Rob, over at Luna Park Gazette, expressed an interest in one of his comments a few weeks ago that I share more about the work I have done involving alternative therapy.
Therefore, I owe my inspiration for this post to Rob. Thanks buddy!
I would like to start by saying that what I am about to share might make some people uncomfortable because it involves a very raw subject - spouse abuse and its damage to not only the body, but to the mind and spirit as well.
Never has it been more evident to me, through the work I have shared as a certified Reflexologist and Reiki practitioner, that if our feelings and emotions go unexpressed, they will root themselves within our body; causing a “ping-pong effect” from the mental to the physical, and from the physical to the mental, until these feelings and emotions are acknowledged and healed.
I know many people feel that mind/body/spirit correlation is a bunch of bullshit. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not, because have I witnessed it firsthand. And not only with clients, but within my own life.
I’m not saying that every single time we have a negative experience or unexpressed thought, they immediately manifests into a physical illness, or that ALL illness is attributed to our mindset. What I am saying is that over time, if we keep repressing or denying our emotions out of fear of speaking up, they will begin to affect the physical body.
The work I share is a combination of energetic, spiritual, and bodywork. Therefore, it addresses the WHOLE.
As you might have read a few weeks ago in a post I shared, I volunteered for 4 years with an organization that offered alternative therapies to those infected with HIV.
Not only were my clients dealing with AIDS, but many of them were also dealing with substance abuse, spouse abuse, and rape. And what I learned from volunteering with these individuals was not to JUDGE them for whatever situation they were in and how they got there. I was merely there to stand present and share my work; remaining neutral.
I very rarely speak during a session, unless a client wishes to speak to me. Also, I work with my eyes closed and do everything through the feel in my hands.
Many years ago I had a client who came in for an hour session of foot Reflexology and could sense, just from our initial meeting, that she was emotionally and spiritually broken down. She appeared a fragile sparrow.
When I began the session she talked incessantly for the first 10 minutes, but I knew it was because she was nervous and anxious. So I just let her talk, while I worked on her feet.
Soon, she began to tell me her story.
She had been married to the same man for fourteen years. And for most of those fourteen years, he physically beat her. He beat her to the point of being hospitalized several times. And while she was in the hospital, she was tempted to tell the hospital staff why she was there, but was always too frightened to say, in terror that once she got home he would beat her more.
And to top it off, not only did he beat her during their marriage, but he also infected her with HIV from someone who he had been cheating with.
The prior year, she finally found the strength to leave him, after he threatened to take a hot clothes iron and burn the skin on her back.
She then told me that he was currently in the hospital dying, in the last stages of cancer due to HIV.
After about 20 minutes, she stopped talking and fell into a deep sleep as I continued with the session.
It was at that point, her body began speaking to me. I could hear it within every fiber of my being - and not only hear it, but feel it as well.
All the pain, both physical and emotional, that had been suppressed for all those years, finally found a way to voice itself.
Crying. All I could hear was her body crying out in pain and begging for release - every cell within her muscles, bones, and organs cried out at the same time.
The energy force from the pain within her body, hit me like a ton of bricks.
I then had a vision of her spirit. A vision of a little girl who was curled up in the corner of a room with woeful eyes, that said, “Someone, please help me. Please.”
You have no idea how hard it was for me to keep it together because I was so overcome with emotion, that I wanted to just break down and sob. In all the years I had been practicing alternative therapy, I had never experienced anything like this.
I finished the session and then sat there quietly until she woke up.
When she opened her eyes and looked down at me, it seemed as though something had shifted inside her. Her face glowed and her whole body seemed more relaxed.
With tears in her eyes, she softly said, “Thank you. You have no idea how much that helped me.”
I walked over to the side of the massage table and took her hand in my hands, and said, “You are so welcome. And thank you.”
Then she said something that totally blew me away and made me realize how powerful this alternative therapy stuff is.
She said, “Tomorrow I’m going to visit my husband in the hospital, and I’m going to forgive him and myself before he dies. I need to do this, so that I can go on living.”
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Well that was powerful, Ron! Especially the ending! I can't imagine experiencing something like you described having, but I'll bet it was because you were open to that.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you about the mind, body, emotions/spiritual side can work together or even against each other. Think about all the damage stress can do to your body! I know a few people with autoimmune disorders and they have all lived very stressful lives (one woman had about 6 miscarriages and then had 2 of her 3 children die before age 18!). The body can only take so much.
The mind and body are inseparable. I see in my own work people expressing their emotional turmoil through physical problems. And the mind/body link is why I push exercise to my patients - it's the best damn anti-depressant going. I've also recommended things like massage and acupuncture. I'd rather see people getting body work as an adjunct to their therapy with me than medication. I"m not anti-medication, but I think far too many people are medicated in lieu of actually working on their issues.
ReplyDeleteAnd, the one time I've had a massage that was not helpful was a woman who chattered endlessly through the hour. My "mmhmms" did nothing to clue her in to my disinclination to listen. I appreciate people staying quiet - I listen for a living and want that time to be work-free for me!
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this. You and I had that long conversation on the phone about my horse Gem and how difficult last summer was for me. I internalized everything and my body finally broke down. It never ceases to amaze me how we can allow the hurt from within to take it's toll on our body. I have to keep reminding myself of this and be cognizant of the fact that my body is telling me things I don't want to hear.
ReplyDeleteRon, I am absolutely blown away by this post.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, thanks for the shout out, but, more importantly, I want to thank you for sharing this incredible story with us.
Your description of how you bonded with this poor woman brought me to tears--and I'm at work right now! The nightmare of domestic violence can go on for generations, leaving so many scarred and damaged people in its wake
The fact that this woman found the courage to forgive her husband says so much about your ability to connect with other people. You are a true healer, Ron, and I believe that people who dismiss the mind/body connection as bullshit are the ones most in need of help.
St. Augustine once said "Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies” and I think you touched upon this concept brilliantly.
I have a lot of trouble with anger and it scares me to think about the damage I'm doing to myself.
You've inspired me to get my act together and address these issues that are simmering inside me. We don't know how long we have on this earth so we should do everything we can to rid ourselves of toxic emotions.
Thanks so much, buddy. Have a fabulous weekend and do take care!
It was a wonderful thing you shared, Ron. Thank you. Sometimes it's the little things that screw us up. Certainly in my case. There are times when I know I should speak out and air my thoughts but I am always worried about upsetting people, and then I suffer inwardly. Why am I like that? Probably because I was brought up to be seen and not heard, to speak only when spoken to. I went for holistic massages for a while ... it helped. Again, thank you xx
ReplyDeleteHi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteWhat a powerful experience. I can sometimes feel vibes from some people. The ones that leave me with a lot of despair and I think that you needed a lot of courage to listen,touch and console this woman.
Blessher in the end for not letting her ex-husband make her life bitter.
You have to admit that she is a very evolved sould to have gone through the abuse, survived it and still could FORGIVE her ex.
I believe in the Mind-body connection, which is why I follow Hayhouse publishing & radio. So,I would give you the biggest hug if I could for the difference that you brought( and still bring) to the world.
God bless you, dear friend ((((((((((((((( Ron))))))))))))))))))))
Happy weekend!
Wow, what a testament to holistic healing. I very much agree repressed emotions manifest themselves in the body. I am extremely emotional which I've held embarrassment over for years, but I've become thankful now. I'd rather feel life on a deep level than "live" without feeling. Thank you for sharing this piece today, Ron.
ReplyDeleteHey there Bijoux!
ReplyDelete" I can't imagine experiencing something like you described having, but I'll bet it was because you were open to that."
I learned MORE from the lives of the people I volunteered with, than then learned from me. I considered it a HUGE blessings because they taught me so much.
" Think about all the damage stress can do to your body!"
You are absolutely right, my friend. I've read several articles on cancer which said that MUCH of how someone heals from cancer is due to stress reduction, mindset, and faith.
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing on this post. Have a wonderful weekend!
P.S. and again, thank you SO MUCH for sharing your last post. I loved it!
Hey there Secret Agent Woman~
ReplyDeleteYes, I can imagine in your line of work, you see much of the same. And I admire you for what you do because I know you do this work out of love and compassion....x
" And the mind/body link is why I push exercise to my patients - it's the best damn anti-depressant going. I've also recommended things like massage and acupuncture. I'd rather see people getting body work as an adjunct to their therapy with me than medication. I"m not anti-medication, but I think far too many people are medicated in lieu of actually working on their issues."
Brava, girl!!!
" the one time I've had a massage that was not helpful was a woman who chattered endlessly through the hour. My "mmhmms" did nothing to clue her in to my disinclination to listen."
You know, I've heard so many share the same thing. Which totally blows me away because you would think a massage/alternative therapy practitioner would just SENSE when a client wishes to be quiet.
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing on this post. Muchly appreciated! Have a super weekend!
Hey there Jen!
ReplyDelete".You and I had that long conversation on the phone about my horse Gem and how difficult last summer was for me."
Yes, I do remember you and I having that conversation.
" It never ceases to amaze me how we can allow the hurt from within to take it's toll on our body. I have to keep reminding myself of this and be cognizant of the fact that my body is telling me things I don't want to hear."
You are so right, my friend. And I think that's something that we ALL have to keep reminding ourselves of. I know I do. Whenever I get sick or feel emotionally out of sorts, I ask myself, "what is it that I'm not addressing or seeing?" And it's funny because I will usually get a very clear answer.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have an awesome weekend!
P.S. btw, our spring weather just turned back to winter. It's raining and freezing again.
Hey there Rob!
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome, buddy. And thank YOU, because right after you left your comment a few weeks ago, I started thinking about some of the experiences I've had with alternative therapy, and THIS story just came to me one day while I was sitting outside in the park. And I couldn't believe how CLEAR the images of this experience came back into memory.
"The nightmare of domestic violence can go on for generations, leaving so many scarred and damaged people in its wake."
One of the things that truly upsets me more than ANYTHING, is spouse abuse/domestic violence. It totally tears my heart apart.
"The fact that this woman found the courage to forgive her husband says so much about your ability to connect with other people. You are a true healer, Ron..."
Honestly, I have to say....I don't believe that "I" do the healing. I merely leave myself open, so that the energy can move through me TO the client. And then it's up to the client and the energy to do the healing. Some clients are very open to it, while others are not. So if someone (like this woman) receives healing, it's because SHE was open to it. I can't take any credit for it, other than being present.
"St. Augustine once said "Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies”
BRILLIANT share, Rob! And I TOTALLY believe it! I think resentment and jealously are probably the two biggest contributors
to bodily harm.
"I have a lot of trouble with anger and it scares me to think about the damage I'm doing to myself."
As I've shared with you in the past, I too experience a lot of anger. But I realize that anger is really not the damage. It's the underlining reason WHY I'm angry about something that's the damage. And for me, it always seems to go back to what I'm not vocalizing, which cause me to get MORE angry.
"We don't know how long we have on this earth so we should do everything we can to rid ourselves of toxic emotions."
You are so right, buddy.
Again, thank you for inspiring me to share this post. Have a super weekend!
Good morning Valerie!
ReplyDelete"Sometimes it's the little things that screw us up. Certainly in my case. There are times when I know I should speak out and air my thoughts but I am always worried about upsetting people, and then I suffer inwardly. Why am I like that?"
OMG...I'm the same way. And I think A LOT of that has to do with what we were told as children, to NOT voice our opinions in fear of upsetting others. But whats ironic is that if we don't voice our feelings or opinions at the beginning, then we only get angry at ourselves later on because these feelings stew and then end up resurfacing later on.
" I went for holistic massages for a while ... it helped."
Great to hear! I used have a wonderful massage therapist in Florida who was so gifted in her work. I miss not living closer, to her.
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Have a lovely weekend!
Hiya Suzi!
ReplyDelete"I am extremely emotional which I've held embarrassment over for years, but I've become thankful now. I'd rather feel life on a deep level than "live" without feeling."
You shared SO MUCH truth in that!!!!!
"I'd rather feel on a deep level than live without feeling.
Me too, because I'm emotional as well.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a wonderful weekend!
Bonjour Barb~
ReplyDelete" I can sometimes feel vibes from some people. The ones that leave me with a lot of despair and I think that you needed a lot of courage to listen,touch and console this woman."
It's ironic because as challenging as this was to experience, I learned so much from this lady. And probably more than what she learned from me. Often times when I have a client that has very challenging issues to confront, there is usually something WITHIN their challenge and "I" have to learn as well.
And in this case, it was FORGIVENESS. Because I don't do that very well. Forgiveness has always been one of my challenges.
"I believe in the Mind-body connection, which is why I follow Hayhouse publishing & radio. "
I'm soooooo happy to hear that you get so much from Hayhouse. Isn't Louise AWESOME???
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Wishing you and D a beautiful weekend!
X to you and D!
It's amazing that she would be able to find the power of forgiveness under such harsh circumstances and mistreatment. Fantastic story, Ron - thanks so much for sharing! I believe I've mentioned to you that I have a friend who is very much into alternative therapies, as well. She swears by them. I'm glad to hear they work.
ReplyDeleteOh Ron, as painful as this was to read, I can't thank you enough for sharing it. I'm at work right now, crying. But I'm crying because of how this story ended. She realized that in order for her to go on living productively, she needed to forgive her husband AND herself as well. I don't know how she did it, but I'm sure she did the right thing. Did you ever she her again, to hear how things went?
ReplyDeleteI believe in mind, body, spirit correlation because I know that how these three things work, must work in harmony or there is an imbalance to the whole.
Thank you for sharing this, Ron. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hola Denise~
ReplyDelete"She realized that in order for her to go on living productively, she needed to forgive her husband AND herself as well. I don't know how she did it, but I'm sure she did the right thing."
Yes, THAT'S that thing that blew me away and touched me the most. Because I honestly don't know if I could have done that myself. That's why I always tell people that what I learn from clients is more than they learn from me.
No, I never did see her again and always wondered how things went. But I have a feeling that both she and her husband found closure.
"I believe in mind, body, spirit correlation because I know that how these three things work, must work in harmony or there is an imbalance to the whole."
Me too!
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. And have a wonderful weekend too!
Hiya Mark~
ReplyDelete"It's amazing that she would be able to find the power of forgiveness under such harsh circumstances and mistreatment."
I agree. Because, honestly, I don't know if I could have done that. Which is why this woman taught me so much about forgiveness.
"I believe I've mentioned to you that I have a friend who is very much into alternative therapies, as well. She swears by them. I'm glad to hear they work."
Yes, I do remember you mentioning your friend. And if I ever visit you and Tara, I would LOVE to meet her.
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Have a wonderful weekend!
X to you and Tara!
P.S. hope Tara is feeling better.
Wow, this post chewed me up and then spit me out, Ron. How powerful! I am amazed that this woman found the strength to find forgiveness after going through what she experienced. But I suppose it was better for her to do that than continue with her life carrying all that pain and suffering. As one of your other readers said, what a testament to the power of holistic healing.
ReplyDeleteFantastic story. You express yourself so well, Ron. Thanks so much for sharing.
Very powerful message here, Ron! I admire you for being able to give of yourself to those who are ailing. It's a unique gift, one so many hurting people truly need.
ReplyDeleteIt saddens me to think that anybody would choose to continue living in an abusive situation. Our homes are the places where we're supposed to be safe. What makes a person so mean as to even dream of applying a hot iron to a loved one's back and melting off all the skin?? I realize evil does exist, but it never fails to horrify me.
Have a splendid weekend!
Ron, I’m a believer that the mind and body are connected and when one or the other is out of sync, illness can set in. Also, I believe that anger, resentment and other negative emotions can manifest as illnesses over time. One of my favorite authors, Louise L. Hay, healed herself of terminal cancer. Her story is remarkable. She went on to create
ReplyDelete“Heal Your Life (dot com)”, based on her bestselling book, “You Can Heal Your Life”.
My heart goes out to your client. I’m glad she had the opportunity to feel your healing hands and loving heart.You pulled all that negative energy from her body and helped her see the path of forgiveness, not only for herself, but for her husband (I won’t even get into how I feel about wife-beaters). I hope she is living a healthy life today. After fourteen years of hell, she certainly deserves it.
I also have to tell you that I admire you for being a Reiki practitioner. From what I’ve read, that’s not easy. To heal, you need to take the client/patient’s energy into yourself and THAT can zap you. It’s such a wonderful healing method, though, and I think everyone should try it at least once in their life.
Thank you for sharing this post. Inspiration should be your middle name.
Have a fantabulous weekend!!
Great post topic, Ron (and Rob!)
ReplyDelete"I’m not saying that every single time we have a negative experience or unexpressed thought, they immediately manifests into a physical illness, or that ALL illness is attributed to our mindset. What I am saying is that over time, if we keep repressing or denying our emotions out of fear of speaking up, they will begin to affect the physical body."
Yes, I do agree with that.
While we do have to honor that some people really do think alternatives to conventional treatments and medicines or complementary therapies that work perfectly fine with them are wrong, not helpful, etc., we can talk to those who are receptive and be ready to assist where needed/wanted. The volunteer work I do with Reiki means a lot to me. The group is pretty big, and we all get a case each and every week. I've only been doing it a little under 2 1/2 years but just knowing how many people are in need all over the world of some form of healing is staggering. It's humbling though too, to be able to try and help.
The volunteer work (and paid work, too) you've done with Reiki and Reflexology is just wonderful. Thank you for sharing this powerful story. You allowed Universal love to guide you and it went to exactly where that woman needed it the most. I'm sure she'll remember it always.
Have a fab weekend. x
wow, ron. what a story and experience you had. i totally believe that some people have gifts and abilities to do and see things others cannot.
ReplyDeletethis is so true:
if we keep repressing or denying our emotions out of fear of speaking up, they will begin to affect the physical body.
i keep a lot of things bottled up, not out of fear, but just this past monday i had to release and let it go. i felt better too, mentally. my body didn't improve, but it gave me a bit of strength to go on.
glad you were able to help your client and she was able to forgive her husband after all that! forgiveness benefits both parties, physically and mentally.
enjoy the weekend.
Hey there Matt~
ReplyDelete"I am amazed that this woman found the strength to find forgiveness after going through what she experienced. But I suppose it was better for her to do that than continue with her life carrying all that pain and suffering."
I am EQUALLY amazed because I don't forgive easily, so I learned SO MUCH from what this client took in and responded to - the desire to forgive both her husband AND herself, so that she could go on living. That's one of things I love about this work because I learn SO MUCH from the clients I work on. Often they teach me things I need to learn for myself.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Matt. Have terrific weekend, buddy!
Helloooooooo Pam!
ReplyDelete"One of my favorite authors, Louise L. Hay, healed herself of terminal cancer. Her story is remarkable. She went on to create“Heal Your Life (dot com)”, based on her bestselling book, “You Can Heal Your Life”.
OMG, I cannot believe you mentioned Louise Hay and her book because I HAVE that book and will often go back and reread it when I feel sick, and by god, it will always pertain to EXACTLY something that is going on my life EMOTIONALLY. Louise Hay is truly an awesome soul because she took her own illness and healed it.
"I also have to tell you that I admire you for being a Reiki practitioner. From what I’ve read, that’s not easy. To heal, you need to take the client/patient’s energy into yourself and THAT can zap you."
Actually when sharing Reiki (if you're doing it correctly), the practitioner's personal energy is never involved because the practitioner is only used a 'channel' through with the energy flows. So none of the practitioner's energy is being depleted. In fact, the practitioner actually receives MORE energy for themselves, whenever they the share Reiki. It's very much like water flowing through a garden hose. The hose receives the water as much as the garden.
"It’s such a wonderful healing method, though, and I think everyone should try it at least once in their life."
I agree!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing on this post, my friend. Have a fantabulous weekend too!
((((( You )))))
Hellooooooooo Mary!!!
ReplyDelete"While we do have to honor that some people really do think alternatives to conventional treatments and medicines or complementary therapies that work perfectly fine with them are wrong, not helpful, etc., we can talk to those who are receptive and be ready to assist where needed/wanted."
I totally agree with you. Not everyone receives the same thing through alternative healing methods. And I would never force that on anyone. However, this post is an example of how it CAN and DOES work if you are receptive to it.
This why I enjoy working with individuals who are either seriously ill or even dying, because they are usually at a point where they just let go and are open to it. Healing does not always mean a "physical healing." Healing can be a healing of 'acceptance' as well.
"The group is pretty big, and we all get a case each and every week. I've only been doing it a little under 2 1/2 years but just knowing how many people are in need all over the world of some form of healing is staggering. It's humbling though too, to be able to try and help."
I think that's AWESOME, Mary!!! And I agree, this kind of work is extremely humbling.
As always, thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and feelings on my posts. Muchly appreciated and enjoyed!
Have a FAB weekend, neighbor!
Hey there V Girl!
ReplyDelete"i keep a lot of things bottled up, not out of fear, but just this past monday i had to release and let it go. i felt better too, mentally. my body didn't improve, but it gave me a bit of strength to go on."
That's AWESOME! And trust me, even though I know what's best for me, I will sometimes keep things bottled up in fear as well. I think many of us do that.
"glad you were able to help your client and she was able to forgive her husband after all that! forgiveness benefits both parties, physically and mentally."
That's the thing that TOTALLY blew me away because when she spoke of forgiveness, I realized just HOW important forgiveness is ( to both parties). And that's something "I" needed to learn because I don't forgive easily.
Much thanks for stopping by, Val. Have a terrific weekend!
Wow, Ron, this is one powerful story! As I was reading it, I was more involved with feeling sorry and angry for this woman and all the abuse she went through. But as I continued reading, my feelings change because it had a very positive conclusion. It's not easy reading about things such as this, but it does happen, so it's a topic that should be discussed.
ReplyDeleteAs far as alternative therapy goes, I've experienced things such as massage and chiropractic work. And I have to say that it did help when other things did not, such as medication.
Thank you for sharing this, Ron. You always open my mind to seeing things differently. I enjoy these inspirational posts of yours, as well as your more humorous ones.
Hey ho Robert!
ReplyDelete". It's not easy reading about things such as this, but it does happen, so it's a topic that should be discussed."
You're so right, it's NOT easy to read about things such as this. But as you said, it does happen, so I feel it's something that should be openly discussed. I've never been one to avoid topics that are uncomfortable or uneasy, especially something like this that did have a positive conclusion and an incredible lesson in forgiveness.
" I've experienced things such as massage and chiropractic work. And I have to say that it did help when other things did not, such as medication."
Yes, I've also experienced massage, and also reflexology, reiki, rebirthing, and acupuncture; all of which helped me tremendously. I'm not one to use medication unless it's a last resort because my body seems to react better to alternative modalities.
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. And thank you for your supportive words. Have a super-duper weekend!
Yes it is all about forgiveness Ron. We should forgive others not only because it is the right thing to do, but because we are forgiven. (By God).
ReplyDeleteGreat story Ron...
Anthony T.
Oh Ron, what a sad but totally wonderful post. I too have experienced a client releasing deep buried guilt, sadness and fear whilst having a Reiki treatment - it is a very emotional experience for both the client and myself as a practioner. xx
ReplyDeleteWow. If that doesn't move a person to tears, I don't know what will. I'd have to guess that experience brought as much to you as it did to her. It's lived on in both of you, no doubt. Powerful moment..... It's almost scary the transferring of feelings/thoughts/experiences that happened for you. I wonder if she experienced that same inward journey while she slept. Something found her to promote the forgiveness--and you were a portal for that. What a wonderful thing to be able to be present for.
ReplyDeleteIt amazes me, though it shouldn't, how we get 'used' in our lifetimes. And it always seems to be a 'dual purpose' experience.
I guess it's true about G-d being a better multi-tasker than I, huh?
Amazing...and I am a firm believer in the personal healing powers in each of us. Physical and emotional. And yes, I have the Louise Hay's book on my shelf. Amazing story.....a testimony on the personal power that lives in each of us.
You've touched a lot of lives, sir.
I hope you realize even just a smidgeon of that--it's part of your greatness.
Well, that and you look pretty good in a dress. ;-)
you're my hero ...
ReplyDeleteHey Anthony!
ReplyDeleteYes, this women taught me a great deal about forgiveness. Which is something I needed to learn because as I've shared in several other comments, forgiveness has always been a challenge for me.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, buddy. Have a great weekend!
Good morning Pearl~
ReplyDeleteYes, it was such a bitter/sweet experience, that totally blew me away.
" I too have experienced a client releasing deep buried guilt, sadness and fear whilst having a Reiki treatment - it is a very emotional experience for both the client and myself as a practioner."
Doesn't it continue to amaze you, the workings of Reiki? It's a shared experience in that both client and practitioner walk through the session together; each taking with them something to learn.
Thanks so much for stopping by, m'dear. Have a lovely weekend!
And you mine!
ReplyDelete((((((( You ))))))
X ya, Lady Dianne! And much thanks for stopping by!
Have a fantabulous weekend!
X to you, Hope, Siren, and Isadora!
Goooooood morning Mel!
ReplyDelete" I'd have to guess that experience brought as much to you as it did to her. It's lived on in both of you, no doubt."
It sure did! And it never ceases to amaze how much "I" learn from the life journey of the client. It's a 'shared' experience.
" I wonder if she experienced that same inward journey while she slept. Something found her to promote the forgiveness--and you were a portal for that."
Often times a client will tell me what they experienced in a session and it will be exactly what I experienced (feeling the same things, seeing the same things). And in this case, we didn't even have to say anything, because we both knew.
"It amazes me, though it shouldn't, how we get 'used' in our lifetimes. And it always seems to be a 'dual purpose' experience.I guess it's true about G-d being a better multi-tasker than I, huh?"
Exactly, because I had as much to learn through this experience as she did. Quite often, a client and practitioner will be drawn to each other for a "dual-purpose."
" And yes, I have the Louise Hay's book on my shelf. Amazing story.....a testimony on the personal power that lives in each of us."
AMAZING story, indeed! I first read her book back in mid-eighties and still have the copy (which I will read every so often ), and it always blows me away the 'connection' between mind, body and spirit.
"Well, that and you look pretty good in a dress. ;-)"
Bwhahahahahahaha! You CRACK ME UP, WOMAN!!!!
Much thanks for stopping by, dearest lady. And thank you for your sweet words. Have a glorious weekend!
((((( You )))))
I teared up reading that.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very powerful subject. I can believe, easily that you connected with her spirit, bringing healing to her. In the past Mo and I got into 'Christian' Spiritualism. Though coming from a very different angle, the healing connection was also possible and happened to Mo many times. Mo would often feel the pain and anguish coming from a person. When our spirit connects with another, spiritual healing can occur. That healing spreads into the persons well being in many ways.
You are a lot like Mo :)
Hellooooooooo Babs!
ReplyDelete" In the past Mo and I got into 'Christian' Spiritualism. Though coming from a very different angle, the healing connection was also possible and happened to Mo many times."
I've never head of Christian Spiritualism, but I will research it online because it sounds VERY interesting. Thank you for sharing that.
"When our spirit connects with another, spiritual healing can occur. That healing spreads into the persons well being in many ways."
You're absolutely right - spirit connecting to spirit - as the healing spreads from one to the other. And quite often during a session, I will also receive guidance and healing as well.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Babs. Have a lovely weekend!
Much X to you and Mo!
Ron, just stopped back to read everyone else's comments. I like doing that on these topics because it's so interesting to read how everyone else feels.
ReplyDeleteO.K., I'm leaving now.
HA! Robert, you are so funny!
ReplyDeleteBut I know what you mean because the comments are the best part of a post. I will often go to posts waaaaaaay back in my archives and just read the comments.
Hope you're having a great weekend, bud!
Ron, that was such a powerful and emotional post. I truly believe that the body and mind work together. If one is off, the other will be unbalanced. I saw it in my body for so long. My body was pockmarked with acne the entire time of my first marriage and then, when I came out? It magically cleared up. Amazing how the two are connected.
ReplyDeleteHey Bill!
ReplyDeleteWriting this again actually reminded me just how powerful the whole experience was.
"I truly believe that the body and mind work together. If one is off, the other will be unbalanced."
Yes, I believe that too.
"My body was pockmarked with acne the entire time of my first marriage and then, when I came out? It magically cleared up."
Amazing! And it's ironic you shared that because I have very sensitive skin, so if I'm ever REALLY stressed out and not expressing my emotions constructively, my skin will break out in a rash.
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Hope you and Paul had an awesome weekend celebrating his birthday!
X to you both!
Heavy, Ron, but uplifting even though the subject matter was more than I was expecting. But I guess one needs to know about the dark side before seeing the light. It's amazing that you have the mental strength to deal with such difficult subjects, to absorb it completely, and emerge with the energy and good will to help others find their way out of some dire places. You, my friend, and one heck of a person! Awesome post!!
ReplyDeleteHey Herman!
ReplyDelete"Heavy, Ron, but uplifting even though the subject matter was more than I was expecting."
Yes, definitely HEAVY, but I'm so glad to hear you found it uplifting as well, because it actually WAS an uplifting experience. And it had a positive ending.
"But I guess one needs to know about the dark side before seeing the light."
Exactly. You hit the nail on the head! We MUST know and embrace the dark to see the light. And not just in this woman's life, but in our lives as well. I've never been one to shy away from my dark side because it's taught me so much. If I avoid it, it only gets darker.
"It's amazing that you have the mental strength to deal with such difficult subjects, to absorb it completely, and emerge with the energy and good will to help others find their way out of some dire places."
Thank you, but honestly? Difficult subjects, such as this, have never bothered me because it's part of life. I would rather address it, than turn away from it. Life is not always rosy and sweet, ya know?
Also, I get so much from doing this kind of work, so it's beneficial to me as well.
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Hope you had a super weekend!
X to you, Karin, and Mr. Tyler!
Oh my. I read this with tears in my eyes. I 1000% agree that body and mind are connected and what affects one, affects the other. The therapy you did at this facility is amazing and so beneficial to those who are hurting. On behalf of everyone you've helped, thank you for caring so much about others.
ReplyDeleteThis woman is much stronger than she realizes. To be able to forgive another for the wrongs they've done to you takes an unusual strength that is not commonly found in our culture. Forgiveness is the great healer and I hope she found the peace she so desperately needed to begin living again. I did a piece on forgiveness (F is for Forgiveness). Check it out. :-)
Hiya Lisa!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your sweet and supportive words, my friend. As I shared in several other comments, I learn SO MUCH from doing this work. Therefore, I am always grateful to the people I share my work with because they usually end up teaching me more than I teach them.
"This woman is much stronger than she realizes. To be able to forgive another for the wrongs they've done to you takes an unusual strength that is not commonly found in our culture. Forgiveness is the great healer and I hope she found the peace she so desperately needed to begin living again."
TOTALLY stronger than she realizes, I agree. And boy, did she teach ME something.
Yes, I will check out your post sometime today when I stop by. Thank you for letting me know about your post.
Have a wonderful week, Lisa. And much thanks for stopping by :)
Ron, I don't forgive easily myself. So this post really was a good lesson. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome, buddy!
Oh, Ron. I am SOBBING. But not in a bad way. But sobbing nonetheless while reading this. How beautifully heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteAnd you're 100% right, emotional damage totally effects the overall wellness of your body.
Hey Meleah~
ReplyDeleteI know, this is such a bitter sweet story. I cried too after I finished writing this post and then reread it. Because I remembered back to that AMAZING woman and what she taught me. She went through HELL, but she was still able to forgive.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl.
((((((( You )))))))
X ya!
It IS amazing when you get to that place where you can forgive.
ReplyDeleteAmen, girl!
Helloooooooo Debbie!
ReplyDelete" I admire you for being able to give of yourself to those who are ailing. It's a unique gift, one so many hurting people truly need."
This is something I have always felt a calling to do (even when I was a child, I knew I wanted to do this kind of work in some way.) And what's really beautiful about this kind of work is that "I" learn so much from the clients I work on, because often something they are struggling with is something I too am struggle with. In this case, it was forgiveness.
"It saddens me to think that anybody would choose to continue living in an abusive situation. Our homes are the places where we're supposed to be safe."
To be honest, I initially thought the same thing, "Why would anyone choose to stay in a situation like this for so long?" But then I realized that that really wasn't part of what I was supposed to know or even understand. The point was that she was at time in life when SHE was ready to leave the situation and move on to heal herself.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Debbie. Have a splendid weekend, my friend!