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Is it only me, or has fall and its normally stunning color been a bust so far this year?

I haven't seen so much as one fall leaf. Not one. Everything here is still green. 

Of course, that could be because, for the past two weeks, it's been in the high 80s with 65% humidity, here in Philadelphia. 

One day last week while at work, I saw many customers walking into our store wearing shorts, tank tops, midriffs, and flip-flops. It felt like I was in the twilight zone because I couldn't tell if it was July or October. And me, someone who relishes fall, I've already been wearing my black turtlenecks because god damn it, it's FALL!!!

To be honest, I'm so tired of seeing overly-exposed skin. Particularly, muffin tops...

And trust me, we have A LOT of muffin tops in this city. We're talking women AND men. In fact, Philly is the muffin top fashionista of the Northeast. And that's probably due to all the Philadelphia Cream Cheese and cheesesteaks.  

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy muffins. However, I prefer looking at blueberry muffins. 

Oh, how I long to see folks in fall attire (scarves, gloves, boots, jackets, and coats). Don't you just love fall clothing?...

Later this month, I plan on taking a day trip to Lancaster, PA, which is only a one-hour Amtrak train ride away. Hopefully, by that time, we here in Pennsylvania will have gotten a nice cold snap, which is needed to snap those leaves into their bright, gorgeous colors!

But in the meantime, I would like to share some AMAZINGLY stunning fall photographs I found on Instagram. Sadly, none of these are mine.

Please enjoy my idea of a fall, in all its glory.

I LOVE you fall! 


I conclude this post with (as you all know) my favorite little creature in nature...

...a cute, adorable, kissable squirrel!

Hope you're having a colorful fall where you are. And if you are, send some my way, please. Thank you!


  1. Ron, you crack me up! - "Don't get me wrong, I enjoy muffins. However, I prefer looking at blueberry muffins." -

    Living in Florida, I see a lot of muffin tops as well. All. year. long.

    And yes, I love fall and fall clothing. That's one of the major things I dearly miss about no longer living in the Northeast. Fall and winter, and their holidays, are just not the same here.

    I heard from my relatives in NY that they too are not experiencing the usual colorful fall. It seems that summer is getting longer, leaving fall to start later.

    Gorgeous fall photographs you shared! They remind me of Vermont.

    As you said, hopefully towards the end of October you'll get some color changed. Has it gotten any cooler since last week?

    Have a wonderful week, Ronnie! xo

  2. Ron, squirrels are my favorite little creature in nature as well. We have a cedar squirrel feeder in our yard that my husband built. I love looking through my kitchen window and watching them in the early morning. It's like watching a squirrel show. LOL!

    We are now just getting some fall color. But like you, we had some really unusual warm and humid weather for the past two weeks. Fall has gotten off to a very slow start. And I am so ready for it! I have all my fall clothes pulled forward in my closet, but haven't been able to wear them yet.

    Stunning phots! One more beautiful than the next. I love that one looking through the leaf. Amazing composition!

  3. Ron, that muffin top photo is hilarious! You are so damn funny, man! I bet you could do an entire stand-up routine just on muffin tops!

    I'm with you, less skin is MORE! I find clothing much more alluring than over-exposure.

    Same here, lots of freaky warm and humid days the past 2-3 weeks. The weather here has been like a yo-yo. We get a few days of cool weather, then it goes back to what feels like mid-June weather. I can't wait to start weather my sweaters and jackets.

    Amazing photos! I really love the 4th one down of the wet road and all that beautiful orange color!

    Here's hoping we all get a nice cold snap this month! *fingers crossed*

  4. Hola and good morning, Denise!

    I couldn't resist. Tee-hee!

    "And yes, I love fall and fall clothing. That's one of the major things I dearly miss about no longer living in the Northeast. Fall and winter, and their holidays, are just not the same here."

    I so hear you because moving back here in 2001 made me realize just HOW MUCH I missed the seasons, here in the Northeast. I loved Florida. However, I just got tired of the same weather, day in and day out.

    "It seems that summer is getting longer, leaving fall to start later."

    Yes, it most certainly is. There are no longer season "shifts" like there used to be. The seasons all seem to blur together now.

    Yup, starting Sunday, it began to get cooler. Yesterday was even more so. I actually wore one of my light jackets. I was so excited!

    I'm hope at the end of the month, when I trip to Lancaster, it's even more cooler.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Denise! Have Tuesday and week!


  5. I’ve seen some Fall leaves, but not many. We usually don’t get the color change until mid to late October. It has been freezing here the past three days, so I have been wearing sweaters and jackets. But I still see people walking the neighborhood in shorts and tshirts, which I think is insane in 48 degree weather!

    Those are some of the prettiest Autumn pictures I’ve ever seen, Ron. Nice finds and I love how you chose some Gothic ones! A trip to Lancaster sounds fabulous! I’ve been there twice. The first time being around 1971 on our family’s first real vacation. We went to Hershey and then Lancaster and rode the Strasburg Railroad. Then my husband and I took our kids and recreated that same trip around 2001. We stayed at a really nice resort called Willow Valley that my kids loved, but sadly I saw that it’s out of business. It’s a beautiful area and I’m so excited to read about it in an upcoming post. Have a great time and enjoy the Fall weather that has to be coming your way soon! XO

  6. Morning, Abby!

    "Ron, squirrels are my favorite little creature in nature as well. We have a cedar squirrel feeder in our yard that my husband built. I love looking through my kitchen window and watching them in the early morning. It's like watching a squirrel show. LOL!"

    OMG, I LOVE that! And bless you for feeding the squirrels. I do it all the time in the city. I have several parks that I go to and feed them. They actually eat right out of my hand!

    "Fall has gotten off to a very slow start. And I am so ready for it! I have all my fall clothes pulled forward in my closet, but haven't been able to wear them yet."

    You too? Last year, I bought a new winter coat AND some snow boots, BOTH of which I didn't even use because it didn't snow. Oh, excuse me, I lied. I did snow. However, it was in late winter and it snowed exactly FIVE snowflakes!

    Isn't that photo amazing?

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Abby! Have a great rest of your day and week!


  7. " I have been wearing sweaters and jackets. But I still see people walking the neighborhood in shorts and tshirts, which I think is insane in 48 degree weather!"

    OMG, meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too! Sunday, the temperature when down to about 50. Then, yesterday, even lower. Last night it reached the high 40s, and I TOO saw people walking around in shorts and T-shirts! Insane!?!?

    " Nice finds and I love how you chose some Gothic ones!"

    Ha! Yes, and thanks for catching that. You're right!

    "We went to Hershey and then Lancaster and rode the Strasburg Railroad. Then my husband and I took our kids and recreated that same trip around 2001. We stayed at a really nice resort called Willow Valley that my kids loved, but sadly I saw that it’s out of business. It’s a beautiful area and I’m so excited to read about it in an upcoming post. "

    That's awesome! I haven't been to Lancaster since I was a kid, so I want to go back later this month for the day. It's only an hour on Amtrak, so it's a quick train trip. From what I remembered (and from looking at recent photographs online), Lancaster looks so dang cute! I work with a guy who is from there and he goes back frequently to visit his family. I'm looking forward to it!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Here's to a cool, crisp, and colorful fall!


  8. Morning, Daniel!

    " I bet you could do an entire stand-up routine just on muffin tops!"

    LOL! I probably could. Especially living here. That's all you see in the summer - muffin tops.

    " less skin is MORE! I find clothing much more alluring than over-exposure."

    OMG, I am so with you on that! Depending on the clothing, I think it can be much sexier than being overly exposed because it leaves something to the imagination.

    Yup, it's been a yo-yo here too. We didn't really have that hot of a summer. That is, until, September hit. Which brought us into the high 90s!

    LOVE that photo too.

    Finger crossed as well!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Daniel! Have a FAB day and week!


  9. "Philly is the muffin top fashionista of the Northeast. And that's probably due to all the Philadelphia Cream Cheese and cheesesteaks." -- Ron, my husband and I both read that and were hysterically laughing! That, and those muffin tops. LOL!

    I know, hasn't the fall weather been strange? FINALLY, on Sunday, we started getting some relief from the heat and humidity. We have never had do this in the past, but we put our A/C on last week because of the humidity.

    I know you love making soup, so with the warm weather, have you even started to make soup?

    Incredible photos! And not only because of the colors, but you can feel the crispy, cool essence of fall in those photographs.

    Like you, looking forward to the color of fall! Cute pic of the squirrel. Reminds me of walking through Central Park in the fall.

    Have a great week, Ron! xoxo

  10. Gooood morning, Elaine!

    Tee-hee! Isn't that muffin top photo hilarious? As soon as I spotted it online, I grabbed it.

    "We have never had do this in the past, but we put our A/C on last week because of the humidity."

    OMG, me too! I turned on my air conditioner Friday, Saturday, and Sunday because I couldn't sleep without it.

    Yes, I made soup yesterday. And I used the new Dutch Oven my friend, Kelly, gave me for my birthday. And the soup turned out so delicious. All vegetables, with fresh Bok Choy and fresh garlic. YUM-MY! I ate TWO bowls.

    I used to love walking through Central Park and seeing the squirrels all running about.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Here's hoping for a much cooler and brighter fall season this month!


  11. " I've already been wearing my black turtlenecks because god damn it, it's FALL!!!"

    LOL! Ron, you sound just like me! The second it's officially fall, I start wearing my fall clothes. Hasn't the bipolar weather been crazy? And it's not just here because I have friends in the UK and they say the same thing.

    I much prefer cold to hot. But didn't you live in Florida? How did you handle all that heat and humidity?

    GLORIOUS photos! I especially love that final one (before the cute, little squirrel), of the house and misty air. How beautiful is that home?

    I've heard of Lancaster, PA from friends who live in PA. It's one of the oldest inland cities in the United States if I'm not mistaken. And Amish. I love their food.

    Have fun when you go there, Ron. And hopefully we'll be getting some true fall weather. xo

  12. Good Ron, glad to hear its gotten cooler! And I bet by the end of October, it will be even colder. Can't wait to see your pics of Lancaster.

  13. Yup...I am sooooooooo hoping for a colder and brighter end of October. It's been ages since I've been to Lancaster. Can't wait! :)

  14. Those are some gorgeous Fall photos, Ron -- sorry the season hasn't arrived in your neck of the woods yet! I heard on TV that Fall everywhere is suffering. Colors are muted because of climate change, and I guess that's as good an excuse as any.

    We're not really seeing much color here in Central Illinois yet either, so don't feel like the Lone Ranger! I'm desperately looking for Fall color, but I'm finding very little. Maybe it's because we had such a hot, dry summer; maybe we didn't get rain at the right time. They say the cooler temps (which we're supposed to get, come this weekend) will help, but until then, nothing. Sigh.

    Yes yes yes, I, too, am eager for Fall. Fall clothing is the very best (and is really good at hiding what I refer to as a "wealth of sins" -- AKA muffintops) We have more than our share here, too, ha!

    Hang in there, my friend. I just hope the leaves don't all turn an ugly brown, then drop off in time for winter's snows! xx

  15. Hey there, Candice!

    "Hasn't the bipolar weather been crazy? And it's not just here because I have friends in the UK and they say the same thing."

    Yes, it sure has! I spoke to several people who were in our store visiting from various parts of Europe over the weekend (such as the UK) and they said that they were having the same kind of weather. Must be happening all over.

    "I much prefer cold to hot. But didn't you live in Florida? How did you handle all that heat and humidity?"

    Yes I did. Believe it or not, I used to LOVE and ADORE heat and humidity. I kid you not. However, after turning 45, that all changed. I suddenly couldn't stand being hot. Which is why I moved back to the Northeast.

    Isn't that home GORGEOUS? The second I saw it, I knew I wanted to include it. I want to LIVE in that house! LOL!

    You're right, Lancaster IS one of the oldest inland cities in the U.S. I haven't been there since I was a kid, so I'm looking forward to seeing it again.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Candice. Have a FAB rest of your week!


  16. " Fall clothing is the very best (and is really good at hiding what I refer to as a "wealth of sins" -- AKA muffintops) We have more than our share here, too, ha!"

    LOL! Debbie I LOVED that!!!!! And you're right, it does hide a wealth of sins! I honestly have nothing against weight because I actually like people who are full-figured. Most of the guys I've dated are what I call, "Teddy Bears". Ha! However, wearing clothing that "creates" muffin tops (like tight, tight pants or slacks that ride low) just looks sloppy. We have a lot of that in Philly.

    "I heard on TV that Fall everywhere is suffering. Colors are muted because of climate change, and I guess that's as good an excuse as any."

    Yes, I've heard that not on the news, but from people who are visiting from various places and say it's the same there. I just miss those vibrant, colorful fall leaves. Well, maybe by the end of the month we'll get a really good cold snap.

    And you're right about the summer rain. Same here.

    " I just hope the leaves don't all turn an ugly brown, then drop off in time for winter's snows!"

    UGH....meeeeeeeee too!

    Always enjoyable reading your comments, my friend. Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a great rest of your week!


  17. "Philly is the muffin top fashionista of the Northeast." - LOL! Only you Ron, only you could come up with that! Hysterical!

    Same here, it's not been the usual color me beautiful fall as past years. And I think it's the crazy weather we've been having. We had to run our air conditioner a few time the past two weeks because I can't sleep when it's humid. Hoping that by the end of October we get some nice cold fall weather.

    Love these images! And as one of your other commenters mentioned, I noticed the GOTH ones! Which by the way, my girlfriend and I are going to a Halloween party this month and we're going as Kim and Edward from 'Edward Scissorhands". Looking forward to it!

  18. Hiya, Matt!'

    And it's true, Philly is the muffin top fashionist of the Northeast! Ha!

    "We had to run our air conditioner a few time the past two weeks because I can't sleep when it's humid."

    Yup, I had to do the same thing. I have an A/C window unit in my apartment. Normally by this time I have it covered in a plastic case for the fall and winter months because it blocks out the cold wind. And I am so glad I didn't cover it because I would have had to remove it last week.

    I KNEW you would notice the GOTH ones!!

    "and we're going as Kim and Edward from 'Edward Scissorhands".

    OMG, that is sooooooooooooo cool! That movie is one of my all-time favorites! I have it on DVD! LOVE that film!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Matt. Have a grrrrrreat rest of your week!


  19. Oh Ron, that soup sounds delicious. I love Bok Choy. Not only tasty, but so healthy!

  20. OMG, it was so damn good! I had never used bok choy in any recipe, but wanted to try it. I had no idea how to prepare it or cook it. So I went online and found a recipe from a woman I follow on YouTube. I made a huge pot of it, so I had it for several days. And you're right, I read somewhere that bok choy is even more nutritious than spinach and kale.

  21. I LOVE THOSE CUTE MUFFIN TOPS! Not the other kind though. 🤣
    I've been thinking about you this week because it's been below 60 degrees. It's our time to SHINE, my friend!

    I love fall clothing, too! I just switched my closet and am so excited to wear my cozy clothes.

    I'm sure the fall colors are spectacular on the East Coast. I've been to Lancaster before, when I was a little girl! I'd love to read a post about what you do there when you visit. Hint, hint.
    I hope you have a great time and enjoy the weather! 😘❤️

  22. "I LOVE THOSE CUTE MUFFIN TOPS! Not the other kind though. 🤣"

    LOL! Kari!!!!

    "I've been thinking about you this week because it's been below 60 degrees. It's our time to SHINE, my friend!"

    Yes, we FINALLY just got some fallish temps this week. I was even able to wear one of my light down vests. Yahooooooooooo!

    I am so looking forward to my day-trip to Lancaster at the end of this month. Here's hoping that by then we get a cold snap, and will see some bright fall leaves!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a faaaaaaaabulous weekend!


  23. Ron, only wish I could send you some fall colors, but it's much the same here in Nashua, NH. There are fallen leaves on the ground, but sadly not much color, certainly nothing that comp[ares to the images in this post. I recognized the crumbling staircase from Madame Sherri's Castle as we visited the site a couple of years ago.

  24. " I recognized the crumbling staircase from Madame Sherri's Castle as we visited the site a couple of years ago."

    That is SO cool, D! I didn't know exactly where that photo was taken. When you mentioned the name, I Google it and was like, WOW! gorgeous! I didn't know that it was in NH!?!? I would love to see that place in person.

    " I could send you some fall colors, but it's much the same here in Nashua, NH"

    That's what everyone said in their comments of where they are located. Even people I've talked to who are visiting Philly from the UK have said the same.

    Here's hoping that by the end of the month, we'll be getting colder weather, which will bring on the colorful foliage.

    Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a terrific weekend!


  25. Funny muffin photo. ;)
    Yeah, this weather can suck it! LOL A couple days were cool, but the forecast this week says almost 70 on Thurs. and Fri. And then rain again for part of the weekend, which normally doesn't bother me, but craft festivals are getting rained out. I've got containers full of painted rocks and other things piled up in my living room.

    I'll be looking forward to details of your day trip to Lancaster. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself very much.
    Those photos you found are all gorgeous!

  26. Helloooooooooooo there, Mary!

    You got that right! We too got some really nice cool days (which everyone was already complaining about). I see this weekend we too are getting rain. Like you, I don't mind rain at all, but if I were partaking in a craft festival, I too would be feel bothered. But hey, you never know if that will change. With the psycho weather being as it is, you may get sunshine!

    Looking forward to Lancaster as well. I changed my trip to the first week in November because I want those leaves to change color and be BRIGHT.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Hope you're having a FAB week!



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