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As most of you know from reading my blog for many years, I pretty much always try to find the positive in any situation because there is no point wallowing in negativity.

You also know that I rarely, and I mean rarely ever post about politics.

However, Saturday I had a meltdown in regards to the ludicrous political landscape of this country. And I could feel that meltdown coming on while I was in Trader Joe's earlier that morning, as I looked into the eyes of all the other senior citizens who were shopping at 8AM. Everyone looked sad, angry, scared, and numb. They walked around like zombies. And there I was, smiling and saying hello to people, yet I was being ignored. In fact, quite a few people actually sneered at me over their face masks as if to say, "Shut the hell up!"

So that's what I did. I shut up.

Because I knew that what I was receiving as "attitude" from those people was in regards to our politics and what we're all dealing with, and have been dealing with for not only the past five months, but for years. And it just keeps escalating.

People are filled with varied feelings and emotions right now.

So I understood.

Yet, when I got home that morning; after putting away the groceries, I sat down on the floor and cried my eyes out. And I didn't just cry, I sobbed uncontrollably from the center of my heart for this country. It felt as if I was mourning the death of a loved one. I cried for almost an hour.

But when I was finished purging, something told me to sit down and write.

And I did.


Allow me to start by saying that regardless of the political party, the reality of politics is that it's a game in which each party cleverly uses the American people as pawns to win that game. Politics is all about politicians and politicians. It has nothing to do with politicians and people.

Each party loves to proclaim their differences and how good they'll be for the good of the country. But what's amusing is that they are all playing the same ruthless, dirty game. And eventually what happens is that each party loses sight of what they proclaimed, once they get in that office on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Because suddenly it becomes all about them. 

And I've seen that happen with every election and with every president.


This pandemic has shown me, quite clearly, why I no longer have any interest or trust in politicians and their parties. And just for the record, I'm registered as Independent. I have never voted for a party for the sake of a party, I've always voted for the candidate and the issues.

Truthfully, when I was younger, I never cared about politics. My mother used to say, "Ronnie, how can you not be interested in what's going on in politics. If you don't start paying attention to the news, you'll appear ignorant to other people who are discussing politics."

Oh, really?

Well, I can honestly say that back then when I was ignorant about politics, I was much happier with America. And that's because I wasn't being told how to see things or how to feel. Nor was I being label as "this or that." America has never been perfect. And it never will be. But back then I viewed this country through my own eyes, not the eyes or opinions of politicians.

The cold hard truth is that it doesn't matter how much attention I give to politics or who I vote for. It all ends up being one big shit show.

What only matters to politicians is how effective they are at manipulating the American people into believing that they genuinely care.

And some of our politicians have been better than others at manipulation because they were keener at creating a more believable and sustainable illusion.

Let's face it, being a politician is all about, "My dick is bigger than your dick."

And that goes for the female politicians as well.

Because if you're serious about being a politician (male or female) you gotta walk around with an erection.

But what I find humorous is that our politicians are currently acting like erectile dysfunctional brats, slinging poo at each other, back and forth, while playing the blame game. When in fact, they are all to blame. And strongly so. Particularly during this time when the American people are struggling in many ways from this pandemic. Both parties are using this pandemic to prey on peoples fear and vulnerability with the sole purpose of swaying votes.

And mark my words. In November, when all the smoke and dust clears, the virus will somehow be miraculously healed. No more cases, no more deaths, no more need for masks. Suddenly, a vaccine will be discovered. But not until after the election. 

Yes, I'm over politics. Completely. It's too exhausting to watch or listen to anymore.

It's nothing but vomit.

So, this is what I've decided to do...

I have officially disassociated myself from watching the news or focusing any of my time and energy on politics, because all it ever does is distract me from all the good in this country. But you see, that's the whole intention of politicians. Their goals are to distract me from anything good until they get elected or re-elected. At which time they'll "fix" all the bad by putting a cheap band-aid on it. But what will eventually happen is that all the lies, bullshit, and manipulation will return. The only difference is that it will be in a different party package, with perhaps a different gender, a different color, a different race, or a different age.

But it will always be the same ruthless game.


As I said before, I was much happier when I was ignorant about politics.

However, I don't regret becoming interested because it revealed to me what I always knew.

I've also decided to take all the energy that I've been wasting on keeping abreast with politics, and redirect it towards contributing to the good of this country and its people. Because that's truly the only way I can make a difference. Little by little. Person to person.

I can no longer rely on our politicians to look out for my well-being.

And I have never realized that more than right now.

There is too much beauty in America for me to focus anymore of my time on the ugliness that is being projected by our politicians for their own advantage.

True, the American political landscape is shoulder-deep in a stinky litter box at the moment.

And yet, do you know what is so beautifully ironic?

With everything that I just shared about the state of this country and our politics, I realize that there is still no other country I would rather live. And just because I've given up on politics, does not mean I've given up on America.

I love America with all my heart.

I have tremendous faith in this country.

And do you know why that is?

Because it's not our politicians that make this country what it is.

It's the spirit of the people.

Therefore, I've decided to take back our power.

The people...

I love you, America!

Have a great week, y'all!

P.S. I'm grateful for this meltdown because it gave me clarity and an incredible sense of inner peace. 


  1. OMG, Ron! THANK YOU for this! I have been feeling EXACTLY the same way. It’s a complete shit show! The only thing I will add, and I just said this on another blog, is that lobbyists are in control and all it comes down to is money. People are kidding themselves if they think their representatives care about what they want. And what I really can’t stand is when candidates in the same party bad mouth each other early on and then suddenly do an about face and support whoever ends upon the ticket. Please with that BS!

    I think social media is doing a lot of harm because people only follow who they agree with, so it’s one big echo chamber. It’s shocking how judgmental everyone has become. If you can’t put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see why they care or value an issue different to the way you think, then you’ve got deep seated issues of your own.

    Thank you for trying to bring some cheerfulness into those shoppers’ lives, even if they weren’t accepting. You rock! XO! And thanks for being Ron!

  2. OMG Ron, this was so fucking brilliant! You put into words everything I have been thinking and feeling. I'm over politics as well. I'm tired of listening to the blame game. Like you shared, everyone of them are to blame. I've never seen so much political turmoil in our country as now. And this pandemic is the tool that they are using to breed more fear into the American people. I love what you said about how in November when the smoke clears. That is so spot on!

    Thank you for sharing your meltdown, dude! I love America with all my heart too. In spite of all the political drama. You're right, it's the spirit of the people who make this country what it is. And we have to all remember that.

  3. Let's face it, being a politician is all about, "My dick is bigger than your dick." And that goes for the female politicians as well. Because if you're serious about being a politician (male or female) you gotta walk around with an erection.

    ROFLMAO! Ron, that is probably the most stellar thing I ever read. I used to be very interested and involved in politics, but I realized all the same things you said in this. It's all a shit show and it's all the same game. Just in a different package.

    Thank you! xo

  4. "Both parties are using this pandemic to prey on peoples fear and vulnerability with the sole purpose of swaying votes." AMEN and AMEN, Ron! You've beautifully expressed what most sane people have been feeling for many years. I'm sorry for your meltdown, my friend, but sometimes a good cry heals what's tearing us up inside.

    You know, I used to be a journalist, and I'm ashamed of how my profession has changed. Gotten right down in that gutter with the politicians and spread packets of lies, all in an effort to boost TV ratings, sell advertising, and stir the emotional pot. Too many of our average citizens now don't know which way is up -- we don't know who to believe or trust, and thus, our fears mushroom. We look upon one another with suspicion and doubt; we're told to stay away from each other and not hug (don't they realize people need touch!?!) No wonder our mental health professionals are overwhelmed.

    And yet, like you, I love America ... and always will! I believe in the innate goodness of the American people. I believe we'll eventually come out of this whole mess, hopefully stronger and better equipped to handle our collective future. After all, we're better united than we are apart!

    Stay strong, my friend, and don't let the monkeys get you down! xx

  5. "People are kidding themselves if they think their representatives care about what they want."

    Yes! You are so correct. And isn't it truly sad to think that they really don't care? I kinda always knew that, however, it didn't fully sink in until lately. And they are ALL that way, regardless of what team they're on.

    "And what I really can’t stand is when candidates in the same party bad mouth each other early on and then suddenly do an about face and support whoever ends upon the ticket. Please with that BS! "

    HA! OMG, yes, there is absolutely no loyalty between any of them. They would throw each other under a bus in a heartbeat.

    I agree, social media (and the news) has done a lot of harm because it's all filtered through their own opinions. And god forbid you disagree with someone, they get so incensed.

    " If you can’t put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see why they care or value an issue different to the way you think, then you’ve got deep seated issues of your own."

    That is SPOT ON!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. And thank you for your sweet words too. I normally am a very positive person, However, the other day I had me a nice big meltdown. But it ending up giving me some clarity.


  6. Hey there Matt!

    I've been holding off on expressing myself about this whole political shit show because I kept telling myself that I didn't want to add anymore negativity to all the negativity that's out there. However, Saturday I had to say something. And I could feel it coming on early in morning because I kept feeling myself (inside Trader Joe's) wanting to break down and cry. I literally had to hold it together until I got home.

    I agree with's all the same stories on the news, over and over again. It's like they keep playing all the same news clips about all the violence that's been going on, which only makes people more and more frightened. And yet, they can't ever come up with a solution.

    Thanks much for stopping by, my friend. Have a most excellent week! And keep the people faith!


  7. Hello there Candice!

    HA! I just couldn't resist saying that. And it just came out of me when I sat down to write this post after I had my meltdown.

    That's all I ever hear when I watch politicians talk and argue. "My dick is bigger that your dick!"

    "And the political media is all pollution."

    Yes...yes...yes! That's why I can't watch it anymore. I haven't watched any news since Saturday and I can't tell you how much lighter and calmer I feel!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a superb week!


  8. I hear you, Ron. Politics is maddening and it's no secret the current administration INFURIATES me. I can't ignore it, but I also try to refrain from posting too much about it. I don't want to piss off family members, coworkers, bosses, whoever is reading. It's just not worth the argument.

    Like you, I'm positive to a fault. More than one person has labeled me annoyingly optimistic, ha. One more reason to steer clear of the whole mess!

  9. Ron, so true! SO TRUE! I read this post first and then I let my husband read it. We both applauded you. Everyone wants to blame the other parties for what's going on right now, but they have ALL contributed to the shit show inside the litter box. And that includes all the governors and mayors. They are all playing the game.

    The one really great thing about all this political mayhem is that I think (as you just said) it's going to bring the people of America closure together and create positive change. I think people are wising up to all the bullshit that's been throw at them.

    And I agree, the pandemic is being used as a fear tool by both parties. And what you said about being healed in November is exactly what I said to my husband MONTHS ago. It will disappear and whoever wins will take the credit.

    Thank you, Ron. THANK YOU! xox

  10. You caught my curiosity when you said there I was, smiling and saying hello to people, yet I was being ignored.. My question is: Were you wearing a face mask? If so they couldn't see you smiling but just sensed you looking at them. I get the same sense on those rare occasions when I venture out. People seem zombie-like and suspicious or afraid of each other.

    A while back someone saw me in a store and liked my face mask. He asked my wife to take a picture of him and I together. We posed and I gave a big smile before realizing with the mask my smile could not be seen. Everything is so weird these days. I can only hope that after the election we'll return to some semblance of normality.

  11. Hey there Arlee!

    So nice to see you! Hope all is well with you!

    And yes, I was wearing a mask and smiling AND saying hello. So even though they might not have seen me smiling, they most certainly heard me when I said, "Hello!"

    But yeah, I too have noticed that overall many people seem suspicious or afraid of each other. And especially at the beginning. But I also have to say that the people here in Philadelphia are naturally very suspicious and paranoid in social places overall. It's a very strange city people-wise. And I can say that because I was born here and know this city very well.

    "A while back someone saw me in a store and liked my face mask. He asked my wife to take a picture of him and I together. We posed and I gave a big smile before realizing with the mask my smile could not be seen"

    HA! OMG...that is so funny!

    I can't wait until we can take these darn masks off.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Hope all is well with you and that you're enjoying your summer!

    Be well!

  12. Hello there Debbie!

    Aw...thank you for your kind words. Honestly though, I felt so much better after my meltdown. I actually felt lighter and clearer after my cry. I felt cleansed. And when I sat down to write, it all just flowed out of me.

    I know, isn't it disgusting how journalist/news anchors/ media have all changed. I was watching an old Dick Cavitt Show where he was interviewing two people who have a difference of opinion and yet no one raised their voice, no one was nasty, and no had a hissy fit. And I thought, " was so different back then." People had respect, people had boundaries, and people acted civilized.

    "Too many of our average citizens now don't know which way is up -- we don't know who to believe or trust, and thus, our fears mushroom. We look upon one another with suspicion and doubt; we're told to stay away from each other and not hug (don't they realize people need touch!?!) No wonder our mental health professionals are overwhelmed."

    Yes, and I couldn't have said that any better! And it's soooooo true!

    " I believe we'll eventually come out of this whole mess, hopefully stronger and better equipped to handle our collective future. After all, we're better united than we are apart!"

    AMEN and I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a faaaaaabulous week!


  13. Hello there Mark!

    Yes, as you know, I very rarely post about politics because it ends up turning into a fiasco because how passionate people are about who they like or don't like. So I pretty much stay away from that topic. Especially now!

    "Like you, I'm positive to a fault. More than one person has labeled me annoyingly optimistic, ha. One more reason to steer clear of the whole mess!"

    HA! I know, and I'm just like my father because he was the same way.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a fantabulous week!

    X to you and Tara

  14. Hellooooooooooo there Elaine!

    I agree....about the governors and mayors because look at how they're acting here in Philadelphia. They are LOVING the drama and add more fuel to the flames.

    "I think people are wising up to all the bullshit that's been throw at them."

    I do too! And I think the politicians can sense that because all their manipulation is beginning to backfire on them because people are seeing through all the bullshit.

    Yup, I bet you any amount of money that once November gets here, the virus will suddenly be gone. Finito! And they're say, "See..look at how great I am, I healed the virus!"

  15. After reading this post Ron, I feel so much better, so thanks for expressing what so many, including myself are thinking and feeling. There is so much sh*t in the news broadcasts that it's hard to know who is actually telling the truth or even what the truth is.

    My routine is to only read the news online for 30 minutes in the a.m. when I "try" to sift through several national and a couple of international news sites. Most times, there's SO MANY annoying comicals (a good term for commercials) that are longer than the news clip. When that happens, I give up and click off the link.

    It's downright depressing most days. Days I don't go online for the news are actually better days. Ignorance can often be bliss, especially now.

    People are definitely scared, confused, worried. The other day I was wearing a mask and when the elevator in my building stopped and opened several people, also wearing masks, just stood and stared. I would have shared the ride as we were all masked up and not talking. I was tempted to say "Boo" but of course did not. There's a resident at the end of the hallway on our apt floor who will actually turn and walk away if anyone is approached, even though we're wearing masks. I used to talk with her in the laundry room (one of the few people who did she told me). Now, she runs the other way.

    As you said, people are scared.

    What's with those wearing masks when driving solos in their cars, wearing gloves then handling grocery store items or wearing gloves when walking outdoors?

    We continue to adhere to mandates here in Nashua, NH, that face coverings are to be worn in all public places AND when social distancing isn't possible. We mask up in public places in the mill apt complex. But within the past few days I have seen many who no longer doing so.

    Will I confront them? No, as I have seen videos and read online accounts of altercations and I am not confrontational by nature. I dislike wearing a mask as much as anybody. It is not a fashion statement, but a necessity.

    I too love America and have no plans to "dis" it or move away. Some days that love is really tested with all the negativity in the world.

    Thanks for letting me rant on too, Ron, even if a bit rambling.

  16. Hey there D!

    Do you what's so irritating about watching the news? They purposely try to scare people by showing the same horrendous news clips over and over again. And sometimes the same news station will show them 2-3 during the same broadcast! I pretty much watch the news once in the morning and then once at night. However, ever since last Saturday, I'm not watching at all and I can tell how much more calm and relaxed I feel.

    To be honest, I've never been scared of Covid-19, whatsoever. And the only reason I wear a mask is for everyone else. But I have absolutely no fear about getting it myself. And do you know what? No one knows what they're talking about. Not even the doctors. They say one thing one day, and the next day they say something else. It's not that I don't believe that their is such a thing as Covid-19 because I do. I just don't think it's as tragic as they say. I also don't believe any of the numbers that the politicians or news is telling us. It's all for dramatic purposes. And like I said, come November, the virus will miraculously be healed. Mark my words.

    And it's the same here, some people are so ultra paranoid about even walking past you on the street. Some people wear masks, gloves, and even plastic face shields! I saw one woman in the park last week with a long coat, big hat, winter gloves and boots! And it was 98 degrees outside!

    I wear a mask in my apartment building once I leave my unit. However, when I get outside the mask comes off. Now, if I go into a store, I'll put it back on. And I stay very conscious of people around me, so I make sure that if a child is close by, I put the mask back on. But when I'm outside in the fresh air and sunshine, I don't wear it. And there are many people here who do the same thing.

    "I too love America and have no plans to "dis" it or move away. Some days that love is really tested with all the negativity in the world."

    Me too! And yes, sometimes that love is really tested with all the negativity. That's why I can't watch it anymore.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. And I LOVED your comment. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. And see, I rambled too. LOL!

    Have a superb week!


  17. Hey, Ron! Thank you so much for opening up your heart like this!

    I am terribly sorry that you went through such an awful time. But after you purged all that toxic waste, you were able to put your feelings into words.

    And those words were very meaningful.

    Like you, I am revolted by the current political situation. I have no idea how things are going to change, but I know one thing we have to do is take the money out of politics.

    Politicians make all kinds of money through campaign donations and then, when they leave office, they become lobbyists or get some kind of cushy corporate job where they use their political experience to rake in the dough.

    The system is so corrupt it's a wonder we're not all crying.

    Let's hope we can turn this nightmare around.

    Take care, buddy!

  18. Ron, can I just tell you how much I loved this post??? The way you expressed yourself was very direct and honest, but it was also humorous and touching. When I got the end, I cried. I love that picture of the people holding the American flag. And it wasn't until I got to the end did I realize that you never once named any names or political parties or pointed your finger at any one single person. That's amazing!

    And what can I say other that I agree with you. I personally know many people who feel this way. Everyone is tired. And no matter what happens in November, I don't think anything in the political realm will be any different.

    You're so right about America. I don't like what's going on at all, but I'm still proud to be an American. I love this country the its people. When you look back at any catastrophe that this country has going through, such as 9/11, that's when you see the true American spirit. People coming together as one.

    Thank you for sharing this, Ron. You're a love! xo

  19. Hola Denise!

    I let loose, didn't I? HA! I couldn't help myself. After purging, I just sat down at my computer and wrote whatever came to my mind and heart.

    "And it wasn't until I got to the end did I realize that you never once named any names or political parties or pointed your finger at any one single person."

    No, and I didn't need to because as far as I'm concerned, they are ALL to blame because they are all playing the ruthless game. And it hasn't been until the past 6 months have I really noticed how corrupt they all are. When I used to watch them on TV, I could actually see the nastiest in their eyes. And they are all filled with so much hated for one another. And to the point where the American people don't matter anymore. What matters to them is beating each other down.

    Like you said, nothing will change in November. Not a damn thing.

    "When you look back at any catastrophe that this country has going through, such as 9/11, that's when you see the true American spirit. People coming together as one."

    A-MEN! Yes! It's so touching to watch how people come together when catastrophe's occur. It's as though you're witnessing the true nature of people. It's so touching.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. You're a love too!


  20. Hey there Rob!

    You are absolutely right...after all that toxic waste was purged, my mind and my whole being felt lighter and more focused on how I could put my feelings into words. It felt therapeutic.

    I have no idea how any of this is going to change either, but I think you're spot on about the money!!

    "The system is so corrupt it's a wonder we're not all crying."

    And OMG....YES! It's so damn corrupt! And it's probably that way in many countries in the world. However the only difference is that this country plasters it all over the news so that the whole WORLD can see it.

    But regardless, I still love this country with all my heart. And there is no where else I would rather live. And that's the truth.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. And for sharing your thoughts and feelings.

    Have a terrific week! And tell New York I said hell and love!


  21. http://ladyfi.wordpress.comTuesday, August 04, 2020

    Sometimes we need a good cry (and meltdown) to help us see more clearly. Right now my heart bleeds for the US and so many other countries where the politicians just don't seem to care about the people.

  22. Yes, Fiona, you're right, we do. And I truly felt so much better after. Like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

    "Right now my heart bleeds for the US and so many other countries where the politicians just don't seem to care about the people."

    Thank you so much for your compassion and understanding. Politics has always been a dirty game. However, the US political landscape at the moment is at its lowest. And all of us are so completely over it. But I truly have faith that through the "people" we will rise again. I love this country.

    Much thanks for stopping by, dear friend. Hope you're having a fantastic week!


  23. I am with you, Ron, on wearing a mask inside our apt building. Admittedly I didn't do it at first, but when it became a city-wide mandate, I complied. That said it definitely comes off as soon as I'm outside, also and never worn in the car or parking garage. Lately, many residents and others seen in the building have not been wearing them. But, like you, I have seen some people on the streets who have gone to extremes with long coats, gloves, hats, masks. Fear is not what keeps me in compliance, but being respectful of others concerns, I will ask if it bothers anyone that we share an elevator...when everyone is masked. Courtesy can go a long way these days.

  24. "I complied. That said it definitely comes off as soon as I'm outside, also and never worn in the car or parking garage.'

    Yup, you sound just like me. I do the same.

    In my apartment building we have signs in the lobby and elevators that require the use of masks. They also only allow two people in the elevator at one time. And yes, I've seen people (primarily college students) who don't abide by the rules and don't wear a mask.

    And I agree with you about courtesy. It goes a long way these days.

    Thanks so much for stopping back, my friend. Hope you're week has been a good one so far!

    Stay cool!


  25. Ron, I just wanted to come back and let you know that I shared this post with several people I world with so you may be getting more people stopping by. I also came back to read everyone's comments.

    And by the way, did I tell you how much I LOVED this post? LOL! xo

  26. Aw, thank you, Denise! You are such a sweetheart!


  27. Ron, even though I subscribe and read your posts and enjoy them, I don't normally leave comments on all of them. But I had to on this one.

    I just want to say thank you for vocalizing all of this because it's everything that I've been feeling for so long, but especially the past 6 months. I love America too. But our politics are disgusting. And as you said, it's not just one party, it's all of them. It makes me so sad to see what's going on here. I can't watch the news either because it only aggravates me more. And like you said, it doesn't matter if you're aware or not. It's just one big stinky shit show!

    Thank you again.

  28. Hi Daniel!

    Always so nice to see you! And thanks for sharing a comment.

    And yes to all that you said. It makes me so sad as well. In fact, that's what happened to me last Saturday, I completely broke down from overwhelming sadness because I love this country with all my heart. But it's painful to watch what's going on. It literally felt as if I was mourning the lost of a dear friend; crying for what was.

    It''s only been since Saturday that I've completely stopped watching the news or anything connected with politics. And already I feel so much better.

    Thank you for stopping by and sharing, my friend. Stay well and have a great rest of your week!


  29. Yes, and not only the violence, but they keep brainwashing people (the news and the politicians) onto believe they are something that they're not. It's almost as if they don't want a solution because then they would have nothing to manipulate with.

  30. OMG, yes! That's exactly what I meant by "labeling" people as this or that.

  31. I'm sorry it hit you so hard. This is a difficult time, to be sure. And I always come back around to the expression "Follow the money." If there's money and power to be accrued, some people will do just about anything to get it and hold on to it.

    I understand your dismay about politicians but I'm hopeful enough to believe there are truly some good ones out there, who genuinely want to improve the country for every one. They are few and far between, though.

  32. You're absolutely right, "Follow the money." Isn't it something what money (and power) makes some people do?

    "I'm hopeful enough to believe there are truly some good ones out there, who genuinely want to improve the country for every one. They are few and far between, though."

    Yes, they do seem to start out that way, but somewhere along the way they all seem to change by getting caught up in the "politics."

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and feeling, my friend. Appreciate that. Have a super week!


  33. First of all, let me apologize for being MIA for the last month. When I saw I was four posts behind at your place, it was sort of a brain slap how negligent I've been. Next, you mirrored my sentiments about American politics perfectly. I've thought this way for a long, long time. Right now, it's one big sh!t show to see who can weaponize the issues and not give up any power. And, the people be damned because I don't believe most of them really care about anything except their own ambition. I seriously doubt whether our founding fathers intended it to be this way. Although, I just read Cokie Roberts' book on Founding Mothers and was amazed at all the things I never learned about our nation's journey to independence. It was R.O.C.K.Y. from the get-go to long past the "end" of the war, to put it mildly. Political bickering seems to be the norm but today's politicians have raised to to a new art form. The media and social media do nothing but fan the flames and incite division. But there are lessons to be learned in the chaos and crossfire if we are wiling to see them. I have a paperweight on my desk (decorative use only!) that says "illegitimus non carborundum." Even though it's mock-Latin pun, it's good advice in these times when so many people are trying to grind down the American spirit and destroy all that's been built in this country. I've always loved your positive attitude but understand everyone eventually has their breaking point. Stay strong and never stop smiling at others behind that mask. They will see it in your eyes! The world needs more kindness and compassion now. It's up to us to spread the light. X

  34. Hey there Lisa!

    No worries. You hadn't posted in a while, so I just assumed you were taking a blog break.

    Great to see you!

    "Right now, it's one big sh!t show to see who can weaponize the issues and not give up any power. And, the people be damned because I don't believe most of them really care about anything except their own ambition. "

    Yes, you nailed it perfectly! They don't care about the people at all. And it's so obvious. We're merely pawns being used for their own advancement.

    And yes, there are lessons to be learned from all this. Which is why I shared at the end of this post that I am no longer focusing my attention on politics or the media. I'm focusing my attention on the people of this country. And regardless of our politicians, I still LOVE this country.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend, and sharing your thoughts and opinions. Appreciate it!

    Have a terrific week!



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