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I remember back in 1998, when I purchased my first Hewlett Packard desktop computer.

It was HUGE and BULKY.

The computer monitor took up so much space on my desk that I barely had any working room in front of it. Also, the hard drive was MASSIVE.

Lately I’ve been thinking about how much computers have evolved over the past 15 years. They’ve gone from BIG to small yet, have gotten more advanced.

Doesn’t it amaze you how computers have shrunken over the years?

And not only desktops, but laptops as well.

I think Mr. Apple (Steve Jobs) had much to do with that because he liked things very streamlined, almost Zen-looking. Mac computers are designed like a piece of artwork.

However, I have both an HP desktop and laptop computer, which I love.

But I’ve got to say that I’m not someone who uses my laptop much, other than if I travel or need it in an emergency situation when I lose my Internet service and go to a coffee shop to use their WiFi. I prefer using my desktop with a wider monitor and keyboard. If I’m going to spend a lot of time on my computer, I like something that feels more spacious. A laptop feels too confining for me. I also prefer using a mouse rather than a trackpad. The only trackpad I like are the ones on Mac laptops because they’re so easy to use.

Let’s take a journey through the incredible shrinking computer…

Colossus, the world's first electronic computer.

 Early computer by Philco.

The HP desktop above is exactly like the first one I had. The one below it is what I have now.

The evolution of the Mac desktop.

The evolution of the Mac laptop.

Now we have iPads, which are even smaller than a laptop.

And what is even more mind blowing is this new wearable computer they call, Google Glass.

I remember as a kid watching the cartoon, The Jetsons, and thinking how cool it was because of all the advanced technology they used; believing it was just a made up fantasy.

But when I look at that cartoon now, I see that it was actually a premonition of what was to come.

The George Jetson computer age...

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. Hey Ron! I LOVED the Jetsons!! It was one of my most favorite shows...and I was never one for cartoons...but that one caught my eye! Maybe that is why I have an iPad now!! :) I remember those days of the HUGE and bulky computers and the hard drives that were so heavy I could not even pick them up! My boss had one of the first Apple's. It was very intuitive ... even back then!! I remember him calling me and asking me to look for something on his computer...and I told him I had never even turned ON a Mac. Not a problem, he said. And it wasn't! And now we are...I would be lost without my iphone!! I just cannot get in to the GLASSES though. They seem very weird to me. Not sure why?? I do love the Disqus were right!! It is a little strange though that for each and every single comment, I get two of them in my allows me to approve (or not!) and the other says it is from "me". It must be something in the settings. I haven't gone back to change anything yet...I am getting used to this new operating system right now and just haven't had the time to fool around with any other settings! Happy Monday!! xo Jeanne

  2. Great post, Ron! I was just thinking about the days of the old IBM computer punch cards.

    Computers took up a whole room back in those days and we all thought we were living in such advanced times. Now we carry the same amount of data in our smart phones!

    The Jetsons were predicting our future!

    Take care, buddy, and have a great week!

  3. Another interesting post, Ron. You never fail to interest your readers. I had my first computer in 1993, an Atari, and loved it ... that is once I got over my fear of the damn thing. Now I use a laptop full time, simply because it's space saving. I also use the iPad and never stop feeling amazed by progress. I could even control the laptop from the iPad if I wanted to, plus the printer. Amazing! You've beaten me with gaining knowledge of Google Glass, I hadn't heard of it before. I suppose my head is still in the clouds... yes, seriously, going with Cloud is an absolute marvel. BTW I love the Jetson cartoons.

    Happy Monday x

  4. My Dad would love this post. He is a computer programmer and I swear I watched the evolution of computers right in the comfort of my own home. We had every computer as they came out. He would buy himself the newest model and us kids got his hand me down. This happened so often it became comical. Then deep down in the dark corners of the basement each cast off computer went to die. Ive gone and looked at them from time to time when a friend is looking for an old computer and you are right it is amazing how much the size has changed. I hope we dont get too much smaller though, my eyes can only handle so much!

  5. Another Jetsons fan here.....but where's my robot maid?

    My senior year of high school, our school got 2 Apples, and 6 Radio shack computers and I took my first programming class. We met in what had been a storage closet!!!

    I love my iPad, just because it's comfy to sit on the couch and go online. I use the desktop when I need to print something.

  6. I am thoroughly convinced that mobile devices - i.e., obnoxious cell phones will keep on getting bigger and more complicated until they become lap tops while lap tops become wrist watches. No wonder we're all nuts ;)

    I remember when my IT department's main frame needed a whole room to itself!! the romantic golden age of technology

  7. Dianne makes a good point....WHY are phones getting big again? I'm keeping my tiny dumb phone as long as it works! And funny about the wrist watch because my son is on a project in college designing apps for watches.

  8. *laughing* And now the screen George's on looks huge and needing streamlined. 'Smaller' and 'more' seems to be the gig--though the cellphones are now becoming almost tablets, or so it would seem. I'm sticking with my dumb phone AND my little kindle.
    I've about given up all hope of getting the 'can I borrow your Mac' laptop back. *laughing* Which is fine--I've done well without it and really, how many devices can one have?! (don't ask himself that--he'd tell you that's an unanswerable question and ask how many they make--geek at heart with limited skills in making things work.....which is a whole 'nother story!)
    We started with a Mac and we've been with just about every maker of computer there is, I swear. LOL And yup--we're sitting with a graveyard of older computers in the basement. Why we have 'em, I do not know. Kinda silly--we'd buy a new one before we'd use an old one. Oh....but hasn't it been fun to be present for this one?! Seriously. It was a quick one, all things told. Look at how fast we went from a whole room unit to one you can stick over your ear and keep walking. Amazing, if you ask me. But they developed the technology to develop the technology....which is kinda cool and kinda scary at the same time.

    I'll stick with the kindle for the front room (easy to hide, easy to read and not imposing) and hide myself away in the study with my desktop where I can type away to my little heart's content. I canNOT get the hang of trying to touch type on a touch screen. That just does NOT work for me. LOL Besides, I kinda like that clickety clack of the keyboard. ;-)

  9. You have stolen my post!

    I have a folder with all the Mac models I've owned since 1988. They are there, waiting for me to get around to actually writing the post up :)

    My very first computer was a Hewlett Packard and was the cause of a 3 year legal battle, because it was sold to me, along with the software, for graphics. The system cost almost £10,000 on lease. Unfortunately it couldn't begin to do the work it was sold for. I had to pay for it, even though it sat in the boxes for three years, until they came and took it back. £10,000 lighter in the bank, I bought my first (second hand) Mac for about £500 and never looked back.

  10. Oh Ron, I loved this post! Yes, it's amazing how small computers have gotten over the years. My first computer was a Dell desktop and it was huge. I now have an HP desktop, which I got about 3 years ago and love it. It's much smaller than my first one, but the monitor is big yet, slim. I've been wanting to buy a laptop for traveling, but I use my iPhone for so much right now that I feel like I don't even need a laptop. But I would like something with a larger monitor instead of using my iPhone all the time.

    Isn't it incredible how computer technology has evolved? I've seen those Google Glass things online, but don't know much about them. I first thought they were some kind of camera that you wore as glasses. Very interesting.

    And how true about The Jetsons. I think that cartoon was way ahead of its time, like you said, almost a premonition of what was to come. That's one of favorite cartoons too. I love Astro!

    Thanks for sharing such a fun and interesting post. Have a wonderful week, Ron!

  11. Good morning Jeanne!

    Didn't you LOVE the Jetsons? I'm not a huge animated film person, but The Jetsons and the Flintstones were my two favorite cartoons as a kid. Oh, and I also loved the movie, "Toy Story!"

    " My boss had one of the first Apple's. It was very intuitive ... even back then!! I remember him calling me and asking me to look for something on his computer...and I told him I had never even turned ON a Mac. Not a problem, he said. And it wasn't!"

    I don't have a Mac as of yet, but one of these days I can SO see myself getting one. I almost purchased one a few years ago, but changed my mind because I didn't think the Mac software would be compatible to opening up documents for all the Microsoft documents I get from work.

    " I just cannot get in to the GLASSES though. They seem very weird to me. Not sure why??"

    I agree, they DO seem weird. Almost like a ROBOT.

    "I do love the Disqus were right!! It is a little strange though that for each and every single comment, I get two of them in my allows me to approve (or not!) and the other says it is from "me". It must be something in the settings."

    That is strange because that doesn't happen for me. I only get ONE email for approval of a readers comment. Check your notification settings to see if you can change that. I'll check my account later today to see if I can find anything. Also, I don't know whether you knew this, but you can "white list" comments so that all your regular readers will be automatically approved so that you don't have to keep approving them. But all "first time readers" will have to be approved.

    Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Have a SUPER week!

    X to you and the girlz!

  12. Hey there Rob!

    " I was just thinking about the days of the old IBM computer punch cards."

    HA! Yes, remember those?!?!?!?

    "Computers took up a whole room back in those days and we all thought we were living in such advanced times. Now we carry the same amount of data in our smart phones!"

    Isn't that freakin' AMAZING? My thing is the monitor. They've gotten so streamlined and flat. LOVE it!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Have a most excellent week!


  13. Goooood morning Valerie!

    " I had my first computer in 1993, an Atari, and loved it ... that is once I got over my fear of the damn thing." had a computer in 1993?!?! That's awesome! I got my first one in 1998, but only used it to write and create things on. It wasn't until 2003, did I actually GET on the Internet. And I also had Dial Up Internet service until about 4 years ago, when I switched to DSL.

    " I also use the iPad and never stop feeling amazed by progress. I could even control the laptop from the iPad if I wanted to, plus the printer. Amazing!"

    You are so GREAT with technology and keeping up with things. I don't even have a cell phone, let alone anything iMac.

    "You've beaten me with gaining knowledge of Google Glass, I hadn't heard of it before."

    I only just recently discovered Google Glass. I thought it was only a camera, but discovered that it's actually a computer. If you click on the link I left, you can read more about it.

    Much thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Hope all is going well with Joe. Have a lovely week!

    ((((((((( You )))))))


  14. Hey there Shae!

    "He is a computer programmer and I swear I watched the evolution of computers right in the comfort of my own home. We had every computer as they came out. He would buy himself the newest model and us kids got his hand me down."

    WOW...that's so cool! I was so far behind everyone with computers and swore that I would NEVER get one. In fact, when I finally did get one, I didn't actually get online until 4 years later. I only used my computer to write and create things like, business cards and brochures.

    "Ive gone and looked at them from time to time when a friend is looking for an old computer and you are right it is amazing how much the size has changed. I hope we dont get too much smaller though, my eyes can only handle so much!"

    I agree, because my eyes can only handle so much as well. My reading sight has gotten so bad over the past few years that I need BINOCULARS to see anything - HA!

    Thanks for stopping by, girl. Have a SUPER week!


  15. You missed out smartphones. They are just as much a computer as something you sit on your desk. I use my Android phone (can't stand Apple) for absolutely EVERYTHING online, including all my blogging, music, video, animation, word processing,...the lot.
    My phone has 32G of memory, more than most actual computers had only ten years ago. It's astounding what you can fit in your pocket nowadays.
    Pity you couldn't find a picture of Mr Babbage's Difference Engine, amazing invention.

  16. "Another Jetsons fan here.....but where's my robot maid?"

    HAHAHAHAHAHHA! OMG...didn't you LOVE Rosie???? Also, Astro!!!!!

    "My senior year of high school, our school got 2 Apples, and 6 Radio shack computers and I took my first programming class. We met in what had been a storage closet!!!"

    WOW! When I was still in school, computers were not even available for personal use. And it's funny, I never thought I would enjoy computers because I'm not a very 'technical person.' However, I LOVE them because you can use them for so many creative things.

    "I love my iPad, just because it's comfy to sit on the couch and go online. I use the desktop when I need to print something."

    iPads are amazing, aren't they?

    Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a super-duper week!


  17. Hey there V Girl!

    "i wonder if it was created by steve jobs when he was two."

    HAHAHHAHAHAHA! Love it, Val!!! Hey, perhaps he did! When you think of how far we've come with technology, and how much of THAT was shown in The Jetsons, it's ironic - microwave ovens, moving sidewalks, phone screens, electric toothbrushes.

    "now i just have an all in one unit (touch screen) with no tower. it takes up little space and the keyboard and mouse are wireless."

    Yes, I've seen your computer in a few of your photographs. Very cool! And it's an HP as well. I may get a wireless mouse because I'm tired of the cord. I actually use a plugin mouse for my laptop.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Val. Have an excellent week, girl!


  18. "I am thoroughly convinced that mobile devices - i.e., obnoxious cell phones will keep on getting bigger and more complicated until they become lap tops while lap tops become wrist watches. No wonder we're all nuts ;)"

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! You made a VERY good point there because phones used to be bigger, then they got smaller, now they're getting bigger again. The phones look like small laptop computers.

    "I remember when my IT department's main frame needed a whole room to itself!! the romantic golden age of technology"

    Isn't that amazing?

    Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Have a super week! And again, congrats on your new granddaughter. She's BEAUTIFUL!

    X to you and Hope!

  19. Yes, she does make a good point, I agree!

    "And funny about the wrist watch because my son is on a project in college designing apps for watches."


  20. Hiya Babs!

    "You have stolen my post!

    I have a folder with all the Mac models I've owned since 1988. They are there, waiting for me to get around to actually writing the post up :)"

    HA! OMG...isn't it funny how we bloggers will often think about the same post topics at the same time? I can't wait to read your post because it sounds interesting!

    "My very first computer was a Hewlett Packard and was the cause of a 3 year legal battle, because it was sold to me, along with the software, for graphics. The system cost almost £10,000 on lease."

    WOW...that was one expensive computer!!!!!

    " I bought my first (second hand) Mac for about £500 and never looked back."

    Yes, I know, you're a HUGE lover of Mac. One of these days I have a feeling I will be getting one as well. They're awesome for things like, graphic design. And I love the way they look.

    Thanks for stopping by, Babs. Have a most excellent week!

    X to you and Mo!

  21. Hola Denise!

    " I now have an HP desktop, which I got about 3 years ago and love it. It's much smaller than my first one, but the monitor is big yet, slim."

    I LOVE the monitor on this HP because it's a big one (32 inches) but it doesn't take up a lot of space because it's very thin. However, my laptop only has a 14 inch monitor. Way too small for doing things other than emails and comments.

    "I've been wanting to buy a laptop for traveling, but I use my iPhone for so much right now that I feel like I don't even need a laptop."

    Yes, I know many people who say the same thing. They use their iPhones almost as a laptop, but have a desktop at home as well.

    "I've seen those Google Glass things online, but don't know much about them. I first thought they were some kind of camera that you wore as glasses. Very interesting."

    Me too, I thought they were only a camera as well. But I read up on them a few days ago and they are actually a small computer.

    "That's one of favorite cartoons too. I love Astro!"

    Isn't Astro adorable? "Rrrrrright, RRRGeorge!"

    Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a wonderful week as well!


  22. Hiya Mel!

    "*laughing* And now the screen George's on looks huge and needing streamlined. 'Smaller' and 'more' seems to be the gig--"

    HA! Yes, isn't that the truth? The screens even looked BIGGER back then. I think George would be amazed if he saw how small screens have gotten.

    "We started with a Mac and we've been with just about every maker of computer there is, I swear. LOL And yup--we're sitting with a graveyard of older computers in the basement."

    It's funny because I started with an HP and have stayed with an HP every since. I know people have their favorites, but mine has always been an HP. They're dependable, strong and last forever. My first one lasted me almost NINE years!

    "Look at how fast we went from a whole room unit to one you can stick over your ear and keep walking. Amazing, if you ask me. But they developed the technology to develop the technology....which is kinda cool and kinda scary at the same time."

    Great point, Mel. You're right...amazing but scary at the same time.

    " I canNOT get the hang of trying to touch type on a touch screen. That just does NOT work for me. LOL Besides, I kinda like that clickety clack of the keyboard. ;-)"

    Meeeeeeeee too! I love that clickety clack of the keyboard. I've used touchscreens before, but I prefer a keyboard because I like to TYPE.

    "Oh, and P.S. I will be humming the Jetson song all day now! Hahaha"

    LOVE that song!!!!!!!

    Much thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Have a beautiful week!

    ((((((((( You )))))))))


  23. Hey there Dale!

    "You missed out smartphones. They are just as much a computer as something you sit on your desk."

    OMG...I know! My brother just got a smartphone and LOVES it. He's been trying to convince me to get one. Can you believe that I don't even have a cell phone?!?!

    " I use my Android phone."

    My friend Marge has an Android phone as well.

    "Pity you couldn't find a picture of Mr Babbage's Difference Engine, amazing invention."

    Okay, now you've got me curious. I will have to Google later and check it out.

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, buddy. Have a super week!


  24. Ron, I loved your reference to The Jetsons because that is my all time favorite cartoon! And you are spot on about that because so much of what was then, is now. That cartoon projected into the future!

    I'm a technical gadget freak and a big Mac user. I have a computer, iPad and iPhone. Mac gadgets are my addiction. Seriously so. And it is as you said, Mac is like a piece of artwork.

    Don't know much about Google Glass but will look into it. They remind me of something sci-fi.

    Cool post, dude!

  25. Hey there Matt!

    "That cartoon projected into the future!"

    Yes, it sure did! And I can remember watching Jane cooking in an oven that looked very much like what a microwave oven looks like today. She just popped the food in and withing seconds it was DONE!

    "I'm a technical gadget freak and a big Mac user. I have a computer, iPad and iPhone. Mac gadgets are my addiction. Seriously so. And it is as you said, Mac is like a piece of artwork."

    There is a gentleman that I work with who is the same way. He LOVES all things Mac! And he updates them all the time.

    "Don't know much about Google Glass but will look into it. They remind me of something sci-fi."

    They do look very SCI-FI, you're right! Almost like a robot!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, bud! Have a super Monday and week!

    George Jetson

  26. "If I’m going to spend a lot of time on my computer, I like something that feels more spacious."

    I totally feel the saw way - which is why I bought the biggest screen for the MacBookPro - at 17 inches baby.

    And yes, it is ABSOLUTELY amazing, how tiny computers have become, and how easily we can access almost ANYTHING from all of our gadgets and devices, like smartphones.

    We are TOTALLY living like The Jetsons!

  27. WOW, Meleah, you have a 17 inch screen on your Mac laptop?!? That's AWESOME! Mine has a 14 inch which is way too small for me to work on for long periods of time because I feel like I can't breathe - HA! Plus, the trackpad sucks, which is why I use an external mouse.

    And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the trackpad on a Mac. Truly the BEST and EASIEST to use.

    "We are TOTALLY living like The Jetsons!"

    HA! Don't that blow you away? It's like The Jetsons were a projection into the future - and then some.

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, girl. Have a super Monday and week!


  28. Ron, two things. I loved the flying cars in The Jetons, and also how they could press a button and raise their house above the clouds if it was raining, to get sunshine!


    Yup...loved that too, Matt! Wasn't that cartoon brilliant?

  30. Excellent! Thanks Dale, you're a WEALTH of knowledge. I will check the link out tonight, when I get home from work.

    Thank you!

  31. Yeah ­ I went all out and got the biggest screen possible!!

    I hope you have an awesome week too!

    PS: I miss you!

  32. As one who works in the technology field, the speed with which improvements are made is mind-boggling. One literally cannot afford to stand still a minute, or one will get left behind in the shuffle!

    For a long time I held onto my desktop, too, but when it died on me, I switched to a laptop. And have been MOST happy. I attach my mouse to a USB port and have a wide-screen monitor nearby, making the experience much more pleasant.

    Funny how the Jetsons was supposed to be so futuristic at the time but seems way behind the times now. Thanks for a trip down computer Memory Lane, Ron!

  33. My first computer was an Atari. Yes, they made computers...

    I had that first bulky gray Mac PowerBook. It had a black and white screen, weighed about 10 lbs., and the only thing I ever used it for was playing Tetris. Times sure have changed! I haven't owned a desktop computer since 2002, but that's just my own personal preference. I even use my personal laptop (MacBook) at work now.

  34. Hey there Debbie!

    "One literally cannot afford to stand still a minute, or one will get left behind in the shuffle!"

    You are so right! The minute you purchase the latest computer, a week later something more advanced comes out.

    "For a long time I held onto my desktop, too, but when it died on me, I switched to a laptop. And have been MOST happy. I attach my mouse to a USB port and have a wide-screen monitor nearby, making the experience much more pleasant."

    Yes, I have a mouse that I attach to my laptop via USB port as well. The problem with my laptop is that the monitor is small (14 inches), and with the photography edited I do, it feels too confining. Which is why I do most of my computering on my 32 screen desktop. OMG...I LOVE that thing because it feels like a movie screen!

    "Funny how the Jetsons was supposed to be so futuristic at the time but seems way behind the times now."

    Waaaaaaay behind the times now, you're right!

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you had marvi Monday. Enjoy your week!


  35. Howdy Mark!

    "My first computer was an Atari. Yes, they made computers..." too? I had no idea Atari made computers!?!?!

    "I had that first bulky gray Mac PowerBook. It had a black and white screen, weighed about 10 lbs., and the only thing I ever used it for was playing Tetris. Times sure have changed"

    They sure have. Mac's are now so thin and almost weightless! I love the look of a Mac! One of these days, I have a feeling I will be getting one.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Have a super week!

    X to you and Tara!

  36. Miss you too! I hope we can get together before the holidays roll in.


  37. Ron, I'm the same way. I have both a desktop and laptop as well, but barely use the laptop. I need big and roomy when I'm on a computer. I've never had a Mac, but I'm dying to get one. I may do that for Christmas this year and treat myself.

    I've had Dell and HP computers, but prefer HP. I love their printers because they last forever. I've had this same one for over 6 years and it still works great. They're die hard's.

    It's so true about The Jetsons, they were so futuristic for the time and giving us a peek into what was to come. I still enjoy that cartoon! And you must too because your avatar is George Jetson!

  38. Hey ho Robert!

    " I need big and roomy when I'm on a computer."

    Yup, me as well. And that's why I got a BIG monitor on my recent desktop (32 inches). I love it because it wide, but very narrow so it doesn't take up too much space on my desk.

    " I love their printers because they last forever. I've had this same one for over 6 years and it still works great. They're die hard's."

    You said it! LOVE HP printers. I have one that I got used about 4 years ago (a printer/scanner) and that thing is still going strong. I also like HP computers. They're the only ones I've own and have had the best luck with them.

    " And you must too because your avatar is George Jetson!"

    HAHAHAHAHA! Yes, can you TELL that I love The Jetsons??? I've had that avatar for 6 years now and won't change it. When I first started this blog I had a whole JETSONS theme going on, which is why I have George as my avatar.

    Thanks for stopping by, bud. Hope you had a terrific Monday. Enjoy the rest of your week!


  39. It is amazing how far we've come with technology. Soon we'll be wearing our computers like a Dick Tracy watch, or even have them embedded underneath our skin. Next stop, the ability to download our consciousness into a computer and live forever (just be sure to back me up) Who knows! I still remember my first x286 computer in the '90s and how awesome I thought that was back then. Times, they sure are a-changing. And I'm not one to shy away from it, unlike Mrs. Obama who claims that we rely too much on technology. No such thing, if you ask me. Like Jerry Garcia once said, "Too much of everything is just enough!" Heh...

    Awesome post! Loved the walk back in time with your pics!

  40. Hey there Herman!

    " or even have them embedded underneath our skin."

    OMG...I can't believe you said that because I was talking with a co-worker today and I said that the next thing we'll have will be computers implanted in our BRAINS and we can use our earlobes as two TRACKPADS - HA!

    " Next stop, the ability to download our consciousness into a computer and live forever (just be sure to back me up) Who knows!"

    Brilliant! And who knows is right. We might!!!

    ". Like Jerry Garcia once said, "Too much of everything is just enough!" Heh..."

    When I think back to the time when I SWORE that I would never get a computer, I laugh now because I can't imagine living without them!

    Thanks for stopping by, buddy! Hope you had super Monday! Enjoy your week!

    X to you, Karin, and Mr. Tyler!

  41. Wow, that really takes me back. When I met him in 1987, my ex-husband had a Kaypro that was set up like a suitcase. We called it the Russian prototype. I've used a variety of computers over the years, from early PCs and old Macs to my current iMac. (And you're right, it is like a work of art). I was always a PC person but after I got an iPad (which I use for a e-reader as much as anything, although it's hand for emails and such), I loved how it synched with my phone. When my Dell laptop died, I made the switch to the iMac desktop, and then latter wished I still had a laptop, so now I also have a Macbook Air. Crazy - a whole Mac family. And of course, I often use my iPhone and marvel at how I now carry a tiny computer around with me in my pocket.

  42. "When I met him in 1987, my ex-husband had a Kaypro that was set up like a suitcase. We called it the Russian prototype."

    WOW...that's amazing!

    "When my Dell laptop died, I made the switch to the iMac desktop, and then latter wished I still had a laptop, so now I also have a Macbook Air."

    If I do eventually get a Mac, I would LOVE to purchase one of the iMac desktops. I priced a Mac desktop last year, and it was actually less expensive than than most of their laptops. And I think it's because most people prefer using a laptop now-a-day.

    I have a feeling that one day I WILL own a Mac.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, girl Have a super week!


  43. Ron, keep your avatar. Because it's so unique!

  44. Thank you. Will do, buddy!

    George Jetson

  45. The evolution of the computer is a fascinating story. Our first one was for "the kids" and was an Apple 2e. Our daughters had Math Rabbit and Reader Rabbit programs. When I'm teaching advertising capstone courses, I always include the Super Bowl ad "1984" from Macintosh. It's an incredible story of the evolution of the personal computer in a nutshell; the "Big Brother," industrial corporate computer workplace offset by the underdog, softer, more feminine character of the Mac representing the personal computer for home use. the juxtaposition between cold, stark monotone and soft, warm color is classic.

    Love the vintage computer shots!

  46. Helloooooooo Lisa!

    "ur first one was for "the kids" and was an Apple 2e. Our daughters had Math Rabbit and Reader Rabbit programs."

    OMG yes, I remember the Apple 2e!!!!!

    "...industrial corporate computer workplace offset by the underdog, softer, more feminine character of the Mac representing the personal computer for home use. the juxtaposition between cold, stark monotone and soft, warm color is classic."

    LOVE the way you said that! And it's so true, the home Mac does have a softer, more feminine look to them - sleek and streamlined.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're enjoying a beautiful week!


  47. JANE AND GEORGE ARE FACE TIMING!!! WOW. I remember watching that cartoon ALL the time... and seeing things like this. To think then that there would be computers like there are today, and computer phones... and facetime... amazing!


    HA! I know, isn't that something, Katherine?!?

    Who knew???

    "To think then that there would be computers like there are today, and computer phones... and facetime... amazing!"

    Truly AMAZING! I never dreamed that what they showed on that cartoon would come be. And not only come to be, but even more so!

    I wonder what George and Jane would say if the saw those Google Glasses???

    Thank so much for stopping by, girl. Hope you're having a SUPER week!


  49. Good morning Ron,
    Very thought provoking post. There have been so many changes through the years and it has all happened almost like a miracle ( of course, millions of developers helped this miracle become a reality).

    Children that are born since internet has sprung have grown up with computers. Unlike the Baby boomers who had to learn as adults. My first time working a computer was with a Saturday afternoon class at a local business school. It was called " Word processing". I came out of it with a certificate and a feeling like I still needed to practice...

    At home, we have done the shrink routine too... Currently. We have a laptop & iPad . There is still a regular PC that serves for some purpose
    outside of daily use. But, I am not the Computer God(dess) in this home.
    I am experiencing the opposite end of the internet era. Though I still stop daily, my time had decreased and my interests there less into "surfing" and more into very specific places of interest.

    Wishing you a great day and take care.

  50. Ron (George), I found this over at you tube.

  51. HAHAHAHAHA! Thanks so much for sharing the link, buddy! Loved hearing that theme!!!!!

  52. I agree with you about the size. I prefer to use my laptop so I'm more portable.

  53. "I prefer to use my laptop so I'm more portable."

    Yes, I LOVE the portability of a laptop!

    Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you're having a FAB week!


  54. what a great post Ron! thanks so much for sharing this techie journey. who says size matters LOL. In this case, NOT!
    Happy Weekend, G

  55. "who says size matters LOL. In this case, NOT!"

    Bwhahahahahahahaha! HILARIOUS!

    And it's funny because I had initially thought I would title this post, "BIGGER Is Not Always Better."

    Tee, hee!

    Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you're having a MARVI week!


  56. We have had various computers over the years and I agree they have got smaller and smaller. I use a laptop when I'm blogging because the keypad on my Samsung Pad2 isn't conducive to a lot of typing for me, because my fingers are arthritic and clumsy. However, since I got my Pad2 I use that more often than the laptop.

  57. " However, since I got my Pad2 I use that more often than the laptop."

    Yes, Pearl, I hear so many people say the same thing! And if you think about it, a PAD is just like using a laptop, only it's thinner and more easily transportable.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady!

    Have a lovely weekend....X

  58. I loved the Jetsons. And, it seems like we're closer to the cartoon than ever. I'm a huge fan of my Macbook Pro. I've got the really big one so it's a bit cumbersome lugging it places. But, it gets the job done. I don't think I'd go back to a PC.

  59. Hellooooooooo Jen!

    "And, it seems like we're closer to the cartoon than ever."

    Yes, doesn't it? And we've even gone BEYOND the cartoon in many ways. They only thing we haven't been able to do is create those cute flying cars! OMG...I loved those cars!

    " I'm a huge fan of my Macbook Pro. I've got the really big one so it's a bit cumbersome lugging it places. But, it gets the job done. I don't think I'd go back to a PC."

    I have a feeling that one day I will moving over to a Mac and will feel the same way.

    Much thanks for stopping by, girl. Hope you're having a super weekend!


  60. I get back to the blogs for the first time in what feels like forever...and see the words 'huge', 'hard', 'big', and 'massive' and wondered if I stumbled upon a porn site instead. haha! Hey, way to welcome me back!! ;)
    I remember our first computer and feeling really scared that if I pushed the wrong button it would crash or something. lol Now, the laptop gets shoved in a bag, thrown over the shoulder and out the door I go.
    Speaking of Mac's, I'm using mine now at B&N's cafe. It's the Macbook Air, so lightweight. And you're right, the trackpad is simpler to use. I also have a Toshiba laptop (long story, but basically had to get it for the college class) and it's heavier, I prefer to use the mouse on that one, and Window 8 is driving me crazy. LOL Our desktop is still hanging in there and I use it occasionally, mostly for working on photos, but it's developing some issues so I don't know what we'll do when it finally goes.
    The Jetsons was such a cool show. The reruns are still on!

  61. "...and see the words 'huge', 'hard', 'big', and 'massive' and wondered if I stumbled upon a porn site instead. haha! Hey, way to welcome me back!! ;)"

    Bwhahahahahahaha! Mary, that CRACKED ME UP! And it's so funny because I was going to title this post "BIGGER is NOT Always Better!"

    " It's the Macbook Air, so lightweight. And you're right, the trackpad is simpler to use"

    Yes, that's the one I've been eyeing for several years because it's so streamline and lightweight. The trackpads on Mac's are the BEST!

    My desktop is still pretty new, so it's working well. I prefer using it to my laptop because the screen is SO big for editing photos and graphic stuff.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Hope you're having a FABU week!


  62. Bonjour Barb!

    "Children that are born since internet has sprung have grown up with computers. Unlike the Baby boomers who had to learn as adults."

    You said it! Back when we grew up, our big thing was an electric typewriter and taking typing classes in high school - HA! And then later, a Word processor, which seemed SO advanced.

    "Though I still stop daily, my time had decreased and my interests there less into "surfing" and more into very specific places of interest."

    Me as well. I have learned so much from things I've found on the Internet. My favorite thing about computers and the Internet is that, through them, I have been able to teach myself things that I wouldn't be able to do without taking a formal class. The Internet can be an AMAZING tool for learning.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Barb. Hope you're having a super week!

    X to you and D!

  63. so true on how the jetson's predicted the future. i wonder if it was created by steve jobs when he was two. i thought it was so cool how everything was computerized and i loved how george got dressed in the morning.

    i had bulky monitors and computer towers and when i look back at old pictures and my computer is in it, i'm like that is an ugly piece of junk but it was okay at the time.

    now i just have an all in one unit (touch screen) with no tower. it takes up little space and the keyboard and mouse are wireless. i believe this to be my last computer too. it would have to blow up for me to get another one.


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