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No matter where you live, there will always be pros and cons. And although I find more pros than cons living in a city, there is definitely one thing I would place on my CONS list.

You see, I have very sensitive ears.

So sensitive, I can hear a piece of sewing thread fall on the carpet.

Oh, and I can also hear a moth pass gas.

It sounds like this….pfffffffffffffffft!

Yes, THAT’S how sensitive my ears are.

Therefore, one thing that can be extremely offensive to my audio sense is the noise of city life. But after a while you sort of adapt to it….sorta.

In fact right this second, as I type this, TWO police cars are driving by my apartment building with their sirens BLASTING. Sirens are probably the worst sound because it feels as though someone is slashing my ears with RAZOR BLADES. But those of you who live in a city already know that sirens are part of it. And they’re DAILY and ONGOING. Often I’ll be talking on the phone with someone from out of state, and if a siren goes by they’ll say, “That siren sounds like it’s coming from inside your apartment!”

Second to sirens, jackhammers are EVIL.

For the past week, the city of Philadelphia has been doing some major road repair on the street in front of my apartment. And the most delightful thing about it is that they do this repair work from about 10 PM until 2AM because the streets are less occupied during those hours. However, this year they’ve taken up using their jackhammers during daytime hours, so now I have to listen to this noise 24/7 - and that's BETWEEN the sirens.

And while sirens make me feel as though someone is slashing my ears, the sound of jackhammers makes me feel as though someone is performing a long and painful root canal on one of my back molars WITHOUT Novocain.

Earlier this week, I went out and took some photos of the men at work.

Here is a 24 second video clip of what I’ve had to listen to lately….

Another thing that’s very unique about city life (and I place this on my PROS list), are the peculiar things you sometimes witness.

This is a photo I took of a grate on the sidewalk in which BUBBLES are popping forth. I have no idea WHERE these bubbles are coming from, other than probably the laundry room in the basement of the condominium that the grate lies next to, and where a tenant is using entirely too much TIDE. This street is about two blocks from where I live, so I see these bubbles almost every single day while walking by. They make me giggle.

Take a look….

Ah yes…city life.

Between the jackhammers and the bubbles, I feel like I’m living partially in HELL and partially on the LAWRENCE WELK SHOW.

Wishing you a BUBBLICIOUS weekend everyone!


  1. OMG Ron, you have NO idea how much I empathise over all that noise.... my district has been under a tremendous upheaval with workmen, jackhammers, barriers, piles of pipes, and road closed signs EVERYWHERE for the whole of this year.

    The bubbles made me smile. It reminded me of my days in New York. I didn't see bubbles but I saw loads of steam rising out of grids. I never discovered what it was but I guess your theory about laundry rooms is good.

    Pray for peace and quiet, my friend ... and have a hush-hush weekend.

  2. OMG Ron! I could NOT deal with it! Those JACKHAMMERS would make me MAD ... I'm telling you! I'd be like a raging crazy woman!!! I'd probably get used to the buses and the sirens and stuff...but no way....could NOT deal with those crazy jackhammer dudes!! Ear Plugs? Can you use them?? Do those work for you? How on earth do you sleep with that stuff going on?? I am SO glad I am retired and don't have to get up to go to work after listening to that crap!! Hope you have a seriously quiet weekend.....shhhhhhhhhhh.....Ron NEEDS SLEEP!

  3. OH DEAR LORD IN HEAVEN.........

    I'm going to have he-who-has-sensitive-ears give a listen to this one......maybe the whining about noisy neighbors (who, at a decent hour are JUST sitting on their patio laughing and having a beer!) and noisy cars (c'mon.....they're teenagers thinkin' they're hot stuff!).

    We live in bum**** nowhere......LOL Tractors, combines--cows, pigs and roosters crowing. On occasion we have a car pass the house. Maybe six an hour after dinnertime? NO FOOLIN'. I'll count this weekend to see how right I am!

    I could live with city noise, and have--I tune out what I don't wanna hear. Just ask he-who-says-I'm-not-listening. ROFL I just prefer nothingness and solitude along with a neighbor or two that I can terrorize and steal tomatoes and apples from.

    Maybe I can talk the neighbor into dumping some Tide into his washer and see if we get bubbles coming out of the street drain!! Smalltown amusement on a Friday night maybe!!
    THAT one made me giggle!
    I'll haffta watch it again!

  4. I dislike the noise of the city, but I can tell you that even the cute little birds in the country can be equally annoying very early in the morning, lol!

  5. Oh, Ron, this post is so funny and so spot on!

    I hate noise, too, and New York seems to produce nothing BUT noise every freaking second. Car alarms, sirens, jackhammers, motorcycles, morons screaming into their cell phones--somebody plug up my ears!

    The bubble sewer had me confused. Maybe Ed Norton is taking a bath down there!

    And I love this line: "I feel like I’m living partially in HELL and partially on the LAWRENCE WELK SHOW."

    Thanks to you I have an image of Satan standing in front of a demon orchestra with a baton saying "and a-one, and a-two..."

    Put in your ear plugs, grab a towel, and have a great holiday, buddy!

  6. Good morning Valerie~

    ".... my district has been under a tremendous upheaval with workmen, jackhammers, barriers, piles of pipes, and road closed signs EVERYWHERE for the whole of this year." too?!!? Isn't it the PITS? For the past week, all I've been listening to is noise, noise, noise. And they ALWAYS do it during the summer months when your windows are open so you hear it CONSTANTLY.

    "It reminded me of my days in New York. I didn't see bubbles but I saw loads of steam rising out of grids. I never discovered what it was but I guess your theory about laundry rooms is good."

    Yes, we get the steam rising out the grids too. That's from the subway system - I think.

    Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Wishing you peaceful and quiet weekend!


  7. Hey there Jeanne~

    "OMG Ron! I could NOT deal with it! Those JACKHAMMERS would make me MAD ... I'm telling you! I'd be like a raging crazy woman!!!"

    OMG, you don't know....sometimes I just wanna scream....SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    " Ear Plugs? Can you use them?? Do those work for you? How on earth do you sleep with that stuff going on??"

    No, I don't use ear plugs but sometimes during the day I will put on my music headphones to block the noise out. At night however, I use a SOUND MACHINE next to my bed to block out the noise, but I can still hear it a bit.

    " SO glad I am retired and don't have to get up to go to work after listening to that crap!!"

    Lucky you! :)

    Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Have a terrific holiday weekend!

    X to you and the girlz!

  8. Hiya Suzi~

    "but I can tell you that even the cute little birds in the country can be equally annoying very early in the morning, lol!"

    HA! It's so ironic you mentioned that because when I was living in Florida, I use to complain about the birds waking me up in the morning. Now, however, I realize the birds weren't nearly as bad as these damn jackhammers and sirens!!!!

    OY VEY!

    Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!


  9. Hey there Rob~

    "I hate noise, too, and New York seems to produce nothing BUT noise every freaking second. Car alarms, sirens, jackhammers, motorcycles, morons screaming into their cell phones--somebody plug up my ears!"

    HA! I KNEW you would identify with my MADNESS. And you're right, I forgot to mention the CAR ALARMS and MOTORCYCLES! And doesn't seem to be worst during the summer months?

    "The bubble sewer had me confused. Maybe Ed Norton is taking a bath down there!"

    Bwhahhaahhahahahahaha! OMG...that was freakin' HILARIOUS!!!!!!

    "And I love this line: "I feel like I’m living partially in HELL and partially on the LAWRENCE WELK SHOW."

    Thanks to you I have an image of Satan standing in front of a demon orchestra with a baton saying "and a-one, and a-two..."

    CRACKED ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing in my INSANITY. Have a GREAT holiday weekend, buddy. God, I can't believe summer is almost over.


  10. Hiya Mel~

    "I'm going to have he-who-has-sensitive-ears give a listen to this one......maybe the whining about noisy neighbors (who, at a decent hour are JUST sitting on their patio laughing and having a beer!) and noisy cars (c'mon.....they're teenagers thinkin' they're hot stuff!)."

    OMG....he would DIE if he had to hear the stuff I have to hear. I use to complain about the BIRDS waking me up in the morning with their CHIRPING when I lived in Florida, but that's nothing compared to what I have to listen to now.

    " I just prefer nothingness and solitude along with a neighbor or two that I can terrorize and steal tomatoes and apples from."

    HA! I too sometimes prefer nothingness and solitude, which is why I take mini breaks from city life and head out to the burbs every couple of months. You gotta take breaks if you live in a city.

    "Maybe I can talk the neighbor into dumping some Tide into his washer and see if we get bubbles coming out of the street drain!! Smalltown amusement on a Friday night maybe!!
    THAT one made me giggle!
    I'll haffta watch it again!"

    Bwhahahahhahaha! Don't those bubbles make you giggle? I added the bubbling sound effects by downloading them from a website.

    Thanks oodles for stopping by, dear lady. Wishing you and Himself an awesome holiday weekend!


  11. Ha ha ha! That last bubble pop it in exact timing of the last bubble popping out of the grate! That made me laugh out loud :)

    I do not miss city life, one tiny bit Ron. I loved London when I was young, but it changed over the years and I couldn't wait to leave it for the clean country air and calmer way of life.

  12. Hey there Babs~

    "Ha ha ha! That last bubble pop it in exact timing of the last bubble popping out of the grate! That made me laugh out loud :)"

    Thank you for noticing that because it took me FOREVER to get the timing right on that last popping bubble :)

    "I do not miss city life, one tiny bit Ron. I loved London when I was young, but it changed over the years and I couldn't wait to leave it for the clean country air and calmer way of life."

    I hear ya. Sometimes city life gets to me too. Which is why I take mini breaks and head out to the burbs for some peace and quiet. It's funny because I'm one of those people who enjoys both the insanity of a city, but can also relish in the calm of the country.

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend. Wishing you and Mo a wonderful weekend!

    X to you both!

  13. I hate lawn mowers at 10 AM in the morning and at 3:30 PM in the afternoon.

  14. Hey there Jaffer~

    "I hate lawn mowers at 10 AM in the morning and at 3:30 PM in the afternoon.'

    Yes! Yes! Yes! I know EXACTLY what you mean because when I lived in Florida, that sound drove me CRAZY. Also...the high-pitched sound of the grass blowers!

    OH. MY. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Have a terrific weekend!


  15. Ron, the video clip of the bubbles was so funny. Love the sound effect!

    I don't know how you deal with the noise because I couldn't take it. I can't even stand to hear anyone whistle.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Ron. Happy Labor Day.

  16. Hola Denise~

    Thank you. I decided to add the sound effects last minute. It was such a BITCH to get the sound to match the video.

    "I don't know how you deal with the noise because I couldn't take it. I can't even stand to hear anyone whistle."

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, whistling can be very annoying, especially if someone is just whistling without whistling some sort of tune. My father was a BIG whistler.

    Thanks for stopping by, girl. Happy Labor Day! And have a wonderful weekend!


  17. Hahahahahahahaha!!! That is just so funny!!

    I mean the bubbles, of course, AND your comments on moths passing gas (particularly apposite considering the content of my most recent post!), NOT the jackhammers, or pneumatic drills as we call them over here.

    Jackhammers/pneumatic drills make one of the most hideous noises known to man, I think. Obviously the sounds of living things in distress are right at the top of my list of hideous, unbearable sounds, but pneumatic drills are close. And buzz-saws. Especially that particular type they keep for cutting through paving slabs. If ever there should be road works using both drills and buzz-saws at the same time, I hope I am a long, long LONG way away.

    I hope they're done soon, and you can get some peace!

  18. bwahahha. ron i was reading this email/post to my coworker and we were cracking up. so funny. i hate noise too and the later it gets, the angrier i get. when it gets dark i want everything quiet. i don't even want to hear myself breathing. i can take a little more during the day, but hate cop cars and ambulances, do they really have to. i think they keep quiet in the nicer neighborhoods and just use the siren. when in the ghetto (my area), they have the siren on bullhorn volume. punks.

  19. Hiya Jay~

    ", AND your comments on moths passing gas (particularly apposite considering the content of my most recent post!)" soon as I read your post this morning, I THOUGHT THE SAME THING! How ironic that the two of us posted about MOTHS today!!!!

    "Obviously the sounds of living things in distress are right at the top of my list of hideous, unbearable sounds"

    I agree, Jay! The sound of living things in distress is such an unbearable sound. The thought of an animal hurt and in pain makes my heart ache.

    "And buzz-saws. Especially that particular type they keep for cutting through paving slabs."

    Yes! I've heard those myself. In fact, they were part of the sound of the road construction I was referring to in this post.


    "I hope they're done soon, and you can get some peace!"

    Meeeeeeee too!

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, Jay. Have a SUPER weekend!


    P.S. Hope all is well with Sid and Jeffie....X

  20. Hey there V Girl~

    " ron i was reading this email/post to my coworker and we were cracking up. so funny."'re kidding? She must think that I'm CRAZY. And please tell her that I AM - HAHAHAHAHA!

    "when it gets dark i want everything quiet. i don't even want to hear myself breathing."

    I'm the exact same way. Nighttime should be QUIET, right? I can handle it a bit better during the day too. However, today while I was walking down Walnut Street, a paramedic van drove by me with its siren BLASTING and I had to cover my ears it was so LOUD.

    "i keep ear plugs next to my bed for just in case."

    I actually use a sound machine at night to block out the noise, but sometimes that doesn't even work :(

    Thanks for stopping by, girl. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Happy Labor Day!


  21. for goodness sakes - they are actually floating out of the ground! Well I've just not ever seen anything like that in my life. I'm sold on the bubbles. Most amazing urban phenomenon! Sorry about the noise sensitivity....hopefully the good things overwhelmingly outnumber the bad! happy labor day weekend!! xo

  22. Hiya Diane~

    "for goodness sakes - they are actually floating out of the ground! Well I've just not ever seen anything like that in my life."

    Isn't that hilarious? And you should see the people on the street who just stop and STARE like, "What the hell is that?!?!?" When I took this video, there were two women standing by an ATM machine just laughing!

    "Sorry about the noise sensitivity....hopefully the good things overwhelmingly outnumber the bad!"

    Yes, they do. As I shared, I think every place has pros and cons, but fore me, the pros outweigh the cons. I love city life because it's CRAZY, like me - HA!

    Thanks for stopping by, girl. Have a great Labor Day weekend!

    X to you and Cristybella!

  23. I thought the bubbles were snow at first glance, and I was starting to get *really* jealous. Then the jackhammers brought me back to reality. I guess that's why, as much as I enjoy visiting the city, I'd find it a challenge to actually live there. But it totally suits you, Ron. Have a great weekend!

  24. Howdy Mark~

    "I thought the bubbles were snow at first glance, and I was starting to get *really* jealous."

    HA! You know what? You're does look like SNOW!!!

    "Then the jackhammers brought me back to reality. I guess that's why, as much as I enjoy visiting the city, I'd find it a challenge to actually live there. But it totally suits you, Ron."

    Totally understand. Some people enjoy visiting a city, but to live in one is a different experience.

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, bud. Wishing you and Tara a great holiday weekend!

    X to you both!

  25. Ron, I have a suggestion.


    The video of popping bubbles was hilarious. I watched it a couple of times. Great effect! I can still remember as a kid watching the Lawrence Welk Show. A Bobby and a Cissy!

    Have a great Labor Day!

  26. Hiya Matt~

    "Ron, I have a suggestion.


    HA! I should, but I'm so afraid that if I use ears plugs at night, I won't hear my alarm clock go off in the morning. I actually use a sound machine which blocks out some of the noise.

    Glad you enjoyed the bubble video. I had so much fun putting that together and getting the sound effect to match.

    Anytime is see anything that has to do with the Lawrence Welk Show, I immediately think of my mothers parents because when they would babysit us on a Saturday night...we would all sit around eating an ice cream and watching it. Great memories!

    Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a great Labor Day tomorrow!


  27. OMG that bubbles thing cracked me up! You poor thing. Do ear plugs help at all for the jackhammering? How about a looooong out of town vacation?

  28. Helloooooooooooooo Margaret~

    Great to see ya, girl!

    I had so much fun putting that bubble vid together, glad you enjoyed.

    I should try ear plugs but I'm so afraid that if I use them when I'm sleeping, I won't hear my alarm clock in the morning. I do use a sound machine next to my bed at night, though, and it helps a bit.

    " How about a looooong out of town vacation?'

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! Actually that would be the BEST idea - leaving town for two weeks!

    Thanks for stopping by, Margaret. Hope your summer has been a great one. Happy Labor Day!


  29. Ron, your descriptions always make me laugh. "Sirens are probably the worst sound because it feels as though someone is slashing my ears with RAZOR BLADES."


    You have no idea how much sympathize with you because my ears are sensitive too. I can't quite hear a piece of sewing thread fall on the carpet, but the sound of jackhammers make me cringe. Sirens too.

    Enjoyed the bubbles!

  30. Hey ho Robert!

    HA! I swear to god, that's EXACTLY what it feels like...RAZOR BLADES!!!!

    MAJOR ouch!

    "You have no idea how much sympathize with you because my ears are sensitive too."

    You too?

    It's like a catch 22. I'm glad I have sensitive ears, especially if I'm listening to a beautiful piece of music because I can hear the subtleties. But's TORTURE when I have to listen to any offensive sound, such as a JACKHAMMER and SIREN! :(

    Always great seeing ya, bud. Thanks for stopping by.

    Have a Happy Labor Day tomorrow!


  31. Ron, I have very sensitive ears too. The boom-booming of that rap music the kids play these days hurts my ears and makes my heart jump! I can’t tolerate dogs barking incessantly, and have a neighbor who doesn’t care that her dog does it at all hours of the day and night. And yeah, that jackhammer would probably drive me up a wall! But what can one do? The work needs done! It might be a little better if those worker men wore tighter pants then you’d at least have some eye candy!

    Those bubbles percolating from the drain are funny but my goodness where are they coming from and are they getting into the water system somehow! Yikes! I guess there are enough things to worry about and that probably is low on the scale of importance so we should just watch your video and have some laughs rather than work ourselves into frenzy!

    Good luck with that construction. I hope it gets done lickety-split so you get some peace and quiet—well, other than regular city sounds, that is!


  32. First, that you even know about the Lawrence Welk show cracks me up. Second, where I live it is so quiet you actually can hear a moth fart. And you're right. That's exactly how it sounds. I was a San Francisco girl in my youth and thrived on it, but now... give me the quiet country life. I dare say, the quiet would probably drive you crazy. ;)

  33. Helloooooooooooo Pam~

    "The work needs done! It might be a little better if those worker men wore tighter pants then you’d at least have some eye candy!"

    Bwhahahhahhhaaha! OMG...that CRACKED ME UP! Yes, it would make it much easier to endure if they took their shirts off and wore tighter jeans - HA!

    And you're right, the work NEEDED to get done.

    "Those bubbles percolating from the drain are funny but my goodness where are they coming from and are they getting into the water system somehow!"

    I'm not totally sure WHERE those bubbles are coming from, but I'm assuming the basement of the condo. You can actually smell fabric softener coming out of the grate, so I'm thinking the laundry room?

    "Good luck with that construction. I hope it gets done lickety-split so you get some peace and quiet—well, other than regular city sounds, that is!"

    Actually, as of this weekend, I think it's DONE. YAHOOOOOOO!!!!

    Thanks oodles for stopping by, dear friend. Hope you're having a fantabulous holiday weekend!

    X to you and your family!

  34. *waving*

    Hiya Jayne!

    "First, that you even know about the Lawrence Welk show cracks me up. "

    HA! Isn't that something? I was afraid that half my readers wouldn't even know WHO Lawrence Welk was?!? I'm 57 years old, so I remember the Lawrence Welk Show very well.

    "Second, where I live it is so quiet you actually can hear a moth fart. And you're right. That's exactly how it sounds."

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Love it, Jayne!!!!

    " I was a San Francisco girl in my youth and thrived on it, but now... give me the quiet country life. I dare say, the quiet would probably drive you crazy. ;)"

    No actually, I LOVE the quiet country life as much as I do the LOUD city life. It's odd, because I feel so totally comfortable in both atmospheres. It's just that I love the convenience of city life. And the crazy energy in contains.

    Always fab to see ya, my friend. Hope you're enjoying a super weekend and Labor Day!


  35. It's a Libra thing, obviously, writing about moths on the same day! ;)

    Sid and Jeffie are fine, thanks! Both full of beans and competing with each other for my affections. Sometimes having three 'men' in the house is just great ... but why are you guys so competitive all the time? It's not just testosterone, I know, because Sid and Jeffie don't have a lot of that particular commodity, having been .. um .. 'altered'.

  36. hahahah, the lawrence welk, you are dating yourself, ronnie. this was so funny and how insane would i be if i lived in the city....i hate the city primarily because of noise, even restaurants are too noisy yet everyone but me seems to think this is normal.. ah well... loved the bubbles!! xox

  37. Hey there Dear Linda~

    "hahahah, the lawrence welk, you are dating yourself, ronnie."

    OMG...I know!!!!! I was fearful that no one would even know WHO Lawrence Welk was!

    " even restaurants are too noisy yet everyone but me seems to think this is normal."

    I totally agree. I mean a restaurant is where you go to get away and having a relaxing meal away from home, but the noise (in MOST restaurants) is horrendous. Which is probably why I don't eat my meals out much.

    Thanks for stopping by, dear friend!

    (((( You ))))


  38. Yes....DEFINITELY a Libra thing!!!!!!

    It's funny because I find that all the Libras I know connect on such a deep level. Most signs are not good when they're paired together, but I find that the easiest sign to get along with is another Libra. glad to hear Jeffie and Sid are doing well!

    Woof! Woof!

    " It's not just testosterone, I know, because Sid and Jeffie don't have a lot of that particular commodity, having been .. um .. 'altered'."

    Bwhahahahahahaaha! Jay, that made me HOWL!!!!

    Thanks for stopping back, my friend!


  39. I have lived in cities for so long that it was tough when we moved out of them. Having the humming sounds outside the window at night helped me fall asleep. I remember my apartment in Society Hill. I'd hear the clip clop of horse hooves from the carriages and I'd find it soothing. The jackhammers could go away.

  40. Hey there Jen~

    "I have lived in cities for so long that it was tough when we moved out of them."

    Isn't it the strangest feeling to be away from a city and have NO noise? I remember taking a 4-day retreat and it took me two days to get use to the silence - HA!

    "I remember my apartment in Society Hill. I'd hear the clip clop of horse hooves from the carriages and I'd find it soothing."

    Oh..I LOVE that sound!!!

    Thanks for stopping by, girl! Hope you're having a super week. We're getting a lot of rain and HUMIDITY right now.


  41. Wow, for once, we do NOT have something in common. I am sofa king deaf, I can't hear jack squat. I listen to my TV with the volume so loud, like a 90 year old man. And I am forever asking, "WHAT?"

    And, yes, Jackhammers ARE evil. For serious.

    These are some kick ass photos, Ron!

  42. Hey there girl!

    "Wow, for once, we do NOT have something in common. I am sofa king deaf, I can't hear jack squat. I listen to my TV with the volume so loud, like a 90 year old man. And I am forever asking, "WHAT?"

    WOW! Really? I kinda wish I more like that when it comes to the LOUD city noise, because it's HORRENDOUS at times!

    Especially the jackhammers and those god forsaken SIRENS!!!!

    Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the photos.


  43. Like I should TRULY invest in a hearing aid.
    For. Serious.

  44. CRACK ME UP!!!!

    (((( You )))))


  45. I am the exact same way, Ron. Someone gets a new driveway in the neighborhood and I'm ready to lose my mind. Same thing goes with those evil landscapers who mulch entire trees....kill me now. The worst though? Sitting in your house while a new roof is being put on!

    So do you see, the suburbs are noisy too!

  46. Hey there Bijoux~

    " The worst though? Sitting in your house while a new roof is being put on!"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!'re absolutely right! I remember having a new roof put on in an apartment I lived in Florida (a garage apartment). It took them FOREVER to do it and I thought I was going to lose my mind!!!

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by and catching up on my posts. You're a sweetheart!

    Hope you're all moved in your new home and feeling settled.


  47. ron, eating alone is all one can do in most citified restaurants now..i go to SF for dinner once in a very great while and am hoarse at the end for the yelling just across a tiny table to make my squeaky voice heard. oy vey,,i will never understand. now there's something on zagut that rates restaurants by noise levels but even that wasn't accurate, to my ultimate irritation, dismay and anger at my bill when i was ultimately deaf at time of my mint that didn't come. man.... xoxox good weekend to you, matey ((**ronnie**))

  48. ron, i have to ask..were those sound effects or did it really sound that way?

  49. 0h dear ron, just realized i can't remember where/if which post i left a question but this one...i'll come back here to see if they are real but otherwise, could you just say on my blog if you have the time? i am so addled these days, it's just ridiculous...grandma celia, here i come... xoxox

  50. Hey there Linda~

    Yes, those sound effects I added later. I use an online website for the music I add the videos I make, and I found the 'bubble sound effect" there. Isn't it cool?


  51. Hiya Linda~

    As far as I can see, this is the only post you left a question on (the comment above this one). But yes, I will stop by your blog later tonight and let you know.

    " i am so addled these days, it's just ridiculous...grandma celia, here i come..."

    HAHAHAHAHA! I too get that way sometimes, dear friend, trust me!


  52. "i go to SF for dinner once in a very great while and am hoarse at the end for the yelling just across a tiny table to make my squeaky voice heard. oy vey,,i will never understand. "


    There is a restaurant here in Philly (El Vez) and I LOVE their food. But OMG...the noise level in there is INSANE! You can't even hear what the people at your table are saying, so you have to SCREAM.

    "to my ultimate irritation, dismay and anger at my bill when i was ultimately deaf at time of my mint that didn't come. man..."

    Bwhahahahhahaaha! Linda, you CRACK ME UP!!!

    (((( You )))))


  53. Even though I'm in the 'burbs we do sometimes have assorted projects going on in and around town so I can understand a little of what you were dealing with. The sounds of the pile driver at the end of my street for one renovation wasn't fun at all. Or when the phone companies are installing new equipment and doing repairs on the cell tower and the guys are yelling up and down to each other. Bleh!
    Overall though, my neighborhood is quiet enough. OH but then my dogs see the mailman and they go ballistic. So sometimes the noise comes from right inside my own house! lol

  54. Hi Mary~

    "The sounds of the pile driver at the end of my street for one renovation wasn't fun at all. Or when the phone companies are installing new equipment and doing repairs on the cell tower and the guys are yelling up and down to each other. Bleh!"

    You're right, the noise in the burbs can be just as bad at times. I remember living at home with my family in Florida and going INSANE hearing the noise of lawn mowers and grass blowers EARLY in the morning outside my bedroom window :(


  55. I am so in love with the bubbles too! They make me happy any time I see them.

    I was at my mom's in the burbs recently, and everyone was mowing lawns and fixing roofs and trimming trees and getting sidewalks repaired and the birds would NOT. SHUT. UP and the children. Gah! The Children! It was like someone let a gaggle of them roam free from sun up to sun down and they scream and cry and yell and freak out at the littlest things. I don't know how mom can take all the noise. I was so glad to get back home with the sirens and occasional barfights that plague my neighborhood!

  56. *waving*

    Helloooooooooooo Lora!

    "They make me happy any time I see them."

    Meeeeeee too :)

    " I was so glad to get back home with the sirens and occasional barfights that plague my neighborhood!"

    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA! OMG, how funny! You're right, and "we" think we have it bad living in a city, right?

    Every time I get annoyed at city noise, I remember when I lived in the suburbs, how the simple sound of birds chirping in the morning would DRIVE ME CRAZY. sirens, sanitation trucks, and JACKHAMMERS.

    Oy vey!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Hope you're enjoying this faaaaaaabulous fall weather we're having!

    Have a great weekend!


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