Okay, picture this…
Joan Crawford as Blanche in the movie, Whatever Happened To Baby Jane, painfully crawling along the floor without the use of her wheelchair because she’s trying to get to the phone to call her doctor to tell him that her sister, Bette Davis as Jane, is trying to slowly kill her.
Yup…that was me last Sunday afternoon.
Well, not EXACTLY me, because no one was trying to kill me, but I DID painfully crawl on the floor while attempting to get to the bathroom because that’s where I keep the Advil, which I desperately needed after pulling my back out.
Now, HOW did I pull my back out? By lifting a large, heavy box off the floor? Noooo. Did I do it from rearranging the furniture in my apartment? Noooo.
Do you want to know how I did it? But you have to promise not to laugh.
I did it by simply opening a window in my apartment.
Yes, you heard right – by opening a window in my apartment.
The pain hit me so hard that I dropped to the floor and started writhing around as if I was hit in the lower back by a semi truck on the turnpike and left as roadkill. I must have over-extended my back while doing this because no sooner did I lift the window, a searing pain enveloped me.
And thank heavens I had off work for three days because I could barely move the lower half of my body. I stayed home and did nothing but apply warm compresses with eucalyptus oil on my back; took Advil; also attempted to massage the reflexology points on my feet to help with the pain and healing.
And it worked, because by the third day I finally felt some relief and could move around like a halfway normal person, without having to grab onto the walls and furniture in my apartment in order to walk only 2 inches.
If any of you have ever pulled your back out, I know you understand what I mean about how utterly painful and inconvenient it is because it effects your whole body.
*Note: Isn't it ironic how whenever you pull your back out, it seems that you keep dropping things on the floor so that you have to bend down to pick them up?
Here are a few things I had difficulty with while my back was out of whack:
Going to the bathroom:
As most of you already know, I’m one of those strange men who prefers to SIT and pee. Therefore, do you have any idea how LONG it took me to sit on the toilet seat, pee, and then try to stand up? It took me like FIVE HOURS because it took 2 ½ hours to lower myself onto the seat, and then another 2 ½ hours to raise myself off.
Yes, I DID try to pee standing up, but I couldn’t stand completely straight, so I ended up tinkling everywhere except INSIDE the toilet.
Taking a shower:
Well, let’s just put it this way, I didn’t properly shower myself for three days because I couldn’t move my body around to use shower gel and a wash cloth. So do you know what I did? I just POURED shower gel all over my body and then stood under the shower nozzle, rinsing it off. I had soap bubbles EVERYWHERE. I looked like a commercial for Mr. Bubble. And because I couldn't maneuver my body to dry myself off with a towel, I just walked around my apartment NAKED and drip-dried for 30 minutes.
First of all it took me 8 hours to actually lower my body into bed every night. I normally like to sleep on my side, but I couldn’t, so I had to sleep on my back because any other position caused such tremendous pain, that I would yell out. I’m sure that if anyone walked past my apartment door, they probably thought I was having a passionate night of carnal knowledge because all they heard were primal moans, “Aah! OMG! Aah! Aah! OMG!” And then a climactic, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”
Yeah, so that’s how I spent the greater part of this week.
Mending my lower back.
Now I know how Joan Crawford felt…
Have a TERRIFIC weekend everyone!
Update: Please know that I as we speak, I am feeling almost 100% better! Thanks so much for your well wishes...x
Update: Please know that I as we speak, I am feeling almost 100% better! Thanks so much for your well wishes...x
Okay, I did laugh. But in sympathy, I promise! Because oh my God, have I been there! The first time I blew out my back, I thought I was going to die from the pain. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking. An MRI later, I found out I now had a bulging disk (and bonus! discovered that I also had mild scoliosis). That round I was prescribed narcotics and physical therapy. I've done it a couple times since and I know what to do for it, but every time it's over just the sort of silliness you mention. Some move that combines a twist/bend and force and BAM! Hell. I hope you are back to painlessness soon!
ReplyDeleteOk Ron, you know I love some exaggeration during storytelling, but I KNOW this is pretty close to the truth! Back pain is the worst! Only one time have I suffered, after being a dumbass and lifting a 40 pound bag of potting soil, and it took me almost a month till I was pain free. I hope you are back to normal soon! The good news is, we are supposed to be in the 30's for another week, so you don't need to open any windows!
ReplyDeleteOoooh Ron, I am so sorry to hear of your painful experience. I hope you can hear the sympathetic noises from one who's been there and done that. I haven't actually stood in the shower surrounded by bubbles, or pee'd the wrong way round, but you know what I mean. Whilst you made me smile at the description of that awful experience, I'm going to take a serious note and urge you to consult the medics about it. Take it easy, my friend, no sudden moves or doing things to exacerbate xx
ReplyDeleteI'm soooo sorry. There's nothing quite like THAT pain. Sucks the air out of you and makes you crazy in your thought processes....I know, I did some insane solutions when I managed to screw my back up and required surgery to correct it.
I DID manage to get showered, go to the bathroom AND sleep.....JUST about as creatively as you! LOL You poor thing. OH my gosh. I'm glad you can at least MOVE now.
And I know you'll forgive me for laughing--but you wrote about it all so whimsically, I couldn't help it. Darn good thing we can find some humour in the stuff that life hands us, huh?
A window, huh? LOL
Well, then.....I'm safe! It's been running in the single digits with below zero windchills here. NO WAY am I opening a window.
No way am I GONNA open a window now.....but thanks for the tip-when it's a tad WARMER I'll feign helplessness and let HIM do it. ROFL
Oh, God, Ron, I am so sorry! As one who has suffered from lower back agony, I can totally sympathize with you on this.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how the simplest acts--things we don't even think about normally--suddenly becomes tremendous hurdles. The walk to your bathroom turns into an agonizing torture session. Standing up, sitting down, bending over, they all turn into major obstacles. When my back went out, my sister had to bring food to my house because I couldn't go down the stairs. I felt like a wounded animal, which I guess I was.
This is a terrific post, Ron, because you--pardon the expression--really hit a nerve. And yet you were able to write a funny, lively piece. Your description of getting into bed was hilarious and I literally felt your pain!
Feel better ASAP, buddy, and stay away from the goddamn windows!
Ron, I know this is no laughing matter but the way you described everything was hilarious. The visions of you taking a shower and going to bathroom was so funny!
ReplyDeleteI too have experienced back pulls and they are the worst because as you said, they effect your whole body. And doing the simplest of things can cause such pain, like going to the bathroom or even turning your head. It's almost like being paralyzed.
I hope you're feeling better and are able to move around without any pain since Sunday.
Have a wonderful weekend, Ron.
Loved the photos from the movie.
Good morning Secret Agent Woman~
ReplyDelete"Okay, I did laugh. But in sympathy, I promise!"
Hey listen, I had to laugh too because it's only way I got through this. I had this happen one other time in my life (which was even worst than this time), from lifting a small (but heavy) coffee table off the floor. OMG...it was horrendous!!!
" An MRI later, I found out I now had a bulging disk (and bonus! discovered that I also had mild scoliosis). That round I was prescribed narcotics and physical therapy."
YIKES! That sounds horrible; much worst than what I went through.
Somehow I could tell that what I did was 'muscle oriented' not 'spine' because the pain was mainly concentrated around my butt cheeks. It's still a little tender but MUCH better than earlier this week.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a terrific weekend!
Hey there Bijoux!
ReplyDelete" Ok Ron, you know I love some exaggeration during storytelling, but I KNOW this is pretty close to the truth!"
HAHAHAHHAHAHA! I too love some exaggeration, but it IS pretty close to the truth. I just needed to find the humor to get through it :)
"Only one time have I suffered, after being a dumbass and lifting a 40 pound bag of potting soil, and it took me almost a month till I was pain free."
YOWZA! I could feel your pain just from reading that! The only other time I pulled my back was about 5 years ago, when I lifted a coffee table off the floor. Now THAT took me weeks to get over. However, this time I was lucky because I felt so much better on the third day. It's still tender, but at least I can move around and sleep.
"The good news is, we are supposed to be in the 30's for another week, so you don't need to open any windows!"
I know, can you believe this INSANE weather? One day it's warm, the next day it's in the 30's!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend. Have an awesome weekend!
Gooood morning Valerie~
ReplyDelete" from one who's been there and done that. I haven't actually stood in the shower surrounded by bubbles, or pee'd the wrong way round, but you know what I mean."
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, I know what you mean and it's the pits, isn't it?
" Whilst you made me smile at the description of that awful experience, I'm going to take a serious note and urge you to consult the medics about it."
Actually, it's much, much better, I promise. But thank you SO MUCH for your concern, dear lady.
" Take it easy, my friend, no sudden moves or doing things to exacerbate"
Yes, I'm moving, bending, turning very slowly as not to exacerbate it, to be sure.
Have a fantastic weekend and much thanks for stopping by!
dear Blanche ... omg that so hurts. I hurt just reading about your pain! I'm glad you are now able to wash and pee. heaven knows, those are the important things. left me wondering what you ate? :)
ReplyDeletemuch lovexxxxxxxx
Hiya Mel~
ReplyDelete"There's nothing quite like THAT pain. Sucks the air out of you..."
Exactly....sucks the air out of you! I was pretty sure it was musculature and not skeletal (my spine) because the pain was mainly concentrated at my butt.
"I DID manage to get showered, go to the bathroom AND sleep.....JUST about as creatively as you!"
HA! Isn't something how CREATIVE we get when this happens? I actually had to consciously THINK anytime I made a move, to make sure I wasn't putting any pressure on my lower back. But SLEEPING was the hardest because I move around A LOT when I sleep.
"And I know you'll forgive me for laughing--but you wrote about it all so whimsically, I couldn't help it. Darn good thing we can find some humour in the stuff that life hands us, huh?"
Yes, that's the only thing TO DO....find the humor :) The whole time this was happening, I kept trying to remember every little detail so I could write about it on my blog - HA!
"No way am I GONNA open a window now.....but thanks for the tip-when it's a tad WARMER I'll feign helplessness and let HIM do it. ROFL"
Can you believe that? Opening a WINDOW?!?!? I think was standing to far from the window when I opened it, thus I over-extended my back when I lifted it - UGH!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, dear lady. Have a terrific weekend and I hope you're feeling better!
(((((( You ))))))
Isn't it crazy how it's the simple things that wrench the back? Hope you're feeling better...back aches are horribly painful. I have never watched that movie...I need to see if it's on Netflix.
ReplyDeleteHey there Rob~
ReplyDelete"Oh, God, Ron, I am so sorry! As one who has suffered from lower back agony, I can totally sympathize with you on this."
I swear to god, when this happened to me I was so thinking of YOU because I remembered your writing about your experience on your blog a few months ago.
"It's amazing how the simplest acts--things we don't even think about normally--suddenly becomes tremendous hurdles."
Ain't that the truth? Even shaving my face in the morning became a long process of moving very slowly in fear that I would bend down over the sink and make it worst.
" When my back went out, my sister had to bring food to my house because I couldn't go down the stairs. I felt like a wounded animal, which I guess I was."
I was so lucky that I had just gone to the grocery store for food because I had enough in. But even preparing a meal was a painful chore.
" Your description of getting into bed was hilarious and I literally felt your pain!"
HA! That was probably the worst of it - getting in and out of bed because my bed sits very low to the floor, so I had to move very slowly.
I feel sooooooooo much better now, thank you. Still a bit tender, but not nearly as bad as earlier this week. I'm going to take easy for the next week, just to make sure I don't do it again.
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have an awesome weekend!
Hola Denise~
ReplyDelete" The visions of you taking a shower and going to bathroom was so funny!"
I wish I had been able to take pictures or a video clip, because I looked like a little old man with severe arthritis - HA!
" And doing the simplest of things can cause such pain, like going to the bathroom or even turning your head. It's almost like being paralyzed."
You are so correct, it IS like being paralyzed. You have to consciously think about how to maneuver your body, to keep any pressure off your lower back.
"I hope you're feeling better and are able to move around without any pain since Sunday."
Yes, I'm feeling like a MILLION times better, thank you. Still a bit tender, but I'm taking it easy.
Always fab to see ya, girl. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week too!
Helloooooooooo Linda~
ReplyDelete"dear Blanche ... omg that so hurts. I hurt just reading about your pain!"
Yes, I know that from ALL you've been through yourself, you know exactly how I felt.
" I'm glad you are now able to wash and pee. heaven knows, those are the important things".
HAHAHAHHAHAHA! You said it!!!!
" left me wondering what you ate? :)"
Luckily I had I just gone to the grocery store the night before, so I had plenty to eat. BUT...it took me FOREVER to prepare even something so simple as a bowl of soup and a salad. I tried making things that didn't require a lot of twisting and turning.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're feeling much better and that you have a lovely weekend!
(((((((( You ))))))))
Poor Ron! Still, what a hilarious account! One of my late aunts had back problems -- quite painful, from what I understand. Do you lift weights to strengthen your core (I hear that's supposed to help). Also, I'm glad to hear you were using natural remedies, rather than letting the doctors dope you into oblivion!
ReplyDeleteAt least you were able to take a few days off and tend to it. Can't imagine having to work while in excruciating pain.
Take care of yourself, and here's hoping your back is feeling well soon!
Hiya Suzi!
ReplyDelete"Isn't it crazy how it's the simple things that wrench the back?"
You said it...even SIMPLE things. A guy at work pulled his back out one time from just SNEEZING.
I feel soooooooooooo much better, thank you. However, I'm still taking it easy when I move around. Especially bending over or lifting anything.
" I have never watched that movie...I need to see if it's on Netflix."
Faaaaaaaaaabulous film! It's a classic!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a wonderful weekend!
Hiya Debbie!
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I tried to find the humor in this because OMG...it was so painful.
" Do you lift weights to strengthen your core (I hear that's supposed to help)."
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Light weights (10lbs) each. I also do yoga and stretching every couple of days to keep my body limber. This was just one of those freak accidents opening a window by standing too far away from it, so think it was a case of over-extending my back.
"Also, I'm glad to hear you were using natural remedies, rather than letting the doctors dope you into oblivion!"
Yes, I'm a Certified reflexologist, reiki practitioner and have taken courses in aromatherapy (essential oils), so I will ALWAYS use those means first, never a medical doctor unless I have to.
"At least you were able to take a few days off and tend to it. Can't imagine having to work while in excruciating pain."
Yes, I was soooooo lucky to have had those three days off because I could just mend and not have to move around a lot.
I'm feeling sooooooo much better now, but I'm still taking it easy lifting things and bending down.
Always fab to see ya, Debbie! Much thanks for stopping by and have a super weekend!
Even in pain, no one tells a story like you, Ron!
ReplyDeleteas if I was hit in the lower back by a semi truck on the turnpike and left as roadkill.
What a hysterical visual! And I'm so sorry to laugh, but the parts of you taking a shower, peeing and trying to sleep are classics. I've never pulled my back out but I know people who have, and just from the painful expression in their eyes, I could see that it was something that I don't ever want to experience.
Hope you're feeling better, Blanche. Just be careful to take it easy because you don't want to a rehap.
Hiya Matt~
ReplyDelete"as if I was hit in the lower back by a semi truck on the turnpike and left as roadkill."
I swear to god, that's EXACTLY what it felt like - HA!
" I've never pulled my back out but I know people who have, and just from the painful expression in their eyes, I could see that it was something that I don't ever want to experience."
I've only done this one other time in my life, which was even worst than this, so I consider myself lucky that I was able to mend so quickly. It's still a bit tender, but at least I can move around not looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. But I'm going to continue to take it slow for the next week, just to make sure it heals completely.
Thanks for stopping by, buddy! Have a most excellent weekend!
Hi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteAwwhhh; you poor dude. My heart goes out to you. I hope that you continue to feel better. I tell you, it sometimes takes the slightest bad movement to cause a mishap. I had hurt a muscle leg muscle once(I was going too fast). I ended up on crutches for close to a month.
I understand the bathroom part... I had to go in backwards so I could go backout the right way(our bathroom is teeny, too). :)
You might not believe me but, I have never seen "Whatever happened to baby Jane;. It already gives me the creeps to see the first photo( I don't know why).
But then again, has that ability to give anyone the creeps in her roles. The sign of genius to be able to play the mean,bad or ugly.
You keep on getting better and using your accupressure. It is working!!
Sending you off for the weekend with a big warm hug xoxox
Bonjour Barb~
ReplyDeleteThank you, my friend. I am feeling sooooooo much better :) But I plan on taking it easy for the next week, just to make sure it heals completely. I'm just happy I can stand and sit without SCREAMING out in pain anymore.
"I tell you, it sometimes takes the slightest bad movement to cause a mishap. I had hurt a muscle leg muscle once(I was going too fast). I ended up on crutches for close to a month."
Someone at work pulled out his back simple from sneezing. And he was out of commission for over a week!
"I understand the bathroom part... I had to go in backwards so I could go backout the right way(our bathroom is teeny, too). :)"
HAHAHAHAHAHHA! Isn't it something how even going to the bathroom is a production? Yes, my bathroom is teeny as well.
"You might not believe me but, I have never seen "Whatever happened to baby Jane;. It already gives me the creeps to see the first photo( I don't know why)."
Yes, it IS a classic, creepy movie indeed. Bette Davis looks so horrible in this film that it SCA-RY! I remember seeing it when I was a kid with my mother for the first time. But I'm one of those weird people who LOVES scary films - HA!
"You keep on getting better and using your accupressure. It is working!!"
Will do!
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a spectacular weekend!
X to you and D!
Oh poor Ron! I once put my back out by SNEEZING! Yep sneezing, crazy isn't it? I hope you're OK now m'deario. xx
ReplyDeleteHey there Pearl~
ReplyDelete" I once put my back out by SNEEZING! Yep sneezing, crazy isn't it?"
No that doesn't sound crazy at all because a guy I work with did the same thing last year and he was out of commission for over a week!
Yes, I'm feeling so much better, thank you. However, I'm going to take it easy for the next week, just to make sure it's healed.
Thanks so much for stopping by and have a WONDERFUL time on your trip!
Oh no!!! Yes I do know how you feel. I put my back out like that once, when I was pregnant, so I couldn't even take anything strong for the pain! And these days I suffer subluxations in my neck so yeah. I FEEL for you!
ReplyDelete" I looked like a commercial for Mr. Bubble"
Hahahahahahahahahahahah! That conjures up such a great mental image!
But seriously, I know how easy it is to put things out - my mother once put her back out sitting up in bed. Yes! Simply sitting up in bed, and she was shuffling round like an old lady for three weeks. I do hope the pain leaves you soon - AND that you take care with that window in future!
Hey there Jay!
ReplyDelete"Yes I do know how you feel. I put my back out like that once, when I was pregnant, so I couldn't even take anything strong for the pain!"
OMG...I can't even imagine what it must have been like to pull your back out WHILE you were pregnant!?!
"And these days I suffer subluxations in my neck so yeah. I FEEL for you!"
Yes, I know you suffer with neck issues/pain and I know that's not easy to contend with.
It's odd because we often take our health for granted until something like this happens, and then we realize how blessed we are to have good health and that everything works properly.
" I do hope the pain leaves you soon - AND that you take care with that window in future!"
Thank you :) Today it actually feels almost 100% better than a few days ago, but I'm still going to take it easy for the next week so that it doesn't pull out again.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend. Have a great weekend!
Ron, there are too many things about this post which are so hilarious that
ReplyDeleteit's hard for me to even focus on your back pull. They whole thing about you trying to pee sitting down had me rolling on the floor! And I have to confess to you that I also sit to pee because not only do I find it more comfortable, but it's a hell of a lot less messy than standing. The only time I'll stand is if I'm in a public restroom because I wouldn't dare sit down on a public toilet.
"Isn't it ironic how whenever you pull your back out, it seems that you keep dropping things on the floor so that you have to bend down to pick them up?'
That is so true because it's happened to me before. And then I end up trying to pick up whatever falls on the floor with my toes because I can't bend down.
Glad to read you're back is feeling better, Ron! Take it easy though.
Whatever Happened Baby Jane is one of the creepiest yet, outstanding and classical scary movies. Victor Buono is so wonderful in his role.
ron, i cringed, frowned and held my breath while reading this only because i know. you poor baby, i feel so sorry for you, but sounds like you're feeling better by now. seriously if your back doesn't work or hurts it's hard to do anything. sucks really.
ReplyDeletei think i will have to put that movie on my list. you pick good ones and no, i've never seen it. a trip to the library is in order.
and when i hear noise, i start recording so you best be careful. ;) okay so i've only recorded someone stomping on the treadmill, but still. of course, if the gym is empty then it's me making the ooohs and ahhhhs.
Hey ho Robert!
ReplyDelete" And I have to confess to you that I also sit to pee because not only do I find it more comfortable, but it's a hell of a lot less messy than standing. The only time I'll stand is if I'm in a public restroom because I wouldn't dare sit down on a public toilet."
Yahoo...another guy that pees sitting down! I feel like such an oddity being one of the few who do - HA! Yes, much more comfortable and much less messy, I agree! And me too, I won't sit a public restroom as well - Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
"And then I end up trying to pick up whatever falls on the floor with my toes because I can't bend down."
HAHHAAHAHHAHA! Yup...that's exactly what I did, try to pick up whatever I dropped on the floor with my toes. But this time I couldn't even do that because it hurt to lift my right leg, so I had to lower myself down on the floor and pick it up with the tips of my fingers.
"Whatever Happened Baby Jane is one of the creepiest yet, outstanding and classical scary movies. Victor Buono is so wonderful in his role."
I own the movie on VHS tape but I have got to get a copy on DVD. Victor Buono is FLAWLESS as Edwin! And I love the actress who plays his mother as well.
Thanks so much for stopping by, bud. Have fantastic weekend!
Hey there V Girl~
ReplyDelete" but sounds like you're feeling better by now. seriously if your back doesn't work or hurts it's hard to do anything. sucks really."
Yes, today it feels the best since last Sunday. I can finally move around without limping. And yeah...it's so hard to do anything if your back is out of whack. TOTALLY sucks!
"i think i will have to put that movie on my list. you pick good ones and no, i've never seen it. a trip to the library is in order."
It's a classic! It's kind of a mixture of scary, drama and humor all rolled into one film. Bette Davis and Joan Crawford are faaaaaaabulous!
"and when i hear noise, i start recording so you best be careful. ;) okay so i've only recorded someone stomping on the treadmill, but still. of course, if the gym is empty then it's me making the ooohs and ahhhhs"
Bwhahahahaha! Yes, I can only IMAGINE the noises you hear at the gym. Gunt, moan, aaahhhs!
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a fantabulous weekend!
Oh Ron, I feel your pain...literally! I've had arthritis in my lower back for some years not & for over a year I've been having severe lower back & leg problems. I've had & 20 cortisone shots & have had my facet joint nerves burned on either side of my back, to no avail. It's hereditary & degenerative so surgery won't even help & physical therapy made it worse. I'm on medication, but sometimes it just makes me sleepy & helps little. Just trying to see what the next plan of action will be.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm sorry I got off track, but now you know I understand. I am so glad it is getting better for you. Please do be careful of those dangerous windows & take care of yourself.
Hellooooooo Collette!
ReplyDelete" I've had arthritis in my lower back for some years not & for over a year I've been having severe lower back & leg problems. I've had & 20 cortisone shots & have had my facet joint nerves burned on either side of my back, to no avail."
Yes, one of my dear friends also suffers with severe arthritis and she too has had to cortisone shots in her legs and feet because it's THAT bad. She will get relief for sometime, but then it comes back. So she has to have more shots. She too is on medication as well.
"I am so glad it is getting better for you. Please do be careful of those dangerous windows & take care of yourself."
Thank you, yes, my lower back is feeling MUCH better. But I'm still gonna take it easy for the next week.
Always a delight to see your comments, my friend. Much thanks for stopping by and have an AWESOME weekend!
(((((( You )))))
Oh honey, I am so sorry.... FOR LAUGHING AT YOUR PAIN!!! And for your pain too, of course! The whole bathroom thing... sitting that long... you were cracking me up!!!! You need to get one of those claw reacher things for when it's time for TP!
ReplyDeleteGeez I coulda sent you TONS of drugs.... all the stuff they wanted me to take after the accident that I simply refused to take. But then you wouldn't have such a great blog post.
ALL joking aside, I hope you feel better!!! xooo!!
Hellooooooo Katherine!
ReplyDelete"Oh honey, I am so sorry.... FOR LAUGHING AT YOUR PAIN!!!"
No, no need to apologize because it WAS funny. Not the PAIN mind you, but more so looking back, and seeing myself as BLANCHE in the movie - HA!
"You need to get one of those claw reacher things for when it's time for TP!"
OH. MY. GOD. I would have LOVED to of had one of those because I could BARELY reach for things without SCREAMING.
"Geez I coulda sent you TONS of drugs.... all the stuff they wanted me to take after the accident that I simply refused to take."
THANK YOU! You're a sweetheart, but I wouldn't have taken them anyway because I would rather do more NATURAL, than drugs.
And I KNOW you feel the same way.
Thanks for you well-wishes and for stopping by! I'm feeling MUCH better as we speak.
Have a super-duper weekend!
I can SO relate. I remember the first time it happened to me, I couldn't believe the pain. It was insane! People told me to sleep on the floor but, I'm sorry, that didn't do shit for me except make it hurt more.
ReplyDeleteAnd like you, I wasn't pushing an old lady out of the way of a speeding bus or anything. I was brushing my teeth and bent over to spit. And couldn't get back up. The strangest thing is that I pulled my back out more than a few time when I most active and in shape. Needless to say, it hasn't happened recently. :-)
By the way, LOVE LOVE this movie.
I'm so glad you're feeling better. Have a great weekend, Ron!
Hey Chrissy!
ReplyDelete" People told me to sleep on the floor but, I'm sorry, that didn't do shit for me except make it hurt more."
It's so funny you mentioned that because I actually thought about just sleeping on the floor with my pillows and a blanket because I thought it would be easier than trying to get into bed.
" I was brushing my teeth and bent over to spit. And couldn't get back up."
HAHAHAHAHAHHA! Same here, Chrissy! And you should have seen me trying to shave my face and then bending over to rinse the shaving cream off!
"By the way, LOVE LOVE this movie."
Isn't it a faaaaaabulous movie? A CLASSIC!
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Have a grrrrreat weekend!
X to you and the gang!
Ouch! So sorry to hear that! I am so glad that you are feeling better now though. And I do know exactly how you feel. Ron's back hasn't been that bad (thank goodness) in quite a few years, but it used to spasm so bad that it would put him on the floor. He's been on pain meds and to our chiropractor and a couple times I even had to call the ambulance because the pain was so bad. He was given shots of something at the ER which took the edge off.
ReplyDeleteThere have even been a couple times when I've had to give him a jar to pee in while he was laying on the floor. LOL
Sometimes it's from him working too much, too hard. Other times, as you said, it's from something so basic like turning too quickly or reaching for something.
Awesome movie reference!! I've seen it quite a few times. Terrific performances.
Hope you are enjoying a nice weekend! xo
Hiya Mary!
ReplyDeleteThanks, my friend. Yes, I'm feeling like a MILLION times better than earlier this week - OUCH!
"He's been on pain meds and to our chiropractor and a couple times I even had to call the ambulance because the pain was so bad. He was given shots of something at the ER which took the edge off."
OMG...how HORRIBLE. And can only imagine the PAIN he was in to have to go to ER.
"There have even been a couple times when I've had to give him a jar to pee in while he was laying on the floor. LOL"
Bwhahahahahahaha! HILARIOUS!!!
"Sometimes it's from him working too much, too hard. Other times, as you said, it's from something so basic like turning too quickly or reaching for something."
It totally flipped me out that this happened to me from OPENING A WINDOW!?!? But I know some people who this happened to because of SNEEZING.
Don't ya just LOVE this movie? It's a classic!
Much thanks for stopping by and commenting on my previous posts. You're a sweetheart!
Have a flawless weekend! Can you believe how cold it got? I hear we might be getting snow on Monday.
Sorry to hear you put your back out, but glad it's much better now. There's nothing worse. Well, I expect there is, but you know what I mean ha ha!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great film that was and what a wicked woman Jane was. Bette Davis made a great evil doer in films. I wonder if any of it was in her real personality ;)
I think insurance should cover sending a physical therapist to your house when you throw your back out, don't you? They can help you pee, shower and pick shit up off the floor, cook, straighten up and help you lie down without screaming in agony. When my knees were so bad, I did that whole "grabbing at walls to walk" thing, which looks oh so attractive. Before I got my cortisone shots, I was thisclose to having to use a cane. Glad you're better Ron. Just keep the windows closed, OK?
ReplyDeleteYou poor thing. That kind of searing pain is horrible. So glad you didn't have to go into work. Sometimes it scares me how easy it is to hurt ourselves especially the older we get. Ugh!
ReplyDeleteOn another note, all I kept thinking about looking at those pictures is, "I so want to rent All About Eve and watch it with Ron."
Hey there Jen~
ReplyDelete"So glad you didn't have to go into work."
Me too!!! If this was going to happen, it happened at the best time so that I didn't have to miss work and could stay home and take of myself.
" Sometimes it scares me how easy it is to hurt ourselves especially the older we get. Ugh!"
Ah...age...isn't it WONDERFUL - HA!
"On another note, all I kept thinking about looking at those pictures is, "I so want to rent All About Eve and watch it with Ron."
LOVE that movie! It would be a perfect film to watch with you while sipping on some great red wine, wouldn't it??
Hope you're having a FAB weekend, girl! Much thanks for stopping by!
Helloooooooooo Kathy!
ReplyDelete"I think insurance should cover sending a physical therapist to your house when you throw your back out, don't you? They can help you pee, shower and pick shit up off the floor, cook, straighten up and help you lie down without screaming in agony."
Bwhahahahahahaha! Yes! That would be FLAWLESS, wouldn't it?
"When my knees were so bad, I did that whole "grabbing at walls to walk" thing, which looks oh so attractive. Before I got my cortisone shots, I was this close to having to use a cane."
Oh, Kathy, knee injuries are the worst because it literally leaves you not being able to walk, period. And it's ironic you mentioned knees because one of the girls I work with fell on her right knee this week (Sunday, the same day this happened to me) and she missed almost the whole week of work. She was finally able to come in today.
Thank you, yes, I'm feeling MUCH better!
Hope you're having a FABU weekend! Wasn't the weather today, awesome?
Hiya Babs!
ReplyDeleteThank you, my friend! Yes, I'm feeling sooooooo much better. I'm just so grateful it happened while I was off work, so that I didn't have miss working.
"What a great film that was and what a wicked woman Jane was. Bette Davis made a great evil doer in films. I wonder if any of it was in her real personality ;)"
Wasn't she AWESOME????? And yes...soooooo evil!!!!
She and Joan never really got along in their careers because of envy and competition. Actually, they were both pretty much the same type personalities, so I think they clashed. However, I read that they both got along very well in this film because they were at a point in their careers where they NEEDED to work, so they forced themselves to be civil with one another.
I think BOTH of them could be pretty hard to get along with on a personal level. But as actresses, I loved them.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by. Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!
X to you and Mo!
Can I just blame YOU for the reason urine sometimes misses the toilet in my house? Thanks, Ron!
ReplyDeleteAnd my dad has a saying for this kind of thing. "Old age is hell." Not that you're old, but it's more about the not-so-funny things that happen as we grow older. You know, like throwing your back out after opening a window.
Hope you're feeling better for the new week!
Poor Ron! Yes, I have pulled my back several times and it is awful. The strange thing is, I never know what I have done to pull it. I just wake up that way.
ReplyDeleteOK, now I have this image of you peeing all over the bathroom......LOL
Take care of yourself!
Howdy Mark~
ReplyDelete"Can I just blame YOU for the reason urine sometimes misses the toilet in my house? Thanks, Ron!"
HAHAHHAHAHAHA! No, you can't blame me, but the next time it happens in your house, limp around a little and just tell Tara you pulled your back. It's a faaaaaaaaaaaaabulous excuse!
"Not that you're old, but it's more about the not-so-funny things that happen as we grow older. You know, like throwing your back out after opening a window."
Oy Vey! You ain't kiddin'!
Thanks for stopping by, bud. Hope you had a most excellent weekend!
X to you and Tara!
Helloooooooo Bill!
ReplyDelete"The strange thing is, I never know what I have done to pull it. I just wake up that way.'
Um, well...gee, I wonder what you and Paul were DOING the night before?
"OK, now I have this image of you peeing all over the bathroom......LOL
OMG....I looked like that famous bronze fountain in Brussels, the one of little boy PEEING everywhere!
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy! Hope you had a grrreat weekend!
X to you and Paul!
Ron, I just stopped by to tell you that I ordered, Whatever Happened To Baby Jane, on Netflix. Damn, you have to stop sharing these posts about movies because every time you mention one, I feel compelled to watch it.
ReplyDelete" Damn, you have to stop sharing these posts about movies because every time you mention one, I feel compelled to watch it."
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry about that, buddy! But I'm so glad you ordered this film from Netflix, because it's an AWESOME film!
Hope you had a super weekend!
Ack! Sorry man! I totally sympathize with you. It's usually the small things that can turn your world upside down. There's nothing fun about having a back injury, and even a small twinge can knock you out for days. The day that I woke up one morning and couldn't move led to a doctors visit and emergency surgery. The painful details can be found here:
Seriously, get a heating pad, a bottle of Motrin, get yourself into a comfortable lying position, and enjoy a few movies. Doing anything more can make it worse. There's nothing worse than not even being able to use the facilities like a normal human being. Heh...
Get better, my friend!
Howdy Herman~
ReplyDelete"The day that I woke up one morning and couldn't move led to a doctors visit and emergency surgery. The painful details can be found here"
I just read your post that was dated back in 2009, before we met. OH. MY. GOD...what a thing to go through! I could feel your pain just from reading that post. And to just wake up one morning with that must have been horrendous. Glad your surgery went well and that you mended.
"Doing anything more can make it worse. There's nothing worse than not even being able to use the facilities like a normal human being. Heh..."
Actually, I'm pretty much healed and in no pain. But I'm still gonna take it easy for the next week, just to make sure.
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Hope you had a super weekend!
X to you, Karin, and Mr. Tyler!
P.S. and thanks for sharing that post.
Looking forward to watching it again because it's been years.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy! :)
ReplyDeleteOMG, I know exactly how that feels. I blew a disc the summer of 2005, spent 2 months working from home on the couch hoping it would get better. It didn't. Then, I had an arthroscopic type of back surgery in August to remove the disc material floating around crashing into my nerves. But until then, the pain was almost unbearable at times....but only if I stood, walked, sat or was upright in any way, shape or form! Glad you're almost back to your old self!
ReplyDeleteGreetings Lisa!
ReplyDelete"I blew a disc the summer of 2005, spent 2 months working from home on the couch hoping it would get better. It didn't."
YIKES....one of the guys I work with is currently going through the EXACT same thing in his lower back. His doctors are trying to do everything they can to avoid surgery because it's not a guarantee that it will work.
Hope you're feeling better and pain free now.
((((( You ))))
Much thanks for stopping by, Lisa! Have a wonderful week!
Oh you poor dear! Back pain is simply awful. You can't do a damn thing because just about every part of your body is connected to your BACK!
ReplyDeleteHelloooooooooo Pam!
ReplyDelete"You can't do a damn thing because just about every part of your body is connected to your BACK! That just isn't right. Who the hell thought THAT was a good idea, anyway?"
HA! You said it....who the HELL thought THAT was a good idea!?!?!
" I mean I could deal with it if I was having wild monkey sex on a trapeze over my bed, or some fun crap like that. But LAUNDRY? Really?"
Bwhahahahhahahaha! Cracked me up! And I agree. OPENING A WINDOW!?!?!?
"Oh, that reflexology is the bomb. I'm teaching myself trigger point therapy. It's really great too. And it's even greater because I don't have to wait for anyone to do it for me. :)"
Good for you, girl! I think everyone should learn this technique because it's easy to learn and VERY effective. I can't tell you HOW MANY times it has saved me from having to go to a doctor.
"So glad you're feeling better. Next time, find some hunk to open your window, and check out his buns while he straining. ;)"
HA! Thank you, yes, I'm feeling 100% better. But I'm still taking it easy lifting things and bending down.
Much thanks for stopping by, Pam! Have a FANTABULOUS week!
((((( You )))))