Those of you who have been reading my blog for sometime now, know that I’m also a makeup artist.
Most everything I’ve discovered about this art has come from my training in the theater.
Learning how to apply makeup for the stage has taught me a great deal about shadowing, highlighting, contouring, and color theory.
Makeup technique for the stage is different than applying it for everyday use, however, the basic principles are the same.
The thing I most enjoy about makeup for the stage, is how is gives me the ability to actually transform myself into a totally different person.
Today I thought I’d share some photos of various characters I’ve played onstage, and also a few Halloween costumes I created.
So please join me in a pictorial of some crazy characters….
Most everything I’ve discovered about this art has come from my training in the theater.
Learning how to apply makeup for the stage has taught me a great deal about shadowing, highlighting, contouring, and color theory.
Makeup technique for the stage is different than applying it for everyday use, however, the basic principles are the same.
The thing I most enjoy about makeup for the stage, is how is gives me the ability to actually transform myself into a totally different person.
Today I thought I’d share some photos of various characters I’ve played onstage, and also a few Halloween costumes I created.
So please join me in a pictorial of some crazy characters….
This is when I played the character of Mr. Smee in the musical Peter Pan. I’m the demented little man on the left with the Pepsodent smile and missing teeth. The guy next to me is none other than Captain Hook, brilliantly portrayed by a very talented actor. He and I had a BLAST being onstage together.

This is me as the character of Parpignol in opera La Boheme’ with the Orlando Opera Company. And please don’t be impressed, because I only got to sing two WHOLE lines. Performing in an opera was a totally new experience for me. It was grand, but very DIVA.

Considering how much I hate clowns, I’m surprised I even did this. I was a clown for a photo that went into a children’s textbook. I actually think it’s kind of funny that I was a clown and my last name happens to be Carnavil.
Next we have photo of me when I portrayed the Wicked Stepmother in Cinderella. I think I look like one of the Pussycat Dolls in that dress, don’t you? The two talented ladies on either side of me portrayed my lovely daughters. This was a role that will go down as one of my favorites - I got to be a total BITCH.
Now I hope this next photo doesn’t make you have horrible nightmares tonight, but this was a Halloween costume and makeup that I came up with, to see if I could be a believable biker dude. Notice the sweat stains under my armpits and chest. I did that with baby oil. PEACE, BABY!
If the previous photo doesn't give you nightmares…I know this one WILL. This was when I went to a Halloween party as one of my favorite characters in a movie classic. I’m the silent film star Norman Desmond from the brilliant film Sunset Blvd, but I actually came off looking more like my fathers mother.
I would like to close this post with Norman Desmonds’ final line in the movie, before she’s carted away to a mental institution.
…“I’m ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille….”

Now I hope this next photo doesn’t make you have horrible nightmares tonight, but this was a Halloween costume and makeup that I came up with, to see if I could be a believable biker dude. Notice the sweat stains under my armpits and chest. I did that with baby oil. PEACE, BABY!

If the previous photo doesn't give you nightmares…I know this one WILL. This was when I went to a Halloween party as one of my favorite characters in a movie classic. I’m the silent film star Norman Desmond from the brilliant film Sunset Blvd, but I actually came off looking more like my fathers mother.
I would like to close this post with Norman Desmonds’ final line in the movie, before she’s carted away to a mental institution.
…“I’m ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille….”
OMG!! That's FAB, Ron... Coming from Hollywood, Calif. I can CERTAINLY relate with your acting/stage side... I never went for the bright lights and silver screen but I DO remember trying out for the new Little Rascals way back when I was 11 or 12.. I didn't get a part, but just the experience of "trying out" for something was fun... There was a family across the street from us that was a little entertainment troup and trained kids how to act.. We put on some small productions in the back yard, like Charlie Brown and a few dances-- I did an Irish jig.. It was fun practicing and all... Though I never because did anything in show biz, I was fortunate to be surrounded by many highly talented performers when I went to Hollywood High School and we had wonderful drama productions like West Side Story...
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, I digress... this is about you... I LOVE the pictures of you in costume, all "dolled up." I would have loved to have seen you in any/all of your performances... I bet you are very animated and bring any role you do to life!!
Thanks for sharing your really colorful photos... I LOVE the biker dude one... How funny! Not the clown (sorry, you know clowns give me the heebies.. but it's still very well done)...
Take care and have a great week RON!!!!
Hugs from France,
ReplyDeleteI won't be the first to say this but, " you are talented "
Not only can he act, but he does his own makeup for the part.
Now that's an artist !
I just LOVED your photos !!!
Now, just being a little curious:
Out of all your roles that you have played, which was your fav??
Big hugs from D & I xxxxx
Oh, the places you've been...and the characters you've gotten to play.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant idea on the baby oil--if I'm ever in the need for manufactured sweat, I'm covered! LOL
And you got paid to dress up in other people's clothes!
AH what a wonderful treat to start off the week! All of your pictures are fabulous!! What wonderful parts you've gotten to play and dress up for.
ReplyDeleteWhile the makeup is terrific on all of them, I still think I like the one from Cinderella the best!!
And OMG, I'd be terrified if you were my wicked stepmother.
And on the side bar..... I love, love, love Meryl Streep. She's one of my very favorite actresses! I can't wait to go read more about her.
Wishing you some cold winter weather. I think by the end of the week we'll be staying under 30 degrees. Yippee!
Bonjour Leesa!
ReplyDeleteOH WOW!!! auditioned for the new Little Rascals????? How COOL is that??? And how exciting!!! I don't think I saw any of the TV shows, but I DO remember them bringing it back!! When I was a kid, The Little Rascals were the BOMB!
I bet having lived in Hollywood, you've got some wonderful stories to share!!
Isn't the musical WEST SIDE STORY the best??? all began...tonight..."
Anyway my dear friend...thanks oodles for dropping by and sharing in my madness!
Oh...and that biker dude photo?
...that's ACTUALLY what I look like in real life!!
Happy Monday, Leesa!
Bonjour Barbara!
ReplyDeleteThanks for you're kind words my friend!
I get so much joy and fulfillment out of being creative.
I believe that EVERYONE is talented in their own special way. We ALL have something to express and share with the world!
It's very hard for me to pick just ONE role that was my favorite. I'm very blessed to have been given the opportunities to play MANY wonderful roles, and each one holds a special meaning for me.
But I think my favorite overall roles, where the ones that I got to play someone who was a BADDIE. Playing a character who is written as BAD is challenging and actually very fun, because it allows an actor to expose all the other dimensions in the character, so the audience ends up ENJOYING that the character is bad. No one is ever really only ONE thing and it's important to show that.
Thanks so much for dropping by today, Barb!
And thanks for your great question!
Howdy Mel!
ReplyDeleteOh...I feel SOOOOOOO blessed to have been given the opportunities to play these characters.
And YES...some of them I actually got PAID to do it!!!
It's funny you said that, because I was going add that remark to the Wicked Stepmother caption.
"I got paid to be a BITCH!"
And what FUN it was!
Thanks for dropping by today dear Mel!
It's always a pleasure to see ya!
What a fabulous post Ron, letting us glimpse your photo album! You are very talented with the makeup, I wouldn't have recognised you at all. I think my favourite is you playing Smee - I love the teeth! LOL
ReplyDeleteHellooooo Crystal Chick!
Thanks so much for enjoying my little pictorial. I had so much fun putting it together yesterday.
aaah yes...the Wicked Stepmother is also one my FAVS. It was my big chance to fulfill my dream of being a Pussycat Doll...MEOW!
Oh and hey....thanks for noticing Meryl Streep. I too LOVE LOVE LOVE that woman! I found her website last night. You'll really ENJOY it! The reason I added her to my FAV Celebrity this week, was because I saw an old movie of hers this weekend The House of the Spirits. I've never seen it before but was always curious when I saw it in the video store. The movie is beyond brilliant, so if you get a chance please look for it. Her performance (as ALWAYS) was riviting!! And the rest of the cast was too!
OMG...can I just tell you how HAPPY I am about the cold weather we're getting??? I've been out in it everyday enjoying it too!
Under 30 sounds wonderful to me!!!
Thanks for stopping by, M!
Always so great sharing with you!
Totally amazing, Ron! You look mavhalous in every picture. (Even those damn clown ones! *shudder*)
ReplyDeleteYou definitely are a believable biker dude based on those I've seen.
Good Moring to you Akelamalu!
ReplyDeleteThanks for enjoying, dear lady!
The only thing I REALLY wished I could have done as the character Mr. Smee...was to have been able to FLY in the musical. Only the three children and Peter Pan got to do that and it was AMAZING to watch it happen onstage! When they flew over the city it was breathtaking, because it actually looked like they could FLY!
Oh well....maybe one day someone will cast me as Peter Pan.
Thanks for stopping by today Akelamalu!
You're a man of many faces.
ReplyDeleteYou were as skinny as a bean pole in your biker shot. Damn, I remember about a hundred years ago when I was that thin too.
Any possibility that you might make back on stage again?
Howdy Nitebyrd!
ReplyDeleteYou have NO idea how much I thought of YOU when I posted the photo of the CLOWN!! I mean, can you BELIEVE I actually allowed clown makeup to touch my face???
(I was so afraid that it wouldn't come off!!)
YES...and the biker dude made me get out my Harley and drive down A1A and whistle at the women in bikini's!
Somehow I think that if you and I did a Halloween together, we'd be a MOTLEY pair, Sis!
And wouldn't THAT be FUN!!!!
Always great seeing ya, Lady Nitebyrd!
Thanks for dropping by!
Howdy Mr. Jeff!
ReplyDeleteHey....I AM on stage everyday, can't you TELL??
Yes, actually I have a feeling that I'll eventually return to the stage. Even if it's simply to share in community theater. I really enjoy community theater, because it gives you a sense of people coming together and acting out of passion and total FUN!
Ok...I've got to go now because my Harley Davidson is double parked and I don't want to get a ticket!!!
Tee, hee!
Biker Dude
P.S. Thanks for stopping by buddy!
I have a passion for the arts. I think you are very talented.
ReplyDeleteGreetings SJ~
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.
It's nice to meet someone who also has a passion for the ARTS. It's a wonderful way to express the creative energy within us, isn't it?
Please stop by anytime. You're always welcome here!
Enjoy your day!
Everything was going just fine until you wrote "Clown" and my stomach dropped.
ReplyDeleteFunny how I see I'm not the only one who has a prob with them.
Love the pictures and story. I've had many my share of makeup moments myself...
Bonne Nuit Ron and sweet dreams, BB
Bonjour Brigitte!
ReplyDeleteMany months ago, I wrote a post on CLOWNS and was AMAZED at how many people felt the same way as I did!
And yes...I bet you have MANY wonderful stories of makeup moments! Isn't makeup a BLAST???
Thanks for dropping by this evening, Brigitte!
Always a pleasure!
Sleep well...
Oh ronnie...the more i know about you the more I love you. You are so talented. It;'s fabulous make up and as for looking like the pussy cat dolls...the pussy cat dolls wish they looked like you. hehehe.
ReplyDeleteYou know I was thinking that when I first viewed that last pic...thatit looked like that...from that movie..."I'm ready for my closeup Mr. De Mille." hehehehe. You are FABULOUS.
I love all the characters...and singing a few lines in an opera is an accomplishment...yes it is.
Oh the make up and characters...honey, they ROCK. I sang at Knottsberry Farms once when they chose me from the audience, I said...Oh! hehehe
What are my lines and do I get to wear a western outfit.
yes...I did but it was for a character named BAD BART...or something like that. I had a few lines to sing. Not hard at all. I impressed the gal...especially with my last line...I belted it out. it was a fun song, something western.
So after the police had to force me off the stage 3 hours later...hehehehe and I was lead out to the exit gate...I me! We can do Oklahoma next time. hehehe
The gal that sang with me, said I did real good. The audience thought I was part of the act. It impressed my g/f...who quickly added as I came off stage..."You're such a HAM!"
I didn't argue her point as she wouldn't understand...she isn't from the stage like you and me ronnie.
Wonderful post sweetie...wonderful.
Ciao honey...this was such a fun post. :D
Good Evening Miss Jones/Miss Desmond!
ReplyDeleteOMG...I had to add that about the Pussycat Dolls because if I were a woman...I would actually want to BE a Pussycat Doll!
HOT! HOT! HOT! they are!!!!
Are they not???
And I just KNEW you'd enjoy the Mr. DeMille reference. Don't ya just LOVE that film??
Hey...I bet you were FABULOUSITY in that western number at Knottsberry Farm!! I bet they never knew what hit them!!
Isn't being onstage the BEST damn feeling in the world??
I'm a HAM too, my friend!
This is WHY you and I will be doing our ACT in the near future!!
The Pussycat Hams
Thanks so much for stopping by tonight, Miss Jones.
And for adding your wonderful theatrical FLAIR!
And so glad you enjoyed. I had so much fun putting this post together!
Ciao bella Desmond
You have an awesome blog. Each picture is perfection, but I'm most fond of the biker dude! You appear to be a brilliant make-up artist.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting mine.
Greetings BJ!
ReplyDeleteHey...thanks a bunch for dropping by and taking the time to share a comment!
It was so nice meeting you!
Yea...I think the biker dude is my alter-ego!?!?!?!
tee, hee!
Please stop by anytime. You're always welcome!
Loved loved loved loved it!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Miss Diva!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping!
So glad you enjoyed.
"I'm ready for my close-up now!"
Hope you had a MARVI day!
You life is a series of acts like all of ours is. You look great in the costumes and makeup that you have and you portrayed so many different people keeping residence in one body. I can't believe you had the gonads to put on the clown suite and makeup knowing how a clown is not the most pleasing individual for you. I take my hat and my red nose off to you.
ReplyDeleteFabulous! Simply fabulous!
ReplyDeleteHowdy Dave!
ReplyDeleteYou said it sir!
Our life is like a movie. And each moment is a series of takes/acts.
*This is something that I know you'll understand, because you work with energy...
...each character that I portrayed was like channeling the energy of that character through my own body. Acting is such a wonderful lesson in trusting and letting go...allowing creative energy to flow freely.
It was an awesome preparation for my attunement to Reiki!!!
Thanks for stopping by my friend!
And thanks for your energy!
Enjoy your day!
Helloooooo Diane~
ReplyDeleteIt's so GREAT seeing ya!!
Thanks for stopping by!
And welcome back!!!
See? Told you you were the best!
ReplyDeleteBest Chippendale, best of everything...there's nothing our Ron can't do!
Aloha Debi!
ReplyDeleteThank you dear friend, but there's many things I can't do... COOK.
I totally SUCK at it!
Have an awesome day Deb!