I would like to preface this two-part series by being direct and clear about something because what I am about to share with you is very personal.
Whenever you bring up God, people sometimes feel the desire to impose their beliefs on you. For some reason the topic of God makes many people think they know the one and ONLY path.
However, I’ve been through enough in my life to realize there will never be only one path to God.
And do you know why?
Because God’s relationship with everyone is individual and resides within our own hearts, so there could never be only ONE way.
We all experience God uniquely.
And there are also a great many people in this world who don’t believe in God, and that’s okay because everyone has the right to their own beliefs.
I am sharing this experience to simply let you know what my relationship is with God, and how it came to be. Please understand I am not saying that my way is only way or that everyone needs to walk through the dark night of the soul to have a relationship with God.
This was simply my path, and something “I” had to go through because on some level I asked for it.
And I’m not sharing this to prove anything because in all honesty, I can’t prove it. I just know what I believe.
So, I ask that you respect what I am sharing with you here today, and read it with an open heart.
Thank you.
Most of my longtime readers already know the basics of what I am about to share, but I’ve decided to reveal even more of what you already know because the experience I went through was the catalyst for my deep need to know God in a personal way.
When I first moved back east, I walked through what I then thought was hell.
Everything I thought gave me power and security was taken away. And no matter what I did to try and fix it, nothing worked.
I went through financial bankruptcy because I could not find substantial work and no longer had the means to pay my bills, or even live. My financial status just kept spiraling downward.
Luckily, through the aid of family and friends, I was able to escape being without an apartment.
I also sold my jewelry, books, and countless household items, just so I could have money to eat.
Up until this point, I would say that I led a very ‘charmed’ life. Everything in my life went smoothly and very rarely had any bumps in the road.
Little things, but nothing major.
So, as much as I knew of other people having challenges in their lives, I never fully comprehended those challenges until they happened to me.
I have always believed in God and can honestly say that I feel very close to Him, or Her. God to me, is like having a best friend. Someone I can talk to 24/7; chatting just like I would to someone if they were standing in front of me. And as much as I respect and love visiting various churches, I’ve never felt that I needed to be in one to talk to God.
As I was driving from Florida to Philadelphia back in 2001, I couldn’t help but feel that something was going to drastically change in my life. And not just a change of location, but more so a change in my relationship towards God. I was petrified, but at the same time a feeling deep inside told me that I needed this change in order to experience a closer bond.
During this challenging time of losing everything, I also lost my dear cat, Jerry. And it was at this time, I began the deepest part of my surrendering process.
I was sad, confused, lost, and absolutely furious with God.
I cursed Him, telling Him that I didn’t understand HOW he could allow all this shit to happen to me, and then to top it off, take Jerry away in the middle of it.
But even with all my cursing and damning of God, I could still feel His loving arms supporting me through my grief. This is how I know that God loves us all unconditionally.
One day, right after Jerry passed away, I just so happened to walk into a bookstore, hoping to find a book on spirituality that would help me understand what I was going through.
I felt like I was actually going insane because no one I knew could understand why I continually felt the need to stay where I was and not move back to Florida, because I had obviously made a mistake in moving here - my life was falling apart. But somehow I knew, problems and all, I didn’t make a mistake. But rather sensed it was a major part of what I needed to go through in my spiritual growth.
A rite of passage.
I was at a very dark and lonely time in my life. I felt like I had no sense of purpose or direction. There were nights when I went to bed and hoped that I wouldn’t wake up in the morning. I could feel God around me, but at the same time I felt as if I was losing my connection to Him. I felt abandoned. I felt betrayed. I felt as if I was suspended over a black abyss, waiting to fall into nothingness.
I then spotted a book on one of the shelves which I was very drawn to pick up.
And as I began to read the first paragraph of the first chapter, I wept uncontrollably.
Because I had finally found some guidance in my darkness.
To be continued…..
Hi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteI am so overcome to read all this. This is major life change and I think that surviving this has made you and not broke you down.
You can be proud to have had the force to have survived it all.
I can say through personal experience that when we have a crisis, it is normal to challenge our value system. To be mad. To deny that someone is "up there". We are just itty-bitty mortals who try to make sense of the greater scheme of things.
A crisis can either make or break you spiritually. I have been there. I am still there today. And, this is still evolving and deepening on my side.
Was it also comforting for you to return to Philly? You could have made a fresh start anywhere in the country. With the problems that accumulated in FL and the sadness of your dear Gerry's passing away, I am sure that you must have wanted out really badly.
I am sure that the idea of "going home" was there. When we are down out out, there is no place like home.
From hubby & I.
In brief, my friend, because there is little to say in response and it isn't the time for bitty humour.... you needed to go through the darkness to find the light.
ReplyDelete(I've just spotted your old passport photo ... get that hair!)
Have an enjoyable and satisfying weekend x
sending my love and deep gratitude for sharing this part of yourself. big big hug ~ Diane
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Ron!
ReplyDeleteI've been through those times myself, and although they were times I wouldn't wish on anyone, the end results turned out to be worth all the pain and suffering.
I have my own personal relationship with God, and also do not believe that you have to be in a church to talk to Him. My father was a preacher and even believes this himself. He is now retired and attends "church" on the internet by listening to various different speakers.
I can't wait to hear the rest of your story, but I already know that you have come out on the other side a good, caring, happy, inspiring man. I feel privileged even to be able to speak to you through blogs.
Thank you for sharing this story. I know how personal that is and it does mean a lot.
Have a wonderful weekend.
August 05, 2011
Good morning, Ron!
I've been through those times myself, and although they were times I wouldn't wish on anyone, the end results turned out to be worth all the pain and suffering.
I have my own personal relationship with God, and also do not believe that you have to be in a church to talk to Him. My father was a preacher and even believes this himself. He is now retires and attends "church" on the internet by listening to various different speakers.
I can't wait to hear the rest of your story, but I already know that you have come out on the other side a good, caring, happy, inspiring man. I feel privileged even to be able to speak to you through blogs.
Thank you for sharing this story. I know how personal that is and it does mean a lot.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hey, Ron Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings about God. It is very timely for me as I get ready to pick up everything and move to a new location. I've never suffered the kind of hardship you described--thank God!--but I'm glad I have something to re-read when the bad times happen. (Can't wait for Part Two!) Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteHey there Barbara~
ReplyDeleteIt's funny because even BEFORE I left Florida, I could tell something very challenging was about to happen. A change. I could sense that this move was going to be the catalyist for that change and I almost decided NOT to move back east, but I didn't. Something was telling me to do it anyway. And honestly? I'm glad I did because I wouldn't have the faith I have now.
"A crisis can either make or break you spiritually. I have been there. I am still there today. And, this is still evolving and deepening on my side."
That's sooooooooooooooooo true, Barb! And like I shared....I believe on some level I asked for this so it was already in my cards to play out.
"Was it also comforting for you to return to Philly? You could have made a fresh start anywhere in the country. With the problems that accumulated in FL and the sadness of your dear Gerry's passing away, I am sure that you must have wanted out really badly.
I am sure that the idea of "going home" was there. When we are down out out, there is no place like home."
Oddly enough, my original plan was to move back to NYC. In fact, I already had a job there but I decided that since I hadn't lived back east for 20 years, Philly would be easier in many ways to start off, and then later I could move to NYC if I still wanted to.
Yes, I did have the idea of 'going home' (back to Florida), but as you will read in my post on Monday, once I started this process of walking through the dark night of the soul, there really was no turning back. I just had to move forward. Don't ask me HOW I knew that (because it makes no sense, I know), I just knew.
Thanks soooooooo much for stopping by and sharing your lovely comment, my friend. Muchly appreciated.
Have a fantabluous weekend!
X to you and D!
((((( you and D )))))
Gooooood Morning Valerie~
ReplyDelete"you needed to go through the darkness to find the light."
You are absolutely 100% correct! And as you will read in my post on Monday, that's EXACTLY what I say!
"I've just spotted your old passport photo ... get that hair!)"
Bwhahahahahahahahhaha! OMG...I can't believe you spotted that photo!!!! Wasn't my hair hysterical? I looked like Greg Brady from the The Brady Bunch - HA!
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Always enjoyed. Always appreciated,
Have a wonderful weekend!
Greg Brady
You are so right Ron, God is personal to each and every one of us and we find God in our own way, when it's right for us to do so. I'm looking forward to reading the next part of your story, thankyou for sharing it. x
ReplyDeleteHey Diane~
ReplyDelete((((( You )))))
Thank you. And you're very welcome. I suddenly felt the desire to share this part of my life's journey. It was time.
Thanks ooodles for stopping by, my friend. Have a wonderful weekend!
X to you and Cristybella
Hey Rob~
ReplyDelete"Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings about God. It is very timely for me as I get ready to pick up everything and move to a new location."
You are so welcome, buddy. And to be perfectly honest with you, something you said in your last blog post and also something you highlighted in one of my past posts (I felt as if my life was falling apart, only to discover that my life was falling together) actually inspired me to shared this story. So, thank YOU!
Have a great weekend and thanks so much for stopping by!
Hey there myfwbs~
ReplyDelete"I've been through those times myself, and although they were times I wouldn't wish on anyone, the end results turned out to be worth all the pain and suffering."
OMG, I can't believe you said that because in my next blog post, I say the same thing.
It was sooooo worth it. But brother, was it ever some scary shit to go through, right?
"I have my own personal relationship with God, and also do not believe that you have to be in a church to talk to Him. My father was a preacher and even believes this himself. He is now retired and attends "church" on the internet by listening to various different speakers."
Yes, I had a feeling you felt the same way. I can also feel how open and accepting you are. :)
Thank you sooooo much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and feelings on this post. I so appreciate it!
" I feel privileged even to be able to speak to you through blogs."
Ditto, girl!
(((( you )))))
P.S. have a faaaaaaaaabulous weekend!
I so agree with Barb. And thank you for sharing this very personal story. I can't wait to read the rest!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a wonderful weekend my dear friend!
Good Morning Akelamalu~
ReplyDelete"God is personal to each and every one of us and we find God in our own way, when it's right for us to do so."
You say it perfectly. And Amen!
Thank you for stopping by, m'dear. Always appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend!
Hey Peg~
ReplyDeleteYes, I too agree with Barb!
"I can say through personal experience that when we have a crisis, it is normal to challenge our value system.....a crisis can either make or break you spiritually."
You're so welcome, dear friend. And thank YOU for stopping by and reading. I will post Part 2 on Monday.
Have a MARVI weekend!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this with us. I don't know much about your back story, so it's nice to be able to "fill in the blanks" a little bit, even if those blanks contained misery and despair. Clearly there was a happy ending to your story, and that makes me glad. Eager to read part 2!
Howdy Mark~
ReplyDeleteThank you, buddy. And you're so welcome.
I wanted to reshare my back story a bit so that those of you who may have come here later, would understand this experience in its totality.
And yes, there is a happy ending to this story.
And for as much despair and confusion as I went through, I wouldn't change this experience for the world.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Very appreciated!
I will be posting part 2 on Monday.
Have a supa' weekend!
Damn...how could you possibly leave me hanging without coughing up the title of the book?!
ReplyDeleteRon, I agree we all have unique relationships with Him so therefore our paths are different.
Thank you for being brave enough to share yours with us.
Love and hugs to you, my friend.
Mo and I went through the same thing, including the bankruptcy. We were in a dark pit, with what seemed like no way out. At that point I remember thinking, "Now I understand why people commit suicide."
ReplyDeleteI won't go into details but after a few years of this hell we found a much closer relationship with God that brought us out of the pit. We stood teetering on the edge for a few more years until problems escalated again. That's when we felt God was telling us to move away, and leave the past behind. It was a miracle, but we managed to buy a house and moved from one end of the UK to the other (almost). It was the final stage out of the pit of hell we had been in, and we have never looked back. We no longer go to 'church' but it was right for us at the time. We won't ever forget what that church and God, did for us. We have our own, personal faith now and our life is the happiest it's ever been.
I can't wait to read the next part of your journey but I bet it shows how your bad experience helped you to grow into the wonderful human being you are now :)
Hey SuziCate~
ReplyDelete"Damn...how could you possibly leave me hanging without coughing up the title of the book?!"
" I agree we all have unique relationships with Him so therefore our paths are different."
Yes, I know you do, my friend. So I know that you understand what I'm saying here.
Thank you so much for stopping by and for your love and hugs.
(((( Suzi )))))
Have a great weekend and I'll be posting part 2 on Monday.
Hey Babs~
ReplyDelete"At that point I remember thinking, "Now I understand why people commit suicide."
OMG, I can't believe you said that because I thought the SAME THING!!!!
Your ENTIRE comment resonated with my own story, so I can't thank you enough for sharing it. I think you truly know what I mean.
"It was a miracle, but we managed to buy a house and moved from one end of the UK to the other (almost). It was the final stage out of the pit of hell we had been in, and we have never looked back."
BRAVA! Good for you, girl! And Mo too!
Again, thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your story. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
Yes, part 2 does explain how this experience helped me to grow. I'll be posting it on Monday.
Have a glorious week, Babs!
(((( Babs and Mo )))))
Much X to you and Mo!
I read your post out to Mo and she immediately said, "Just what we lived through" Maybe not caused by the same things, but certainly with the same results. By the way, we finally made the move to a happier life in 2001, so even the period of time was close to yours. I can't believe how much alike we are in the things we feel and have experienced.
ReplyDeleteI believe that, unless we have suffered in life we don't truly appreciate the good that comes our way. It makes us grateful for the little things we once took for granted. x
Hello again Babs~
ReplyDeleteAw...thank you so much for reading this post to Mo. And ever since you left your first comment this morning, I was thinking about you ladies this afternoon and thinking the same darn thing...
"I can't believe how much alike we are in the things we feel and have experienced. "
Honestly, I feel like we've know each other for AGES. Hey and if you believe in reincarnation, we probably have - HA!!!
"By the way, we finally made the move to a happier life in 2001, so even the period of time was close to yours."
That is AMAZING!!!!!
"I believe that, unless we have suffered in life we don't truly appreciate the good that comes our way. It makes us grateful for the little things we once took for granted."
And before all this happening to me, I did take A LOT for granted.
Thanks so much for stopping back, Babs! What a nice treat!
Wishing you and Mo a glorious weekend!
(((((((((( Ron )))))))))))
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I love the top photo. It just...fits..and I might have to stare at it for a while yet.
Second--thank you. Sharing this huge bit of yourself is an honourable and loving thing--and probably even courageous! NOT that I think it oughta haffta be, but you know the humanness factor in all this as well as the next.
Has anyone told you today how loved you are?
<-- just did
Goooooood Morning Mel~
ReplyDeleteIronic you mentioned the top photo because I feel the same way about it. And like you, I had to stare at it a few times because I kept seeing and feeling different things everytime I look at it.
It totally depicts how I feel about the dark night.
"but you know the humanness factor in all this as well as the next."
Yes, dear lady I do. That's why I prefaced this post.
And thank you for your sweet words.
And so are you.....
(((((( Mel )))))))
Have a faaaaaaaaaaaaabulous Saturday! And mucho thanks for stopping by!
NO FAIR. You can't leave me hanging like that!!!! I can't wait to hear the rest. I understand the financial... I am looking around my house now as we speak, trying to figure out what I could sell to get groceries. It is frightening. I am wearing clothes that don't fit anymore (hanging off of me!) that are faded and ancient. I am ok with the house...the kids are still in school... but living like this is hard hard hard. I sometimes forget to turn to God, and I am SUCH a Catholic LoL. Can't wait to hear more!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Katherine~
ReplyDelete"NO FAIR. You can't leave me hanging like that!!!!"
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! I know, aren't I a BEAST? I'll be sharing part 2 on Monday though.
"I understand the financial... I am looking around my house now as we speak, trying to figure out what I could sell to get groceries. It is frightening."
OMG, I soooooooooooooo know what you mean, and YES....it's damn frightening. But keep the faith dear lady, because it WILL turn around for you. I know it will.
((((( Katherine )))))
"I sometimes forget to turn to God, and I am SUCH a Catholic LoL."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, I too was raised Catholic. In fact I went to a Catholic school for 8 years. I still enjoy visiting the Catholic churches here in Philly and just quietly sitting; looking at the red votive candles flickering and smelling the frankincense incense that lingers in the air from mass.
Thank you so very much for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you're having a great weekend. I'll be posting part 2 on Monday.
I know that this has so much to do with what an empathetic person you are
ReplyDeleteI just love you Ron
and I am so glad you woke up each morning to become the amazing person you are
Hello Lady Dianne~
ReplyDelete(((( You ))))
Love ya too, dear lady.
Thank you for your sweet words.
And thank you for stopping by. Hope you're having a maaaaaaaahvalous weekend!
X to you and gang!
Wow, Ron! I eagerly await the second part to this. The books by Rob Bell have really spoken to me in recent years about my concept of God.
ReplyDeleteOh Ron, I love you so much MORE for opening up to us like this. You're an incredible person. And I cannot wait to find out what happens next.
ReplyDeleteAnd, um... if it's not too much trouble could I get the name of the book. Cuz, I could really use something like that right about now.
Hey there Bijoux~
ReplyDelete"The books by Rob Bell have really spoken to me in recent years about my concept of God."
Thank you for sharing that with me because the next time I'm in Barnes & Noble I willl look for his books. I'm always open to read other peoples concepts of God - I find it fascinating!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. I will posting Part 2 on Monday.
Hope you're having a great weekend!
Hello my Libra Friend Meleah~
ReplyDeleteThank you SO MUCH for your sweet and kind words. That meant a lot to me!
The reason I decided to share this was because I've reading so many blogs lately were people are moving through such challenging and dark times right now, with illnesses and struggles. Reading these posts has caused me to vividly remember those times for myself, so I decided to open up and share that very personal time in my life in the hopes it might help others.
Yes, I will be sharing the name of the book in Part 2, so stay tuned on Monday.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, girl! Hope you're feeling better and that everything worked out okay with your tests results. I've been sharing much 'good energy' with you - hope you're feeling it.
(((( Meleah )))))
Have a great rest of your weekend!
'Velvet Elvis' is my favorite by Rob Bell.
ReplyDeleteRon, You are so correct many people who live in the good old U S of A are now facing challanges that they never dreamed they would ever have to face. The old saying is true "God does not give more than we can handle." So we just let go and let God. Does this idealogoy make things and more enjoyable? No it still feels shitty. But just as when you are sick you will now know with God on your side to open doors and show you the way that it will pass. We just have keep our eyes and ears open. Look at everything we had and be thankful, look at all we still have and be thankful and pray that we will gain more in the future and be thankful. When this happens and our period of "poor me" passes that is when the miracles in this life happen. Some times they are small and some times they are monumental but thew will happen just show gratitude and love and see what comes back.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your lovley post and can't wait for part 2.
There is no way to Love. Love is the way ~ Dave
Hey Bijoux~
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'll look for it the next time I'm in B&N!
Have a faaaaaaaabulous Sunday!
And thanks for stopping back!
Hellooooooooooooo Mr. Dave~
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for adding your wisdom to this post, sir!
"The old saying is true "God does not give more than we can handle." So we just let go and let God. Does this idealogoy make things and more enjoyable? No it still feels shitty. But just as when you are sick you will now know with God on your side to open doors and show you the way that it will pass. We just have keep our eyes and ears open. Look at everything we had and be thankful, look at all we still have and be thankful and pray that we will gain more in the future and be thankful. When this happens and our period of "poor me" passes that is when the miracles in this life happen."
I soooooooooooooooooooooooo agree. But brother, does it ever sometimes feel shitty going through them, you're right. Scary.
One the main things I learned from all this was that I never really noticed the many things in my life that I had to be grateful for. Funny how hard times will make you see things you never notice before.
Again, thank you so much for stopping by and adding to this post, buddy. Muchly appreciated!
Yes, I'll be posting part 2 tomorrow.
Hope you're having a SUPER weekend, Dave!
Awww, man. That was both a sad *and* uplifting story. Can't wait for the conclusion! Shoot...sorry to hear about the rough times. :-(
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I agree with you. I have faith in a higher power, whatever that may be. I'd like to think that there's a plan for all of this (HermanTurnip gestures far and wide with this arms).
Howdy Herman~
ReplyDelete"That was both a sad *and* uplifting story."
Great! I'm so glad you found this also uplifting because in all honesty, it ended being such an uplifting experience for me. You'll find out why tomorrow.
" I have faith in a higher power, whatever that may be. I'd like to think that there's a plan for all of this (HermanTurnip gestures far and wide with this arms)."
Yup, through this experience I discovered exactly that for myself....
" There's a plan for all of this."
And I truly believe that.
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy! Muchly appreciated it!
Hope you had a FLAWLESS weekend!
Say hi to Karin and Tyler for me!
Hi Ron, I can't thank you enough for sharing this personal part of your life with us. Many people feel uncomfortable talking about the topic of God.
ReplyDeleteYes, I too believe in God. And it's as you shared, I think we each experience God uniquely. In our hearts, because that's where he/she resides.
I am so looking forward to part 2. Hope you had a nice weekend.
Hola Denise~
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome, girl. And I can't thank you enough for stopping by.
Yes, I agree, people sometimes do feel uncomfortable talking about God. I think a lot times people may just feel awkward saying how they believe in God because it might be different than how others believe. I know for me, I see and know God in a very different way. But that's the cool about God....He's unique to everyone!
Again, thank you so much for stopping by today. Hope you had a fantabulous weekend.
the one thing i wonder about God and people is why when things are going great, people boast and say look what i've done or look what i have..we get an I problem. when things in our life suck, are bad, confusing, we blame God. i'm very hard on myself and i blame myself to shame for the unwise decisions i've made. i do ask God to keep me in his mercy and pray i make better decisions. as long as i'm not dead, i feel there is always hope, no matter what my circumstances, take everything. makes me think of job, he lost a lot, but never cursed God and was eventually blessed. .02
ReplyDeleteHey there V~
ReplyDelete"the one thing i wonder about God and people is why when things are going great, people boast and say look what i've done or look what i have..we get an I problem. when things in our life suck, are bad, confusing, we blame God."
OMG...THANK YOU for sharing that because you are sooooooo spot on! And I've done that myself. Blame God.
"as long as i'm not dead, i feel there is always hope, no matter what my circumstances, take everything."
You are so right, girl! And for as many decisions I've made that may not have been the best ones, there was always something to learn from them. So in a way, they really weren't 'not the best decisions.' Because I grew.
Thanks oh so much for stopping by and sharing your feelings on these posts, my friend. Muchly appreciated and enjoyed!
(((( V )))))
Have a great week!
I'm not going to comment too much here, because I see there is another post already for me after this one, but I'd like to say this. Once again, my dear, it seems we have a lot in common. I'm nodding as I read through this; yes, there are many paths and always will be, yes, I dislike people who try to impose their views on me, yes, I believe in a God who is a friend I can chat to (and complain at when necessary!) and I so understand the feeling of knowing He (or She) is out there, but feeling cut off.
ReplyDeleteAs you may or may not know, I'm a Quaker. I am a Quaker by convincement, which means I was not born into a Quaker family, but found my way there because it all seems to 'fit'. We don't proselytise, we don't attempt to convert, and I find it terribly difficult to deal with people who do. I can't tell you how many blogs I've clicked away from because of this.
Hmm. So this is 'not commenting much' huh? LOL!
Hey there Jay~
ReplyDelete"Hmm. So this is 'not commenting much' huh? LOL!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA! You are toooooooooo funny! But I LOVED your 'not commenting much' it was so spot on, and I'm in total agreement.
And yes, whether it's because we're both Libra's or simply because we just have a lot in common, I see we 'think' and 'feel' the same on many topics.
I totally forgot you were a Quaker, but yes, you DID share that with me in one of your comments one time. And I ADORE the Quaker way of life. A dear friend of mine teaches at a Quaker School here in Philly and says that it's the BEST experience he's EVER had teaching school. And for the reason you mentioned....
"We don't proselytise, we don't attempt to convert, and I find it terribly difficult to deal with people who do."
Thanks soooooooooo much for stopping by and sharing yourself on this post, my friend. I always enjoy our chats....always!
Hope you're having a FAB week!