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I just recently discovered a faaaabulous new market not far from where I live called, Mom's Organic Market, where I enjoy picking up food odds and ends.

Now before I get into this post, I want to let you know that I'm not at all a health fanatic or a person who eats ONLY organic. Nor am I vegan, fat-free, sugar-free, salt-free, or gluten-free. However, I do eat a balanced diet, and food that is well-prepared. I eat anything I want, but in moderation. And that's not something I consciously do to be a healthier person, it's simply the way I've always eaten.

I eat like a true Italian, enjoying my food with a tremendous amount of passion. And I eat without any guilt.

Eating to me is not something I do just to satisfy my hunger, I eat because I enjoy "the experience" of eating. And those of you who also have a passion for food understand what I'm talking about, I'm sure.


Whilst visiting Mom's Market a few weeks ago, I discovered something so hideous that I didn't think it was for real. I thought perhaps it was placed there for shock value, or some kind of ancient museum display showing what people used to eat during the prehistoric days, like around 2350 BC...

Okay, are you ready for this?
Dear god, I hope you don't all throw up.
Here's what I saw sitting on several shelves in a section of the market, at which time I had to stop myself from screaming in horror!...

...they sell mealworms and crickets.
OMG...gag me with a spoon!!!

I felt prompted to take this next photograph, just to show you the mealworms up-close...

Can you believe that people actually put these in their mouths, chew them, and then swallow them?!?!

And I don't care how healthy they are as sustainable protein, I would sooner eat a box of thumbtacks than these wretched-looking things.

Next up we have Chili Lime and Moroccan Crickets....


And get a load of these Aztec Cricket Protein Bars - (crickets covered in dark chocolate, coffee, and cayenne) - in as much as I love dark chocolate and coffee, there is no way in heaven or hell I would eat these bars...

or these...

or these...

I took these last two photographs using my cell phone and I took them very quickly so that no one in the aisle (customer or employee) would see me making these faces. Both pictures came out blurry, but it's funny because they came out EXACTLY how I felt when I first spotted the crickets and mealworms - as if I had taken a hit of LSD while watching The Twilight Zone...

Wishing you a deeeeelicious weekend everyone!


  1. OMG I felt sick just looking at the pictures! People actually buy and eat this stuff? You got some great pictures of it all, did you feel sick taking them? I'm not normally a fussy eater but a plateful of maggots or meal worm would but me off food for life. Ugh! I take it the shop wasn't Americans!

    I'm doing the rounds with this question..... I think there's something wrong with my blog, did you have any problems when you last visited? Others have told me they couldn't see my blog on their lists.

    It is moderately warmer here today and .... NO SNOW! Hope you have a good weekend, take a tip from me and keep away from maggots, dead or alive x

  2. O.M.G......I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard at your post! Your reactions are priceless! I'm picturing us together in that store, DYING!!! I've seen items like that, here and there, but only in packaging and not jars of it to buy in bulk! Who the hell is buying this crap???

    The thing that gets me, is if anyone found a mealworm in a bag of flour, they would immediately throw the bag in the trash, and if you're like me, get the bag out of your house immediately and then disinfect the cupboard it was found in. Would these buyers just pull the mealworm out of the bag of flour, pop it in their mouths, and carry on??? That is my question! Lol!

    Hilarious post! XO

  3. LMAO!! You are SO disgusted, Ron. I love it.

    Guess what, buddy? I have eaten crickets before. Back in 2013 when Tara and I were doing our yearlong food challenge, one of the holidays we had to celebrate was National Chocolate Covered Insect Day. In fact, my parents even joined us for that one. And honestly, they weren't bad at all. Kind of reminded me of a Hershey's bar - the crickets added a nice texture, sort of like crisped rice. Yum!! :)

    Have an excellent bug-free weekend!

  4. Nope. Just a big, fat NOPE. I mean, look, if I were starving and mealworms were the only thing available to me? I guess so. But voluntarily, just to be trendy? Hell, no. Besides, the ones in the canisters range from $64 to $96 per pound! What kind of crazy do you have to be to spend that kind of money on freaking BUGS? And they can dust them with whatever flavoring they want, they are still bugs.

    Okay, if you'll excuse, I'm off to have a major attack of the heebies!

  5. Ewwwwww! I'm with you on this 1,000%. Who knew....all those mealworms people found in their opened flour containers should have been left there and just ground up and added into the bread. No thank you. I'll pass. I'm with Bijoux, who buys this stuff? But, I have heard grasshoppers, cockroaches and other insects are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world. On the other hand, our culture views caviar as a delicacy and its nothing but fish eggs. And then there's escargot...a fancy name for slimy snails. So....I each his own. Now, let's go get some good, old-fashion Italian food......lots of (mealworm-free) bread, cheese and wine! :-)

  6. Ron, I'm glad I read this before lunch, ha! I've heard that people consider such atrocities as delicacies, but I'm right there with you. "I would sooner eat a box of thumbtacks than these wretched-looking things." I just can't imagine ever being hungry -- or drunk! -- enough to put something like this in my mouth. Why, even Dallas won't eat BUGS!!

    But you know, somebody has done a magnificent job in marketing, haven't they? I mean, if you can convince people that covering bugs with chocolate, barbecue, honey mustard, and other flavorings disguises the fact that they're still BUGS, well, that's a real sleight of hand trick!

    Happy weekend to you, my friend -- and wonder why we didn't think of this??! xo

  7. I know, Valerie, aren't these pictures HORRENDOUS? Yes, people actually do buy and eat this stuff, can you believe that?!?! I didn't feel sick upon seeing them, I was shocked and horrified because I can stand bugs, they creep me out.

    "I'm not normally a fussy eater but a plateful of maggots or meal worm would but me off food for life. Ugh! I take it the shop wasn't Americans!"

    HA! Yes, me as well! And yes, this IS an American shop that originated in Baltimore, Maryland.

    In reference to your question about you blog, no, I haven't had any problem viewing it. Nor have I had any problems leaving a comment or getting your updates on my feed reader. So on my end, your blog is the same as it's always been.

    Ironic you mentioned the warmer weather in your parts, because it was unusually warm here today as well, and VERY humid. Yet, I read that we may be getting some SNOW tomorrow with colder temperatures. Hasn't the weather this winter been so strange?

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Wishing you and Charlie a faaaaaaaabulous weekend!

  8. HA! I couldn't resist taking those pictures, but I had the hardest time taking them because I had to wait until NO ONE was walking through the aisle so that I wouldn't be caught making strange faces!

    "I've seen items like that, here and there, but only in packaging and not jars of it to buy in bulk! Who the hell is buying this crap???"

    I have no idea WHO the hell would every buy this crap, but judging from some of the glass containers, I could see that they were be sold, not only from the lower levels in several of the containers, but also I could also see remnants (bits and pieces) of the mealworms and crickets on the shelve next to the containers, as if a customer had scooped some out. Ewwwwwwww!

    "The thing that gets me, is if anyone found a mealworm in a bag of flour, they would immediately throw the bag in the trash, and if you're like me, get the bag out of your house immediately and then disinfect the cupboard it was found in. "

    Exactly! And I had the SAME thought myself, I kid you not. Normally, mealworms would be considered a nasty invasion, so would these same people EAT them?! GROSS ME OUT!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a faaaaantastic weekend!

  9. "Guess what, buddy? I have eaten crickets before."

    OH. MY. GOD. Mark, you're kidding me?!?!?!?

    "And honestly, they weren't bad at all. Kind of reminded me of a Hershey's bar - the crickets added a nice texture, sort of like crisped rice. Yum!! :)"

    Noooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! OMG...GAG ME WITH A SPOON!!!!!!

    Well, at least now I can tell people that I know someone who actually ATE CRICKETS!!!!!

    Have a faaaaaaaabulous, buddy!

    X to you and Tara

  10. Hey there Lisa!

    I agree with Bijoux's comment as well. Who knew that all those mealworms found in flour containers were good enough to EAT? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!

    True, I have heard of people from various parts of the world eating things like grasshoppers and other insects because there were considered a delicacy, but there is no way I would EVER eat them myself - OMG... they're BUGS for godsake!!! And even things like caviar and escargot, which people in our country consider a delicacy, I find utterly disgusting. I know I must sound like a very picky and conservative eater, but I much prefer simple pasta with basil, a salad, and a glass of red wine.

    "Now, let's go get some good, old-fashion Italian food......lots of (mealworm-free) bread, cheese and wine! :-)"

    HA! A-MEN...I'm with you!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a terrific weekend!

  11. "Nope. Just a big, fat NOPE. I mean, look, if I were starving and mealworms were the only thing available to me? I guess so. But voluntarily, just to be trendy? Hell, no."

    A-MEN....and I agree with you 100%!

    " Besides, the ones in the canisters range from $64 to $96 per pound! What kind of crazy do you have to be to spend that kind of money on freaking BUGS? "

    OMG, how funny that you mentioned that point because I swear to god, I thought that exact same thing! Why the hell would anyone spend that kind of money on FREAKING BUGS?!?!

    "And they can dust them with whatever flavoring they want, they are still bugs."

    Bwhahahahahahahaha! HILARIOUS!!!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my LIBRA friend! Have a terrific weekend!

  12. HA! Glad you read it BEFORE lunch too, Debbie, aren't these things disgusting?!? I stood there looking at them, thinking, "People actually EAT these things?!?!"

    "I just can't imagine ever being hungry -- or drunk! -- enough to put something like this in my mouth. Why, even Dallas won't eat BUGS!!"

    OMG....that was HILARIOUS! Yes, even Dallas has a discerning palate.

    " ...if you can convince people that covering bugs with chocolate, barbecue, honey mustard, and other flavorings disguises the fact that they're still BUGS, well, that's a real sleight of hand trick!"

    Exactly! The marketing is really intriguing, which is probably what draws customers in to at least want to try them!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Happy weekend to you too!


  13. Ron, this post is both ewwww and hysterical! OMG, the pictures of you making those faces are priceless! You are very funny. " as if I had taken a hit of LSD while watching The Twilight Zone..." LOL!

    I agree, there I can't understand how anyone could eat these???? I don't even know how you could stand to look at them.

    Thanks for the laughs!

  14. Hello Candice!

    HA! I don't care if I was starving to death in the middle of a dessert, there is no way in hell I would eat these things!!!!

    But apparently, they are a delicacy which some people find YUMMY!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're enjoying a great weekend!

  15. "OMG...gag me with a spoon!!!" Ron, I haven't heard that expression in so long, I LOVE IT! And dear god, those pics of you are hilarious! As far as the mealworms and crickets, nooooooooooo! I don't understand what anyone would even be the slightest bit interested in finding out how they taste--they're BUGS--gag me with a spoon! LOL

    My feelings about eating are very similar to yours, I pretty much eat anything I want but not excessively. I love how the native Italians eat, small portions but they eat food like making love, they do it with passion!

  16. Hola Denise!

    Gag me with a spoon goes way back to the 80's. Very VALLEY GIRL - ha! I said that to someone at work who is in their mid-twenties and they didn't even know what I was talking about. I know that crickets are considered a delicacy, but EW...EW...EW!

    " I love how the native Italians eat, small portions but they eat food like making love, they do it with passion!

    One of these days I have got to get myself to Italy because I know I would love it - the food, the people, and just how passionate they are. Bellissima!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Hope you're having a FAB weekend!

  17. Ron, you mean to say you didn't try any of these things!?! I'm disappointed in you!!

    Roasted mealworms!? Hmmm, just like mother used to make...if mother was a Gila monster!

    I've got to admit that stuff is pretty horrific. Of course if you want to break up with someone, just invite them over for a big bowl of crickets and worms and they'll get the hint in a hurry--as soon as they get out of the bathroom.

    Years ago I was on vacation in Arizona and I ate at a restaurant that actually served fried rattlesnake. I don't usually eat fried foods, but I had to go for this dish. Unfortunately they were fresh out of rattlesnake. Bummer!

    It looks like you found a great place to shop, buddy, as long as you don't bug out in that sustainable proteins aisle.

    Buon appetito!

  18. Hey there Rob!

    "Ron, you mean to say you didn't try any of these things!?! I'm disappointed in you!!"

    HA! I know, I'm so un-experimental, aren't I???

    "Years ago I was on vacation in Arizona and I ate at a restaurant that actually served fried rattlesnake. I don't usually eat fried foods, but I had to go for this dish. Unfortunately they were fresh out of rattlesnake. Bummer!"

    OMG...I can't get over the delicacies offered in different parts of the States and the world. What can I say, I must be a boring eater. I would much rather have a nice dish of pasta with some olive oil, basil and cheese, with a nice glass of red wine instead of rattlesnake, mealworms, or crickets.:)

    Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Have a fantastic week!


  19. Ron, both my husband and I read this post this morning after being away for 5 days and laughed our butts off. LOVE your sense of humor! Oh my god, those pictures of you are hilarious! I agree, there is no way I would ever eat those things. I know they're a delicacy and all, but let's face it, they're BUGS. No way!

    The picture of the Flintstones made me laugh because that was a cartoon I watched when I was a kid. The Jetsons too!

    Has the weather been weird this past week? Cold days, warm days, snow, then rain, then cold again, then snow.Ugh!

    Have a great week, Ron X

  20. Hellooooooo Elaine!

    ". I know they're a delicacy and all, but let's face it, they're BUGS. No way!"

    HA! sentiments exactly...they are BUGS!!!!!

    However, to each his own, I guess.

    "The picture of the Flintstones made me laugh because that was a cartoon I watched when I was a kid. The Jetsons too!"

    I looooooooooooooved The Jetsons! When I was a kid, I used to watch The Flintstones AND The Jetsons, but I was more intrigued by The Jetsons.

    OMG, yes, the weather has been bipolar these past several weeks. I never know how to dress each more. One day it's warm and springlike, the next it's cold and snowy. I'm enjoying the cold and snow though, hoping it lasts longer. I just which it would stay that way instead of going back and forth.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor. Have a fantastical week!!!!

  21. Me too, Ron. I was enthralled with The Jetsons because I was fascinated with all the future technology, especially the flying cars LOL!

  22. Hellooooooo there Jeanne!

    " What on earth would possess someone to eat those VOLUNTARILY??"

    HAHAHAHAHA! I know, can you BELIEVE that people actually EAT these?!?!?!?!?!?

    Like you....I would rather starve than eat these things.

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend. Hope all went well with your oral surgery and that you're recovering. Take care!

    X to you and the doggies!

  23. OMG!! Seriously Ron? I am dying here! What on earth would possess someone to eat those VOLUNTARILY?? I am on the verge of getting really sick here! I would sooner starve than eat those. EWWWWWWWWWWW! Yuck! I enjoy food WAY too much to even consider eating those dreadful things. Gag!🤢

  24. I LOVED the flying cars and the sounds they made!!! And I find it interesting how much of the advance technology actually came to be in the future - such as, moving sidewalks, microwave ovens, electric toothbrushes, and computers! It's like they KNEW what would happen in the future!

  25. http://ladyfi.wordpress.comTuesday, February 20, 2018

    A lot of people say this is the food of the future - and maybe it is. A lot of Asia already eats this kind of food, but as I've been vegetarian for over 30 years, this is a big no no for me!

  26. http://ladyfi.wordpress.comTuesday, February 20, 2018

    I have a friend at work who loves insects and swears that they are very tasty! Each to his own... :-)

  27. Hey there Fiona!

    "A lot of Asia already eats this kind of food, but as I've been vegetarian for over 30 years, this is a big no no for me!"

    I just googled that online, and you're right....this kind of food came up as Asian food. I lived in Japan for 2 1/2 months many years ago yet, never realized that!?!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a grrrrrrreat week!


  28. You're right....each to his own :-)


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