Today I thought it would be kind of therapeutic to vent some of our pet peeves.
You know what I'm talking about, don't you? Those annoying little things that drive you insane and make you want to SCREAM.
Okay, I’ll start…
- Slow walkers on a city sidewalk.
- People who not only walk slow, but also don’t know how to walk in a straight line on a sidewalk, and swerve from right to left so that no one can get around them. OMG!!!
- Abled people who use the elevator when they live on the second floor and then complain when they get inside the elevator that they had to wait TEN minutes, when they could have just WALKED DOWN TWO FLIGHTS OF STAIRS.
- Rude customers in restaurants who treat servers as if they are beneath them.
- People who are habitually late.
- People who fling their cigarette butts onto the street or sidewalk after smoking.
- Wobbly table legs.
- Having a conversation with someone who is on their speaker phone.
- People who stand at the bottom of an escalator so that no one can get off.
- Customers who come into my store and ask me to assist them, and then TEXT on their cell phones the whole time I’m talking with them.
- People who are not aware of other people around them.
- The sound that flip-flops make.
- People in Starbucks who stand at the condiment station and take TEN HOURS to put cream and sugar in their coffee, as the line behind them gets longer and longer and longer.
- People who tell me to calm down when I’m FREAKING out.
- The sound of someone who continually moves the plastic straw up and down through the lid of a soft drink because it sounds like two people screwing on a squeaky bed in a cheap motel.
Okay, I’m done.
Your turn…
I'm with you on all of those except #12, because that sound spells summer to me!
ReplyDeleteMy top three are lousy customer service (no surprise there!), people who talk loudly on their cell phones at the store or in dressing rooms (I say "shut the fuck up" in my head the entire time) and lastly, the fact that green doesn't mean go anymore because everyone is looking at their horn has been getting a serious workout lately!
Thanks for letting us vent!
I dislike smokers even though I was once one. I have heard it said that those who stop smoking are the worst critics. That's me, folks! Funny that about wobbly tables, we seem to get a lot of those lately. Joe is forever either complaining or wedging bits of card under them to keep them steady. Hmm No.15 is intriguing... never heard that before. Perhaps I should get out more... whaaaa. My pet hates seem to be related to driving and people who don't follow the highway code. I'd better not go into that or I'll be here all day.
ReplyDeleteIt's miserable as sin where I live, dark and dreary, wet and miserable, and COLD. No wonder I can't think straight! Hope your weather is better.
Ron, I'm with you on so many of the things you listed. People who are hibitually late annoys me to no end! I can't stand people who don't use their blinkers when making a turn in their car. I also don't like people who stand too close to me while talking. Personal space. Oh, and loud gum chewers.
ReplyDeleteThank you for letting us vent, Ron. Have a wonderful week x
"The sound of someone who continually moves the plastic straw up and down through the lid of a soft drink because it sounds like two people screwing on a squeaky bed in a cheap motel." ROFLMAO! Ron, no one describes things like you!
ReplyDeleteTwo of my biggest pet peeves are people who interrupt while someone else is speaking and people who have a sense of ENTITLEMENT.
Okay # 14 is seriously my entire life...
ReplyDeleteI will say one of my biggest pet peeves is listening to people chew things that do not need to be chewed. Example, ice cream. There is no need to chomp down on something that basically liquefies in your mouth and the sound is horrendous so please stop!
"I'm with you on all of those except #12, because that sound spells summer to me!"
ReplyDeleteHA! LOVED that, Bijoux!!!! And you're right, the sound spell summer! Flip-flop...flip-flop...flip-flop...
"(I say "shut the fuck up" in my head the entire time)"
You GO, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
" horn has been getting a serious workout lately!" have no idea how much I used to use my horn too when I drove. It's like, "HOW MUCH GREENER DO YOU WANT IT TO GET...MOVE!"
Thanks for stopping by and venting, my friend. Have a FAB Monday and week!
How about people who stop visiting your blog for months on end? I've missed you! Sorry it's been so long since I've been around these parts. The fun blogging needs to happen again one of these days. Thinking about using Medium to post once in awhile instead of setting up another blog. Hope you're well.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Valerie!
ReplyDeleteI don't mind smokers, however, I can't stand smokers are are inconsiderate and FLICK their cigarette butts into the streets or on the sidewalks. For gods sake...USE A TRASH CAN!
"Joe is forever either complaining or wedging bits of card under them to keep them steady."
HA! Please tell Joe that I do the same thing!
" My pet hates seem to be related to driving and people who don't follow the highway code. I'd better not go into that or I'll be here all day."
When I drove a car, that used to be one of my MAJOR pet peeves too.
Yes, we're having the exact same weather here. It's been that way for the past two days.
Have a FAB week, dear lady. And thanks for stopping by.
X to you and Joe!
Hola Denise!
ReplyDelete" I also don't like people who stand too close to me while talking. Personal space."
OMG!!!!!! I feel the same way! And I also feel this way about people who walk up to a baby in a stroller and immediately start touching them. A baby has personal space too. And so do dogs and cats.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a WONDERFUL week!
"Okay # 14 is seriously my entire life..."
ReplyDeleteOMG, Shae, don't you hate when people say that to you? I'm like, just let me freak out and I'll be over it, but please don't tell me to calm down because I'm gonna freak out even more - HA!
"I will say one of my biggest pet peeves is listening to people chew things that do not need to be chewed. Example, ice cream."
Good one!!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a SUPER week!
OMG, Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so GREAT to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou've been missed too! And totally understand because I know you've been busy with your new business and hope that it's going well.
"The fun blogging needs to happen again one of these days. Thinking about using Medium to post once in awhile instead of setting up another blog."
Sounds awesome! And please let me know via email if you do that, okay?
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a FAB week!
GREAT list, my friend, and I'm with you on most of it. I'll add a few more:
ReplyDelete1) Stupidity
2) LOUD body noises -- belching, snoring, etc.
3) TVs turned up waaaay too loud
4) Stores that bring out seasonal merchandise too soon
5) Icy streets
6) People yakking on cell phones in restaurants
7) People out for a "Sunday drive" when I'm trying to get some place in a hurry
8) People who dress their pets in stupid costumes when it's not Halloween
9) Inane chatter
10) People who won't cover their mouths when they cough
Hope you have a super week!
LOVE your list, Debbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete1) Stupidity
10) People who won't cover their mouths when they cough.
Yes, and also when they SNEEZE!!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your list of pet peeves, my friend. Have a fantabulous week!
Ron, #15 made me laugh out loud! And no doubt the next time I hear that sound I'll be thinking of what you said.
ReplyDeleteHere's some of mine:
-having to use captcha to leave a blog comment
-waiting in long lines
-someone who is always negative
-hand blow dryers in restrooms
-people who make that ticking/clicking sound with their tongue on the roof of their mouth
Have a great week, Ron!
From your list, numbers 4 and 6 are at the top of mine...and the ones who fling their garbage out of car windows is right up there for me. On a personal note, my pet peeve is when people don't close cabinet and closet doors in my house! -I mean you're taking your life into your hands when you open them in the first place so let's not jeopardize everyone else, ha!
ReplyDeleteI'd be guilty of being a slow walker but going along with that I hate it when someone is walking too closely behind me.
ReplyDeleteI do try to step aside and let folks pass but then Cindy has to come back and get me when I am trapped while people are passing.
Hey ho Robert!
ReplyDelete"And no doubt the next time I hear that sound I'll be thinking of what you said."
"-hand blow dryers in restrooms"
I can't stand those things. I prefer using a paper towel to dry my hands because I also use it to open the door as I'm leaving the restroom for all those people who DIDN'T wash their hands.
"-someone who is always negative"
Yup...I agree!
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Have a grrrrreat week!
"and the ones who fling their garbage out of car windows is right up there for me. "
ReplyDeleteYes, Suzi...I totally agree with you on that! I've seen many people walk down the city streets and just fling their candy wrappers or McDonald's bag on the sidewalk. Grrrrrrr!*#
" pet peeve is when people don't close cabinet and closet doors in my house! -I mean you're taking your life into your hands when you open them in the first place so let's not jeopardize everyone else, ha!"
HAHAHAHAHHA! Good one!!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a fantabulous week!
" but going along with that I hate it when someone is walking too closely behind me."
ReplyDeleteMeeeeeee too, Jimmy! Or standing too close to me while we're talking, especially if it's someone I don't know well.
"I do try to step aside and let folks pass but then Cindy has to come back and get me when I am trapped while people are passing."
Your at least considerate and allow folks to pass. I'm referring to the city people who walk SO slow and swerve from side to side and are not even aware of other people around them. I think they should make a fast land and a slow lane on the sidewalks in city - HA!
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Have a super week!
X to you and Cindy! DON'T like #15?! Well, damn. Don't ever have lunch with me, okay? Or if you do, make it a classy place where beverages are served in glasses.
ReplyDeleteMy pet peeves include:
1. People who block the aisles when shopping in grocery stores, preventing you from moving your cart past them.
2. People who spend more time in restaurants on their phones instead of conversing with the people they are dining with.
3. Drivers who feel that red lights are just a suggestion to stop. Like Bijoux, my horn has been getting a workout lately too, but for a different reason.
"Well, damn. Don't ever have lunch with me, okay? Or if you do, make it a classy place where beverages are served in glasses."
ReplyDeleteMark, you CRACK ME THE HELL UP!!!! We can go to a place that serves soft drink cups with lunch, but you have to promise me that you WON'T squeak the straw through the lid, okay? :)
And YES to all of your pet peeves because they're mine as well, especially #'s 1 and 2!!!!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, bud. Have a faaaaaabulous week!
X to you and Tara!
Some of those made me laugh out loud.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Bijoux on #12 - I love that flip flop sound. Especially when it's MY flip fops making it! But I agree about the straw. I'll never hear that sound that way the same again now!!!
Sounds in general bug me. I HATE the sound of people chewing gum, slurping coffee, eating with their mouths open. Makes me want to plunge a fork into their temples.
And I hate the driving version of your first two. People need to get the hell out of the left lane and let me pass.
I am extremely punctual and TGIF is perpetually late. Last time I saw him he looked at his watch and said, "I'm only 20 minutes late!" I said,"For you, that's practically early." He said, with genuine clueless delight, "I know!"
And about the cell phones- why must people talk on them so loudly as if everyone really wants to hear their conversations? Why, Ron? WHY???
Someone sat two chairs away from me at library today and proceeded to sniff loudly every 25 seconds. I know this because I held out my wrist watch and timed him. I thought I was going to lose my mind!
ReplyDelete"But I agree about the straw. I'll never hear that sound that way the same again now!!!"
ReplyDeleteTwo people screwing on a squeaky bed in a cheap motel, does it not? HA!
"Sounds in general bug me."
OMG...meeeeeeee too! Maybe its a "Libra thing" but certain sounds make me go INSANE. And it's not always LOUD sounds for me either.
"I am extremely punctual and TGIF is perpetually late."
Do you know what it is about people who are habitually late that really bothers me? It's almost as if they think that it's totally acceptable.
"And about the cell phones- why must people talk on them so loudly as if everyone really wants to hear their conversations? Why, Ron? WHY???"
And you should see what it's like living in city, where all day, everyone around you on the streets is talking so loud about personal stuff in public. Grrrrrrr!*(
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a fantabulous week!
#8 drives me insane! I always say, Am I on speaker? Do you have me on speaker? I'm not talking until you take me off speaker.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand people who start to hit their brakes 500 feet before a traffic light while the light it still green. I beeped and double flipped someone off who was doing this and when I went to pass them, I realized it was one of my neighbors. We never spoke of it. lol
LOVE your new header!
Bwhahahahahahaha! OMG...I HOWLED when I read your comment, Bijoux. That was HILARIOUS!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about SNIFFING. I want to scream, "FOR GOD'S SAKE...JUST BLOW YOUR NOSE!"
"I always say, Am I on speaker? Do you have me on speaker? I'm not talking until you take me off speaker.
ReplyDeleteChrissy I do the SAME THING, I kid you not! And this why I HATE taking conference calls at work because the sound of it drives me INSANE!
". I beeped and double flipped someone off who was doing this and when I went to pass them, I realized it was one of my neighbors. We never spoke of it. lol"
Bwhahahhahaha! TOO funny! When I still had a car and was driving, it was the "break riders" that drove me nuts because I couldn't tell if they were going to stop or start.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a faaaaaabulous week!
P.S. Thank you. I've decided to create/change my blog header every month, just for something different.
Ron, I agree with you and Matt about the people who have a sense of entitlement. And it seems that it's prevalent, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteBtw, I watched the clip with Janet Jackson. Great tune!
" And it seems that it's prevalent, doesn't it?"
ReplyDeleteYes, it does, Robert.
I love that song! It makes me feel so happy! I wish Janet would record more because I really like her music style.
Great list, Ron! I could go on forever about the things I hate, but for the sake of brevity, I'll stick to one topic--Noise! I hate loud radios, loud cars, loud people, loud anything!!
ReplyDeleteWe live in a society filled with blaring, useless noise and it seems to be getting worse every day. If the entire world could just please shut the hell up for a few minutes, I'd be very grateful!
Have a great week, buddy!
Hey there Rob!
ReplyDelete"Noise! I hate loud radios, loud cars, loud people, loud anything!!"
HA! I know, and you and I live and work in cities where the noise is constant. The one noise that I will NEVER get use to are the SIRENS. OMG...not a day goes by when I don't hear them.
"If the entire world could just please shut the hell up for a few minutes, I'd be very grateful!"
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Have a SUPA' week!
I agree with a lot of your pet peeves. I need some time to think about this, but a few do come to mind.
ReplyDeleteI hate loud people who want everyone to hear them.
I hate it when people walk around with a hands free phone attached to their ear. They talk MUCH too high.
I hate it when a salesperson acts like they are pissed that I'm making them work.
I hate it when a waiter or waitress serves food, that they KNOW FULL WELL, isn't what I ordered, or isn't created or presented, up to standard.
I HATE PEOPLE that don't control their kids in public.
I HATE those same kids.
There are many more...
Ha ha - I'm with you on rude people and people who litter! I also get irritated by people who complain all the time, when really they have it pretty good.
ReplyDeleteHey, I kinda like the sound of two people screwing on a squeaky bed in a cheap motel. hehe
ReplyDeleteI don't like line-cutters. You don't know how many times I've been in stores and a new line will open and COMMON COURTESY says that if there is a line out the wazoo and a cashier turns on her light (and maybe forgets to say... 'I'll take the NEXT customer') then YOU LET the NEXT person in the line get service. You DON'T rush right in to get waited on next, ahead of all the other people, because you are SPECIAL.... you raggedy ass piece of trash. THAT makes me very angry!
People on the bluetooth device are pretty annoying. I get that they want to be hands free and all, but they seem to talk louder than people just using cell phones. And the cell phone talkers who put the speaker on are obnoxious too.
Slow drivers.
People who don't hold a door for other people who are almost right behind them.
And some other things, and some on your list, and some on lists of your commenters. Oooh, I thought I was an easy going, optimistic kinda gal and now I just feel grumbly with all the pet peeves I'm thinking of. lol Well... you wanna meet in the park with some cups and straws and get happy?? hehe
My, you certainly have a lot of pet peeves! But I'm with you on #4, 6 and 10. And I'll add one....people who are continually on their phones and cannot engage with real, live people in the room. Oh, yeah, and Felony Stupid. Hmmm, I guess I have a lot of pet peeves too! And don't even get me started on my grammar pet peeves! Now, let's all go out and spread the love. :-)
ReplyDeleteYup - that would make me murderous!
ReplyDeleteHey there Pat!
ReplyDeleteLOVE your list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I hate it when a salesperson acts like they are pissed that I'm making them work."
OMG...yes! And the salespeople who are so busy TEXTING at work, that you feel as though you're inconveniencing them to even wait on you.
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your pet peeves, buddy! Hope you're having a SUPER week!
"Hey, I kinda like the sound of two people screwing on a squeaky bed in a cheap motel. hehe"
ReplyDeleteBwhahahahahhaha! That CRACKED ME UP, Mary!!!!
"I don't like line-cutters."
OMG...YES! YES! YES! That annoys me to no end too!
"You DON'T rush right in to get waited on next, ahead of all the other people, because you are SPECIAL.... you raggedy ass piece of trash. THAT makes me very angry!"
You GO, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVED that!!! But I know what you mean because it makes me angry too! How freaking RUDE!
"People who don't hold a door for other people who are almost right behind them."
Yes, and I can't tell you HOW MANY times that has happened to me as well. That's what I mean about people who are not aware of there people around them. It's like they think that they're the only one.
"Oooh, I thought I was an easy going, optimistic kinda gal and now I just feel grumbly with all the pet peeves I'm thinking of. lol Well... you wanna meet in the park with some cups and straws and get happy?? hehe"
HA! Yes, I will!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your pet peeves, neighbor. Hope you're having a super week!
Hey there Lisa!
ReplyDelete"My, you certainly have a lot of pet peeves!"
HA! Yes. And these are only a FEW of them :)
"And I'll add one....people who are continually on their phones and cannot engage with real, live people in the room."
I TOTALLY agree! It seems that excessive cell phone use is causing many people to forgot how engage face to face and actually SOCIALIZE.
" Now, let's all go out and spread the love. :-)"
Amen! Now that we've gotten this out of our systems....let's spread the LOVE!
Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're having a FABU week!
Ron, my head is bobbing throughout your list! But the last made me spit out my tea! Hilarious, but I know what you mean.
ReplyDeleteWhat really gets my goat, and I even blogged about it a couple of months ago as a pet peeve, is when people say, "it is what it is." Like, that's it, finito, don't bother, end the subject, evade the subject, hopeless. I suppose, for me, everything is not what meets the eye, and there's always circumstances surrounding the "is."
p.s. I have to remember not to wear flip flops if we ever have the chance to meet on the long line at Starbucks. :))
*raising hand* Count me in on the "entitlement" generation. Seriously....seems to be a cultural shift in a generation that I don't qualify to be a member of. :-/
ReplyDeleteHellooooooooo there Petra!
ReplyDelete"But the last made me spit out my tea! Hilarious, but I know what you mean."
HA! I just couldn't resist :)
"it is what it is." Like, that's it, finito, don't bother, end the subject, evade the subject, hopeless. I suppose, for me, everything is not what meets the eye, and there's always circumstances surrounding the "is."
Yes, that's EXACTLY what that saying means to me as well. It means that whatever 'is' is there for a reason that we might not know right away. However, I believe there is always a circumstance 'surrounding' the 'is.'
"p.s. I have to remember not to wear flip flops if we ever have the chance to meet on the long line at Starbucks. :))"
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear friend. Have a super-duper week!
AMEN, Mel!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't qualify to be a member as well :-/
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Hope your eyes are feeling better!
((((((((((((((((((( You )))))))))))))))))
People who do NOT pull over for emergency vehicles. THE EMERGENCY COULD BE YOUR MOM--GET THE HELL OUTTA THEIR WAY!!
ReplyDelete*ahem* That being said, I try not to let the little things turn into big things.
Apparently people don't understand what constitutes "little" in MEL'S world.
Being rude and demeaning to your waitress/waiter....NOT little.
Being inconsiderate to an elderly or disabled/handicapped person...NOT little.
Texting at a dinner table....disallowed!!....NOT little.
Failing to turn a phone on silent despite the request....oh gee, there's a phone with an annoying ringtone going off...NOT little.
"Late to work" is my middle name and I JOKE about it in my sense on entitlement....NOT LITTLE!!
Late comers budging in front of folks who'd politely stood, waiting their turn.....NOT little.
NOT standing for the Star Spangled Banner or the "presenting of the colours"....NOT little.
The list goes on and on....*sigh*
Have you noted mine all fall under common courtesy (seemingly NOT so common) and respect?
Himself would tell you that I have "quirks" about "he who takes the last cup and leaves a dribble for the next person oughta be hung, drawn and quartered" (...haha...true!) And "thou shalt never have less than 2 cans of coffee or 12 rolls of toilet paper" (also true, but I call those idiosyncrasies, tyvm!). :-/
Oh Mel, I ADORED your comment and list of NOT little things that bother you!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd one of MANY on your list that I must agree with as being one of mine is:
"Being inconsiderate to an elderly or disabled/handicapped person..."
Thank you! That is probably one the biggest things that bothers and upsets me because it's just plain rude, inconsiderate and uncompassionate. I can be very impatient when it comes to certain things, however, when it involves the elderly, disabled, or children, I have all the patience in the world.
"Have you noted mine all fall under common courtesy (seemingly NOT so common) and respect?"
AMEN! Yes...common courtesy and respect.
" And "thou shalt never have less than 2 cans of coffee or 12 rolls of toilet paper" (also true, but I call those idiosyncrasies, tyvm!). :-/"
Bwhhahahahaha! Love you, dear lady!!!!!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by and sharing your pet peeves. Have a great rest of your week!
((((( You ))))))
GREAT list Ron although I do agree with Bijoux about the flip-flops (or as they use to be called- thongs!!!!) I kind a like that sound too.
ReplyDeleteThe people who are TOTALLY unaware that there is a world of people around them, especially on sidewalks is probably my biggest pet peeve. When I'm walking with a gazillion heavy bags ( I walk everywhere!) and they are there in front of me, blocking the sidewalk and expecting me to move to get past them instead of moving out of the way to talk and to TEXT or yap on the phone. Oh SO annoying and discourteous. There, I feel better, LOL.
Have a super duper day Ron and here's to an annoyance free day. It can happen!!! ;-)
"although I do agree with Bijoux about the flip-flops (or as they use to be called-thongs!!!!) I kind a like that sound too."
ReplyDeleteYes, Geraldine, I think must be the ONLY person on this planet that can't stand the sound of flip-flops. I know...I'm WEIRD :)
"When I'm walking with a gazillion heavy bags ( I walk everywhere!) and they are there in front of me, blocking the sidewalk and expecting me to move to get past them instead of moving out of the way to talk and to TEXT or yap on the phone. Oh SO annoying and discourteous."
YES! And people who don't hold a door open when they see a woman with a baby stroller trying to get out. SO discourteous!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're having a spectacular week!
You're not weird Ron. I don't like the sound of flip flops either. Which is why I don't wear them. Annoying sound.
ReplyDeleteOne of my biggest pet peeves are people who talk loud, chew loud and talk with their mouth full. Laughed at #15!
Yes! Another person who doesn't like the sound of flip flops. I was beginning to think I was the only one :)
ReplyDelete"people who talk loud"
I agree, especially when they're talking on a cell phone in public.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Elaine. Hope you're having a grrrreat week!
I LOVE THIS POST! We have a few of the same.
ReplyDelete1. Throwing cigarette butts out the window.
2. Tailgating, speeding and dangerous driving.
3. Talking on the cell phone, like you said. PUT THE PHONE DOWN!
4. Texting and driving. That is the WORST OF THEM ALL.
5. Yelling, fighting and being ugly to others. And I HATE when people are ugly to employees in public places. HATE IT.
6. People who yell at their kids in public or hit them in public. Especially when it is obvious a child is just tired because they are being dragged around to stores without a nap. I HATE THAT! (and usually the kids are being fed a sugar drink too... it just isn't their fault)
7. People who smack their food and chew with their mouths open.
And Ron? The sound that flip flops make? BWAAAHHHHH HHHHHAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Hellooooooo there Katherine!
ReplyDeleteThank you for mentioning #6 because that is something I think is just horrendous. One time I saw and heard a woman screaming at her child (about 5-6 years old) on the street and using the worst profanity.The mother talked to her child as if she were having a fight with an adult. She was also pulling the child by the arm. OMG...I wanted so bad to say something to the woman, but feared that she would take it out on her child.
"And Ron? The sound that flip flops make? BWAAAHHHHH HHHHHAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"
The sound drives me INSANE!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're having a fantabulous week!
I'm with you on most of them Ron...although...I do have a problem with walking/steps due to my RA so I have a reason for taking the elevator. Like Bijoux...I say shut the f up OUT LOUD (within reason...depending on where I am) like...not in a church! Sorry I haven't been around all that much...It is a crazy time of year...and my health is acting up again...which is par for the course when I am frazzled. Hope all's well with you!! Hang in there...not tooooo long before January! At least you don't live in Buffalo where they are dealing with six feet of snow!! Ha! xo Jeanne and the girls
ReplyDeleteHello there Jeanne!
ReplyDelete"although...I do have a problem with walking/steps due to my RA so I have a reason for taking the elevator"
Yes, I totally understand. What I'm referring to are the abled 20-year old STUDENTS who live in my building and complain about walking two flights of stairs when the elevator takes too long.
"Like Bijoux...I say shut the f up OUT LOUD (within reason...depending on where I am) like...not in a church!
HAHAHAHHA! You GO, girl!
Sorry to hear that your health is acting up. Hope you're feeling better soon
(((((((((((((((((( You )))))))))))))))
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a super weekend!
X to you and the girlz!
P.S. Can you believe the SNOW in Buffalo already?!?!
My comment disappeared for this post,go figure. I did agree with most of your list too but I also like the sound of flip flops, a real "summer sound"
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend Ron:-)
Oops mystery solved I was reading from the top down and the comment count didn't go up right away when I posted my last couple of comments. Sorry about that.
ReplyDeleteHi Geraldine!
ReplyDeleteGlad you found your comment because I worried that it had disappeared, but then I saw it.
Yes, sometimes the comment count doesn't load right away. And there is also a delayed count, until Disqus syncs the comment number on my blog.
Thanks so much for stopping back, my friend! Have a super weekend!
#1 - People that point out the obvious. Like, "Your roots are showing." of when I'm sweating like I just ran a marathon, "Are you hot?" Homicide never looked so good.
ReplyDelete#2 - When the hard boiled egg sticks to the shell and instead of getting a nice smoothly peeled egg, I get something that looks like it's been chewed by a beaver.
Your #4 & #5 are my next ones.