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Finally. Yes, FINALLY, I was able to capture the colors of autumn.

However, I had to go to different parts of Philadelphia and the burbs to find them. The leaves all seemed to change at the same time. And quickly. So, I had to move fast, over a two-week period.

The photographs I am about to share were taken in Chestnut Hill, Bryn Mawr, Ardmore, and various parts of Center City, Philadelphia

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, autumn leaves...🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁

I spotted this brick house in Society Hill along one of the cobblestone side streets. It looks so cozy, comfy, and autumny, doesn't it? I love the windows...

On Thanksgiving Day, I spent a few hours in the park feeding the squirrels. Nope, I didn't feed them turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. I fed them cashews. 

Take a look...
 For those of you who don't already know, squirrels are my spirit animal. And I've labeled myself a squirrel whisperer...

And here is a short video I made entitled: "Squirrel Jam"...

Have a faaaaaaaaabulous week, folks!💗


  1. Yay, Ron, I am so happy you FINALLY got some autumn leaves! Gosh, these photos are just beautiful. One more gorgeous than the next. I really love the third one down (the clock tower). Where was that taken? Also, (12th down) the one that looks like a small cobblestone street. How charming! I would love to live on a street like that.

    And of course, the squirrels! That video clip is so cute. OMG, that was A LOT of squirrels! And you fed them cashews? Boy were they lucky squirrels. Cashews are fancy schmancy. Lol!

    As I can tell from these photos, you had a GREAT Thanksgiving!

    Thank you for sharing, Ron! xo

  2. Ron, I LOVE the Squirrel Jam video! Man, it looks like every single squirrel in the city was there for their Thanksgiving Day dinner! I'm curious, how did you create that video with the music?

    Gorgeous photographs! And you captured them at the perfect time, at the peek of their color! Isn't fall such a beautiful season? I only wish it lasted longer. However, maybe that's what makes it so special - it's brief display of glorious color; leaving us wanting more.

    You have a such a great eye for taking photos. I really like the camera angle (through the bare branches) in #5. I like your perspective.

    I find it so interesting to view fall through a city environment. It's such a beautiful blend of city/country. Do you think you'd ever move to a more rural area?

  3. Thanks, Candice!

    And me too, FINALLY! And like I said, the leaves all seemed to change at the same time. Even though the places I mentioned outside Center City are not that far outside the city, you can still feel a more definite temperature change. It's much cooler outside the city. Thus, you see more colorful foliage.

    I took that clock tower photo out in Bryn Mawr. It's one of my favorite areas outside the city. GORGEOUS! The 12th photo down I took not too far from where I live. There are so many really cute and charming side streets where I live.

    Aren't the squirrels adorable?

    "And you fed them cashews? Boy were they lucky squirrels. Cashews are fancy schmancy. Lol!"

    HA! They are my personal favorite nut, so I like to share them with my personal favorite spirit animal - SQUIRRELS!!!

    Yes, I had a maaaaahvelous Thanksgiving. Hope you did too!

    Much thanks for stopping by, Candice. Have a great week!


  4. Hey, Daniel!

    "Man, it looks like every single squirrel in the city was there for their Thanksgiving Day dinner! I'm curious, how did you create that video with the music?"

    LOL! I know, a lot of squirrels! They came running from every tree in the park. There were SO MANY of them. But I love it, having them all around me.

    I created that video using a video editor called "Clipchamp" - which came with my new computer. I had never used it before, but it was very easy. And they also give you music choices within the editor. I created it on my computer and then uploaded it to YouTube.

    "Isn't fall such a beautiful season? I only wish it lasted longer. However, maybe that's what makes it so special - it's brief display of glorious color; leaving us wanting more."

    I think you are absolutely right about that. I think THAT'S what makes the season all the more special. Plus, it's the most beautiful as far as COLOR goes. Spring is too, but fall is my personal favorite.

    Yes, I have considered moving outside the city to a more rural area. The city of Philadelphia is in a very bad state right now, which is really turning me off to city life. I long to be closer to nature.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have an awesome week!


  5. Wow Ron, you really capture some BEAUTS! Autumn as its peak of glory! Stunning shot of the clock tower. I love all the colors of autumn, but am especially in love with the REDS!

    Does Philadelphia have a lot of park areas? It's seems like such a beautiful city that's not too big, not too small. Just the pefect size. The photos you've shared of the city remind me a lot of Boston. I spent time there several years ago and thought it was such charming city. Much like your photographs.

    Your video is so cute! They all got SO close to you. Do you hand feed them? I bet they especially loved you on that day. LOL!

    Glad you finally got your autumn leaves, Ron! And thank you for sharing!

  6. Hello there, Abby!

    Thank you :) And meeeee too, I especially love the REDS! Yellow seems to dominate the color spectrum, which I love. However, the reds and the oranges really POP!

    Yes, Philly has a lot of parks. The city is not that big, so all the parks are pretty much within walking distance. I live directing in Center City, so I have lots of choices in the park I want to visit. I love to walk, so I walk a lot of distance in a day. I never take public transportation in Philadelphia, other than the Regional Rail system, which takes me outside the city.

    And yup, many people say that Philly reminds them of Boston. I've never been, so I can't say.

    I do both. I hand feed them sometimes. And other times (when there are A LOT of them) I just toss them nuts. The birds eat them too.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Abby. Hope you had nice Thanksgiving.

    Have a grrrreat week!


  7. Ron, I think a lot of cities are currently in the same state as Philadelphia. I have friends in various cities in the U.S. and they all are disenchanted with city life at the moment. I've never lived in a city, but have seriously considered trying it out several years ago (before the pandemic). However, now I don't know. Time will tell, I guess.

  8. Ron, I think a lot of cities are currently the same as Philadelphia. I have friends in various cities in the U.S. and they all are disenchanted with city life at the moment. I've never lived in a city, but have seriously considered trying it out several years ago (before the pandemic). However, now I don't know. Time will tell, I guess.

  9. Ron, I was looking forward to your autumn leaves post and you didn't disappoint! You see, this is what I dearly miss about no longer living in the Northeast and having four distinct seasons - AUTUMN. And I also miss winter. My family always comes to visit me during the winter months to get away from the cold. And yet, ironically, I want to go north to experience the colder weather. Lol!

    Beautiful captures! Really like the one of the bench with all the yellow leaves on the ground. There is something about this time of year in the northeast that is both exciting and calming.

    LOVE the video of your spirit animals. I forgot how people-oriented squirrels are in a city environment. They have no fear. I used to enjoy walking through Central Park and watching the squirrels run up to me, looking for a handout. So cute!

    Thank you so much for sharing, dear Ron. Through YOU, I live vicariously through your photographs of the seasons. xo

  10. You're right, Daniel, it is that way in so many cities around the U.S. I hear that from so many customer's who visit Philly. It's the same where they live. I don't often post about the negative stuff in this city because I don't want to give it energy. I try to remain positive. It's been a great lesson for me in remaining "centered" in a very chaotic environment. There are many great things to look at in Philly, so that's what I focus on.

  11. Hola and good morning, Denise!

    Thank you...:)

    "My family always comes to visit me during the winter months to get away from the cold. And yet, ironically, I want to go north to experience the colder weather. Lol!"

    Funny you mentioned that because my brother used to ask me to come visit him in Florida during the winter months, to get away from the cold and winter. Most people go south during the colder months. However, I love being here during the autumn and winter seasons.

    "There is something about this time of year in the northeast that is both exciting and calming."

    My sentiments exactly! In fact, yesterday was very cold and windy. I had the best time walking around the city savoring the weather and thinking, "God how I love this time of year!"

    "I used to enjoy walking through Central Park and watching the squirrels run up to me, looking for a handout. "

    HA! Yup, they do the same thing here in Philadelphia! City squirrels have no problem asking for a handout!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Have a great week! And say, "Hi" to Florida for me!


  12. Beautiful images, Ron! You captured my all time favorite season with perfection! Do you know what I love about photographs showing a clock? That you can tell exactly when the photograph was taken. It looks like 11:36 from your photograph, am I right? Lovely shot!

    I love how brightly red the leaves are on the tree in the 7th photo from the top. I like how you included the wooden chairs. Is that some sort of fountain patio area in the photo below it? Such a beautiful space!

    And of course, your favorite critters...SQUIRRELS! Adorable video clip. I watched it twice. Those squirrels must know you by name - "Cashew Feeding Ron" LOL! It's no wonder that they all run over to you when they see you walking through the park.

    Thank you for sharing the beauty of the season, Ron! xoxo

    *And hey, did you seeing it SNOWING earlier this morning? I so thought of you! It didn't last long, but still, it SNOWED!

  13. "*And hey, did you seeing it SNOWING earlier this morning? I so thought of you! It didn't last long, but still, it SNOWED!"

    OMG, Elaine, yes....I did see the snow. In fact, as soon as I saw it, I ran to the window, grabbed my cell phone, and took a bunch of photographs. I was soooooooo happy! I texted my brother a photo too! But you're right, it didn't last long. I hope this winter is not like last year, where we got 5 snowflakes the whole season.

    "Do you know what I love about photographs showing a clock? That you can tell exactly when the photograph was taken. It looks like 11:36 from your photograph, am I right? Lovely shot!"

    Yup, you are absolutely correct about the time! I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out.

    I took that photo of red leaves and chairs while in Bryn Mawr. And also the other one you mentioned. And yes, it's fountain area. You can't see it from the angle I took the photo, but the fountain is on the other side.

    It's funny because I think they do recognize me because they come running like crazy. Several people walked by while I was feeding them and laughed at how many there were. They all came running out of the trees.

    Thanks for stopping by, neighbor! Have a faaaaaabulous day and week!


  14. I love all the colors you captured, Ron. And you found so much orange, which I think is rare. Here, we mostly see yellow leaves. Some gorgeous photos for me to enjoy while I look out the window right now and see the four letter word . . . snow! We are in the midst of a minor blizzard and Middle Child got a snow day from work. She's pretty happy about that!

    That house is just beautiful. It reminds me of Colonial Williamsburg. I love the butter yellow doors and the wreaths. I bet the house is just as lovely indoors. And the Squirrel Jam is so cute. But I was waiting for one of them to bust into some John Travolta moves! Cashews must have been a HUGE treat for them.

    Sending you some snow and wishes for a Terrific Tuesday, my friend. XO

  15. Thank you...:) I was so happy to go to certain areas that had more orange (and red) because in the city, like you, we mostly see yellow as well.

    "Some gorgeous photos for me to enjoy while I look out the window right now and see the four letter word . . . snow! We are in the midst of a minor blizzard and Middle Child got a snow day from work. She's pretty happy about that!"

    OMG, I have to tell you that it also snowed here this morning. It was like a blizzard torn through the city in a matter of minutes. But then, just like ended! I was able to get only a few photos from my apartment window because it happened so fast. At the moment, it's bright and sunny outside and ZERO signs that it snowed earlier. However, it is cold (36 degrees). And I can't wait to get outside and walk around in it. You know me, I love the cold. LOL!

    Isn't that house beautiful? Me too, LOVE the butter yellow doors and the wreaths. I don't know why, but I've never seen that house before. It was located on a side street in Society Hill (which is a stunning part of the city). I love it because it's old and has so much history.

    " But I was waiting for one of them to bust into some John Travolta moves!"

    HA! That cracked me up! And it's ironic you mentioned John Travolta because I watched certain scenes from the movie "Saturday Night Fever" one night last week.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a Terrific Tuesday too! And please know that you are always in my prayers, sending you LOTS of love and good energy!

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((( YOU ))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  16. Ron, you kill me with squirrels being your "spirit animal" because I'm sure that it's TRUE! Over these many years, you've posted about your little furry friends and every time it makes me smile. Not only do you love them, but they love YOU!
    The video is priceless! Wow...they move fast! And there was a lot of them. Tell me, were any dogs around while you were feeding them? The reason I ask is because whenever I'm in the park and squirrels are present, the dogs go CRAZY for them. I love how they try to catch them, but squirrels are way too fast for them. Lol!

    As usual, beautiful photographs! You really captured the beauty of the season. I'm glad you finally got some color. We got it all at once as well. Currently, all the trees are practically bare because the leaves have fallen. Bummer!

    Hey, I read in your comment to Bijoux that you got some snow today. That's AWESOME! Hopefully this year will be more snow producing than last year. We hardly got any.

    Enjoy it, dude!

  17. Hiya, Matt!

    I love those furry little creatures! They make me so happy whenever I see them. I follow a guy on Instagram who has a black squirrel that he keeps in his house. He has it trained. It's the cutest thing to see him and the squirrel hanging out together. They're like best friends!

    " Tell me, were any dogs around while you were feeding them? The reason I ask is because whenever I'm in the park and squirrels are present, the dogs go CRAZY for them. I love how they try to catch them, but squirrels are way too fast for them. Lol!"

    OMG, it's sooooooooooooo ironic you mentioned that because, yes, there were MANY dogs around while I was feeding the squirrels, and they were going crazy trying to catch them. But as you said, the squirrels were way to fast for them. For it being Thanksgiving Day, the parks were so crowded with people. But it was so nice because you could tell everyone was having a good time. And the weather was just gorgeous!

    Yes, are trees are starting to lose their leaves as well. I'm taking a train trip out to the burbs tomorrow, and I'm hoping the trees there still have leaves.

    Yup it snowed! And it snowed like a blizzard. However, it was very short-lived. And once it was over, the sun came out and it looked as though the snow never happened. One thing I'm happy about though is that it's finally cold. And my kind of cold - in the 30s!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Matt. Have a most excellent week!


  18. I hope we get more snow than last year too, Ron! We haven't had a decent winter snowfall in YEARS. I miss the days when I was a kid and it would sometimes snow in late October, early November. I remember it snowing on Thanksgiving Day. It made the holidays feel more like the holidays!

  19. Yup, I do too, Elaine! And you're right, it hasn't snowed real good in YEARS. And speaking of being a kid, I remember it being so cold in October that when we went trick or treating on Halloween all around the neighborhood, we had to wear our winter coats because it was THAT cold. I also remember going ice skating on a lake not far from my house in mid-October!

  20. " Nope, I didn't feed them turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. I fed them cashews. "

    Delightful post, Ron! Your photos are just beautiful. Gorgeous colors! And the "Squirrel Jam" video was truly jammin'! Lol!

    I'm a squirrel lover as well. There is a website I discovered several years ago (The Squirrel Lover's Club ). I think you may find it interesting.

  21. Morning, Clair!

    I cannot thank you enough for sharing the link! What a fabulous website for us squirrel fans!!! So much great information about squirrels. Why have I not heard about this site before? And do you know what's interesting? It's in PA!

    Thanks again, Clair! And I'm happy to read you're a squirrel lover too! Aren't they the cutest little creatures? My mother was an animal lover, so she would feed the squirrels in our yard, daily.

    Have a great rest of your week!


  22. Ron, how I enjoyed seeing your Fall leaves! By this time, most of our trees are looking like bare sticks, so it's such a welcome delight to see Autumn again (it's my favorite season, you know!)

    All those inviting benches and places to sit must've made this a lovely walk for you! The colors, of course, are grand, and I'm happy you finally got to see them -- after enjoying ours vicariously. And you, my friend, really must be a squirrel whisperer. I find it somewhat hard to get that close to them to record their playful antics -- probably because Monk is lunging at the leash and wanting to chase them!

    Happy weekend-to-come! xx

  23. Helloooooo there, Debbie!

    "By this time, most of our trees are looking like bare sticks, so it's such a welcome delight to see Autumn again (it's my favorite season, you know!)"

    Well, since taking these photos, it's pretty much the same here. Most of the trees are looking like bare sticks. However, yesterday I took a long walk along the Schuylkill River and discovered that a lot of the trees there were still full and bright!

    As you can tell, it's my favorite season as well. LOL! I only wished it lasted longer.

    " And you, my friend, really must be a squirrel whisperer. I find it somewhat hard to get that close to them to record their playful antics -- probably because Monk is lunging at the leash and wanting to chase them!"

    HA! You're probably right! Whenever I'm out in parks feeding them, the second a dog gets anywhere near them, they RUN up the trees (with the cashews still in their mouths). HA!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Happy weekend-to-come too!

    Oh, and by the way, it SNOWED here on Tuesday! It didn't last long (about 10 mins), but I was so happy to seeing snowing. Hopefully, this winter we get more than we got last year.


  24. GORGEOUS photos, Ron! I love autumn too. BIG TIME! If I'm not mistaken, I think you (like me) hate heat, so we are not particularly fans so summer. And what freaks me out is that summer is going longer. It used to be three months. Now, it starts in June (sometimes in May) and goes through Oct and Nov. Way too long. I like certain things about summer, but overall, I wouldn't miss it if it were to be stricken from the seasons. Lol!

    The colors you capture are amazing. I love the orange and red.

    And your video clip? ADORABLE! I love how much you love SQUIRRELS. And I'm sure they love you too. Especially serving them cashews.

    Have a great weekend, Ron!

  25. Helloooooo there, Robert!

    Yes, you are absolutely correct about being like you in not being a fan of summer. In fact, HATE it.

    "And what freaks me out is that summer is going longer. It used to be three months. Now, it starts in June (sometimes in May) and goes through Oct and Nov. Way too long."

    OMG, you are sooooooooooooooo right! Summer used to be short. Now, it's going to be the longest season. I think I need to move to Alaska, Antarctica, or Iceland. I would be in heaven!

    Aren't the colors pretty? I was happy that I got out there and captured it before it was all gone.

    You bet....I LOVE my squirrely friends! I wish I had one as a pet. There are a few people I follow on Instagram who have squirrels as indoor pets. They rescued them after being abandoned at birth. So sweet!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Great to see you again!

    Have a FAB weekend!


  26. What beautiful images, Ron, but then you always show so many wonderful images. Seeing all the fall colors makes me wish for a re-visit to Philly some time in the future. Many people do not think that good images can be captures in a city environment, but you have definitely shown that is not the case with your photos.

    We were away visiting family for the turkey day holiday and it was a good time. I hope yours was as well, my friend.

  27. Helloooooooooo there, D!

    Thank you! :)

    You're right, a city environment is definitely different than, say, a country/suburban environment. However, they both have a "beauty" in their own unique way. Particularly when it comes to the change of seasons.

    "We were away visiting family for the turkey day holiday and it was a good time."

    Hope you had a faaaaaaabulous time! As I'm sure you did! Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you and your family!


  28. Oh Ron, those were the days! I remember that too!

  29. 👍❄️👍❄️👍❄️

  30. Oh, friend, I love this so much. First and foremost, I am blown away by your YouTube skills! You may have to teach me a thing or two!

    The colors in your city are so beautiful. Our leaves have almost all fallen. There are a couple of trees with hangers on them. Do yours still have leaves, or are they completely bare?

    I thought of you on Thanksgiving Day. I love that you fed them cashews!

    I love this post so much. Thank you for sharing, my friend! 😘❤️

  31. Hey ho, Kari!

    Aw....thank you! X But I'm sure (being the creative person that you are), would make some killer YouTube videos using some awesome visuals and music!

    Same here. Most of our trees are barren. However, I do see a few still hanging on to their leaves.

    Yup, I fed my precious little squirrel friends. And boy, there were A LOT of them in the park that day.

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend. Hope you're having a faaaaaaaabulous first week of November!



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