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For the past eight months or so, I've been having a love affair with Scotland. And yet, I've never been there or given the country much thought. However, for some strange reason, many of the movies I've been watching (old and new) have been set in Scotland, revealing how ruggedly gorgeous it is.

In fact, there were moments when watching a film with the backdrop of the Scottish Highlands, I got emotional and teary-eyed. There is something extraordinary not only about the physicality of Scotland, but also an energy that goes straight to my heart.

Scotland is how I envision heaven to be. 

Here, take a look at its spectacular landscapes...

I love sheep. They look like large cotton balls with four legs and have the sweetest little faces...

Scottish Highlands in the fall...

The Catholic Church of St Mary and St Finnan in the Scottish Highlands. So exquisitely GOTH...

These next two photographs are of Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland...

Isn't the historical architecture breathtaking? 

The town of Portree...

Glorious sunset over the Scottish Highlands (River Sligachan)...

Heavenly, isn't it?

In case you're interested, here is a link to a delightful video I discovered on YouTube that highlights the reunion of Ewan McGregor and his brother, Colin, in A Brothers' Guide to Scotland. It will give you a clear picture of the gorgeous Scottish Highlands.

Ewan and his brother Colin look so much alike. I adore their Scottish accents. 

Ewan expressed something at the end of the video that sums up Scotland perfectly. He said:

"I think whoever made the world started with Scotland and got it right!"

And I agree!


Have a terrific week, everyone! 💕

Are there any places in the world you feel particularly drawn to?

*all photos found online


  1. Ron, my husband and I visited the UK about five years ago and loved it! We visited each country and enjoyed the all. However Scotland, hands down, was our favorite. It looks exactly like the photos you shared. The Scottish are very friendly and welcoming. Very down to earth. We loved the pubs. Edinburgh is so charming. We enjoyed it so much, we want to go back for another visit and spend the whole time in Scotland.

    I'm very drawn to Japan. I know it's a long trip, but I'm sure it's worth it. All the photographs I've seen of Japan, like you feel about Scotland, go right to my heart.

    Would like to visit Amsterdam as well.

    Great post, Ron! It brought back wonderful memories and made me miss my time there!

  2. Ron, these images of Scotland are stunning! Yes, I too am drawn to Scotland, as well as Ireland. Like you said, there is something so ruggedly gorgeous about the terrain, particularly the Scottish Highlands. I would love to visit there in the fall.

    Places I feel drawn to are also England, Istanbul, and Greece. I love to travel, which is why at one time I seriously thought about being a flight attendant. However, I would prefer doing International flights, rather than domestic. I have a greater desire to see other parts of the world more so than the U.S.

    That photo of the sunset over the Scottish Highlands took my breath! I would love to stay in that house when I visit Scotland. Lol!

    Ewan and his brother look like TWINS, it's uncanny how much they look alike!

    Have a great 4th of July, Ron!

  3. Good evening, Candice!

    WOW! I am so envious that you and your husband visited the UK!!!! OMG, I bet it was fabulous! And I'm not surprised that Scotland was your favorite. I think it would be mine too. Also, Ireland. I've always wanted to visit there as well. And I read things online where (like you said) that the Scottish people are friendly and welcoming. I bet the pubs were faaaaabulous! I'd love to go to one on a rainy fall night and have several glasses of red wine, while talking to people.

    "I'm very drawn to Japan. I know it's a long trip, but I'm sure it's worth it. All the photographs I've seen of Japan, like you feel about Scotland, go right to my heart."

    I'm sure you remember my post about living in Japan for a summer and how much I LOVED it. I'm sure you would too. Yes, it's a long-ass trip, but so worth it. I think it took us a little over 27 hours to get there. We landed in Osaka. It truly is my favorite place I've been to.

    And I don't know if you knew this, but I also spent a summer in Amsterdam as well. I traveled there with a musical that I was cast in. Had a wonderful time. The people there are also friendly and welcoming. Very cool country and city!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your travels with me. ENJOYED hearing about them!

    Have a great week, my friend!


  4. Helloooooooo there, Daniel!

    Aren't the photos spectacular? I had such a hard time picking just these because all the photos were so beautiful! Yes, me too, I would especially love to visit there in the fall. And also winter. I love how grey, misty, and overcast it gets.

    I too would like to visit Istanbul. I knew a guy once who worked in Trader Joe's who said that Istanbul was his favorite country. In fact, he would travel there sometime twice a year. He said it was very inexpensive to stay there and that the people were very nice. He also loved the food.

    When I was a kid, I used to look at photographs of Greece and pictured myself there!

    "at one time I seriously thought about being a flight attendant. However, I would prefer doing International flights, rather than domestic. I have a greater desire to see other parts of the world more so than the U.S."

    OMG, you sound JUST LIKE ME! I too, SERIOUSLY considered being a flight attendant and actually applied a few times when I was still living in Florida, but didn't get past the 2nd interview. They were very picky back then. However, now they need flight attendants so bad but, are having a hard time finding them. The thing I don't like about being a flight attendant is that they do not pay you for the 4-8 weeks of training. And then once you graduated, for the first year you are put on stand-by.

    Don't they look so much alike? When I first watched the video, I thought that Ewan had a twin brother!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Daniel! Have a fabulous week, and Happy 4th of July to you too!


  5. "Scotland is how I envision heaven to be." - I agree, Ron! That's the perfect way to describe it too. HEAVENLY! Particularly in the last photograph. WOW!

    Did you ever see the movie, "Edie" (2017)? It is set in Scotland; specifically the Scottish Highlands. It's such a wonderful story. If you haven't seen it, I think you would really enjoy it.

    Switzerland and Austria are on my bucket list of places to visit. Also, Argentina.

    Ewan and Colin are so cute! I didn't know he had a brother.

    Great read, Ron!

  6. Good evening, Abby!

    Isn't that last image gorgeous? TOTALLY reminds me of heaven!

    "Did you ever see the movie, "Edie" (2017)? It is set in Scotland; specifically the Scottish Highlands. It's such a wonderful story. If you haven't seen it, I think you would really enjoy it."

    Okay, I cannot believe you mentioned "Edie" because that is one of the films I was thinking about when I said that so many of the films I've been watching have been set in Scotland. And YES...I have seen it. And loved it! I was cheering her on towards the end when Edie was climbing that mountain. I was so happy she made it!

    You mentioned two places I would like to visit as well - Austria and Argentina! Austria for all the musical history. And Argentina because of it's political history with Juan and Eva Peron. In fact, Evita is my favorite Broadway show because it's based off a true story. LOVE that musical!

    I didn't know he had a brother either. SO cute, aren't they?

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Abby! Have a fantastic rest of your week!


  7. You lived in Amsterdam, Ron? I'm jealous of you too! I have always been interested in that country and it\s history. I know people who have been there and they all said it was so open and free-spirited. I would love to see all those canals that run through the streets. Did you by any chance tour the Anna Frank House?

  8. I had three places that I feel drawn to, Ron - Iceland, Australia, and Japan - all completely different. I have no desire to visit anywhere tropical.

    Oh, and Spain too!

    These pictures of Scotland have me very interested in reading more about it. It look amazing! Can you imagine waking up in the morning and looking over that landscape?

    "I love sheep. They look like large cotton balls with four legs..." You always make me laugh, Ron! And they do have the sweetest little faces, I agree!

    Tomorrow I plan on watching the video link you shared. I'm very interesting!

  9. Yes, I was there for a summer (2 months) way back in the late 70s. I had been cast in a musical while in NYC. The show ended up being a fiasco, however, the time spent in Amsterdam was FABULOUS! And yes, I did visit the Anna Frank House and it was such an incredible experience. In case you're interested, here is the link to a post I shared about that many years ago.

  10. Greetings, Robert!

    I LOVE your list of places! I used to work with a guy who visited Iceland and said it was stunning! He shared several cell phone photographs he took of the Northern Lights and they were freaking amazing!

    " I have no desire to visit any place tropical."

    A-MEN! Been there, done that. I've had my fill of tropical locations. I don't care if I ever seen another palm tree as long as I live.

    Ironic you mentioned Spain because I feel drawn to that country too - Barcelona.

    Aren't the Scottish Highlands gorgeous? I would love to experience them through each of the seasons because I bet they take on a whole different look.

    Hope you enjoy the video. I found it delightful!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a grrrrrreat holiday weekend!


  11. Ron, every since seeing the movie, "Eat, Pray, Love", I have felt very drawn to visit Bali. I'm also drawn to Machu Picchu, Peru. I would travel much more than I do if the experience of flying was easier. Even flying domestic is such a hassle. I flew to Texas two months ago and we had all sorts of issues (delays, layovers, lost luggage) UGH!

    I never gave much thought to Scotland either, but after seeing these photographs and reading your words, I've suddenly become fascinated. What breathtaking views! I have such a love of castles, so those photos really grabbed me. And the history. I'm a huge lover of history.

    Looking forward to watching the video clip you shared. I'll watch it tonight, while sipping my evening glass of red wine Lol!

    Do you have any plans for 4th of July? Have a great holiday weekend, Ron! xox

  12. Hola, Denise!

    "ever since seeing the movie, "Eat, Pray, Love", I have felt very drawn to visit Bali"

    I can so relate because I saw that movie too and felt that way about being drawn to Italy. Wasn't that movie wonderful? I actually own it on DVD. I need to watch that again because it's been years.

    "I'm also drawn to Machu Picchu"

    Me as well! Years ago, I saw a movie about how Shirley MacLaine traveled there back in the 70s and had the most amazing life-changing experience. Peru in general fascinates me. Machu Picchu looks amazing!

    I agree with you about how air travel has become such a hassle. I understand that after 9/11 things like security needed to change, but it's not just that anymore. It's everything about flying. It's no longer something I look forward to, particularly domestic flights. Usually the overseas flights are smoother.

    I love history too, which is why Scotland fascinates me. In fact, all European history.

    No, I have no plans for the 4th. Philly is usually packed with tourists who visit Independence Hall and other historical sites. I usually get outside early in the day, but then like to stay closer to home later in day.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Denise, and sharing. Have a terrific rest of your week and a Happy 4th of July weekend!


  13. I honestly never thought much about Scotland until I started reading the Outlander series. But, I've never seen the movies or know all that much about Scotland. Those pictures are incredible! The sheep don't even look real! They remind me of cartoon sheep. Adorable!

    Would you believe the daughter of one of my friends just got back from a trip to Scotland? I haven't talked to her since, so I don't know how the trip went, but I'm sure she had a fabulous time. I think Edinburgh and castles were a big part of the itinerary.

    I guess the only place I've ever felt drawn to is California. I just love everything about it. So much diversity in landscape and so much to do. I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July, Ron! Cheers!

  14. Me neither. It wasn't until I began noticing that so many of the movies I had been drawn to were SET in Scotland. And it was then when I was like, "OMG...this country is gorgeous!"

    And speaking of the Outlander series, I noticed that there is a drama series as well. I will have to look into it.

    "The sheep don't even look real! They remind me of cartoon sheep. Adorable!"

    Aren't they adorable? Especially that little baby sheep! You're right, they don't look real.

    "Would you believe the daughter of one of my friends just got back from a trip to Scotland? I haven't talked to her since, so I don't know how the trip went, but I'm sure she had a fabulous time. I think Edinburgh and castles were a big part of the itinerary."

    How cool is that! You have to let me know how she liked it, I'm curious. Edinburgh looks incredible. As do the castles. So majestic and rich in history.

    I spent some time in parts of California and thought it was so beautiful. Like you said, so much diversity in the landscape and weather. However, it wasn't a place I felt like I wanted to live there. I'm so much an East Coast (Northeast) person. And the vibe in California is completely different than the East Coast.

    Much thanks for stopping by, my friend! Have a WONDEFUL 4th of July!

    X and cheers!

  15. Ron, thank you so much for the link. Wow....what an amazing experience. I had chills reading your words. And how incredible that 20 years later, you were cast in the play, The Diary of Anne Frank! I wish I could have seen you!

  16. Ron, places I would love to visit because I feel connected to them would be Italy and Finland. And in America it would be Main and also Vermont. But I've got to say after seeing these photos of Scotland, it's become a place I feel very drawn to. Looks HEAVENLY! I wonder if they have old castles that have been converted into hotels that you can book a room in? I would love that because it would make the whole experience FEEL mor Scottish. That image of Eilean Donan Castle is incredible!

    Very cool post, dude!

  17. You are so welcome, my friend! 😘🙏 I feel so blessed for that experience. It's one of those things which you look back on and realize that certain moments in our lives are Divinely orchestrated.

  18. Hiya Matt!

    Oooooo, Finland...that's sounds so interesting! I'd love to go there during the winter! And Italy, but of course! Me too. All I want to do in Italy is eat, drink red wine, and check out all the hot, Italian men. LOL!!!!

    "And in America it would be Main and also Vermont."

    You and I are drawn to the same places because I've never been to either one, yet think they are absolutely gorgeous states. And I want to visit during the fall and winter months.

    Isn't that castle phenomenal?

    " I wonder if they have old castles that have been converted into hotels that you can book a room in? I would love that because it would make the whole experience FEEL mor Scottish."

    Good question! I'd love that too. How fabulous would that be?

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Matt. Have a great rest of your week and 4th of July!


  19. I love this! I wonder if you lived there in another life? I say this because I believe I might have. I've always been been drawn to small European towns. It feels like it could be Germany or England, but I'm not so sure. I've added those two countries to my bucket list. Also, Ireland. Scotland feels very similar to Ireland in terms of everything that you mentioned. I love the accents! So beautiful!

    I love all of these gorgeous pictures! I also love how you're drawn to them. It makes me want to cozy up with a blanket and read a book. Wonderful post, my friend. 😘💕

  20. "I love this! I wonder if you lived there in another life? I say this because I believe I might have."

    OMG Kari, you and I think so much alike because I thought the very same thing. I wondered if I had had a past life in Scotland, or had some previous connection to the country because over the past eight months, Scotland is in so many movies I've been watching. And not only that, but when I look at these photographs, I feel such an emotional connection to them - as if it's familiar to me.

    And me too, I have always been attracted to small European towns. That's how I felt about Amsterdam, Holland and Belgium. I loved all the little pubs and quaint streets.

    And like you, I feel the same about Ireland. But what I think is strange is why this happening to me now? And why didn't I feel this way about Scotland earlier in my life?

    " It makes me want to cozy up with a blanket and read a book."

    Oh, wouldn't that be fun?

    Aren't the photos lovely? I had such a hard time selecting them because every photograph I found online was FABULOUS!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing, my friend. You've added much thought to this topic!

    Have a great week!


  21. Ron, both my husband and I, as always, read this post and really, really enjoyed it. If you can believe it, my hubby had his genealogy (family tree, family records, etc.) done years ago and discovered that he has both Scottish and Irish blood in his history. And it's ironic that you posted about your love affair with Scotland because he (and I) have always wanted to visit that country (as well as Ireland), just to see what it feels like being there.

    "There is something extraordinary not only about the physicality of Scotland, but also an energy that goes straight to my heart.

    Scotland is how I envision heaven to be." ---- The photographs you shared are spectacular and really captured the "essence" of the country.

    A place where I feel particularly drawn to is Italy. And specifically Tuscany

    Delightful post, Ron! X it!

    Happy 4th of July!

    FYI - we watched the video clip with Ewan and his brother. It was so sweet seeing them interacting with each other.

  22. Greetings, Elaine!

    I cannot thank you enough for sharing that story about your husbands' genealogy results. OMG, that's AMAZING! You know, I have always wanted to have that done for myself. Years ago, one of the people I used to blog with studied genealogy and did some inquires for my family tree. I was so impressed by how she discovered the names of my grandparents.

    "A place where I feel particularly drawn to is Italy. And specifically Tuscany."

    Me too! And having Italy roots myself and I feel a connection to Italy as well - the country, the food, the wine, the people, and the passion. I've seen many photographs of Tuscany and felt such a connection to that area. Gorgeous!

    Glad you enjoyed the video. Aren't they adorable? I loved the interacting between them too!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Happy 4th of July to you and your husband! I'm glad we got a break from the intense heat!


  23. Yes, this relief from that ungodly heat we had is VERY welcomed! But next week it goes back up again. Grrrrrrrrrr!#?!

  24. Yup, I saw that! 🔥🥵🔥🥵🔥

  25. Like Kari, I think when we feel a strong connection to a place that we've never been, but yet it feels as though we HAVE been, I believe it may have to do with a past life. I believe in reincarnation myself. Always have.

    These photographs of Scotland are truly breathtaking, Ron! I've been to the UK, but not Scotland. Parts of England and Ireland look very similar to Scotland. It's such a beautiful part of the world. It's an area that feels very connected to the earth. The coastlines are just stunning!

    I feel very drawn to Africa, India, and Alaska. I'm more of a cold weather person though, so I would have to visit Africa and India during the winter months. And if I visited Alaska, I would want to travel by boat because they say it's the most glorious way to see it!

    Hope you have a great 4th of July, Ron! It's very hot here at the moment. HATE it! LOL!

  26. Greetings, Clair!

    I too believe in reincarnation. To me, it never felt strange. It feels totally natural. My mother believed in reincarnation too. And yes, it must be why I feel such a strong pull to Scotland. I can feel it in my soul!

    "I've been to the UK, but not Scotland. Parts of England and Ireland look very similar to Scotland. It's such a beautiful part of the world. It's an area that feels very connected to the earth. The coastlines are just stunning!"

    Oh how fabulous that you've been to the UK! Yup, from the photos I've seen of Ireland and England, they do look very similar to Scotland. I LOVE the coastline too! So rugged and natural!

    I see that Alaska is on your list. Mine too! And like you, I'd prefer cruising into Alaska, rather than flying there. That's another country where I think the coastline is just gorgeous.

    Yes, I had a nice 4th of July. It was a quiet day, but I liked that. I didn't go outside at all because Philadelphia is packed with people visiting the various historical sites.

    OMG, it's been hot here too. We had a tiny break for a day or two, however, yesterday and today and for the next three days it's been 98. I HATE it too! And I had a feeling this summer was going to be brutal. God, I can't wait for FALL!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Clair!


  27. Ron, these photos are so gorgeous! No wonder you're loving Scotland these days. This is the homeland for my Monkey, and he said to tell you you've chosen wisely!

    That baby sheep is precious, and the architecture of the churches is stunning. I've never been to Scotland, but I'd sure like to go. It doesn't appear too crowded, does it?!

    You can probably guess, but I'm drawn to the lands of my people -- Ireland and Italy. I wouldn't expect to find relatives there still, but I'd love walking the paths they took and seeing their part of the world.

    Thanks for another interesting post, my friend. Stay indoors this week -- the heat and humidity are brutal! xx

  28. Greetings, Debbie!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate that!

    "No wonder you're loving Scotland these days. This is the homeland for my Monkey, and he said to tell you you've chosen wisely!"

    OMG, that's right...Monkey's homeland is Scotland! Tell him a I said, "Woof! Woof!...I agree!"

    Isn't that church stunning? The castles as well! And yes, it doesn't apprear to be too crowded, which is why I think I've been so longing to visit there. I'm at a point in my life where I am craving being closer to nature - and its peace and quiet. I'm getting very disenchanted with city life lately.

    Ireland and Italy....yes! yes! yes! Me too! I would love to visit Ireland and go to one of their pubs. I hear that the people of Ireland (and Scotland) are very welcoming and friendly. And in Italy, I would love to eat their food and drink their red wine! LOL!

    Thanks again for stopping by, my friend! Stay cool!


  29. 🩷Pink Sapphire🩷Wednesday, July 17, 2024

    Are the purple flowers heather? When I think Scotland I think singer Rod Stewart, haggis, bagpipes and the character Fat Bastard from the Austin Power movies. The United Kingdom all blurs together a bit for me.

    But green and beautiful. The Queen Of England died at her Balmoral estate in Scotland. She was speaking of it's perfect beauty in her last week.

  30. Yes, I think they are heather. Aren't they stunning?

    "When I think Scotland I think singer Rod Stewart, haggis, bagpipes and the character Fat Bastard from the Austin Power movies."

    OMG, that is so funny and SO true!

    "he Queen Of England died at her Balmoral estate in Scotland. She was speaking of it's perfect beauty in her last week."

    Thanks for sharing that because I didn't know.



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