As I’ve shared in a previous post how often we forget to look UP in order to capture some surprisingly unexpected photographs, I feel the same about looking DOWN. Especially if you live in a city because you can spot a potpourri of unusual things beneath your feet.
Over the past month, I took some photographs of stuff I found on the ground. And it was amusing to observe people watching me aim my camera at the sidewalk and street while snapping images of odd objects. I actually had several people stop and stare with a suspicious and paranoid look on their face while clutching their iPhones, like, “What the HELL is he doing and should I 911 the police because this guy looks mentally deranged.”
I felt like saying, “Look busybody, I’m a photographer for Newsweek on a special assignment to take photographs of shit I find on the ground. Now mind your own business and buzz off!”
And what I thought most interesting about taking these shots was my inquisitiveness about the backstory of how some of these objects got there.
So here you go, folks, photographs of things I found on the ground.
This is interesting. A banana peel sitting directly next to a piece of chewing gum. It looks like an ad for bubble gum - “Gum that tastes like a banana, only it’s BLUE.”
I wonder if whoever dropped this was on their way home from the produce store and when they got there, realized they were minus one red pepper for dinner.
Evidence of hair loss from a faulty hair weave.
I bet this sock belonged to a man who was in hurry to get away from a very angry husband who walked in on him and his wife doing the nasty; dropping one of his socks in the street while running away.
A fabric softener sheet and an oriental fan. I have NO idea what to make of these two objects, other than they belong to a Geisha girl who works in a laundromat.
SCARY! Reminds me of the Stephen King book, Bag Of Bones. Either that, or the remainder of a Kentucky Fried Chicken 1-Piece Happy Meal.
I discovered this cute, little bumblebee just sitting on the sidewalk in a park. It was deceased, but fully intact. How odd. I wondered how it got there. Did it suddenly have a heart attack in mid-flight, and then made a smooth crash landing? And I honestly felt sad because I love bumblebees.
And now for the final photo, one of which is literally shit I found on the ground. I dedicate this photo to my buddy Katherine at Shoot Me Now.
Warning: I hope you're not eating breakfast while viewing this. And if you are...STOP.
Isn’t this a lovely sight? And no, it's not a Tootsie Roll. Thank god I saw it before stepping in it.
*note: this is a scratch and sniff photo, so feel free to try it. But be sure to use hand sanitizer afterward.
Apparently the dog owner didn’t see this only a few feet away. Or they saw it and didn’t care.
I had no idea they even had things like this, a Mutt Mitt. How ingenious! From the illustration it looks like a kitchen mitt.
Oh well, like I said, at least I saw it before I stepped in it.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. And don’t forget to look DOWN.
Hi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteThat's my friend; getting out there and doing your photography! People were afraid of this big bad man with his black box? Lol :) Great line "I'm from Newsweek". Go, man!!
This is all pretty revealing about the "buy and throw" Western society. The oriental fan made me think of the laundromat that D & I went to on South street. It had an oriental decor...
Well, maybe the owners chucked it all and went out of biz!
And for the finale, dog poop. In France, people also don't pick up after their dogs enough(despite fines and in some areas (like in my city) plastic baggie dispensers). How interesting to see the Philly solution to dog poop, "the Mutt Mitt". Hey; whatever helps!
Thanks for sharing and happy weekend, my dear xoxo
Glood morning, Ron.
ReplyDeleteA mutt mitt.... love it. Dog owners here usually have pockets full of polythene bags. Haha I hated having to carry a full one back home.
I never thought to point the camera down instead of up but you can be sure I'll do so in future. You came up with some interesting shots. I think I'm having a new camera for my birthday, one with a better zoom facility. I'll be out practising.
Ready for the weekend? Have a good one.
For 'glood' read good!!
ReplyDeleteI love your explanations of your finds. LOL I love the fan, I wonder if the person that lost it misses it? I am always intrigued when I see a lone shoe - how can someone not know they've lost a shoe???? I hate it when dog owners don't pick up their dog's mess. Recently one really thoughtful owner picked up their dog's doo in a bag then slung the bag up my MIL's drive! We do have stray dogs wandering about, so I guess they could be the culprits of some of the dog mess left lying on the street.
ReplyDeletehahahah. great post, ron. the title made me laugh when i saw it. you are so right and i'm trying to look down more because there is always something interesting to be found. loved your photos and the sh*t you found.
ReplyDeletewhat a fantastic theme!!
ReplyDeleteeveryone who lives in an urban setting can appreciate this
you should make a coffee table book!
I love the weave, I think there was one hell of a hair pulling fight
perhaps over a guy
or over the last pair of designer shoes
brilliant my love
...My personal fav' is the Geisha girl. That is exactly what I thought when I first saw it only to continue reading and realize that you thought the exact same thing! You're pretty awesome but then you knew that already. ;o)
ReplyDelete...And seriously, the poo? I was just taking a drink of coffee when I scrolled down onto the poop and immediately my stomach said, "nope, don't want coffee at the moment" and there I was with a mouth full of java staring at a photo of poop. And please tell me for the sake of all humanity that the last photo is of smeared chocolate pudding? If it isn't, just tell me it is anyway, 'kay? [giggle][shrug] :o)
...Very enlightening post my dear! I agree with 'Dianne' above - great coffee table book idea. You really should look into that. ;o)
...I hope your day is as spectacular as you because that's pretty dadgum spectacular!
...Peace & blessings. :o)
I LOVE that you devised titles for these pictures! Creative and funny, you are, Ronnie! Would you believe I find the dirty sock more gross than the poop? I've ocassionally seen a sock like that lying in the road and find it very disturbing. Socks stink!
ReplyDeleteWhen I go for walks, I always look at what is lying on the ground. You do come across the most interesting things. I've seen everything from a used condom to a full bottle of wine in my old neighborhood! Nice suburbs, huh?
I should know to heed your warnings--which I greatly appreciate, by the way. Did I heed the warning?! Sorta....I wasn't eating. I was having coffee. Took a bit to get that one swallowed.... And I even knew it was coming cuz you SAID so at katherines place. Eessshhh.
ReplyDeleteSocks, shoes, food, wrappers...pooh....we have it all and we're smalltown! I'm not feeling cheated out of anything in the 'look down' department! I'm forever looking down--it's the 'up' that I miss when I have a camera in hand. And yes, I get people stopping and asking what I'm zooming in on. It ain't doggie pooh, that's for sure!! LOL And I've found they're generally friendly and wanna gab when they stop to ask. I get in more places with that camera in hand...LOL I even get 'forgiven my trespasses'. ;-)
I think I best liked the deceased pepper. I'm a colour freak, I guess. The bee one just plain made me sad. Ohhhhh......poor bee.....
Hey, Ron, great post! It proves that there's a downside to everything.
ReplyDeleteYou should bring a club with you next time to chase away all those busybodies. Get a life, losers!
I have a blogging friend in Brooklyn who specializes in sidewalk photographs. Her blog is called "New York Shitty" and she has a great eye for stuff like this.
Now it's time for me to take a walk--and I'll be sure to watch my step! Have a great weekend, buddy!
You sure did find some shit on the ground, lol!
ReplyDeleteLove your captions on these...was really hoping you had one on the dog poop! Come on, what did you really want to write on that one?
If that is the worst you have come across, then I'd be happy to visit your part of town. Lol! My backyard is full of tootsie rolls of all sizes. OMG. Newsweek are so funny!
ReplyDeleteYour Photos do tell a wonderful story.
ReplyDeleteAn ape on his way home was eating a banana and chewing gum at the same time. When he was finished with the fruit, the gum had lost its taste and he spit the gum out next to the banana peel. Not realizing that when he spit the gum out of his mouth the forward force cause the bell pepper to sail out of his grocery bag. Then without noticing the pepper he step on the thing and squashed it to the pavement. Being an ape the hair from his body was everywhere.
The ape had kept all his cash in an old sock which also fell to the ground. If you had the nerve to open the sock you would have discovered the 32 cents that was left inside.
The ape had a fantasy of a Spanish Chimp. He love to picture her wearing only the fan that was left behind, ah, such fond dreams. He loved that hairy little monkey and he had no BONES about it.
As apes groom other apes our friend was picking the hair of one of his friends and found this bee. Was a treasure. Our buddy picked off the bee bite it and did not care care for the taste because there was no trace o honey and threw to the sidewalk. The horrible taste was enough for the ape to shit right there in the middle of the city. Not knowing that the founding fathers foresaw this problem and supplied bags to shit in. The big guy stepped in his own shit and now we are back to an ape walking the town.
Bonjour Barb!
ReplyDelete" People were afraid of this big bad man with his black box? Lol :) Great line "I'm from Newsweek". Go, man!!"
Yes, they were afraid, can you believe that? I took a lot of these photos over in the Fairmount area of Philly, and several of the people walking down the street gave me this suspicious and paranoid look, like I was some kind of FREAK. Which I am - HA!
"This is all pretty revealing about the "buy and throw" Western society."
You know Barb, I never thought of that but you're exactly right! We definitely live in a buy and throw society. And one thing that really bothers me are the people who FLING their cigarette butts in the street.
"And for the finale, dog poop. In France, people also don't pick up after their dogs enough(despite fines and in some areas (like in my city) plastic baggie dispensers). How interesting to see the Philly solution to dog poop, "the Mutt Mitt". Hey; whatever helps!"
That's interesting to hear about France because I thought they would be different than the U.S - more aware. I just recently saw the Mutt Mitts popping up in Philly. They have them many in the park. Cool idea too!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a terrific weekend!
X to you and D!
Gooood mornign Valerie!
ReplyDelete"Dog owners here usually have pockets full of polythene bags. Haha I hated having to carry a full one back home."
Yes, it's the same here in the U.S. These Mutt Mitt things have just recently started popping up around the city. They're mainly in parks.
"I never thought to point the camera down instead of up but you can be sure I'll do so in future."
I had the idea for this post several months ago because I've been noticing stuff on the ground and thought it would be an interesting view on photography. And living in a city, you see all kinds of weird stuff on the ground.
"I think I'm having a new camera for my birthday, one with a better zoom facility. I'll be out practising."
Oh, how awesome....a new camera!!! I want to get one with better zoom facility as well. I would like to get a more advanced camera, but I also don't want it to be too big because I like the convenience of a small point and shoot.
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Have a super weekend!
ReplyDeleteYes, I understood what you meant. But I kinda like the word "Glood!"
Goooooooood morning Pearl!
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I had so much putting this post together.
" I wonder if the person that lost it misses it? I am always intrigued when I see a lone shoe - how can someone not know they've lost a shoe????"
Exactly. And that's what I thought we I saw the SOCK?!?!
" I hate it when dog owners don't pick up their dog's mess. Recently one really thoughtful owner picked up their dog's doo in a bag then slung the bag up my MIL's drive!"'re KIDDING ME!?!?!?! How rude. Here in the parks people seem to be very conscious about removing their dog's doo, but you'll see it in the streets and sidewalks sometimes.
Thanks so much for stopping by, 'dear. Have a LOVELY weekend!
Hey there V Girl!
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I had so much fun putting this post together.
"and i'm trying to look down more because there is always something interesting to be found."
Yes, especially in a city. I've seen some things on the ground that made me go, "OMG...I can't believe that!?!?" And unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a glorious weekend! I hear we going to have some stunning weather this weekend.
Hey there Lady Dianne!
ReplyDelete"everyone who lives in an urban setting can appreciate this
you should make a coffee table book!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG...what an AWESOME idea!!!!!! And can you imagine going into someone's home and seeing a book, "Shit I Found On The Ground" sitting on their coffee table???
"I love the weave, I think there was one hell of a hair pulling fight perhaps over a guy
or over the last pair of designer shoes"
Bwhahahahahahahhaah! CRACKED ME UP, DIANNE!!!!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, dear lady. Have a most excellent weekend!
X to you, Hope, Siren, and Isadora!
Hellooooooooooo TJ!
ReplyDelete"My personal fav' is the Geisha girl. That is exactly what I thought when I first saw it only to continue reading and realize that you thought the exact same thing!"
HA! How about that!!!! Great minds think a like!!!!
The thing about that photo which puzzled me the most was the fabric softener sheet sitting right next to the fan. WTF???
"And seriously, the poo? I was just taking a drink of coffee when I scrolled down onto the poop and immediately my stomach said, "nope, don't want coffee at the moment" and there I was with a mouth full of java staring at a photo of poop."
Bwhahahahhahahahha! OMG...that made me HOWL! Yes, that's why I put the WARNING.
" And please tell me for the sake of all humanity that the last photo is of smeared chocolate pudding? If it isn't, just tell me it is anyway, 'kay? [giggle][shrug] :o)"
HAHAHAHAHAHA! No, it IS poo. I captured that shot on completely different street, but when I saw it I thought it would be a great photo to conclude this post, so I SNAPPED it.
Thanks so much for stopping by, dearest lady. ALWAYS such a joy to see your comments. And thank you for your sweet words.
((((((( You )))))))
Have a spectacular weekend!
Hey there Bijoux!
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I had so much FUN putting this post together.
"Would you believe I find the dirty sock more gross than the poop? I've ocassionally seen a sock like that lying in the road and find it very disturbing. Socks stink!"
Yes, I totally agree with you. The sock is much more disturbing than the poop.
". I've seen everything from a used condom..."
Okay, I CANNOT believe you just said that because I've seen the SAME THING here! In fact, I was going to take a photograph of one lying on the ground but I thought that would be a bit much. Isn't that the grosses thing you ever saw?
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a most excellent weekend!
Hey there Suzi!
ReplyDelete"Love your captions on these...was really hoping you had one on the dog poop! Come on, what did you really want to write on that one?"
Yes, I initially had one on the dog poop photo but decided to omit it because I thought it would be more fun to just SEE it without any words on the photo.
But what I wrote was, "Canine Poo."
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a wonderful weekend!
(((((((((( You )))))))))
Hiya Mel!
ReplyDelete"I should know to heed your warnings--which I greatly appreciate, by the way. Did I heed the warning?! Sorta....I wasn't eating. I was having coffee. Took a bit to get that one swallowed.... And I even knew it was coming cuz you SAID so at katherines place. Eessshhh"
Bwhahahahahahahha! And I can't WAIT for Katherine to see this post!!!!!
" And yes, I get people stopping and asking what I'm zooming in on. It ain't doggie pooh, that's for sure!! LOL And I've found they're generally friendly and wanna gab when they stop to ask. I get in more places with that camera in hand...LOL I even get 'forgiven my trespasses'."
Oh boy, aren't you blessed. Here, people look at you so strange and paranoid. And I find that odd because this is city for god sake, where you see A LOT more strange things than a man taking photos of dog poop - HA!
" The bee one just plain made me sad. Ohhhhh......poor bee....."
I know, I felt the same way. I love bumblebees. They're so fuzzy and cute. They're such a sweet little bee.
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Have a lovely weekend!
((((((( You ))))))
Hey there Rob!
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
"It proves that there's a downside to everything."
HAHAHAHAHA! Rob, I always LOVE your play on words!!!
"You should bring a club with you next time to chase away all those busybodies. Get a life, losers!"
Amen! That's one of the things I LOVE about taking in photos in NYC. No one even looks at you or cares if you take photos. That's because they had a LIFE and they're busy living it, and not sticking their noses in other people's business.
"I have a blogging friend in Brooklyn who specializes in sidewalk photographs. Her blog is called "New York Shitty" and she has a great eye for stuff like this."
OMG, how faaaaaabulous!!! I need to check out her blog. Do you have it listed on your sidebar? If not, I can just Google "NewYork Shitty."
Have a terrific weekend, buddy. And much thanks for stopping by!
Helloooooooo Debbie!
ReplyDelete"It really burns me up when people let their dogs poop on sidewalks, then leave it there for walkers, joggers, bikes, etc.!! Doggie-Doo bags aren't expensive, people!"
Agreed! And for the most part, here in Philly, people usually pick up after their dogs in the parks. But it's on the street that you will sometimes see it just sitting there :(
"Ron, I can just imagine the looks you received, aiming your camera at the stuff on the sidewalks! What a funny mental picture, my friend. You have a way with words, you know."
Thank you :). But you should see the LOOKS I get from the people here. I am WAY to weird for Philly - HA!
"The red pepper makes me kinda sad --"
I know what you mean because the pepper almost looks at though it's in pain.
Always FAB to see ya, dear lady. Much thanks for stopping by and have a lovely weekend!
ReplyDeleteHelloooooooooo Angelia!!!!!
" then I'd be happy to visit your part of town. Lol! My backyard is full of tootsie rolls of all sizes."
Bwhahahahhahaha! OMG...that made me HOWL!!!
It's funny because here in Philly, most people are very conscious about picking up after their dogs in the parks. However, on the streets it's a completely different story. They just leave it there?!?
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a lovely weekend!
P. S. I saw that you posted today, so I will be by sometime today to read your post. Can't wait!
*thunderous applause*
Dave, Dave, Dave....your comment was BEYOND brilliant and MUCH better than anything I wrote on this post!!!!!!!!!
How CLEVER you are!
"The horrible taste was enough for the ape to shit right there in the middle of the city. Not knowing that the founding fathers foresaw this problem and supplied bags to shit in. The big guy stepped in his own shit and now we are back to an ape walking the town."
OUTSTANDING finish, buddy!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your wit in this post. Much appreciated and enjoyed!
Have a SUPER weekend!!!!!!!!
Ron, I just want you to know that I showed your post to one of the girls I work with because she heard me laughing, as she often does when I read your posts at work, and she wanted me to tell you that she loved this post!
ReplyDeleteWhen I got to the part about the Tootsie Roll, I laughed so hard I spit my coffee. You are hilarious! And that last photo was so clever. Was that you're foot print?
Loved the photo of hair weave!
Thanks for the laughs Ron, I needed that this morning. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hola Denise!
ReplyDeleteOMG, she must think I'm INSANE, but tell her I said I'm glad she enjoyed it.
The "Tootsie Roll" was something I added last minute before publishing last night - I couldn't resist :)
"And that last photo was so clever. Was that you're foot print?"
Noooooooooooooo, thank god!!! I found that footprint on a completely different street. But when I saw it, I thought I would use it for the finish of this post. It just worked out that way.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, girl. Glad you had a giggle this morning. Have a fantabulous weekend!
Here's the link, buddy:
ReplyDeleteThank you soooooooooo much, buddy! I will be visiting her blog this weekend!
ReplyDeleteI'm cracking up at you! A used condom photo would be a bit much? Bahahaha...not for your readers, Ronnie! We'd get a big charge out of that!
ReplyDeleteWhat a plethora of "interesting" objects/stories! When I see a single shoe in the middle of the road I always think, "one shoe?" How does one lose ONE shoe out of the car? Visions of a teenager with feet out the window come to mind. The fan made me laugh and the bone is just disturbing.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great weekend....walking and looking up AND down! But be super careful so you don't run into anything straight ahead! :-)
"...not for your readers, Ronnie! We'd get a big charge out of that!
ReplyDeleteOkay, then the next time I see one, I'll taking a picture; entitling it, "Safe Sex On The Run!"
Helloooooooooo Lisa!
ReplyDelete"What a plethora of "interesting" objects/stories!"
OMG...I took so many photos over the past month, that I couldn't even post all of them I may do another one of these posts next month.
"When I see a single shoe in the middle of the road I always think, "one shoe?" How does one lose ONE shoe out of the car? Visions of a teenager with feet out the window come to mind."
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I agree, seeing one shoe is so odd. It's like are they walking around with one shoe on and the other foot BARE???
"The fan made me laugh and the bone is just disturbing."
Yes, the bone IS disturbing, isn't it? All I could think of was a Stephen King book or movie.
Thanks a BUNCH for stopping by, my friend. Wishing you an AWESOME weekend with some AWESOME spring weather!
Ron, I don't know which is more funny, the weave, the warning about the upcoming poop photo, or your Tootsie Roll reference. How is it that you come up with this shit? (no pun intended). I love the photo titles, you are so clever. Memoirs of a Geisha made me laugh out loud!
ReplyDeleteAnd that last photo is such a great finish!
I am afraid to look down. I have seen too many things (condoms, EPT tests, a rat). City life provides these little treasures to keep us on our toes, literally. Have a great weekend, Ron!
Hiya Matt!
ReplyDelete" How is it that you come up with this shit? (no pun intended)."
HA! I don't know. I think those people may be right...I'm mentally deranged??????
I don't know who made that last foot print of dog poo, but I found it a few blocks away. I just HAD to use it!
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have an EXCELLENT weekend!
Howdy Mark!
ReplyDeleteWasn't Dave's comment hilarious???
Noooo...your comments are NEVER pale, buddy. Always witty, always a JOY to read!! Love your sense of humor!
"I'll be sure to look down tomorrow when I'm out hiking. I'd probably do that anyway because wandering off a cliff is a real bitch..."
Thanks so much for stopping by and have an AWESOME time on your hike tomorrow! Have a SUPER weekend!
X to you and Tara!
Bob the Builder on the truck's grille made me laugh. "Can we fix it? Yes, we can!"
ReplyDeleteI love bumble bees, too. They are so friendly buzzing around the flowers. I think the mutt mitt is just a plastic bag that you stick you're hand into. It irritates me that so many dog owners let their dogs poop in places where people walk and just leave it.
I think the sock, the hair weave, and the fan are all related to some little fantasy one-night-stand.
Hey there Bill!
ReplyDelete"I am afraid to look down. I have seen too many things (condoms, EPT tests, a rat)."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Meeee too! Isn't city life a mecca of delightful visual treasures? But oh, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I LOVE city life!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, buddy! Have a grrrrrrreat weekend!
X to you and Paul!
Ooohhhh - don't get me started on dog shit. It gives us responsible dog owners a bad name and never fails to annoy me - especially if I tread in it, as I did in Italy. Well. At least it was exotic dog shit.
ReplyDeleteLove the lost objects. I have a ton of pics like this in my files, too, and will probably do a post of my own soon. Watch for it! It's such fun to speculate what/where/who isn't it?
Hey there Jay!
ReplyDelete"It gives usresponsible dog owners a bad name and never fails to annoy me - especially if I tread in it, as I did in Italy. Well. At least it was exotic dog shit."
Bwhahahahahhaha! Jay, was HILARIOUS...exotic dog shit - shaped like an Italian Stromboli - HA!
And it's surprising to me to read from several of my European blogging friends that you guys contend with this same issue. Because for some reason I thought "not picking up after your dog" was an American thing - HA!
", and will probably do a post of my own soon. Watch for it! It's such fun to speculate what/where/who isn't it?"
GREAT! Looking forward to it, Jay!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a faaaaabuous weekend!
Ick! This is why I try not to look down too often except when I'm traversing my yard and I haven't picked up after the dogs in a few days.
ReplyDeleteI like your idea for a different theme, Ron. And I'm laughing at you doing the same thing with the scratch and sniff!
ReplyDeleteThanks, buddy!
ReplyDeleteYes, I swear to god I did the SAME thing - HA!
Hiya Jen!
ReplyDelete"This is why I try not to look down too often except when I'm traversing my yard and I haven't picked up after the dogs in a few days."
People here pretty much pick up after their dogs in the public parks, but you see this kind of stuff on the sidewalks - ICK!
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Have an awesome weekend!
I READ THIS AT WORK AND SAT IN MY CHAIR LAUGHING SO HARD I STARTED TO CRY! Imagine me trying to explain who you are and why I would dare you to put a picture of poop up and dedicate it to me and why I would actually be AMAZINGLY HONORED that you did it!!!!!! I am speechless!!!!!!! I was thrilled to see all these pictures, and as I went through I was thinking... "will he?" "will he?" AND HE DID!!!!! OMG I am DYING!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! I wish you could see me, a day later... STILL GRINNING EAR TO EAR!!!!!!
ReplyDelete*jumping up and down*
ReplyDeleteHellooooooooooo Katherine!
" Imagine me trying to explain who you are and why I would dare you to put a picture of poop up and dedicate it to me and why I would actually be AMAZINGLY HONORED that you did it!!!!!!"
Bwhahahahahahaha! OMG...that made me HOWL!!!!
And see, I told you I would dedicate that poop picture to you, and I did!
As soon as I read your recent post on your blog, in which you mentioned that you had taken a photo of dog pooh, I knew I had to finally publish these photos because it was just too ironic that I had done the same thing!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my wonderful POOH friend!
And I love you so much too!
(((((((( You ))))))))
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
I'm surprised that you find so much litter on the ground. The banana and gum look freshly dropped. It's a very mixed bag of rubbish. A fan? Hair? A sock? The mind boggles. I pity the poor person who had to scoop that last lot up - Yuck!
ReplyDeleteRon, oh, what an interesting post! The sock cracked me up. There have been lots of times I've seen a shoe lying on the road, but never one sock. And yeah, you gotta wonder, wth?
ReplyDeleteThe Geisha-laundromat picture is really an enigma. I just love those hand fans (I have a couple) but I don't carry dryer sheets with mine. My fans don't have static electricity and they don' So I'm at a complete loss and will take your ingenious explanation for that one! ;)
lol @ the bumblebee. Poor little fellow. Maybe he was just too pooped trying to find a flower and did die mid-flight. I have lots of bumblebees in my backyard. I never kill them. I like watching them fly from flower to flower. Mother Nature at her best.
I never saw one of those poop-stands before! What a great idea! Too bad some people ignore them and let their dog's "tootsie rolls" lay on the side walk. That's just rude!
Great, fun post!
Hope you had a fantabulous weekend!!
Hey there Pam!
ReplyDelete"The sock cracked me up. There have been lots of times I've seen a shoe lying on the road, but never one sock. And yeah, you gotta wonder, wth?"
Like you, I have seen a single shoe lying on the road, but NEVER a sock. Which is why I just HAD to take a picture of it - HA!
Isn't the fan and fabric softener sheet a totally puzzle? I mean HOW the hell did they there and who did they belong to? Yes, I have a few fans myself. At one time, I had them hanging on the wall of my apartment because it's decorated in sort of an Asian theme. And one of the fans I actually got when I was living Japan for a summer.
"I have lots of bumblebees in my backyard. I never kill them. I like watching them fly from flower to flower. Mother Nature at her best."
Aren't bumblebees the most precious little things? I love to watch them go from flower to flower and pollinate. They do it so happily and gently.
"I never saw one of those poop-stands before! What a great idea!"
This was the first time I ever saw one of those poop-stands in Philly and thought it was pretty ingenious!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend. Hope you had fantabulous weekend as well. I spent some time in the park today because it was gorgeous here!
((((((( You )))))))
Crazy finds! Some wild, some wacky, and some were just plain weird. It was the perfect mix, if ya ask me. And you just had to go and mention Bag Of Bones. I have that book queued up, but will now have to short track it to possibly my next read. It's one of the rare King books that I've been told to read, but just haven't yet. Must fix that asap!
ReplyDeleteHowdy Herman!
ReplyDeleteYes, aren't these CRAZY????? Wacky, wild and WEIRD.
" And you just had to go and mention Bag Of Bones. I have that book queued up, but will now have to short track it to possibly my next read. It's one of the rare King books that I've been told to read, but just haven't yet. Must fix that asap!"
AWESOME book! You will LOVE it!
Thanks for stopping by, bud! Hope you had a most excellent weekend!
X to you, Karin, and Mr. Tyler!
"I felt like saying, “Look busybody, I’m a photographer for Newsweek on a special assignment to take photographs of shit I find on the ground. Now mind your own business and buzz off!”
ReplyDeleteHAhahHAhHAhHAHhHAh! That's hilarious.
The hair weave is also really cracking me up!
And I am totally glad you did NOT step in the dog shit!
Helloooooooooooo Meleah!
ReplyDeleteIsn't the piece of hair weave HILARIOUS???? I almost fell over laughing when I saw it!
"And I am totally glad you did NOT step in the dog shit!"
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too!
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Hope you had a terrific weekend!
Sofa king funny!
ReplyDeleteRon -- I love your interesting perspectives, on life, on love, and on banana gum. Thank you for making us look at things differently.
ReplyDeleteHey there Kathy!
ReplyDelete(((((( You )))))))
:) thank you, girl!
And I hope you're feeling better. I read on Meleah's blog yesterday in comments, that you were sick. I ended up getting a cold or some allergy thing a few weeks ago myself.
Have a faaaaaabulous week!
I'm sure Katherine was thrilled with that great shit you shot for her. I know I was. I find dead bumbles in the middle of nowhere too. I've always wondered if they just got tired, stopped, and plummeted to their deaths.
ReplyDeleteGreetings Cheryl!
ReplyDeleteWelcome! Thanks a bunch for stopping by. I've seen your avatar and comments over at Katherine's blog, so it's nice to finally meet you.
"I'm sure Katherine was thrilled with that great shit you shot for her. I know I was."
HAHAHAHAHAHA! As soon as she mentioned something on her blog a few weeks ago about taking a photo of dog pooh, I just HAD to share my photo and dedicated it to her :)
" I've always wondered if they just got tired, stopped, and plummeted to their deaths."
You're probably right, because I think I read somewhere that bees don't have a very long life-span. And it's sad because bumblebees are the cutest, little things.
Have a great week. And please stop by whenever you wish.
Love your captions! Do you know I saw pieces of a weave in the Macy's parking lot and I wanted to take a picture but I didn't have my phone.?That's hysterical! We have Mutt Mitts at our local parks. They work like a charm. When you use them!!
ReplyDeleteHey Chrissy Girl!
ReplyDelete" Do you know I saw pieces of a weave in the Macy's parking lot and I wanted to take a picture but I didn't have my phone.?That's hysterical!"
HAHAHAHAHAHA! FUNNY!!!!!! In Philly, you see that EVERYWHERE! Philly is the WEAVE capital of the world!
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl! Hope you're having a FABU week!
X to you and the gang!
I typed out this clever little banana-and-chewing-gum story. And then I scrolled down and read what Dave wrote. Immediately came back here and deleted my comment, which paled miserably in comparison to his. It's okay, I know when I'm beat!
ReplyDeleteI'll be sure to look down tomorrow when I'm out hiking. I'd probably do that anyway because wandering off a cliff is a real bitch...but I'll also do it in the hopes of spotting unusual objects myself.
Have an excellent weekend, sir!
Hellooooooo Babs!
ReplyDelete"I'm surprised that you find so much litter on the ground."
Philadelphia is a strange city because there are some areas that are kept meticulously clean and litter-free, but then other areas that look like a sanitation dump - HA! Center City, which is where I live, is pretty clean. The outskirts can be a bit trashy though.
"I pity the poor person who had to scoop that last lot up - Yuck!"
Yuck is right :(
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, Babs! Hope you're enjoying a super Sunday!
X to you and Mo!
Hey ho Robert!
ReplyDelete" I busted a gut when I read about the scratch and sniff part. And like a idiot, I tried it!"
OMG, and do you know whats funny? Last night, just after I published this post and was reading over it to double check for any spelling errors, I actually did the same thing!!!
Thank you, yes, I might try doing these posts once a month, just for a change. I got the idea several months ago, but didn't have my photos prepared before yesterday. I may even pick a different 'theme' each time I do it. We'll see.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by and for your supportive words, buddy.
Have a TERRIFIC weekend!
Ron again, I read this post at work today but wanted to comment when I got home. You are too much, dude! I busted a gut when I read about the scratch and sniff part. And like a idiot, I tried it! You should do these posts every month because living in a city I bet could find a shitload of stuff to photograph.
ReplyDeleteI loved all of these but the hair weave and geisha were my two favorites.
The great thing about your blog is that I never know what you're going to write about so it's always a surprise. And this one was a BIG surprise!
" And no, it's not a Tootsie Roll." Lol.
Hey there Secret Agent Woman!
ReplyDelete"Bob the Builder on the truck's grille made me laugh. "Can we fix it? Yes, we can!""
Isn't Bob the Builder soooooooo cute??? I spotted him on a truck a few blocks from where I was taking photos, and just HAD to capture it.
"I love bumble bees, too. They are so friendly buzzing around the flowers."
I soooooooo agree! Bumblebees have such a sweet and friendly air about them. And I love how fluffy and fuzzy they are. They are such adorable little bees.
" It irritates me that so many dog owners let their dogs poop in places where people walk and just leave it."
Me too. But I have to say that most people here are pretty good about picking up after their dogs in the parks. It's on the sidewalks were you see it and it's disgusting.
"I think the sock, the hair weave, and the fan are all related to some little fantasy one-night-stand."
Bwhahahahahhaaha! Brilliant! And I think you may be right!
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a TERRIFIC weekend!
It really burns me up when people let their dogs poop on sidewalks, then leave it there for walkers, joggers, bikes, etc.!! Doggie-Doo bags aren't expensive, people! Yes, it's nasty having to get down there and pick up your dog's "business," but he can't do it for himself -- and I'm sure most dogs WOULD if they could (they tend to be nicer than many people, haha!)
ReplyDeleteRon, I can just imagine the looks you received, aiming your camera at the stuff on the sidewalks! What a funny mental picture, my friend. You have a way with words, you know.
The red pepper makes me kinda sad -- they're so good (and often expensive, considering), and I imagine whoever dropped it was missing it when they started preparing dinner!
Have a GREAT weekend!!