The wonderful Sorrow, over at Walking the Labyrinth of Life, surprised her readers by passing forward this Sharing the Love award.
(isn’t it a cool graphic?)
It was created by Crystal.
For those of you who already visit Sorrow, understand WHY she was given this award.
This lady genuinely shares the gift of LOVE in so many ways. Not only through sharing her words and energy, but for also reaching out to help those in need. You may not know this, but Sorrow is a very gifted artist, who sells some of her work on her very own Itsy Page (sorry, but I’m bragging about you…and I don’t care). All the proceeds from sales go to various charities. So if you have some time this weekend, please visit not only her blog, but also The Labyrinth of Life Shop. She’s created some very special things…that would make ideal gifts!
So thank you Lady Sorrow. Not only for being my “late-night” blogging buddy, but for also showing me what LOVE is all about.
I’m so DAMN happy that we’ve met!
Now…their’s no way in hell I can just pass this award on to certain people.
One of MAJOR things that I love about having this blog, is the interaction I have with all of you through comments. And I hope you all know, just how much I appreciate the time you take to read my posts and for also taking the time to share your own magical stories.
I’ve said this before…and I’ll say it again…
Everyone who visits here, has the BEST sense of humor.
And within that humor…I always feel your LOVE.
So I would like to share this award with every single person who visits Vent.
(even those of you who have just recently stopped by)
If you’re not into awards…I TOTALLY understand. But please know that I share this with you in spirit.
For those of you who ARE into awards, please feel free to take this graphic and place it on you blog. And if you so desire…pass it forward to others who Share the Love.
So thank you EVERYONE…for sharing the love and humor in your heart!
And enjoy your holiday weekend!

Ron...you are so wonerful. I swear...you fucking ROCK!. I sid I swear. hehehe.
ReplyDeleteI love the pic of the American flag and bowl of kitty. I love kitties, I just can't eat a whole me. :D I'm kidding...for those serious people that may take that wrong.
I had a kitty cat by the name of Piewacket. A name from a movie staring my mother...Kim Novak. ha, I say that because mother and Kim...looked so alike.It was like a connection to mother through a kitten...I know, I know...what a kook. I don't know why they don't put me away? hehehehe
okay...I will visit sorrow and check her blog out. The award looks fabulous.
ciao babes.
Kim reminds me of mother. 's a joke...for those akitty andck! well a little. Not a lot
First of all Happy 4th July to you my friend. :)
ReplyDeleteYou so deserve that award because this place is just so FULL of LOVE!
I'll take the award and put it in my award room over at Slide. Thankyou xxx's
What a fun award Ron!
ReplyDeleteHave a great holiday.
Sorrow is not only a fabulous blogger but she is an incredible artist. I'm the very proud owner of a gorgeous bowl she made. It's just exquisite. I have it displayed on the wall in my kitchen where I can see it every day. I love to touch it. She included a sweet little heart that was made by one of her children that is just precious. It's really special to buy something made with love that also passes love and hope to others. I hope everyone will visit Sorrow's Etsy shop. I know I'll be going back. I've got my eye on something. I'd better hurry or it'll get sold before I can buy it!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ron! You SO deserve that award.
Have a safe & happy 4th, too!
Dear Miss Jones....
ReplyDeleteYou ROCK too!!!
Hey...and thanks for enjoying the KITTY in the bowl. I LOVE KITTIES TOO!! Kitties ROCK! Don't ya just love their attitude??
OMG...I loved Kim Novak. I remember seeing her in a movie called, The Eddie Duchin Story...she was so stunning!
WOW...and your mom looked like her?
As you can tell...I love all the classic movies stars. There was just something about them, that REALLY looked like a STAR!
Anyway, Miss Jones...please take this award and enjoy it!
It's a pleasure having you as one of my blogging buddies!!
Hope you're having a GREAT 4th!
ciao bella!
Afternoon Akelamalu...
ReplyDeleteThank you my friend!
Happy 4th to YOU too!
GREAT!!!...please take this award and place it in your award room.
(I love how you created that...it's soooo cool!)
And I know you'll enjoy passing it forward to all your wonderful readers.
Thanks for stopping by today, dear lady. And MUCH thanks for being my blogging buddy!!
And for sharing the LOVE!
Hellooooo Nicole!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy July 4th!!!!
I know your probably having a cook-out with your family and having a great time!
Don't forget the SPARKLERS!!
(I love sparklers!)
Thank you for being such a wonderful blogging buddy, Nicole!
I'm so glad we've met!
HAPPY 4TH Miss Nitebyrd!!!
ReplyDeleteYahoooo!!! You already have one of Sorrow's pieces!!!
Isn't she the freaking best???
You can really feel the LOVE she puts into her art, can't you?
Last Christmas, I won a very special gift that she gave away on her blog. She makes the BEST...and I mean BEST bars of natural soap. Anway...I won a bar of soap and a wash cloth that she also made. And like YOU...she added a red heart (which I still have) that her daughter made.
I FREAKED about that!
Thanks for telling everyone here how "special" her Etsy Shop is!! Because it IS!!!
Please take this award and enjoy it, dear Nitebyrd!
You deserve it too!
Cause you're a LOVELY lady!
And thanks for being my blogging buddy!
Enjoy your holiday weekend!!
No, THANK YOU Ron for being a fantastic blogging buddy!!
ReplyDeleteIt has been a real pleasure.
I was just checking out Sorrow's etsy page (Oh I love etsy!!!). She's got some very cool things going on.
BTW, it is pouring down rain here, so all 4th celebrations are off. Even the fireworks.
I have made my brain mush today surfing around blogs, and message boards, and facebook.....urgh....I need to go do something for real.
Aww, Ron, thanks for sharing the love!! Right back at ya, babe!
ReplyDeleteHello again Nicole!
ReplyDeleteME too...it's been a pleasure blogging with you!
OMG...it JUST started raining here!
I was out all afternoon enjoying the beautiful cooler temperatures we've had today, and about 4:00 it started getting gray. About 30 minutes ago the rain started.
Bummer...cause I know a lot of people were looking forward to this evenings fireworks!
It's a HUGE deal here, being Philadelphia and all the history.
Oh well...I think I'll just stay home and light matches!!!!
tee, hee...
That's funny, cause yesterday I spent almost the whole day, doing what YOU did today....INTERNET!!
Oh...who cares, right? That's what it's there for...raining days!
Enjoy the rest of your evening, Nicole! Thanks for stopping back!
Howdy Rhea!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY 4th of July!!!!!
I hope you're doing something wonderful with your family in Texas!
Your very welcome, dear lady...
I so appreciate your presence here.
Thanks for sharing the LOVE!
Have a great evening, Rhea!
*Yoink!* I am sooo stealing you're award!! :-D *GiGGLeS*
ReplyDeleteThankyou Ronnie! YOu sure know how to make your readers feel loved! :-)
And is it just me? Or do those little candy looking love hearts look delicious? I just want to lick the screen! :-P xx
Good Evening/Morning Giggles!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE saying that to you, cause I know it's the NEXT day there!!!
Go ahead, girl....STEAL the award...cause you deserve it!!!!
Thank you SOOOO much for always adding your LOVE here!
So glad we're blogging pals!
Thank you for stopping by, dear one!
Always a giggle treat!
And YES...they DO look like little candy hearts. Either THAT...or those little bubble bath things you throw in the tub!?!
Enjoy your day!
<--feelin' the love!
Couldn't think of a more wonderful gal to pass it on, nor a more deserving fella to receive it!
And thank you sir--no award needed, though greatly appreciated.
The ability to come here and put my feet up for a good read is reward enough!
*hugs and handfuls of love*
I do hope you're enjoying your holiday weekend!
Mornin' Mel!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Day after the 4th of July!!!
Thank you, dear lady.
And thank YOU for being someone who I really enjoy bloggin' with. It's so great to share all that "toy stuff" with someone else who LOVES being a kid as much as I do!
Hey...I thought of you yesterday when I was sitting in the park. I was surrounded by the most adorable squirrels all afternoon (and they were VERY hungry). I took a few photos of them with my new (very inexpensive) digital camera. I may post them sometime next week.
Thanks for stopping by, Mel!
Hope you have a FABU weekend!
*hugs and handfuls of love*
Ron, your blog and comments are the tops!. The interaction you have with each person that comes by to visit sets you apart. You've created a place where we can laugh and tease at times and pull up our soap box and join in on a good old fashioned rant at other times.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being such a compassionate man and truly great addition to the world of blogging.
Ron.. I'm so thankful I came across your blog.
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th of July weekend dear heart!
eh,eh,eh..we are so much alike. I told you my sleeping sickness story!
ReplyDeleteDramatic souls we are..born that way!
I hope you are having a nice holiday weekend!
Love and laughter to you my dear friend!
Ola Jeff!
ReplyDeleteThank you buddy!
I love having this blog. And have SO enjoyed meeting and talking to all people who stop by.
I feel blessed!
And thank YOU for being a part of it. Your energy and humor add so much!
Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Anndi!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm thankful you're here, dear lady!
I know I'm always referring to how you and I have similar traits because we're Libra's...but I find it to be TRUE!
And it's been so nice talking to someone who KNOWS about us!
Some of my closest friends are other Libra's. We know that a good friendship doesn't always mean, having to see and be with one another all the time. Yet we're always there for one another when it's needed.
Thank you for being a part of this blog and adding your wonderful humor!
It's very much enjoyed!
Have a nice weekend, Anndi.
Evening Dearest Gypsy-Heart!
ReplyDeleteeh, eh, eh...you said it, girl!
DRAMATIC souls we are!
And yes, I DO remember that wonderful story you shared with me.
GOD...when I think back on all the dramatic stuff I pulled when I was a lad...it's no wonder my parents didn't enroll me into the Joan Crawford School of behavior!
Tee, hee!
Thanks MUCHO MUCH for adding your wonderful presence here, dear Gypsy.
I'm SOOOOO freaking happy that you and I have met!
I feel like I've been reaquainted with someone I already knew!
Happy 4th!
Love ya!
What a terrific award!! I didn't get around to all my blogs much this weekend. We were out being crazy kids. Now hurting somewhat from the experience. LOL
ReplyDeleteHope you had a nice holiday weekend. I'll check out Sorrow's place very soon.
Morning Crystal Chick~
I know...I just read your last two posts on my reader, and discovered you were in Philly!!!!
Sounds like you had an AWESOME weekend!
Please take this award and enjoy!
You DESERVE it, M!
Thanks for stopping by!
Talk to ya later!