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When many people think of crows, they envision this:

Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, The Birds.

And I don’t blame them because that was one scary-ass movie about birds; especially how it depicted crows attacking Tippi Hedren, Suzanne Pleshette, and all the children in the school yard scene. Even today, whenever I watch this movie (or any Hitchcock film for that matter), I get scared. To me, Hitchcock was the master of suspense.

I've never been a big ‘bird person’ or ever desired one as a pet. I appreciate and respect birds, it’s just that I have never really had an interest in them.

With the exception of a crow.

I have no idea why, but crows fascinate me to no end. And it’s weird, I think I must have some kind of ‘kinship’ with them because whenever there are crows around, they will fly right up to me, land, and just stand there and watch. And yes, I do feed them sometimes so that could be part of the reason. But it’s more than that because they feel safe and comfortable enough to take the food right out of my hands.

I used to hang out by a big lake where I lived in Orlando, Florida. On certain afternoons I would take a lawn chair and a book, and sit in the sun. And within a few minutes, all the crows that were in the trees would fly down and form a big semi-circle in front of me.

And it was so comical because it looked as though I was holding court with crows.

Now here’s the strange part…

I would actually talk to them (such as asking them how they were doing and if they were having a nice day), and they would tilt their heads from side to side in curiosity; blinking their eyes as if they were trying to understand what I was saying. And sometimes I think they even knew what I was saying because they would playfully hop closer to me.

See…didn’t I tell you it was strange? I'm like The Birdman of Alcatraz, only with crows.

I know crows can be very aggressive and mischievous when it comes to stealing food from other animals, but hey, that’s the animal kingdom. They fight for their food, because that's nature. But so do a lot of other animals.

I think crows sometimes get a bad rap. Partially because of the ominous way they look, and partially because of their aggressiveness and superstitious association with bad luck, death, illness, and other tragic things.

Yet, there are certain cultures who believe that crows symbolize power, transformation, flexibility and adaptability; welcoming the presence of crows as a sign of something positive.

Personally, I find crows beautiful. I love their blue-black color, sharp-angular shape, and size.

Crows are also listed as one of the most intelligent birds. And I can believe that because they look intelligent.

Yup, I LOVE crows!

I admire their physical aesthetics, their fearlessness, determination, keen perception, and intelligence.

And I even find them sweet.

I leave you now with one last photograph taken on the movie set of Alfred Hitchcock’s, The Birds

*A gentlemanly crow lights Tippi Hedren’s cigarette

(is this not the most faaaabulously clever photograph?)

Happy Monday, y'all!


  1. Crows. They are kinda cool!! I am laughing my ass off about you talking to the birds!! I would do that very same thing!! I actually DO that very same thing...with all kinds of animals!! Who cares what others think. You are having a good time and they are not!! Awesome photograph...but I still cannot get the image out of my sitting by the lake "holding court with your crows!!!" bwahahahaha!!! Love it!! Happy Monday my friend!! xo

  2. Good morning, Ron. Of course, with my oft-stated passion for birds you would know I'd love this post. Thank you.

    Talking to birds gains their trust, after all we share the earth with them so we might as well get on... smiles. The crow is king of them all. He is intelligent as well as beautiful, majestic is the way I like to describe describe him, or her of course. I just love it when they visit my garden.

    When Joe and his friend used to walk in the park, the friend would take enough bread bits to feed a thousand and as soon as they entered the park gate the crows would flock round, as if they had been waiting for him to arrive. Probably had!

    Happy Monday x

  3. Belated PS... I liked the film The Birds... okay, I know I'm strange... haha

  4. When I was 6, our babysitter let us watch "The Birds." Totally freaked me out! But didn't make me like birds any less. My mother is intensely afraid of birds and I once rescued an injured blackbird on the street and tried (and failed) to nurse it back to health. She let me, but she was NOT happy about having a bird in the house. I like both crows and blackbirds. There's something mysterious about them. Then again, I like pretty much all birds.

    You might be interested in some research that shows crows have an ability to distinguish between one person's face and another's and can pass that information along to their buddies. They will harass a person who has bothered them for years. So it makes sense to me that they would also respond positively to someone who has fed them. It's here:

  5. I'm a bird lover, but I have to say I don't get crows at the house. And they just don't seem to show up where I am.....ever. I can't say they're my favorite (the others would get jealous...LOL) and I can't say they creep me out (don't wanna hurt their little birdie feelings).
    "The Birds" scared the #!&! outta me and it's a wonder I like birdies today. So sitting, surrounded by a circle of those big birds....probably would make me a bit squeamish and I'd be tellin' 'em to back up, form a single file line in alphabetical order, or I was taking my bread and going home. :-/
    I make the squirrels take a number and get in line...seems fair to me! ;-)
    Happy Monday to you, sir!

  6. Hey, Ron, great post! I share your fascination with crows and I agree that they do get a bum rap--largely because of their appearance.

    And Alfred Hitchcock didn't do them no favors either with that scary-ass movie of his!

    "Yet, there are certain cultures who believe that crows symbolize power, transformation, flexibility and adaptability; welcoming the presence of crows as a sign of something positive."

    That's remarkable. I'm so used to seeing crows portrayed in a bad light that it's hard to believe anyone would treat them as a positive sign. Maybe I should start!

    Thanks for the great post, buddy! Love that last photo, though Tippi needs to cut down on the smoking!

    Have a great week, my fine feathered friend!

  7. Crows are incredibly intelligent and are one of the few animals to use tools.
    Also, a crow's parliament (where the birds form a circle around a single animal that seems to be somehow "in charge") is a unique social gathering that nobody has yet been able to sufficiently explain.

  8. This is super, Ron. I've never been too fond of birds, though. Oh, I like to look at them outside the window, and I like to watch robins snatch worms from the ground, and such, but frankly, the idea of having a pet bird in a cage makes me nervous. The lady who grooms my Sheltie has a parrot or something, and every time we come in, that thing squawks and makes ALL kinds of noisy sounds!
    I like the mental picture of you holding court with the crows! Don't you think animals can just SENSE when a human understands and appreciates them?
    "The Birds" was one fabulous film, wasn't it? Hitchcock WAS a master at suspense!
    Have a great week!

  9. Ron, what a great post topic! I've never been a bird person myself, but I agree with you, there is something fascinating and mysterious about crows. I've seen the movie The Birds several times, and as scary as it is it's a great film. Hitchcock IS the master of suspense. Psycho is one of my favorites, with Anthony Perkins.

    I love that last photo of the crow lighting her cigarette! I wonder how they did that? Do you think it's a real crow?

    Have wonderful week Ron x

  10. "I am laughing my ass off about you talking to the birds!! I would do that very same thing!! I actually DO that very same thing...with all kinds of animals!! Who cares what others think."

    HA! Exactly, Jeanne....who cares what others think! And I swear to god, I think those crows understand what I'm saying because I can I see their little eyes taking it all in.

    "you sitting by the lake "holding court with your crows!!!" bwahahahaha!!!"

    Like the Crowman of Alcatraz!!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Happy Monday to ya!

    X to you and the girlz!

  11. My grandfather had a pet crow!

    They are intelligent creatures. Here's a video from FB that will astound you.

    I often think of "The Birds" if I see a flock flying overhead, but when I sit and watch them in action I'm in awe. I love how their feathers are so black they shine blue.

  12. Gooooood morning Valerie!

    "Of course, with my oft-stated passion for birds you would know I'd love this post. Thank you."

    Yes, from reading your blog, I KNOW you have such a passion/love for birds!

    "Talking to birds gains their trust, after all we share the earth with them so we might as well get on... smiles."

    I agree! And I honestly think they can understand us in some way when we talk to them. Maybe it's more so the 'energy' than the actual words that we use, but they DO understand in some way. I believe that.


    I LOVE that word you used because you're right...there is something MAJESTIC about them.

    "When Joe and his friend used to walk in the park, the friend would take enough bread bits to feed a thousand and as soon as they entered the park gate the crows would flock round, as if they had been waiting for him to arrive. Probably had!"

    How cool is that! And yup...probably had!

    Much thanks for stopping by, dear lady. Have a lovely week!

    X to you and Joe!

  13. No, you're not strange at all because as scary as it is, I like the film too. But then again, I like ALL of Hitchcock's films.


  14. "When I was 6, our babysitter let us watch "The Birds." Totally freaked me out!" were 6?!?! I can't remember when I saw that film for the first time (probably when I was a teen), and as much as it freaked me out, I LOVED it! Birds have never scared me, it's just that I've never really had an interest in them, other than crows or ravens.

    "There's something mysterious about them."

    I agree...there IS something mysterious about them.

    And I cannot thank you ENOUGH for sharing that link. I will most definitely check it out sometime today because it sounds fascinating! Thanks, girl!

    Have a super week and thank you for stopping by!


  15. "That's an awesome photo at the end."

    Isn't it AWESOME, Bijoux? I found it online over the weekend, and had to use it for this post. If you click on the photo, it will take you to the website where I discovered it. The photo was taken by a photographer who was on the movie set of The Birds. Faaaaaabulously clever photo!

    " I've only seen parts of the movie, and YES....scary ass is right!"

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! I know, the movie is so damn scary, but OMG...I love to watch it. I love scary movies.

    " They are interesting creatures, but I hope the deer in our area are on the lookout!"

    I think it's so ironic that you had posted that last week, when I also had this post planned at the same time on CROWS!?!?

    Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Have a FAB week!


  16. Hiya Mel!

    "I'm a bird lover, but I have to say I don't get crows at the house. And they just don't seem to show up where I am.....ever."

    Wow, that's amazing because I would think that where you live, you would see them a lot.

    I seem to see crows more during the fall, spring, and summer months. And yes, even here in the city.

    "So sitting, surrounded by a circle of those big birds....probably would make me a bit squeamish and I'd be tellin' 'em to back up, form a single file line in alphabetical order, or I was taking my bread and going home. :-/ I make the squirrels take a number and get in line...seems fair to me! ;-)"

    HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Too funny!!!!!

    And yes, the crows are just like the squirrels, very aggressive and clever with getting food. But oh...I love them both.

    Thanks oodles for stopping by, dear lady. Happy Monday to ya!

    ((((((((((((( You ))))))))))))


  17. Hey there Rob!

    " I share your fascination with crows and I agree that they do get a bum rap--largely because of their appearance."

    Aren't crows FAAAAAAAABULOUS?

    "That's remarkable. I'm so used to seeing crows portrayed in a bad light that it's hard to believe anyone would treat them as a positive sign. Maybe I should start!"

    Yes, there are certain cultures (like the Japanese) who see crows in a very positive light. In fact, if you look at Japanese artwork, you will notice that many of them have crows in them. Also, the American Indians see crows as something positive as well.

    Don't you love that last photo of the crowing lighting her cigarette? Brilliant shot!

    Much thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a super week!


  18. "Crows are incredibly intelligent and are one of the few animals to use tools"

    Yes Dale, you're right! In fact, I watched a video sometime last week, in which it showed crows using tools. AMAZING!

    "Also, a crow's parliament (where the birds form a circle around a single animal that seems to be somehow "in charge") is a unique social gathering that nobody has yet been able to sufficiently explain."

    WOW....VERY interesting!!! And thank you for sharing that!

    Have a super week, buddy, and thanks for stopping by!


  19. Hey there Debbie!

    Yes, as I shared...I've never been over fond of birds myself because they have never held an interest for me. However, when it comes to crows (or ravens) I find them utterly fascinating.

    And I feel the same way, to keep a bird in a cage, just doesn't seem right.

    And speaking of parrots, my mother had a parrot (and African Grey) and OMG...that thing would squawk and screech all day long. It would wake me up every single morning!

    " Don't you think animals can just SENSE when a human understands and appreciates them?"

    Yes, I do...I agree with you. They can SENSE when someone likes them or fears them. Animals have a keen sense of feeling energy.

    ""The Birds" was one fabulous film, wasn't it? Hitchcock WAS a master at suspense!"

    Faaaaaabulous film! I love Hitchcock films!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, dear lady. Have a grrrrreat week!


  20. Hola Denise!

    " there is something fascinating and mysterious about crows."

    Yes, isn't there? And as Valerie said in her comment...there is something MAJESTIC about them.

    "I've seen the movie The Birds several times, and as scary as it is it's a great film. Hitchcock IS the master of suspense. Psycho is one of my favorites, with Anthony Perkins."

    It is a scary film, but I love it! And yes...Psycho was a CLASSIC!

    "I love that last photo of the crow lighting her cigarette! I wonder how they did that? Do you think it's a real crow?"

    Isn't it a FAB photo? And I'm not exactly sure HOW they got that shot, but I doubt if it's a REAL crow. But it sure LOOKS real, doesn't it?

    Much thanks for stopping by, girl. Have a WONDERFUL week!


  21. "My grandfather had a pet crow!"

    *smiling*'re kidding me, Suzi?? How AWESOME is that!!!

    And thank you sooooooo much for sharing the video link because I will most definitely check it out sometime today. Can't wait!

    "I often think of "The Birds" if I see a flock flying overhead..."

    HAHHAAHAHAHA! Meeee too!!!! And also think of that movie if I see a group of crows sitting on telephone wires!

    Isn't the color of crows faaaaabulous?

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a super week!


  22. You're the Crow Whisperer!

    No offense, but I hate crows. In fact, I wrote a blog post about it once. And you commented and told me how much you love them. :)

    Ahh...memories. Actually, that was almost exactly a year ago. How time flies! I still feel the same way about them, though. But I guess it's mostly the NOISE they make that I hate. That awful squawking has awakened me early from a sound slumber too many times to count. I'm not a violent person, but when it comes to crows, I often wish I had a shotgun and a steady hand.

    At least I like squirrels now! That's progress...

  23. Ron, that last photograph is awesome! How the hell did they do that?

    Crows, in my opinion, are amazing birds because of their high intelligence. Did you ever see this video? I think you will really enjoy it.

    I also like the way crows look because they're Goth looking. I love the movie The Birds. I'm a big Hitchcock fan, though.

    Cool post, dude!

  24. "You're the Crow Whisperer!"


    "No offense, but I hate crows. In fact, I wrote a blog post about it once. And you commented and told me how much you love them. :)"

    Yes! I think I DO remember that post you wrote, Mark!

    And yes, they do make a LOUD squawking noise, so I understand.

    But hey, you didn't like squirrels either, yet look at you now. So perhaps one day you might like crows too.

    Much thanks for stopping by, bud. Have a faaaaaabulous week!

    X to you and Tara!

  25. Hiya Matt!

    "Ron, that last photograph is awesome! How the hell did they do that?"

    Isn't it an AWESOME photo? I don't know HOW they actually got that shot, but I'm pretty sure is not a real crow, but it certainly LOOKS real, doesn't it? I know they used fake crows in the movie in certain scenes, so I'm assuming they used one in that shot?

    Thanks SO MUCH for sharing the link! And I will most definitely check it out sometime today for sure!

    "I also like the way crows look because they're Goth looking."

    Perhaps that's why I like them too because I like anything GOTH.

    And yes, I'm a huge Hitchcock fan as well.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, bud. Have a super week!


  26. I think your next post should be about rebates.........bahahahaha

  27. Hey, I just saw on my reader that you had posted on REBATES, so I can't wait to read it!!!

    And yes, I think my next post should be on the same thing....bhahahahahaha!


  28. I just noticed the movie clip you placed on your sidebar of the Scarecrow singing, If I Only Had a Brain. Perfect for this post, Ron!

  29. HA! Matt, I had that clip saved in my documents for the past month, not knowing when I was going to use it. But then when I wrote this post last week, I thought it perfect the CROW.

  30. I saw a programme the other week about brains and various creatures. Did you know that the crow beat everything else with intelligence and the ability to solve puzzles? They built an obstacle course, built around weights and balance and put a piece of food in the last chamber. They put the crow at the entrance and filmed him. Within moments he calculated how many pieces of stone to place and where to place them to open the first chamber. Inside was a short twig. He moved on to the next puzzle, solved that, which opened a door to something else. He came back to the twig and took it to the next obstacle to use it on something. Eventually he ended up with a long twig that he used to scoop out the food that was placed at the back of a small tube. It was unbelievable. They are most definitely extremely intelligent.

    I also, like pure black creatures. There's something about them :)

  31. " Eventually he ended up with a long twig that he used to scoop out the food that was placed at the back of a small tube. It was unbelievable."

    Holy cow...Babs, that's AMAZING!!

    There is something about their eyes when you watch them that is so obvious they ARE intelligent creatures because you can SEE them thinking and figuring things out.

    "I also, like pure black creatures. There's something about them :)"

    Me too! I love pure black creatures. Like your cat!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing on this post, my friend. Have a lovely week!

    X to you and Mo!

  32. Ron, what a fascinating post! I've seen several shows on crows and without a doubt, they are the most intelligent bird. And I know this may sound way out there, but I also think crows are extremely intuitive and can sense things. Which is why I think crows may be drawn to you because they can tell that you like them. If they take food out of your hands, they must sense that they can trust you!

    I love the color of crows. So black, their blue.

    Great photo finish to this post, Ron! What an ironically classic photo for the movie!

  33. Hey ho Robert!

    "And I know this may sound way out there, but I also think crows are extremely intuitive and can sense things."

    No, I don't think that sounds way out there, because I TOTALLY agree with you that crows are extremely intuitive as well as intelligent. So perhaps you're right, they sense that I like them and trust me. Which I do...I love crows!

    "I love the color of crows. So black, they're blue."

    Don't you love how when the light hits them in a certain way, their feathers look blue-black? Stunning!

    "What an ironically classic photo for the movie!"

    Priceless photograph! Ironically classic indeed! I laughed so hard when I spotted that photo.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy! Hope your Monday was super. Have a grrrrrrreat week!


  34. Strangest thing I ever saw: I was sitting in my car reading a book one day when a crow landed on the hood of my car. I honked my horn and scared the thing off. A few minutes later I locked my car to go into a store. I turned around to take a last look at my car before entering the store and I saw that same crow land on a branch above my car, and it dropped a rock on my windshield! Luckily it didn't break the window, but was that bird trying to get back at me for scaring it? Crows are scary smart...

  35. "I saw that same crow land on a branch above my car, and it dropped a rock on my windshield! Luckily it didn't break the window, but was that bird trying to get back at me for scaring it?"

    OMG!!! See, that's what I mean....crows are soooo scary smart!

    Hey listen, if you have a few minutes sometime this week, check out this video on Facebook. One of my other readers, SuziCate, left it in her comment. It's an amazing example of how smart crows are at figuring things out.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, buddy. Have a SUPER week!

    X to you, Karin, and Mr. Tyler!

  36. I always thought Magpies were beautiful until I saw one sitting on the roof of the house opposite eating a small bird. :( We used to have a budgie which was very tame, it would sit on your hand but more often your head running your hair through it's beak. It escaped through and open window and I was running up and down the street shouting "Gary, Gary" (it's name), the neighbours thought I was mad.

  37. "We used to have a budgie which was very tame, it would sit on your hand but more often your head running your hair through it's beak. It escaped through and open window and I was running up and down the street shouting "Gary, Gary" (it's name), the neighbours thought I was mad."

    Oh how COOL, Pearl! And I don't think you're mad at all because I would have done the same thing - HA!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, m'dear! Have a lovely week!


  38. Ron, I watched the video clip on FB that SuziCate shared. Wow...amazing!

  39. Robert, isn't the video freaking AMAZING?!!? Just goes to show you HOW smart they are!

  40. I'm not a big "bird fan" either Ron but I agree, crows do seem like clever birds. I LOVE that last photo, even though I loathe ciggies. Wasn't that a great movie?

    Hope all is well and have a great week, G

  41. Hey there Geraldine!

    Yes, they of the most clever and intelligent birds.

    Isn't that last photo FAB-U-LOUS??? And I would love to know HOW they got that shot.

    Yup...The Birds was a GREAT movie!

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend. Have a SUPER week!


  42. okay the first thing that came in to my mind when i read the title was bonnie raitt's song, something to talk about. am i right, am i right. i love that song. oh well if you never heard it, listen:

    now i'm listening to it while i type this. heheh

    crows are beautiful and scary. i like them because they're black, and well i'm black. okay that's not it, black is my favorite color. there is one near my job that sits on top of the building's roof and announces his presence. he is huge too.

    that picture of the crow flying with spread wings is beautiful! happy tuesday ron.

  43. "okay the first thing that came in to my mind when i read the title was bonnie raitt's song, something to talk about. am i right, am i right."

    HAHAHHAAHAHA!'re ABSOLUTELY right!!! And another thing...I LOVE that song too! In fact, it's my FAVORITE Bonnie Raitt song EVER! And thank you for leaving the link because I loved hearing it again!!!!

    " i like them because they're black, and well i'm black. okay that's not it, black is my favorite color. "

    Bwhahahahaha! Oh, I love you, girl! Too funny! But black is my favorite color too, so I guess why I think crows are so beautiful!

    "there is one near my job that sits on top of the building's roof and announces his presence. he is huge too."

    Don't you love the sound they make when they CAW..CAW!

    "that picture of the crow flying with spread wings is beautiful!"

    I think so too.

    Much thanks for stopping by, Val. And again, thanks for sharing the video clip. I'm gonna to listen to it again later tonight.

    Happy Tuesday!

  44. Crows never bothered me, even though I heard they were pretty vicious and that they would eat baby animals. And then one day I saw one fly through my back yard with a baby bird screaming in its talons. I was so sad! But then another time there was one that was obviously sick that was walking around a parking lot. I felt bad for him... he was so beautiful and so weak. I stopped my car and talked to him. I told him he needed to get out of the road and should move to the side. I said I hoped he felt better... and that I would be back. After I finished in the building I found him again and left some bread for him. I am sure he was dying... but at least he knew someone was there looking out for him. And they REMEMBER you.. that is kinda creepy!

  45. It's funny you post this. I saw a video depicting a crow figuring out a very difficult puzzle to get a piece of food. It was amazing! I'm sure the crows you talked to were talking back. You just weren't on the same intellectual plane to understand, right? Lol.

  46. Hey there Angelia!

    " I saw a video depicting a crow figuring out a very difficult puzzle to get a piece of food. It was amazing!"

    Yes! of blogging friends here left me a video clip link that showed exactly what you're referring to. AMAZING!!!

    " I'm sure the crows you talked to were talking back. You just weren't on the same intellectual plane to understand, right? Lol."

    HAHAHAHA! Right!

    Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're having a FAB week!


  47. Cool post, Ron! That is so wild that you seem to have some connection with them. Maybe you were a crow in a former life?? I love hawks, even though we have two in the neighborhood that make me worry about letting Vinny out.

    And so WEIRD that you mention The Birds. I was talking to my new neighbor and he said he had to go inside to watch his actress friend on the new TV show, Resurrection. Do you know who she is? The little girl from The Birds! I shit you not!

  48. "Maybe you were a crow in a former life??"

    HA! That's exactly what I thought too, Chrissy! It's so strange that I have this deep connection to crows; almost like we can 'sense' each other. I used to blog with girl many years ago who also felt the same way about crows.

    " I love hawks..."

    Hawks are AWESOME birds too. They're very regal and powerful-looking birds. And they're HUGE.

    "Do you know who she is? The little girl from The Birds! I shit you not!"

    Yes! Yes! I checked out the link you left and immediately remembered her role in The Birds. Also, I remembered her in the the movie The Children's Hour with Audrey Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine. WOW...she's had an amazing career. And I think her sister was Angelia Cartwright from Lost In Space.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, girl. Hope Maddie is doing well.

    ((((((( Maddie )))))))


  49. Sorry I don't share your fascination with crows - they call a bunch of crows a murder of crows which should tell you a lot about their character! They are dirty, they used to follow the garbage truck down the road, they take food out of the dump, eccchhchhhh!

  50. Hey there Benze~ really don't like crows.

    Oh each his own.

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend. Hope all is going FAB with your writing!


  51. Ron I just read Chrissy Star's comment about being a crow in a former life! I think I must have been a tiger in a former life because I love them and feel a very strong connection to them.

  52. "I think I must have been a tiger in a former life because I love them and feel a very strong connection to them."

    HA! OMG Robert...I love tigers too! In fact, they are my very favorite wild cat!


  53. Ravens, crows - Love them! Seriously, who couldn't love a group 'o birds together called "A Murder"!?!

    They are beautiful and smart (just like us, Ron!) although, I do believe Mr. Hitchcock scared the bejesus out of Tippi with the crows during the filming of the movie.

    Obviously one of my favorites!

  54. "Seriously, who couldn't love a group 'o birds together called "A Murder"!?!"

    HA! I AGREE, Nitebyrd!

    And yes, they are beautiful and smart! I know they can be aggressive at times, but to me, they've always been very sweet.

    "although, I do believe Mr. Hitchcock scared the bejesus out of Tippi with the crows during the filming of the movie."

    Yes he did, you're right! In fact, I remember watching a documentary on the film in which Tippi even said that, especially during the scene in the attic.

    Much thanks for stopping by, Sis! Have a SUPER weekend!


  55. "even though I heard they were pretty vicious and that they would eat baby animals. And then one day I saw one fly through my back yard with a baby bird screaming in its talons. I was so sad!"

    Yes Katherine, natural can be very aggressive and vicious at times, can't it? I've even seen a squirrel (which you know, I LOVE them), grabbed a sweet, little sparrow with its mouth and kill it. And it happened right of me. OMG!

    " said I hoped he felt better... and that I would be back. After I finished in the building I found him again and left some bread for him. I am sure he was dying... but at least he knew someone was there looking out for him."

    Aw...god love ya, girl! That was so awesome of you!

    (((((((( You )))))))

    And yes, can you believe that? Crows REMEMBER you!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a MAAAVELOUS week!


  56. That's an awesome photo at the end. I've only seen parts of the movie, and YES....scary ass is right! They are interesting creatures, but I hope the deer in our area are on the lookout!


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