Hey folks, this post is going to be longer than usual, so you might want to grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and sip while I vent.
I have lived in this high-rise apartment building for twelve years and the elevator situation here has been faulty for NINE of those years.
They seem to work for a week then break down for a couple of days. They work for another week then break down for a couple of days.
And this is constant.
One never knows if the elevators will work in this building or not.
We have two passenger elevators and one freight elevator that is used for either moving people in and out of the building, or used by those tenants who have a bicycle to transport back and forth to their apartment.
And thank god we have three because if one breaks down, we at least have two remaining.
But I have to interject here that three weeks ago, TWO of the elevators broke down at the same time; therefore we only had ONE working – for 250 apartments!
Now in the twelve years that I have lived here, I’ve been fortunate to have never gotten stuck INSIDE the elevator when it broke down. But I know many other tenants who have.
Um…that is until last Tuesday.
Picture this scene:
I had just walked home from the grocery store while carrying THREE bags of food in this atrocious heat and humidity we’ve been experiencing this summer, so that by the time I got back to my apartment building I was utterly wiped out; ready to collapse.
I got into one of the elevators with a young lady who pressed the #9 button, and then I pressed #21.
The elevator door closed and we rose to the 9th floor.
She got out.
The door closed again and the elevator began ascending to the 21st floor.
When suddenly it STOPPED.
So I pressed my floor button again but nothing happened.
I pressed it once more.
Okay, this when I suddenly started screaming delicate OBSCENITIES.
You know the obscenities I’m talking about, right?
The ones that start with the letter F and end with the letters UCK.
Yessiree…I said A LOT of those.
It finally happened. I GOT STUCK IN THE ELEVATOR.
And after hyperventilating for about a minute, I grabbed my hair and slapped myself across the face, saying, “Okay Ron…get a grip. It’s not the end of the world. I mean what’s the worst that could happen, the cable could snap and you could CRASH TO YOUR DEATH???”
I started ringing the emergency bell but got no response.
I then saw a button on the panel labeled push-to-talk.
So I pressed the button and could hear a phone dialing and then ringing. The intercom system in the elevator goes to the security guard downstairs who sits at the front desk.
Suddenly I heard, “Hello…can I help you?”
Yet the doorman responded in the most lackadaisical and nonchalant voice, “Well sir…I’ll see if I can do something.”
“NO! NO! Don’t SEE if you can do something. DO something! I’m stuck in here with NO AIR CONDITIONING and THREE BAGS of groceries that are MELTING FAST.”
Again he said, “Well sir…I’ll see if I can do something.” Then hung up.
This is when I took my middle fingers and gestured them at the push-to-talk button.
I was both scared and livid.
So I waited. And waited.
I waited for what seemed like the time it takes for a woman to have a baby – 9 ½ months.
I then started frantically pressing all the floor buttons on the elevator panel in the hopes it would somehow start the elevator again.
No such luck.
I began pacing back and forth. And do you know how hard it was to pace in a space that is slightly bigger than a telephone booth? I basically turned in CIRCLES.
Finally I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I pressed the push-to-talk button again and heard someone answer the phone. But this time it was a woman – the property manager.
I said, “Excuse me, but is anyone doing ANYTHING about getting me out of this elevator? It’s been almost fifteen minutes already and no one has communicated anything to me.”
She said, “Yes, don't worry, I called someone from maintenance and they should be here soon.”
I responded, “Well could you please tell them to HURRY because it’s hotter than HELL in here.”
So I waited. And waited.
I then heard noise on the other side of the elevator, as if someone was trying to PRY the door open. They kept prying and prying, but the door wouldn’t open.
Then a voice said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to get the door open.”
He said, “Don’t worry, I’m going to call the fire department and have them come over to get you out.”
“Yes, they should be here soon, don’t worry.”
Don't you LOVE how everyone tells you NOT TO WORRY?
I somehow felt like a cat caught in a tree.
So I waited. And waited.
Finally I heard LOUD voices coming from the other side of the door, “Don’t worry, we’re the fire department and we’ll get you out.”
I heard bang! bang! bang! Then I saw what looked like a HUGE metal crowbar being shoved into the crack of the door. Then I saw another crowbar; then another crowbar. There were THREE crowbars prying the door open.
It was like being in a DISASTER movie!
All of a sudden I began to smell smoke and thought, “Shit…the elevator is on fire!”
The smell was so intense I thought I was going GAG.
I thought, “Well, if it is a fire, I can always take the quart of milk from my grocery bag and splash it all over the FLAMES.
And it was at that point the elevator door FLEW open!
And as I looked straight ahead, I saw five firemen staring straight back at me standing there holding three bags of soggy groceries and sweating to death.
Then I JUMPED out of the elevator and wanted kiss them all, but didn’t dare.
But I did say, “Hey I smell smoke, where is that coming from?”
One of the firemen replied, “Well you see, that’s why they call us FIREmen - we tend to have smoke smell all over our gear.”
I smiled, “Duh, right…silly me.”
Anyway folks, I FINALLY got out of the elevator…thanks to the Philadelphia Fire Department.
Thank you again, gentlemen. You ROCK!
Epilogue: And just to let you know. For this horrendous experience of being trapped in a hot elevator for over thirty-five minutes, I ROYALLY bitched and complained to the CEO of this apartment company for how hazardous these elevators are and that something has GOT to be done immediately, or I will find a way to report them for safety standards.
And the result?
One: They will be installing a whole NEW elevator system starting in September.
Two: I got them to give me a TWO year lease on my next renewal with NO price increase in my rent.
Oh my God, Ron, this puts my elevator story to shame!
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine how terrifying that must have been. I hate heights and I hate enclosed spaces, so I would have been bouncing off the walls.
What an incompetent pack of losers! Clearly there is a history of problems with these elevators and yet it seems like they did very little about it. And they were totally clueless when you got stuck.
Thank God the firefighters got you out and that you're okay. Giving you a break on the lease is the very least your building people could do. I know people who would have sued them for millions.
Sorry this happened, buddy, and I'm glad you're okay! Take care and remember to hug a firefighter today!
Oh boy, did I live through that experience while reading this post. You can bet I did. Thank God you're okay, Ron, and while you're at it thank him for the Philadelphia Fire Department. Where would we be without brave firemen? It seems your venting paid off so roll on September when you should be able to ride lifts with a calm mind. Oh and congratulations on stabilising your rent... that IS good news.
ReplyDeleteCopied and pasted this just in case; experience tells me that's a wise move...lol. Have a great trouble-free day.
That is horrendous!!!! And I would have been particularly pissed about the lack of sympathy from the two people answering the elevator phone! What's up with that?
ReplyDeleteAnd are elevators that complicated of a piece of equipment? It seems as though every hotel I've stayed in has had some issue with their elevators. I'm often tempted to take the stairs, but worried I'll be locked in a stairwell.
Hope this week is stress free!
Oh Ronnie I am so sorry this happened to you. This is absolutely one of my biggest fears....and in this heat? Forget it! I am glad they got you out and you were compensated for the loss though. I hope you have a much bettter week than this spectacle!
ReplyDeleteTake the elevator they tell me. It's dangerous going up the stairs with crutches they tell me. Elevators are safer than the stairs they tell me.
H A ! ! !
Your experience is exactly WHY I crutch my way UP the stairs and crutch my way DOWN the stairs.
OMG....I cannot imagine. 35 minutes IN the heat, trapped in an elevator....with such sympathetic, compassionate, communicative, helpful people! "I'll see if I can do something?"! I'da corrected him on the spot--ain't no 'seeing' to it, buckaroo--get me outta here NOW!
Seriously--I'da panicked. I don't like elevators for this reason. And I'da found something in that grocery bag to beat on the door with. NOT that it woulda solved the problem--but I'da felt better. AND I'da presented 'em with the grocery bill!
I'm glad that they're making some changes and that they didn't raise the lease--but GOOD GRIEF.....it shouldn't take a gun to the head to MAKE safety changes for tenants, should it?
Hey there Rob!
ReplyDeleteHA! I soon as I read your post last night, I thought, "OMG...isn't it ironic how the two of us had elevator incidents last week!"
"I hate heights and I hate enclosed spaces, so I would have been bouncing off the walls."
It was the HEAT that really bothered me. There was no air circulating and it was getting hotter by the second.
"Clearly there is a history of problems with these elevators and yet it seems like they did very little about it. And they were totally clueless when you got stuck."
Thank you! That's the part that got me the most - they had absolutely no sense of urgency. And being that this happens A LOT in this building, you would think they would know how to get someone out of the elevator fast.
Yes, thank god for the firefighters! I swear to god I wanted KISS them, I was so happy - HA!
Yeah, I came right out and ASKED them to give me the two year lease with no rent price increase. That's the lease they could have done, considering I've been a good tenant for 12 years.
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a super week!
Phew! Must have sweated out a few ounces in there Ron. Telll you what, before it gets fixed, put a little bucket of stones in the elevator and a bottle of water. Then if people get stuck again they can have a proper sauna.
ReplyDeleteGooood morning Valerie!
ReplyDeleteIt's so funny because right after this happened to me, I immediately sat down and wrote this post because I wanted to remember all the details. You know us BLOGGERS, when we see a potential post....we GRAB it - HA!
"nd while you're at it thank him for the Philadelphia Fire Department. Where would we be without brave firemen?"
AMEN! I have SUCH respect, admiration, and honor for firefighters. They are one of a kind people to do that kind of work. To risk their lives to save others.
" It seems your venting paid off so roll on September when you should be able to ride lifts with a calm mind. Oh and congratulations on stabilising your rent... that IS good news."
HA! OMG...the CEO was so flabbergasted when I called her, she was so apologetic and couldn't do enough for me. So, THAT'S when I thought it was the PERFECT time to ask for the two year lease with no price increase.
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Have a SUPER Monday and week!
Hey there Bijoux~
ReplyDelete"And I would have been particularly pissed about the lack of sympathy from the two people answering the elevator phone! What's up with that?"
THANK YOU! That's what pissed me off the most - the total lack of urgency or concern. And obviously this has happened MANY times before with other tenants, so they should have a faster way of addressing this issue.
"And are elevators that complicated of a piece of equipment? It seems as though every hotel I've stayed in has had some issue with their elevators. I'm often tempted to take the stairs, but worried I'll be locked in a stairwell."
Trust me, if I didn't live on such a HIGH floor, I would be taking stairs everyday. And the scary part about this is that I was so apprehensive to get back into the elevator and use it after my experience.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a wonderful week!
Hey Shae!
ReplyDelete"This is absolutely one of my biggest fears....and in this heat? Forget it!"
That was the worst part about this - the HEAT. That and the fact that they seemed so slow to get me OUT of the elevator. No one communicated anything to me while I was in there. It was like they just left me to WONDER.
"I am glad they got you out and you were compensated for the loss though."
Meeeeeeeee too!
Thanks for stopping by, girl. Have a MARVI week!
Hiya Mel!
ReplyDelete"Take the elevator they tell me. It's dangerous going up the stairs with crutches they tell me. Elevators are safer than the stairs they tell me.HA!
H A ! ! !"
HA is right!
"OMG....I cannot imagine. 35 minutes IN the heat, trapped in an elevator....with such sympathetic, compassionate, communicative, helpful people! "I'll see if I can do something?"! I'da corrected him on the spot--ain't no 'seeing' to it, buckaroo--get me outta here NOW!"
THANK YOU! I was livid at how casual everyone responded to me. No communication and no sense of urgency. And you know how much I hate being HOT, so that was the worst part of it.
" AND I'da presented 'em with the grocery bill!"
HA! Yes, I though about doing that too! But I'm more happy with the two year lease and no price increase AND that they are installing new elevators.
And it's about time!
".....it shouldn't take a gun to the head to MAKE safety changes for tenants, should it?"
Exactly! And I can't believe they've gotten away with this issue for this long. No else has ever complained, can you believe that??
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Happy Monday to ya!
Hey Dale!
ReplyDelete"Must have sweated out a few ounces in there Ron."
HA! Yup...I sweated BUCKETS.
"Telll you what, before it gets fixed, put a little bucket of stones in the elevator and a bottle of water. Then if people get stuck again they can have a proper sauna."
Bwhahahahahahahaha! OMG...that was BRILLIANT, MAN!
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a super week!
Ron, I felt panicked just reading this story. I would have been scared and livid as well because that's one of my big fears. I can't believe that they have gotten away with not properly fixing or installing new elevators for this long. And to have had this happened during the hot summer would have made me freak out.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear that you royally bitched and complained and got something done about this. I bet they were scared that you were going to report them. And I'm also glad to hear about them compensating you with the two year lease and no price increase.
Have a wonderful week, Ron. Be safe.
Hola Denise~
ReplyDelete"I can't believe that they have gotten away with not properly fixing or installing new elevators for this long."
All they have ever done about these elevators is fix them temporarily but using the "band-aid" method. I think it's because they knew that it would cost them a FORTUNE to replace the whole system with new elevators. Yet, I think it's ironic how they keep raising our rent.
" And I'm also glad to hear about them compensating you with the two year lease and no price increase."
Thanks for stopping by, girl. Have wonderful week too!
Oh, I would have royally bitched and complained as well, Ron. And I probably would have asked them to compensate me for my groceries as well.
ReplyDeleteI've never gotten stuck inside an elevator, nor would I ever want to because I get claustrophobic easily. But on top of that, I hate being hot so that would have put me over the edge. I can't believe how your apartment building handled this situation. Glad you called them on it and let them know you would make a formal complaint for safety standards. And I'm also glad to hear about your lease and rent.
You go, dude!
Hiya Matt!
ReplyDelete"And I probably would have asked them to compensate me for my groceries as well."
Yup...I thought of doing that, but didn't. I'm just so happy to have gotten the two year lease with no rent increase AND that they are FINALLY replacing the elevator system!!!
'But on top of that, I hate being hot so that would have put me over the edge."
Me too, that what the absolute WORST part if it - the HEAT!
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a most excellent week!
Being trapped in an elevator is one of my worst fears. I tend to be a bit claustrophobic, so I fear if that ever happened to me I'd end up with bloody fingertips from trying to claw at the door myself. Glad the fire department came to your rescue. And how odd that we both had experiences with them...and on the same day, no less.
ReplyDeleteDo you think you would have acted differently if the woman who got off on the 9th floor had been trapped in there with you? I wonder if she realizes how lucky she was to have missed being trapped herself.
Howdy Mark!
ReplyDelete"I tend to be a bit claustrophobic, so I fear if that ever happened to me I'd end up with bloody fingertips from trying to claw at the door myself."
HAHAHAHAHAHA! It's ironic because I normally AM claustrophobic, but that didn't bother me as much as the horrible HEAT. OMG...it was horrendous!
"Glad the fire department came to your rescue. And how odd that we both had experiences with them...and on the same day, no less."
YES!!!!! Isn't that ODD????
"Do you think you would have acted differently if the woman who got off on the 9th floor had been trapped in there with you?"
I don't know, perhaps I would have. Maybe the feeling of being ALONE made me freak out more. The thing got that me freaked the most was that they weren't communicating with me and they seemed so casual about it.
It's funny because the whole apartment building knows about this because when I got in the elevator two days ago, some girl (and I don't know HOW she knew) said, "Oh...you're the guy that got caught in the elevator."
I'm a celebrity - HA!
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a faaaaaaabulous week!
X to you and Tara!
OMG! That is my biggest fear. The hospital elevators were always breaking down, too. You poor thing! You were much calmer than I would have been. I probably would have peed myself and I would have had a puddle of urine and sweat at my feet when they finally opened the doors.
ReplyDeleteGood for you (ahem) "voicing" your opinion about what happened! And bravo on the lease extension. That's awesome!
Ron, this could be a MOVIE! You had me riveted, man. What a story! And kudos for you for getting them to give you a new lease with no rent increase! I bet they were shitting in their pants. These people sound very incompetent. I'll tell you, I would be scared to get back into the elevator again.
ReplyDelete"I waited for what seemed like the time it takes for a woman to have a baby – 9 ½ months."
Even in your panic you're hilarious!
Glad you're safe, Ron.
Hey Chrissy Girl!
ReplyDelete"OMG! That is my biggest fear. The hospital elevators were always breaking down, too."
Apparently (from what the CEO told me), elevators have a life span of about 25 years, and this elevator is about 21 years old. I can understand an occasional break down, but these elevators are DOWN more than they are UP.
"You were much calmer than I would have been. I probably would have peed myself and I would have had a puddle of urine and sweat at my feet when they finally opened the doors."
Everything melted in my grocery bag, so there was a puddle of water on the floor. Plus a puddle from me SWEATING.
"Good for you (ahem) "voicing" your opinion about what happened! And bravo on the lease extension. That's awesome!"
Yup...don't FUCK with me fellas - HA!
Thanks for stopping by, girl. Have a great week. And I am soooooooooo happy that Vinny is doing well!
(((((( Vinny )))))
Hey ho Robert!
ReplyDelete"These people sound very incompetent. I'll tell you, I would be scared to get back into the elevator again."
Oh trust me, it was VERY hard for me to get back into the elevators again. Especially the one that I got stuck in. I've been using freight elevator more, because that's the newest one.
I swear to god, that's what it felt like.....9 1/2 months!!!
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a super-duper week!
ReplyDeleteI would have been really panicking, being stuck inside a lift, for ten minutes, let alone as long as you. I would have felt so much better once the fire department arrived though. I have so much faith in their abilities
It always pays to complain when something like that happens. Having your rent frozen for two years and a new elevator system is almost worth the distress ;)
Pacing in an elevator ha ha!
Hiya Babs!
ReplyDeleteYou too? OMG...I freaked!
"I would have felt so much better once the fire department arrived though. I have so much faith in their abilities."
A-MEN! They are GREATEST people! To put there own lives in danger to help others. That is ONE awesome vocation.
"It always pays to complain when something like that happens. Having your rent frozen for two years and a new elevator system is almost worth the distress ;)"
You bet! And what TOTALLY floors me is that other tenants have NEVER complained when they got stuck in the elevator.
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a faaaabulous week!
LOVED your recent post!!!!!!!
X to you and Mo!
Well done! But you should have had them reimburse you for the warm milk and melted ice cream! :-) Seriously, I really can't imagine how uncomfortable that would have been. Almost makes one think about taking the stairs...all the time? Well, maybe not. Hats off to the fire department for coming to your aid!
ReplyDeleteHey Lisa!
ReplyDelete"But you should have had them reimburse you for the warm milk and melted ice cream! :-)"
I know, I should have. Or actually, they should have just offered. However, I'm happy the the elevators are being replaced and also with the lease and no price increase - Yahooo!
" Almost makes one think about taking the stairs...all the time? Well, maybe not."
Exactly. I love living on an upper floor, but sometime it DOES have it's disadvantages.
"Hats off to the fire department for coming to your aid!"
Hats off!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by, Lisa! Have a FABU week!
oh no, ron. this is not cool at all especially being as hot as it has been. i must admit, i did smile with you flipped the bird. i imagined a camera in the elevator and people watching you freak out and then finally giving the finger.
ReplyDeletei was stuck in an elevator once (in south america) with 6 other people. standing room only. i think it was at least an hour before we got out. another reason why i always have my phone with me, so i'll have something to read or do while i'm waiting to be rescued. i dream of napping in an elevator, not sure why.
i would have kept pressing the call button and make the person on the other line talk to me or either i would have told him jokes. if i have to be stuck or in hell, then so does he.
what's awesome about your story is the ending. two year lease with no price increase? booyah! that's what's up. oh yeah and the new elevators too. good job.
like you, i express my displeasure (in writing) whenever i need to with good results. someone should know when things are not right, what's the point in keeping quiet. nothing will change. they should name an elevator after you.
Hey V Girl!
ReplyDelete" i must admit, i did smile with you flipped the bird. i imagined a camera in the elevator and people watching you freak out and then finally giving the finger."
HAHAHHHAHA! But guess what? These elevators are so old, they don't even have cameras in them, can you believe that? I wish they did because I would have least felt a bit safer knowing that I was being watched-over.
"i was stuck in an elevator once (in south america) with 6 other people. standing room only. i think it was at least an hour before we got out."
OMG....an HOUR?!?!! Now I don't feel so bad. You poor thing. I don't know if I'd feel better with people stuck inside with me or not. Especially SIX other people. I bet was crowded in there for an hour - yikes!
This was one time I had WISHED I had a cell phone.
"what's awesome about your story is the ending. two year lease with no price increase? booyah! that's what's up. oh yeah and the new elevators too. good job."
Yahoooooooo! And it was PERFECT timing because my lease is getting ready to be renewed!!!!
And you're right...people should speak up and express displeasure. I can't believe that no one else ever did when they got stuck. NO one.
" they should name an elevator after you."
Bwhahahahahahaha! Fabulous idea!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Have a terrific week!
Hi Ron, just me again, stopping back to read everyone's comments. I love to do that!
ReplyDeleteHi Robert!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so funny! Stop back anytime, buddy!
Hope you had a great Monday!
"It was like being in a DISASTER movie!"
ReplyDeleteBwahaha! You can't see me, but I'm laughing so hard over here that my fingers are mistyping a mile a minute. Heh...
The first thing that popped into my head as I read this was the elevator situation on The Big Bag Theory where the elevators never worked, thus the omnipresent "caution" tape.
And let's hear it for the the Philly FD! Glad to read that they were able to extract you in such dramatic fashion. Now, if only you had a camera on hand.... :-)
Hey Herman~
ReplyDelete"You can't see me, but I'm laughing so hard over here that my fingers are mistyping a mile a minute. Heh..."
Bwhahhahahahahaha! I know, it's funny because after I retraced this whole MESS, I was laughing too! That's exactly what it felt like, a scene from the movie, "Towering Inferno!"
"The first thing that popped into my head as I read this was the elevator situation on The Big Bag Theory where the elevators never worked, thus the omnipresent "caution" tape."
HA! You said it!
Yes...yaaaaaaaaay to the Philadelphia Fire Department!!!
" Now, if only you had a camera on hand.... :-)"
OMG...I was so mad that I didn't have my camera with me because not only would I have taken photos, but a VIDEO as well. To get the photo I used for this post, I went back into the elevator and took a snap of elevator panel.
Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Hope you had great Monday! Enjoy your week!
X to you, Karin, and Mr. Tyler!
Hi Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to be back( super manic Monday). So, I am just back to the blogs this morning.
My goodness; you have been to Hell & back.
A big Hoot out to Philadelphia FD. Woo! Thank you, dudes!!
I don't think that ANYONE here could say for 100% that (s)he would not panic in some way or form.
We are all living with our emotions the best we can. A lot of us (myself included) are pursuing a path that brings out our good nature. But...
We are all human and we do let out some of Pandora's box now and then. Getting angry, scared, jealous, or whatever.
Acknowledge it, let it out and learn from it if you can.
Here's hoping at least that you did not have frozen food (or at least not a lot of it)! I can TRY and imagine an elevator box without AC & stuck but, I will not come close to the reality!
I know what you mean but hot & sticky; we have been having our share since about last Saturday and it is hot all week.
I will be e-mailing ya. Be well.
Bonjour Barb!
ReplyDeleteHell and back is right - HA!
And yes....thank god for the Philly FD!!!!!
"We are all living with our emotions the best we can. A lot of us (myself included) are pursuing a path that brings out our good nature. But...We are all human and we do let out some of Pandora's box now and then. Getting angry, scared, jealous, or whatever."
I agree! I'm one of those people who just let's it out - I'm ITALIAN - HAHAHAHAHAHA!
The worst thing for me about this was the HEAT. It just escalated all my emotions. That, and the fact that they seemed so nonchalant about the whole thing - especially since this has happened so many times before to other tenants. I was livid.
Yes, I had two frozen dinners, which I was able to save by eating them BOTH in the same day!! The milk, I through out.
"I know what you mean but hot & sticky; we have been having our share since about last Saturday and it is hot all week."
OMG...it's been so hot and humid here. More so, humid. Yet, yesterday we got a break and it's seems a bit cooler. YAY!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a glorious week! And yes, I just got your email and will be responding as soon as finish with this comment!
X to you and D!
OMG I was sweating reading about your traumatic experience Ron. I would have totally freaked out I can tell you. Fancy having to get the Fire serivice to release you, that's quite exciting in a way isn't it? Anyway, your complaint seems to have done the trick, a good outcome for the tenants of your building and for you on your lease. x
ReplyDeleteGood for you for really giving it to them. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I'm so claustrophobic. I would have been a mess. That's when deep breathing and calm thoughts need to happen.
ReplyDeleteHey there Pearl~
ReplyDelete"OMG I was sweating reading about your traumatic experience Ron."
HA! I know, wasn't it hideous? And the worst part was the lack of air conditioning because it totally aggravated the whole situation.
" Fancy having to get the Fire serivice to release you, that's quite exciting in a way isn't it?"
They were AWESOME! And thank heavens for them!
"Anyway, your complaint seems to have done the trick, a good outcome for the tenants of your building and for you on your lease. x"
Thanks for stopping by, m'dear! Hope you're having a great week!
Hiya Jen!
ReplyDelete"Good for you for really giving it to them."
Apparently no one else who has ever gotten stuck in these freaking elevators have never complained, which totally blows me away.
"That's when deep breathing and calm thoughts need to happen."
HA! I know, I tried it. I also did REIKI on myself; trying to calm myself down. It worked for a bit, but the heat really got to me. And you know how much a ADORE heat - HA!
Hope you're having a FABU week, girl. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Ron, I ended up getting a Nikon, just like yours. Can't wait to start using it. I'm excited!
ReplyDeleteGreat Matt! You're gonna love it! It's a great little point and shoot camera, and easy to use!
You should have kissed them ALL!
ReplyDeleteRon, I read this story so fast... because I was so eager to hear the end!! WOW!!!! You know what would have happened to me?!? I would have had to pee. INSTANTLY. Even if I didn't have to the second before the elevator stopped.
You helped EVERYONE in the building by getting stuck. I know it wasn't your choice, but it was your choice to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
Hey Katherine!
ReplyDelete"You should have kissed them ALL!"
HAHAHAHAHA! You're right...I should have!!!!
"You know what would have happened to me?!? I would have had to pee. INSTANTLY. Even if I didn't have to the second before the elevator stopped."
OMG...it is SO FUNNY you mentioned that because all I kept thinking was, "THANK GOD I DON'T HAVE TO PEE!!!"
And I'm surprised I didn't because I drank a bottled water on the way home from the grocery store, but I think I sweated OUT while I was in elevator because it was so hot!
"You helped EVERYONE in the building by getting stuck. I know it wasn't your choice, but it was your choice to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!"
Amen! Enough is enough!
Thanks for stopping by, girl. Hope you're having a FABU week!
Hi Ron, just wanted to ask you a quick question. Were you able to view the videos I put on my latest post?
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Pearl~
ReplyDeleteYes, m'dear I was able to view them and they were awesome!
Sorry I didn't mention that in my comment.
Oh great! It's OK I just wondered if people were able to see them, sometimes it doesn't work. Glad you enjoyed them m'deario. xx
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your WHOLE post. I think I was so just enthralled with the photos of the Royal Family, I totally forgot to mention the videos - HA!
ReplyDeleteHave a fab day, m'dear!
Like one of Pavolv's dogs, I immediately jumped up and poured myself some wine.
ReplyDeleteOkay, when you said screamed the delicate obscenity that starts with F and ends with UCK, I was going to joke, "What? You screamed FIRETRUCK?" But maybe secretly inside you did and summoned them there!
I'm sorry you git trapped for a while, but sweet rent control deal!!
"Like one of Pavolv's dogs, I immediately jumped up and poured myself some wine."
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAH! I tell ya, the night after this happened, I drank SEVERAL glasses of wine!
"Okay, when you said screamed the delicate obscenity that starts with F and ends with UCK, I was going to joke, "What? You screamed FIRETRUCK?" But maybe secretly inside you did and summoned them there!"
Bwhahahahahhahaah! OMG...made me HOWL! That was freakin' BRILLIANT!!!!
And you have NO IDEA how happy I was to see those firemen.
Yup...the whole thing sucked, but it really worked out to my advantage with the rent control. YAHOOOO!
Thanks for stopping by, girl. I'll be stopping by your blog to catch up with you momentarily.
Ron, I'm loving this little camera. I've been practicing with it for the past couple of days and getting hang of it. Very happy with it!
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear, buddy! For a point and shoot it takes really nice photos. And if you ever feel like you want to edit them, try PicMonkey. It's an online photo editor and it's FREE!
ReplyDeleteRon, I would've been livid too and saying the word that begins with f and ends with uck (and no it's no firetruck, ha ha). It's one thing to be stuck in an elevator, but in this heat!!
And what is up with everyone telling you not to worry? They aren't stuck in a 1x2 room hanging by a cable sweating to death with stale air! Don't worry my butt. I would've had a full-blown panic attack and like Katherine, I would've needed to pee.
So glad you complained to the property manager and new elevators are being installed. It's about darn time!
Oh, you didn't say if the firemen were "hot". hee hee ;)
Glad you're okay!
ReplyDeleteBwhahahahahahaha! LOVED that, Pam!!!
I had so wished I had my camera with me because I would loved to filmed myself INSIDE the elevator.
" It's one thing to be stuck in an elevator, but in this heat!!"
Exactly. That's the part that really bothered me the most...the horrible heat. Also, that they seemed so unhurried to get me out of the elevator - "Don't worry....don't worry." Even the property manager told me that had it been HER in the elevator, she would have had a panic attack.
Yup...thank god they're gonna replace them. It's about DAMN time too.
"Oh, you didn't say if the firemen were "hot". hee hee ;)"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Funny you mentioned that because a friend of mine who reads my blog via email, sent me an email back saying, "Well...I always thought firemen were HOT!"
Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
((((((((( You ))))))))
Ron, you ROCK!! Good for you, getting management to sling some goodies your way, to repay you for the "inconvenience" of being stuck in that hot elevator.
ReplyDeleteClaustrophobia runs in my family big-time. I'm afraid many of us would have had a stroke if we'd been in your position. Especially since you were toting three bags of groceries and were all by your lonesome.
Argh, don't you just LOVE technology??
Thank Heaven, the firefighters saved the day. Once again!
Hey there Debbie!
ReplyDelete"... getting management to sling some goodies your way, to repay you for the "inconvenience" of being stuck in that hot elevator."
What totally blows me away was no one who has ever been stuck in the elevator has EVERY complained or went above management to get a solution.
"I'm afraid many of us would have had a stroke if we'd been in your position. Especially since you were toting three bags of groceries and were all by your lonesome."
I'm normally a bit claustrophobic myself, but that didn't bother me as much as the heat. And actually, I'm was probably better off being ALONE in the elevator because had anyone been in there with me, they probably would have slapped me - HA!
Yes, thank HEAVEN for the firefighters who saved the day!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady!
Enjoy the rest of your day!
You had FIVE... count them... one, two, three, four, five.... FIVE of Philly's finest firemen (okay, maybe they weren't the finest, I haven't seen everyone in the department... but, point is... you had just been rescued by men in uniform) and you didn't try to kiss any of them?? No jumping into any of their arms, squealing with delight, getting a cell phone number or two just in case you have nightmares over the whole rotten situation and need to chat??? Pfft.... not one wink, lingering hug?? Nothing? LOL OH wait, not nothing... you got NEW elevators and NO increase on rent for TWO years. Those things are way better than hugging and kissing a smelly (and probably very sweaty) fireman. Yup, you got a good deal.
ReplyDeleteCan you give my cable and insurance companies a call... please!?! ha!
p.s. Hey, it's a good thing you weren't with a few other people and just saw the movie 'Devil'! ;)
ReplyDeleteMary, your comment made me HOWL!
"and you didn't try to kiss any of them?? No jumping into any of their arms, squealing with delight, getting a cell phone number or two just in case you have nightmares over the whole rotten situation and need to chat??? Pfft.... not one wink, lingering hug??"
No, can you BELIEVE that!?!? But I SHOULD have! And two of them were VERY cute! Although, I love any man in a UNIFORM!
Tee, hee!
Yes, the best deal I got out of this whole horrendous experience was the rent freeze and a TWO year lease!
AND new elevators!
*doing the happy dance*
"p.s. Hey, it's a good thing you weren't with a few other people and just saw the movie 'Devil'! ;)"
OMG....it's so funny you mentioned that movie because my brother Tom said the same thing when I told him about this!
Now I'm very curious about the film!
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Have a super week!
ReplyDeleteI would have died. Flipped out and died. Then I would have come back to life and flipped out some more.
HOLY SHIT, Ron. Holy. Shit.
"I would have died. Flipped out and died. Then I would have come back to life and flipped out some more."
I know.
This is one of those things that you hope and pray NEVER happens to you. And then when is DOES happen, you're like....
Even though it's been over a week now, I still feel very apprehensive about getting into one of those elevators.
I can't wait until September when they start replacing them.
Yeah after THAT I would never get into any elevator ever again.