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If any of you are on Instagram, you know that whenever you click on a post, you'll instantly get hundreds more of the same topic within your feed. 

For instance, I click on posts whenever I see anything to do with cats. Thus, I get TONS of cat posts that show up in my account as I scroll down on new posts.

I don't mind that though because I enjoy seeing photos and video clips from other users who post about either their own cats or cats in general. 

As you all know, I love cats. I love dogs too. I truly do. However, I prefer a feline roommate because their calm and mellow energy is the perfect balance to my natural high energy. Cats are yin, while I'm yang. It's the ideal marriage!

Cats are also low-maintenance. 

And contrary to what many people assume, cats are very loyal, loving, and affectionate. Especially male cats. I once had a male cat (Jerry) for 20 years, who never left my side. He would greet me at the door whenever I came home from being out all day, and rub himself against my legs. He loved me to pick him up and nuzzle his sweet little fur face. In the morning, as I was getting ready for work, he would sit on the toilet seat top and watch me shave. He would also sometimes get between the shower curtain and liner while I was taking a shower and walk back and forth along the bathtub edge. 

At night, he would get under the covers when I went to bed and snuggle up against me and purr. He was like a sleeping pill. I would instantly fall asleep. 

Yup, he was my feline buddy boy, who I loved with all my heart.  

My nickname for him was Jerry-Berry...

Today, I would like to share four Instagram posts that give an ideal look into a why I LOVE cats. 

Please enjoy...  

*Cat With Adopted Baby Chicks - (shows you how gentle cats can be)...
*Cats Walking the Treadmill - (this is how the modeling industry came up with the term "catwalk"). I give you supermodels: Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, and Christy Turlington...
*Cat Shoppers - (be sure to scroll through all five photographs)...
*I am a huge fan of Queen. And I think Freddie Mercury (who loved cats) would be so proud of this video...

Wishing you a catfabulous rest of your week, everyone! 🐱

Meeeeeeeowww! 😻


  1. Ron, this post is the cat's pawjamas! LOL!

    I too am a cat purrrrson. I love dogs as well but prefer rooming with a cat. Easy to care for.

    Oh my god, these Instagram posts are priceless! I love in the second one (catwalk) how that cat comes over and slides right in the middle of the other two. And does it was such smoothness! And you're right, Freddie Mercury would be very proud of that video of Queen. I smiled the whole time I watched it. And I watched it THREE times!

    Jerry-Berry looks like he was such a sweetheart. What a cute face. I love his fur. I'm a fan of tabby's.

    Fun post, Ron! And it was purrrfect to read this morning while drinking my Catpuccino!

    Sorry for the cat puns. I couldn't resist.

  2. No apologies needed, Daniel. Your puns were cats meeow! I especially enjoyed the Catpuccino! LOL!

    Yes, easy to care for. If I ever wanted to go away for a weekend, I could leave them (I had two at one time) with enough food and water, and knew they would be fine.

    "I love in the second one (catwalk) and how that cat comes over and slides right in the middle of the other two. And does it was such smoothness"

    I thought the same thing! And I love how the other two moved in sync with the one sliding into the middle. It was the perfect choreography!!

    Isn't the video great? I forwarded it to a friend of mine who also loves cats and she loved it!

    He was a sweetheart. Very gentle and affectionate.

    Thanks sooooooooo much for stopping by and sharing your humor, my friend. You've added much to this post!

    Have a cat-tastic weekend!


  3. 20 years?!?! That's amazing, Ron! You must have taken great care of Jerry.

    I've never had a cat, but my bestie friend has FOUR. I call her apartment a CATHOUSE Lol! I must say that I really enjoy them whenever we hang out at her place. Cat's come off as being aloof, but they really aren't. They just take time to get to know you. And I respect that because I'm that way with people. I feel people out at first. And you're right, they can be very affectionate and loving. It just takes time.

    I'm going to forward your post to her because I know she will really enjoy it.

    The video clip of the cat with the peeps is so precious. It looks like a mama with her baby chicks.

    Wasn't Freddie Mercury the best? God, what a voice!

  4. I know, can you believe it? TWENTY years?!? His mother (Zoe) also lived 20 years.

    What you said here is soooooooooooooooo true!!!!....

    "Cat's come off as being aloof, but they really aren't. They just take time to get to know you. And I respect that because I'm that way with people. I feel people out at first. And you're right, they can be very affectionate and loving. It just takes time."

    Cat's are more like "people" than people assume they are. They (like people) take time to get to know someone. And like you, I respect that. Whenever I meet a cat for the first time, I allow the cat to come to me first. I just don't walk over to it and start petting it.

    Freddie Mercury was a talent that went beyond his voice. He was FREDDIE MERCURY! And whenever I hear his voice, I am immediately transported back to the 70s, and my time living in NYC!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Clair. Have a terrific day, week, and weekend!


  5. Ooooops, forgot to mention in my initial comment that I love the photoshop photograph of you with the lion!

  6. Thanks, Daniel. I created that on a website called, Face in Hole. So much FUN!

  7. "At night, he would get under the covers when I went to bed and snuggle up against me and purr. He was like a sleeping pill. I would instantly fall asleep." --- Don't you just love that, Ron? My kitty (Carla) does the same thing. I especially love to cuddle with her on the couch during the colder winter months. I've had male and female cats and agree, the males are more outwardly affectionate. Carla cuddles too, but it has to be on HER terms. Ha!

    Flawless cat-related Instagram posts! The shopping one cracked me up! And how brilliant was the Queen/Freddie Mercury one?!!!!

    Thanks for the morning feline smiles and laughs, Ron! xoxo

  8. Hola Denise!

    " I've had male and female cats and agree, the males are more outwardly affectionate. Carla cuddles too, but it has to be on HER terms. Ha!"

    OMG, that made me LOL because it's so true! At the time I had Jerry, I had his mother as well (Zoe), who did NOT like to be cuddled or kissed. Every so often she would ALLOW me to touch/pet her. But like you said, it had to be on HER terms. She was a gorgeous cat with the most amazingly soft, plush hair. Her fur felt like suede.

    I miss Freddie too! What a VOICE!

    Thanks so much for stopping by this morning, my friend. Have a fantastic day, rest of your week, and weekend!


  9. Ron. more than anything I would love to get a cat (or even two). However, my husband is highly allergic to them. He eyes water, his throat gets tight, and he starts sneezing if he comes anywhere near a cat. And it's sad because we BOTH love them. We love dogs too (we have a dachshund). But dogs and cats have a totally different energy.

    LOVE all the Instagram posts you shared! My husband and I grew up on Queen, so we especially enjoyed that one. I saw a documentary on Freddie Mercury and you're right, he did love cats. And had many!

    "(this is how the modeling industry came up with the term "catwalk"). I give you supermodels: Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, and Christy Turlington..." ------ HYSTERICAL!!!!!

    Thanks for cat treats today, Ron! Meeeeeeeeeeow! xo

    Hey, are you enjoying this cool snap we're getting at the moment? I bet you are! It's technically summer and yet, it feels like fall. NOT complaining, mind you.

  10. Ron, those cat videos are hilarious, especially the Queen one! That said, you know I'm a dog lover. Always have been. Yes, I can see and appreciate the attraction to a feline friend, but I got scratched by a kitty when I was a youngster and have been leery/suspicious around them since.

    What you said about falling asleep to Jerry's purring sounds pretty nice though! Monkey doesn't make much noise at night, though he does want to be with me ALL the time. Something about having a cat walking the edge of the bathtub between the shower curtain and liner gives me the jeebies, ha!

    Have a super weekend, my friend! xx

  11. Hello there, Elaine!

    OMG, talking about being allergic to cats. I am too. And I didn't used to be. However, as my two cats (Jerry and Zoe) got older, they produced dander and THAT'S when I suddenly developed an allergy. It's not a bad allergy, so I can still be around cats and only have a mild reaction. Last month, I "cat sat" for my neighbor, who has two cats. And I was okay being around them.

    Yup! I saw that documentary as well. And that's when I realized he loved cats. I grew up with Queen too. That band reminds me of my years living in NYC!

    LOL! I suddenly thought of those three supermodels walking the catwalk when I was writing this post.

    You bet! I am LOVING this cooler weather. I actually wore a turtleneck shirt today while walking around the city. I have a feeling though that once July hits, that's when the REALLY intense heat/humidity will fall upon us. UGH!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, neighbor! Enjoy your weekend!!!

  12. Helloooooooo there, Debbie!

    Yes, I know. You're definitely dog lover. And I understand. Lots of people prefer dogs. I like both. However, as a roommate, I prefer a cat.

    "What you said about falling asleep to Jerry's purring sounds pretty nice though!"

    OMG, it was. Cats have this way of always looking comfortable whenever they sleep. And in turn, that makes me instantly falling asleep. Plus, I love the purr sound they make. So soothing.

    "Something about having a cat walking the edge of the bathtub between the shower curtain and liner gives me the jeebies, ha!"

    Ha! I used to be worried that he would fall off the ledge and fall in the tub. But he never did. That's a cat though. They have a tremendous sense of balance.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a super weekend, too! Hope you got some rain!


  13. Hello there, Kari!

    OMG, that's the same thing that happened to my father. He was not a fan of cats until my mother brought one home for the shelter. It took a while, but my father ended up falling madly in love with it. In fact, that cat and my father has such a close, loving bong that she sat on his bed at Hospice while my father was dying, and never left his side.

    I LOVE his name....LUIGI!! OMG, that's awesome!!!!

    "I'm going to stalk all of those cat Instagram accounts in order to send her even MORE cat videos! I also enjoy seeing cats walk on treadmills.❤️🤣"

    Isn't that hilarious? And they walked it with such a STRUT. Like a supermodel!!!!

    Yes, I LOVE cats! Sounds like you do too!

    Always a delight to read your comments, my friend. Have a great rest of your week too!!!!


  14. Ron, lucky for us, my girlfriend and I are both cat lovers. Years ago when we moved in with each other, we each had a cat of our own. Our concern was that we didn't know how the two of them would get along. She had a male cat, mine was female. It took a while for them to adjust, sharing the same space. But they ended up getting along famously. My favorite thing they did was how they would snuggle with each other when they slept. They formed a circle by curling their bodies inward. Cats are so flexible. They can bend and circle into any shape. I love to watch them sleep.

    You Instagram posts ROCK! I love all four! Being a rock fan, the Queen on was my personal favorite. My girlfriend, being a SHOPPER, loved the cats shopping. LOL!

    Your buddy boy, Jerry was adorable. I like stripped cats because they look like a tiger!

  15. Hiya, Matt!

    "Our concern was that we didn't know how the two of them would get along. She had a male cat, mine was female. It took a while for them to adjust, sharing the same space. But they ended up getting along famously. "

    That's AWESOME! Particularly being from different homes. My two cats were related (mother and son), and even they had moments of fighting. Not from Jerry's side, but from Zoe's. She used to fight with him during the night while I was sleeping and it would wake me up. They used to roll around on the kitchen floor and make such a noise.

    OMG, yes! Watching a cat sleep is sleep inducing. That's why I loved when Jerry would snuggle in bed with me at night and purr.

    Wasn't Queen the BOMB? And Freddie has such an amazing voice with such range!

    Me too. I love stripped cats. And when I liked about Jerry's fur was that his stripes were black, white, and gray. He had no brown in his fur.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Matt. Wishing your and your girlfriend a CAT-TABULOUS weekend!


  16. Wow, she lived to 20 too?!? They both lived a long life, Ron! Where they indoor or outdoor cats? I'm just curious.

  17. Yup, they both lived a long life. I was so blessed to have them in my life for so long.

    They were indoor cats. Florida has such a problem with fleas. So, rather than take a chance and have them infested with them, I made the choice to make them indoor cats. Jerry was perfectly fine with that because from the time he was born, he was indoor. Zoe (his mother), was used to being outdoors from her previous owner, so she was always trying to get outside when I'd open the door. A couple times she did get outside and I'd have to run after her.

    I used to call her the "The Would-Be Escape Artist" LOL!

  18. Stellar photo shop on that last photo, Ron!!!! I was never a cat person (we never had pets growing up or currently) probably because my BFF had a Siamese cat and that thing freaked me out. It would always jump up on the back of the sofa right behind my head and scare the crap out of me! But I do think they are funny and intelligent animals.

    Those shopping cats are too cute. And I can't believe any of those cats would put up with a treadmill walk! You found some great photos. Instagram though, omg, I click ONE reel and my feed is bombed with that topic!! Annoying!

  19. Ron, when I saw that last photo of you and the lion, it cracked me up, a really fun photo manipulation! I also like cats and have owned a number in years past. Let me re-phrase that, they owned me as any cat-lover well knows. My favorites were Charlie, a gray tabby who would jump up on the kitchen sill when he heard my car pull in and Sambuca, a black lovely with a tip of white under her chin and on her tail. Both were also adopted.

    We can have a maximum of 2 cats in the apt (for a $35 fee per) we have decided to remain pet-less as we like to travel too much.

    Thanks for sharing the instagram posts which were new to me as I am not on that social media.

  20. HA! I couldn't resist that one!

    For as much as I love cats, I do understand that not everyone feels the same. And I think it all has to do with early not-so-great experiences they may have had with cats. And trust me, I know how Siamese cats can be because my other cat (Zoe) was a Siamese.

    " And I can't believe any of those cats would put up with a treadmill walk!"

    I know, can you freaking believe that?!? And what's amazing to me is how the two adjusted so quickly to the third one walking on!!

    Yup! Isn't it crazy how Instagram does that? It's like "Enough already!"

    Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting my last two posts. You're a sweetheart!

    Can't wait to hear all about your trip!


  21. Hellooooooooooooo there, D!

    I couldn't resist that last photo. LOL! I sometimes use the website (Face in Hole) to make those photos. It's been around for years. So much FUN!

    "Let me re-phrase that, they owned me as any cat-lover well knows."

    Bwhahahahahahaha! You got that right!

    Both Charlie and Sambuca (I love that name, by the way) sounded like two fabulous felines!

    "We can have a maximum of 2 cats in the apt (for a $35 fee per) we have decided to remain pet-less as we like to travel too much."

    Same here! And in my apt building charges $125 fee per! One day I would love to get another cat. However, not until I move from this building and to a lower floor. I'm currently on the 15th floor.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your love of cats, D! Have a terrific weekend!


  22. Helllloooooo, Ron! Remember meee??
    Cats! Aw, we haven't had one with us since Greta. Lovingly called her 'Regreta' because she was a bit mean. She did get some mentions on the blog occasionally so you may remember her. She allowed us humans, her servants, to care for her until age 14. She was nicest to our son, but the rest of us probably got a few wounds to care for too. We had quite a few cats over the years, none like that BIG CAT you were hanging out with! OMG, funny picture!

  23. Yes Mary, I DO remember you posting about 'Regreta!"

    "She allowed us humans, her servants, to care for her until age 14. She was nicest to our son, but the rest of us probably got a few wounds to care for too."

    LOL!!!!! She sounds a lot like Zoe (the female cat I had for 20 years). And what was ironic was that Jerry (one of her kittens that I kept), was the complete opposite. He was so affectionate and loving.



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