Did You Ever Snoop Through Someone Else's Bathroom Cabinets? I Have.
Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed snooping through the cabinets in someone else's bathroom.
When I was a kid and my parents would take me along to a friend's home, I would find a time to disappear into the bathroom and just hang out for 20 minutes or so. And I was especially fond of people who had multiple bathrooms, because that meant I could spend a few minutes snooping in each one.
My parents and their friends loved to play cards. So, right in the middle of a good hand, I would slowly work my way towards the “loo.”
Once inside, I'd lock the door and proceed to snoop like hell. Even back then, I was a product junkie and enjoyed seeing what products other people used.
I would start with the medicine cabinet; checking out what brands of aspirin, cough syrup, toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, shaving cream, and prescription drugs they used.
And I was very careful to replace each item back to the spot where I found them, so that no one could tell that they had been touched...
The cabinets under the sink were always interesting because I came across various cleaning supplies for the bathroom. Things like Comet and Ajax. Or, Mr. Clean and Pine-Sol.
Sometimes I would also find face and body moisturizers, tampons, a blow dryer, curling iron, and even dirty hair brushes!
Oh, and the bathtub was a magical place as well. I discovered shampoos, conditioners, back brushes and bar soaps. I would sometimes sit down in the empty tub and pantomime taking a bath. And if they had a really fancy shower curtain, I would close it and then slowly open it; pretending I was onstage singing and dancing.
And then, of course, the inevitable would happen. Someone would always knock on the bathroom door and disrupt my snooping.
When I would return to the room where the card game was going on, my mother would say, “Dear God, Ronnie….where have you BEEN?”
I would say, “Oh, I was in the bathroom and had a hard time making #2.”
Listed below are some products and brands I found in bathrooms.
To this day, I clearly remember the aroma of Jergens face cream. *Notice the price ($1.09 for 10 oz.)...
Lavoris mouthwash tasted like you OD'd on cinnamon...
The tagline for
Prell shampoo was --
"Radiantly Alive' Hair". What the hell does that even mean?!?!...
Gleem was the first "whitening" toothpaste of that time. It claimed to make your teeth GLEEM...
Many women (my mother included) used
Dippity-do when setting their hair in rollers and pin curls...
Back then, people used Bactine for EVERYTHING -- sunburns, bee stings, pimples, cuts, scratches, and even brain tumors...
The tagline for
Brylcreem was...
"a little dab'll do ya!" In case you're interested,
here is the 1960s commercial for Brylcreem. It's hysterically corny...
I loved the orange flavor of
St. Joseph Aspirin. Therefore, I would fake illness so that my mother would give me these. I'm surprised St. Joseph didn't come down from above and send me to hell for lying so much...
My grandmother used
Cashmere Bouquet body powder. And so much so that whenever I would snoop through her bathroom, the entire room (and everything in it) was covered in a thick film of this talcum powder...
Ban was the very first roll-on deodorant (
here is the TV commercial). As I got older and began using deodorant, I started with Ban. However, I no longer use anti-perspirant because it eventually caused cysts throughout my armpits. I now only use
a deodorant and have had no problems...
Sucrets lozenges gave a wonderful "numbing sensation" to your mouth and throat...
And because my favorite room to clean in the house is the bathroom, I always enjoyed snooping around; finding cleaning products like Sani-Flush with bubble action...
So yeah, I loved snooping around in other people's bathrooms. It was an obsession for me. However, in today's world, with surveillance cameras everywhere, there is no way I'd ever be able to snoop without being caught...
Happy Snooping, y'all!
*Admit it, did you ever snoop through someone else's bathroom when you were a kid? Or even now? Please tell. Your secret is safe with me.
Sorry...nope, never snooped. But the products from yesteryear I do remember them!!
ReplyDeleteI can picture you in the tub and using the shower curtain as a stage curtain. "Curtain up...light the lights"!!
Ron, this post is not only informative about products back then, but also HILARIOUS! I love your sense of humor! And yes, of course, I've snooped in bathrooms as a kid. And truth be told, I even do it now sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI looked at the commercial for Brylcreem and you're right, hysterically corny! I love viewing commercials for products from past decades. Even ones from the 90's seem like EONS ago.
I think they still make St. Joseph aspirin because I may have seen them in Walgreens if I'm not mistaken.
Ron, I would have loved to known you as a kid. I bet you were so much fun.
Thank you for the early morning giggles. I will come back later today and read this again. xo
Well, at least you admit to it! Nope, I’ve never snooped in someone’s bathroom, but now I’m going to be suspicious of other people when they take too long in mine!! Bathrooms sort of gross me out in general, so no interest in what’s in the cupboards!
ReplyDeleteWeren’t Sucrets tasty? And omg, the Vicks cough drops were delicious! The St Joseph baby aspirin weren’t bad, either. Whenever I got a canker sore, my mom would give me one to put on the sore to numb it. Only lasted for about 5 minutes! Lol!
I’ll tell you who’s a big snoop…..my husband! He has a habit of looking at EVERYTHING when we go to people’s houses and thinks nothing of asking how much they paid for something!! So embarrassing to me at times. It drives my adult children nuts when he’s looking around at stuff in their homes! LOL! The funny thing is, when they come over here, I see them opening up our kitchen cabinets and looking at our food, so maybe it’s in the genes!
Funny post, Ron! I can totally picture you with the shower curtain! XO
"I would say, “Oh, I was in the bathroom and had a hard time making #2.” LOL!!!!
ReplyDeleteRon, the same thing happened to me when I was using an anti-perspirant I didn't know what was wrong with me because I developed these small lumps in both my armpits that itched like hell. I looked it up online and found information about the possible cause. I stopped using anti-perspirant and the lumps went away. Thanks for leaving the deodorant link because I will try that one the next time I need some.
I never snooped in other people's bathroom cabinets when I was a kid, but I certainly did it as an adult. Even now, depending on who's bathroom I'm using, I may do a quick peek.
"However, in today's world, with surveillance cameras everywhere, there is no way I'd ever be able to snoop without being caught." - Isn't that the truth! Everywhere you look, there's a surveillance camera. You can't get away with anything because you're always being filmed. And I bet living in a city, you see that a lot. With all the crazy stuff going on in the world right now, it's probably a good thing though.
"I can picture you in the tub and using the shower curtain as a stage curtain. "Curtain up...light the lights"!!"
ReplyDeleteHA! Even back then, I was such a HAM. I always knew I'd go into show business!
Aren't those products a hoot? They bring back such vivid memories.
Thanks a lot for stopping by, Anni. Have a fantabulous Wednesday!
Candice, thank you for admitting that! Isn't snooping fun? And for me, it's only bathrooms that interest me because of the different products people use!
ReplyDeleteIsn't that commercial freaking hysterical? And what's really funny is that I remember seeing it on our black and white TV when I was a kid. Yet, it's only now that I see how corny it was.
Yes, you're right, they do still make St. Joseph Aspirin. It's package different, but they still do make it. I wonder if it tastes the same?
Thanks so much for stopping by, Candice. Have a faaaaaaaaabulous rest of your day and week!
"Nope, I’ve never snooped in someone’s bathroom, but now I’m going to be suspicious of other people when they take too long in mine!' ----- LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what it was with me and bathrooms when I was a kid. I honestly think that I always knew I'd be in retail, so "products" fascinated me. Even today, I love looking and learning about new products on the market.
"Weren’t Sucrets tasty? And omg, the Vicks cough drops were delicious! The St Joseph baby aspirin weren’t bad, either. Whenever I got a canker sore, my mom would give me one to put on the sore to numb it. Only lasted for about 5 minutes! Lol!"
Yes to all of that! And speaking of a canker sore, my father was obsessed with the product, Campho-Phenique, remember that? It was good for canker sores, gum irritation, etc. I remember my father making sure we always at a bottle at home, just in case we needed it.
And OMG, I laughed so hard at your comment about your husband being a big snoop!!! Maybe it's "guy thing." Guys must be natural-born snoops. Ha!
"The funny thing is, when they come over here, I see them opening up our kitchen cabinets and looking at our food, so maybe it’s in the genes!"
Too FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a terrific day and rest of your week!
Hellooooooooooo there, Daniel!
ReplyDeleteYou too?!?!?! Isn't it the worst? I started getting cysts about 4 years ago and looked it up online. Everything I read said that it's due to anti-perspirant because it clogs the pores. And it's amazing because when I stopped using it, the cysts went away. I discovered that deodorant years ago and found it very effective for killing odor. I sweat a lot, so if something works for me as far as odor control, I know it's GOOD.
"I never snooped in other people's bathroom cabinets when I was a kid, but I certainly did it as an adult. Even now, depending on who's bathroom I'm using, I may do a quick peek."
You GO, boy! I still do it too, sometimes.
And yes! Living in a city, I see a TON of surveillance cameras. In fact, over the past three years, I've notice the city installing more and more. We have a lot of crime and violence in this city, so yes, it's a good thing.
Always great to read your comments, Daniel! Thanks for stopping by, and have a great rest of your week!
Ron, the longer I know you the more I see how much we have in common! I'm a huge product junkie AND I love to snoop in bathrooms. I mean, what better place is there to snoop than a bathroom and all the products? I think you and I would have been BESTIES had we grew up together. Can you imagine the two of us snooping together? LOL!
ReplyDeleteIt's so interesting to see these vintage products! They still make Jergens face cream because I've seen it in Target. And speaking of Jergens, I use their self-tanner (natural glow) in the summertime. It's cheap and looks totally natural.
The tagline for Prell shampoo was -- "Radiantly Alive' Hair". What the hell does that even mean?!?" ------LOL! You're right, what the hell does that even mean? I wonder if they still make Cashmere Bouquet powder, considering all the warnings about talc? Maybe it's talc-free now?
Ron, I can't tell you enough how much I enjoyed this post. And that note in the medicine cabinet? Hysterical!
Thank you for the early morning laughs, you crazy man. I needed them today! xo
Hola Denise!
ReplyDeleteYou bet, we would have been total BESTIES growing up!!! We'd be known as the "The POOPER ROOM SNOOPERS" LOL!
"It's so interesting to see these vintage products! They still make Jergens face cream because I've seen it in Target. And speaking of Jergens, I use their self-tanner (natural glow) in the summertime. It's cheap and looks totally natural."
OMG, I too have used that self-tanner in the past. And I agree, it's natural-looking AND very inexpensive; considering the size of the tube.
" I wonder if they still make Cashmere Bouquet powder, considering all the warnings about talc? Maybe it's talc-free now?"
Yes, I'm pretty sure they do because I think I spotted it in one of the drug stores I shop, and also Target. But I'm also sure they removed the talc and replaced it with something like, baking soda or corn starch.
HA! I found that medicine cabinet note online and then added my name at the top! It was perfect for this post!
Thanks so much for stopping by; sharing your passion for products and snooping, my friend! Loved your comment!
Have a great rest of your day!
Fun, fun, fun post, Ron!!!! You and I are almost the same age, so I remember these products very well! Dippity-do, Prell, Brylcreem, Gleem, ALL of them! And I just about died when you mentioned Bactine being used for even brain tumors. ROFLMAO!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't say that I snooped as a kid, but I can understand the interest because it's the one room in the house that holds so many things. And btw, since you love cleaning bathrooms, do you want to come to my house and clean mine? I've got two! And for payment, I'll give you a bottle of St. Joseph aspirin and a jar of Jergens!
"And I was very careful to replace each item back to the spot where I found them, so that no one could tell that they had been touched."
Oh, you little devil you! You would have made an excellent private investigator!
Thank you for starting my day off with laughter, dear Ronnie! xox
Good morning, Elaine!
ReplyDeleteYup! I had a feeling you would recognized these products, being that we grew up in the same era. Isn't it fun too see how products looked back then? And also how much cheaper they were? $1.09 for 10 oz jar of face cream?!? I mean, I realize it was a different time, but still, it's amazing to see the difference.
"And btw, since you love cleaning bathrooms, do you want to come to my house and clean mine? I've got two! And for payment, I'll give you a bottle of St. Joseph aspirin and a jar of Jergens!"
LOL! Yes, I will. And you don't even have to pay me. I'll do it for FREE! Or perhaps lunch? I used to work for a house/apartment cleaning company in NYC back in the 70s. It was called, Lend a Hand. I loved that job because I could snoop through the bathrooms of the places I cleaned. And most of the time, the people who owned/rented the house/apartment were gone, so I could snoop without anyone finding out. HA!
I know, wasn't I a little devil!
Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Have a fantastic rest of you day and week!
Ron, I forgot to ask you in my first comment. Do you remember Clairol Herbal Essence Shampoo? I loved the smell!
ReplyDeleteYes, I SURE do! Loved the scent!
ReplyDeleteI found this vintage commercial on YouTube. Enjoy....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o1u894vmyE
I'm laughing hysterically. "Oh, I was in the bathroom and I had a hard time making number two." Oh, my friend. Thank you for writing this.
ReplyDeleteI've never snooped before, but I'm going to start now! I'll do it in your honor, and I'll brag about it. Maybe it's because none of my friends' bathrooms have medicine chests? So, if given the chance, I would definitely snoop!
I'd forgotten about so many of these bottles and brands! LAVORIS! Cashmere Bouquet? That brought back memories of my grandmother's house.
And that note in the medicine cabinet for you? I'd find the camera and shake their medicine bottles at it. 🤣🤣
Have a great week, Ron. 😘❤️
Ron, this post is hilarious!! You must've been quite a mischievous kid. I suspect you're in the right niche in retail, if you've always gravitated to product comparisons.
ReplyDeleteI can't say I snooped in bathrooms. They kind of gross me out, frankly, and I spend as little time in there as possible. But there are other places I might confess to peeking -- like somebody's jewelry box! No, I've never been even tempted to pilfer anything, but I do love to look at the glittery stuff!
Great post, my friend, and I enjoyed strolling down the Memory Lane of advertising with you! xx
HA! It was the only excuse I could come up with that sounded legit!!!! As I got older, I did finally confess to my mother about my bathroom snooping. The two of us laughed about it!
ReplyDelete"I've never snooped before, but I'm going to start now! I'll do it in your honor, and I'll brag about it. Maybe it's because none of my friends' bathrooms have medicine chests? So, if given the chance, I would definitely snoop!"
Try it one time, it's so much FUN!!!
I truly think my passion for snooping inside bathroom cabinets came from my desire to know about products. And it's funny because later in my life, I went into retail and am now a trainer for skincare and haircare products at my job. And I love it!
"And that note in the medicine cabinet for you? I'd find the camera and shake their medicine bottles at it. 🤣🤣"
Thanks a lot for stopping by, Kari! Wishing you a fabulous rest of your week!
Helloooooooo there, Debbie!
ReplyDelete"You must've been quite a mischievous kid. I suspect you're in the right niche in retail, if you've always gravitated to product comparisons."
Yup, you are spot on about that. I was quite a mischievous kid. I think I was always bored, so I had to think of things to occupy my mind. And yes, it's quite natural that I'm in retail; particularly that my job entails product knowledge and training. I love to learn about new products. And as long as I've been in that industry, I have never stopped learning.
"But there are other places I might confess to peeking -- like somebody's jewelry box! No, I've never been even tempted to pilfer anything, but I do love to look at the glittery stuff!"
LOL! And I can certainly see why! Having also worked for a jewelry company (Bvlgari) for 10 years, I really learned to appreciate glittery stuff!
Thanks a lot for stopping by, my friend. Have a great rest of your week and weekend!
Ron, I can't thank you enough for sharing that commercial! I so totally forgot about those. Hysterical! Do you remember the ones that were animated? I think those were the much earlier ones.
ReplyDeleteWasn't it hilarious? Yes, I forgot about those as well. And I DO remember the animated ones with the girl washing her hair in a garden. I love vintage comercials!
ReplyDeleteRon, I have to admit, yes, I've snooped in bathroom cabinets before. And I've always snooped in people's closets if I the bathroom I use is in their bedrooms. I do that just to see how neat and organized someone is with their clothes because I'm OCD about that. lol!
ReplyDeleteThis post cracked me up! I could just imagine you pantomiming taking a bath and performing as you open the shower curtain! What hoot you must have been as a little Ronnie!
So interesting to see the products from that time. And yes, I can't get over the price of things back then compared to how everything has skyrocketed in price these days. It's insane, isn't it?
Thank you for such an entertaining post, Ron. I'm still at work (on my lunch break) and enjoyed reading this!
Clair, thank you for your honesty about snooping in bathrooms cabinets AND closest!!! And truth be told, I've done the same with closets. I too like to see how neat/organized someone is; particularly with their shoes.
ReplyDeleteHA! I know, I was (and still am) a little ham. I even dance around when I'm at work if a good song comes over our music player. Sometimes even a customer will catch me doing it. But they just usually laugh and seem to enjoy it.
OMG, right? Aren't the prices so completely different from now? I realize that back then the pay scale was not like today, so things were less expensive to match the cost of living. However, over the past two years the price increases have been off the charts.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Clair. Have a great rest of your day and a faaaaaaaabulous weekend!
Little Ronnie
"I would say, “Oh, I was in the bathroom and had a hard time making #2.” Ron, I laughed my ass off at that! Dude, you crack me up. Even as a kid you were hilarious!
ReplyDeleteBoth my girlfriend and I read your blog, so we have two different answers to your question. I haven't ever snooped in anyone's bathroom cabinets because I'm too paranoid. However, my girlfriend has done it and continues to do it because like you (and other who have commented), she's a product junkie. I've told you before, our bathroom looks like the cosmetic department at Neiman Marcus! Yes, she's a regular snooper.
I love the photographs you shared of the products because they look so cool. VERY vintage. From the look and sound of it, Brylcreem gave men that 50s sleek hairstyle look. Am I right?
Another enjoyable post, Ronnie!
Hiya Matt!
ReplyDelete"However, my girlfriend has done it and continues to do it because like you (and other who have commented), she's a product junkie. I've told you before, our bathroom looks like the cosmetic department at Neiman Marcus! Yes, she's a regular snooper"
I'm not at all surprised to hear that she's a snooper, because throughout the years you've mentioned what a product junkie she is! I loved this -- "...like the cosmetic department at Neiman Marcus" LOL! I get a lot of free stuff (gratis) being in the cosmetic industry, so my closet is full of bags containing products. Half of it I give away to my friends because I hate wasting things that I'll never get the chance to use.
Yup, you are 100% right about that! If you've ever seen the series "Mad Men", you'll see the guys with that 50s sleek hairstyle look. Which I LOVE!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Matt! And please tell your girlfriend that if we lived closer, I'd GIVE her some of my gratis.
Have a super weekend!
No, Ron, I never snooped in bathrooms as a child or even now as an adult but now see what I was missing😀 My parents never had get togethers where they went to other people’s homes, although there were visits to other family members homes and yet I can never recall looking in the bathroom cabinets. Even as an adult, it’s not something I have done. That said, after reading this post, you caused me to wonder what I was missing.
ReplyDeleteThis was a great trip on product memory lane and clicking on the links was great fun. The only product I can recall using was Prell shampoo, although I’m sure my mother used Cashmere Bouquet (what a great name). Most likely, St Joseph’s aspirin was in our home medicine cabinet as was Vicks VapoRub and Vaseline petroleum jelly.
The taste of Sucrets was so awful. My preference was for Smith Brothers cough drops…remember those?
Hey there, D!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete"No, Ron, I never snooped in bathrooms as a child or even now as an adult but now see what I was missing."
It's funny because ever since I can remember, I've always had a fascination with snooping in cabinets in other people's homes. Particularly BATHROOMS. Like I said, I think because I was always drawn to products, ingredients, usage, packaging, labels, I naturally had the "gene" for working retail and selling different types of products.
Wasn't that commercial link a HOOT? And seeing it again made me remember seeing it on TV when I was a kid.
Prell shampoo was so popular back then. I can still remember how it smelled. My mother either bought Prell or Breck Shampoo for our family.
"Vicks VapoRub and Vaseline petroleum jelly."
OMG....YES! Those were two staples in our house!
Yes, I do remember Smith Brothers cough drops! I remember their CHERRY taste!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing on this post topic, D! Enjoyed your comment!
Hope you had a fabulous weekend! We had spring-like weather here in Philly all weekend.
Such a funny post, Ron!!! ... 'had a hard time making #2' LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI was always looking in cabinets and drawers and closets in my own house!! My mom hid candy and things, of course I found them. I was nosier at home than at other places, altho I'm sure I did poke around a little bit. I remember looking in a babysitter's purse one time and finding gum... had to eat a stick or two. ha!!
There is some trick to catching people snooping in your medicine cabinet... somehow filling it with some marbles, and then they open it and they come falling out and then you're caught. haha!
Helloooooooooooo there, Mary!
ReplyDeleteTee-hee! I was such a little devil when I was a kid. Come to think of it, I'm STILL a little devil. LOL!!
"I remember looking in a babysitter's purse one time and finding gum... had to eat a stick or two. ha!!"
OMG, that's HILARIOUS!!!! Had you and I been childhood friends, we would be Bonnie and Clyde!
"There is some trick to catching people snooping in your medicine cabinet... somehow filling it with some marbles, and then they open it and they come falling out and then you're caught. haha!"
Thank god that trick didn't come to into being while I was a kid, or you'd hear marbles falling out all the time!
Thanks so much for stopping by and catching up with my posts. You're a sweetheart! Hope you're enjoying a fabulous Spring!