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Traditionally, men are seen as handsome, while women are seen as beautiful. 

Personally, I think men and women can be handsome, beautiful, or even both. 

Throughout my life, I've looked at many men and thought, "What a beautiful man!" I've also looked at many women and thought, "What a handsome woman!"

-HANDSOME suggests aesthetic pleasure due to proportion, symmetry, or elegance.

-BEAUTIFUL applies to whatever excites the keenest of pleasure to the senses and stirs emotion through the senses.

However, that doesn't mean I don't think men and women are different, they are. In fact, I celebrate the differences between men and women because they each bring something different to the table of life.

There are times when I desire to be in the company of women, and other times when I desire to be in the company of men because I find that men and women communicate differently. 

I also celebrate and admire the physical differences between men and women.

Odd as it may seem... 

I See Men And Women As Vehicles -

To me, women are like a smooth and curvy Chevy Corvette -

Whereas, men, are like a brawny and scruffy Jeep Wrangler -

Both of which I view as beautiful and handsome. 

So, allow me to share several men and women I find very attractive.

*Please note: as you will see, I like fur on a man's face.

Christopher Meloni - (Besides his sexy, rugged look, what I admire most about Christopher is that he is so comfortable with himself. He can portray any character, straight or gay, and doesn't care what people wonder about him) 

Diane Lane - (To me, Diane gets more attractive and sexy as she ages. I've seen every film that Lane has made. Whenever she's onscreen, I am riveted to her every word. Yes, I'm a HUGE fan of this talented, stunning lady!) 

Jeffrey Dean Morgan - (I have only one word....woof!)

Julianne Moore - (She is like a chameleon who can magically transform herself into any character from any period. Julianne is a combination of elegance and raw earthiness. I love her auburn hair and pale skin)

Jon Hamm - (He was born looking like he just stepped out of a time machine from the 1960s, which is why he was perfect for Mad Men) I'm strictly a vegetarian, but I would make an exception with HAMM) 

Vanessa Williams - (I've been following her career since the 1980s. Vanessa is a triple threat because she can sing, dance, and act, and excels in all three. She has a light that shines from within. You can see it in her GORGEOUS eyes!) 

Ewan McGregor - (What blows me away about Ewan (besides his good-looking Scottish face) is his entire body of work as an actor. He is all over the place with it comes to the roles he's portrayed. He cannot be typecast because he continually challenges himself with diversity. If you've never seen, Halston, please watch it. He's freaking AMAZING!)

Salma Hayek - (Talented, exotic, and sultry! In addition to her film work, I've seen Salma on many talk shows in which she was incredibly down-to-earth, outspoken, and hilarious! When I look at her, the word POWERFUL comes to mind)

Have a faaaaaaabulous week, everyone! 💕


  1. Ron, I TOTALLY agree with you about Diane Lane, she just keeps getting more attractive and sexy with age. Damn her! LOL! And not to mention, a brilliant and diverse actress because she can do anything. Do you remember her as a young girl in "A Little Romance" with Laurence Olivier? Loved her in "Unfaithful" with Richard Gere. Did you watch "Capote vs the Swans?" She was excellent in that series as well.

    I have to say that I like your taste in men and women. Love a furry face on a man too.

    Yes, I think men and women can most definitely be beautiful, handsome, or both. I remember the first time I saw my hubby before we dated, I immediately said to my girlfriend, "What a beautiful man!" I see him as beautifully handsome!

    I love your analogy of men and women as vehicle! Never thought of that, but I can see it!

    You never fail to entertain, sir. Enjoyed reading this post! xox

  2. Ron, I forgot (because I'm getting old) to say in my first comment that I agree with you about Vanessa Williams. Triple threat. She's got such a beautiful voice, and has done film AND theater. My favorite song is, "Save the Best for Last."

  3. " I'm a vegetarian, but I would make an exception with HAMM" --- ROFLMAO! Hilarious, Ron! I'm not a vegetarian but don't eat HAMM. However, I'd make an exception too!

    Do you remember Christopher Meloni in the series OZ? YAWZA...he was hot! And still is. Big fan of Julianne Moore - gorgeous lady and very, very talented. Just saw May December with Natalie Portman and thought it was so good.

    I really like the differences between men and women. I think the world would be boring with just all men or all women. Like you said, we each bring something different to the table of life.

    Isn't Juliann Moore, exquisite? Damn good actress too!

  4. Hellooooooooo there, Elaine!

    Isn't Diane Lane the BOMB?

    "Do you remember her as a young girl in "A Little Romance" with Laurence Olivier? Loved her in "Unfaithful" with Richard Gere. Did you watch "Capote vs the Swans?" She was excellent in that series as well."

    YES to all of that! Funny you mentioned "A Little Romance" because a few months ago, I found it online and watched it again. Even then, as a young lady, she was so talented and attractive. She has a spark about her! And not only did I watch, "Capote vs the Swans", but I went back and rewatched several episodes (4 and 7) because they were SO good!

    I've always liked facial hair on a man. Love the look of a scruffy face!

    "I remember the first time I saw my hubby before we dated, I immediately said to my girlfriend, "What a beautiful man!" I see him as beautifully handsome!"

    OMG, I LOVED that! And see, that's what I'm talking about --- some men and women can be beautiful, handsome, or even both!

    The other day at work I was describing how I see men and women as vehicles and my coworker laughed, and laughed. She said the same thing, she had never thought that until I mentioned it. LOL!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Elaine. Hope your week started off fantastically!


  5. No worries, my friend, I too forget things all the time!!!

    Isn't Vanessa so incredibly versatile? She even did one of my favorite musicals, "Kiss of the Spider Woman" on Broadway. And yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I freaking love that song - "Save the Best for Last!" So beautiful!

  6. Evening, Daniel!

    Ha! I just couldn't resist saying that. Actually, I didn't even think of it until the last minute - HAMM! Like you, even when I did eat meat, ham was my least favorite. Oh, except for JON Hamm!

    Yes, I certainly do remember Meloni in OZ. HOT indeed! And I couldn't believe how much they showed in that series. Hubba-hubba!

    Isn't Julianne Moore both gorgeous AND talented? I remember first seeing her in the movie, "Far From Heaven" and fell in love with her. She was so stunning in that film; looking as if she walked out of the 1950s and onto the screen. I didn't see May December yet, but I also love Natalie Portman, so I will watch it soon! If you not seen, "Still Alice" please watch it, she was brilliant in that role.

    Did you ever see Salma Hayek in "Frida"? FAAAAAAAAAABULOUS performance!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Daniel. Hope you had a superb Monday. Enjoy the rest of your week!


  7. Ron, you have excellent taste in men and women! I too like facial hair on men. I find it sexy! I had a boyfriend once who, when I met him, had a really nice beard. But suddenly one day, he came over to pick me up and the beard was gone. He shaved the damn thing off, without even asking me LOL!!!!

    "I'm strictly a vegetarian, but I would make an exception for HAMM" - It took me a second to get that but when I did, it cracked me up! You funny man, you!

    You're right, Diane Lane gets more attractive as she ages. And I'm pretty sure she's had no surgery or fillers or Botox. She is simply gorgeous. I loved her in "Under the Tuscan Sun!"

    I agree, men and women can be beautiful or handsome, or even both. I can't tell you how many times I've said, "That guy is so beautiful!" And Jodi Foster to me is handsomely beautiful woman.

    Loved this post, Ron! You always get me to laugh or think, or both! Have a wonderful weekend, sir. xox

  8. Hola, Denise!

    Thank you! I'm a Libra, so we're pushovers for anyone handsome, beautiful, or both. Libra (along with Taurus) are ruled by Venus - the planet of love and beauty Lol!

    "But suddenly one day, he came over to pick me up and the beard was gone. He shaved the damn thing off, without even asking me LOL!!!!"

    Oh DAMN him for doing so without even asking you. The NERVE of some people!!! Ha! Did he grow it back for you?

    "And I'm pretty sure she's had no surgery or fillers or Botox. She is simply gorgeous. I loved her in "Under the Tuscan Sun!"

    She is gorgeous, isn't she? I honestly don't think she's had cosmetic surgery. Fillers or Botox, I don't know. However, if she did, it looks very natural. I do remember her saying several years ago that she didn't think those things were for her. But she is into taking care of her skin with good skincare. And I own that movie on DVD. I love to watch it every year!!! What a great film!

    "And Jodi Foster to me is handsomely beautiful woman."

    I agree about Foster!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Hope you had a great Monday and rest of your week!


  9. "To me, women are like a smooth and curvy Chevy Corvette
    Whereas, men, are like a rough and scruffy Jeep Wrangler"

    LOL! Ron, I love your way of looking at things! I never thought of men and women that way, but I see your view point! And it's funny you mentioned a Chevy Corvette because when I was younger, that was my favorite car. In fact, I wanted one so bad. And I like the older Stingray models (1969) in black. Such a sexy looking car. And you're right, it is shaped more like a woman's body.

    I saw Ewan McGregor in Halston when it first was released. He was AMAZING! I have such a fascination with Halston. Seen several documentaries.

    "Talented, exotic, and sultry! " That's Salam alright! I either saw her in an interview or read something online where she said that she loves red wine. Me too!

    Fun post, Ron! xo

  10. Ron, I loved Jeffery Dean Morgan on Grey's Anatomy. I was a huge fan of that show and was so sad when his character died on the show. You're right...woof! What a hottie! "The Walking Dead" was such a great show too. It ran 11 series. One of my favorite movies of his was "The Accidental Husband" - such a cute romantic comedy. He's done a lot of great stuff.

    Diane Lane is part of Hollywood Royalty because she's been acting since she was 6-years old doing theater in NYC. She looks like she's getting younger, not older. You described Julianne Moore perfectly, "a combination of elegance and ray earthiness." One of the many things I like about her is that she's not into "Hollywood", she lives in New York City, in the West Village I believe. She's so real!

    I feel the same way as you. Sometimes I desire to be in the company of my women friends, but other times I love hanging out with my guy friends. Women and men do communicate differently.

  11. Gooood morning, Candice!

    "And it's funny you mentioned a Chevy Corvette because when I was younger, that was my favorite car. In fact, I wanted one so bad. And I like the older Stingray models (1969) in black. Such a sexy looking car. And you're right, it is shaped more like a woman's body."

    OMG me too! When I was a kid, I would look at Stingrays and think, "Ooooo...I want one of those when I learn to drive. Unfortunately, all I got was a Chevy Nova LOL! From the first time ever seeing one, I thought they resembled the shape of a woman's body - smooth, curvy, and sexy!

    Isn't that movie fabulous? Since seeing it the first time, I've watched it THREE times. And sometimes, I'll go back and just watch certain episodes. Me too, I've seen several documentaries about Halston. At the time I was living in NYC (70s and 80s) Halston was such a big designer. And I loved his style because it was simple and streamlined.

    Ha! I think I may have seen that same interview where she said something about LOVING red wine. And being that I ONLY drink red, I had so smile!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Happy Tuesday!


  12. Good morning, Abby!

    Meeeeeeeeeeee too! I loved that show. And what's funny is that I didn't watch it when it first came on, I watched it much later. Loved him in "The Walking Dead!" And yes, I saw "The Accidental Husband" too. That's when Jeffery first caught my eye! That movie also had one of my other favorite actors, Colin Firth.

    Doesn't it blow you away to realize just how long Diane Lane has been acting? Yes, she mentioned something in an interview about how she started in theater. Her father was a cab driver and also a drama coach at an acting workshop in New York.

    Yes, Julianne Moore lives in NYC, not Hollywood. Susan Sarandon as well. They are more East Coaster's rather than West Coaster's.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Abby! Hope you're having a great week so far!


  13. Ron, I did the same thing with Capote vs the Swans, I went back and rewatched it. Then, I went back and rewatched my favorite episodes. I hated to see that series end. Ryan Murphy is so gifted as a writer and director. Tom Hollander as Capote was supreme!

  14. "Ryan Murphy is so gifted as a writer and director. Tom Hollander as Capote was supreme!"

    Yes to BOTH of those! I was so impressed by Hollander's portrayal of Capote. I've seen several actors portray Capote and thought they were all excellent. Hollander's performance went beyond excellence. It was as if he "channeled" the spirit of Capote!

  15. Ron, my first celebrity crush was Diane Lane, and I STILL have a crush on her! Agree!....she gets more attractive (and sexy) as she ages. I love her whole look because she's more of a natural beauty; not overly made-up or flashy. I don't know if I've seen all of her films, but I've seen a lot of them. As Elaine said, she was excellent in Capote vs the Swans. So was Tom Hollander!

    "Whereas, men, are like a brawny and scruffy Jeep Wrangler -"

    And guess what, Ron? I own a JEEP. I swear! It's not a Jeep Wrangler, it's a Jeep Cherokee (2023). So, I guess you're right! Lol!

    I have to research Vanessa Williams because I don't know much about her. She's stunning! Big fan of Ewan McGregor. "Trainspotting" remains one of my favorites!

    As always, your posts are a blast to read!

  16. Hey there, Robert!

    "And guess what, Ron? I own a JEEP. I swear! It's not a Jeep Wrangler, it's a Jeep Cherokee (2023). So, I guess you're right! Lol!"

    OH MY GOD, you're kidding me?!?!?! You see, I'm are JEEPS....ha! I've never owned one myself, but I do like the "look" of jeeps. I've owned very small compact cars, when I used to drive. And I did so because I was so cheap when it came to putting gas in the car. Smaller cars don't eat as much gas.

    I smiled at your mention of having a celebrity crush on Diane Lane because I SEE why, she's soooooo attractive in many ways. Even I have a crush on her!

    " I love her whole look because she's more of a natural beauty; not overly made-up or flashy. I don't know if I've seen all of her films, but I've seen a lot of them. As Elaine said, she was excellent in Capote vs the Swans. So was Tom Hollander!"

    You're right, her beauty is something that comes naturally. She and the other ladies in Capote were all so fabulous! Tom Hollander (as Capote) was mind-blowing!

    Yes, "Trainspotting" is STILL a great film. It's turned into a classic!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Robert! Always great to read your comments! Have a terrific rest of your week!


  17. Oh Ron, I loved reading your post this morning while having my morning coffee and toasted English muffin! So entertaining and informative. I love your selection of handsome/beautiful people. And I agree with all of them. isn't Diane Lane the best? She makes me proud to be a woman! As does all the other lovely ladies you included.

    And I just about spewed my coffee when I read this..."I'm strictly a vegetarian, but I would make an exception with HAMM" - that was hysterical! And I'm going to forward you post to a close friend of mine who loves Jon Hamm. She will laugh her ass off!

    Men and women are different, I agree. And like you, I celebrate those differences. Today, society seems to want to blend men and women together. I'm all for equality. However, you can be equal but still be different!

    Have a great day, funny man! x

  18. The good news is that you and I won’t be fighting over these men! 🤣🤣🤣 I prefer my pretty boys like Rob Lowe and Andrew McCarthy. Or dirty sexy men like Johnny Depp and Colin Farrell. But I did think Jon Hamm was sexy in Mad Men!

    Isn’t Diane Lane such a classic beauty? She never ages, IMO. She just always looks fabulous. I think I’ve told you before, but I think the most beautiful and sexy woman in the world is Padma Lakshmi. She is just so stunning in every way. And can we talk about cute??! Valerie Bertinelli will always seem so youthful due to her cuteness. Same with Candace Cameron Bure. I know a lot of people don’t like her politics, but she is a sincere, sweet person and the light really shines through her. Don’t you think personality can really add or subtract from beauty?

    Thanks for the fun post, Ron. Enjoy the humidity 🤓😵‍💫

  19. Good morning, Candice!

    Ooooooo, I love toasted English muffins. And it's been awhile since I had one. Thanks for reminding me! I especially enjoy them in the Fall, with some delicious pumpkin butter!

    " isn't Diane Lane the best? She makes me proud to be a woman! As does all the other lovely ladies you included."

    Yes she is! And I can see why you feel proud. She's a strong and extremely talented woman!

    "And I'm going to forward your post to a close friend of mine who loves Jon Hamm. She will laugh her ass off!"

    You know, that didn't come to me when I started to compose this post. It was only yesterday before I published it, did it dawn on me....HAMM. Ha!

    I LOVED what you said here...

    "I celebrate those differences. Today, society seems to want to blend men and women together. I'm all for equality. However, we can be EQUAL, but still remain different!"

    ....I agree, 100%!

    Much thanks for stopping by this morning, Candice! Have a faaaaaabulous rest of your week!


  20. OMG, I loved this...

    "The good news is that you and I won’t be fighting over these men! 🤣🤣🤣 I prefer my pretty boys like Rob Lowe and Andrew McCarthy. Or dirty sexy men like Johnny Depp and Colin Farrell. But I did think Jon Hamm was sexy in Mad Men!"

    You GO, girl! I think it's awesome that we are all attracted to different looks, that's what makes the world go round. To me, attractiveness is like ordering on a menu --- there is something for everyone because we all have different tastes.

    I do love Colin Farrell! Handsome and cute all at the same time!

    "Isn’t Diane Lane such a classic beauty? She never ages, IMO. She just always looks fabulous."

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Classic beauty indeed! And true, the woman never ages!

    And Padma Lakshmi? I agree, she is STUNNING! I love her dark hair and dark eyes.

    Valerie Bertinelli, I am not a fan. It's not that I don't think she is attractive or talented, I do. I just don't care for her. Candace Cameron, though? YES!!!!

    " Don’t you think personality can really add or subtract from beauty?"

    ABSOLUTELY YES! It is all about the personality.

    Thanks so much for stopping by this morning, my friend! Have a fantabulous rest of your week!


  21. I have never heard of someone not liking Valerie Bertinelli, Ron!!! That is so interesting to me. She has gained such a following later in life, through the Food Network and social media. I honestly don't know that much about her except that she was on One Day at a Time, which I never watched and married to Eddie Van Halen. I heard she got fired from the Food Network, but I don't know why. Maybe you should do a post on her! LOL! But I get it, some people just rub you the wrong way or say stuff you don't agree with and it's a real turn off. Personally, I can't stand Whoopi Goldberg or Joy Behar from The View. I find them both to be obnoxious. closed minded snobs.

  22. " Personally, I can't stand Whoopi Goldberg or Joy Behar from The View. I find them both to be obnoxious. closed minded snobs."

    OH MY GOD, I am SOOOOOOOOO with you on that! I literally cannot even stand to hear either one of them talk. I loved Whoopi when all she did was act in movies. I thought she was such a talented actress. And also very funny. But ever since she got on The View, she turned into a mean, nasty person. And you don't even want to know what I think of Joy Behar because I can't say it online, I would have to use too many F-BOMBS. LOL!

    Do you know what's funny? One time a few years ago when I was at the dentist having my teeth worked on, they had a TV in each room, which was playing THE VIEW. So do you know what I did? I called in the receptionist and asked her to turn the TV off or change channel because I was in enough pain having my teeth worked on. Ha!

    About Valerie Bertinelli:

    She's a professional whinner and victim. I used to follow her on Instagram but stopped because I couldn't stand to hear her whine anymore. Like I said, I think she's a very good actress and very attractive, I just don't care for her.

  23. I'm fascinated, Ron, by how you picture men and women as vehicles! I guess my mind just doesn't go there, but to each his own.

    And your definition of "handsome" and "beautiful" intrigues me, too. Typically, I think more women can be classified as "beautiful" than men, strictly because to me, "beautiful" signifies a perfection in outer (as well as inner) features. And the best "beauty," I think, is that inner beauty that comes from a soul comfortable in itself and radiating with joy and good.

    Whereas I think of "handsome" as a more masculine thing. Besides a pleasing outer appearance, "handsome" also connotes a certain classical elegance. We've all known of people who grew up hard but developed into those who seem to the manor born "Handsome" seems easier to attain than "beautiful," perhaps because it's not so dependent on physical characteristics as on physical character. Does that make sense?

    Anyway, I find your post today very pleasing -- and what a lovely bunch of eye candy you've gathered, too! Thank you for reading my ramblings. Enjoy your week (and I hope you don't have to suffer through the miserable humidity we've been having!) xx

  24. Hey there, Debbie!

    "I'm fascinated, Ron, by how you picture men and women as vehicles!"

    I know, isn't that something? I've always envisioned men and women like that (as vehicles). And it's even more strange because I'm not someone who even likes cars. HA!

    "Typically, I think more women can be classified as "beautiful" than men, strictly because to me, "beautiful" signifies a perfection in outer (as well as inner) features. And the best "beauty," I think, is that inner beauty that comes from a soul comfortable in itself and radiating with joy and good."

    I think it's all in how we each (as individuals) SEE things.

    To me, a man could very well be those things you mentioned in your comment - "beauty that comes from a soul comfortable in itself and radiating with joy and good." "Whereas I think of "handsome" as a more masculine thing. Besides a pleasing outer appearance, "handsome" also connotes a certain classical elegance. "

    And to me, a women could very well be those things you mentioned.
    Besides the physicality of someone, I also think it's the "energy" that emanates from a man or woman. It's a "vibe" that I feel. And as I said, I think some men and women are both handsome and beautiful.

    Thanks SO MUCH for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and feelings about this topic. You've added MUCH to this post, my friend!


    Enjoy your week. And OMG, we are already getting hit with that miserable humidity. You see, this is why I can't stand summer. And it's only just begun. UGH!

  25. I bet if I checked out Valerie’s Instagram, I’d agree with you! Some people can’t seem to get off the Victim Train, even after their lives turned out so well.

  26. "Some people can’t seem to get off the Victim Train, even after their lives turned out so well."

    A-MEN to that! And that's why I have unfollowed people not only on Instagram, but blogging as well. Their constant repeat of the same old victim stories and their woe is me topics are just too draining. I simply can't listen to them anymore.

    That's what I so admire about you. In all the years of blogging with you, you remain a positive person. And I know you've been through a lot yet, I never hear you whine or claim victimhood. You simply do what you have to do, and keep moving forward; focusing on all the good things in your life.

    That's AWESOME! X

  27. I love this post! Handsome and beautiful can definitely be used interchangably!

    AND...all the actors you've chosen are my favorites. Especially Jeffrey Dean Morgan (woof is right). He always makes me think of Javier Bardem (also woof). Diane Ladd is also one of my favorite actors. My mom's favorite movie is Under the Tuscan Sun, and after seeing it, I fell in love with her.

    I love men with beards, but I was terrified of them when I was a child! 🤣

    Your car analogy was really cool. I can see that! I love the way your mind works.

    Great post as always my dear friend. I'm so grateful for you. 😘❤️

  28. "Especially Jeffrey Dean Morgan (woof is right). He always makes me think of Javier Bardem (also woof)."

    Yes, me too. In fact, there were times when I saw a photo of Javier Bardem online and thought it was Jeffrey Dean!!! They looks so similar; like they could be brothers.

    Wasn't "Under the Tuscan Sun" the BEST? It's one of my favorite romantic/comedy/drama's. I loved it so much that I eventually purchased it on DVD, so I could watch it whenever I wanted. Sandra Oh is in that movie and she's another one I love!

    "I love men with beards, but I was terrified of them when I was a child! 🤣"

    OMG, that made me laugh because I can so see that being something that would terrify a child.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for you sweet words, my friend! Know that I am sending you (daily) lots of Reiki!

    ((((((((((((((((( X YOU X ))))))))))))))))

  29. I feel the same about you, Ron! XOXO

  30. Ron, everything you said about Julianne is exactly how I feel. It's as if you read my mind ------- "She is like a chameleon who can magically transform herself into any character from any period. Julianne is a combination of elegance and raw earthiness. I love her auburn hair and pale skin"

    From the moment I saw "Far From Heaven" I had (and still do) such a "girl crush" on her! Diane Lane too! lol!

    Jon Hamm is such a hottie! He's both boyish and manly.

    Agree, men and women can be both handsome AND beautiful. Love your vehicle vision!!!!

  31. Howdy, Clair!

    Isn't Julianne Moore exquisite? I also see her as a beautiful blank canvas on which she paint artwork in the way of the character she portrays.

    "Far From Heaven" was one of the first movies I saw her in and was immediately drawn in to her performance. Not to mention the way she looked in the style of the 50s. Dennis Quaid was excellent as well.

    "Jon Hamm is such a hottie! He's both boyish and manly."

    YUP!!!!!!!!!!! And I just recently (last night) watched a Variety Actors on Actors interview with Jon and Kristen Wiig - FABULOUS! They were a hoot together!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Clair! Hope you're having a fantastic week so far!


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