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Yes, yes, I know what you're all thinking, "IT'S MIDSUMMER, WHY THE HELL IS RON POSTING PHOTOGRAPHS OF AUTUMN?!?!?"

And I'll tell you why...

...because I am so over the horrendous heat and humidity we've been experiencing this summer that I felt the need to share images of a much cooler season. 

OH MY GOD, last week was so hot and humid (well over 100 degrees) that I literally thought I would die from spontaneous human combustion after walking just two city blocks. In fact, one day I had to turn around and come home; postponing my errands for that afternoon. The humidity was so intense, it felt as if I were walking through a sea of melted, sticky marshmallows. 

This was me that day and exactly how I felt...

The heat we've had this summer reminds me of the summer I spent in Japan. In all my years of living in Florida, I never felt the kind of heat and humidity I experienced in Japan. I adored my two months there, however, I would never go back during the summer season. Never.

I know that most humans idolize summer and wish that it could be summer 12 months out of the year; preferring the heat over the cold. But as difficult as this is to comprehend, I feel about the heat the way many feel about the cold. Heat does to me, what cold does to others. It immobilizes me and makes every muscle in my body ache. Heat to me is pure torture.   

Sorry to rant on like this, but heat makes me batshit crazy. I feel like a combination of Joan Crawford and Bette Davis...

Anyway, a few days ago I suddenly thought of the song from the musical Mame, "We Need A Little Christmas" and changed the words to "We Need A Little Autumn."

I found these photographs on a cloud where I store many of my pictures after uploading them from my camera. I had originally planned to share them last autumn, but by the time I decided to post them it was already winter. 


At the time that I took these photographs, I was desperately trying to capture the last of our autumn leaves. I took them over a period of about two weekends.

We didn't get as vibrant of an autumn as I would have liked. That is until the very end of the season, when our trees suddenly burst into glorious colors. 

Besides the colors, do you know what my favorite thing is about autumn leaves? I love when they start falling off the trees as I'm walking through the park; particularly on a windy day when a hefty gust comes along and makes the leaves leap and swirl, as if they're dancing a ballet. 

It's magical!

Please enjoy a little autumn, right this very minute...

I can't wait for the day when I can put on a jacket and walk down the street in the crispy, cool air...

Yup, I LOVE Autumn and look forward to its return...

Wishing you a COOL week, everyone! 💗


  1. Gorgeous photos, Ron! The colors are amazing. And I'm with you about this summer, the heat and humidity has been ruthless. I think it's been that way all over the the country because I have friends in various states and they have all been mentioning the heat this season. And I imagine living in a city that the heat and humidity feels even more intense.

    I love the little cartoon of you that day and exactly how you felt. LOL!

    Thank you for sharing your rant, it made me laugh. And great photos to boot! xo

  2. Noooooooo! Hahaha. But I understand. We have had some horrendous days here, too. Last week, I kept waiting until later and later in the day to walk. One night, I waited until 8 pm and returned in only a half hour (half my usual time) because I was so sweaty and miserable. It was hard just to breathe. Amazingly, it doesn’t bother my husband at all. In fact, he’ll go running in that heat. Insane!

    Fortunately, there’s A/C, though I end up wearing a sweater at my grocery store because it’s so damn cold in there. You can’t win! I think our high is only supposed to be 72 today, so hopefully you’ll get a cool down, too. Happy Wednesday!

  3. Yeah, Summer sucks, and yes, yes, - it's not the heat but the humidity but the heat is nothing to sneer at either. Ah, to live in a place where there are only 2 seasons, Fall and Spring. (When I lived in Philly the one thing, amongst many, that I missed were trees. I didn't know how important they were to me until I didn't have any. There is no green space in South Philly!)

  4. Seaside SimplicityWednesday, July 21, 2021

    I'm sorry about the hot humid weather you're having. The photos are so beautiful Ron! I've never travelled anywhere in the fall, I have only ever spent it in Florida. I really need to go see it for myself someday, it looks amazing and I can only imagine how great it feels at that time of year too!

    I have no idea why Disqus won't let me sign in anymore, I have to keep posting as a guest.

  5. ". I think it's been that way all over the the country because I have friends in various states and they have all been mentioning the heat this season. And I imagine living in a city that the heat and humidity feels even more intense."

    Yes, I think you're absolutely right about that, Candice. Like you, I've heard from friends in various parts of the US that are saying the same thing, this summer has extreme when it comes to the heat and humidity. And living in a city, as you said, makes it feel even more intense.

    HA! I found that cartoon online when I googled, I HATE SUMMER, LOL!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Stay cool and enjoy the rest of your week!


  6. "One night, I waited until 8 pm and returned in only a half hour (half my usual time) because I was so sweaty and miserable. It was hard just to breathe."

    Yes, OMG...that's exactly what happened to me one night. On my days off, I usually take two walks a day -- one early in the day, one later in the day after I have dinner. However, like you, I could barely breathe one night. I actually had to sit down on a park bench and cool off before I could muster the energy to walk home. WOW...I don't how your husband runs in the heat?!? That would literally kill me.

    And speaking of A/C, the A/C where I work is always having issues, so the room in which I work (which gets direct sunlight all day long) is unbearably hot. Even are customer complain about how hot it is.

    It's not summer I hate, it's what comes with summer (the heat and humidity) that I do.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. OMG...I WISH it were 72 today, however, the forecast says 89. OY VEY! Please send me some of that cooler weather. Have an awesome week!


  7. You're so right, Grace, it IS the humidity that's the worst. When I spent a summer in Nevada one year, even though the heat was high, it was a dry heat, so it didn't feel as bad as it does here. But OMG...the humidity in Japan is a million times worse than here. Japan is narrow and totally surrounded by water, which makes it a haven for humidity.

    I love all the seasons, except for summer. And I can normally deal with the heat most summer's, however, this year the heat and humidity is so intense.

    "(When I lived in Philly the one thing, amongst many, that I missed were trees. I didn't know how important they were to me until I didn't have any. There is no green space in South Philly!)"

    Yes, and that's why I savor the two small parks by my apartment because as much as I love city life, I NEED trees and nature around me as well.

    Much thanks for stopping by, my Libra friend! Stay cool.!


  8. OMG Ron, those images of Joan and Better are HILARIOUS! I'm sitting here at my desk at work and literally busted out laughing. The guy sitting next to me asked me what was so funny. I showed him, and he laughed too!

    We're having an intense summer here too. I mean, I know it's Florida and it's supposed to be hot and humid, but this summer is REALLY bad. But I have to say that when I was still living in NY, the summers there were freaking insane. I'm like you, heat makes me crazy. I don't mind being warm, but heat like this makes me feel all PMS. LOL!

    Beautiful photos! The colors are gorgeous. And it's funny because as I was scrolling through them, I actually forgot that it was summer!!

    Thanks you for the morning laughs, Ron. Stay cool and hydrated. Autumn is not that far away. ox

  9. Hi there, Martha!

    OMG...the heat and humidity we're having this year feels worse than what I remembered living in Florida. I forgot just how intense the summer's are here.

    Aw...thank you, glad you enjoyed the photos. I LOVE Autumn! That's one of the main things I cherish about living back in the Northeast. It's such a gorgeous time of the year. It's magical! And besides what it looks like, the cooler air feels so good against your skin when you're walking outside.

    "I have no idea why Disqus won't let me sign in anymore, I have to keep posting as a guest."

    Yes, I noticed that your comments are going into "moderation" instead of being automatically published. I tried several times to correct that on my dashboard, but not matter how many times I try to approve your name and email address, it keeps reverting back. For the past two months, Disgus has been having some major issues. I tried contacting them to see what's up, but I get no response. Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience.

    Have an awesome rest of your week!


  10. Hola Denise!
    HA! I just couldn't resist making that Crawford and Davis collage. And that is seriously how I feel about this damn heat and humidity.

    You know, even though I lived in Florida for 20 years, I realize the heat and humidity there is pretty intense. However, I honestly feel like the summers here are WORSE.

    "I'm like you, heat makes me crazy. I don't mind being warm, but heat like this makes me feel all PMS. LOL!"

    OMG, meeeeee too! In fact, I tell people that in the summer when it's hot, I experience what I call, "Male PMS MANOPAUSE!!!" I get batshit crazy.

    Aw... thanks, glad you enjoyed the photos. It was so much fun creating this post because it make me remember how beautiful last Autumn was.

    Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. And yes, I'm staying VERY hydrated throughout the day. I feel like camel, I'm drinking SO MUCH water!


  11. Ron, you know how much I love autumn, too; in fact, just the other day, I was longing to put on blue jeans and a hooded sweatshirt and my boots! There's something wonderful about a crisp Fall day, isn't there?

    We, too, have had a miserable summer -- far too hot and humid, and the temps have been all over the board. Now we've got a constant haze, thanks to wildfires from the northwest and Canada, and the mosquitoes have been AWFUL! Just walking Monkey outside is enough for both of us to come in dripping from the humidity -- and I don't like being wet! I know parts of the country are worse off (the Deep South, for instance, has had TONS of steady rain), but this stickiness is so unusual for here.

    Thank you for these lovely photos of autumn. I'm glad you opted to post them here today because Fall can't come soon enough, ha! xo

  12. Hey there Debbie!

    "in fact, just the other day, I was longing to put on blue jeans and a hooded sweatshirt and my boots! There's something wonderful about a crisp Fall day, isn't there?"

    OMG...yes! yes! yes! I dreaming of that too. And I also can't wait until I'm not sweating every single time I step outside and walk two inches. HA!

    "We, too, have had a miserable summer -- far too hot and humid, and the temps have been all over the board. Now we've got a constant haze, thanks to wildfires from the northwest and Canada, and the mosquitoes have been AWFUL."

    You too? It seems to be happening all over the US this summer. The heat and humidity have been intense. I haven't noticed any mosquitoes, but the gnats have been flying all over the place. In fact, I had to spray them with stuff the other day because they somehow got into my apartment and were flying all around my dinner. YUCK!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your feelings about this insane summer we all seem to be having. And I agree...Fall can't come soon enough!

    Have a great rest of your week, my friend. Stay cool!


  13. AMEN Ron! My husband and I were thinking the same thing over the weekend, we can't wait until autumn. As you know, I don't like the heat and humidity either, it makes very irritable and testy. I've never been a fan of summer myself. I can't imagine living in Florida like you did. No way could I take this kind of weather all the time.

    We both laughed at the cartoon AND the reference to Joan Crawford and Bette Davis. That is hilarious!

    And your photo put a huge smile on our faces. Just looking at them made us feel cooler. The colors are magnificent. And I'm glad you waited until now to post them because it reminds us that this too shall pass and in about a month and a half, AUTUMN WILL BE BACK!

    Hopefully, this coming weekend we'll be getting a break in the heat. I saw it on the weather channel. Stay cool, Ron! xo

  14. Ron, I forgot to ask in my first comment, where did you take that first photograph of the stone pillars? It looks like such a beautiful spot.

  15. That's a building next to Independence Hall. It's considered Independence Park. I think it's the oldest bank in America. However, I can't remember the name. Isn't it beautiful? I love to sit there in the Autumn and sip a coffee/tea on a crispy, cool day. HEAVEN!

  16. Helloooooooooo there Elaine!

    HA! Yes, I knew you felt the same about the heat and humidity. Hasn't the weather this summer been disgusting? It's just one intense hot day after another. Me too, I get very testy when I'm hot, especially when I'm walking down the street and the person in front of me is walking soooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow, so it makes walking in the heat all more torturous because all I want to do when I'm hot is walk fast to get OUT of the heat.

    I couldn't help myself with Joan and Bette! I love the one of Joan from the movie, Straightjacket. She was crazy in that film.

    Thank you, and yes, I'm glad I posted them now instead of back then because I appreciate them more, now that we're in the middle of the heatwave. And they give me something to look forward to in a few months.

    Yes! I too saw that we might be getting a break this weekend. In fact, it just started to rain, so hopefully that will cool things off a bit. Or, like in Florida, it could make it worse.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Stay cool too! Enjoy the rest of your week!


  17. Ron, that photo of the single leaf hanging from the tree branch is awesome! Did you use a zoom lens to capture that? All these photographs are really beautiful. The one at the top of this post of the stone pillars is gorgeous. You don't see that kind of architecture anymore. It looks so strong and well crafted. Is it some sort of historical building?

    We've had a hot and humid summer here as well. I think I might have mentioned this in one of comments to you that I'm a cold weather person. I don't like heat or intense sunny days that summer usually brings. Even as a kid I hated going to the beach during the summer and getting sand all over me. LOL! I always sat in the shade under an umbrella.

    I am very much looking forward to Fall. I love when you start to feel the shift in the temperature and can put on a light jacket. Soon, Ron. Soon!

  18. Hi there, Daniel!

    Thank you, yes, I took that leaf photo using the zoom on my camera. The lens the camera came with is not as powerful as I would like because I have to get fairly close to the image I want to capture, in addition to using the zoom. I may get a new lens for Christmas this year. And yes, that's a historical building, I think it's the oldest bank in America. Isn't the architecture stunning?

    Yes, I do recall you mentioning that to me. You enjoy the colder weather too. I love it so much that I enjoy the dead of winter when it's in the teens and single digits.

    " Even as a kid I hated going to the beach during the summer and getting sand all over me. LOL! I always sat in the shade under an umbrella."

    OMG, that is so cute! Oddly enough though, when I was a kid (and even in my 20's and 30's), I enjoyed the sun and heat. When I lived in Florida, I would sometimes go to the beach early in the morning and sit there until 6:00 at night. I used to love getting tan. However, when I got into my mid-40's, that changed. I started to dread heat.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Daniel. Always nice to see your comments. Have a great rest of your week and stay cool!


  19. Ron, I have to ask, how/where did you discover that heart-shaped leaf, it's so sweet. And perfect for Autumn Love!

    These photos are so beautiful. The color you captured is breathtaking. I enjoy summer, but I have to say that even I think this summer has been over the top when it comes to the humidity and heat. When it's that hot and humid, you don't want to do anything outdoors. You end up spending time indoor with the A/C. I'm looking forward to autumn as well. I just don't like extremes, whether it be hot or cold.

  20. Hi Clair!

    Isn't that leaf adorable? I found it just sitting on the ground in a park that I like to frequent. I was walking past a flower bed and when I looked down, there it was. So I took out my camera and snapped a few photos. And I love how it's turned in the exact position that makes it a heart!

    Hasn't the heat and humidity been intense this summer? Yes, and even people who love summer are saying that. Like you said, when it's THIS hot and humid, it wipes you out so that you don't want to do anything outdoors.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Stay cool and enjoy the rest of your week!


  21. As I post often on my blog...I look for heart shapes in nature, so your perfect heart leaf to close your post, I adore!!
    Yes, me too. Altho we have very little color change in Autumn (ours would be December), I too love the drier air & cooler days/nights.

    Enjoyed your images Ron. Very much.

  22. "As I post often on my blog...I look for heart shapes in nature, so your perfect heart leaf to close your post, I adore!!'

    OMG, that is SO COOL!!!! And it's ironic you mentioned that about heart shapes because earlier in the month, Martha (@ Seaside Simplicity) posted a heart shaped shell that she found on the beach in Florida!

    " I too love the drier air & cooler days/nights."

    A-MEN! This kind of heat and humidity wipe me out. That's the reason why I left Florida and moved back to the Northeast.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Anni. Have a terrific day!


  23. Yes, Ron, to everything you mentioned in this post. Fall is my favorite time of year, spring/winter are second, summer is last on the list. Of course, living now in New England, the autumn colors are the area's main attraction for "leaf peepers." I enjoyed seeing the fall colors in Philly, still one of my favorite places despite years of not having been back there, perhaps one day in the near future. Maybe I will see if a train goes there from Boston :-)

    Even here in Nashua, NH, it's been a warm summer with more rain in July than previous months which of course when the sun returns brings in humid conditions, definitely not my favorite!

    We have several older, now vacant bank buildings in downtown Nashua and I've seen others on our travels. Sadly, the newer institutions just can't measure up to these architectural beauties.

    Thanks for the early reminder that "better" weather is coming in a few months! Also, loved the heart shaped leaf, a great final image, my friend.

  24. Hellooooo there, D!

    "Fall is my favorite time of year, spring/winter are second, summer is last on the list. "

    Yes, and that's exactly how I feel as well. And OMG, I can only imagine how GORGEOUS Fall is in New England. And it's funny that you mentioned NE because in my previous post, I listed it as a place I would LOVE to live if I ever get sick of living in a city. The photos I've seen of it in Fall and Winter are just stunning! And I bet all that beautiful architecture is amazing to see in person. That's why I love about the older cities here on the East Coast, the old buildings.

    "Even here in Nashua, NH, it's been a warm summer with more rain in July than previous months which of course when the sun returns brings in humid conditions, definitely not my favorite!"

    So many people are saying the same thing, that this summer has been one of intense heat and humidity. It's the humidity that makes the heat feel so much worse.

    Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you're enjoying a fantabulous week. Gosh, I can't believe it's almost the weekend! Stay cool!


  25. I love the colors of autumn, but I'm in no way prepared for the winter that will follow!

    My son had a week of temps as high as 115 in freaking Oregon! And he works outside AND has no AC in his apartment. Brutal.

  26. Hellooooooooooooooo there, my Libra friend!!!!'s so great to see your comment, you have been VERY missed in blogland. In fact, I was going to email you sometime this weekend to see how you were.

    "My son had a week of temps as high as 115 in freaking Oregon! And he works outside AND has no AC in his apartment. Brutal."

    OH....MY....GOD...that's INSANE! I could never live without A/C, I would die. LOL!

    Hope all is going well with your property and that you're enjoying the summer!


  27. Hi, Ron! I'm feeling like a combo of Crawford and Davis some days myself... the heat and humidity certainly contributing. Gah!! Last couple days have been okay, even felt a bit of breeze... but it'll be creeping back up to 90+ any minute now. As much as I'd like to be out back at the patio oasis... between the mosquitos, heat, humidity... it's hard to enjoy the space right now. Which is why being inside with a new fur friend... yay, we got a rescue dog recently... has been nice. She seems to like relaxing in air conditioning too so we'll get along just fine. LOL
    Even though I do love parts of each season, you know my favorite time of year is autumn! Of course, I LOVED ALL your photos... wonderful reminders of the beauty and cool crisp breezes that will be ours to enjoy ... soon. I know not soon enough for you!
    Have a good weekend, friend!! Put a couple ice cubes in your next glass of wine and dream of better weather. LOL

  28. Helloooooooooooooo there, Mary!

    "I'm feeling like a combo of Crawford and Davis some days myself... the heat and humidity certainly contributing. Gah!! Last couple days have been okay, even felt a bit of breeze... but it'll be creeping back up to 90+ any minute now."

    HA! You too???? And you're right, the past couple of days have been okay, but I saw that tomorrow the humidity climbs back up. YUCK! I took a long walk today over the Benjamin Franklin Bridge from Philly to Jersey (Camden) and it wasn't that bad because there was a nice breeze. I also got some really cool photos from the bridge, which I will be sharing on my blog.

    "we got a rescue dog recently."

    OMG....that's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! And good for you getting one as a rescue. I'm sure she loves you to pieces for choosing her. I bet she's a sweetheart too!

    Yes, I do know that your favorite season is Autumn! Mine too! And I am soooooooo looking forward to cooler days when I can wear a jacket and walk down the street without sweating to death. LOL!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Stay cool and enjoy the rest of the weekend!


  29. Ron, my girlfriend and I were saying the same thing about this summer, it's been unusually extra, extra hot and humid. We're not fans of summer to begin with, but this year especially. One of my good friends really loves summertime, but even he said that it's been too much this year.

    Beautiful shots, dude! The colors really pop! Do you know what I'm looking forward too once autumn arrives? The FOOD! Soups, stews, hot bread, pumpkin spice lattes, and pumpkin pie!

  30. Hiya Matt!

    Yup, so many people are saying what your friend said about this summer! We had a little break towards the end of last week in the heat and humidity, but it came back yesterday. I was sweating like a pig by the time I got to work yesterday.

    " Do you know what I'm looking forward too once autumn arrives? The FOOD! Soups, stews, hot bread, pumpkin spice lattes, and pumpkin pie!"

    OMG....Yes! Yes! Yes! I was thinking the same thing! I can't wait to start making soups and dipping bread into them!!!! And pumpkin pie! My favorite!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a grrrrrrrrreat week! And stay cool!


  31. Oh, Ron, you're killing me!

    I love these photos and I love your hilarious condemnation of summer, but, oh, God, how I hate the cold weather!

    Yes, the heat has been awful and it would be nicer if things cooled down a little, but it'll be freezing cold in no time at all!

    Hell, summer is half-over already!

    But you know I respect your opinion, even though I think you're nuts, and I always enjoy your fabulous observations.

    Just don't go all Joan Crawford on me!

  32. Hey there, Rob!

    "Hell, summer is half-over already!"

    I know, and I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy about that!

    And yes, I know (being a summer lover) you think I'm nuts (in fact, many do), thank you for at least enjoying my observations!

    Much thanks for stopping by, buddy. And enjoy the heat and humidity while it lasts.


  33. LOL! I knew you would be posting this soon. Sorry I'm late to the party. It's been hot and humid here in middle Missouri as well. The humidity just saps the energy right out of a person. I like warm weather over bone-chilling cold, but this is verging on ridiculous. You'd think in this entire nation, there would be someplace with perfect weather year round! Your autumn captures are lovely. Don't's coming soon!


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