Let me start off by saying that I thoroughly enjoy having my two blogs hosted here at Blogger.
And for those of you who may not already know, I also have a blog hosted at Wordpress.
Like with any blog hosting company there are pros and cons. And you’re bound to have occasional technical glitches with any blogging platform - it‘s only natural.
Blogger has without a doubt giving me more freedom in customizing my template. In fact, if it weren’t for Blogger I would have never learned how to use HTML coding. All in all I much prefer Blogger over Wordpress because of it’s creative adaptability.
That being said, I must also share that Wordpress has an awesome commenting and spam filtering system. And although I’ve had occasional issues with their commenting system, I find it to be way superior to Bloggers. Not only in the way it works, but also in the way it looks.
Bloggers commenting and spam filtering systems, if I can be bluntly honest…..SUCK a donkey dick.

Excuse me….but, WHAT spam filtering system are they referring to? Word verification? Do they mean the system where you have to type in the verification word TEN times before it actually works? Or, do they mean the system that even when you DO use word verification…DOESN’T work to filter out spam?
…let’s not even talk about trying to leave a comment and then having it VANISH into thin air the second you hit publish.
This happens much too often to make me want to SCREAM.

Leaving a comment on Blogger is like using a knitting needle to perform a root canal without the use of Novocain.
I imagine it to also be like giving birth to a 20 lb. baby without the use of an epidural.
It’s freakin’ PAINFUL.
So, after doing some investigation, I decided to install IntenseDebate commenting system on this blog. Now, I’ll be honest and tell you upfront that it may be slower to download on certain Internet browsers. However, my dear friend Kathryn tried it out on my practice blog several times yesterday and said that it loaded quickly and worked like a charm. Thanks again, Kathryn!
I’m really excited about all the cool features this system offers.
First of all, it allows us to reply to one another’s comments directly beneath our comments, so it feels more like we’re having a conversation. It also allows for comment luv which means your comments will leave a link to your latest blog post. You’ll also be able to add icons to your comments - how fun is that?
IntenseDebate additionally has a primo spam filtering system and also allows for comment moderation.
But one of the most miraculous things this system offers is SPELL CHECK! Yes, that’s right…you can spell check your comments. And if you’re like me (a lousy speller) you’ll really enjoy this feature.
So, welcome to my new commenting system everyone. Enjoy!
I hope you all had a faaaaaaaaaabulous Christmas!
Thank you for your comments and emails last week.
It’s great to be back blogging again!
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