Do you know what I enjoy about photography? It's all about what catches a photographer's eye and moves them to snap their camera at that exact moment.
Two photographers could be walking down a busy city street taking photographs, yet they will each snap their camera at different things.
Whenever I go for a walk, I always take my camera in case I find something interesting that catches my eye. I honestly have no idea what pictures I will ever come home with because I don't go out with the intention of taking certain photographs. That is, unless, I'm heading out on a mission to take photographs for a specific post topic. But other than that, I like to surprise myself and be spontaneous.
Today I would like to share several photographs of things that caught my eye. I took these photos over a period of two separate evenings. The weather here has been so gorgeous this summer that I've been able to take long walks at night without even breaking a sweat. Truly, this has been a glorious summer with hardly any excessive heat.
So, lets take a summer night stroll...
#1 - Yup, more doors. What can I tell you, I'm a door whore! I took this shot because of all the varied textures and colors.
#2 - The rooftop of an apartment building. Look at the tree in the upper right-hand corner. I kept thinking, "How the hell did it get there?"
#3- I love the bright yellow color of this casa.
#4 - A mosaic on South Street. *notice all the objects and colors that make up this mosaic.
Update: Here is some information about Magic Gardens
Update: Here is some information about Magic Gardens
#5 - Same mosaic.
#6 - Zinc, bar and restaurant
#7 - These are the upper three floors of a building not too far from where I live. The ground floor of this building is a restaurant. I took this shot because of the street light and the brickwork. I love the feel of this building because it's so old, yet still stands strong, proud, and handsome.
#8 - This gated door leads to the backyard of a home. I love how the ivy frames the door and the green plants are growing through the cement cracks. This door looks almost mystical.
#9) - These two light bulb fixtures are part of a window display for a men's clothing store. The lights give an almost old-fashioned men's haberdashery feel. *notice the original copper ceiling on the inside of the store that has been painted over.
Thank you for taking this stroll. Hope you enjoyed.
Have a splendid weekend everyone!
Hi Everyone!
ReplyDeleteI've got an early call at work today, so I will be responding to comments and visiting your maaahvelous blogs later this evening. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Have a super weekend!
I just love strolling along with you Ron! You have such an AWESOME eye for photography! A door whore! Bwahahaha!! I wonder how the tree got up there? The colors, textures...buildings! You live in a fabulous city! Happy Friday Ron and thanks for sharing your stroll with us!
ReplyDeleteRon, you sure know how to find the beauty in a city! I love all these shots. My fave might be the storefront restaurant. A gorgeous blue and talk about perfection in the set up. It almost looks like it's a fake movie backdrop!
ReplyDeleteThis is a really excellent collection of photographs Ron. You have captured the eclectic feel and vibrant colours of your neighbourhood beautifully.
ReplyDeleteI especially like the doors and the collage.
Nice, good eye! No surprise I'm sure, I especially like the mosaic!
ReplyDeleteThose are beautiful photos! Love the burst of bright yellow and the flowers growing at the front door of the first pic. Love the last photo too. Thank you for pointing out the copper ceiling. So subtle, I surely would have missed it.
ReplyDeleteI hope all is well. Have a fabulous weekend.
No need to stop by my blog. Nothing is new there. Just working, and the girls are back in school. Life.
I've always wondered how people can stand living above a restaurant. I'd think the aromas wafting up would make you salivate morning, noon and night! Unless you're located above the House of Cabbage, of course. Plus the heat and the, thanks!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of heat, glad you've been enjoying a glorious and not-too-hot summer. I know you guys have been hammered the past few years, so you deserve the break. As for us, it's been long and hot. (That's what she said). Definitely looking forward to fall!
Why are there no awesome mosaics like you show in my area?! I love stuff like that! I think I might need to visit you sooner rather than later because you really do find some of the coolest things that I absolutely need to see!
ReplyDeleteHello there Jeanne!
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
Yes, I'm a door whore, I admit it - HA!
" I wonder how the tree got up there?"
I have no idea!?!? Isn't that the strangest thing? It's just sitting there on the corner of the roof.
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have fantabulous weekend!
X to you and the girlz!
Hey there Bijoux!
ReplyDelete"My fave might be the storefront restaurant. A gorgeous blue and talk about perfection in the set up. It almost looks like it's a fake movie backdrop!"
Yes, you're's does look like a fake movie backdrop. That restaurant used to be called something else (a name I can't remember, but it was a French restaurant), then about three years ago they changed it to ZINC. It's not far from where I live.
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a most excellent weekend!
Hola Denise!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words. I'm still learning.
" I would love to have dinner and a glass of wine sitting outside that restaurant. Have you ever eaten there?"
No I haven't, however, it's not that far from where I live. It used to be a French restaurant (I can't remember the name), but then changed to Zinc about three years ago. Isn't it a cool-looking place? It looks European.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a wonderful weekend too!!
Thank you, Dale :)
ReplyDeleteI adore doors.
Have a faaaabulous weekend and thanks so much for stopping by!
" No surprise I'm sure, I especially like the mosaic!"
ReplyDeleteHA! Yup....I knew you would, Suzi!!!!!!
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a lovely weekend!
Grace, I can't thank you enough for sharing the link to The Magic Gardens! I should have thought to add that to this post, so people would know the history and the artist. Again, thank you!
ReplyDeleteAnd I think it's soooooo cool that you met him in person!
"I have a thing for taking pics through windows - doors/windows are kind of magical - they lead to - what? What is out there, or in there, that we can't see?"
Meeeeeeeee too! And I agree, there is something magical about both doors and windows. In fact at night, I like to peek in the windows of homes to see what the inside of the house looks like. Yes...I'm a PEEPING RON - HA!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a super weekend!
Helloooooooooo Jean!
ReplyDelete" Love the burst of bright yellow and the flowers growing at the front door of the first pic."
I have a secret to tell you about that. That picture is actually part of #3 photograph. The yellow that you see in #1, is actually the yellow house in #3.
" Thank you for pointing out the copper ceiling. So subtle, I surely would have missed it."
Because Philadelphia is such an old city, many of the buildings still have those copper ceilings intact. Also, many of the hardwood floors you see in homes here, are the original hardwood floors. In fact, my apartment still has the original floors from the early 30's.
Thanks so much for stopping by and touching base, my friend. Hasn't this summer just flown by? I cannot believe it's already August..
Have a faaaabulous weekend!
" Unless you're located above the House of Cabbage, of course. Plus the heat and the, thanks!"
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG Mark, can you IMAGINE that?!?! I agree, not only the smells, but also the noise. No, thanks!
"Speaking of heat, glad you've been enjoying a glorious and not-too-hot summer. I know you guys have been hammered the past few years, so you deserve the break."
Yes, last summer was HORRENDOUS and VERY long. However, this summer has been a breeze. The temperatures for the past few days have been in the low 70's, and I'm LOVIN' it! And ZERO humidity.
Have a super weekend, buddy, and thanks so much for stopping by!
X to you and Tara!
Hiya Shae!
ReplyDelete"Why are there no awesome mosaics like you show in my area?! I love stuff like that"
Wow...I'm surprised to hear that because you're close to Boston, aren't you? And I would think Boston had a lot of artsy things like mosaics.
" I think I might need to visit you sooner rather than later because you really do find some of the coolest things that I absolutely need to see!"
Yes, ANYTIME, girl! The fall would be great! I'll give you and your boyfriend a tour!
Have a super weekend and thanks so much for stopping by!
Ron, I can't even say which ones are my favorites because there is something about ALL of them that are my favorites. I don't know why, but #7 really speaks to me - it's the brick building, the lighting, the whole look and feel. And the last one is awesome!
ReplyDeleteThe first one looks more like a painting than a photograph. Did you used some kind of camera effect or editing on that one?
As always, your photographs are stories unto themselves.
Hey ho Robert!
ReplyDelete#7 is one that speaks to me too. In fact, anytime I walk by that building, I get a feeling in my whole body and soul. Almost like I KNOW that building. I will always stop on the corner and just look at it.
"The first one looks more like a painting than a photograph. Did you used some kind of camera effect or editing on that one?"
No, I didn't but you have a good eye because when I went back to look at the photo after you mentioned that, I could so totally see WHY you thought that because it does kind of look like it could be a painting.
The two photos in which did use a camera effect are numbers 6 and 8. It's a setting called 'Toy Camera Effect."
Much thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a fabuloso weekend!
Ah, yes, the weather has been wonderful this summer. OH, but the mosquitoes. Grrrr. They are so freaking big you can see their stripes. I think I saw one with a backpack on the other night... to hold all the skin and blood and stuff. I really, really, definitely, seriously dislike them. OH, okay, hate, I HATE them... little biting bastards...
ReplyDeleteOther than that part, summer has been SWEET!
Lovely photos!
Fav is the gated door with the ivy.
Have you ever gone inside Magic Gardens? If not, and you like the mosaic work of Isaiah Zagar you should tour the house/garden in it's entirety on South Street. We had a great time! Really neat stuff. The basement is a trip. The whole place, WILD!
Have a nice weekend, Ron. x
Goood morning Ron. Will try again.... I was first up yesterday but I see I've gone missing again. Hey Ho! Maybe I should change my name whaaaaaaaa.
ReplyDeleteRon, thank you for sharing the link. What a cool place! And I found it interesting to read that the artist is inspired by the style of Picasso because that's who I thought of when I saw your two photographs of the mosaic, Picasso!
ReplyDeleteGood morning Valerie!
ReplyDeleteOMG...I don't know what happened to your comment. I checked my spam box and didn't find it, so I have no idea where it is?!?
I'm so sorry, dear lady, but I thank you so much for stopping back to let me know.
((((((((( You )))))))))
Have a super weekend!
X to you and Joe!
Hiya Mary!
ReplyDelete"They are so freaking big you can see their stripes. I think I saw one with a backpack on the other night... to hold all the skin and blood and stuff."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG...that was HILARIOUS!! I guess because I live in the city, I don't see mosquitoes much. I saw a couple last year (like maybe 2), however, this year not a one.
"Other than that part, summer has been SWEET!"
Hasn't it been a faaaabulous summer? I can't believe how cool it's been the past few nights. Almost like fall.
"Have you ever gone inside Magic Gardens? If not, and you like the mosaic work of Isaiah Zagar you should tour the house/garden in it's entirety on South Street. We had a great time! Really neat stuff. The basement is a trip. The whole place, WILD!"
No, I haven't, can you believe that? I've walked around it many times, but have never gone inside. Grace (one of my readers) left a link to the website which I visited yesterday and found it so fascinating. From the outside it looks like a magical world unto its own, almost like Alice in Wonderland!
Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Have a marvi weekend!
"And I found it interesting to read that the artist is inspired by the style of Picasso because that's who I thought of when I saw your two photographs of the mosaic, Picasso!"
ReplyDeleteMatt, I thought the same thing when I read his bio.
VERY Picasso, isn't it?
P.S. In case you're interested, here is a link to a video clip I found on You Tube about Isaiah Zagar.
Just got back into town, Ron, so I'm playing catch-up. Fantastic photos, my dear door whore! You really capture the spirit of summer in the city! Keep up the great work, buddy, and take care!
ReplyDeleteOooh I am a nuisance... smiles. What I wanted to tell you, and forgot the second time, was that the first picture was very blurred, I mean VERY blurred. This may be something to do with computers but I thought you should know.
ReplyDeleteI'm obsessed with that tree, now, Ron! I'd like to grab my spectacles and magnifying glass and get on the case. But along the way, stop at Magic Gardens. Love its concept and whimsy. I'm seeing more and more of these types of themes cropping up in the city. A wonderful way to recycle, too!
ReplyDeleteThank you for another clicking stroll through your neighborhood, Ron! :))
Good morning Valerie!
ReplyDelete"was that the first picture was very blurred, I mean VERY blurred."
Yes, I intentionally posted it that way, but I probably should have mentioned this about the photo. What happen was that after I uploaded the shot to my computer, I saw how blurry it was and first thought I would delete it. However, after looking at it longer, I actually liked that it was blurry because to me it appeared to be how you sometimes see things in a dream - fuzzy and blurry.
Thanks so much for stopping back, dear lady.
Have a super Sunday X
Hey there Rob!
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and letting me know you're back. I can't wait to hear all about your trip!
Have a super Sunday, buddy!
Hey there Petra!
ReplyDelete"I'm obsessed with that tree, now, Ron! I'd like to grab my spectacles and magnifying glass and get on the case."
HA! I know, doesn't it make you wonder HOW that tree got there?!? I need to go back to that place and look at it more closely. It almost looks as though it could be that a tree branch somehow blew onto the roof and landed on that corner?!
"But along the way, stop at Magic Gardens. Love its concept and whimsy. I'm seeing more and more of these types of themes cropping up in the city. A wonderful way to recycle, too!"
Isn't it faaaabulous? I've only seen it from the outside, but have heard from people who've visited the's even more fabulous.
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Have a super Sunday!
P.S. Oops...I forgot to tell you what that photo is. I took it on a rainy day of people walking down the street, carrying umbrellas.
ReplyDeleteGreat set of photos - I love the doors especially. And the light glowing against the brick building. Too bad that store painted over a copper ceiling!
ReplyDeleteI'm a door whore too! Love your shots, Ron. I, too, always have my camera with me because you never know what'll shout out to you "Take my picture!" You're such a skilled photographer and I appreciate your eye for things. Well done. My favorite is the ivy door and I agree it's got mystical qualities. I want to walk through it and see what's on the other side!
ReplyDeleteI've been enjoying this cooler-than-normal summer myself. Honestly, it's the sort of summer I could deal with every year. I can barely remember many hot days from this year. It meant I could walk more on my lunch hours than years past. What bliss!
Have a good week, my friend.
Hiya Kathy!
ReplyDelete"I'm a door whore too!"
HA! We're both whores, baby!!!
" I, too, always have my camera with me because you never know what'll shout out to you "Take my picture!"
Yes, you're absolutely right. I've gotten into the habit of placing my camera right by apartment door so that I don't forget to take it with me whenever I leave.
"I've been enjoying this cooler-than-normal summer myself. Honestly, it's the sort of summer I could deal with every year."
Okay, has this not been the BEST summer ever when it comes to the heat? What bliss! I can't believe how August has been so far, cool and breezy. And in July, we only really had a few days of hot, hot weather.
And just thing, fall is just around the corner :)
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a fantabulous week!
Thank you :)
ReplyDelete"Too bad that store painted over a copper ceiling!"
I know, isn't that the pits? Some of the buildings (stores and restaurants) here have kept the copper ceilings "as is" and they look stunning!
Much thanks for stopping by, girl. Have a super week!
Ron, I forgot to mention the problem with photographing doors. When we were in London, I walked right up to a gorgeous door knocker I wanted a picture of. Imagine my shock and surprise when the tenant opened the door to leave his flat. Oops. I apologized and told him I'm a fan of London doors and how lucky I thought he was to live here. He laughed and understood. I wonder if I should have a business card made up that says "Sorry, I'm a door whore." and just hand those out when I get caught!
ReplyDeleteYou have a fab week too, Ron! Temps are going to be delicious again this week. Nothing over 83. OMFG. I'm in heaven.
" I wonder if I should have a business card made up that says "Sorry, I'm a door whore." and just hand those out when I get caught!"
ReplyDeleteBwhahahahahahaha! OMG, I BUSTED out laughing when I read that, Kathy! HILARIOUS! And what a great idea.
The same thing has happened to me many times when taking a photograph of either a door or the exterior of a house. And usually the people are very nice and understand. But there have been other times when I've gotten a 'look' from people like, "Are you some kind of serial killer taking a picture of your next hit?"
"OMFG. I'm in heaven."
Meeeeeeee too! Bring it on.
Hiya Mel!
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear lady :)
I'm sure it's just me. I figure when you take 300 in a day, it just feels that way, maybe? Who knows. I do know I like the variety and that I'm never sure what awaits me."
Trust me, sometimes I think the same thing about my own photos. Perhaps we all think that wherever we live because we live there, same old same old. I try to pick different areas to walk around in, just to get some variety, but even still, sometimes it all looks the same to me.
Much thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Have a faaaaaaaaaabulous week!