It’s been YEARS since I’ve been to a psychic or tarot card reader.
There was a period in my life (back through the 80’s) when I went to psychics and card readers because I was exploring various esoteric things. The 80’s were a huge search decade for me. And that’s not to say I still don’t search and explore new stuff, but several of the things I use to rely upon for assistance no longer hold the same interest.
I’ve come to a point in my life where I don’t want to know my future. I’d rather just be surprised.
(and now I’m going to contradict myself)
Two weeks ago at work, we had a cosmetic and fragrance event in which the store hired a tarot card reader as a special gift to those customers who made a purchase within my department.
I thought that was a VERY cool and original idea on their part.
And it’s funny, the second I met the woman who did the readings, I liked her. I found out she was a Reiki practitioner, so we had something in common to talk about. But there was something else I really liked about her. She was very honest and unfluffy in her readings, sharing not only things that were pleasant, but also things that were challenges in your life. Things you needed to face and address.
She was a native New Yorker, born in Brooklyn. And being someone who loves New York and its natives, I figured that was probably why I instantly felt comfortable around her.
New Yorkers are very upfront. And I respect that.
Anyway, later in day just before she left, I asked if she wouldn’t mind sharing a quick reading for me. She said, “Of course….come over to my table.”
Allow me to say, I think some psychics and tarot cards readers are full of baloney, bullshit and horsefeathers. And that you could probably get a more accurate reading by asking a Magic 8 Ball.
But, I also believe there are others who are truly gifted and very accurate.
Such as it was with this lady.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a reading more spot on than the one she gave me.
She was so accurate that she even named NAMES.
And she was fast, never hesitating to think about the cards. She just allowed herself to trust their messages.
The whole reading took less than 10 minutes, but she told me more truth in those 10 minutes than any other card reader.
When getting a tarot card reading, the person who is having the reading begins by shuffling the deck and then cuts them into three piles, choosing one of the piles to work with.
Typically, you’re suppose to ask a question before the reading, but I requested that she allow the cards to simply tell me whatever they felt like.
Here’s some of the things she conveyed to me:
She started by telling me that I am very loved. And not by anyone in particular, but rather that the people who are in my life sincerely love me. I got a little teary-eyed when she expressed that because it’s true. I DO feel loved and very blessed. I’ve got a lot of love in my life.
Also, she sees someone coming into my life in March (a relationship), which totally shocked the hell out of me because for the past few months, I can feel someone coming into my life. And she actually told me who it was, by NAME. So….we shall see! But I have to admit, it’s kind of scary because it’s been so long since I’ve had a relationship. I fear a relationship because I know how selfish I can be.
She also told me something about certain family members, which I can’t specifically say who they are because they've discovered my blog. However, what I can tell you is that she said I need to make closure with these 'certain' family members (and she knew WHO they were). She was right….I do need to make closure with them because I’ve been avoiding it out of anticipating a bitter confrontation.
She told me that I need to stop placing such high expectations on people because I get disappointed a lot. Yup…she was right. I place way too high expectations on people (AND myself) and that’s really not healthy - for them or for me.
She said I’m a neat freak and a perfectionist. HA! That’s understatement!
She also said she sees me writing, and to start journaling.
She ended the reading by throwing out the remainder of the cards, saying, “LOVE…LOVE…the cards keep telling me you’re so loved.”
To me, love comes from many places. Family, friends, intimate relationships, co-workers, and yes….even our fellow bloggers.
So, I would like to end this post by thanking each and everyone of you who shares your love and friendship with me through the energy of your words. And please know, that you are loved and greatly appreciated in return.

Wishing you a love filled weekend everyone!
I love you. As a blogger friend that has never (yet) been lucky enough to meet you in person but am hoping to do some sooner than later. Love is the light of our lives. Let's focus on that. This weekend more than ever before.
ReplyDeleteCracking idea, what an incentive to make purchases at your store. Good luck with all you learned from the tarot lady. You surely are loved, I can tell that.
ReplyDelete'I’ve come to a point in my life where I don’t want to know my future. I’d rather just be surprised'
Me too, Ron. The nearer I get to the end of my life the less I want to know but whatever crops up will be dealt with as and when.
I've never had a tarot reading, the sceptic in me wonders how a set of cards can predict the future. However, I am into telepathy and I do listen to any vibes that come my way. Just don't send any bad messages my way or I'll scream so loud the rest of blogland will hear me. Hope you're geared up for a fabulous weekend.
gives me goose bumps. i'm afraid of fortune tellers and psychic readers or anybody with a deck of cards for that matter. i fear the underworld or demon contact. shudders and runs away, but screams:
ReplyDelete"keep us posted though"
before passing out.
OK, she gave you a NAME? Like a first name or last name or nickname or what??? That is freaky!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great weekend, Ron! You are loved!!!!!!!
you know how much I love you :)
ReplyDeletethe card reader sounds wonderful, but then again she's from Brooklyn so of course ;)
I love the photo in the previous post
you have the sexiest arms!
I have a thing about shoulders and arms
I felt bad about not participating when Barb was sharing photos
I have crappy periods where my energy level wanes
I do my own post and that's about it
Love Ya
ReplyDeletethank you for helping Annie
that makes me happy
...Oh how lucky you are to be so loved! And you know what? It doesn't surprise me a bit! You are one of the sweetest souls I've ever "met" and yet to actually meet. You're on my Bucket List you know. ;o)
ReplyDelete...I do hope you meet someone special in the upcoming months ahead, your kind of spirit should be shared with someone on an intimate level. Someone is missing out because you two haven't met as of yet. And really Ron, aren't we all a lil' selfish in relationships? I mean it is a constant tug o' war of give and take in any relationship but then, (*beep*beep*beep* that's me backing up here), there are those that just "take" and rarely give in return and I can't imagine for the life of me that you are one of those. Lets just say you better not be or I'll have to come to Philly and kick some major bum! ;o)
...Yeah, it's best when it comes to family to nip it in the bud right away. I know it's hard 'cause like you I'm one that doesn't like confrontation either but if it becomes a dramatic scene then you can always just stop, get up, and leave. Just try again another day 'cause it doesn't have to be resolved in one sitting either. Believe me, I know, I am a reserved, quiet, introvert type and my family are the Hell's Angels. I am not kidding. :o\
...Well my friend, I wish you one heckuva wonderful weekend and I love ya! ;o)
...Blessings :o)
Bonjour Susu~
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya!
" Love is the light of our lives. Let's focus on that. This weekend more than ever before."
Thanks so much for stopping by, beautiful lady. Have a wonderful weekend!
P.S. thank you for sending a photo!
How fun! I always find those kinds of things to be entertaining. I will talk to an animal communicator from time to time. She is really spot on. I tally it under entertainment costs and try to not take it too seriously.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to feel so loved. You have such a warm presence that makes its way beyond the computer and phone. Can't wait to see you in person next week.
Yes, you are loved. I don't do tarot cards. I'd rather watch life unfold around me without my freaking out about everything I was told and waiting for a rock to fall on my head or womething...that said, I do find what she told you interesting,,,and the fact she used names, wow!Let us know if she's spot on with the relationship. If you want to journal, I found this exciting new way and just downloaded tomy kindle and started yesterday. It's called "writing Down Your Soul" by Janet Conner. It's all about writing to your Creator/God/Universe how you feel, questions and then having the "Voice" meet you on the journey with answers. I just started this last night. I am so hoping I can have the dedication to stay with it.
ReplyDeleteGoooooood morning Valerie~
ReplyDeleteYes, wasn't that a cracking idea?
By the end of the day, she was doing readings for ANYone and EVERYone, regardless if they purchased. She was such a cool lady.
"Me too, Ron. The nearer I get to the end of my life the less I want to know but whatever crops up will be dealt with as and when."
That's exactly how I feel too. I would much rather my life be a surprise and experience it as it comes.
"I've never had a tarot reading, the sceptic in me wonders how a set of cards can predict the future."
It's not actually the cards that are predicting the future, but rather the 'energy' of the person(s) using them. The cards are kind of like a 'telephone' that the messages speak through. The cards are mearly the 'tool.'
" However, I am into telepathy and I do listen to any vibes that come my way. Just don't send any bad messages my way or I'll scream so loud the rest of blogland will hear me."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No, dearest lady....I woud never send you any bad vibes. Never.
Thank you so much for stopping by. Always FAB to see ya! Have super-duper weekend!
Hey there V~
ReplyDelete"gives me goose bumps. i'm afraid of fortune tellers and psychic readers or anybody with a deck of cards for that matter. i fear the underworld or demon contact."
HA! Yes, I know many people who feel the same way. In fact, there were several people who chose not to go anywhere near her.
However, I can 'sense' if a tarot card reader or psychic works with any 'negative' energy. And THOSE people, I too, stay away from. However, this lady was very light and bright, but told the truth about what messages she received.
She was very cool.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl! Have SUPERB weekend!
Gooood morning Bijoux~
ReplyDelete"OK, she gave you a NAME? Like a first name or last name or nickname or what??? That is freaky!"
Yup! And I know who it is. That was the freaky part!
Thanks oodles for stopping by, dear lady. Have a grrrrrrrreat weekend!
YOU are loved too!
((((( Bijoux )))))
Good morning Lady Dianne~
ReplyDelete"you know how much I love you :)"
Yup! As much as I love YOU!
((((( Dianne )))))
"the card reader sounds wonderful, but then again she's from Brooklyn so of course ;)"
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You have no idea how much I thought of YOU when I met her. She was SUCH a New Yorker! You would have LOVED her. She now lives in Philly and does private or party readings for people.
Thank you so much for your sweet words, you made me blush.
"I felt bad about not participating when Barb was sharing photos
I have crappy periods where my energy level wanes
I do my own post and that's about it."
No problem, dear lady. I totally understand. I just kinda left this up to anyone who would like to share one of their photos. I want this to be relaxed and unpressured.
But if you change your mind, I would be honored to share one of your photos. I leave that up to you.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend!
X ya, too!
Hi to the gang!
Sounds interesting Ron. I too have never had a reading, but am intrigued. I can imagine that there would be some BS readings & also meanings that people just WANT to hear, therefore make them happen. Sometimes the universe needs to tell us something though, and if you are open, this is a good venue for messages.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the new relationship, if it comes to pass. I fear I would be in the same boat. I wouldn't mind it, but a relationship would certainly change my free time. I have love in a few corners of my life too though, so am not on death's door over being single. Plus, I've got love to spare, so want to share it with YOU dear man. :)
Have a fabulous weekend Ron!
Well you know I love you Ron! :)
ReplyDeleteI've had a few readings over the years and I agree with you - some are a load of old tosh and others are so spot on they're a little scary.
I can't wait to hear whether the relationship she saw for you happens - you will let us know won't you?
Hi again Lady Dianne~
ReplyDeleteJust found your second comment.
Thank you SO MUCH for turning me on to Lucy's blog - I LOVE IT!
I placed her on my reader, so I could catch her updates.
Hey, Ron, great post. I'm glad that you sat down with this lady. It sounds like quite an experience-naming names! I've never had a tarot reading, but I'm open to it and I certainly agree that while there are a lot of fakers in this world, you can also find those who have the gift. She gave you a lot of good advice and reminded you that you are loved--which you are. But, hey, do you think anyone from Brooklyn would steer you wrong?!? Have a great weekend, buddy!
ReplyDeleteGoooooood morning Dearest TJ~
ReplyDelete(((((( You )))))))
Thank you for your sweet words.
And I feel EXACTLY the same way about YOU! I do hope one day we meet.
From the second I read your first comment....I knew you were one of God's angels.
And I really mean that - you're a very special soul.
You can feel that through the energy of your words, and all that you share on your faaaaaaaaaaaaabulous blog.
"And really Ron, aren't we all a lil' selfish in relationships? I mean it is a constant tug o' war of give and take in any relationship but then, (*beep*beep*beep* that's me backing up here), there are those that just "take" and rarely give in return and I can't imagine for the life of me that you are one of those. Lets just say you better not be or I'll have to come to Philly and kick some major bum!"
True. We're all a bit selfish, I agree. And when it comes to sharing in an intimate relationship it IS a tug o' war. Give and take.
What I guess I really mean by 'selfish' is that I've been single for so long now, that I've gotten a bit use to having my free time being for myself. And when it comes to having a relationship, I'll have to learn to share my time again.
"...Yeah, it's best when it comes to family to nip it in the bud right away."
Yup....you are sooooooooooooo right! And what's odd, is that I'm normally not someone who avoids confrontation, but when it comes to this 'one' thing, I HAVE avoided it.
Thank you for your GREAT advice.....
"you can always just stop, get up, and leave. Just try again another day 'cause it doesn't have to be resolved in one sitting either. "
That's right.
As always, it's such delight to read your comment, TJ. Thank you so much!
Have heckuva wonderful weekend too!
X ya!
Hey Jen~
ReplyDelete"I will talk to an animal communicator from time to time. She is really spot on. I tally it under entertainment costs and try to not take it too seriously."
Oooooo....how FAAAAAAAAAAAABULOUS is that! Yes, I've heard of animal communicators. In fact, I knew a Reiki practitioner who not only did Reiki for animals, but could actually communicate with them. Fascinating! And I totally believe it!
Thank you for your sweet words, my friend. And I can't WAIT to meet you in person next week too!
Have a great weekend and thank you for stopping by!
Hey there SuziCate~
ReplyDelete" I don't do tarot cards. I'd rather watch life unfold around me without my freaking out about everything I was told and waiting for a rock to fall on my head or womething.."
Ditto! I totally agree with you. And if it hadn't been that she was there, and I felt comfortable about her, I don't think I would have even gone to another card reader. But, she was so cool, I felt like it was 'right.'
"that said, I do find what she told you interesting,,,and the fact she used names, wow!"
Yes, she was pretty amazing because I've never had a reader mention NAMES. And they were the CORRECT names too!
I can't thank you enough for sharing that information about "Writing Down Your Soul" by Janet Conner. OMG....it's sounds AWESOME!
*jumping up and down with excitement*
I will definitely look for it online or in Barnes & Noble bookstore sometime this weekend!
MUCHO thanks, Suzi! And thank so much for stopping by.
Have a great weekend!
Hiya Katherine~
ReplyDeleteGreat to see ya, my friend!
" I can imagine that there would be some BS readings & also meanings that people just WANT to hear, therefore make them happen. Sometimes the universe needs to tell us something though, and if you are open, this is a good venue for messages."
In the past, I've gone to a few readers who were so full of shit, their eyes turned brown right in front of me - HAHAHHAHAHAAHHA!
However, this woman was so RIGHT ON it blew me away! And I don't know whether it was because we had a common interest in Reiki, but we just 'clicked', and the reading ended up being so enjoyable and VERY informative. And TRUE.
" fear I would be in the same boat. I wouldn't mind it, but a relationship would certainly change my free time. I have love in a few corners of my life too though, so am not on death's door over being single. Plus, I've got love to spare, so want to share it with YOU dear man. :)"
Ditto to all that shared. I don't dislike being single or feel that I'm missing out on something by not having a 'special' someone in my life. But I feel that it may be time, and that I will grow and learn from it.
That is, if it does happen (tee, hee).
Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment.
(((( You )))))
Have a fabulous weekend, Katherine!
Good morning Akelamalu~
ReplyDeleteLove ya too, m'dear!
(((( X You X )))))
"I've had a few readings over the years and I agree with you - some are a load of old tosh and others are so spot on they're a little scary."
Exactly! I've gone to some who I just wanted to laugh and say, "OMG....you've GOT to be kidding?????"
However, this lady was so amazing! She was a Pisces. And Pisces are very intuitive people.
"I can't wait to hear whether the relationship she saw for you happens - you will let us know won't you?"
Yes, absolutely! And I may have to blog about it; asking you all for your advice about relationships. Because, GOD KNOWS I'll NEED IT - HA!
Thank you for stopping by and have a glorious weekend!
Hey there Rob~
ReplyDeleteThanks, bud!
Meeeee too! I'm glad I sat down with this lady.
I've gone to several fakers in my time, however she was REALLY good. And what I liked about her was that she never second guessed the cards OR herself. She was definite. And that made me realize she 'just knew.'
"But, hey, do you think anyone from Brooklyn would steer you wrong?!?"
I have quite a few blogging friends from the New York area, so I was thinking of you all when I met this lady.
Honestly, I truly adore New York and it's natives.
What you see is what you get. And I love that!
Thanks for stopping by, buddy! So glad to have met you.
Have a supa' weekend!
Hi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteI am wondering where my comment from this morning went...that already happened to me before. I might have been in a hurry(I was attending a wedding this morning :) ).
Oh well... I am just going to tell you that I too, love you tons ((((((((Ronnie)))))))).
Oh my gosh; the part of me that does not believe in psychics is rather dumbfounded to hear what that lady said.
I am someone who believes that it is possible that a select few have the "gift" to read into others. But, the larger majority is made of charatans.
If you do find your Mr Right in March, we get dibs on the scoop!
If not, you still have all the love coming from here and elsewhere.
Big hugs & happy weekend.
Hey there Barbara~
ReplyDeleteGosh, I'm soooo sorry about your comment, but I didn't find it this morning in my moderate box.
DAMN BLOGGER! That's been happening lately. Again, I apologize.
LOVE ya too, my friend!
((((((((( Barb )))))))))))
"Oh my gosh; the part of me that does not believe in psychics is rather dumbfounded to hear what that lady said.
I am someone who believes that it is possible that a select few have the "gift" to read into others. But, the larger majority is made of charatans."
I know, wasn't she amazingly accurate? I too think there are a select few who REALLY have the "gift", but not everyone.
"If you do find your Mr Right in March, we get dibs on the scoop!
If not, you still have all the love coming from here and elsewhere."
Aw....thank you. Yes, if I do meet someone in March, you guys and gals will DEFINITELY be getting the scoop. And he better now mind me talking about it on my blog or he can GO TAKE A HIKE - bwhahahahahahahahahaha!
Thanks for stopping by back and recommenting. I so appreciate that.
Have a glorious weekend and I hope you had a great time at the wedding!
Hi, Ron!
ReplyDeleteGosh, the last time I went to a tarot reader was... the last time I went to a tarot reader. I apparently went to a really good one. This lady told me things that only my husband and I knew. She was very specific as well. She was so specific it scared the ever living HELL out of me so I decided I didn't want to go back again. Sometimes I still flirt with the notion of going back just for kicks, but then I remember how freaked out it got me!
Oh, and just so you know... all that love is coming from me!
what a great post for a Friday, I'm all feeling good and optimistic now. being open to receive the gifts of the present and the future is a perfect message from the reader and a great lesson for the students of life (I'm definitely one of those students). Ron, you magnify and reflect out the love that you receive. you are such a brilliant child of God and I'm thankful to be a blogging friend. Sending my love back xo, Diane
ReplyDeleteYanno, I have never been to a psychic or tarot card reader, and I would LOVE to one day, because I got the CHILLS reading about your last experience.
ReplyDeleteHi myfwbs~
ReplyDelete"Gosh, the last time I went to a tarot reader was... the last time I went to a tarot reader. I apparently went to a really good one."
"This lady told me things that only my husband and I knew. She was very specific as well. She was so specific it scared the ever living HELL out of me so I decided I didn't want to go back again."
WOW WHEEEEEE! Sounds like you experienced a GREAT one as well! I'll tell ya, isn't something how uncanny they can be in their accuracy? BLOWS ME AWAY!
Yeah, I probably won't be going back anytime soon either. It's probably been over 15 years since my last reading.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. And thank you for your sweet words. Please know what a joy it's been getting to know you through our blogs this summer. I feel like I've known you for YEARS!
(((( You )))))
Have a MARVI weekend......X
Hey there Diane~
ReplyDeleteI don't what else to say in response to your touching comment other than thank you.....and DITTO back to ya, my friend!
From the very first time I came to your blog (when you were with Blogger), I could FEEL your soul.
And I LOVE how it felt!
Thank you (and Cristybella) for being in my life and for all the love that you share.
Have a wonderful weekend!
X to you and C!
Hey there Meleah~
ReplyDeleteShe truly was the best I had ever been too.
Gave me chills too!
Thanks for stopping by, my Libra friend.
Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for being in my life!
(((( Meleah )))))
Holy cow.
ReplyDeleteHOLY COW!!!!!!
I'da passed out and someone woulda had to scrape me off the floor. Seriously.....named names?!
I enjoy a good 'generalized' fortune telling...about as much as I enjoy reading a lovely generic horoscope. Or those great fotune cookies! LOL Entertaining to say the least. But do I put a whole lotta stock in 'em?
No way. LOL
Now....naming names and knowing stuff that nobody oughta know....HOLY COW.
ON the floor.
But I'm all about the 'love, love, love--it's all about love' stuff! That bit wouldn'ta creeped me out.
We're talkin' YOU. And even the dude that tried makin' off with that ladies iPhone knew how loved you are!
((((((((((((( Ron )))))))))))))
Hey there Mel~
That's what totally flipped me out about how accurate she was!
And I think you would have enjoyed her because she was very down to earth and natural about her ability.
She also told me that she trained for YEARS with another tarot card reader, who took her under his wing because he knew she had a gift.
"I enjoy a good 'generalized' fortune telling...about as much as I enjoy reading a lovely generic horoscope. Or those great fotune cookies! LOL Entertaining to say the least. But do I put a whole lotta stock in 'em?
No way."
Fortune cookies! OMG....I totally forgot about those! And do you want to know something silly? Whenever I go to a Chinese restaurant and they bring the fortune cookies with the check, I always ask that everyone else at the table pick one first, so I get the last one. Somehow I always think the last one will be the BEST fortune - HA! Aren't I silly?
"We're talkin' YOU. And even the dude that tried makin' off with that ladies iPhone knew how loved you are!"
Bwhahahahahahahahaha! Too funny!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. And thank you for sharing your love and friendship ALL these years. I so cherish them.
Hope you're feeling better!
((((( Mel )))))
Have a great weekend!
Ron, now you are scaring me. During the 80's we were heavily involved in Spiritualism and guess what? Mo was a very successful medium. Well sought after because she would never give baloney. She was giving a reading one day, and had a queue of people waiting outside. She suddenly said the to woman "I'm sorry but this isn't for you. Could you please forgive me" and promptly went outside to call in the person it was meant for. Mo would never 'fake' it. The readings were free, so nobody was out pocket.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how alike our lives have been!
Good morning Babs~
ReplyDelete"During the 80's we were heavily involved in Spiritualism and guess what? Mo was a very successful medium."
WOW....how ironic is that?!?!!?
And I'm totally intrigue and fascinated to hear that Mo was a medium!
And what a story you shared!
Please tell Mo I said you GO, girl! And bravo to her honesty and integrity!
Yup....I cannot believe how ALIKE our lives have been! Un-be-lievable!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing on this post, Babs! Have a super weekend!
X to you and Mo!
Morning Ronnie!
ReplyDeleteI actually did a Tarot card reading once and I gotta say at the time I was really convinced that she knew what she was talking about. In retrospect though nothing has really come to be. But then maybe I haven't waited long enough? Your post is making me think its time to try a new Tarot reader rather than ruling them out... Nice pic at the end btw! Fits your post perfectly!
Morning cestlavie~
ReplyDelete"I actually did a Tarot card reading once and I gotta say at the time I was really convinced that she knew what she was talking about. In retrospect though nothing has really come to be. But then maybe I haven't waited long enough?"
Well, I've heard some psychics/readers say that it can take up to a several years (2-3) for their predicitions to manifest. And also, I think sometimes the 'time line' (even with the most accurate reader) may be off a bit.
Glad you enjoyed the photo. Isn't it cool? I found it online and thought it would be just right for the closing.
Always so nice to see ya! Thanks for stopping by.
Have a grrrrrreat weekend!
Hi Ron, fascinating post about your reading. Boy, was she ever accurate - naming names! I myself have never been to a card reader or psychic, but I wouldn't rule it out. I do think that some are probably more gifted others.
ReplyDeleteI'll be anxious to hear if you meet your (relationship) in March. So, keep us updated.
Have a nice weekend.
Hola Denise~
ReplyDeleteYup...she really was accurate. I've never had another card reader or psychic actually named names. TOTALLY blew me away!
She was GOOD!
Yes, I'll definitely keep you posting on March's relationship. I really don't want to think about it too much. If it's meant to be, then it will happen. But I am a tad excited!
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Wishing you a LOVELY weekend!
Ron I have known from the first time I read you all that time ago when you wrote a lovely post about my dear friend Dusty Bunny, that you were much loved.
ReplyDeleteThat was why I was so pleased to find you again.
I do have a set of tarot cards myself but although I have an idea of what each card symbolises I can't do readings, unlike some of my blogger friends who I have met.
During a difficult period in my life a few years ago I spoke to a variety of psychics on the phone but although some were better than others I found that the very first lady I spoke to was totally in tune with me. We have become friends and met for a drink last October when I was visiting the island where she lives. I have not spoken to her at all this year but I know that I only have to pick up the phone and say hello and she will be in tune with me in an instant.
I don't want to know the future either but she has been an incredible support during difficult times such as predicting exactly when my husband would move out of our home a full seven months before it happened.
oh you know who she was talking about now that sounds intriguing
I'm sure we all hope it works out for you.
Greetings Anna~
ReplyDeleteAw...thank you. And don't ya just LOVE Nitebyrd? My god, she and I have been blogging with one another now, for the past FOUR years.
"I do have a set of tarot cards myself but although I have an idea of what each card symbolises I can't do readings, unlike some of my blogger friends who I have met."
I use to have a deck 'angel cards' that I use to use. And like you, I only used them for myself. Never for anyone else (doing card readings).
"I have not spoken to her at all this year but I know that I only have to pick up the phone and say hello and she will be in tune with me in an instant."
And I believe it because a good psychic can tune solely into your 'energy' - they don't even have to SEE you.
"she has been an incredible support during difficult times such as predicting exactly when my husband would move out of our home a full seven months before it happened."
WOW! That's incredible!
"I'm sure we all hope it works out for you."
I'm very curious to see how and when it manifests. I'll definitely let you guys know!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Anna. Always so nice to see your comments. Hope you're having a marvi weekend!
sweet ron, i do feel a deep love for you and don't need the physical to make that reality nor do you....i feel it in every word i read that comes from your mind.......this is powerful in itself and yet so sweet, as life should be....
ReplyDeleteyour post blew me away and i do hope for you that relationship materializes if that is what you want in your life.......how lovely would that be?
take care this dark weekend, see the light above and keep the media out...i am sure i need not say those things but your skin seems light and fragile, transparent and kind, your compassion is almost luminous....i love you too.♥xoxlinda
Good morning Linda~
ReplyDeleteDitto back to you, dear friend.
And I love how you said this...."and don't need the physical to make that reality nor do you...."
Absolutely true!
Wasn't her reading so spot on? Honestly, it was the most accurate reading I've ever gotten.
Yes, we shall see about the 'relationship'. I just think it's ironic that I've been 'feeling' a relationship around me lately, and she came right out and 'said' it.
Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet words. I so enjoyed your lovely post yesterday. Yes, today will be a very melancholy day. I've already read several posts this weekend that have brought tears to my eyes.
Have a wonderful Sunday, Linda!
((((((( Linda )))))))))
I could have told you that you are loved! It's even better that you KNOW you are.
ReplyDeleteI haven't had anything like that done in over 30 years. Just the thought now kind of freaks me out... not sure I really WANT to know!
Here's more love coming to you from GA!
Hiya Peg~
ReplyDeleteAwww.....thank you.
And ditto back at ya XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!
It WAS kinda freaky that she was so spot on with so many things. But there was something really comfortable about her - she had really good energy.
Thanks for stopping by, dear friend. Hope you had a super weekend!
It's awesome that your company hired a Tarot card reader! That's funky cool. At my past place of employment we were lucky to get a stale sandwich and a kick in the arse. It sounds like you work for a company that actually cares about its employees. *thumbs up!*
ReplyDeleteHowdy Herman~
ReplyDeleteWasn't that the coolest funky idea? It really drew in a lot of customers too!
"At my past place of employment we were lucky to get a stale sandwich and a kick in the arse."
Thanks for stopping by, buddy! Hope you had a great weekend and that you got your power back on.
X to you and the family!
I'm really happy that the reading was so spot on for you. Although ANYONE could have guessed how much you are loved. ;) LOL
ReplyDeleteBut that she got very specific and you knew exactly who she meant with relationship and family issues is terrific. It just reinforces things we already know but might be having a hard time with.
There is a wonderful lady who I'm friendly with from the astrology group we both belong to who does Tarot and Numerology readings. I am planning to have a reading by her soon. She is also a Reiki practitioner. It'll be a fairly detailed reading and I'm looking forward to it.
Have a great week.
Very impressive, Ron! I would LOVE to go see a psychic or a tarot card reader. A legitimate one like you had (and yes, I believe in that stuff). I once bought a pack of tarot cards myself and was excited to learn how to use them. Sadly, I did maybe one reading ever; now they're sitting gathering dust in the bottom of a drawer somewhere. Time to dig them out again, maybe...
ReplyDeleteI'll be interested to read your blog come March to see if the relationship prediction comes true! :)
Howdy Mark~
ReplyDeleteThis woman blew my away with her accuracy! And the thing that really impressed me the most was that she didn't even 'think' about it, she just said it - and quickly.
'"I once bought a pack of tarot cards myself and was excited to learn how to use them. Sadly, I did maybe one reading ever; now they're sitting gathering dust in the bottom of a drawer somewhere. Time to dig them out again, maybe..."
Me too! I have a deck somewhere, but I haven't used them in probably about 10 years.
Yeah, I'll be sure to let you guys know if something manifests about a relationship in March.
Thanks for stopping by, buddy! Hope you had a great time on your trip. I can't wait to read all about it!
Hiya Crystal Chick~
ReplyDeleteThis woman was AMAZING! And I really think you would have 'clicked' with her like I did. She's been practicing Reiki for years and is now Reiki Master. I would love to have a Reiki session with her.
"There is a wonderful lady who I'm friendly with from the astrology group we both belong to who does Tarot and Numerology readings. I am planning to have a reading by her soon. She is also a Reiki practitioner. It'll be a fairly detailed reading and I'm looking forward to it."
Ooooooo....how cool! You gotta let me know all about your reading because I'll be curious to see how you felt about it.
Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Always a delight to see ya!
Have a faaaaaaaaaabulous week!
P.S. hasn't the weather been flawless? You can actually FEEL Fall coming!!!
Ron, I love this post! It made me so happy to read it. I'm going through a difficult time right now (my father is seriously ill), and I just wanted you to know it lifted my spirits for a minute. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm glad it was such a great experience for you.
ReplyDeleteHiya Kathy~
ReplyDeleteSo FAB to see ya, girl!
Aw...so glad you enjoyed the post. I was in AWE of this woman's accuracy.
"I'm going through a difficult time right now (my father is seriously ill), and I just wanted you to know it lifted my spirits for a minute."
Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear that, Kathy. Please know that I will send you MUCH "energy" during this time, in the hopes that it brings healing and peace.
((((((( Kathy ))))))))
You take care, and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
She was SO accurate. You ARE just a big heart on legs. From the minute we started communicating via our blogs, I could sense how genuine and kind you are.
ReplyDeleteA relationship coming your way??? WOO HOO!!Don't overthink it. In fact, by then, you'll probably have forgotten about her saying anything until you're madly in love and then you'll think, hey, I remember something about this.....
Hey Chrissy~
ReplyDeleteWasn't she? She blew me away!
Aw...thank you, girl. And ditto to YOU! That's why I love ya!
"A relationship coming your way??? WOO HOO!!Don't overthink it. In fact, by then, you'll probably have forgotten about her saying anything until you're madly in love and then you'll think, hey, I remember something about this....."
No, I won't over think it, I promise. In fact, I've already forgotten about it - HA!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Always a joy to read your comments
(((( Chrissy ))))
Have a grrrrrreat week!
X to you, Millie, Vinny, and Dino!
1. never had a tarot reading...
ReplyDelete2. well, psssh. i coulda told you that you're LOVED! ;) even by your virtual friends, and especially your bestie!!!
3. that's CRAy CRAY. I'm so excited for March for you!!! Better keep me posted!!!
Hey again Blunt~
ReplyDeleteThis women was freakin' AMAZING! Never had a tarot card reading that was THAT accurate.
"well, psssh. i coulda told you that you're LOVED! ;) even by your virtual friends, and especially your bestie!!!"
Back at ya, bestie!
((((( You )))))
Yeah, I'll be sure to keep you guys posted in March.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, girl!