Have you ever met someone for the first time and instantly felt like you were going have a negative encounter?
As though something about their ‘vibe’ made your intuition say, WARNING! WARNING!
I have.
In fact, I met someone like that last week at work.
Often during this time of the year in cosmetic retail, vendors will send in additional support in the way of hiring seasonal freelance workers to help out in the store, promoting their particular line of cosmetics or fragrances.
Let me start off by saying that it’s challenging for a seasonal freelance worker to come into a new and unfamiliar store to work for a brief period of time, because most cosmetic departments have a certain rhythm in which they run, therefore the freelancer has to learn how to quickly adapted to the rhythm and abide by it.
Whenever a seasonal worker comes into our store, I will always introduce myself by welcoming them to our department, and letting them know that if they have any questions or need help, to just ask me. I try to put them at ease, and convey to them that ’we’ in our department work as a team; helping one another.
I can honestly say, that most everyone I work with in my department is a joy.
Sure, we do have a couple of SHARKS, but on the whole, it‘s a pretty tame department.
And trust me, I’ve worked with some people in several cosmetic departments over the past 26 years, that makes Sea Worlds’ Shark Encounter look like a fish bowl full of gobies.
The cosmetic industry is a tough and competitive business, therefore it attracts a lot of aggressive people. And with the economy the way that it is, people are afraid they’ll lose their jobs if they don’t PRODUCE, which makes them get desperate for sales….and at times, just plain NASTY.
However, I don’t play this way. I’m fair and honest, and would never try to intercept someone else’s sale by butting in and pushing my own goods.
Everyone at work knows this about me, and reciprocates the same respect.
Except, seasonal freelance workers will often times try to “test me” because they assume I’m nice and easy. In other words, a pushover.
That is, until they PUSH me.
Such as it was last week, when a seasonal worker (shark) came into our store to help out with one of the cosmetic lines.
As soon as I saw her, I knew she was trouble - the hair on my neck stood up. She had a perpetual scowl on her face, as if she hadn't taken a bowel movement in over a month. Yet, I did what I normally do and greeted her politely, and welcomed her to our department.
However, throughout the day, I noticed that whenever a customer came over to my counter (while I was busy helping another customer) she would swim over and PRETEND to help them with my line, but was SHARKLY trying to push her own products in the hopes that the customer would choose hers over mine.
I let her first and second interceptions go, but when she did it to me a THIRD time I immediately walked over and introduced myself to the customer; informing them that I was the representative for the line and that if they had any questions they could ask ME. And as the customer was busy looking at my products, I gave the SHARK a look with my eyes that said, “YO, HO.…BACK OFF!”
Many of my other fellow employees began to notice that she was doing the same thing to them.
We all eventually got together and spoke to the department manager, explaining to her what was going on with the SHARK, and asked her to speak with her; letting her know that she needed to stay at her own counter and mind her own business.
I watched, as the manager spoke to her, being very stern about how we work in the department and that her way of selling would not be tolerated.
Of course, the SHARK defensively explained that she was only trying to help.
HELP??? HA! Yeah….helping herself to a SALE!
The SHARK got very upset at being reprimanded and said that she would not accept being spoken to that way, then grabbed her coat and stormed out of the store.
Gee, I hated to see her go.
*tee, hee*
Bye-bye, SHARK….

Wow! I cannot believe she left from being 'spoken to' about her behavior! Real mature! Hopefully, her vendor will hear about that!
ReplyDeleteThe good news is..........she'll never be back!!! Way to go, Ron!!!
Great post, Ron! I could hear the theme from "Jaws" playing in my head the whole time I was reading it. "... I’ve worked with some people in several cosmetic departments over the past 26 years, that makes Sea Worlds’ Shark Encounter look like a fish bowl full of gobies."--brilliant!
ReplyDeleteGood for your for putting that shark in its place--and clearly by her attitude, her place is out on the street. Throw another shark on the barbie! Have a great week, buddy!
Hey there Bijoux~
ReplyDelete'I cannot believe she left from being 'spoken to' about her behavior! Real mature! Hopefully, her vendor will hear about that!"
I know, I don't think she was use to being reprimanded, therefore had a 'hissy shark fit' - HA! Actually, the sad part is that her vendor will probably just send her to some other store.
"The good news is..........she'll never be back!!!"
*jumping up and down; clapping*
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Back to the shark pool with her!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend! Have a super week!
Hey there Rob~
ReplyDelete"I could hear the theme from "Jaws" playing in my head the whole time I was reading it."
Bwhahahahahahahhahahaha! Too funny, man!!!
"Duuun dun duuun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun....."
"and clearly by her attitude, her place is out on the street. Throw another shark on the barbie!"
HA! You said it, bud....out. on. the. street.!
Bye-bye SHARK!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Rob! Have a FAB week!
P.S. Hope you don't run into the 'loony sermon lady' this week - ha!
Young and foolish, or old and crabby? Either way I just hope she learned a valuable lesson. She certainly earned a ticking off and rightly so. Too bad she was sent to your section in the first place. You had enough on your plate serving those fussy 'I want' customers. Had to smile at the shark picture, those teeth and that mouth told me exactly what the silly woman looked like. Does your hectic workload last until Christmas? Do try and have an easier week.
ReplyDeletePS... I came home from shopping and found a note on my computer. It read 'Have fixed vent'. I had to laugh. The vent was, of course, the one in the kitchen that needed fixing....hahaha
ReplyDeleteGood morning Valerie~
ReplyDelete"Young and foolish, or old and crabby?"
Old and crabby she was!!!! Yet, she had enough facial plastic surgery to become a post child for what NOT to do with plastic surgery - HAHAHHAHAHA!
"Had to smile at the shark picture, those teeth and that mouth told me exactly what the silly woman looked like."
Thank you. I almost did some photo editing on it to add some hair and RED lipstick!!!!
"Does your hectic workload last until Christmas?"
Yes, although I will be working many more additional hours about 10 days before Christmas, therefore I will be taking a break from blogging during that time - as I do every year. Those last 10 days will be the most hectic. It's not too bad right now.
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady! Have a GLORIOUS week!
" I came home from shopping and found a note on my computer. It read 'Have fixed vent'. I had to laugh. "
That shark has a bad attitude...glad she left before she bit someone's leg off or a worse attack! Yay for you guys for standing together and not tolerating her crap.
ReplyDeleteI have had many negative vibes from people andwhen I haved tried to ignore those vibes I usually regret it! Hopefully the shark found other waters to swim in and won't be back to leave her refuse in yours!
ReplyDeleteBTW.. loved that last pic!
Hey SuziCate~
ReplyDelete"...glad she left before she bit someone's leg off or a worse attack!"
Me too, because I had a feeling "WE" were all gonna gang up and attack HER - HA!
" Yay for you guys for standing together and not tolerating her crap."
Thank you. Yes, I work with a great group of people who really support one another when the going gets tough.
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're having a FAB Monday!
Enjoy your week!
Hiya Peg~
ReplyDelete"I have had many negative vibes from people andwhen I haved tried to ignore those vibes I usually regret it!"
Yes, I've done the same thing myself. However, I'm learning more and more to listen to those vibes because they're usually 100% correct.
"Hopefully the shark found other waters to swim in and won't be back to leave her refuse in yours!"
A-MEN! And alleluia!
"BTW.. loved that last pic!"
Thank you. Isn't it the COOLEST photo? I found it online last night, last minute! It was perfect for how I wanted to end this post.
Have a SUPER day, dear friend. And thank you for stopping by!
What a bitch! 'Nuff said!
ReplyDeleteGlad she's gone and our hero once again prevails! You guys handled that well by sticking together and working as a team. Good for you and your co-workers!
Hope it gets better and not worse over the holidays.
Have a marvelous week, Ron!
Hey there MYFWBS~
ReplyDelete"What a bitch! 'Nuff said!"
You took the words right out of my mouth, girl!
What. a. bitch.
"Glad she's gone and our hero once again prevails! You guys handled that well by sticking together and working as a team. Good for you and your co-workers!"
Thank you. All in all I work with a really great group of people, who will stand by one another when the going gets tough - supporting each other. I'm very lucky, because MOST cosmetic departments don't work that way.
"Hope it gets better and not worse over the holidays.'
The worse part will be about three day before Christmas.
*holding my breath*
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a marvelous week too!
So, you see, her method not only didn't get her extra sales, she got less than she would have if she'd played fair and stuck the day out :)
ReplyDeleteMo always knows to trust me when I say that a certain person will be trouble. In fact she calls me a old witch, though more seriously has always said I'm her protector. She has always been a people pleaser, so can be easily hurt. I seem to sense far more than most on first meeting a person.
Those fingernails make me shudder :)
“Except, seasonal freelance workers will often times try to “test me” because they assume I’m nice and easy. In other words, a pushover. That is, until they PUSH me..”
ReplyDeleteI chuckled out loud after reading that. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that “nice” people are “pushovers”. And that is a very bad mistake because nice people DO stick up for themselves, as you so eloquently DID with Sharkarama (Shark + drama queen). It’s apparent she likes the drama or she wouldn’t have a) purposely stolen customers when she knew it was blatantly wrong b) lied to the supervisor about her behavior c)stormed out when she was called on the carpet about said behavior.
Hopefully she’ll never come back to your store, unfortunately there will be another Shark, though. At least you know how to handle them! You’re better than Chief Brody!!
Hey there Babs~
ReplyDelete"So, you see, her method not only didn't get her extra sales, she got less than she would have if she'd played fair and stuck the day out :)"
Bulls eye! You're exactly correct! But the sad thing about it is that her vendor will most likely place her in another one of her stores :(
Oh, well....better them than us - HA!
"Mo always knows to trust me when I say that a certain person will be trouble. In fact she calls me a old witch, though more seriously has always said I'm her protector. She has always been a people pleaser, so can be easily hurt. I seem to sense far more than most on first meeting a person."
I'm more like YOU, Babs. I instantly can FEEL persons vibes in the first few minutes of meeting them. And 9 times out of 10, my feelings are correct.
"Those fingernails make me shudder :)"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Aren't they CREEPY? And they look like they could HURT!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend! Hope you're enjoying a fab Monday!
P.S. LOVED your last post. It was priceless!
Hiya Pamela~
ReplyDelete"I chuckled out loud after reading that. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that “nice” people are “pushovers”. And that is a very bad mistake because nice people DO stick up for themselves, as you so eloquently DID with Sharkarama (Shark + drama queen)."
HA! I LOVE IT.....Sharkarama(Shark + drama queen)!
BRILLIANT, dear lady!
And it's true, many people think I'm a pushover because I'm sincerely easy to work with and mind my own business. However, god help those who PUSH me. YIKES! I can be quite VOCAL when I've had enough.
"It’s apparent she likes the drama or she wouldn’t have a) purposely stolen customers when she knew it was blatantly wrong b) lied to the supervisor about her behavior c)stormed out when she was called on the carpet about said behavior."
Yes, you're right. And I'm sure she has a bad track record for her attitude and work ethics. Yet, it's ironic, because many cosmetic departments LIKE people like her because they think they'll get more productivity from her aggressiveness. But it doesn't always work.
"Hopefully she’ll never come back to your store, unfortunately there will be another Shark, though. At least you know how to handle them! You’re better than Chief Brody!!"
HA! Oh, how funny.....Chief Brody!!!! Tis' true....there WILL another Shark though. As always in this business.
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing on this post, Pamela! ALWAYS enjoy reading your comments.
Have a wonderful week........X
Ron, I loved that last photo - how perfect to express your sentiment! Woo, and they look FIERCE!
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh at your description of this SHARK because she reminds me of a woman I worked with many years ago. Yes, so also looked as though "she hadn't taken a bowel movement in over a month" - very funny.
I'm so glad she got upset and left, because at least now you won't have her 'swimming' around in your pool.
Have a nice week, Ron!
Hola Denise~
ReplyDelete" I loved that last photo - how perfect to express your sentiment! Woo, and they look FIERCE!"
HA! Thank you. When I saw that photo online last night, I just KNEW it was how I wanted to end this post. And yes, they look FIERCE, don't they? OUCH!
"I had to laugh at your description of this SHARK because she reminds me of a woman I worked with many years ago."
Yes, I suppose SHARKS are in every business, but brother, I've never seen as many as I have in the beauty industry. Some of them are out for BLOOD!
"I'm so glad she got upset and left, because at least now you won't have her 'swimming' around in your pool."
Yeeeehaw! I am soooo happy she's gone!!!!!!
Bye- bye SHARK - HA!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, girl. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you. Say Hi to Florida for me!
I imagine you were all glad to see the back of her!
ReplyDeleteYo Ho - has a sort of jolly ring :)
ReplyDeletecouldn't help myself.
Not sure if the seasonal free lancers are motivated by moving their own product or increasing sales in the whole department, or both? And I'd have to assume that they have good references to get the work assignment at this time of year. So I can't help but wondering in what retail establishments are sharky selling practices considered normal for the associates?
I notice that the relationship between product lines and associates in the cosmetics area seems fuzzy at best when I'm the shopper, but I tend to chalk it up to associates trying to help meet the overall departmental revenue goals.
I haven't been out shopping yet. I'm procrastinating. Maybe tomorrow :)
I'll go to the store with the fish bowl full of guppies. No carnivorous types for me please.
xo, diane
ps, we LOVED breaking dawn. Will be seeing it again.
Oh my! She sounded like a REAL bitch! Yikes! And good-riddance!
ReplyDeleteHello Akelamalu~
ReplyDelete"I imagine you were all glad to see the back of her!"
OMG...yes, I was never so happy to see the back of someone in all my life - HA!
Bye-bye- SHARK!
Thanks for stopping by, m'dear! Hope you had super Monday!
Hey Diane~
ReplyDelete"Yo Ho - has a sort of jolly ring :)
couldn't help myself."
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
"Not sure if the seasonal free lancers are motivated by moving their own product or increasing sales in the whole department, or both?"
They're motivated by moving their own product; competing with last years figures. And the specific company she works for has very HIGH GOALS, therefore she knows that she HAS TO PRODUCE.
"So I can't help but wondering in what retail establishments are sharky selling practices considered normal for the associates?"
Most retail establishments LIKE having sharks because they think it makes the other people compete more for sales. Sad to say, most retailers could less care less whether the staff gets along. They're only concern is MAKING MONEY....anyway they can. So if it means having SHARKS, they LIKE that! Fortunately, I work with a manager that insists on people getting along, because in the long run it creates a better atmosphere for the CUSTOMERS.
"I notice that the relationship between product lines and associates in the cosmetics area seems fuzzy at best when I'm the shopper, but I tend to chalk it up to associates trying to help meet the overall departmental revenue goals."
Yes, that's it exactly! There are 'line goals' and 'department' goals. Any usually the department goals are HIGHER.
"I haven't been out shopping yet. I'm procrastinating. Maybe tomorrow :)
I'll go to the store with the fish bowl full of guppies. No carnivorous types for me please."
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Hope you enjoyed a fab Monday. Enjoy your week!
X to you and C!
Hey there Meleah~
ReplyDelete" She sounded like a REAL bitch! Yikes! And good-riddance!"
Yup! I was never so happy to see someone walk out of work like I was with her.
Thanks so much for stopping by, girl! Hope you had a marvi Monday and are feeling better.
((((( Meleah )))))
P.S. LOVED your most recent post. Stellar!
You're stellar!
ReplyDeleteXOXO to you!
ReplyDeleteBwahahaha! "Sharks"....oh geez! I'm glad to see that you were able to reel that shark in and cut her down to size. Right on, brother! "I was only trying to help," ....yeah, right. *rolls eyes*
ReplyDeleteHeh...."shark". :-)
Howdy Herman~
ReplyDelete" I'm glad to see that you were able to reel that shark in and cut her down to size."
Yeah, down to a minnow! Tee, hee!
""I was only trying to help," ....yeah, right. *rolls eyes"
Yeah....and have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous?
Liar, liar...pants on fire! HA!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, buddy! Hope you had a super Monday!
Enjoy your week!
X to you and the family!
Okay--those fingernails creep me out...
I'm sorry to hear about the experience. Seriously, seasonal help is just that--for the season and then they're outta there. Apparently this season was a very short season by her own choosing. Not to mention that it would seem the gal had a problem with being professional on that given day. That's okay. We all get to choose, eh? I'm grateful there's a manager involved who believes 'playing well with others' pays off all the way around. Happy workers, happy customers......I'm all about that! Mostly cuz that's what I believe in. But I'm a bit......weird like that. LOL
Get out the reindeer nose and antlers.
It's the holiday and the grinch is outta there! :-D
What a hose bag. Glad she wasn't adult enough to take the reprimand and left. I'm sure things improved rapidly with her departure.
ReplyDeleteHey Jeff~
ReplyDelete"What a hose bag."
HA! Hose bag.....LOVE IT! And, yeah!
"I'm sure things improved rapidly with her departure."
OMG....I'm sooooooo glad she's gone! POOF!
Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Hope you had a grrrrreat Monday!
Enjoy your week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hiya Mel~
ReplyDelete"Okay--those fingernails creep me out..."
"Seriously, seasonal help is just that--for the season and then they're outta there. Apparently this season was a very short season by her own choosing."
HA! Oh god, I'm soooooooo glad she stormed out and left. And because of her unprofessional attitude, she won't be coming back either.
Tee, hee!
"I'm grateful there's a manager involved who believes 'playing well with others' pays off all the way around. Happy workers, happy customers....."
You said it, Mel....Happy workers, happy customers! And our manager is also a LIBRA, so you KNOW how we are about playing well and playing fair.
"Get out the reindeer nose and antlers.
It's the holiday and the grinch is outta there! :-D"
Thanks oodles for stopping by, dear lady. Hope you had GRAND Monday!
Enjoy your week!
((((( Mel ))))))
Sounds like you handled it just fine and you have a good group of people all working in the department together. And also having a strong manager is important too. So goodbye and good riddance to that not so scary shark... sheesh, can't even handle a bit of constructive criticism.
ReplyDeleteLove that last photo!
Have a good week! I know this season is crazy for you, hang in there!!
...hee,hee,hee...Hasta la vista bay-bee! :o)
ReplyDelete...Way to go Ron! Good prevails! *applause*
...And btw, that last photo of the fingernails? *shudders violently* It gives me that feeling of when someone scratches their fingernails down a chalkboard. Gahhh! :o\
...Enjoy your week my friend! :o)
Good morning Mary~
ReplyDeleteYes, I really do work with a good group of people. And I feel really lucky about that because the cosmetic industry can pretty harrowing at times.
"So goodbye and good riddance to that not so scary shark... sheesh, can't even handle a bit of constructive criticism. "
Yeah, what a baby, right? HA! Oh, well....goodbye and good riddance not so scary shark!
Isn't that last photo a HOOT? I never did check her finger nails, but I bet they looked exactly like that - HA!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, neighbor! Always FAB seeing ya!
Have a super week!
Gooooood morning TJ~
ReplyDelete"Hasta la vista bay-bee!"
*waving bye-bye*
tee, hee!
"..And btw, that last photo of the fingernails? *shudders violently* It gives me that feeling of when someone scratches their fingernails down a chalkboard. Gahhh! :o\"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG, you're exactly right! And isn't that photo CREEPY-LOOKING? I'm thinking of letting my own nails grow out so I can clip them that way, just in case I ever meet any future sharks...
Thanks oodles for stopping by, dearest lady. Hope you're a fabulous week!
Can you believe it's almost December????? It's been so warm here lately, it feels more like May!
((((( TJ )))))
1. i'm baaaaaaaaaaaack. and i hella missed you
ReplyDelete2. i must say that every year around this time, i miss working in retail. i loved the long hours and hecticness and the xmasy music. im always tempted to take on a seasonal retail job.
3. um, nothing more annoying than someone new coming in and messing shit up. i'm glad you took care of it bestie!!!
4. question.... did the hairs on your chest ALSO stand up? haha
love ya!!!
Hey Blunt~
ReplyDeleteYaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.....you're back! And I hella missed you too!
"2. i must say that every year around this time, i miss working in retail. i loved the long hours and hecticness and the xmasy music. im always tempted to take on a seasonal retail job."
Listen, if you want to commute to Philly, I'm SURE I could score you a seasonal job my cosmetic department. And I'm also SURE you'd be MUCH better than that SHARK - HA!
And MUCH prettier too!
"4. question.... did the hairs on your chest ALSO stand up?"
Actually, yes!
Thanks so much for stopping by, bestie! Hope you're having a super weekend and enjoying the holidays!
((((( You )))))
Good grief. Has the woman no respect? And does she imagine that we (the customers) do not notice this kind of behaviour?? I resent her already!
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid that it would instantly set my hackles up and I would want to buy anything EXCEPT her line. I would rather mash out-of-season strawberries and plaster them over my face than buy a product from an overly-aggressive and rude seller. I would rather try egg - and I'm allergic to egg!
I'm so glad that your manager spoke to her, and not at all sorry that she stormed out - even if it did leave you with more work to do. At least you could do it in peace, and in your own way!
Hey there Jay~
ReplyDelete"Good grief. Has the woman no respect? And does she imagine that we (the customers) do not notice this kind of behaviour?? I resent her already!"
HA! Love it! And you're absolutely right, does she imagine that you (the customers) do not notice this kind of behavior? My sentiments exactly!
"'m afraid that it would instantly set my hackles up and I would want to buy anything EXCEPT her line. I would rather mash out-of-season strawberries and plaster them over my face than buy a product from an overly-aggressive and rude seller. I would rather try egg - and I'm allergic to egg."
Bwhahahahahahahahahah! FLAWLESS expression, Jay! And I would feel the same as you. In fact, I've walked out of stores when I've experienced this kind of customer service.
"I'm so glad that your manager spoke to her, and not at all sorry that she stormed out - even if it did leave you with more work to do. At least you could do it in peace, and in your own way!"
Ding, dong, the witch is dead! HA!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your voice on this post, my friend. You're spot on!
Have a grrrrreat week.....X
ACK! Stupid work computer, can't leave a regular comment.
ReplyDeleteAnyway ... What a BITCH!
There are sharks in the "office" world too. Don't you wish you could carry around one of those shark guns and just pop 'em?
That might be a bit to violent but a good smack upside the head might be just as effective. Gods! They piss me off!
Hey Lady Nitebyrd~
ReplyDelete"ACK! Stupid work computer, can't leave a regular comment."
Aw...sorry about that. Sometimes I find that Disqus has a bit of an issure with Internet Explorer, so thank you for taking the time to leave a comment.
"There are sharks in the "office" world too. Don't you wish you could carry around one of those shark guns and just pop 'em?"
Bwhahahahahahhaha! BRILLIANT! I TOTALLY agree! And you're right....SHARKS are everywhere!
"That might be a bit to violent but a good smack upside the head might be just as effective. Gods! They piss me off!"
No, not too violent at all....it's just the TRUTH!
tee, hee!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Sis! Hope you're having an awesome week!
X ya bunches!
OWWW to those NAILS!! ACK! Oh yes I have met some sharks. Used to work for one but got out FAST. I actually have been walking down the hall, had someone pass me and I FELT "WRONG" from them... "BAD" from them... and shuddered. There's lotsa sharks out there. Thank heavens for angel fish like you!
ReplyDeleteBWHAHAH! BYE BYE Shark! I sure do know what you mean...drives me nuts!!
ReplyDeleteHey Jmariepursell~
ReplyDelete"BYE BYE Shark! I sure do know what you mean...drives me nuts!"
Meeeeeee too!
And I was never so happy to watch someone walk out a door in all my retail life!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Always so nice to see ya!
Hope you're enjoying a faaaaaabulous week!
Hey there Katherine~
ReplyDelete"OWWW to those NAILS!! ACK!"
Aren't they SCARY?????? YIKES!
"Oh yes I have met some sharks. Used to work for one but got out FAST. "
Yup, I think sharks are in ALL occupations.
"I actually have been walking down the hall, had someone pass me and I FELT "WRONG" from them... "BAD" from them... and shuddered. "
I know what you mean. Isn't it something how some peoples 'vibes' just make you shudder? Living in a city, I can't tell you how many times I've been walking down a street and passed someone (without even ever speaking) and felt "WRONG" from them.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Hope you're having a great week!
I had to laugh at this post because I use to work in cosmetic retail myself, so I know exactly what you mean about the SHARKS!
ReplyDeleteLove that last photo. Perfect depiction!
Great post!
Greetings Scott~
ReplyDeleteWelcome! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a comment. Nice to meet you!
"I had to laugh at this post because I use to work in cosmetic retail myself, so I know exactly what you mean about the SHARKS!"
Aren't they the BEST?
Isn't the photo flawless? I just about died laughing when I found it online because it totally depicted what I wanted to say - HA!
Please stop by anytime. You're always welcomed!
Have a great weekend!
buh. it's a shame you have to fight for your position. glad you spoke up.
ReplyDeleteHey ladyV~
ReplyDeleteMe too, girl!
I think sometimes you have to speak up and take a stand.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you had a great week and weekend!
I know sales in general is a very competitive field, and that's why I've always ignored it like the plague. I'm like you, Ron (of course) - nice and non-pushy. I'm glad that doesn't translate into you being a pushover; then again, I'm not really surprised that you of all people would stand his ground anyway.
ReplyDeleteGo out and make a killing with your badass mascara and nail polish gently-pushing and not at all cutthroat self this holiday season, bud!
Howdy Mark~
ReplyDelete"I know sales in general is a very competitive field, and that's why I've always ignored it like the plague."
Yes, it is. And it's tough sometimes to compete with those who are more aggressive salespeople. However, I stick to the way I sell best (gently) and it seems to keep working.
"Go out and make a killing with your badass mascara and nail polish gently-pushing and not at all cutthroat self this holiday season, bud!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious, man!!!!!!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, bud! Enjoy your weekend!
Heal well, my friend!
Maturity means different things to different people I guess... but so well done Ron :)
ReplyDeleteHey there Tatiana~
ReplyDelete"Maturity means different things to different people I guess.."
Thanks a bunch for stopping by. Hope you're having a fantabulous weekend!
Freaky looking nails!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, good for you for standing up to that woman. She must not have been very savvy. I wouldn't want to mess with a team of employees who have been running a happy ship. It never ceases to amaze me when someone tries this sort of thing. It's like she was just waiting for someone to ask her, "Do you think I look stupid?"
Hey Jen~
ReplyDelete"Freaky looking nails"
Aren't they FREAKY??????
"I wouldn't want to mess with a team of employees who have been running a happy ship. It never ceases to amaze me when someone tries this sort of thing. It's like she was just waiting for someone to ask her, "Do you think I look stupid?""
I spoke to my department manager earlier this week and she said the the SHARK'S boss called her and apologized for her behavior. And that she won't be coming back - yaaaaaaaaaaay!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!