it comes." Really, that's all you can do. I'm amazed by and impressed with your mom's brave response to the diagnosis. A positive outlook in these situations can very well lay the groundwork for that miracle the doctor spoke of.
Best of luck to her, to you, and to your entire family.
Howdy Mark~
ReplyDeleteThank you, buddy.
"I'm amazed by and impressed with your mom's brave response to the diagnosis. A positive outlook in these situations can very well lay the groundwork for that miracle the doctor spoke of."
As I shared, my mom is a hit it head-on kinda gal; dealing with things as they come. And you're right...a positive outlook in these situations CAN lay the groundwork for a miracle!
Thank you so much for stopping by and lending your support and love. Really appreciate that, Mark!
Have a faaaaaaaabulous weekend!
Hey Ron, I have been thinking about your Mom the last couple months! Little flashes of the two of you, you needing to visit because of her health. I am shocked its something of this magnitude. She will be in my prayers every day. Please call me when you come down and I will gladly visit and do anything I can to help.
ReplyDeleteHi Laurel!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete"I have been thinking about your Mom the last couple months! Little flashes of the two of you, you needing to visit because of her health."
OMG....that gave me CHILLS. You must have been 'picking up' on something.
And yes, when I eventually come down to Florida, I will definitely get in contact with you, for sure!
Thank you SO MUCH for stopping by my blog and lending your love and support, my friend. That really touched me!
((((( You )))))
X ya bunches!
...Oh dearest Ron, I am so sorry to hear this. Having a loved one get diagnosed with cancer has got to be one of life's biggest curve balls, all you know is you got to keep your head up, stand tall and plow onward. Just don't forget to look up once in awhile and dance when times are good, 'kay? ;o)
ReplyDelete...I am sending you & your family all the good energy, positive thoughts and heartfelt prayers one soul can possibly muster my friend. We're here for you. :o)
...Sending much love & blessings too.
Hello there dear TJ~
ReplyDelete"Having a loved one get diagnosed with cancer has got to be one of life's biggest curve balls, all you know is you got to keep your head up, stand tall and plow onward."
"Just don't forget to look up once in awhile and dance when times are good, 'kay? "
Will do, dear lady. In fact, it's funny you said that because last night while I was talking to my mother and brother on the phone, the three of us we laughing our asses off at some really hysterical stuff that's been going on between my mother and the doctors and nurses at the hospital. I swear to god, my mother is very MOUTHY; thus telling the medical team what they needed to do - HA!
Fortunately, I come from a family who's always trying to find bits of humor and lightness, even in the most challenging of situations.
"...I am sending you & your family all the good energy, positive thoughts and heartfelt prayers one soul can possibly muster my friend. We're here for you."
(((((( You ))))))
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing that, my friend. I'm so blessed to have a community of blogging friends who are always ready to lend support.
And thank YOU for being a part of that.
Have a glorious weekend, TJ!
X ya bunches!
Dear Ron,
ReplyDeleteThere is never anything reasonable about hearing the news that someone you love and admire has come to ill health. We can question it all we want, the fact of the matter is that it has happened. Your mother's answer "it is something we have to deal with." It the best attitude she can handle at one of the worst times on her journey. She is a wonderful teacher and she still has a lot to offer to those who choose to listen to her words and her actions. She has life in her that brings hope and her hope will inspire all who come in contact with her.
I know how much you ache inside and how much you wish that what has happened will disappear. Keep your thoughts on the positive and go inside and ask for help during your dark feelings.
Miracles happen all the time.
Sometimes they are not what we want, yet when you look and you listen you see. I will send and continue to send some distant Reiki to you, your brother and your mom. I pray that the energy of love continue to flow to all of you. Fill yourself up with grace and send it to your family and friends. Close your eyes and hold the vision of your mother and your brother in the middle of the most tranquil white light and let the love that surrounds all of you to fill every cell of each of you. Ask God and the universe to help you with the load you now have to carry.
Ron, if there is anything I can do for you please let me know.
Let the the light in your heartspace be your guide.
Oh, Ron... I am SO sorry. I know this is devastating. I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way as well as down to Florida for your mom and brother. Let us know if there is anything else we could do! Love you dear friend! {{{Ron}}}
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry Ron and know all too well how you are feeling and what a blow it is to hear those words.
ReplyDeleteI'm reminded of the day we were told our mother had cancer. The shock was soon replaced by the 'stiff upper lip' in order to show our mum we were strong and there for her - and we were. Stronger than we thought possible, as you will be.
Our mum chose the 'no treatment' route and to stay at home, where we all (6 girls on a rota) nursed her to the end. That time was so important to us, to give back some of the love and care she'd given all of us, all our lives. It was also important for her, to have her one to one chats with us all.
There is so much more I could say, but you will choose your way to handle this awful time and it will be right for you.
Cancer! How I wish that word could be stricken from our vocabulary forever!
So, so sorry Ron x
I am with you and I really care!!!! Really, really.
ReplyDeleteIf ever we get to meet, you'll see that this gal is your pal no matter what.
I will pray for her right now too, since I believe. But not everyone does, and that is fine too.
Dear dear dear friend... take one moment at a time and remember to do little things that get your mind off from bad things, too.
oh ron, i will cry with and for you. i'm so sorry to hear this news. i can relate to doctors taking their time about sending patients out for tests, etc. i don't understand. sending prayers to you and your family. love ya.
ReplyDeleteHello Peg~
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your positive thoughts and prayers, dear friend, I sooooooooooooo appreciate that, and so does my mother and brother.
" Let us know if there is anything else we could do!"
(((( Peg )))))
Thank you. Will do!
Mucho thanks for stopping by, Peg. Have a wonderful weekend!
X to you and D!
Hey there ladyV~
ReplyDelete((((( you )))))
Thank you, girl!
And thank you for your prayers and support. I so appreciate that, and so does my family!
You're a sweetheart!
Have a great weekend, Val!
X ya!
Bonjour Susu~
ReplyDelete"I am with you and I really care!!!! Really, really.
If ever we get to meet, you'll see that this gal is your pal no matter what."
(((( You ))))
Thank you, my friend. I so appreciate that.
And much thanks for your prayers too. Yes, I DO believe in the power of prayer - VERY much.
Thanks for stopping by and lending your support and love.
Have a lovely weekend, beautiful lady!
Hello Mr. Dave~
ReplyDeleteI can't thank you enough for your kind, supportive, and loving comment, my Libra friend. And ALL of what you shared is so true.
I've been sharing TONS of Reiki, not only with my mother and brother, but also with myself. And I can't tell you how MUCH it is helping ALL of us accept and move through this journey. I honestly don't know what I would do without it.
"Your mother's answer "it is something we have to deal with." It the best attitude she can handle at one of the worst times on her journey. She is a wonderful teacher and she still has a lot to offer to those who choose to listen to her words and her actions."
She sure does! And that's what she's taught me...to embrace and accept. And she's right!
"I will send and continue to send some distant Reiki to you, your brother and your mom. I pray that the energy of love continue to flow to all of you."
Thank you, Dave. I really appreciate that. And thank you for your offer to help in anyway.
"Let the the light in your heartspace be your guide."
Again, thanks for being here; lending your support and love.
(((( You )))))
Have a wonderful weekend, buddy!
Hey there Babs~
ReplyDeleteMuch thanks for your kind, supportive and loving comment, my friend. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!
"Our mum chose the 'no treatment' route and to stay at home, where we all (6 girls on a rota) nursed her to the end. That time was so important to us, to give back some of the love and care she'd given all of us, all our lives. It was also important for her, to have her one to one chats with us all."
How wonderful! Reading that brought tears to my eyes.
It reminded me of the time when I father passed, and my family did the same thing. And when I think back on that time, I remember it as being one of the most beautiful and loving times in my life.
So much is up in the air right now because she was just diagnosed. However, I trust my intuition enough to know when I need to be there with my mother and brother in Florida. And when that times comes, I will.
We're just taking one day at a time; allowing it to guide us.
My mother and brother, and I, share a very close bond, therefore we are always connected in spirit.
Again, thank you so much for stopping by and lending your love and support. You're a sweetheart!
(((((( You ))))))
Have a wonderful weekend!
X to you and Mo!
I will hug her through the miles
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Ron
I love ya
Hello Lady Dianne~
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear lady.
And I know that she will feel it.
Thank you for stopping by and lending your support and love. I really appreciate it!
((((( You )))))
And I love ya, too!
Have a wonderful weekend!
It reminded me of the time when I father passed, and my family did the same thing. And when I think back on that time, I remember it as being one of the most beautiful and loving times in my life.
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you mean Ron.
(((( You ))))
Ron, I always look forward to Mondays and Fridays; the days you post. Today was a complete shock and I had to stop reading part way thru to get a tissue because the tears were blurring my vision.
ReplyDeleteI feel sad. Sad because, even though we haven’t met in person I feel we are friends, and when one of my friends aches, I hurt too.
I feel helpless. Helpless because I can’t DO something! Again, when my friends are in need, I want to help but I don’t know what to do! Know this, though, I will be sending you an email with my phone # and if you need anything, all you have to do is call. Anytime, day or night. I’m here for you, even if it’s just to listen.
I feel angry. Angry because you are one of the sweetest guys I know and you don’t deserve this.
I can’t even begin to imagine what you must be feeling and I want to reach out and hold you. Just so you know that I care and that I AM sending your mom so many positive vibes and thoughts that she is being filled with them from the top of her head to the tips of her toes!
From what you’ve written of your mom, I know she is amazing. Plus, she created one of the most wonderful men I know…YOU! The world is a much better place because of both of you!
I have to go now, because I need another tissue.
((((Hugs))) for you and your mom, my dear, dear friend!
Ron, I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. This is such an awful blow and one that is going to be very difficult to accept. Please know that I am sending all of the positive energy and prayers that I can...and hoping that you and your brother will be able to band together to be strong for your mother. It sounds like she is FEISTY! That is a very good thing!! Feisty people are STRONG. She will need that strength right now. I am sending virtual hugs, my friend...so sorry to hear this about your mom.
Ronnie, I'm so sorry to read about your mother's diagnosis. And I'm finding that I don't have anything to say. Except that I'm thinking of you all and sending love. xo diane
ReplyDeletesweet ron-i read this this morning and then lost my internet connection...again.
ReplyDeletegeez....as if that's the worst thing...my dear, you must keep your spirits high as will we keep sending you and she all the good vibes possible. that's lots of energy considering your readership and i know they will all come through for you now. i do hope you can get down and spend time with her during this time of not knowing....it's sometimes the most difficult, not knowing what's coming...and so i will also keep a positive thought you can get some time off to do that.
i think that they didn't see anything specific in the nodes is good news that if nothing more, they caught it early enough and with nasty chemo, that might not be- as they've improved lots over the years, she will recover fully.
i know, being a parent of two sons, that when i am sick i need my family nearby if possible. husband, daughter is imperative too but there's nothing like having your boys there. i am happy your brother is there with her, at least that is how it sounds....so all in all, very frightening but hoping not too bad in the long run. omg,, when i read this after keeping up with mel i just about died. what is this an epidemic?? my sis - in law was just dx'd with her second bout with breast C!! my 90 yr old mil is so upset-it's very very sad for her.
anyway sweet ron, do not hesitate to contact me via email to chat over the phone if you need an ear always here for you. i would never not want to be here for you. you are a dear dear friend to me, blog or otherwise, makes no diff. to me. we are friends on an energetic level and that is the deepest of all. kisses my dear, i go to bed with a prayer for her and your brother and for you too, that you are sleeping well, she will find relief from all her suffering and worry soon and things will get back to their best again. xoxoxoxo and please do not hesitate if you need anything at all....i never work you know? !!xxxxxxxxxxx
Good morning Diane~
ReplyDelete" And I'm finding that I don't have anything to say. Except that I'm thinking of you all and sending love."
I totally understand, dear friend, so just know that I appreciate your presence here and for sending your thoughts and love. That means a lot to me.
(((( You )))))
Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you so much for stopping by.
X to you and Cristybella!
Hey there Jeanne~
ReplyDelete"Please know that I am sending all of the positive energy and prayers that I can...and hoping that you and your brother will be able to band together to be strong for your mother."
Thank you SO MUCH for that, dear lady. You have no idea how much my brother and I appreciate it.
((((( You ))))
Yes, my mother is VERY feisty, therefore I know that's what will give her the strength and determination to move through this.
Again, thank you for stopping by and for your loving support and hugs!
You're a gem!
Have a wonderful weekend!
X to you and the girlz!
Hey there Pamela~
ReplyDelete"I feel sad. Sad because, even though we haven’t met in person I feel we are friends, and when one of my friends aches, I hurt too."
((((( You ))))))
Isn't it something how within this world of blogging, we become amazing close with each other, even though some of us have never met? That's what I mean about the power of ENERGY, and that through our words and thoughts....it can be felt far and wide.
"I feel helpless. Helpless because I can’t DO something! Again, when my friends are in need, I want to help but I don’t know what to do! Know this, though, I will be sending you an email with my phone # and if you need anything, all you have to do is call. Anytime, day or night. I’m here for you, even if it’s just to listen."
Just knowing that your thoughts, prayers and energy which are being sent to my mother, is help enough. So please know that I SO appreciate that, and it's helping TREMENDOUSLY. And yes, I did receive your email this morning and was SO touched by it. I will respond to you later tonight when I get home from work.
"Just so you know that I care and that I AM sending your mom so many positive vibes and thoughts that she is being filled with them from the top of her head to the tips of her toes!"
Thank you, kind lady. Thank you.
You have no idea how much I appreciate your comment, and for reaching out; lending much support to my family.
You da' BOMB!
Have a wonderful weekend, Pamela.
X ya bunches!
Good morning Linda~
ReplyDelete" you must keep your spirits high as will we keep sending you and she all the good vibes possible. that's lots of energy considering your readership and i know they will all come through for you now."
You have no idea how MUCH I appreciate all the support, kinds words, energy, prayers, and LOVE that you ALL have been sharing right now. It's helping so much, I can tell.
((((( You ))))))
" i do hope you can get down and spend time with her during this time of not knowing....it's sometimes the most difficult, not knowing what's coming...and so i will also keep a positive thought you can get some time off to do that."
As I shared in my post, I will know intuitively when I need to go to be of the most help for my mother and brother. Until then, I am in constant contact with them on a daily basis.
"i think that they didn't see anything specific in the nodes is good news that if nothing more, they caught it early enough and with nasty chemo, that might not be- as they've improved lots over the years, she will recover fully."
With the type of cancer she has, it moves fast, so they're trying to arrest it by keeping it from spreading. It's in her lungs. She hasn't had any bad physical reactions from the chemo so far, so we're VERY grateful for that. Right now, they are just trying to get her stable so that she can come home.
" do not hesitate to contact me via email to chat over the phone if you need an ear always here for you. i would never not want to be here for you. you are a dear dear friend to me, blog or otherwise, makes no diff. to me. we are friends on an energetic level and that is the deepest of all."
Thank you, dear friend. That means a lot to me.
I so appreciate all your kind words, prayers, energy, and tremendous emotional support at this time.
You're a sweetheart!
Have a wonderful weekend, Linda!
Ron, I'm very sorry to hear about your Mom. I know how dear she is to you. I will hold loving thoughts for all of you, and send Reiki .. asking that it go to where she needs it the most for her highest good.
ReplyDeleteAs for the chemo, visualize it as a golden elixir that she needs for the miracle. Whatever happens though, know that she is loved. As you are, too! And if you need anything, don't hesitate to get in touch. xo
Hey there Mary~
ReplyDelete"I will hold loving thoughts for all of you, and send Reiki .. asking that it go to where she needs it the most for her highest good."
(((( You )))))
Thank you, dear friend. Thank you SO MUCH!
"As for the chemo, visualize it as a golden elixir that she needs for the miracle. "
Excellent! Will do!
Thanks so much for stopping by; lending your love, support, and energy. I sooooooooo appreciate that from the center of my heart.
Have a marvi weekend, neighbor!
And Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Ron, my dear, I am so sorry to hear this news. I HATE it when doctors are inefficient. Sure, everyone is allowed to have an off-day, and medicine is not an exact science, but ... this is our health and our lives they are dealing with, so mistakes can hit us hard.
ReplyDeleteI send all my best wishes, prayers, white light and good vibes to you, your mother, and the rest of your family. Stay strong, Ron! And please, do keep blogging. And I promise you this: each time I read a post or a comment from you I'll send out a quick request to the universe to be gentle with you and your mother.
As you know, I lost my Mum last year and it was a very, very difficult time - this month is particularly hard because it's Mother's Day here in England this weekend, and her birthday was at the end of the month. But as your mother has said 'this is something we have to accept and deal with'. What a wise woman she is!
Hey there Jay~
ReplyDeleteMy dear friend, I can't thank you enough for stopping by and for your caring and supportive words - you're a sweetheart!
"And I promise you this: each time I read a post or a comment from you I'll send out a quick request to the universe to be gentle with you and your mother."
"As you know, I lost my Mum last year and it was a very, very difficult time - this month is particularly hard because it's Mother's Day here in England this weekend, and her birthday was at the end of the month.
Yes, I do remember last year when you lost your mother. Sending you a BIG hug.....
(((((((((((( You ))))))))))))))
" But as your mother has said 'this is something we have to accept and deal with'. What a wise woman she is!"
She sure is. We're just taking one day at a time and staying positive; keeping the faith.
My mother is actually coming home this evening, which has made her SO happy because now she can be in her own environment. She hated being in the hospital, and I don't blame her.
Yes, I will definitely keep blogging. I will also periodically post about what's going on with my mother; keeping you all updated.
Again, thank you so much for stopping by and lending your support. I so appreciate that, my friend!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
X ya!
I'm so glad to hear that you will feel able to update us through the blog. There is a lot of truth in the old saying 'a trouble shared is a trouble halved' - not that it can alter what will be, but to know that you have so many people thinking about you both and ready to listen when you hurt will probably be a comfort and a safety valve. There will inevitably be times when you feel you have to put on a good face for your mother and brother, but many of us know how hard that can be and how much pain can stack up inside.
ReplyDeleteI didn't write much about the time I lost Mum, but what I did write was really amazingly cathartic for me.
Thanks so much for the hug - it's typical of you to think of me at a time when your own world is crumbling. I'm sending one right back, and wish I could hug you in person. xxx
Goooood morning Jay~
ReplyDelete"There is a lot of truth in the old saying 'a trouble shared is a trouble halved' - not that it can alter what will be, but to know that you have so many people thinking about you both and ready to listen when you hurt will probably be a comfort and a safety valve."
You said it, my friend! The support, energy, and love that I have received from ALL of you has been a HUGE comfort. And the good 'vibes' that everyone has been sending my mother has also been a HUGE comfort and help because she's doing very well. She came home last night and my brother told me that my mother looks a million times better. I spoke to her, and she sounds very UP and STRONG; happy to be home.
"I didn't write much about the time I lost Mum, but what I did write was really amazingly cathartic for me."
Isn't it something how when you write things out and share your thoughts and feelings, it can be so cathartic? It's therapeutic.
Thanks for the hug, Jay!
((((( You )))))
And thanks for stopping back today.
Happy Sunday, dear friend!
ReplyDeletereading your post I cried. I'm still crying. My heart aches for your family. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, sending good vibes your way whenever you come to mind. Cancer is a horrible disease and it's rampant; who among us hasn't been touched in some way by it. Miracles come in many shapes and sizes, and they're not rare. Expect them.
Greetings Gfid~
ReplyDeleteSo great to see you!
"I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, sending good vibes your way whenever you come to mind."
((((( You ))))))
Thank you, dear lady. My family and I so appreciate that!
"Miracles come in many shapes and sizes, and they're not rare. Expect them."
Will do! And you're so right, they're not rare.
It was a rough week, but now that mother is home in her own environment, she doing so much better.
I can't thank you enough for stopping by today, and for sharing your good vibes and support. Bless you!
Hope you had a great weekend!
“Well…this is something we just have to accept and deal with.”
ReplyDeleteShe sounds a tough gal. I envy you for having a mother like this.
If there's anything Karin and I can do for you, just name it, buddy.
Howdy Herman~
ReplyDeleteI just got off the phone with my mother, and she and I were actually LAUGHING about stuff. She said, "Well....we gotta find the humor, Ron!"
"If there's anything Karin and I can do for you, just name it, buddy."
Thank you, buddy. That touched me deeply. And I sure will.
You're the BEST!
Thank you for stopping by and for your support.
Hope you had a faaaaaaabulous weekend!
X to you, Karin, and Mr. Tyler!
Oh Ron! I had no idea your mother was even sick at all. My WHOLE heart goes out to you and your family. I have tears running down my cheeks right now. I can promise you - I will be down on my hands and knees every night, praying for her.
ReplyDeleteHey there Meleah~
ReplyDelete"I had no idea your mother was even sick at all. My WHOLE heart goes out to you and your family."
Thank you, dear friend. We've been trying for the longest time to find out what was actually wrong with her, but by the time the specialist got to my mother, the cancer had spread. And was spreading FAST. She has a serious form of lung cancer, yet she's reacting very POSITIVE to the treatment, so that's a good sign. Her doctor is very impressed.
"I can promise you - I will be down on my hands and knees every night, praying for her."
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that, girl!
(((( You )))))
And thank you for stopping by; sharing your support and care.
X ya!
Ron, I'm so sorry to read this. I don't know what to say except you have all of us behind you, praying for the strength to cope. I know your whole world is upside down now. It's hard, but it helps when you know you can get your worries off your chest and share with others. Although I know this post was hard for you to write, but I suspect it was therapeutic too. You know you have friends.
ReplyDeleteHiya Kathy~
ReplyDelete"I don't know what to say except you have all of us behind you, praying for the strength to cope."
(((((( You ))))))
Thank you, my friend. That means A LOT to me. The support my family and I have received from all you guys and gals has been such a blessing because it has truly helped. And I REALLY mean that.
"Although I know this post was hard for you to write, but I suspect it was therapeutic too."
Yes, you're right, it was. It's ironic how when you put things down in words, it helps to move THROUGH the experience in sharing.
My mother is now home and doing quite well. Her doctor is amazed at how positive she responded to her treatment. Right now we're taking one day at a time; praying for that miracle.
Thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing your support, prayer, and love. You're a sweetheart!
ReplyDeleteOh, Ron! I'm so sorry. The one time I decide to take a break and not check in and this has been going on. All I can do is send my love and support. Just know you have so many people thinking of you. Even though this blogging community isn't filled with people you know in person, there's still a lot of wonderful and true affection for you out there. But, you already know that. Hang in there and take care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteHey there Jen~
ReplyDelete"All I can do is send my love and support. Just know you have so many people thinking of you. Even though this blogging community isn't filled with people you know in person, there's still a lot of wonderful and true affection for you out there."
(((((( You )))))))
Aw...thank you so much, my friend! And yes, there has been an AMAZING amount of support, prayers, care, and TRUE affection that my family and I have received from the blogging community. And I know that that had a HUGE impact on my mothers success with her treatment. She's doing unbelievably well. Her doctor is so pleased and amazed!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by and sharing your support and love. I so appreciate that!
I have no words. NO WORDS. I am writing this with tears in my eyes, wanting to reach out and hug you. I read the post above this earlier today, just came to the blog (can't post at work) but simply can't comment because I wanted to write here. My prayers, thoughts, dreams and positive thoughts are all going your way. BE STRONG. HAVE FAITH. BELIEVE.
ReplyDeleteHellooooooooo Katherine~
ReplyDelete"My prayers, thoughts, dreams and positive thoughts are all going your way. BE STRONG. HAVE FAITH. BELIEVE."
((((( You ))))))
Thank you, my friend. Thank you so much for your supportive, kind, and loving words. I so appreciated them!
My mother is doing much better right now. In fact, her doctor is AMAZED at well she responded to her treatment. I just got off the phone with her and she sounded strong, up, and very positive. She's a tough cookie, so she's going to fight this.
Thanks again for stopping by and sharing your support! You're a sweetheart!