Post updates by email:

I'm sure many of you have noticed how over the past year or so, a hefty portion of your blogging friends have either decided to quit blogging or just suddenly disappeared from the blogoshere without so much as an "Adios," "Adieu," or "Auf Wiedersehen."

Poof! They simply vanished. 

I don't know whether people just get tired of blogging because of all the other social media apps that don't take up as much time, or what. Even many of the blogs I used to read that were extremely popular and lucrative have gone AWOL.

My Own Blogging History:

I launched my first blog in 2006 at Wordpress. It was a specific niche blog. Then in 2007, I launched this blog (initially entitled, "Vent") so that I would have a space where I could post on a variety of topics. And that's when I moved over to Blogger because I knew I'd have more freedom with my weblog design. It was at that time I started to teach myself HTML coding and learned how to customize a website. Blogger, with all its annoying faults, offers you the freedom to do whatever you want with your blog. For instance, you're allowed to upload and install a third-party theme and commenting system, and then customize them to your own liking. Now, I'm not in anyway putting down because it is a very powerful platform, used by many. In fact, my personal shopper blog is hosted there. But it's not without flaws and can be very restrictive when it comes to theme customization unless you upgrade to a paid plan. 

Truthfully, both Blogger and have their pluses and minuses. It just depends on what is most important to you. 

Anyway, I've been steadily blogging now for a total of 15 years. And like you, I've witnessed the ever-changing landscape. I feel fortunate to have been there in the early stages of blogging because it was such an AMAZING time to be online and on social media. There was an exciting and contagious energy in the air that exploded all over the blogosphere, allowing people to connect and communicate far and wide. It gave people a voice and invoked dialogues. With a blog, you could have your own space, yet at the same time share it with other people. I found the whole idea of blogging thrilling and so creative.  

For me, blogging was, is, and always will be my favorite way to express myself and socialize online. I've gotten to meet some of the greatest people (many in person) who have remained longtime friends.

However, I admit that even my own way of blogging has changed over the years. At first I used to post 3x a week, then 2x a week, then down to once a week. Years ago I spent an unhealthy amount of time blogging, as it began to consume my life. First thing in the morning, throughout my day, and before I went to bed, I would respond to comments on my own blog, while reading and commenting on other blogs. And I would panic if I couldn't do those things consistently. Even when I was on vacation, I would blog, comment, and respond to comments. I remember when my mother passed away in 2012 and I was in Florida for two weeks, even then I blogged.

Yes, blogging became an obsession for me. I somehow felt as if I had a responsibility to blog at a certain pace and live up to it.

But that changed.

In 2015 when I was hospitalized for two weeks, I could feel myself shifting priorities. I knew that I needed to back off and learn how to evenly distribute my personal energy and time. Getting ill was a positive wake-up call on so many levels for me. When you're in the hospital and in bed while having your left lung drained of fluid, you're forced to stop, look, and listen. 

Therefore, I made a conscious decision to change the way I blog.

I no longer feverishly check my blog all day to respond to comments - I will get to those comments when I get to them. And I also don't put pressure on myself to constantly check my feed reader to see who posted so that I can immediately read and comment on their blogs. I now take my time. And I don't put that kind of pressure on other bloggers. If people wish to read and comment on my blog posts, that's great, l appreciate it. And if they don't, that's their choice.

As far as posting goes, I only post once a week. Some months I'll post on a specific day of the week, other months I'll post on a different day. I no longer hold myself to a set schedule. I prefer remaining flexible and changing it up every so often.

And as far as my blog topics go, I post about things that truly interest me and no longer fret over whether or not those things will be of interest to everyone else. Mind you, it's not that I don't consider my readers when I post, because I do. However, my consideration is more about making sure that what I'm sharing is clearly understood, both verbally and visually. Back when I first started blogging, I would spend hours thinking of topics that would be of interest to my readers. Now, I share whatever inspires me, whether it's photography, something humorous, something about life, something about a film I saw, and then invite my readers to enjoy it. Realistically I know that some readers will, and some may not. 

Yes, I like where I'm at when it comes to blogging. 

I still love it with all my heart and thoroughly enjoy my interactions with all of you; sharing my life and reading about yours and what you share.  

Blogging remains interesting and creative to me, but at the same time, more relaxed with no self-imposed pressure. And because of that, I feel more inspired to blog.   

So as long as I continue to feel this way, I will remain in the blogosphere. 

The Internet claims that blogging is dead, but I don't think that's true.

Blogging is still a valuable means of communication for people like us who actually enjoy the "social" in social media...

Thank you all for being part of my blogging journey. Cheers and 💗!

*Please feel free to share your own history; how you blog; and things you've noticed about the ever-changing landscape of the blogosphere.   


  1. I too have been blogging for years!! And tho I have followers, I don't "see" but a few who comment... I used to read dozens of blogs a day, but after my heart attack (and like you in hospital), I set up priorities and changed my lifestyle. And blogging remains fun and interesting for me.

    Glad I found your blog!!!

  2. We have had very similar blogging journeys, my friend. I started mine in 2006 too! And it was in the early days very consuming and very exciting. Remember how meme-driven it was? There were awards and guest posting and interviews. Such a tight community, and then exactly as you say, people just disappeared. A few I knew had died, because others who knew them posted to let the rest of us know. But some I imagine just burned out on it. And also like you, my experience with illness really had an impact. I had slowed down considerably before my cancer, but the surgeries and chemo shifted my priorities. Now I also answer comments when I answer them and post when I feel like it and have time. I no longer feel a need to document my every action! But even though it's all changed, I still very much value the interactions I have here, the supportive community, and the friends I've made. Whenever I think I might give up blogging altogether, that pulls me back.

  3. Ron, as you know I don't have a blog but I'm on Instagram, and that's where I found you and your blog. I read quite a few blogs, but don't always comment, that is except for yours because I genuinely like what you post and feel the desire to comment. You also take the time to respond to comments, which feels like a conversation.

    Even though I don't blog, I have noticed the ever-changing landscape and how many bloggers just disappear into the ethers. Like you said, it may be because of all the other social media outlets that are not as time consuming. I think blogging is more quality time spent, but I like that we have more social media options now because there is something for everyone.

    Happy to read that you still love blogging and will continue. I enjoy you! x

  4. Hi there Anni!

    Yes, I had a feeling that you have been blogging for years because of the way you present your posts, with such care and quality. And also the way you respond to comments.

    " but after my heart attack (and like you in hospital), I set up priorities and changed my lifestyle. And blogging remains fun and interesting for me."

    Isn't it something how when life suddenly (and drastically) changes, we see things differently and our priorities shift?

    Glad I found your blog as well! I so enjoy your photos and reading about your day-to-day life. Have an awesome weekend, my friend!

  5. "I started mine in 2006 too! And it was in the early days very consuming and very exciting. Remember how meme-driven it was? There were awards and guest posting and interviews."

    OMG...yes!...yes!...yes! I remember ALL of those. In fact, I used to post interviews on my blog and have photo invites for people to share their photographs on my blog. What FUN that was! And as you said, exciting and such a tight community.

    "A few I knew had died, because others who knew them posted to let the rest of us know. But some I imagine just burned out on it."

    Yes, you're right. In fact, I have a feeling that two my longtime blogging friends have passed away because they were having a lot physical issues, but never officially signed off blogging, they just disappeared. And that makes me sad.

    Isn't it something how an illness has such an impact on how you see things and how you adjust your priorities?

    Yes, me as well, I no longer feel the need to document my every action, as I used to back in the early days of blogging. I actually prefer to read blogs where people don't post every single day because then I look forward to when they do post.

    " I still very much value the interactions I have here, the supportive community, and the friends I've made. Whenever I think I might give up blogging altogether, that pulls me back."

    Ditto! And thank YOU for being a part of my journey. So glad we met!

    Have a great week, my Libra friend! And thanks for stopping by!


  6. Hey there Candice!

    Thank you for your sweet words. For me, the best part of blogging has always been the comment secton, where people can share their thoughts and feelings. And that is what makes blogging so different from other mediums -- the dialogues. I love responding to comments and leaving comments on other blogs.

    " I think blogging is more quality time spent, but I like that we have more social media options now because there is something for everyone."

    You're right. It's nice to have different social media options because people like to communicate differently. I enjoy Instagram as well, for different reasons. And see, if it weren't for Instagram, you and I would have never met

    And I'm glad we did! Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!


  7. It’s interesting how so many of us have cut back on our posting, isn’t it? I started in 2008, after a bad experience on a message board that I was on daily for two years. Two of my friends from that board began blogging, so I decided to give it a try. I think I posted twice a week at the beginning, but my posts were usually very short. I try to post twice a month now. My blog has changed to be more about photos than my opinions. I’ve mellowed and am trying to be less negative about the world, but it’s hard sometimes! I don’t even post about a lot that’s going on in my life out of privacy for myself and my family. Sometimes I will post about personal things months after the fact because I need time to process it all.

    Yes, it’s sad when people leave because it’s like losing a friend. I think about many who disappeared from my early days. I think you and I met through Jimmy? I just remember liking your George Jetson and your positive, expressive comments. I’m really missing Martha, too! Isn’t she so sweet!? I feel as though I had just found her and now she’s gone. Hopefully, she will return. And I met Rob and Mark through your blog, so thank you for that! I’ve always thought about doing a post on all the people I’ve met through blogging who are now gone, but I’m concerned that may be an invasion of privacy for them. I sometimes wonder if they ever stop by, but don’t comment. But really, I think a lot of people forget their passwords and/or just don’t have the time or interest. I think you and I feel connections with people more than others do, so we just care more. Thanks for the great topic!

    Happy Thursday! XO

  8. Ron!! It's been awhile. Like 5 years awhile! How crazy is this? I've been thinking about YOU and blogging for the past few months. I kept telling myself I needed to check in with you. Then life/covid etc., kept getting in the way (long story for another blog post. lol). Anyway, just yesterday I began getting my blog ready to post again. Like you, I LOVE blogging. Not for the comments or followers, but for the feeling it gives ME. Of course I love the interaction with readers, but if no one wants to comment, biggie.
    I began blogging in 2007 and, like you and many others, was consumed with it. The expectations I put on myself were insane. I was working full-time AND raising 2 sons. I would get so angry with myself for not keeping up. But I wasn't sure who the heck I was keeping up with! So I blame me. I was trying to keep up with my own standards, which were unrealistic. I was never going to be Huffington Post. lol.
    A lot has transpired in my life in the last 5 years. Some good, some not so good (such is life). But my love of writing and blogging has remained the same. So just recently I decided to get back to it--for ME!
    Thank you for this post, Ron. I feel like you were channeling me! LOL
    I missed you, my friend, and I'm so glad I found you well!!

  9. Ron because I've only been reading your blog for not quite a year, I had no you were hospitalized for TWO weeks. Wow! Listen, do you mind me asking why you were hospitalized. If not, that's okay I understand.

    Wonderful post! And you touched on so many different things within the topic of blogging. Like you, I still prefer blogging over the other social mediums. I used to do them all (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even MySpace - do you remember that one?) But eventually I got so burned out on trying to do them all and just stuck to blogging. I like blogging because it's more of a community and like you said, it invokes a dialogue.

    I also didn't know you taught yourself how to customize a website. That's really cool!

    I'm so glad you and I connected and I look forward to continuing. I love the photo of the hand holding the blogosphere.

  10. Yes, it is interesting how many of us cut back on our posting. And I honestly enjoy that more because it makes me look forward to when people DO post. I'm also at a point where I'd rather post one really good, quality post per week, than several. It takes me awhile to compose a post, so I feel like it gives me more time to do that.

    "Two of my friends from that board began blogging, so I decided to give it a try. I think I posted twice a week at the beginning, but my posts were usually very short. I try to post twice a month now. My blog has changed to be more about photos than my opinions."

    Thank you for sharing that because in all the years we've known each other, I don't think I ever knew HOW you started blogging. And me too, my blog has change A LOT over the years. And like you, I try to stay positive in my posts, but as you said, it's hard sometimes with everything going on in the world, particularly here. So sometimes I just have to VENT...LOL!

    And yes, you and I met through Jimmy, that's right. And I clearly remember reading the first post that I read on your blog. It was about how Billy Joel and how you didn't care for his music. LOL!

    I agree, it is sad when people leave, particularly when they just vanish because you don't know what happened to them. And yes, I miss Martha too. Hopefully, she will returned because I loved the vibe of her blog. I keep checking to see if she posted, but

    "And I met Rob and Mark through your blog, so thank you for that!"

    Yup...that's right. Isn't it something how through blogging with people, we connect to other people. Almost like a chain!

    "I think you and I feel connections with people more than others do, so we just care more."

    I think so too. And it always impressed me just how close you can feel someone through their blog and yet never actually meet each other in person. However, I DO believe that one day you and I WILL meet. And I can't wait!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for being such a loyal and longtime friend. I really cherish that!

    Have a great rest of your week and weekend!


  11. OH....MY...GOD....PAMELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so AWESOME to see your comment today! And you're not going to believe this, but I have thought about you so much lately because I may be making a move sometime next year and wanted to get your feedback about the surrounding area of Pennsylvania were you live. I'll email you sometime later to let you know what I'm thinking.

    Yes, it's been like FIVE years since we've blogged with each and I really miss that.

    " Anyway, just yesterday I began getting my blog ready to post again. Like you, I LOVE blogging. Not for the comments or followers, but for the feeling it gives ME. Of course I love the interaction with readers, but if no one wants to comment, biggie."

    OMG...I am so glad to hear that and look forward to your post. Can't wait to read it!!! I'm going to make sure I still have your blog URL on my feed reader to be sure not to miss it.

    Do you know what I always remember about you and !? How we both used to use Rembrandt toothpaste! And I am so pissed that they discontinued it. It was truly the BEST toothpaste ever!

    "A lot has transpired in my life in the last 5 years. Some good, some not so good (such is life). But my love of writing and blogging has remained the same. So just recently I decided to get back to it--for ME!"

    Good for you! And I think that's the most healthy attitude when it comes to blogging.

    I can't tell you how freaking happy I am that you stopped by and let me know you're still here. I miss you too and look forward to your next post!

    Hope all is well with you and your family and that you're happy and healthy!

    Have a FANTABULOUS weekend!


  12. OMG, I really don’t like Billy Joel! So funny that you remember that! My early memories of you were how much you hated Hello Kitty! Bahahaha! I think we both need to do some updated What I Hate posts! So much for positivity! Lol!

  13. Hey there Daniel!

    Yes, can you believe that, for TWO whole weeks! And no, I don't mind you asking at all. I was hospitalized due to an infection I had in one of my teeth that caused an infection in my lung that caused me to get pneumonia. I could barely breath it was so bad, therefore they had to drain my left lung of a LITER and a HALF of fluid! I left a link to the post I shared back in 2015 about what happened to me in case you want to read about it in more detail. You'll find the link in the paragraph where I talk about being hospitalized.

    "I used to do them all (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even MySpace - do you remember that one?) But eventually I got so burned out on trying to do them all and just stuck to blogging. I like blogging because it's more of a community and like you said, it invokes a dialogue."

    Yes, I DO remember MySpace and joined it, but quickly deleted my account because I kept getting notifications from other people on MySpace to friend them. Same with Facebook and Twitter. I had accounts with them, but deleted them all and just stuck to blogging.

    Yup, I taught myself how to customize a website using HTML. Now, I can't design a website from scratch (I'm not THAT knowledgeable), but I know enough to customize things and change them. I really enjoy it too!

    Me too, so glad you and I connected! It been a pleasure meeting you!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Daniel! Have an awesome week and weekend!


    P.S. Isn't that a cool-looking photograph? I found it on a free image website that I used and added the text.

  14. Bwahahahahaha! That's right, l do remember posting those "I Hate Hello Kitty" posts! 😹😸😹😸😹 Yes, l think an updated What I Hate post is a great idea! 👌💡

  15. I'm glad you posted this, Ron, because I, too, have noticed how the Blogosphere has changed over the years. I started blogging way, way back after I attended my first writers' conference, and we were urged to start building a platform for readers to find us. Who'd have thought I'd enjoy it as much as I do?!? Blogging is almost like writing a warm letter to a close friend! I love getting comments and responding back to them, and even though I have plenty of readers who never comment, it's gratifying that so many do.

    Yes, it's frustrating when bloggers disappear for ages at a time ... with no warning. I guess if one gets sick or has a death in the family, it's understandable, but I'm still praying for some of the folks whose blogs I once enjoyed! And a part of me hopes they'll find their way back here.

    I know what you mean about it being time-consuming though. Some mornings, I find myself so immersed in reading blogs, commenting, writing posts, managing comments, etc. that I don't get a *thing* done, ha! It's easy to get burned out that way. I think that's why we all shouldn't feel guilty over stepping back once in a while and taking a wee break.

    Great thoughts, my friend. Enjoy the rest of the week! xx

  16. Helloooooooo there, Debbie!

    Thank you so much for sharing your "how you got started" blogging story because for as long as we've been blogging together, I didn't know that. I love hearing how everyone got started because I find it so interesting.

    "Blogging is almost like writing a warm letter to a close friend!"

    I LOVE how you expressed that because you are so correct, it IS like writing a warm letter to a close friend. And that's one of the major things I like about a blogging, the intimacy that occurs through sharing our lives.

    Me too. I NEVER thought I would enjoy it as much as I do. In fact, when I first got started, my mother was so surprised by how much I enjoyed blogging and how much I learned from it.

    "Yes, it's frustrating when bloggers disappear for ages at a time ... with no warning. I guess if one gets sick or has a death in the family, it's understandable, but I'm still praying for some of the folks whose blogs I once enjoyed! And a part of me hopes they'll find their way back here."

    Yes, I can totally understand if something like that happens because those are things that should take priority in ones life. It's just that I get very concerned when I don't hear from someone for a long time and they just vanish. I tried to contact one of my longtime blogging friends over the Christmas holidays last year via email and e-Card, but never heard back from her. I hope she's okay.

    And you're right, we do need to take a break at times and not feel guilty about it. I'm getting better at that.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing on this post topic, my friend. You've added much! Enjoy the rest of the week too. I can't believe the weekend is almost here!


    P.S. We are starting to get some really beautiful, cooler fall weather and I am sooooooooo happy about that!

  17. Great post, Ron! I no longer blog but still enjoy reading and commenting on blogs. Your blog is one of my favorites because of the time you take to not only put together quality posts, but also the way you respond to comments. I've been reading your blog since 2010 and still enjoy it. What I like is how your post on variety of topics. I didn't know you had a niche blog in 2006. Do you still post there and what niche is/was it?

    Blogging has changed over the years. The only other social media app I use is Facebook. I don't Twitter or Instagram. It's gets too overwhelming doing all those things.

    Happy to hear that you still love blogging because I would miss you if you left the blogoshere.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Ron xo

  18. Hola Denise!

    Aw...thank you :) I know, you've been a part of this community for over TEN years and I really appreciate your loyalty.

    That's the reason I started this blog, I wanted to post on different things and not only one topic. And yes, the blog I started in 2006 is still live, but I don't post there or have comments open. I leave it there so that if people are researching things, they'll find it. The blog niche is alternative modalities of health - Reiki, Reflexology and Aromatherapy. I really enjoyed posting there, but felt as if I had shared all I needed to share in that one year.

    I was on Facebook for a few months, but closed my account because I just didn't like it or find any need for it. Same with Twitter.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet words. So glad you and I met online!

    Have a terrific weekend!


  19. That's so neat, Ron. I admire that you're self-taught.

    And thank you for sharing the reason you were hospitalized. YIKES!...I read the link that you shared. What a scary experience that must have been for you. Glad to hear that you got well. I've never been in the hospital for anything, so I can't imagine what it must have been like.

  20. Up until that point, I too hadn't ever been in the hospital, other than when I was 6 years old and had my tonsils removed. It was scary at first because I didn't know how well I'd heal. But my doctor and nurses were AWESOME and so kind that they made me feel less scared. Even after I got out of the hospital, one of the nurses stopped in to where I worked at that time, just to see how I was. She was so sweet!

  21. Now, I share whatever inspires me, whether it's photography, something humorous, something about life, something about a film I saw, and then invite my readers to enjoy it. Realistically I know that some readers will, and some may not. That is how I look at it too. My style has changed and sometimes I'm not sure it's for the better. I think my posts used to have better content than they do now. I just don't have the time to formulate deep thoughts right now. Maybe that will change in the future. Our political climate is so supercharged, it's hard to know what will set someone off so I do find myself second-guessing some of the topics I'd like to address. Add to that, the "improvements" the blogging platforms make that actually make it harder to compose has caused me a lot of dissatisfaction (yes, Wordpress, I'm talking to you). I always enjoy reading your posts and very glad you have not disappeared from the blogosphere. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the bloggers like to follow. It seems like I don't have time to write, read, comment so one or two of the three falls into life's cracks. Plus, there didn't used to be so many social media options when I started that now insist on taking up so much time. I know......balance..... Anyway, thank you for providing food for thought and always visiting my place when I do succeed in getting some words down on "paper." X

  22. Wow, Ron, this blog post expressed everything I feel about blogging and it’s eerie how many of your feelings mirror my own over the past couple of years. we started our blog while living in VA and as it was a new online experience set up the aliases of Beatrice & Grenville. These days bloggers we've read for many years and have read our blog know us by our actual names, Dorothy & Patrick. We blogged about everything going on in our lives: fixing up an old house, gardening, life in a town of 500 residents. For many years, we posted almost daily. We had a lot of house and yard projects over the 12 years and small town life was fun to share.

    In recent years, I became the sole blogger, but less than daily. Now, I blog no more than 3 times weekly on no set day. A post is done a few days ahead and scheduled always at the same a.m. time and at least 1 post is a quick funny one, i.e., Friday Funnies. Many bloggers feel a need to blog daily and will apologize when they miss a day. I will confess to a compulsion to read and comment on many of their posts, but have started letting go. I check the blog daily, first to delete spam (thankfully it’s decreased) and later to read comments. I don’t reply to comments and unsure if commenters would return to read my reply to theirs.

    If others read and comment on my posts, I appreciate that and, if not, it’s OK. My posts are about whatever interests me , things we're doing, places we've been. If people just read and not comment, it’s OK, not everything interests everyone. The same goes when I read other blogs. Everyone has an opinion about something, especially politics or current affairs, I avoid these topics.

    I’ve met wonderful people through blogging, a few even face-to-face, most others just online. I agree that is it’s always so unfortunate when a favorite blog goes away, sometimes the blogger became too ill or passed away, other times someone simply tired of blogging. I really like to blog and while, my blogging patterns may change to weekly, I have no plans to stop anytime soon.

  23. Hey there Lisa!

    I enjoy your posts very much. I know you sometimes get busy, so I completely understand not posting as much because the same thing happens to me. And my style has changed as well. But I'm okay with that because that's bound to happen after having a blog for 15 years. As my life changes, my blog just naturally changes with it.

    And yes....OMG...our political climate is so supercharged, you're right. I don't post a lot about my feelings on our politics. I think in the last several years I've posted maybe two posts?!? And yes, I've gotten very passionate about the way I feel, however, I try to be fair and not bash people who don't agree with me and get nasty, like some people do. Some people lash out with such rage and name-calling, particularly if they disagree with you. Fortunately, my readers (within my comments) have been very diplomatic, even when they disagree.

    Over the past year, both Blogger AND Wordpress have done some major "improvements" LOL on their platforms that have left a lot of us very frustrated. I don't understand why they change things that are working well.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and feelings on this topic. Very much appreciate it, my friend! And I'm happy that you're still blogging because you're one of my longtime blogging friends.

    Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!


  24. Hellooooooooo there, D!

    REALLY enjoyed your comment! I LOVE hearing how people started blogging because it's so fascinating to know their blogging roots.

    Isn't it something how when most of us started blogging, we posted either daily or at least 2-3 a week? I didn't know that you and your husband both posted at one time and about your house projects, that's very cool! Kind of like a DIY blog. I enjoy reading DIY blogs. There are two that still read.

    I too post ahead of time and then I will set them up to post for the next day. I usually do that the night before.

    They only people who's blogs I read that post daily are usually the DIY blogs because they use their blogs as a business to make money, therefore I totally understand why. However, I don't read everyone of their daily posts because it just gets to be too much.

    Yes, I blog with several people who don't respond to comments on their blogs, and that's their choice because it's their blog. I just always have responded to comments on my blog, so I continue to do so. But I don't get stressed about it like I used to. I used have A LOT more blogging friends in the past, and it was insane the amount of time I spent reading and responding to comments. I used to get anywhere from 30 to 60 comments per post and it was so time-consuming. I'm actually happy that I don't have as many comments as before because it too so much time.

    "My posts are about whatever interests me , things we're doing, places we've been. If people just read and not comment, it’s OK, not everything interests everyone. The same goes when I read other blogs. Everyone has an opinion about something, especially politics or current affairs, I avoid these topics."

    Ditto! I feel the same about everything you said.

    And me too, I've met some really awesome people through blogging. And several who we met and hung out together. But like you said, some bloggers just go away without any explaination, which is unsettling to me because I always wonder if they are ill or died. I have two blogging friends who I wonder that about because I haven't heard from them in YEARS.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to share your thoughts, feelings, and blogging history. Really enjoyed! And hope you're having a fabulous weekend. The weather here has been gorgeous the past two days, so I've been outside savoring it. It finally feels like AUTUMN!!!!


  25. Hey, Ron, what a refreshingly honest post!

    Thanks so much for sharing your blogging journey with us. And while I'm at it, thank you for creating such a fabulous blog.

    I've been blogging for years, as well, and I was a bit manic when I first started. I'm down to one post a week now, unless something crops up.

    Blogging, like anything else in life, always works best when you're inspired.

    I'm also a little slower in checking comments and reading other blogs, too.

    Blogging--and social media in general--can monopolize your life if you're not careful. I think of all the idiotic flame wars I used to have on Facebook and I cringe!

    "Self-imposed pressure" is a great way to describe it.

    I love that line about the enjoying the "social" in social media. I enjoy long-form blogging and I've met some terrific people--like yourself, for instance.

    Take care, buddy, and keep up the great work!

  26. Hey there, Rob!

    Yes, and you've had your blog even longer than I've had mine, so I know you know how the journey changes.

    "Blogging, like anything else in life, always works best when you're inspired."

    Couldn't agree with you more! And I'm a bit surprised how I still feel inspired to blog because so many of the people blogged with back when blogging started have either stopped or simply disappeared.

    True, social media in general can monopolize our lives if not careful. And because there are so many more social mediums out there today, it's even harder not to get sucked into them all.

    I used Instagram too, however, blogging will always be my preferred way to communicate and socialize online.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your blogging insight, very much appreciated. And thanks for being such a loyal blogging friend!

    Have a great week, buddy!


  27. I think my last Blogiversary was in August, 14 years. As you know, I'm not keeping up with my blog enough to throw a party. No cake for me! LOL I enjoyed blogging for many years, and still do to some extent. I honestly can't say exactly why I don't stay more current with it. Yes, for a while the computer issues prevented me from not only composing posts, but commenting on some blogs. And it was a real PITA to switch between iPad (which is having some glitches now too) and my phone, which I loathe using. But it's not just computer issues. Maybe it's that I still use Facebook every day and then by the time I send out or reply to messages, and go thru my feed there, that it's been too much time online and I wander off to other things? I have Instagram and Twitter, but don't think I've ever logged into Twitter, and Instagram I only have 1 photo. I used to have biz/sales sites too, for my crafts, but am not current with any of them right now. Technology is wonderful, but it's always taken me a while to get the hang of how to do various things. Blogging took me forever to compose posts at times and when I'd experience glitches it was easier to close the tab than try and figure certain things out.
    Even though I've not been a regular poster/commenter for a while.... I still do think of many I've gotten to know some from their blogs. And it's wonderful when I do log in, check my sidebar and see new posts. Sometimes a person from forever ago will pop into my head and I'll miss the days of chatting back and forth via blogs. Right now, Valarie comes to mind. She was interesting, pleasant, and her page always had a bit of everything. I know she did post about ending her blog. Where others, as you said, just disappear forever and you wonder about them. So far, I've been able to keep popping back in eventually...maybe so I haven't given a formal farewell yet. There's still hope for me to get back here and stay more connected!
    I'm so glad you're still here!! I enjoy catching up. xo

  28. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY, Mary!!!! You and I have been blogging together for probably the longest of any of my blogging friends. We go back a long time, hu?

    I totally understand you feelings about blogging, though, because it's that way with many people I know who started blogging way back when. The whole landscape of blogging has changed. I still enjoy it not only for the social aspect, but I also love the process of composing a post (writing it, find the photos, etc.). It still feels creative to me.

    Me too. I loath using my phone for posting and commenting. To be honest, I only use my computer now.

    "I have Instagram and Twitter, but don't think I've ever logged into Twitter, and Instagram I only have 1 photo."

    I was on Twitter for exactly one month and then deleted my account because I found it completely useless. I enjoy Instagram but don't post as much as I do on my blog.

    Yes, I enjoy technology too, but it can be overwhelming and so consuming, so I have to watch how much time I spend using it.

    "Right now, Valarie comes to mind. She was interesting, pleasant, and her page always had a bit of everything. I know she did post about ending her blog."

    OMG...I miss Valerie SO MUCH! But at least she posted an official post about no longer blogging, she didn't just disappear and have people wonder what happened to her. I still will email her, just to let her know I'm thinking of her. She was such a delightful person to get to know.

    I'm so glad YOU'RE still here too!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor!



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