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Sometimes I’m referred to as a “people snob.”

Yet, I honestly don’t feel I’m a snob, but rather someone who selects my close association with people very consciously.

My close friends come from various educational and work backgrounds, cultures, spiritual beliefs and sexual orientations. I enjoy being around people who are different than me because it makes our friendships interesting. I don’t need or expect others to be EXACTLY like me in order to have them as friends.

However, there are certain things I most definitely look out for in a friendship.

*People who are perpetually negative.

I realize that we all go through negative and challenging times in our lives, but I’m talking about those people who seem to thrive on being negative; who only wish to focus on what’s wrong and not right.

*People who are not afraid to take chances, grow and move forward, because they inspire me to do the same.

*People who mutually support and celebrate one another’s aspirations and accomplishments; without jealousy.

I love associating with people who are more experienced at things because I become inspired by their talents and LEARN. I can sincerely say that I’m not a person who has ever been jealous of anyone. Jealousy is one of the most debilitating energies because it’s like a poison that eats away at you.

*People who I admire for their outlook on life and trust their opinions; coming from a positive attitude.

I am very careful about who I ask advice. Very.

As most you know, I am quite sensitive when it comes to feeling energy; therefore I can almost immediately sense someone. A good gauge for me is whether I feel energized or tired being around someone. If I feel drained, then I intuitively know this is not an individual I want to be closely associated with.

I also watch how people treat other people, because they will often show their true colors to a stranger, rather than the person they’re trying to impress.

Truthfully, I would rather have two or three close personal friends, than twenty.

Yes, I’m very conscious about the company I keep, because…

Have a super Monday everyone!


  1. Hi Everyone!

    I have an early meet-up date with a friend of mine today, so I’ll be responding to comments and visiting your faaaabulous blogs later in the early evening.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience.

    Have a marvi Monday….X

  2. I could not possibly agree with you more!! I simply cannot stand people who suck the life out of me! Or...suck the energy out of me!! We need people in our lives who will ADD to our personalities...not take away!! Have a superb Monday Ron!! xo Jeanne

  3. I so agree with you Ron. Life is too short to be surrounding yourself with negative people. x

  4. Hi Ron. Interesting post, as usual. I love it when I meet someone for the first time and feel inspired. I do so agree with you about negativity. I once ended a friendship because that friend drained me so much I just had to get out. I ended up being called the bad guy for breaking off but, you know, I felt at peace ever after. So sad that one person can do that.

    Wishing you a Happy Monday.

  5. I generally agree, although sadly, I've had friends go through some very difficult times in the past few years that they have become draining to be around, through no fault of their own. It seems as though bad luck just follows some people.

    Amen on the jealousy. I will never understand that! Seems like the trait of a 10 year old!

  6. This post totally bites and I can't believe you think you can get ahead of me and if you want my advice...

    Okay, not really. I completely agree. I don't mind a little snark and I know people (and me!) have down days but in general I look for people who can lift me up and see life as at least a benign place or better, joyful. I don't need people to be like me, but sharing that general stance is important.

    Also, on the advice issue, I rarely ask advice, but when I do, I'm, sincere in wanting someone's input. If I don't ask, it's because I really, really don't want it!

  7. Very well written, sir. And well respected.

    I think that's, in part, why I wasn't ever tempted to even try that Facebook deal......1429 FRIENDS? The thought of that alone makes me shudder and wanna throw up....
    I'm just not that fond of human beings. I think it's that simple. In part, for reasons you noted here.

    No one refers to me as a 'people snob' though. Or....maybe they do and I just don't know it? LOL
    I do, however, draw people TO me. And I do scare some to the far corners of the room. (Trust me when I say that neither are a planned deal.) What I don't do--is take them home with me, "hug 'em and squeeze 'em and name 'em George" and proclaim they're my 'friend'.

    Maybe it's a Libra thing?

  8. hope you're having fun this morning!
    I totally agree with you, especially about feeling someone's energy
    the older I get the more selective I become
    there is only a ration of time on this planet, why waste it?

    love ya
    Hope sends hugs
    me too

  9. Hey there Ronnie,

    Happy Monday to ya!
    I really love the sayings that you used to illustrate your beautiful post.
    Right on the spot...

    I have been blessed to be able to call you a friend. I knew it when I saw you in Philly; I instantly felt like I knew you from years back. Of course, we have gotten to know each other better. But, the first feeling was very strong.

    When you know that a friendship is "right on" when spending your time with your friend that you have a smile, a laugh ? genuine pleasure for inspiration, your cup is full. It is more than evident, just like when one has a "friend" that empties you.

    Thank you for a lovely post and lots of love to you.

  10. Great post, Ron. As someone who was a long time in unhealthy "friendships" I really appreciate your insights here. You're so right that "jealousy is one of the most debilitating energies because it’s like a poison that eats away at you" and I admire your ability to stay clear of this toxic emotion. I've had some false friends from the distant past comtact me lately, all joival, wanting to get together, but to be honest, I'm not all that anxious to see them. Life is too short. Thanks for this posting, this buddy, and have a great week!

  11. I have learned to weed out those negative people in my life. It isn't always easy, but life is just too short.

  12. I have spent too much time surrounded by people who have major issues with jealousy or negativity. It really does drag you down. We need people in our lives that will encourage and be pleased with our successes. Also to encourage us when things go wrong and not take pleasure in it.

    You are so right Ron. We need to be selective with our close friends.

  13. Big applause! Well said, friend.
    "Truthfully, I would rather have two or three close personal friends, than twenty." -Me, too.

  14. Ron, when someone has to define another they do not define the other person they only define themselves as having to be someone who has an opinion.
    You are so correct to let the energy guide you when it comes to creating an maintaining friendships.
    Any one can tell you that you crapped your pants, a friend will help you clean yourself up with no other motive but to help.
    So be yourself and do not let any of us sway your feelings. Love and Laugh and Let go when it comes to you and your friends.
    Now I will go into the bathroom and try to pee thru the center of a cheerio.

  15. "Someone who selects my close association with people very consciously."

    Oh yes, I am the SAME way. I am very selective when it comes to friends.

    I can't [and wont deal] with people that are negative all the time. It's too draining. And I can't be bothered with that noise.

    I also love people willing to try new things in order to grow. It IS inspirational. And those with a positive outlook in life.

    I refuse to associate with Jealous people.

    And mostly, I need TRUST and LOYALTY in a friendship.

  16. "My close friends come from various educational and work backgrounds, cultures, spiritual beliefs and sexual orientations."

    That's one of the things I like best about you, Ron! You never once batted an eye when I mentioned my preferences for bestiality and incest. You are open and supportive of my admittedly deviant behaviors in a way that nobody else is. Thank you, sir. Thank you a lot.

    I kid, of course. Incest is gross.

    I agree that it's best to surround yourself with positive people. One of my so-called "friends" is a perpetually negative person, and I've really distanced myself from him these past few months. His poor attitude just isn't worth the hassle. If that makes ME a people snob, so be it!

  17. I enjoy being around people who are different than me because it makes our friendships interesting.

    i enjoy people who are different than me too, because even I get on my own nerves, so i couldn't handle another me - though my kid is a lot like me and.....she gets on my nerves.

    early meet up date with a friend? ron, are you cheating on me. (holds hand to chest). i thought we had an obsession or a calvin klein or a fruit of the loom or something. a granny panty. how could this be. oh well, hope it was good for you.

    now on to your post. i'm sorry i'm a fool. people probably call me all kinds of things, one of my friends called me a b*tch last month because of my attitude. i do have an attitude. she called me a royal b*tch actually and i wasn't mad, but glad she considered me to be royalty.

    if someone doesn't know me, then 9/10 they have the wrong impression of me. i'm very guarded and selective, like you, about who i bring into the fold. i don't require too much of other people (nor do i have a lot of friends) other than for them to give me the same time and respect that i give them.

  18. i really like the last quote, ron. and this is so true.

    I would rather have two or three close personal friends, than twenty.

    me too!! when i was very much younger, i thought i wanted a bigger social life. what a mistake. now i am happy with just a few in my life as long as i feel genuine love for them and they for me. all the quotes you have in your posts are so true of what is really what relating to others is about.

    thanks for the inspiring post!

  19. Ron, I couldn't agree with you more. I would much rather have 2-3 really GOOD and QUALITY friends, than 20 acquaintances.

    Throughout my life, I've had to end a few friendships with other women because they got a bit too jealous, catty and negative. I've had to lean to be more selective (conscious) about choosing close friends. People assume I'm a pushover because I'm pretty easy getting alone with until...ha!

    Love the various quotes you sharing within this post. A few of them really hit home.

    Have a wonderful week, Ron.

  20. Hey there Jeanne~

    “ We need people in our lives who will ADD to our personalities...not take away!!”

    Wonderfully stated, dear lady! And it works both ways. We to them, them to us.

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by. Have a super week!

    X to you and the girlz!

  21. Hello Pearl~

    “ Life is too short to be surrounding yourself with negative people.”


    Thanks so much for stopping by, m’dear! Have super week!

  22. Hey there Valerie~

    “ I love it when I meet someone for the first time and feel inspired.”

    Meeeeee too! It’s like you can FEEL their awesome energy, that’s contagious.

    “I once ended a friendship because that friend drained me so much I just had to get out. I ended up being called the bad guy for breaking off but, you know, I felt at peace ever after. “

    Yes, I’ve had to do the same thing myself (and called the bad guy). Yet as hard as it was to confront the person and being honest, I too felt peace after; as if a heavy weight was lifted.

    Always enjoy your comments, dear lady. Thanks for stopping by and have a terrific week!


  23. Hey there Bijoux~

    “I generally agree, although sadly, I've had friends go through some very difficult times in the past few years that they have become draining to be around, through no fault of their own. It seems as though bad luck just follows some people.”

    Yes, as I shared, I know that people go through challenging times which can cause negativity, and I sincerely feel sensitive and compassionate for them. But what I’m referring to are the people who seem to thrive off being negative and almost don’t wish to move on to being positive (and there are people like that). Everything is a bummer; even when things are going well for them. Those are negative individuals I’m talking about.

    “Amen on the jealousy. I will never understand that! Seems like the trait of a 10 year old!”

    Yup…I totally agree. I think jealousy stems from insecurity; feeling as though someone else’s success/talent are taking away from yours.

    Thanks sooooooooooo much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on this post. Muchly appreciated and respected.

    Have a wonderful week!

  24. Hey there Secret Agent Woman~

    “This post totally bites and I can't believe you think you can get ahead of me and if you want my advice...”

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG…that cracked me up!!!!

    “I don't mind a little snark and I know people (and me!) have down days but in general I look for people who can lift me up and see life as at least a benign place or better, joyful. I don't need people to be like me, but sharing that general stance is important.”

    Me too. In fact, I LOVE snark. But it’s as you shared, people who can lift you up and see life as at least a benign place or better, joyful. I too don’t need people to like me, but sharing that general stance is VERY important. We all experience challenging times in our lives, but it’s important (and healthy) to see the ‘GOOD’ in our lives during those times because it LIFTS us up.

    “I rarely ask advice, but when I do, I'm, sincere in wanting someone's input. If I don't ask, it's because I really, really don't want it!”


    Thanks so much for stopping by. So glad we met!

    Have an awesome week!

  25. Hiya Mel!

    “I think that's, in part, why I wasn't ever tempted to even try that Facebook deal......1429 FRIENDS?”

    I think Facebook is awesome and beneficial in many ways, however it’s never held the attraction for me that it does for others. I would much rather socialize through blogging because it feels more in depth.

    “I do, however, draw people TO me. And I do scare some to the far corners of the room. (Trust me when I say that neither are a planned deal.) What I don't do--is take them home with me, "hug 'me and squeeze 'me and name 'me George" and proclaim they're my 'friend'.”

    HA! Me too. Yup…I think it is a Libra thing!!!!

    Thanks oodles for stopping by, dear lady.

    Have a super-duper week!

  26. Hello there Lady Dianne~

    “I totally agree with you, especially about feeling someone's energy
    the older I get the more selective I become
    there is only a ration of time on this planet, why waste it?”

    You stated that SO perfectly! And I agree!

    You yourself have been through a lot of challenging times in your life, yet you are always able to see the ‘good’ in your life and keep moving forward. I admire you for that!

    (((( You ))))

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, dear lady. Have a grrrrrrrrreat week!

    X and hugs to you and Hope!

  27. Bonjour Barb!

    Thank you. I found those quotes online and made those little graphics over at PicMonkey.

    “I have been blessed to be able to call you a friend. I knew it when I saw you in Philly; I instantly felt like I knew you from years back. Of course, we have gotten to know each other better. But, the first feeling was very strong.”

    Ditto to you! Isn’t it wonderful how that happens with certain people? It’s like you KNOW them the first time you see them!

    “When you know that a friendship is "right on" when spending your time with your friend that you have a smile, a laugh ? genuine pleasure for inspiration, your cup is full. It is more than evident, just like when one has a "friend" that empties you.”

    BRILLIANTLY stated, Barb!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing on this post. Wishing you a glorious week!

    X to you and D!

  28. Hey there Rob~

    “ As someone who was a long time in unhealthy "friendships" I really appreciate your insights here.”

    I too have experienced the same with certain friendships.

    I think jealousy stems from insecurity; believing that someone else’s success or talent takes away from yours. Not realizing that celebrating someone else’s success only makes YOU more successful because it draws success to you.

    “I've had some false friends from the distant past comtact me lately, all joival, wanting to get together, but to be honest, I'm not all that anxious to see them. Life is too short.”


    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your insight on this post. Have GRAND week, buddy!


  29. Hey there Bill~

    “I have learned to weed out those negative people in my life. It isn't always easy, but life is just too short.”

    You’re right, it isn’t always easy. But life IS too short to surround yourself with people who are perpetually negative.

    Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a terrific week!

    X to you and Paul!

  30. Hey there Babs~

    “I have spent too much time surrounded by people who have major issues with jealousy or negativity. It really does drag you down.”

    Yes, it SURE does! It feels like a heavily-weighted blanket.

    “We need people in our lives that will encourage and be pleased with our successes. Also to encourage us when things go wrong and not take pleasure in it.”

    You are soooooooooo right! When we celebrate other people’s successes, we draw success to us. And when we encourage, we encourage ourselves.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. I always enjoy reading your thoughts!

    Have a wonderful week!

    X to you and Mo!

  31. Hiya Suzi~

    ((((( You ))))

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my kindred-spirit friend!

    Have a WONDERFUL week!

  32. Hi Mr. Dave~

    “when someone has to define another they do not define the other person they only define themselves as having to be someone who has an opinion.”

    OMG…I freakin’ LOVE how you said that!!!! And you’re soooooooooooooo right!

    “Any one can tell you that you crapped your pants, a friend will help you clean yourself up with no other motive but to help.”

    HA! AMEN!

    “So be yourself and do not let any of us sway your feelings. Love and Laugh and Let go when it comes to you and your friends.”

    Thanks, my friend. And that goes for everyone!

    “Now I will go into the bathroom and try to pee thru the center of a cheerio.”

    Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha! YOU CRACK ME UP, MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing both your insight and humor. Muchly enjoyed!

    Have a terrific week, buddy!

  33. Howdy Mark~

    " You never once batted an eye when I mentioned my preferences for bestiality and incest. You are open and supportive of my admittedly deviant behaviors in a way that nobody else is. Thank you, sir. Thank you a lot."

    Bwhahahahahahahahaha! CRACKED ME UP!!!!

    “I agree that it's best to surround yourself with positive people. One of my so-called "friends" is a perpetually negative person, and I've really distanced myself from him these past few months. His poor attitude just isn't worth the hassle. If that makes ME a people snob, so be it!”

    I understand that people (including myself) have rough and challenging times in life and can become negative. But if someone is always negative, even in the midst of things going well, then that’s an ‘energy drainer.”

    Thanks for stopping by, buddy! Have a super faaaaaabulous week!

    X to you and Tara!

  34. Hey there Meleah~

    Ya know, as I was reading your comment, I thought, “OMG…you and I are SUCH Libra’s!!!”

    Everything you shared I could hear in my own head.


    “And mostly, I need TRUST and LOYALTY in a friendship.”


    Trust and loyalty are HUGE for me. They are the ‘foundation’ of my friendships.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a faaaaaaabulous week!

    Sending you a BIG energy hug….

    ((((((((( You )))))))))


  35. Hello Dearest Linda~

    Thank you. Isn't that quote SPOT ON? I found all the quotes online and then made little graphics for each one over at Picmonkey. I love that website!

    "when i was very much younger, i thought i wanted a bigger social life. what a mistake."

    I was the same way when I was younger. I think my need to be liked and accepted through having LOTS of friends made me feel that way.

    "now i am happy with just a few in my life as long as i feel genuine love for them and they for me. all the quotes you have in your posts are so true of what is really what relating to others is about."

    Wonderfully stated! As long as I feel genuine love for them and they for me!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on this post, dear friend. Hope you're feeling better.

    ((((((( Linda ))))))))


  36. Hola Denise~

    You said it....QUALITY. Not quantity.

    "People assume I'm a pushover because I'm pretty easy getting alone with until...ha!"

    Ya know, many people think the same thing about me (I'm pushover because I'm friendly and sincerely a happy and upbeat person), however..I can RAAAAAWRRR when I'm pushed - HA!

    "Love the various quotes you sharing within this post. A few of them really hit home."

    Thank you. Aren't they neat? I found them online.

    Always FAB seeing ya, girl. Have a supa' week!


  37. Hey there V Girl!

    "i enjoy people who are different than me too, because even I get on my own nerves, so i couldn't handle another me - though my kid is a lot like me and.....she gets on my nerves."

    HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! I can get on my own nerves too!

    "early meet up date with a friend? ron, are you cheating on me. (holds hand to chest). i thought we had an obsession or a calvin klein or a fruit of the loom or something. a granny panty. how could this be. oh well, hope it was good for you."

    OMG...that CRACKED ME UP!!!!! You're a RIOT!!!!

    I actually got together with a friend of mine who ALSO has a birthday this month, so we spent the afternoon with each other; hanging out, eating lunch, and taking some photos.

    "she called me a royal b*tch actually and i wasn't mad, but glad she considered me to be royalty."

    Bwhahahahahahahahaha! Ya know, people have to referred to me as a royal bitch/bastard too! But hey, I CAN be.

    "i don't require too much of other people (nor do i have a lot of friends) other than for them to give me the same time and respect that i give them."

    A-MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mutual respect!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, V Girl! Always fun to read your comments. Hope you had a super Monday.

    Have a faaaaaaabulous week!

    The Royal Bitch/Bastard

  38. It's taken me many years to figure this out, but I've definitely learned to be more selective with my friendships. Fortunately, I have lots of great friends who challenge me, lift me up, and make me laugh until my stomach hurts.

    It's harder when a friendship starts out strong and the person's real self and negativity shows. I have one friend in particular (one of my gay BFFs) who was always a blast to hang out with, but turned jealous and mean when Mark and I started dating. I finally told him that I wasn't going to apologize for being happy or in love and he had to quit relying on others to make him happy. We have to make our own happiness! A year later, he's still stuck in Ely and still miserable.

  39. *waving*

    Hellooooooooooo Tara!!!!

    "It's taken me many years to figure this out, but I've definitely learned to be more selective with my friendships."

    Yes, I've had to figure this out too.

    "Fortunately, I have lots of great friends who challenge me, lift me up, and make me laugh until my stomach hurts."

    Good for you! There are not a lot of people who can say that.

    "I have one friend in particular (one of my gay BFFs) who was always a blast to hang out with, but turned jealous and mean when Mark and I started dating. I finally told him that I wasn't going to apologize for being happy or in love and he had to quit relying on others to make him happy."

    You GO, girl! And you're absolutely right..."quit relying on others to make you happy."

    I had something similar happen with a friend. He was sooooo possessive, that if I didn't call him every single day he got an attitude. I'm one of those people who can't stand being smothered by someone. I try to give people their time and space to be alone or hang out with other people because I like the same thing.

    ""We have to make our own happiness!"

    You're absolutely right!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Tara. Great to see ya! Hope your first day at work was faaaaaaaaabulous!


  40. We are TOTALLY Libra TWINS!


  41. TOTALLY!

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY my Libra twin!!!!!!!!

    ((((( You ))))))


  42. Hey Ron, I actually never thought of you being a snob, and looking back on our friendship and the way you treat folks, I still can't see it.

    You are so right in that you have to be careful who you associate with, because there are those who drag you down and those who help you succeed.

    The way I see it is any relationship takes work, you have give and takes in friendships and romances both, the ones that wear you out because they are so hard, are really not worth it, the ones in which you don't notice the work are the ones that last.

    Your friendship has been a piece of cake Ron :)

    Excellent post Buddy

  43. yes, I can relate to your sage observations about people and the way their behavioral tendencies can truly impact your own life, good or bad. In striving for growth, it truly makes sense to surround yourself with others that are on the same trajectory. wise reflections!!

  44. I can't find a single fault with any of these quotes. It's the good people who can take you out of your comfort zone, make you think outside the box, then bring you back home safely who are the most interesting to be around. The same-old same-old can be comforting, but to grow as a person requires someone who can make you ask the bigger questions.

    Excellent post, my friend!

  45. Hello Diane~

    "In striving for growth, it truly makes sense to surround yourself with others that are on the same trajectory."

    I LOVE the way you said that!!!! Amen!

    We become like those whom we closely associate with, so choose wisely.

    Thanks a BUNCH for stopping by, girl, since I know your still vacation. You're a sweetheart!

    Enjoy your week!

    X to you and Cristybella!

  46. Howdy Jimmy~

    Thank you, buddy. But I think some people refer to me as a people snob because I just don't automatically like everyone. I'm tentative and conscious about who I get close to in the way of friendships. I'm like a cat....they OBSERVE for awhile before getting close.

    "You are so right in that you have to be careful who you associate with, because there are those who drag you down and those who help you succeed."

    Exactly! Which is why I'm careful.

    "You are so right in that you have to be careful who you associate with, because there are those who drag you down and those who help you succeed."

    OMG....I love how you shared that, because it's so SPOT ON TRUE!

    *two thumbs up*

    "Your friendship has been a piece of cake Ron :)"

    And yours as well, buddy! And thank you!

    Have a faaaaaaaabulous week! And thanks for stopping by.

    X to you and Miss Cindy!

  47. Hey there Herman~

    "I can't find a single fault with any of these quotes."

    Aren't they great? I don't know who wrote them, but when I saw them online, I thought, "YES!"

    " It's the good people who can take you out of your comfort zone, make you think outside the box, then bring you back home safely who are the most interesting to be around. The same-old same-old can be comforting, but to grow as a person requires someone who can make you ask the bigger questions."

    EXCELLENT! And I couldn't have said that ANY better!

    " to grow as a person requires someone who can make you ask the bigger questions."

    I sooo agree!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Hope you had super Monday! Enjoy your week!

    X to you, Karin, and Mr. Tyler!

  48. For me it's about getting the right balance in a friend and I only have a small handful of good friends and a wider circle of acquaintances. Sometimes negativity can point out the things that are seriously wrong, because negativity can point out the imperfections that are there but not seen by everyone else because they are focused on being positive all the time. (Hope this makes sense).

    Someone who is over positive 100% of the time 24/7 can drive me mad. It's like a shield they use to cover their emotions. Example: some dies and everyone is sad, they come bouncing in telling you not to worry, life goes on, move on and things will be better, then bounce back to where they just came, and they behave this way all the time. It's an act, to put it mildly.

    It's about the balance of the individual. This was a really good read, enjoyed it.

  49. Hey there Rum Punch Drunk~

    Yes, it TOTALLY makes sense. And you brought up some excellent points!

    I agree....

    "Someone who is over positive 100% of the time 24/7 can drive me mad. It's like a shield they use to cover their emotions."

    Someone who is positive 100% of the time 24/7 can drive me mad too. I think it's important (and I wrote a post about this a few months ago), to express ALL our emotions (positive AND negative) because they're there for a reason. I don't think it's possible to be positive 24/7.

    What I am referring to in this post, are the people who STAY in the negative; almost revel in the negative, as if to get attention. Trust me, I am not always 100% positive myself, and have gone through many challenges; experiencing many emotions (and if you go through some of my archive posts, you'll see that). But there comes a time to move on and look for the GOOD in your life.

    There is a different between having negative moments, and remaining negative, perpetually.

    It's as you shared....

    "It's about the balance of the individual."

    Thank you so much for adding your insight to this post topic. Muchly appreciated and respected.

    Have a terrific week!

  50. Thought-provoking post, Ron! There have been certain friends I've had in my life who I've let go of because I felt they were either way too negative or were not wanting to grow; envious of me when I did grow. I don't expect my friends to be exactly like me either, but I also think it's important to surround myself with people who have a healthy attitude about life because it's infectious.

    Like the last quote: You become like those with whom you closely associate with.

  51. Hiya Matt~

    "or were not wanting to grow; envious of me when I did grow."

    Yes, same here. Some people want you stay where they are because it feels more comfortable for them; safer. But life is not always being comfortable/safe, sometimes we have to move through discomfort to GROW.

    " but I also think it's important to surround myself with people who have a healthy attitude about life because it's infectious."


    Always good to see your comments, bud. Thanks for stopping by and adding your thoughts. Have a great week!


  52. Excellent post, Ron! I enjoyed reading these quotes. And I really like this part, "I also watch how people treat other people, because they will often show their true colors to a stranger, rather than the person they’re trying to impress."

    Man, that is so effin true! Great observation.

  53. "I am quite sensitive when it comes to feeling energy"

    OH WOW....

    Lemme tell you something. Anyone else would say I am crazy. Every once in a while I get near someone and feel jittery... just OFF... and I feel it is coming from them. The worst is when someone goes down the hall from me in the opposite direction and I feel such a bad vibe from them that I almost shiver. Sounds CRAZY... it does not happen a lot... once in a blue moon, but when it happens I KNOW it. You really can feel good and bad vibes from people. On the positive side, there are some people you meet, talk to or just walk by that project almost a happiness about them... you just smile and feel good being near them. THAT is the kind of person you want to hang out with. And that is how I feel when I read your blog!

    So you probably think I am crazy now.... or crazier?? :)

  54. Hiya Robert!

    Thank you. I found those quotes online (author unknown), but I thought they were awesome!

    ""I also watch how people treat other people, because they will often show their true colors to a stranger, rather than the person they’re trying to impress."

    When I was a kid, my mother used to tell me that because her grandmother had told HER that as a kid.

    And she was right.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Hope you're enjoying a super week!


  55. Hello Katherine~

    Noooooooooooooo way! I don't think your crazy AT ALL! I actually think you're VERY in tuned.

    " Every once in a while I get near someone and feel jittery... just OFF... and I feel it is coming from them. The worst is when someone goes down the hall from me in the opposite direction and I feel such a bad vibe from them that I almost shiver."

    Yup...the same thing has happened to me, I kid you not. I remember one time walking into a grocery store with a friend of mine, when a customer walked out of the store through the same door. As soon as this woman walked passed me, I got such a bad vibe that it actually startled me. I immediately said to my friend, "OMG...did you feel that woman's energy???"

    "On the positive side, there are some people you meet, talk to or just walk by that project almost a happiness about them... you just smile and feel good being near them."

    Same here. And you're right...those are the kind of people you/I want to hang out with.

    Thank you so much for stopping by, my friend. And thank you for your sweet words. I feel the same about your blog. I'm so glad we met!

    Have a great week......X

  56. Me, too! It was a happy accident that I chanced on your blog!

  57. Hey there Carol~


    Isn't it great how through blogging you sometimes end up meeting other people you just 'click' with?

    Looking forward to blogging with you!


  58. Wise words indeed Ron.

  59. Hellooooooooooooo Katherine~

    Thank you, my friend. Thank you.

    Hope you're having an AWESOME week!


    P.S. we're finally getting our fall weather here in Philly :)

  60. I call mine a "sense". I sense the depth of a person. If I feel a niggle of uncomfortable, I know. It is rarely wrong, but I tend to try so hard to see the good anyway. I guess I hope for their happiness and change within. It is hard for me to get close to anyone. I think I am too sensitive to their issues, but I'm working on that. Love love love all these quotes!

  61. I call mine a "sense". I sense the depth of a person. If I feel a niggle of uncomfortable, I know. It is rarely wrong, but I tend to try so hard to see the good anyway. I guess I hope for their happiness and change within. It is hard for me to get close to anyone. I think I am too sensitive to their issues, but I'm working on that. Love love love all these quotes!

  62. Helloooooooooo Angelia!

    "I call mine a "sense". I sense the depth of a person. If I feel a niggle of uncomfortable, I know. It is rarely wrong, but I tend to try so hard to see the good anyway. I guess I hope for their happiness and change within."

    Yes, my feelings are rarely wrong too.

    And you're right, we can still hope for their happiness and change within. Good outlook!

    Always a delight to see your comments. Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you and your hubby had a great anniversary!


  63. This is so insightful, Ron. I've made a handful of friends over the years that were like fleeting lovers. We would have this mad, passionate friendship and then it would just fizzle because we never really had any common ground or real connection. When you have that and it lasts, it's a rare gift. Have a great weekend, lovey! xoxo

  64. Hey Chrissy Girl~

    "We would have this mad, passionate friendship and then it would just fizzle because we never really had any common ground or real connection. When you have that and it lasts, it's a rare gift."

    You are so right...when you have that and it lasts, it's a rare gift.

    My close offline friends are people with whom we've gradually gotten to REALLY know one another. Some of these friends don't even live in Philly, but we still have a very strong connection that has lasted for years and years. We've had our ups and downs, but there is a mutual respect and love for one another that always keeps us bonded.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your insight on this post. You've added much!

    Have a terrrrrrific weekend, girl!

    X to you and the gang!

  65. My friends can think differently than I do just so long as they have a damn good reason! :-)

    Hmmm, I wonder why I have so few friends?

    I agree with you about 2-3 close friends. Anymore than that gets impossible to handle. I mean, really, who other than a dedicated Mormon could handle more than one spouse? ;-)

    Re your comment on The Villages: Spanish Springs was the first hometown. About 10 years ago Lake Sumter Landing was started. Now there's another one, Brownwood, which we hope to visit next week. It's located in Wildwood, almost to the Turnpike. The Villages is over 80K people and they're still selling hundreds of houses every week. It's insane!

  66. Hey there Lowell~

    "My friends can think differently than I do just so long as they have a damn good reason! :-)

    Hmmm, I wonder why I have so few friends?"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Love it! I'm the same way!!!

    "I agree with you about 2-3 close friends. Anymore than that gets impossible to handle. I mean, really, who other than a dedicated Mormon could handle more than one spouse? ;-)"

    Bwhahahahhahahaha! OMG...that CRACKED ME UP!!!

    And I TOTALLY agree with you, anymore than 2-3 gets impossible to handle. I would rather focus a few, rather than 20!

    Always great reading your comments! Thanks so much for stopping by, Lowell!

    P.S. And thank you for sharing the info about The Villages' Spanish Springs. It kinda sounds like Celebration in Orlando!

  67. It's funny, but a few people have described me as a snob after meeting. ??? Huh??? Really? I'm always so baffled by that because as a Sag, with a Cancer moon, I love people and will talk to anyone. Stranger on the street, I welcome thee!
    Maybe it's that I do put out some sort of subtle but complex vibe or something because there are probably few who have actually gone the distance with me. I have a friend or two from high school that I am still close to. I have a few others that I talk to fairly frequently. But the rest come and go. I don't generally feel that it is of my doing, but maybe it actually is. Maybe I really am more selective than I let on to be?
    Maybe this cold from hell just has me rambling? LOL
    Even though we don't talk about EVERYTHING like maybe one would with a girlfriend or a guyfriend, Ron and I actually think of each other as BEST FRIENDS. :)

    Nice, interesting post! So sorry I've been missing in blogland alot. I think of my friends here though, even when I'm not commenting or posting.
    Hope you and yours are happy and well.
    I hear we're to get some narly weather next week.
    Big hug!!

  68. Hey there Mary~

    Personally, I would NEVER think of you as a people snob. But you're probably a lot like me in that you're friendly and warm to everyone you meet, but you're selective about the people you choose to invite as "close friends."

    And honestly, I see nothing wrong about that at all because we do become like the company we keep, so we have to be careful who we associate with.

    "Even though we don't talk about EVERYTHING like maybe one would with a girlfriend or a guyfriend, Ron and I actually think of each other as BEST FRIENDS. :)"

    I think it's FAAAAAAAABULOUS that you and Ron think of each other as best friends, because that's how it should be with couples, yet so few are.

    No apologies needed, my friend. I understand that life outside of blogging happens and that sometimes that's our main focus.

    I think of you too!

    ((((( You ))))))

    Hope you're feeling better!


    P.S. yes, I heard the same thing about next week's weather. This week has been AWESOME!!!!


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