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*This is not a sponsored post


Today, I would like to share a few skincare recommendations and tips that I've discovered throughout my time in the beauty industry and found them very useful.

Hope you will too!

Washing Your Face -

Always use lukewarm water when washing your face. Extreme hot or cold water expands and contracts the capillaries, and over time, will break them, causing redness - particularly around the nose and cheek areas. People with rosacea or eczema should especially know this.

Wash your face twice a day - once in the morning before applying any skincare and makeup, and then again at night before your nighttime skincare routine. A lot of my clients ask, "Why do I need to wash my face in the morning when it's clean?" And I tell them, "Your bed pillow breeds bacteria as you sleep. So, it's important to give your face one quick wash, preparing it for your skincare products." 

Some of my favorite face washes are here, here, here, and here

Using Face Exfoliants -

Do not use physical exfoliants on your face. They are too abrasive and can cause damage. Use only AHA/BHA or enzymatic exfoliants. They are much more controlled and gentle. The two exfoliants I linked to are my absolute favorites. They are highly effective, yet very gentle. 

Do not over-exfoliate. Once or twice a week is more than enough. Most clients exfoliant way too much. They assume more is better. And it's not. Over-exfoliation it can strip away your skin's natural barrier responsible for keeping the bad stuff out (pollution, irritants) and the good stuff in (water, oils). 

Pain Means Gain -

I kid you not, many clients I assist tell me, "Whatever you recommend, I want it to BURN and HURT, because that way I know it's working!" And I tell them, "No, that does not mean it's working. It means it's too much." And yet, do you know what they always say? "I don't care. Give me the most severe product you have. I can take it. I'm tough!"

It continually blows me away how clients psychologically believe that something has to hurt to be effective. 

I used to work with a woman who believed that pain means gain. I thoroughly enjoyed working with her, but she and I had a completely different approach to skincare. Therefore, I would refer all those "hurt to work" clients to her. When I was first trained in cosmetology school, I was taught skincare in the European way, that you treat your facial skin as if it's a delicate piece of tissue paper and be GENTLE. The woman I worked with believed that skincare had to feel as though you got hit by a Mack truck and dragged 10 blocks. Then, and only then, did she believe something worked. 

I used to call her The Dominatrix.

Sunscreens: Physical Versus Chemical - 

Having lived in Florida for 20 years, I've tried both chemical and physical sunscreens, and I much prefer physical

The chemical sunscreens not only irritated my skin but also my eyes. I perspire a lot when I'm hot, so the chemical sunscreens would sweat their way into my eyes and burn like HELL. 

Physical sunscreens have come a long way. They no longer feel heavy on your skin or cause a white cast. They are now much more sheer, but still very effective. 

They're also better for people with sensitive skin, eczema, rosacea, and acne-prone skin.

The bottom line is that physical sunscreens are better because they act as a wall between you and the sun. 

Some of my favorite mineral sunscreens are here, here, here, and here.

Skin Bruises -

One thing I noticed as I reached my 60s was how easily my skin bruises. And I don't have to bruise my skin hard for it to create a mark like this (not a photo of my arm):

Why Does This Happen?

As we age, our skin gets thinner and we lose some of the layer of fat that cushions our blood vessels and protects us from injury. Also, our blood vessels become more fragile. Both things mean we may get more bruises, even from a minor bump.

So, in case anyone reading is experiencing this, I would like to share what works for me to speed up the healing process. 

I use a homeopathic cream from the company Boiron that is quite effective. It's not only great for bruises but also cuts, scrapes, chafing, minor burns, sunburn, and dry skin. 

This light cream soothes and moisturizes, while the active ingredient, made from fresh Calendula, heals. 

I always keep a tube in my backpack so that if I'm out and about and bruise my skin, I can immediately apply it. I will often apply it to my cuticles and lips during the colder, winter months. It's one of those things that I always have handy, just in case I need it. 

It has a light, natural scent I find calming. 

How to use: I apply it 3-4 times a day and usually see a reduction in the bruise within a few days. Be consistent. You can't just use it once and expect the bruise to be gone. 

I've seen nothing work as well as this cream. I highly recommend it. And be sure to get the cream, not the ointment or gel

Extra tip: Before applying the cream, apply a cold compress on the bruise. This helps with any inflammation and swelling. 

In Conclusion -

Don't Believe Everything You Read And See On TikTok and Instagram - 

Be very careful when reading things on Instagram and TikTok, promoting skincare, makeup, and haircare. Understand that these people are receiving free products and/or getting paid to promote those products. That is why they're called influencers. Do your own research and don't believe everything that's plastered all over social media.

When looking for a product in-store, find a beauty advisor you fully trust before making a purchase. Get a sense of whether they are genuinely assisting you to find a product to match your need, or just selling you something to meet their daily goal.


Here is an article and video from CBS News Boston about how kids all over TikTok and Instagram are sharing their skincare routines, and while many of these brightly packaged creams, lotions, and serums are harmless, dermatologists say most of these expensive products just aren't necessary. Influencers as young as 9 years old are promoting products. 

Trust me, I see this every day that I work. And what surprises me is why the parents allow it. 

Just remember, social media is both positive and negative. Use discernment before purchasing. 


Hope you found this helpful and informative!

*Please feel free to ask me any questions you might have about skincare in your comments. I will be more than happy to respond. Thank you! 💕



  1. Hey Ron, do you know what's ironic? For the past several months I've been thinking more and more about taking better care of my skin, so I've been online searching for recommendations but it sometimes gets overwhelming because there are so many things to choose from. Your timing couldn't be more PERFECT.

    Awesome information! I didn't know that about washing your face twice a day. I usually only wash it at night. However, my face does get wet when I take my shower in the morning. All I need to do is bring in my face wash and do that while I'm showering, right? When I have more time, I'm going to check out the links you shared on cleansers and the other things too. I like the cleanser I'm using now, but I think I'm due for a change.

    I do have a question for you. What shaving products do you recommend? I use stuff I get in the drug store or at Target. But I'm curious to know what you would recommend.


  2. Hi Ron! Thanks for all the links. Yes, I always wash my face twice a day. I can’t imagine putting makeup on a face that’s not freshly washed. So, that’s the good news . . . however, I don’t put sunscreen on my face or elsewhere unless I’m near the water or planning on being in the hot sun all day. (Yeah, I lie to my dermatologist 🤣). I just don’t burn and I’ve never had to get zapped at the dermatologist. I want to get my vitamin D.

    I also don’t use facial lotions, etc except under my eyes and my neck. I periodically try and ALWAYS end up with pimples like I’m in junior high. It’s aggravating, but I guess my skin is either too sensitive or oily? Have you heard other women say this?

    Remember your Gua Sha post? I bought a jade one a month ago and have been using it regularly. I use micellar (sp?) water so I don’t break out. I have no idea if it’s doing anything, but I thought it was worth a try for the marionette line near my mouth and the lines on my forehead.

    Thanks for the informative post and I hope you’re surviving this sauna we’re living in! XO

  3. Hola Denise!

    HA! Yes, I had a feeling you would find this post interesting, considering HOW MUCH you love beauty products. I remember you telling me YEARS ago how much of a product junkie you are!!!

    Thank you for your kind words. You know, I love teaching and education, so having a column would be fun. In the past, I used to teach educational classes at work, to not only fellow-workers, but also clients.

    "I laughed because I have a tendency (as in washing my face) to like products that are more aggressive."

    Like I shared, a lot of the clients I assist are the same. They feel that the more aggressive a product is, the better.

    "And what really annoys me is that most of those influencers are in their early 20s and have gorgeous, firm skin and don't even need the product their pushing."

    OMG, THANK YOU! I feel the same way. And so much so, that I will sometimes leave a comment on a post, calling them out on that. They never use mature women. They always use younger women to make people think that if they use this product, they'll look 20 years old!

    "what do you think about LED light masks? I've been reading a lot about them and am thinking of purchasing one. Do you have any advice or recommendations?"

    I LOVE your question because I was going to add LED masks to this post, but then thought it would be better if I did a separate post because it's a lot information. Guess what? I actually have an LED face mask and I freaking LOVE it! I was doubtful about it because their was so much hype about them online. However, I was giving one by the company I work for and have been using it for the past four months. A-MAZING! What I noticed the most is how it's corrected the YEARS of sun damage I did to my skin.

    My advice is to check out different companies and see which one feels right for you. Just make sure it has both red AND blue light because they each do something different. Also, they are not cheap, so it's an investment. However, if you use it consistently, you WILL see results.

    If you want, I can email you the information about the one I use.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Always enjoy our chats about skincare!

    Hope you're having a fabulous week!


  4. Ron, Ron, Ron, I cannot THANK YOU enough for sharing about the bruise cream because that's one thing that annoys the hell out of me about aging. My husband too. I am going to order one for BOTH of us! Can wait to try it! THANK YOU, kind sir!

    To be honest, I don't always use a sunscreen, but when I do, it's physical. I use one from Cetaphil. And it's an SPF 50.

    Yup, I wash my face two times a day. I also take two showers a day. I'm OCD about being clean. LOL!

    " And what surprises me is why the parents allow it." -- Today the kids rule the parents, that's why. When we were kids, it was the other way around. Lol!

    Do you have any recommendations for extra hydration for the skin on my body? I am soooooooo dry.

    Fantastic post, Mr. Ron! You put so much into your posts and I appreciate that. xo

  5. Hey there, my friend!

    "Yes, I always wash my face twice a day. I can’t imagine putting makeup on a face that’s not freshly washed."

    Yahoooooooo! Way to go! And I'm with you, I can't imagine putting on makeup OR skincare that's not freshly washed.

    " however, I don’t put sunscreen on my face or elsewhere unless I’m near the water or planning on being in the hot sun all day. (Yeah, I lie to my dermatologist 🤣). I just don’t burn and I’ve never had to get zapped at the dermatologist. I want to get my vitamin D."

    Hey listen, if I were to be completely honest, I don't ALWAYS wear sunscreen either. Now that it's summer and I'm wearing short sleeves and shorts, I do try (but not always) to slather some on my exposed skin. I always where a cap with a brim, so I sometimes skip my face because it never gets direct sunlight. When I lived in Florida I BAKED in the sun. However, over the years, I'm not into tanning anymore. I've slowly accepted my pale skin and actually like it more than being tan. And true, using a sunscreen does block the sun, so you don't get vitamin D. Which is why I take a LARGE dose of D3 every day.

    " except under my eyes and my neck."

    Excellent! Because those are two very important areas to lotion up and keep hydrated.

    "I guess my skin is either too sensitive or oily? Have you heard other women say this?"

    Yes I have. And not only women but men as well. To be honest, some people don't need as much hydration as others. I tell my clients to listen to their skin because it will tell you what you need and what you don't need. Everyone is different, so not everyone needs the same things.

    " I bought a jade one a month ago and have been using it regularly."

    That's AWESOME! I use mine too (I have one in jade and rose quartz). I use them especially for lymphatic drainage. It's such a great way to stay healthy. I even use them on my arms and legs!

    "I have no idea if it’s doing anything, but I thought it was worth a try for the marionette line near my mouth and the lines on my forehead."

    Be consistent with it because you WILL see a difference in the muscle tone on you face and neck. Plus, I think it feels so relaxing.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a faaaaaaabulous rest of your week!


    " I hope you’re surviving this sauna we’re living in!"
    I am DYING. Pray for me! Ha!

  6. Ron, thank you ever so much for the shaving product links! I've seen Jack Black products in Ulta, but have never tried them. The Art of Shaving looks so interesting! You worked for them? How cool!

  7. You are so welcome, Daniel. My pleasure! And if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Yes, I worked for them for almost two years. At the time, the company also had several stores with licensed barber's who would do facials and shaves on men. Such an amazing experience!

  8. " The woman I worked with believed that skincare had to feel as though you got hit by a Mack truck and dragged 10 blocks. Then, and only then, did she believe something worked." --- Ron, you are hysterical!

    And do you know what I really enjoy about your blog? You always post different topics. Your blog is interesting and fun to read.

    I clicked on all the links you shared and was so happy when I discovered the Dr Dennis Gross peel pads you recommended because I USE THOSE! I started using them about two years ago and will neve stop using them because they do so much. I use the Universal strength. LOVE those things! I've tried several of his products and found them to be so good. I would rather spend my money on good skincare than on makeup. I'm a minimalist when it comes to makeup. Less is more.

    I wish we lived closer because I would love to go shopping with you and get your advice on things. Not a fan of TikTok or Instagram. I used to enjoy Instagram, but it's gotten too fake and repetitive. And I can no longer stand to read the comment section because it's nothing but hateful comments. I miss the old days of social media when it was all about quality communication.

    If you could recommend a good tinted moisturizer that looks natural, what would it be? Thank you, Ron!

  9. Ron, thank you so much for your feedback about LED. I KNEW you would give me good (and honest) advice! I look forward to your email. xo

  10. You are so welcome, Denise!

  11. Good morning, Elaine!

    You are so welcome about the bruise cream. I discovered it many years ago and would use it for things like cuts, dry skin, irritations, etc. But when I started getting those bruises, I decided to try it, and honest to god, it worked! So, now I am never without it. I refer to it as my "9-11 Emergency Product" LOL!

    As I shared with Bijoux, I don't always use sunscreen either. Sometimes, I forget to put it on or just get lazy. But when I do use it, it's always a physical sunscreen because for me, it works the best with no irritation.

    Me too! I am OCD about being clean. And I also take TWO showers a day. When I tell people that, they think I'm crazy. I sweat a lot (even when I sleep), so I feel the need to remove all that stinky stuff. Ha!

    "Do you have any recommendations for extra hydration for the skin on my body? "

    Yes, try adding a few drops of hyaluronic acid serum to your moisturizer. You can add it to your face moisturizer AND you body moisturizer. I really like the one from Ordinary. It's good and very inexpensive. Hyaluronic acid boosted the efficacy of your moisturizer. It literally makes it work better.

    Hope that helps!

    Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Stay COOL, and have a great rest of your week!

  12. Good morning, Clair!

    Thank you for your kind words. I like to switch it up on my blog and share different stuff. I know that not everything I post about may be interesting to everyone, but it keeps me fresh. I'm a Libra, I get bored easily. I need mental stimulation and diversity.

    Aren't those DDG peel pads the BOMB? So happy to hear that you discovered them and feel as I do - they are FABULOUS! I switch back and forth - sometimes I use the Universal strength, but most of the time I use the Ultra Gentle. I actually used one of those peels last night! Me too, I've used a lot of his products and loved them all. I actually met him years ago, when I was sent to NYC for a training on his products. Such a GREAT guy! Very down to earth!

    You're so smart to spend your money on skincare because it's the canvas on which you apply your makeup. The better your skin looks, the better your makeup looks.

    " And I can no longer stand to read the comment section because it's nothing but hateful comments. I miss the old days of social media when it was all about respect and quality communication."


    My all-time favorite tinted moisturizer is from Laura Mercier . For as long as I've been in the industry, that tinted moisturizer remains the best because you're skin looks more even, but it doesn't look like you have any makeup on. Plus, it has an SPF.

    Hope that helps!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a great rest of your week, Clair!


  13. Ron, my girlfriend wanted me to convey to you just how much she enjoyed this post. And me too! I know in the past I've mentioned how our bathrooms looks like a department store because of all the products she has. But what's really funny is that over the years, she has got ME using that stuff. I never used to think about skincare. Now I'm a JUNKY!

    You're so correct about TikTok and Instagram. I find myself pulling away from social media more and more each year. They have become an overload of too much information that is NOT legit.

    As always, enjoyed this post, dude!

    "I used to call her The Dominatrix. ----- ROFLMAO!

  14. Yes Ron, I did find this post helpful and informative. Very. I love that graphic at the end with all the cutest little facial faces!

    What are your thoughts about using a retinol? Do you think it's an necessary product for good skincare? I'm curious because everyone I talk to is using one.

  15. Ron, yes, I did find this post helpful and informative. Very. I really love that graphic at the end of the post with all the cutest little faces!

    What are your thoughts on using a retinol? Do you think it's a necessary product for good skincare? I'm curious because everyone I talk to is using one.

  16. "But what's really funny is that over the years, she has got ME using that stuff. I never used to think about skincare. Now I'm a JUNKY!"

    CRACKED ME UP! How funny! But do you know something? Some of my loyalist and repeat customers are men. Once a guy starts using skincare, they really get into it. It's just that at first, it all seems to overwhelming to them. Which it is. There are so many things on the market, that it's confusing and intimidating.

    I think it GREAT that you have an interest in skincare!!!

    " I find myself pulling away from social media more and more each year. They have become an overload of too much information that is NOT legit."

    I agree, and me too! Blogging is my favorite social media platform, and always will be. And that's because it's QUALITY.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Matt! Have a most excellent rest of your week!

  17. Ah. I enjoyed this and will save and read it again. You have the best skin ever Ron. I need to get rid of my dark circles. Yeah go to bed earlier and stop eating sugar. I’m working on the no sugar things. Thanks for posting this. Smooches.

  18. Greetings, Abby!

    Thank you! I created that graphic on a free website I use to edit my photos and create graphics. It's called Canva. I've been using it for years.

    My thoughts on using a retinol are this - not everyone needs (or should use) it. Personally? Retinol is something I have to be very careful of because my skin doesn't always like it. And if I use it, it's like once every couple of weeks. If you decide to try it, start with a very low dose, such as this one . It's excellent because it's a low dose, plus it's a mixture of retinol and a plant based retinol. Very gentle. And listen to your skin. If it feels dry or irritated, stop using it for awhile.

    People have to be very careful when using retinol. It's not for everyone.

    Hope this helps! Thanks so much for stopping by, Abby! Have great rest of your week!


  19. Hellooooooooooooo there, Val!

    OMG, it's so great seeing you. And thanks so much for stopping by!

    Thanks, glad you enjoyed the post. I thought because of summer coming soon, I'd share a post about skincare.

    "I need to get rid of my dark circles."

    Try this - it's such a great eye cream for dark circles. You can find it at Sephora or get it online from The Inkey List. Not only is it good, but it's also VERY inexpensive.

    Hope that helps!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Have a faaaaaaabulous summer!


  20. I love your approach to skin care. I feel the same way.
    Ella has had a lot of acne breakouts on her skin lately. I recommended using using tea tree oil, and it seems to be working.We were going to make an appointment with the dermatologist, but it takes a long time to get in.

    This is very helpful. I'm going to get the Cetaphil wash for her first and try that. You're the best. 🖤

    Thank you for sharing all of this, my friend! I love it when you share your expertise. 😘❤️

  21. As you know, I have rosacea, so I'm extra-careful what I put on my skin. My dermatologist recommended Olay products because they're reasonably priced and gentle -- so far, they seem to be working. I always wash my face twice a day and always use a sunscreen there (I'm a bit lax about rubbing it on my arms and legs every day though). And I always use my medicated gel for my rosacea. Lately, I've tried a hyaluronic acid at night and truly, it's eased the wrinkles around my mouth. I know, Hope-in-a-bottle!!

    Thanks for the tip on the bruising. Sadly, it's too late to help my mom, who used to get those things regularly. She always blamed them on the heart meds she was taking that made her skin so thin, but your explanation makes more sense.

    Here's my question: What can I do for puffy under-eye areas? I'm fine when I wake up in the morning, but they seem to puff up more as the day wears on. I never sleep on my stomach, and I try hard to get enough sleep at night, so might this be hereditary?

    Great post, and I thank you again! Take care and stay indoors -- it's brutal outside! xx

  22. Hello there, Kari!

    "I love your approach to skin care. I feel the same way"

    Great minds think alike - Ha!

    Yes, tea tree is excellent for acne breakouts. I always have keep some in my bathroom cabinet handy, just in case I get a blemish.

    Also, here is a link to a product that works very well on acne. And FAST. It's truly awesome!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a faaaaaaaabulous rest of your week!


  23. Hey there, Debbie!

    "As you know, I have rosacea, so I'm extra-careful what I put on my skin. My dermatologist recommended Olay products because they're reasonably priced and gentle -- so far, they seem to be working."

    That's AWESOME! I love Olay products and have used them myself. Olay is an excellent lskincare line, and very effective! And yes, when you have rosacea, you have to be very careful with what you put on your skin. And remember, use lukewarm water, nothing hot or cold.

    ". Lately, I've tried a hyaluronic acid at night and truly, it's eased the wrinkles around my mouth. I know, Hope-in-a-bottle!!"

    Excellent! I too use hyaluronic acid. I mix it with my moisturizers because it boosts hydration and also stores moisture in your skin. Glad to read that you're using it too!

    "She always blamed them on the heart meds she was taking that made her skin so thin, but your explanation makes more sense."

    And the only reason I know that is because I'm in the skincare industry AND am now experiencing it firsthand. In fact, about a week ago I hit my right arm against something on the wall in a story and the time I got home I had a bruise. Luckily, the calendula cream helped to heal it fast. The bruise is gone.

    " What can I do for puffy under-eye areas? I'm fine when I wake up in the morning, but they seem to puff up more as the day wears on. I never sleep on my stomach, and I try hard to get enough sleep at night, so might this be hereditary?"

    Yes, absolutely, it could be hereditary. However, I have that same issue yet, puffiness is not something other people in my family have. Try an eye cream that contains CAFFIENE because it can be very beneficial in reducing puffiness, and also the appearance of dark circles. It also protects the skin around the eyes. See if Olay has one. If not, try this one: The Inkey List Caffeine Eye Cream . It's very good and also very inexpensive. You can order online or if you have a Sephora near you, they definitely carry it.

    Hope that helps!

    Much thanks for stopping by, my friend! Stay cool and enjoy the rest of your week!


    P.S. It's brutal outside here as well. I'm praying for SNOW! Lol!

  24. Informative and interesting post, Ron. You're a wealth of knowledge!

    You taught me something. I'm going to start washing my face twice a day now because I haven't in the past.

    What do suggest for ingrown hairs? I get them on my face and neck sometimes. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, sir!

  25. Hey there, Robert!

    Thanks! Happy to hear you found this informative.

    "What do suggest for ingrown hairs? I get them on my face and neck sometimes."

    Yes, I do have a suggestion - try these pads , they work very well for ingrown hairs. You can order them online or get them at Sephora or Ulta. You can also order them online at Target.

    The only thing I'm going to suggest that differs from the instructions on the package is to not use them after you shave. Use them at night, so that they prep your skin before you shave in the morning. Using them to close to shaving may cause irritation. Also, wash your face before shaving because it softens your facial hair, giving you closer (and smoother) shave.

    Hope this helps! Thanks for stopping by, Robert! Have a great weekend!


  26. I will most definitely try those and start washing my face in the morning before I shave.

    Thanks a lot, Ron! You're the best!

  27. You are so welcome, Robert! 🙏

  28. Much thanks, Sir Ron! I will try that tip. I've seen Ordinary in Sephora, and what I liked about it was the price tag - cheap lol!

    Stay cool! Can you believe the heat and humidity today? I'm ready for FALL!

  29. Yes, isn't the price tag AWESOME? They have a lot of great products. And good quality too!

    OMG, the heat is horrendous! 🔥🥵🔥🥵

    I'm ready for WINTER! ❄️

  30. Ron, yes, I've seen the Laura Mercier brand in stores and wondered how their tinted moisturizer was. Now that you recommended it, I'm going to try it. In fact, I may do that today because I've got to go to Sephora to pick my my mascara. Thank you for sharing your expertise. You da' best!

  31. You are so welcome, Clair! 🙏😘


I moderate all comments before publishing. Thank you for stopping by.