Throughout these past 6 years, I’ve written a traditional Thanksgiving Day post every year at this time, listing the things I have in my life to be grateful for.
And I do.
I have so many things that I’m grateful for. But I don’t only realize them around this time of the year, because I try to take a moment each week and give thanks for the many things I’ve been blessed with.
And I think at the top of my list is LOVE. I have always felt loved.
I’ve never been one to feel that I need a relationship with one person to experience a special love in my life, because I receive special love in so many ways.
My family.
My friends.
The people I work with.
You, who I blog with.
The love of myself.
And really, that’s where love starts, doesn’t it?
That’s one of the things that age has taught me.
You get to a point where it’s no longer about the need to change or improve yourself; it becomes more about accepting and embracing yourself for exactly where you are at.
Now that’s not to say you don’t change and improve, but you eventually learn that life takes you precisely where you should go, thus you change and improve through the openness of trusting the rhythm of your own life.
I can honestly say, now that I’m in my 50’s, I’m changing and improving with a healthier attitude than I did when I was much younger. Because back then, change and improvement came from an insatiable desire I had within myself, believing I needed to change by comparison.
I had always heard that I needed to be at a particular place in my life at a particular age, because that’s the way it’s supposed to be – almost like a ‘life scale’ on achievement.
When I hit 20, I was supposed to be at a certain point and achieve certain things.
When I hit 30, I was supposed to be at a certain point and achieve certain things.
When I hit 40, I was supposed to be at a certain point and achieve certain things.
But you know what?
When you get towards the end of your 40’s and into your 50’s, you say to yourself, “Fuck that…I’m exactly at the point I need to be – right here, right now.”
And when that happens, you begin to develop almost a sixth sense that gives you clues as to where you should go, and when you should go. You become guided by your own life, which moves you in a more natural flow than with a sense of urgency and need.
Now that I’m in my 50’s, I’m doing things I never thought I could do when I was younger.
I feel smarter now that I’m older. And I don’t mean brain smart either, I mean life smart. Because I’m teaching myself things I thought I was not capable of. And I’m doing it by my own instinct.
And not only am I learning how to do things, but I’ve also learned how to be more accepting and trusting of myself internally.
I no longer follow a structured path of interior improvement. Because as long as I believe I need to improve, I won’t. Because that puts me in a mindset of thinking there is something I need to fix about myself.
No, it’s no longer about me seeking improvement or fixing, because I’m not broken. It’s about me staying sensitive to what my life is presenting to me and embracing it. And through that, I change and improve.
Age is a wonderful thing because you begin to settle into yourself; evolving naturally.
You let go of the comparisons.
You let go of the fixing.
And embrace YOU.
Thank you, age!
See, what did I tell you? Even at 58 years old, I still act like a kid with a turkey on my head.
Now that's what I call...EVOLVING.
tee, hee!
Wishing each and everyone of you a beautiful Thanksgiving!
Now that's what I call...EVOLVING.
tee, hee!
Wishing each and everyone of you a beautiful Thanksgiving!
X ya's!
I had so many self doubt issues when I was younger then I remember reaching the age when I thought "Hell if I can't love myself how is anyone else going to love me"! I've been happy every since. :)
ReplyDeleteI am totally with you on this subject, Ron. I find now that age ceases to crop up like milestones but is still enjoyable. In fact, more so. The thing I've noticed is the freedom that age gives us. It's marvellous. Must dash now and feed the other half before I go shopping for more jeans and sneaker shoes... wink. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, dear friend xx
ReplyDeleteRon, this is such a wonderful post and so appropriate for this time of year. I have struggled with a terrible sense of self-loathing over the years, so when you stress the importance to self-love, that touched me very deeply.
ReplyDeleteAcceptance is not about giving up. As you say, it's about embracing what life is presenting you with.
I am thankful for knowing you, Ron, and I am grateful that you wrote this lovely post. And I really like the turkey hat!
Thanks so much, buddy. Take care and have a great holiday!
I really love this post Ronnie. Now of course I am in one of the categories you mentioned where I am feeling like I should have achieved things by now. But your post really does show how unimportant those goals we set for ourselves really are. Whats important is appreciating what we do have and doing what we can to be happy every single day. I spend so much time worrying about what I havent achieved yet I forget to enjoy the things that are going right!
ReplyDelete"Age is a wonderful thing because you begin to settle into yourself; evolving naturally." - it's truly a wonderful thing...we sweat the small stuff for way too many years!
ReplyDeleteRon, what a fantastic post! And perfect for this time of the year. Perfect! And it's so true, the older I get, the more comfortable and accepting I am of myself and my life. And what you said about self-love it also true, love starts with self. When I was much younger, I was always looking for the next thing to improve myself. And when I didn't change like I thought I would change, I got so frustrated. But that's because I wasn't at a point TO change.
ReplyDeleteThe main thing I can say about my life and my attitude about myself now is that I'm much more relaxed.
Thank you for sharing your words, Ron. And I love you in the turkey hat. You are so funny!
Happy Thanksgiving to you xo
Good morning Pearl!
ReplyDelete" then I remember reaching the age when I thought "Hell if I can't love myself how is anyone else going to love me"! I've been happy every since. :)"
Ain't that the truth?? And I think once we get to that point, we don't obligate others to fulfill that need.
Thanks so much for stopping by, m'dear! Have a wonderful week. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Goooood morning Valerie!
ReplyDelete"I find now that age ceases to crop up like milestones but is still enjoyable. In fact, more so. The thing I've noticed is the freedom that age gives us. It's marvellous."
You said the perfect word.....FREEDOM! Isn't it wonderful?
Much thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Have a great Monday shopping for more jeans and sneakers....wink!
Happy Thanksgiving to both you and Joe!
Hey there Rob!
ReplyDelete"Acceptance is not about giving up. As you say, it's about embracing what life is presenting you with."
Exactly. Because I find that when I accept and embrace what is present, the change just comes naturally. We each have a different rhythm to our lives, so it's important to honor that rhythm.
I'm thankful for knowing you too, Rob, and grateful for all that you share on your blog. Thank you!
Have a faaaaaaaabulous Thanksgiving, buddy!
Enjoy your week!
Hello there Geraldine!
ReplyDelete"As the French say: to be comfortable in our own skin (or something to that effect). When we ace that, we stop wasting time on a lot of BS that doesn't really matter anyways, no matter what age we are at."
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Couldn't have said it any better myself - being comfortable in our own skin!
" I was always dieting, worrying about clothes etc... not that I don't still like to look good, dress well, but it's on my own terms now and I keep things like this in perspective. Time becomes more precious with each passing year and I am grateful for the time I have every day and try to use it wisely."
LOVED that, Geraldine!!!!!!! We come to a place of own terms and keep things in perspective.
Thank god for age, right?
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a super week
Hey there Suzi!
ReplyDelete" it's truly a wonderful thing...we sweat the small stuff for way too many years!"
Amen! And isn't it something how when we don't sweat that small stuff, the important stuff becomes clearer?
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a wonderful week, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Hey there Shae!
ReplyDelete"Whats important is appreciating what we do have and doing what we can to be happy every single day."
Yes, that's it, Shae! And it's ironic how when I focus on that, the change comes naturally - and very often not the way I thought it would. I find that my life teaches me more than trying to change my life to how I think it should be. I know this may sound strange, but when I accept my life in the present and listen to it, I just evolve naturally.
Much thanks for stopping by, girl! Have a wonderful week! And Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Hola Denise!
ReplyDelete"When I was much younger, I was always looking for the next thing to improve myself. And when I didn't change like I thought I would change, I got so frustrated. But that's because I wasn't at a point TO change."
Bingo! That's it! When I was much younger, I felt in a hurry to change, but now that older, I change when it's time.
"The main thing I can say about my life and my attitude about myself now is that I'm much more relaxed."
Relaxed...I love it!
Much thanks for stopping by, girl. Have a fantabulous week! And Happy Thanksgiving to you!
You're the youngest 50something I know by far. Stay that way, Ron - keep the turkey on your head for many years to come!
ReplyDeleteI've always been a fan of self-love, too. But I think we're talking about two different types here...
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love and being yourself! (And plenty of turkey, too).
Hey Ron, I have to agree with Mark below me, you're the youngest 50something person I know by far. I always see you as a very wise YOUNG person. You seem ageless to me.
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I enjoy getting older because I'm becoming more and more less stressed about my life. It's true, when we're younger we are in such a hurry to change and improve. Being younger to me seemed much more angst ridden.
Excellent post, dude. Love the turkey hat!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Howdy Mark!
ReplyDeleteAw...thank you, buddy :) I don't care how OLD I get, I'm still gonna act like kid - HA!
"I've always been a fan of self-love, too. But I think we're talking about two different types here..."
Bwhahahahahahahha! You are a freaking RIOT!!!!!! Love it, Mark!
Much thanks for stopping by. Wishing you a faaaaaaaaaabulous Thanksgiving!
X to you and Tara!
Hey there Matt!
ReplyDeleteThank you, buddy :) And I shared with Mark, I don't care how OLD I get, I'm still gonna act like a silly kid - HA!
I'ts funny about age, because no matter how you progress in numbers, you still have to keep a child-like quality so that you don't get too serious.
"I have to say that I enjoy getting older because I'm becoming more and more less stressed about my life. It's true, when we're younger we are in such a hurry to change and improve. Being younger to me seemed much more angst ridden."
Amen to ALL that you said, Matt! Yes, definitely less angst ridden.
Much thanks for stopping by, bud. Have a super week and a HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!
I hope one day I can know which way to go. I'm halfway there maybe--I reached the eff that as far as where I'm "supposed" to be.
ReplyDeleteYou're lookin good there with your turkey! ;)
Lisa, I LOVE how you said this...
ReplyDelete" My life has not turned out exactly as I envisioned, but the experiences I've had has shaped me into the person I am today. And I kinda like her! :-)"
*thunderous applause*
You GO, girl!!! And I like her too!
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a marvi Monday and a HAPPY, BLESSED THANKSGIVING!
I think everything you said I've had a general feeling about but you put it all into words. Thank you. I would love to have my youthful energy back but I wouldn't trade my old mind for it.
I love this post! Such wise and true words. I think of all of the years that I wasted worrying about my appearance and not my character but like you said, that wisdom comes with age.
ReplyDeleteYou're a smart turkey! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Stay bundled up! I just heard on the news about the weather you're getting. Brrrrrrrr!!!!
Ron, you've spoken a lot of truth here. There are so many wonderful things you've shared, in which I found myself nodding my head in agreement. You express your thoughts and feelings so well.
ReplyDelete"but you eventually learn that life takes you precisely where you should go, thus you change and improve through the openness of trusting the rhythm of your own life."
How true. And as I've gotten older, I can sense my own life rhythm and have slowly begun to trust it to lead the way. As you said, it's pointless to compare and scale our lives with others because we lean, change, grow and improve in our time.
"No, it’s no longer about me seeking improvement or fixing, because I’m not broken."
I loved that, Ron!
I look forward to age because it's like wine. We get better and wiser!
Thank you for sharing this post. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey there David!
ReplyDelete"I would love to have my youthful energy back but I wouldn't trade my old mind for it."
Yahooooo! And I couldn't agree with you more!
And it's funny because I honestly feel like I have more energy now than I did when I was younger.
Always great to see your comments, buddy. Much thanks for stopping by and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey ho Robert!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I've been wanting to share about my gratitude for age for awhile now, so I thought it would be a cool idea to combined it with my annual Thanksgiving Day post.
"And as I've gotten older, I can sense my own life rhythm and have slowly begun to trust it to lead the way."
Good for you! When I trust my life to lead the way, it always takes me exactly where I need to go. And that's not to say it's all smooth sailing, but that's part of the evolution, change and growth. The lessons learned.
"I look forward to age because it's like wine. We get better and wiser!"
Robert that's faaaaaaaaaabulous! Yup..just like wine!!!
Much thanks for stopping by and sharing on this post, buddy. Have a super-duper week and a Happy Thanksgiving!
Helloooooooooo Chrissy!
ReplyDelete" I think of all of the years that I wasted worrying about my appearance and not my character but like you said, that wisdom comes with age."
Exactly! And that's why I find age so AWESOME - the wisdom!
And like you, I too spent many years fixing and worrying about things; only to come back to myself.
MUCH thanks for stopping by, girl! Have a fabulous week and a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!!!!!!
X to you and the gang!
P.S. OMG...yes, it's FREEZING here. And the next couple of days it supposed to get down into the 30's. And you know me, I'm LOVING it!
Ah, Ron, you have such a positive outlook on life! And really, isn't that the best way to live?
ReplyDeleteI'm right there with you, my friend. Those 20s and 30s were pretty rough, all things considered. We're so busy then trying to find ourselves, trying to establish a career, trying to settle down with some significant other, that we barely have time to breathe, let alone work on self-growth.
Now it's not selfish to love ourselves. Far from it! Only by celebrating ourselves -- who we are, who we've become, what we've learned -- can we be ready to tackle the next stage of life. And perhaps to give back some of what we've learned?!
Happy Happy Thanksgiving -- and may I add you look spiffy and ready to carve that bird!!
Helloooooooooo there Debbie!
ReplyDelete" And really, isn't that the best way to live?"
Yes, it is. I do have moments of not being positive, however, they don't last long because I see how much they drain me. My father was a very positive person, so I think I learned from him.
"Those 20s and 30s were pretty rough, all things considered. We're so busy then trying to find ourselves, trying to establish a career, trying to settle down with some significant other, that we barely have time to breathe, let alone work on self-growth."
I couldn't have said that better myself! Back when I was in my 20's and 30's, I was in such a rush for personal growth, that I never really took the time to look to MYSELF. It was more of trying to emulate what everyone else was doing.
" Only by celebrating ourselves -- who we are, who we've become, what we've learned -- can we be ready to tackle the next stage of life. And perhaps to give back some of what we've learned?!"
Debbie....I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that!!!! And it's true, when we can truly celebrate ourselves, we give that back to someone else to do the same thing.
Much thanks for stopping by and sharing your wisdom on this post, my friend. Thank you!
Ha ha ha how FUNNY!!!! I just did a post about being thrilled to be YOUNG for a moment!! LOL! Not that I would want to go back to that time... unless I knew then what I know now... which of course come with AGE, as you said.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite quote of your post? “Fuck that…I’m exactly at the point I need to be – right here, right now.”
There certainly is a point in age where you just don' worry about so much... about what others think... I am still working on a lesson I learned through you and your mom... BE YOURSELF.... I'll get there!
And by the way... LOVE THE HAT!!!!
Hellooooooo Katherine!!! FUNNY!!!!!! You and I seem to be on the same thought-waves when it comes to many thing, don't we?
And it's as you said..."Not that I would want to go back to that time... unless I knew then what I know now... which of course come with AGE."
Yes, that's the thing, what we sometimes lose physically with age, we GAIN mentally.
"There certainly is a point in age where you just don' worry about so much... about what others think... I am still working on a lesson I learned through you and your mom... BE YOURSELF.... I'll get there!"
It's a process. It hit me when I was in my early 50's. I just said, fuck it...I'm exactly at the point I need to be...right here, right now. And honestly, it made life so much easier for me.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a great week! And HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your family!
bwahahahaha! I love this quote, "
ReplyDeleteWhen you get towards the end of your 40’s and into your 50’s, you say to
yourself, “Fuck that…I’m exactly at the point I need to be – right
here, right now.” You are awesome my friend!! I hope you have a glorious Thanksgiving!! We are just going to our favorite restaurant on the lake...just the two of us for a nice relaxing meal...and coming home to spend time with the girlz!! xo Jeanne
booyah! love this post ron. i said an amen on this line: “F*ck that…I’m exactly at the point I need to be – right here, right now.”
ReplyDeletethis is soooo true:
I no longer follow a structured path of interior improvement. Because as long as I believe I need to improve, I won’t. Because that puts me in a mindset of thinking there is something I need to fix about myself.
we are told to go to school, college, get a job, get married, have babies and you'll live happily ever after. um all of that is not for everyone, we become cookie cutters of what someone else or society feels we should be. try not wanting the american dream and people think something is wrong with you. nope, something is wrong with you. like you said, i'm not broken.
I've always been a bit of a defiant ****. LOL I think I said "F*** that" longgggg ago. Not to say that attitude didn't make a fine mess of things in my 20's and 30's.....and some in my 40's PLUS. LOL But it was a gent IN his 50's that taught me the value of being IN the moment and being at peace with the child of G-d that I am. If I'm good 'nuff for G-d.....other folks'll just have to get over it. :-/
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't mean I cease to grow. You know I'm a busy little beaver in the growth department. It's not the external driving that need, but an internal heart's desire. And there's no gun to my head....LOL......cuz that's what it used to take to get me to be NICE and play well with others.
It's good when we find that bit inside us that says 'awesomeness!!!!'. And it's good that we get around to not taking ourselves OR the world so freaking seriously.
We really aren't on some unlimited tour of the planet. We're darn lucky we've gotten to play on it for the fifty some years we've been allowed to be here. And oh, the places we get to go and the things we get to do when we give ourselves permission!
So, splash in puddles, make faces in the reflection of the store squirrels in the park and take Barbie for a walk in the sunshine!! ;-)
You're living and loving and you KNOW it. Ain't it cool? :-)
*huge hugs* Happy Thanksgiving, sir!! Gobble til ya wobble!!!!
Hey there Jeanne!
ReplyDeleteYOU are awesome!!!!!....X
"We are just going to our favorite restaurant on the lake...just the two of us for a nice relaxing meal...and coming home to spend time with the girlz!!"
Oh, that sounds like a PERFECT Thanksgiving Day! I'm gonna hang out at home and perhaps meet up with one of my friends for an afternoon dinner at our favorite diners - relaxed and casual.
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Hope all went well with your oral surgery.
((((((( You ))))))))
X to you and the girlz!
Hey there Val!
ReplyDeleteI freaking LOVE what you shared here....
" um all of that is not for everyone, we become cookie cutters of what someone else or society feels we should be. try not wanting the american dream and people think something is wrong with you. nope, something is wrong with you. like you said, i'm not broken."
Amen! And that's what I meant by trusting the rhythm of your OWN life and following your OWN path. It may be WAY different then how many people live. And that's what makes you, YOU!
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a fabulous week, and a Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your daughter!
X ya!
Hiya Mel!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I LOVE this...
"But it was a gent IN his 50's that taught me the value of being IN the moment and being at peace with the child of G-d that I am. If I'm good 'nuff for G-d.....other folks'll just have to get over it. :-/"
*clapping wildly*
Okay, and I love this too...
" It's not the external driving that need, but an internal heart's desire."
Exactly! And trusting it.
"So, splash in puddles, make faces in the reflection of the store squirrels in the park and take Barbie for a walk in the sunshine!! ;-)"
And yes....ain't that COOL??
MUCH thanks for stopping by and sharing your insight, dear lady. You've added much to this post.
Happy Thanksgiving to you are yours!
(((((((( You & Yours )))))))))
X ya!
" And that's not to say it's all smooth sailing, but that's part of the evolution, change and growth. The lessons learned."
ReplyDeleteLoved that, Ron!
ReplyDelete“Fuck that…I’m exactly at the point I need to be – right here, right now.”
ReplyDeleteAmen to that!!!
I really feel like there is something special about being in my 50's. Not that I didn't dread it in advance, but now that I'm in them, I am aware that I continue to grow and feel better about myself. I love that!
Lovely piece Ron. Happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Dale! And Happy Thanksgiving to you and Elaine!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping by, buddy!
Hey there Secret Agent Woman!
ReplyDelete" but now that I'm in them, I am aware that I continue to grow and feel better about myself. I love that!"
You GO, girl! And ain't it the truth?
Much thanks for stopping by! Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your boys!
This is wonderful, Ron. I couldn't agree with you more. The best of life for me started at forty and I would never go back to before that time. These are truly the "golden" years because I've finally realized who I AM and my connection to the Universe. And it rocks! Happy Thanksgiving, my friend. Big hugs and a smooch or two for good measure. :)
ReplyDeleteHellooooooooo there Jayne!
ReplyDelete"The best of life for me started at forty and I would never go back to before that time."
You know, it's funny you mentioned forty because when I was young teen, I remember telling my mother, "I can't wait until I'm FORTY!" For some reason, I think always sensed that I would begin moving into my own at forty.
"These are truly the "golden" years because I've finally realized who I AM and my connection to the Universe. And it rocks!"
*thunderous applause*
Amen and hallelujah! You are so right! Yeah AGE!!!!
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Wishing you a fantabulously Happy Thanksgiving!
I liked my forties so much that when I turned 60 I declared it the new 40 and I'm doing them all over again. Hugs! :)
ReplyDeleteOMG...that's STELLAR, Jayne!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI freaking LOVE that!!!!
And you GO, girl!!!
(((((((( You ))))))
Ron, I wanted to stop by again to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Day because I'll be leaving right after work today to visit my family.
Aw, thank you, Denise! Have a safe trip, girl!
ReplyDeleteAnd HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!
Youth is wasted on the young, isn't it?! As a woman of a "certain age," I can relate to all your thoughts. My life has not turned out exactly as I envisioned, but the experiences I've had has shaped me into the person I am today. And I kinda like her! :-) Wonderful post to begin Thanksgiving week. Hope yours is wonderfully blessed...even with a turnkey on your head!
ReplyDelete"I reached the eff that as far as where I'm "supposed" to be."
ReplyDeleteExactly, Mitch! You're exactly where you're 'supposed' to be! I find that life takes me where I should go and when I should go.
Much thanks for stopping by! Have a super week!
And Happy Thanksgiving to you!!!!!
You have nailed it and how Ron, re: being comfortable and at peace with who we are, as we get older. That is a very good place to be. And definitely something to be thankful for.
ReplyDeleteAs the French say: to be comfortable in our own skin (or something to that effect). When we ace that, we stop wasting time on a lot of BS that doesn't really matter anyways, no matter what age we are at.
I've never been a follower for the most part and I like that about myself but I do know that when I was younger, I obsessed about a lot of things that I shouldn't have. I was always dieting, worrying about clothes etc... not that I don't still like to look good, dress well, but it's on my own terms now and I keep things like this in perspective. Time becomes more precious with each passing year and I am grateful for the time I have every day and try to use it wisely.
Thanks for a wonderful Thanksgiving message Ron and some excellent reminders too. :<)
PS: On an unrelated topic, for some reasons, I can't open up emails in my veggie...account right now, what a pain!!! Thanks for your reply it's on the list, that I can see. I just can't open the email to respond.
ReplyDeletehope you're having a good day there in PA Ron. :<)
Helloooooo Geraldine!
ReplyDeleteOh, what a bummer. I sometimes will have problems with my gmail account as well. Google keeps changing things and it's been messing not only with my email, but my blog as well.
"Thanks for your reply it's on the list, that I can see. I just can't open the email to respond."
No problem, my friend. I'm sure you'll be able to open it eventually.
Have a fabulous Thanksgiving Day tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear friend!
I hope it is fabulous and wonderful and you have a bunch of turkey.
It it true things get better with, books, wood, and yes, even ourselves. I have no doubt you will keep getting better and better as well. I love the you, YOU are. You are awesome.
I find myself letting go of so much more in my 40's. I guess all the little stresses just aren't worth it. So if it gets better? Oh, sign me up!
I couldn't agree more. And I think as we get older, we find it much easier to accept others, because we finally realize we CANT change them, no matter how hard we try. Accept and move on!
ReplyDeleteHope your day is filled with love and thanks!
Hi Ron,
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for reminding everyone that growing older can be like aging a good wine. It has accumulated lots of goodies through patience and it has a better taste like that! Age can refine people, too.
I am baking a pumpkin pie right now for our dinner. My thoughts are with America & family.
Sending you love. X
The only pisser for me with aging (for now) is my mind thinks I'm still 20, but my body doesn't like to respond the same way it did back then. I'm far from old and feeble mind you; it's just frustrating sometimes.
ReplyDeleteThe way you describe self love is spot on. It's not at all from an arrogant perspective, but simply from being comfortable in your own skin. That is, by the way, a trait of yours that I really admire!
As for the turkey... mine is stuffed and in the oven. At no point did I have it on my head. Damn it, I knew I forgot a step!!!!!!
Hello there Angelia!
I hope you're having a FABU time with your family and new granddaughter!
"It it true things get better with, books, wood, and yes, even ourselves."
LOVED that because it's so true!!!
" I have no doubt you will keep getting better and better as well. I love the you, YOU are. You are awesome."
Aw...thank you, and YOU too are AWESOME!
"I find myself letting go of so much more in my 40's. I guess all the little stresses just aren't worth it. So if it gets better? Oh, sign me up!"
Oh, it does! And it was in my 40's (as you are) that I too began letting go. And it only better!
MUCH thanks for stopping by, Angelia!
Again, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Hello there Bijoux!
ReplyDelete" And I think as we get older, we find it much easier to accept others, because we finally realize we CANT change them, no matter how hard we try. Accept and move on!"
LOVED that!!!!!!!!! And you're exactly right!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Hope you're enjoying a fabulous Happy Thanksgiving Day with your family!
Hello there Barb!
"growing older can be like aging a good wine. It has accumulated lots of goodies through patience and it has a better taste like that! Age can refine people, too."
Barb, I LOVE THAT!!!! And you're right, like wine...we refine!
"I am baking a pumpkin pie right now for our dinner. My thoughts are with America & family."
Oh, how wonderful! To me, Thanksgiving Day isn't complete without pumpkin pie! That's actually my favorite pie ever!
Enjoy it!
Much thanks for stopping by today!!!!
X to you and D!
Hey Jeff!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete"my mind thinks I'm still 20, but my body doesn't like to respond the same way it did back then. I'm far from old and feeble mind you; it's just frustrating sometimes."
I know, that is also part of aging (DRATS!). The one thing I have noticed about aging is my eyesight. OMG...I need a pair of binoculars to read - HA!
" It's not at all from an arrogant perspective, but simply from being comfortable in your own skin."
Thank you, and you're right...not from an arrogant perspective, but being comfortable in your own skin.
"As for the turkey... mine is stuffed and in the oven. At no point did I have it on my head. Damn it, I knew I forgot a step!!!!!!"
Bwhahahhahahaha! Too FUNNY!!!!
Enjoy that turkey, buddy! And knowing how good a cook you are, I bet it's gonna taste AWESOME!
Bon appetit!
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Happy belated Thanksgiving. I read your post several days ago and then heard a great quote on one of the TV shows I watch that really captured what you said. It was something like "We grow into the person we become." You stated it far more eloquently.
ReplyDeleteI find that as I get closer to death, I've become less concerned with what other people think. I'm not in their heads and have no business in trying to figure out what they're thinking. But that doesn't mean I've given up on my dream of becoming telepathic one day.
Hello there Lauren!
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Thanksgiving Day to you too!
" It was something like "We grow into the person we become."
OMG...I LOVE that!!!!!! It sums up perfectly what I was trying to say with this post.
"I find that as I get closer to death, I've become less concerned with what other people think. I'm not in their heads and have no business in trying to figure out what they're thinking."
Lauren, you stated that AWESOMELY!
"But that doesn't mean I've given up on my dream of becoming telepathic one day."
Bwhahahahhahahaha! See! That's what I meant when I said that I freaking LOVE your style of writing. That was STELLAR!!
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a lovely weekend!
Thanks Ron. I really appreciate that. I have trouble taking compliments. I hope you have a lovely weekend, too.
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome, Lauren!
ReplyDeleteSo glad I met you through our blogs. And I look forward to reading more of you. You're a very talented writer!
Love your philosophy Ron! Happy Thanksgiving back to you!
ReplyDeleteI love it! What a lovely post! Looking forward to the comfort and confidence that age brings.
ReplyDeleteHey there Benze!
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
Hope you had a super Thanksgiving Day!
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend!
Hiya Jean!
ReplyDelete"Looking forward to the comfort and confidence that age brings."
That's one the many things I love about age - life seems to get better because you're whole outlook changes.
Yes....comfort and confidence.
I actually feel like I have more energy now, than I did when I was much younger.
Thanks so much for stopping by and catching up on my posts. You're a sweetheart!
Happy Belated Thanksgiving, Ron!
ReplyDeleteOne of the things I loved about turning thirty was how excited I was to enter that next stage of life. Of having a better handle on who I was and where I was going. Gone were the worries of making a life for myself...I got to enjoy the life I had made for myself. My early thirties were so full of learning, releasing, and embracing! Now I get to spend my late thirties loving, exploring, and more learning! Bring on forty, I say!
Much love to you and yours, Ron!
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Thanksgiving to you too!
Sooooooooooo great to see ya!
Looooooooooved your comment!!!!!
" My early thirties were so full of learning, releasing, and embracing! Now I get to spend my late thirties loving, exploring, and more learning! Bring on forty, I say!"
You GO, girl!
In my forties (mainly at 45) my life took a sudden turn and I learned SO MANY wonderful things. My 40's were a HUGE learning experience.
Much thanks for stopping by tonight, Tara! Have a fantabulous week!
X to you and yours!
"You get to a point where it’s no longer about the need to change or improve yourself; it becomes more about accepting and embracing yourself for exactly where you are at."
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE that Ron.
"When I hit 20, I was supposed to be at a certain point and achieve certain things. When I hit 30, I was supposed to be at a certain point and achieve certain things. When I hit 40, I was supposed to be at a certain point and achieve certain things. But you know what? When you get towards the end of your 40’s and into your 50’s, you say to yourself, “Fuck that…I’m exactly at the point I need to be – right here, right now.”"
Okay, then I cannot WAIT to turn 50!! Because I'm still at the "I'm almost 40 and I should have achieved certain things by now" stage and it's very upsetting some days.
" "I'm almost 40 and I should have achieved certain things by now" stage and it's very upsetting some days."
ReplyDeleteMeleah, just wait until you get to the end of your 40's, because there comes a certain kind of freedom where you say to yourself..."I'm exactly where I need to be." You let go of the "achievement thing" and just settle into where you're at, which somehow takes you where you need to go.
When I hit 50, I became totally 'goal-less' and just allowed my life to take me where IT wanted me to go.
I know that might not make any sense right now, but trust me, when I let go of my goals I let go of the pressure I placed on myself, so I was free to discover something different.
Okay! I believe you!
ReplyDeleteYou are soooo spot on with this one. Youth is definitely wasted on the young! I love your thoughts on being comfortable in your own skin. Wish I'd learned that sooner. Although I may not feel the same when I hit 80!
ReplyDeleteHey there Lisa!
ReplyDelete"Wish I'd learned that sooner. Although I may not feel the same when I hit 80!"
HA! I know, isn't it something how we learn this AFTER we get to a certain age?
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Have a super week!