Back in the 60's, there were two similarly-themed television shows that competed for popularity.
The Munsters and The Addams Family.
Each cast consisted of extremely talented and well-seasoned actors. And both shows were cleverly written.
As a kid, I was a fan of both for different reasons.
However, I would have to say that out of the two, The Addams Family came out on top for me. And that's because I found myself (and still find myself) laughing my ass off while watching the episodes. The humor in the show came from playing each scene with the utmost sincerity, and that's what made it so funny. Plus, I love anything Goth, and The Addams Family was the epitome of GOTH.
I just recently discovered 14 full-length episodes that were uploaded onto YouTube and watched them throughout last weekend. I watched them while having my coffee in the morning; my lunch in the afternoon; my dinner at night; and my glass of wine later in the evening.
It was like an Addams Family marathon weekend.
The Munsters and The Addams Family.
Each cast consisted of extremely talented and well-seasoned actors. And both shows were cleverly written.
As a kid, I was a fan of both for different reasons.
However, I would have to say that out of the two, The Addams Family came out on top for me. And that's because I found myself (and still find myself) laughing my ass off while watching the episodes. The humor in the show came from playing each scene with the utmost sincerity, and that's what made it so funny. Plus, I love anything Goth, and The Addams Family was the epitome of GOTH.
I just recently discovered 14 full-length episodes that were uploaded onto YouTube and watched them throughout last weekend. I watched them while having my coffee in the morning; my lunch in the afternoon; my dinner at night; and my glass of wine later in the evening.
It was like an Addams Family marathon weekend.
And after doing some research, I discovered that the show only aired for two seasons. Which was surprising to me because it felt as though it ran much longer. And it's the same with The Munsters. That show was only on for two seasons as well.
Today, I would like to take you on a revisiting tour of a 1960's television classic.
So grab some popcorn; turn on your television sets; and get ready for The Addams Family...
And I don't know if any of you knew this, but Jackie Coogan started in show biz at a very early age. If you're a fan of Charlie Chaplin and remember the movie, The Kid, Jackie Coogan played the part of "the kid." His performance was AMAZING! To have been able (at only 6-years old) to convey such deep emotion and brilliant comedic timing was truly a testament to his natural, God-given talent.
Here he is with Chaplin. I love this photograph...
*Who was your favorite Addams Family character?
*Extra info: After the 60's television series, there were several spin-off Addams Family movies (both film and animation). And there was even a Broadway show, starring, Nathan Lane as Gomez. Oh, how I wish I could have seen that!
Today, I would like to take you on a revisiting tour of a 1960's television classic.
So grab some popcorn; turn on your television sets; and get ready for The Addams Family...
The Family...
Morticia Addams (Carolyn Jones)
Gomez Addams (John Astin)
I loved how romantic they were. Whenever Morticia would speak French, it drove Gomez wild. He'd start by kissing her hand, and then moving all the way up her arm...
Here are a few GIF's of Morticia and Gomez...
This one looks like they're smoking some really potent weed out of a BONG...
Their children...
Wednesday Addams (Lisa Loring)
*I love her look-a-like doll with no head. LOL!
*I love her look-a-like doll with no head. LOL!
Pugsley Addams (Ken Weatherwax)
Without a doubt, the character of Uncle Fester (Jackie Coogan), was my personal favorite. OMG...he was both adorable and hilarious! I love how he could light a bulb with his mouth...
He had a face that seemed as though it was made of Silly Putty, which he could mold into any expression...
Here he is lying on a bed of nails; taking a nap...
And I don't know if any of you knew this, but Jackie Coogan started in show biz at a very early age. If you're a fan of Charlie Chaplin and remember the movie, The Kid, Jackie Coogan played the part of "the kid." His performance was AMAZING! To have been able (at only 6-years old) to convey such deep emotion and brilliant comedic timing was truly a testament to his natural, God-given talent.
Here he is with Chaplin. I love this photograph...
Grandmama (Marie Blake)...
Lurch (Ted Cassidy)
*Which was the hand of Ted Cassidy, pictured above. He played a double role in the show...
*Which was the hand of Ted Cassidy, pictured above. He played a double role in the show...
Cousin Itt (Felix Silla)
This was The Addams Family cuckoo clock. Instead of a bird, it had a lion that would roar every hour...
And these were the cookies they would serve their house guests...
And these were the cookies they would serve their house guests...
One of my favorite things about The Addams Family was the theme song at the start of each episode. Whenever I hear it, I immediately recall some really wonderful childhood memories.
Oh, and please feel free to snap your fingers as you watch this because I know you'll want to...
Have a spooktacular week everyone!
*Who was your favorite Addams Family character?
*Extra info: After the 60's television series, there were several spin-off Addams Family movies (both film and animation). And there was even a Broadway show, starring, Nathan Lane as Gomez. Oh, how I wish I could have seen that!
Me too, Ron, Uncle Fester was my fave! And I didn't know about the Chaplin film, The Kid. Now I'm going to have to see if I can find it, just to see Jackie Coogan as a child actor. He was so cute. What expressive eyes! I also didn't know about Lurch and Thing being played by the same actor. And I forgot about those cookies. LOL!
ReplyDeleteThe The Addams Family intro is a classic. And you were right, I did snap my fingers.
Fun, fun post, Ron! Thank you for the revisit.
I was a little bit too young for the show when it originally aired. I remember finding it too creepy. But do you remember me seeing the Broadway show in April 2011? It was phenomenal!!! Absolutely hilarious! Unfortunately, Nathan Lane had left the cast, but Bebe was soooo good! She was perfect as Morticia.
ReplyDeleteHow fun to watch it as your own personal marathon. I’ve done that with a few favorite series and recently that was a Playing House. If you can find it online, it was a USA show for 3 seasons and was SO funny. I think you’d like it! The Kenny Loggins episode I’ve watched half a dozen times because it cracks me up.
Happy Hump Day!
Oh my god, Ron, I so enjoyed this post because I am a major Addams Family TV show fan! I wasn't born when the show originally aired, but I started watching the series online and became addicted. About five years ago I bought the entire series on Amazon, so I own it. I not only got a great deal on Prime, but I also used a gift card that someone gave me towards my purchase and got it for practically nothing.
ReplyDeleteMy two favorite characters are Uncle Fester and Grandmama. I always think of them as a pair because they had so many great scenes together. And they were a RIOT! I also loved Lurch. I actually loved them all!
I loved how Morticia would cut the roses off the stems. LOL! And the plant (Cleopatra) that she would feed. And you're right, the reason it was so funny is because they took themselves so seriously.
Thank you for posting this today. I had so much fun reading it. And yes, I did "snap" my fingers!
I don't recall watching much of this one, Ron. Perhaps my folks deemed it too creepy for little kids, or maybe it came on opposite from something they wanted to see, or maybe it was on a school night and I had to do homework? At any rate, before your post, I couldn't have named even half the characters (though somehow, I remember hearing the name 'Cousin It.')
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for educating me this morning -- I love learning something before 10 a.m. (makes me feel like I've accomplished something early, ha!) Heads up for the smoke from those CA wildfires. We've been fighting haze and watery eyes for several days now, but a cold front (I'm told) will be sending the misery your way! xx
"But do you remember me seeing the Broadway show in April 2011? It was phenomenal!!! Absolutely hilarious! Unfortunately, Nathan Lane had left the cast, but Bebe was soooo good! She was perfect as Morticia."
ReplyDeleteOMG, I am so jealous that you got to see the show! And no, I don't remember you posting about that. And yes, the show was on Broadway starting in 2011. And I think it only ran for a year. I bet Nathan Land and Bebe Neuwirth were faaaaaaaaabulous! I was in NYC right after it opened and remember walking past the theater where it was playing and just from the photographs on the marquee, I could tell it was really great!
" If you can find it online, it was a USA show for 3 seasons and was SO funny. I think you’d like it! The Kenny Loggins episode I’ve watched half a dozen times because it cracks me up."
Thanks so much for the recommendation! And I will try to find it this weekend!
Have a terrific week, my friend! Happy Hump Day!
Didn't you just Uncle Fester? Jackie Coogan was HILARIOUS! And yes, I didn't find out about him being in the Chaplin film until after I watched it. One of my friends in Florida is a huge Chaplin fan, so she's the one who introduced me to his films. I think Chaplin was a genius!
ReplyDeleteAnd the only reason I knew about Lurch being Thing was from a documentary I saw on YouTube that was all about things no one knew about the show. It was such an interesting documentary.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Glad you enjoyed! Have a great week!
Hola Denise!
ReplyDeleteOH. MY. GOD....that's AWESOME! And it's even better that you had a gift card!!! I'm going to head over to Amazon and see if I can find that series because I would love to own it and watch it whenever I felt the need for a little "Addams Family!"
"My two favorite characters are Uncle Fester and Grandmama. I always think of them as a pair because they had so many great scenes together. And they were a RIOT! I also loved Lurch. I actually loved them all!"
Yes, I agree....they were very much a pair/team on that show because many of the scenes included them together. And like you said, I loved them all too.
"And the plant (Cleopatra) that she would feed." Soooooo funny!!!! And brilliant!
Whenever I hear that song, I can never resist snapping my fingers!
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a most fabulous rest of your week!
Ron, my girlfriend and I are both into Goth, so I hear you about The Addams Family. We started by watching the films and then went back and discovered the television series. As a matter of fact, we enjoyed the series more than the movies. I think because they're in black and white, and that they're an older TV show, it gives them a vintage feel which makes them feel more Goth.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely, Uncle Fester is on my favorite list, but I also loved Lurch, Thing, (didn't know about them being the same) and Wednesday. And the house, I love how cool is looked. I would actually love to live in that house. For real!
Really enjoyed this post, dude! Makes me want to watch the series.
Hello there Debbie!
ReplyDeleteYes, apparently you're not the only who didn't see much of The Addams Family, and perhaps found it creepy. I don't know, I must have been was a weird child, but I found it hysterical. And even more so, now.
"Heads up for the smoke from those CA wildfires. We've been fighting haze and watery eyes for several days now, but a cold front (I'm told) will be sending the misery your way!"
Thanks for the heads up about the smoke heading my way. Yikes! I've been seeing it online and am so heartbroken about all the devastation that these fires have caused. It's been on the cooler-side here lately, so I'm sure that front will bring it here.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a terrific rest of your week!
All I had to do was read your title and the theme song immediately got stuck in my head, so THANKS A LOT, buddy! Now I'll be humming it to myself the rest of the day.
ReplyDeleteAlso, well done publishing this post on WEDNESDAY. I'm assuming that was intentional!
I liked both shows as well, but The Addam's Family was definitely the better of the two.
I thought Jackie Coogan also played a Munchkin in The Wizard of Oz, but no, that was Jackie CooPER. Close but no cigar. His height should have been a giveaway, duh!
OMG, Mark, that was so perceptive of you to notice the day--Wednesday--because I didn't even notice that myself. HA!!!
ReplyDelete"I liked both shows as well, but The Addam's Family was definitely the better of the two."
Yes. And it's not that I thought The Munsters was anything less, it's just that there was something extra special about The Addams Family. To me, anyway.
"I thought Jackie Coogan also played a Munchkin in The Wizard of Oz, but no, that was Jackie CooPER. Close but no cigar. His height should have been a giveaway, duh"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG...that cracked me up---but no cigar! And do you something? I totally forgot that Jackie Cooper played one of the Munchkins (The Lollipop Guild). Those three little guys freaked me out more than the Flying Monkeys!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. And thanks for your humor!
Have a faaaaaaaaabulous rest of your week!
X to you and Tara
Hiya Matt!
ReplyDeleteHA! I kinda had a feeling your were also into GOTH, so I'm not at all surprised that you like The Addams Family! And I'd have to agree with you, I enjoyed the film (I only saw the first one), but the show was better. And I think for all the reasons you mentioned. I loved the TV show was in black and white.
I know, I only discovered that out about Lurch and Thing perhaps year ago when I just so happened to see a You Tube video on the behind-the-scenes of The Addams Family. I wonder if they paid him more for doing TWO roles? OMG yes, the house was beyond cool-looking. I loved the staircase in the living room. And the greenhouse area.
Doesn't it look like they're smoking out of a BONG? LOL!
Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a most excellent rest of your week!
LOL! I started singing the theme song in my head as soon as I started reading! It is a surprise to me both shows were only on for two seasons too. I was less enthused with the Adams Family movies that were made later. DO know the meaning of the phrase "binge watching," yes? 😆
ReplyDelete" DO know the meaning of the phrase "binge watching,"
ReplyDeleteHA! Yes! And it's so funny that you said that because I had originally titled this post, "My Weekend Binge Watching The Addams Family" -- I kid you not!
I agree, it's not that I didn't like the movies, but I was not as enthused as watching the series.
Yes, can believe that, only two seasons!?! Maybe because I was a kid and wasn't as aware of time, but it felt like those shows were on for at least five years.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're having a faaaaaaabulous week so far! It's be gorgeous here, weather-wise. Cool and sunny! I can FEEL Autumn in the air.
Ron, this brought back so many wonderful childhood memories for me (and my hubby) because we're all around the same age. Wasn't this show GREAT? I liked The Munsters to, but The Addams Family was better. And I don't know why. Perhaps the cast members? I always had a cruse on John Aston, but don't tell my husband. LOL! I think he and Carolyn Jones made the best television comedy couple. They were so cute together. Like you, Uncle Fester was my favorite. I also enjoy a lot of the guests they had on the show that interacted with the Addams Family. Many of them went on to have big careers. Like, Don Rickles. He was such a funny man!
ReplyDeleteI love photographs from the show you shared. I totally forgot about the lion cuckoo clock! And I always loved Morticia black dress. It's like the only thing she ever worn on the show.
Didn't know about Lurch and Thing, so you taught me something.
Thanks for such an enjoyable post, Ron. You never fail to entertain or move me.
And I know you're LOVING this gorgeous cooler weather, aren't you? Me too! xo
Hey there Elaine!
ReplyDeleteSo glad this brought back wonderful memories for you. Me as well. I was so excited when I discovered the full episodes on YouTube (for FREE). And I think you're right, it was the cast of the show that made it extra special.
"I always had a crush on John Astin, but don't tell my husband. LOL! I think he and Carolyn Jones made the best television comedy couple."
HA! OMG...that is so funny! And yes, John was so cute. In real life he was married to Patty Duke. And you're right, he and Carolyn made such a cute couple. They were perfectly matched! And it's ironic you mentioned Don Rickles because one of the episode I watched last weekend had him in it. And I was like, " that Don Rickled?!?" He was hysterical!
Love Morticia's dress too. It was sexy! Yes, I found that out after watching a behind-the-scenes video about the show. But before that, I had no idea.
Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! And you better believe it, I am LOVING this weather. It's so nice to walk outside and not sweat. Can't wait for when it gets REALLY cold!
Yes, I got such a great deal on that series set. And it was new, not used.
ReplyDeleteRon I forgot to say in the my last comment, I love Wednesday's headless doll LOL! I forgot about her having that in the show. I also loved the cookies! Such a funny show!
That's awesome, Denise! I hope I find a good deal too!
ReplyDeleteThe look-a-like headless doll CRACKED ME UP!
Oh, I love the Addams Family! The film from 1991 was great and we often re-watch it.
ReplyDeleteRon, I never watched The Addams Family or The Munsters when it was TV because I wasn't born until the 80's. But I did watched them later. I think it was on Nickelodeon, or some other cable show. I joke that I'm an old soul because I prefer all the old movies and TV shows. Other than a few things, I can't stand what's on TV today. Out of the two, The Addams Family was my favorite.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great tribute post to such an awesome TV show. Love the GIF's! Lurch was my favorite character, and then Uncle Fester.
Ron, you really put so much into your blog posts. If I can ask, how long does it normally take you to prepare a post because it seems to be time consuming with research and photographs?
Yes! Wasn't Anjelica Huston and Raul Julia great as Morticia and Gomez? And Christina Ricci as Wednesday looked almost identical to the original Wednesday on the television show.
ReplyDeleteYes,I love anything Goth. I'm also a big fan of Dracula movies. LOL!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Fiona! Have a great rest of your week!
Hey there Daniel!
ReplyDelete"I joke that I'm an old soul because I prefer all the old movies and TV shows. Other than a few things, I can't stand what's on TV today. "
HA! I feel the same way. When I was a kid, I always felt as if I should have been older because I loved all the old black and white movies. I used to watch them on Saturday afternoons with my mother. I also enjoyed hanging out with the grownups, not kids my age.
Aren't the GIF's stellar? There were so many to choose from too. I love the one of them dancing. LOL!
It takes me awhile to compose my posts, especially if it's one like this. I usually start putting my posts together 4-5 days before I publish them. I don't like to rush because so often I changed things before I publish them. Every once in awhile though (if it's a post that's primarily words, without too many photographs), I can write them much faster. Sometimes an idea for a post comes to me the second I sit down at my computer.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Daniel! Have a superb rest of your week!
Hi Ron, what a fun post and out of these 2 shows, the Addams Family wins hands down as the favorite of my husband and myself. We have the movies, but didn’t know the entire series was available, so it may be a future purchase. Thanks for all the great b&w pics and the show opener because we were both singing along early this a.m. Morticia and Gomez were the best couple! And, I knew about Jackie Coogan being a child actor, but didn’t know he was in the Chaplin film.
ReplyDeleteYou definitely put a lot of effort and research into your posts, which is why they are enjoyed and appreciated by so many, including myself. I also like the variety of topics you include. Thanks so much, my friend.
BTW, you are right about the classic film I asked about in my post today! And, I just knew you would be one of the folks to get it right
Hey there D!
ReplyDeleteYup....I think most people who watched both television shows back then would say that The Addams Family was their favorite. I don't know, there was just something extra special about that show. I didn't know the entire series was available either, until someone here mentioned it. And I did, in fact, find it on Amazon. I may buy it for myself as a treat for Christmas this year.
"And, I knew about Jackie Coogan being a child actor, but didn’t know he was in the Chaplin film."
I know, isn't that something? I found that out a while ago, when I watched a short clip of Jackie Coogan sharing in an old interview about what it was like to work with Chaplin. And it was then that I realized, "OMG...he was the "the kid!"
Thank you for your sweet and encouraging words. And I feel the same about you and your blog posts. You put so much time and energy into composing each post with such wonderful information. And you too vary your topics, so thank you!
Ha! I had a feeling it was "Miracle of 34th Street" because that movie took place in Macy's New York.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a great rest of your week and weekend!
I was an Addams Family fan, too, Ron! The Munsters just didn't do it for me.
ReplyDeleteI loved Gomez and how he flipped out whenever Morticia spoke French.
I recall that he had drawers full of cash and he'd invest in companies like Consolidated Lint and Amalgamated Rust. And he was always putting a lit cigar into his pocket; when he took it out, it was still lit!
This post was so informative, too! I never knew Ted Cassidy pulled double duty as Lurch and Thing. (I hope he got paid for it.) I didn't know about Jackie Coogan in The Kid. (Or if I did I managed to forget it!)
Thanks so much for bringing back all these great memories, buddy!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Hey there Rob!
ReplyDeleteYup, I had a feeling you felt the same because you and I grew up during the time when The Addams Family and The Munsters were on television. We we both from the era.
"I recall that he had drawers full of cash and he'd invest in companies like Consolidated Lint and Amalgamated Rust. And he was always putting a lit cigar into his pocket; when he took it out, it was still lit!"
OMG, it is so ironic you mentioned the drawers full of cash because one of the episodes I watched last weekend, he took fistfuls of cash from that drawer and gave to Trick or Treaters who came to his house because he didn't have any candy to give them. HA! And yes, about the lit cigars in his pocket LOL!
I thought the same thing, I hope Ted Cassidy got double pay for doing TWO roles. I mean, he did performed roles, so he was entitled to a double salary.
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Have a faaaaaaabulous weekend!