Yup, in spite of my fear of bridges and heights, I decided to walk over the Benjamin Franklin Bridge again.
But this time I discovered something very interesting...
I discovered that as long as I'm looking down from a bridge while also looking through the lens of my camera, I'm totally okay with the height thing. Oddly enough, for some strange reason, I can do that without feeling as though I'm being kicked in the stomach and falling over the edge. However, the second I pull the camera away from my eye, I am instantly filled with fear. In fact you'd be very proud of me because nine of the photographs that I'm about to share were taken by me bent over the side of the bridge and looking down.
All of these images were taken with my camera, not my cellphone. And I took them using the zoom lens on manual-mode; bringing the images closer to me and adjusting the clarity.
I very rarely shoot on auto-mode anymore because I want to continually improve my skill in adjusting the camera instead of having the camera do it for me. Besides, I feel that when I use my camera manually, I'm able to capture an image exactly the way I see it. Photography is an art in which you're using a camera as your tool to create the image you wish to compose, just like an artist uses brushes and paints.
On the day that I took these photographs, I couldn't have asked for more gorgeous weather. It was sunny, breezy, and coolishly warm.
I spent about 45 minutes on the bridge, walking almost completely from Philly to Camden, NJ and then back again. I love to walk. Love it, love it, love it! And on that day I walked my legs off (in total approx. 8 miles from my apartment, over the bridge, and then back to my apartment), but it felt so damn good.
Please enjoy my views from above, while overcoming my fear of bridges and heights...
(these first four images were shot through the guardrail, which gave me a sense of safety and security)
(these last nine images was when I got a bit more courageous and shot directly over the guardrail, looking down)
Isn't this little tugboat cute?...
Happy Spring, y'all!
One word...vertigo. Once again, you and I have another common denominator! TWO in fact. Fear of high places, and bridges. Funny thing is I can drive over bridges now without batting an eye...used to bother me where the floor board was my friend and security blanket until we were over it!! And heights? Yep, dizzy. Of course that may have to do with being blond (ha!!). I can drive, but step foot on a bridge...not on your life.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos...I appreciate your open air over the railing better. Those thru the railings are no go!!! lol
You are a brave soul dear Ron. You should try Royal Gorge bridge in Cañon City Colorado next. I'd say I'd be by your side all the way but if you believe that, I have ocean front property in Arizona you may be interested in buying. 😂
Ooooo Ron, I love these images! I especially like the ones looking through the guardrail at the construction guys below. Such a cool perspective!!! I love the contrast of the in focus, out of focus!
ReplyDeleteThe ones you took looking directly over at the passing freight boat are pretty incredible. You really captured the detail of the upper deck and the bright orange color.
Kundos to you for conquering your fear of bridges and heights. I'm okay walking over a bridge, I just don't like driving over them. UGH!
Happy Spring, Ron! xo
I want to chime in with Candice and say I REALLY like the ones you shot through the guardrail because it's such a cool perspective. And it's a perfect example of what you said about how photography is an art form, using the camera to create the image you want to create. And just like any artist, they see things differently. That's why no two people will see the same things in a painting, drawing, or photograph.
ReplyDeleteYou can tell from the lighting in your photographs what a beautiful day it was. I like how you captures the sunlight reflected off the water in the fourth photo down. Beautiful shots of the ship too! I like how you were able to capture the gradual progression of it moving forward.
Don't you just love cherry blossom trees?
"One word...vertigo. Once again, you and I have another common denominator! TWO in fact. Fear of high places, and bridges. "
ReplyDeleteHA! You too, Anni?!? And it's funny because I live on the 21st floor of my apartment building and I'm perfectly okay looking out over the city through my windows, however, I CANNOT look down whatsoever because it freaks me out. LOL! And I'm the opposite you when it comes to bridges, I'm alright walking over them, however, driving over them is a completely different story. YIKES!
And I just googled a photograph of the Royal Gorge bridge in Cañon City Colorado and saw what it looked like. OMG.....NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! But could you imagine the gorgeous shots we could get from it?
Thanks so much for stopping by, Anni! Have a faaaaaaaaabulous day and weekend!
Morning, Candice!
ReplyDeleteThank you :) About four years ago, on one of my trips into NYC, I took similar perspective shots from the top of Rockefeller Center (Top of the Rock). However, Top of the Rock is MUCH higher than this bridge, so the people and cars on the street below looked so tiny. Almost like ants!
I was so LUCKY to have been on the bridge when that freight ship was passing by. As soon as I saw it in the distance, I RAN further over the bridge so that I would be directly under it as it passed.
Meeeeeeeeee too! I'm semi-okay walking over a bridge, but driving over it is a completely different story. SCAR-Y!
Have a great day, my friend. And thanks for stopping by!
Hellooooo there, Daniel!
ReplyDeleteThank you! And as I shared in my comment to Candice, I took similar perspective shots about 4 years ago when I visited Top of the Rock in NYC. However, Top of the Rock is sooooooooooo much higher, so the people and cars on the ground below looked like ants. HA!
"And just like any artist, they see things differently. That's why no two people will see the same things in a painting, drawing, or photograph."
You are so right! Ironic you mentioned that because I just finished watching a documentary on Andy Warhol which touched on that very subject.
Yes, on the day that I took these pictures, the weather was so beautiful! It actually got a bit warm warm mid-afternoon, so I had to remove my jacket because I was actually starting to sweat.
I was so lucky to get those boat shots because I had to take them VERY fast while focusing the camera as it moved closer.
Great to see your comment, my friend. Thanks for stopping by!
It was coolishly warm that day? Just admit it, Ron, you liked the hot weather!!! Lol, I’m just teasing you. It looks like a beautiful day and I’ve also been so excited to see buds on the trees. Those cherry blossoms are gorgeous. Like you, I’m not a fan of heights. If I were with you that day, I would have stayed as far from the edge as possible! You are brave.
ReplyDeleteI am fascinated by freighters. It’s fun to look them up online in real time to find their names, where they’ve been, and where they’re going. You got some wonderful shots. But don’t smoke on that freighter! I love that tugboat, too. Thanks for sharing your fun but terrifying outing. XO
...and for me, I don't mind boarding a jet and flying!!!
"It was coolishly warm that day? Just admit it, Ron, you liked the hot weather!!! Lol"
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHA! For the life of me, I couldn't think of how to describe the temperature that day, and ended up coming up with coolishly warm because it was cool, but warm at the same time!!! But I have to be honest, I am so ready for SPRING weather. I love the cold, I really do, however, this past winter weather was (and still is) so bipolar - one day it's warm, the next day it's freezing. I adore Spring, it's the dead of Summer I can't stand. And I have a feeling this Summer is going to be extremely hot and humid. UGH!
"I’ve also been so excited to see buds on the trees. Those cherry blossoms are gorgeous"
Don't ya' just LOVE cherry blossom trees? I just wish the flowers lasted longer. They blossom and fall so fast. Cherry Blossom trees always remind me of the time I spent living in Japan.
"I am fascinated by freighters. It’s fun to look them up online in real time to find their names, where they’ve been, and where they’re going. "
Thanks so much for sharing that because I had no idea you could find that information online. I will definitely be looking into it.
I know, I thought the same thing about the "no smoking" sign. And do you think they could have made the sign just a little bit LARGER? LOL!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have an awesome day and a fantastic weekend!
Happy Spring! X
OMG...me too, Anni! In fact, last night I was watching a travel video on YouTube in which it showed the jet taking off and views looking out the window at 30, 000 ft. I don't mind the height of being in a plane because I'm enclosed in something. It's looking over the edge of a tall building in the open air that scares the hell out of me. LOL!
ReplyDeleteRon, I think I'd have been more scared leaning over those guardrails with an expensive camera in my hands! Don't you just know it'd be my luck to drop the thing in the water?!?
ReplyDeleteI hear you when it comes to fear of heights and bridges. When I drive over a bridge, I like to be in the innermost lane (so I don't drop over the side!). And oddly enough, heights didn't bother me the one time I got to fly in a hot air balloon -- that was heavenly! And as a child, I practically lived in trees. Gee, I wonder when that fear of heights began -- now you've got me wondering.
Glad you had such a spectacular day -- and I'm right there with you on walking when it's that nice. I've never done an eight-mile hike, but I bet Monkey and I could! xx
What a fun photo excursion, Ron, and you managed to allay your fear of heights by concentrating on taking photos instead. What a good way to handle that fear. I too am not especially fond of heights, but think i could manage a bridge walk. Years ago, I did walk the Brooklyn Bridge, but all others since then have been relatively smaller and lower too. The construction worker shots were interesting, but my favorites were the series of boat images showing various perspectives and yes, a very cute tugboat!
ReplyDelete" Don't you just know it'd be my luck to drop the thing in the water?!?"
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHA! Debbie, it's funny you mentioned that because that DID cross my mind at one point. In fact, before I leaned over the guardrails, I placed the camera strap around my neck just in case that happened!
"When I drive over a bridge, I like to be in the innermost lane (so I don't drop over the side!)."
Yup...me as well! And what really bothered me is when someone else was driving and I had no choice but to be on the passengers side of the car closest to the edge of the bridge. YIKES!
"And oddly enough, heights didn't bother me the one time I got to fly in a hot air balloon -- that was heavenly! "
You know, I've heard other people say the same thing about flying in a hot air balloon. Perhaps it's because of the gentle way it ascends and moves through the air? Even though I'm afraid of heights, I would really like to try a hot air balloon ride.
I've always loved walking. And that's one of the reasons why I enjoy living (and visiting) cities -- all the walking you do. And it's the best exercise too!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a terrific rest of your week and weekend!
Hey there, D!
ReplyDeleteYes, it was a fun excursion. And It was something I decided to do on the spur of the moment that afternoon. The weather was gorgeous, so I thought, "Why not go for a nice long walk!"
Isn't walking over the Brooklyn Bridge such a wonderful experience? When I first moved to New York City in the late 70's, I lived at Pace University, which is directly on the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge. So, my friends and I would walk across the bridge to Brooklyn a lot.
Thanks! And I was so lucky to have captured those shots of the boat because it was moving so fast, I was in a hurry to get the shots. I just kept clicking the camera and focusing as fast as I could.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, D! Have a faaaaaabulous weekend!
GREAT captures, Ron! The fifth one down is my favorite. I love the contrasts and shadows from the sunlight. It almost looks like a drawing. Well done!
ReplyDeleteNot fond of heights as well. I also don't like rollercoaster rides.
Happy Spring!
Hi Clair!
ReplyDeleteThank you. And you're right, that photo does look like a drawing!
" I remember visiting the World Trade Center Twin Towers years ago and being petrified to even look out the windows, let alone going out on the observation deck."
I visited the WTC in 2001 and went out on the observation deck. I was there with a coworker/friend. However, I have to say that I was not as scared as I thought I'd be, once I finally got outside on the deck.
And OMG, me too...I DO NOT do rollercoaster rides. No way! LOL!
Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a fantabulous weekend!
Ron, was the documentary you watched, "The Diaries of Andy Warhol?" I saw it on Netflix and was curious because the trailer looked so good. Did you like it?
ReplyDeleteYes, that's the one I watched, and YES...I LOVED it! It revealed so many things about him that I didn't know. It was such a bittersweet documentary.
ReplyDeleteAs always, Ron, your photographs are grrrrrrrrrrrreat! You continue to inspire me through your own photography journey. I'm going to start using my camera instead of always relying on my cellphone. And I'm also going to start experimenting with the settings on my camera. I don't know whether I told you this, but last year I finally broke down and invested in a Nikon camera. I've been relying mostly on using it on auto-mode, but I need to break away and start learning more about using the settings so that I have more control over how I want a photograph to look.
ReplyDeleteInteresting to read how you felt less afraid of heights while looking through the camera. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that you're looking through the lens, which creates a kind of "safe" distance between you and the ground? Whatever the reason, your photos ROCK.
Have a great weekend, dude!
Hiya Matt!
ReplyDeleteThank you! And good for you for taking the plunge and experimenting with your camera on manual-mode!!!! I'll tell you, once you start doing it, it will start to become second nature and you'll want to do it all the time. That's the whole reason why I upgraded to a more professional camera, so that it would learn more about lighting, aperture, and shutter speed. It's so much FUN!
"I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that you're looking through the lens, which creates a kind of "safe" distance between you and the ground?"
Yes, I think you are spot on about that. Looking through the lens is almost a barrier between my eyes and the actual height, giving me a sense of security.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Matt! Have a most excellent weekend!
Ron, big time congratulations for overcoming your fear of bridges and heights!
ReplyDeleteYou conquered your fears, took some great photos and got in a great walk as well. Bravo!
Love the ship photos and that tug boat! We're going to start calling you Cap'n Ron!
I'm okay with bridges as long as I stay away from the edge. I honestly don't see myself leaning over the bridge like you did. Give me them guardrails!
The cherry blossom tree is a great way to wrap things up. Can't wait for that spring weather!
Take care, buddy!
Hey there, Rob!
ReplyDeleteThanks, buddy! I don't like being afraid of things because it can stop me from doing enjoyable things out of fear. It's funny because the fear of not doing something out of being afraid to do it, makes me want to do it even more to overcome it. Fear has been one of my greatest teachers.
"Love the ship photos and that tug boat! We're going to start calling you Cap'n Ron!"
Yeah...or perhaps even Cap'n CRUNCH. LOL!!
What bothers me the most about bridges is DRIVING over them. I fear the car going out of control and going over the edge.
Don't ya just love cherry blossoms? Me too, I'm looking forward to Spring. The trees and flowers here are starting to blossom and it instantly puts a smile on my face.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Rob! Have a faaaaaaaaabulous rest of your weekend!
Ron, after reading your post three days ago, my husband and I decided to go into Center City and walk over the Benjamin Franklin Bridge one afternoon. Before we got there, we googled the entrance to the walkway entrance and found it. We had never been there before but were so glad we did it because it was such a nice walk. Like you, we picked a day when the weather was really nice. I remembered your last post about walking over the bridge and recalled how you took photographs of the Cherry Street Pier, so we did that too. What a great area! It kind of reminds me a bit of Lower Manhattan, down by all the piers. We plan on going back and maybe having lunch.
ReplyDeleteYour photos are so good! We took some with our cellphones and sent a few to family members to show them where we had been. Several responded back and said that it looked like such nice place.
You're very brave, Ron, because neither of us could look directly down from the bridge being that we both have a fear of heights, me more than my husband. LOL!
Hope you're having a nice weekend. And thanks for sharing your pics and giving us the idea of going down there ourselves. xo
Helloooooooo there, Elaine!
ReplyDeleteOh YAY...I'm so happy to here that you and your husband went down and took a walk over the Benjamin Franklin Bridge. It's is such a nice walk and area? And I'm also happy to hear that you visited Cherry Street Pier. In a few weeks all the inside venues will be opening for the Spring and Summer months (like the beer garden), so be sure and go back. They have a lot of really nice coffee places and eateries down there too.
Glad it was a nice day for you and that you got some great photos! I've been down there many times and keep finding different spots to photograph.
I feel the same way, I have such a hard time looking down from high heights, but I thought it was strange that it didn't bother me when I was looking through the camera lens.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're having a nice weekend too! I love the time of hear when you can feel the change (shift) in the seasons. However, for the next two days it's going to feel more like Fall than Spring. The temp. is going down into the 30's. But you know me, I'll hang on to that colder weather as long as I can because I am dreading the Summer heat. LOL!
Bravo for you for shooting on manual! And Bravo for putting yourself outside your comfort zone....again. Sometimes it seems shooting on manual is harder than it should be. I don't normally have a fear of heights but found myself feeling a bit uneasy looking down into the Grand Canyon a few years ago. I love the cherry blossom. We have a few pear and crab trees blooming but my beloved redbud trees are still a few weeks away. Hope you are doing well with your new gig. X
ReplyDeleteYes, Ron, in a few weeks my husband and I are going to revisit Cherry Street Pier and visit the beer garden and the various eateries and venues. Can't wait! Hope you're enjoying a great weekend! xo
ReplyDeleteThat's AWESOME! ENJOY!!! Hope you're having a great weekend too! I'm working this weekend and we're started a big sale, so the store has been SO busy. But I'm totally okay with that because I like staying busy whenever I work. I makes the time fly! X
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lisa! And I agree...sometimes it seems shooting on manual is harder than it should be, but once you start doing it regularly, it becomes almost second nature.
ReplyDeleteI remember your photos of the Grand Canyon and they were stunning!
Hope you're having a fantastic week. And much thanks for stopping by!