Yup, not only am I a cereal killer, but a plant murderer as well!
Last week, I stopped over at my friend Diane’s awesome craft blog and read a delightful post about how she enjoys spending time in her garden when she comes home from work each day.
“The very first thing I do after I get home from work is dash outdoors to look at the garden, then spend about 30 minutes giving it a nice cool drink of water.”
The photos she shared of her lush, green lawn and beautiful zinnia’s were so inspiring to someone like me, who has about as much talent for growing plants and flowers as I do for whistling our national anthem with a mouthful of potato chips.
Even as a kid, I always knew I had no talent for gardening. Probably because I never really had any interest in it. I truly think that in order to be good at growing things, you need to have a passion.
My mother and I would often swap chores on many a summer Saturday afternoon. She would do the weeding and gardening, and I in turn would do her housecleaning. Yes, I have more of a god-given talent for cleaning a toilet than I do for planting a tomato garden. Give me a can of Ajax, a sponge and a pair of rubber gloves, and I’m in nirvana.
I swear, I think I might secretly be Joan Crawford’s one and only love child.
I adore and appreciate flowers and plants, truly I do, however I have no ability for sustaining their lives.
You’ve heard of a green thumb?
Well, I have a BLACK thumb.
A thumb of DEATH.
All I have to do is walk by a flower bed and they WILT.
I’ve actually heard a bed of tulips HISS at me.
I either over-water plants or totally forget about them until they start turning brown and wrinkly; screaming, “WATER! WATER!…PLEASE!”
I’ve tried growing cactus, aloe, bamboo, Chia pets, and even silks.
The only flowers I’ve ever been able to keep alive were a bouquet of carnations. But that’s only because carnations live for a DECADE and could survive three atomic BOMBS.
Oh, and believe it or not, I also miraculously kept a lavender herb plant alive for a WHOLE year, until one day I placed it on a window sill in direct sunlight during the hot summer months. Three days later, I found it SCORCHED to death as if someone had taken a blow torch to it.
*sigh*…..R.I. P. lavender plant.
And speaking of herbs, I’ve never tried growing this strange-looking herb….
Ha, sounds like we're from the same mold there too. I have no interest in growing or taking care of plants. That's my wife's department. She's the one with the green thumb. Me? I'm the domestic engineer who goes around cleaning up after everyone. I often joke with her that I should start my own house cleaning business. Of course, I would charge extra for cleaning topless. Whenever I say that, she just gives me her blank stare.
ReplyDeleteHey there Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteWell, lets say that you have other gifts than knowing how to cultivate greenery. You tried!
I am OK with plants. I usually manage not too kill them off too quickly and anticipate their needs. But, gardening is not a passion with me.
Since my FIL was widowed, he had been having problems to take care of it. I had to help and have done( and still do), lots outdoors; raking trimming,pruning,mowing, etc. Tons of work!
So I guess its like most things in life, if you really love it, it shows!
Happy Monday.
hahaha, again i had so much fun reading your post! XD i never really tried planting. like you, i don't have much interest in it. animals maybe, but plants, i don't know, it felt like i'm having bugs for my pet. which they can't even recognize you. at least that's what i feel. :p i prefer something with respond. cats, dogs, even human? hah!
ReplyDeletek...I mighta attempted to grow one (or two...LOL) of those funny looking ferny plants once-upon-a-time... I'll note that they didn't grow to maturity-- Yup--murdered them, too.
ReplyDeleteIronically, the sister brings home big bucks as an ornamental horticulturist on the west coast.
Have I ever mentioned she got all the good genes?
She even looks in the general direction of a plant and it gets orgasmic, I swear. LOLOL
Ohhhhh...and I like the spring cleaning ya did, sir!
Hahahaha, oh Ron........you crack me up! I don't have much luck with flowers/plants either, but my silks have survived a number of years!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think my real problem is that I don't like 'needy' things. Plants and pets are too needy for me. This is why I'm one of the few mothers who prefer teens to babies/toddlers/elementary aged children. Give me a self-sustaining child and I'm ok!
Black thumb here, also! Even my silk plants die. Very sad. And once again, proof we were separated at birth! LOL
ReplyDeleteI grew some of that herb once, the cat ate it. He was stoned for a week.
I suspect a slight exaggeration, Ron. How can you kill a cactus... they go on forever without attention. I'm not a passionate gardener but I do like to see the flowers and weeds flourishing ... you've seen the pictures! Wild is beautiful to my eyes. House plants take care of themselves too, simply because I have drip-feed water gadgets in the pots. Still, if you want to continue being accused of murder why not try silk or those lifelike flowers made from banana skins. I recently bought rocket lettuce growing in soil ... Hmmm lovely salad every day. I do have to remember to water that so I wouldn't recommend that you try it....wink. Hope your week goes smoothly.
ReplyDeleteI am a plant killer, too! I did keep my lavender alive for three years though...until I transplanted it. Apparently, it does not thrive well when transplanted...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
ReplyDeleteI know what you're saying, Ron. The only plants I can grow are weeds--and I mean WEEDS, not WEED! Have a great day, Joan Crawford's love child!
ReplyDeleteI have a black thumb as well. I once killed a cactus by not giving it enough water. Go me!
ReplyDeleteReading the first line reminded me of the status I put up on FB the other day....
ReplyDeleteCaptain Crunch, Tony the Tiger, and Count Chocula were all found stabbed to death...obviously the work of a cereal killer!!!
I used to have some really nice plants when we lived in an apartment years ago. We had a balcony and many of them flourished out there too. But since moving to our house I just haven't had much interest or luck with plants. It's weird too because we have a porch with 12 windows and while we don't get much sun out there, the light is good. I did try. Bought a couple lovely hanging baskets at the garden center but they didn't make it very long.
My old neighbor had a HUGE lavender bush out front. When in bloom, I was invited over to take as many clippings as I wanted! I put them in a few small vases around our house. She moved about a year ago and I don't know if the new owners took the bush out or not (oh the horror!) as I haven't seen any blooms over there yet.
Hmmm.... I think I know a few people who could tell you what that herb is called. I believe it's used for baking brownies! ;-)
Good Morning Matty~
ReplyDelete" I often joke with her that I should start my own house cleaning business. Of course, I would charge extra for cleaning topless. Whenever I say that, she just gives me her blank stare."
Bwhahahahahahahhahahaha! Too funny, man!
And I love it....I'm the domestic engineer! What a BRILLIANT way of saying it. I gotta remember that!
Thanks for stopping by, neighbor! Have a grrrrrrrreat week!
Hey there Barbara~
ReplyDelete"Well, lets say that you have other gifts than knowing how to cultivate greenery. You tried!"
Yup, at least I tried. However, I think I'll just stick to my forte' - CLEANING. HA!
"I am OK with plants. I usually manage not too kill them off too quickly and anticipate their needs. But, gardening is not a passion with me."
It's funny, because whenever I 'attempt' to keep a plant alive I'm usually very attentive to begin with, but then I gradually start forgetting it's there. So then I end up watering it too much, trying to make up for my lack of attention; DROWNING it :(
"So I guess its like most things in life, if you really love it, it shows!"
Thanks for stopping by, my friend! Happy Monday to ya!
Greetings Levian~
ReplyDelete" i don't have much interest in it. animals maybe, but plants, i don't know, it felt like i'm having bugs for my pet. which they can't even recognize you."
Yup, I'm the same way....animals yes, but plants, no. Although they say that plants have feelings and can understand when you talk to them. So, I've even tried talking to plants, however I can tell they're IGNORING me - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Always great seeing ya, Levian. Mucho thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!
Hiya Mel~
ReplyDelete"I mighta attempted to grow one (or two...LOL) of those funny looking ferny plants once-upon-a-time... I'll note that they didn't grow to maturity-- Yup--murdered them, too."
You think it's a "Libra thing?" tee, hee! And OMG....a fern?! They're suppose to be the hardest to grow (needing a TON of water and pruning), so kudo's for keeping it alive for as long as you did.
"Have I ever mentioned she got all the good genes?
She even looks in the general direction of a plant and it gets orgasmic, I swear."
Bwhahahahahahahhhaah! HYSTERICAL, Mel!!!!!
Me? If I even look in the general direction of a plant it gets SCARED - HA!
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. And thanks for the laughs! Have a super week!
P.S Mel. Just got your second comment. THANKS for noticing :) X
ReplyDeleteSEE??? I KNEW we were twins! I always say I h ave two brown thumbs because I kill everything I come within 50 yards of. I even had a friend give me a plant once that he said was almost impossible to kill. Operative word being ALMOST... I killed it! I did everything he said and it just got worse and worse and finally all the leaves fell off and all I had left was just like a spindly little stem and I was so pissed off at the thing that I shoved it in a closet and forgot about it until a year later I was cleaning out the closet and found the stupid thing and it was budding! Can you believe it? NO water or sunlight or a YEAR and the freaking thing decides it wants to grow! Then I got really pissed off at it and threw it away! LOL
ReplyDeleteHope you have a wonderful week dear fellow plant killer!
Good Morning Bijoux~
ReplyDelete"I don't have much luck with flowers/plants either, but my silks have survived a number of years!!!!!"
Lucky you! My silks? DEAD :(
"I think my real problem is that I don't like 'needy' things."
You know, maybe that's it for me too. I don't like needy things either. And even though I adore all animals, I think that's why I prefer having a cat as a pet - less needy.
Although, when it comes to childern I prefer babies to older kids. Isn't that odd?
Always so great to read your comments, Bijoux! Have a wonderful week!
you're so funny! Actually, I've got a good gardening mentor - Cristybella has instilled in me the importance of Miracle Gro. Oh yes. A secret weapon in the arsenal. It might look as though the plants are thriving from constant love and attention, but it's really steriods. CrystalChick is right about that herb, it is the brownie-licious ingredient! Thank you for finding inspiration in my drivel....:) love you!!
ReplyDeleteHi Lady Nitebyrd~
ReplyDelete"Even my silk plants die. Very sad. And once again, proof we were separated at birth!"
*thumbs up*
Like brother, like sister - HA!
"I grew some of that herb once, the cat ate it. He was stoned for a week."
Bwhahahahahahahahahaha! Oh, how funny! Whenever I gave my two cats any catnip, they reacted the same way - STONED out of their minds. And they got the 'munchies' too - HA!
Thanks for stopping by, Sis! Have a great Monday and week!
X ya!
Good Morning Valerie~
ReplyDelete"I suspect a slight exaggeration, Ron. How can you kill a cactus... they go on forever without attention."
Honest to god, I did KILL them. I over-watered them until they DROWNED! I did the same with my aloe plant.
Yet, silks? Okay, I admit it....that's a 'slight' exaggeration. Slight - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!
Meeeee too! I love seeing flowers and plants flourish, especially wild ones. That's why I enjoy taking walks through the various parks; allowing nature to take care of them. Believe it or not, even though I'm a city boy at heart, I so enjoy spending time within nature. It balances me.
"I recently bought rocket lettuce growing in soil ... Hmmm lovely salad every day. I do have to remember to water that so I wouldn't recommend that you try it....wink."
Yes! I've seen those before. They look like cute little heads of lettuce and cabbage. But you're right...probably not something I should attempt :(
Always GRAND seeing you, dear lady. Thank you for stopping by.
Happy Monday to you!
Hi SuziCate~
ReplyDelete"I am a plant killer, too!"
OMG....I'm SHOCKED to hear that because for some reason I thought you'd have the greenest thumb ever?!
Glad to hear I'm not the only one.
"I did keep my lavender alive for three years though...until I transplanted it. Apparently, it does not thrive well when transplanted...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!"
Hey, come to think of it....when I first moved back to Philly, I DID transplant my lavender into a bigger pot than the one I had it in back in Florida. So, maybe it was a combination of that, plus my SCORTCHING it - HA!
Thank you for stopping by, fellow-plant killer. We're kindred spirits :)
Have a FAB week!
Hey Rob~
ReplyDelete"The only plants I can grow are weeds--and I mean WEEDS, not WEED!"
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a great week!
Ron (the love-child of Joan)
Hey myfwbs~
ReplyDeleteGreat to see ya!
"I once killed a cactus by not giving it enough water. Go me!"
And me? I always kill them by giving them TOO MUCH water :(
Have a super week! Thank you for stopping by!
Hey Crystal Chick~
ReplyDelete"Reading the first line reminded me of the status I put up on FB the other day....
Captain Crunch, Tony the Tiger, and Count Chocula were all found stabbed to death...obviously the work of a cereal killer!!!"
OMG, that's freakin' FLAWLESS! I need to stop by your FB to read that!!!!
"It's weird too because we have a porch with 12 windows and while we don't get much sun out there, the light is good. I did try. Bought a couple lovely hanging baskets at the garden center but they didn't make it very long."
Isn't that sad? I know this sounds silly, but whenever one of my plants died, I actually felt very weepy and sentimental. Especially, when my lavender herb went up in smoke - HA!
Don't ya just LOVE lavender? The smell is heavenly! I use both lavender and eucalyptus whenever I share a Reiki or Reflexology session. Amazingly enough, I've discovered that not everyone likes the scent of lavender. But eucalyptus? Yes!
"Hmmm.... I think I know a few people who could tell you what that herb is called. I believe it's used for baking brownies!"
*winking* Yeah, I bet. For medicinal purposes, hu? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Always so great to read your comments, my friend. Thank you for stopping by and sharing.
Have a MARVI week!
Hey this is something... one more thing I have in common with you, Ron. I can kill any plants, too. Like, I am so super duper good at it.
ReplyDeleteBut... I can get some - okay minor, gosh I'm not crazy either - kicks out of a good scrub. Like yesterday, after my many travels I finally "took back the possession of my house" by cleaning it from head to toe... or should I say ceiling to toilet knob... well almost;)
Have a fab week, my guy!
Hey Peg~
ReplyDelete"SEE??? I KNEW we were twins!"
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay....another plant murderer!!!
"I even had a friend give me a plant once that he said was almost impossible to kill. Operative word being ALMOST... I killed it!"
Yup, I know exactly what you mean. People tell me it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to kill a catus, yet I DID!
"and I was so pissed off at the thing that I shoved it in a closet and forgot about it until a year later I was cleaning out the closet and found the stupid thing and it was budding! Can you believe it? NO water or sunlight or a YEAR and the freaking thing decides it wants to grow! Then I got really pissed off at it and threw it away! LOL
You know, I'm beginning to think that the best way to grow plants is to just make them STRUGGLE for survival - HA!
Thanks for stopping by, fellow-plant killer. I knew I LOVED you!
(((( Peg )))))
Have a glorious week!
carnations are the roaches of the flower world!
ReplyDeletethat bottom plant looks vaguely familar
don't light a match near it, I've heard funny things happen
I'm competent with plants, not inspired but I don't kill them
Hello Diane~
ReplyDelete"Actually, I've got a good gardening mentor - Cristybella has instilled in me the importance of Miracle Gro. Oh yes. A secret weapon in the arsenal. It might look as though the plants are thriving from constant love and attention, but it's really steriods."
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, how FUNNY! Steriods???? I guess the plants end up looking like little bodybuilders, hu? HA!
"CrystalChick is right about that herb, it is the brownie-licious ingredient!"
Tee, hee, hee! One of these days, when we meet in person, I'll tell you a story about that *wink*!
Thank YOU for giving me the inspiration for this post! As soon as I read your post last week, I sat down and wrote this.
(((( Diane )))))
Have a great week!
X to you and Cristybella!
Bonjour Susu~
ReplyDelete"one more thing I have in common with you, Ron. I can kill any plants, too. Like, I am so super duper good at it."
HA! I think some of us just are better at other things, so I'll leave the plant growing to them and the cleaning to me!!
"But... I can get some - okay minor, gosh I'm not crazy either - kicks out of a good scrub. Like yesterday, after my many travels I finally "took back the possession of my house" by cleaning it from head to toe... or should I say ceiling to toilet knob... well almost;)"
You GO, girl! There is something so therapeutic about cleaning, isn't there? Whenever I'm upset or have a decision to make, cleaning truly helps me chill and have a clear mind.
Always so great seeing you, beautiful lady!
Have a FAB week!
Hey Lady Dianne~
ReplyDelete"carnations are the roaches of the flower world!"
OMG, that is soooooooooooooooo HILARIOUS! And TRUE!
"that bottom plant looks vaguely familar
don't light a match near it, I've heard funny things happen"
Thanks for the warning! *wink*
"I'm competent with plants, not inspired but I don't kill them."
You GO, dear lady! Maybe one day you can teach me how to NOT kill them.
ALways great seeing you. Thanks for stopping by! Have a supa' week!
X to you and the gang!
I love to nurture plants. Although I can't physically do much gardening anymore (back problems) I did used to love it. My first introduction to my green finger was when I was in my early twenties and brought a pine cone home from a holiday in Spain. I planted the seeds from it and they actually grew into baby pine tree shoots! Sadly, I left them behind when I got married and they were left out in the garden in the winter! I also planted sunflower seeds in a yoghurt pot and grew miniature sunflowers! They were so cute.
ReplyDeleteHey Babs~
ReplyDelete".....I planted the seeds from it and they actually grew into baby pine tree shoots! Sadly, I left them behind when I got married and they were left out in the garden in the winter! I also planted sunflower seeds in a yoghurt pot and grew miniature sunflowers! They were so cute."
HOLY COW, that's AMAZING!!!! Yes, you definitely have a GREEN thumb!! And I would have loved to seen those cute little sunflowers!
I could tell, just from your various posts in which you shared photos of your garden that you had a gift!
I think that's the key...nurturing.
Thank you for stopping by, Babs! Have a great week!
P.S. hope all went well with your tooth.
When Ron enters a room, chrysanthemums cower.
ReplyDeleteWhen Ron enters a room, snapdragons shiver.
When Ron enters a room, tulips tremble.
When Ron enters a room, daffodils duck.
When Ron enters a room, hyacinths hide.
When Ron enters a room, roses run.
When Ron enters a room, ferns flee.
I could write a children's book here...
Mark, Mark, Mark.....
YOU. KILL. ME.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brava, buddy!
Your faaabulous sense of humor is so appreciated and enjoyed!
Have a great week and MUCHO thanks for stopping by!
Much like you I also have the thumb of DEATH! I can't take care of a plant to save my life!
ReplyDeleteHey Meleah~
ReplyDeleteTee, hee! Since you, Mel, and I all share the same, I think it may be a "Libra Thing!"
That's okay though, because we make excellent CLEANERS, don't we?
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Have a super week!
just saw king's speech--adored it. and HIM (uniform didn't hurt-swoon. ;)
ReplyDeleteand for the new herb, give that one a try and you will love all others ... :)
xoxoxox to you, my lovely {{{{{ron}}}}
i love to garden, but not much time for it and being crouched down like that is killer on the old back. so i have house plants, which i stopped watering weeks ago, sadly. need to buy new ones.
ReplyDeleteHelloooooo Linda~
ReplyDeleteIt's so great to see you!!! Did you get your computer fixed? I hope so!
"just saw king's speech--adored it. and HIM (uniform didn't hurt-swoon."
Me too. In fact, I just rented it this past weekend and LOVED it!!!! Yeah, and I agree...HIM in the uniform - SWOON! HA!
"and for the new herb, give that one a try and you will love all others ... :)"
Thanks so much for stopping by, my dear friend. Hope you're feeling better. I sent you a TON of Reiki this weekend!
{{{{{{ Linda }}}}}}
Hey V~
ReplyDelete"so i have house plants, which i stopped watering weeks ago, sadly. need to buy new ones."
:(...Yes, I know exactly how you feel!
Try Miracle Gro. According to Diane, it works GREAT!
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Hope you had a super Monday. Enjoy your week!
You can kill silks? That cracks me up - what did you do, Ron, put the poor thing in the dryer?
ReplyDeleteHiya Tracy~
ReplyDelete"That cracks me up - what did you do, Ron, put the poor thing in the dryer?"
No, I actually sprayed the poor thing with WINDEX to clean it.
Thanks for stopping by, my friend! Hope you had a fantabulous Monday!
You and me both. I can't seem to keep green things living. Not sure what that's all about. Perhaps it's some ancient curse inherited from my father's father's father for plundering some ancient tomb or funerary grounds. As punishment all descendants will be unable to farm or cook the perfect poached egg.
ReplyDeleteHowdy Herman~
ReplyDelete"As punishment all descendants will be unable to farm or cook the perfect poached egg."
Bwhahahahahaahaha! Yeah, I think you may be right!
*sigh* Or keep green things alive :(
Thanks for stopping by, bud. Hope you had super Monday! And I bet you can't WAIT to start the new job!
X to you and the family!
Ha ha ha! "A thumb of DEATH", that was too funny Ron!
ReplyDeleteBut I feel ya'. I am not as bad as you though. I can manage to keep alive an orchid, some African violets, and some succulents. I do have a few murders on my conscience as well, don't you worry...
Like three other orchids which bit the proverbial dust (although mind you, they died because of too much water).
I do like the idea of a lavender plant. I would love having one in my apartment.
Helloooooo Alexandra~
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice to see you!!!!
"I am not as bad as you though. I can manage to keep alive an orchid, some African violets, and some succulents. I do have a few murders on my conscience as well, don't you worry..."
OMG, an ORCHID????? That's amazing because I KNOW how much care it takes to grow orchids, so you must have ONE green thumb!
I ADORE lavender, and was so BUMMED when it died. I use to enjoy gently squeezing the leaves and smelling my fingers. Ah...the scent of lavender!
Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you're enjoying a wonderful Spring!
Have a great week!
:-) Nice post. Me, I'm pretty good with plants. I have some needy friends that I've been forced to let go of, however...
ReplyDeleteNot sure what that says about me...
Greetings Pearl~
ReplyDeleteIt's great to see ya!
"Me, I'm pretty good with plants. I have some needy friends that I've been forced to let go of, however...
Not sure what that says about me..."
HA! I've had to do the same. I think it just says we don't like being smothered.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Pearl. Have a terrific Tuesday!
Ronnie you may kill plants but at least your house is sparkling clean! I have a bleen (black/green) thumb…sometimes my plants live and sometimes not.
ReplyDeleteBut tell me, do you have metal hangers in your house? Mommy Dearest will be pretty upset if you do!
Hey Pamela~
ReplyDelete"Ronnie you may kill plants but at least your house is sparkling clean!"
Thank you. I think my OCD tendencies lean more towards cleaning than gardening - HA!
"I have a bleen (black/green) thumb…sometimes my plants live and sometimes not."
I LOVE that.....BLEEN!!!!
"But tell me, do you have metal hangers in your house? Mommy Dearest will be pretty upset if you do!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, as a matter of fact I do. And every time I hold one I scream....
Always great seeing ya, Pamela. Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your week!
Hmmm Ron, I DO wonder what that lovely plant is that you pictured last? I mean, I might kill for a plant like that.
Sorry about your dead plant(s).
Great post as always!
Hellooooooooooo Nancy~
ReplyDeleteFab to see ya!!!!
"I DO wonder what that lovely plant is that you pictured last? I mean, I might kill for a plant like that."
Tee, hee! Me too!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, Nancy! Hope you're enjoying this wonderful Spring. Isn't it sad though that we've had to put away our "black turtlenecks" until the Fall :(
Have a super week!
Lol thanks for sharing this! I thought I was the only one who had the affect of the grim reaper on the herbage that surrounds me. Glad to see I am in good company :)
ReplyDeleteGreetings cestlavie22~
ReplyDeleteFunny, I was just thinking of you when I was checking my google reader to see if you had posted recently!
" thought I was the only one who had the affect of the grim reaper on the herbage that surrounds me. Glad to see I am in good company."
HA! Love it....grim reaper!
Nope, you're not the only one, my friend!
Thank you for stopping by. Hope you're having a great week. I look forward to your next post!
I can't grow anything either because I couldn't care less about it. Do you know how many plants I have in my house? Precisely zero. The only place I can grow things is in the fridge.
ReplyDeleteHola Margaret~
ReplyDeleteIt's sooooooo great to see ya!
So glad to hear I'm not the only one who can't grow anything!
"The only place I can grow things is in the fridge."
Bwhahahahahahahahahhaha! OMG, that was STELLAR!
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you're enjoying a wonderful Spring!
Oh Ron, if you clean my bathtub, I will take care of your plants any time. I love my plants, but my vacuum and mop don't get near the face time. Only a problem when people drop by & I have the embarassment of a house to show off. Better to go outside for a garden walk!
ReplyDeleteActually, on second thought, I will just show you pictures, so you don't harm my babies. Sorry Ron. :)
Helloooooooo Katherine~
ReplyDeleteFAB to see ya, dear lady!
"Oh Ron, if you clean my bathtub, I will take care of your plants any time."
Okay...it's a DEAL!
"Only a problem when people drop by & I have the embarassment of a house to show off. Better to go outside for a garden walk!"
That's okay, because all I can show off is a clean toilet and DEAD plants - HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!
Thanks for stopping by, Katherine! Hope you're having a terrific week!
I can't kill plants if I try. It's very odd. You have to buy a schefflera. They need light, but not direct sunlight and they are next to impossible to kill. I've repotted mine three times because it's gotten so big.
ReplyDeleteI would avoid the plant you have a photo of. Although, I bet you would look ADORABLE in an organge jumpsuit!
Hiya Chrissy~
ReplyDelete"I would avoid the plant you have a photo of. Although, I bet you would look ADORABLE in an organge jumpsuit!"
OMG....THAT. WAS. STELLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are too funny, girl!
"You have to buy a schefflera. They need light, but not direct sunlight and they are next to impossible to kill. I've repotted mine three times because it's gotten so big."
Okay, I'll look into a schefflera, but I can't guarantee I won't KILL it :(
Thanks for stopping by, Chrissy! Have a great weekend!
I've always believed that a 'green thumb' is a God given talent and not something that one can cultivate (pardon the pun). Thankfully I do have a 'green thumb' so I am lucky. :)
ReplyDeleteHello Akelamalu~
ReplyDelete"I've always believed that a 'green thumb' is a God given talent and not something that one can cultivate (pardon the pun)."
Ha! LOVE the pun! And you're right....it's a god-given talent. And you're so lucky that you have one!
Thank you for stopping by, m'dear! I'm soooooo happy that you're back!!!
((((( You )))))