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Before reading this post, I highly suggest that you all sit down, fasten your seatbelts, read your crash manuals, and brace for impact. What I am about to share will shock the hell out of you and make you feel as if you're falling from the sky.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, the cost of living (both essentials and non-essentials) has gotten so out of hand that I frequently shake my head and say to myself, "Is this for REAL? Are they asking $7.99 for four rolls of toilet paper? Are they asking $3.49 for ONE avocado? Are they asking $1.85 for one medium-size bell pepper?" Back in late November, I walked into Barnes & Noble to see if they carried Barbra Streisand's biography/memoir, which they did. However, do you know what the price was? FIFTY DOLLARS! And besides the price tag, the book was so thick and heavy, I'd have to hire a moving company to get it out of Barnes & Noble and into my apartment. Sorry Babs, I love you and all, but I refuse to spend that kind of money on your book. I'll wait for the biopic. 

But wait, it gets worse.

MUCH worse.

Last month, while walking through Fairmount, I passed by a tall building I've seen many times before, but never really noticed until then. On that day, I looked up and saw the name of the building (Fountain View), and discovered that it was an apartment building for senior citizens. And since I always leave myself open to the possibility of moving, I took a picture of the building and then Googled it when I got home because I was curious to find out the pricing for seniors. Many of the apartment buildings I've inquired about over the years charge seniors a monthly price based on their yearly income. Therefore, each senior pays a different price. I've applied to three different apartment complexes for seniors in the past year and have been accepted by all three. However, it's just a matter of waiting for an opening, which could take a year or more.

One great thing about the state of Pennsylvania is that it takes care of its seniors, offering a free travel pass on all public transportation, adjustable housing/rental costs, and weekly discounts at retail stores. And trust me, even though I still work (part time) and receive my Social Security every month, I remain very conscious about the money I spend and how much I save. I live comfortably and wish to keep it that way. I would say that I'm pretty good with money. And I owe that to my years as an actor, having to juggle my finances because I never knew when my next acting job would manifest. I'm used to living with the unknown

Anyway, getting back to the apartment building...

When I got home and found Fountain View (a luxury senior community) online through their website, I immediately searched for the monthly price of a studio apartment.

Here is a photo taken of the building... 

Nice, hu?

Yes, that's what I thought.

Here is a screenshot I took of the layout of their studio at 429 square feet...

I have pretty much lived in studio apartments my whole life and thought the floor plan they offered was nice (but normal) for a studio. Most studios are anywhere from 300 to 500 square feet.

Okay, now are you ready for the price?

Are you sure?

Promise you won't scream?

As I scrolled down the page and saw the monthly starting price, I first thought I was looking at the price for a weekend getaway to a premium resort in Bali, or a Chanel designer handbag. But NOT a monthly rental fee for a studio apartment.

Can you believe this?


That's probably why it states on its website: "Welcome to Fountain View at Logan Square, a senior living community designed for those with a taste for the finer things in life." thank you. I'll pass. A little too "fine" for my wallet. LOL!


Have a fabulous weekend, y'all! 💚


  1. Ron, you are so correct about the cost of living. It's been insane. I'm hoping that things change this year (fingers crossed) and things deflate rather than continue to inflate.

    Holy cow, I figured the price of the apartment would be high, but not THAT high. Especially for a studio apartment. For that price you could purchase a house. But even then, I don't think the mortgage payments would be that much.

    I LOVED your reaction - " thank you. I'll pass. A little too "fine" for my wallet." Mine too!

    I think it's so nice that PA takes care of its seniors. All states should follow that protocol.

    Thinking of you this winter and knowing you're enjoying the FREEZING temps. xo

  2. Ron, I enjoyed reading how your time spent as an actor taught you how to handle money. I'm sure with the uncertainty of that career path, you have to know how to use your money wisely. I'm sure it also taught you how to handle changes and made you more adaptable to the unknown of life overall.

    Yikes, I'm trying to fathom what would make a studio apartment $3,780. worthy. I mean does the price include food, clothing, world traveling, life insurance, and funeral arrangements when you pass? That's A LOT of money!

    I'm with you, it's a little to fine for my wallet too! But hey, if people want to spend their money that way, who am I to judge?

    Enjoyable and eye-opening post, Ron!

  3. Good evening, Candice!

    Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee too! I am hoping that this DEflate instead if inflate. Especially when it comes to food.

    " For that price you could purchase a house. But even then, I don't think the mortgage payments would be that much."

    You're so right! When I saw the price of the studio, I thought I might me looking at the wrong apartment. But then when I checked out the prices of a one and two-bedroom (which were TWO thousand dollars more), I realized the studio was correct in it's pricing, but TOTALLY insane!

    Yes, that's one of the things I really respect and admire about Pennsylvania, they really do support their seniors.

    OMG, I am so loving this cold weather. Yesterday and today were the coldest (in the teens) and I was outside enjoying it too. Ha!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend!


  4. Hey there Daniel!

    Yes, you are absolutely right, my time as an actor did teach me how to be adaptable. It also taught me that the one thing about life that is for sure, is CHANGE. And I'm glad I had that experience at such a young age because I learned that early on in my life.

    " I'm trying to fathom what would make a studio apartment $3,780. worthy. I mean does the price include food, clothing, world traveling, life insurance, and funeral arrangements when you pass? That's A LOT of money!"

    I know, isn't that price unfathomable?!?!? And yes, at that price it should include everything you listed and MORE. And that doesn't even include the move-in fees, which are also insane. And they also charge extra for which VIEW of the city you have. Ridiculous!

    Yes, if some people which to spend their money this way, that's totally their choice. We're all different.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Daniel! Have an awesome weekend!


  5. Ron, I just about fell off my chair when I read the monthly rental price for a STUDIO apartment. Do they have studios that are priced higher? And I can only imagine what the one-bedrooms go for. Do they have two-bedrooms as well? Blows me away how places can change that much and why would someone pay that price regardless of how wealthy they are?!? Have you ever been inside the building to see what it looks like? I'd be curious to know.

    And speaking of the high cost of living, I'm hoping and praying that the costs go down this year because if it keeps rising, I may have to just eat Ramen noodles for the rest of my life. lol! Also, have you notice how expensive health insurance as been jacked up?

    I bet you're enjoying this cold/snowy weather, hu? I think of you every time it snows.

    Have a great weekend, you! xo

  6. Hello, Abby!

    Me too! I almost fell off my computer desk chair and hit my head on the floor when I first saw the price tag on that studio. I did a double-take. And from what I can gather from the layouts on their website, they only have one studio, but charge different prices based on the floor and city view. And yes, they do have 1-2 bedrooms and the pricing is so beyond insane. They are 2-3 thousand dollars more than the studio!

    No, I have not been inside the building, only walked around the building from the outside and looked through the windows at the lobby and various offices.

    " I'm hoping and praying that the costs go down this year because if it keeps rising, I may have to just eat Ramen noodles for the rest of my life. lol! Also, have you notice how expensive health insurance as been jacked up?"

    Crazy, isn't it? And I LOL at your Ramen mentioned because I love Ramen and use it a lot in different recipes I make. And speaking of insurance, my health insurance, as of 2025, decreased the amount they cover for dental, doctor, and hospital visits. And by HALF.

    LOVING this weather, indeed! As a penguin, I feel in my element. Ha!

    Thanks so much for stopping by tonight, Abby. Have a great rest of your week and weekend!


  7. "And besides the price tag, the book was so thick and heavy, I'd have to hire a moving company to get it out of Barnes & Noble and into my apartment." ---- ROFLMAO! Ron, that cracked me up because I spotted her book in a bookstore last year and thought the same thing. That is one HUGE book! It's almost 1,000 pages! I decided to wait until they get the book in my library and then I'll borrow it. OR, like you...wait for the biopic. lol!

    Yes, I did scream when I saw the price of the studio! The price reminded me of what apartment rentals are in New York City. But even then, you can probably get a 3-bedroom for that price. Or a 4-bedroom. But a studio? That is way too much. I mean, if someone can offord that, why not just buy a house.

    The price of gas has dropped in Florida, thank god, because it used to be crazy expensive. Food? Yes, still high here. And you, being in the cosmetic industry, have you noticed how expensive it's gotten? I've gone back to Mabelline mascara because I'm not paying for Dior anymore. I've also cut back on eating out. Too expensive. Especially when you add drinks.

    I know you must be going crazy excited over the weather lately. Even here, it's gotten unusually cold. Parts of Florida it's even snowed. Pensacola!

    Have a great weekend, dear Ron. I'm glad to see you posted tonight! xoxo

  8. Ron, I can only imagine what they charge for move-in fees. And views? Yikes! Hey, I wanted to mention in my previous comment but forgot about the movie 'Ideal Home' because I spotted it on your sidebar. I saw it when it first came out and thought it was so good. It was so funny, but also very touching. The two of them did such a great job in their roles. The kid too!

  9. Hola, Denise!

    You've seen the book too? Isn't it HUGE? I love Streisand, don't get me wrong, but FIFTY dollars for a book? Thanks for giving me the idea about checking it out via a library. I will check into that here. There is a library not that far from me. Thanks! And yes, I saw that it's practically a THOUSAND pages!

    "The price reminded me of what apartment rentals are in New York City. But even then, you can probably get a 3-bedroom for that price. Or a 4-bedroom. But a studio? That is way too much. I mean, if someone can offord that, why not just buy a house."

    It's so ironic that you mentioned the prices in NYC because I thought the same thing. And you're right, even in New York you would get more bang for your buck for that price.

    "And you, being in the cosmetic industry, have you noticed how expensive it's gotten? I've gone back to Mabelline mascara because I'm not paying for Dior anymore."

    Good for you! I always tell clients not to spend a lot of money on mascara because it dries out too fast, so why spend the money? As far as I'm concerned, Mabelline and/or L'Oreal mascara is awesome. And cheap. I don't eat out a lot. In fact, barely at all. So at least I'm saving money on that. And you're right, by the time you add drinks to the check, it's even more expensive. That's why I like BYOB restaurants.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. And yes, I did see that it snowed in part of Florida. Even my friend in Texas got some snow this week!

    Have a faaaaabulous weekend!


  10. Wasn' that movie the BEST???? I didn't see it when it first came out, but I saw in online and streamed it. OMG, it was hilarious! And like you said, touching in many parts. I just recently watched it again, so that's why I highlighted it on my blog. I think Steve Coogan and Paul Rudd were brilliant in their roles. And yes, the young kid was awesome too! What a great film.

  11. Ron, I love the way you tell a story! Your commentary always makes me laugh. As I've said many times before --- you should be doing stand-up!

    I for one can't comprehend that price for a studio apartment. The building looks nice and all, but it just seems a bit much to spend that kind of money for such a small space. For the price of that apartment, I could pay almost four months of my own rent.

    I'm like you, I watch my money and try to use it wisely. With the price of things, you have to be that way. I also put money away each week in my savings as backup in case I need it.

  12. Morning, Robert!

    Thanks, buddy, but I dont' have the guts to do stand-up. Out of all the genres in the entertainment world, I think stand-up is by far the hardest. You're up there alone!!!

    I'm with you on the price of the studio. I have such a great deal on my current studio apartment because I've been with the apartment company for 24 years. They barely raise my rent every year, so that's why I stay here. Plus, it's centrally located so I'm close to everything. I thought because that apartment building was for seniors, they would have special deals. But no way. It seems to be a place for seniors who have a lot of moolah$$

    Me too, I put money into my savings every month. And I'm glad I do because five years ago when covid happened and we were in lockdown, that savings came in very handy.

    Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a terrific weekend!


  13. Holy macaroni, Ron! Are they for real with that price? For a STUDIO? It's a way too "fine" for my wallet lol!

    You're right about inflation prices. Even my utility bill has gone up. And let's not even talk about mobile service. Every month my bill goes a little bit higher. I'm seriously contemplating changing providers.

    Hopefully this year, prices will go back down. HOPEFULLY.

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Right? I did a double-take and a triple-take when I saw the price.

    My utility bill has gone up as well. Not a lot, but it's definitely escalated this past year. Yup, and that's why I change my internet provider. I was paying over $100. for DSL. So glad I switched to T-Mobile. Very happy with their service and locked price tag.

    I'm remaining very hopeful about so many things this year. I have a feeling things WILL change. And for the better.

    Great to see you, Barbara! Have a faaaaaaaaabulous weekend!


  15. Ron, I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I’m not. Before my mom fell, I was looking at pricing for independent living for seniors and I was shocked, too! They were charging around $4500/month, though it did include two meals per day and activities. And this was the suburbs! It was country club living for sure! I guess they are counting on baby boomers with fat pensions and IRAs. But it’s crazy to think about. You could be living in a million dollar home with that kind of mortgage payment!

    I was wondering if you were still looking and if you were finding anything in the suburbs? I know you are not happy with Philly. At least you have Trader Joe’s! I hope you have a very nice weekend, Ron. Do you have inventory coming up with your job? For some reason, I loved that part of retail 🤣 but I’m a numbers girl! XO

  16. Oh. My. Gosh. That's outrageous!! Part of me is astonished they can get that amount of money each month for a space no bigger than you could whip a cat in; the other part really doesn't surprise me. At all.

    I mean, when they're charging $4 for a loaf of bread, $2 for a head of lettuce, and nearly $100 for a bag of dog food, right?

    I'm like you, Ron, hopeful that things will begin to change. This has all gotten totally out of hand. No wonder crime is up -- get in jail, and you get meals free, housing free, education free, exercise free (not that I'm considering a life of crime!)

    Frankly, I can't see seniors living in a high-rise like that anyway. How would you ever get out if there were a fire?? Sure reinforces how ideal it is to live in the middle of the corn and bean fields, ha!

    Have a super day, my friend! XX

  17. Good morning, Debbie!

    Outrageous indeed! And even more so that someone would PAY that for a studio apartment. It's mind-blowing to me.

    Hasn't the cost of food gotten absolutely insane? Wow...$100 for a bag of dog food?!?! I hope the Monk knows how blessed he is to have a Mama like you!

    "This has all gotten totally out of hand. No wonder crime is up -- get in jail, and you get meals free, housing free, education free, exercise free (not that I'm considering a life of crime!)"

    Yes to all that you said! And that is one of the MAJOR issues in Philadelphia. We have so much crime here, and when they are thrown in jail, they're treated like kings and queens. And then of course, the city lets them out again, so that they do it all over again. This is why I want to get out of the Center City area of Philly. It's a total mess. And even more so since the election. Riots every single week. I love the state of Pennsylvania, I just don't like the city of Philadelphia.

    " Sure reinforces how ideal it is to live in the middle of the corn and bean fields, ha!"

    Made me LOL!!!! However, the older I get, the more that appeals to me.

    Much thanks for stopping by, my friend. Wishing you and Monk a fantastic weekend!


  18. Hi Ron!
    Shocking price on that studio!! We won't be moving there! I can't remember exactly how much Ron's parents were paying for a 2 br unit/assisted living. They've been gone a few years now but maybe it was around 8k a month? Food was included in a small dining room, and they did have access to a t.v room, small cafe w/snacks, and 2 small sitting rooms so it wasn't horrible, but had they lived longer their savings would have been gone and pension/ss wasn't enough so not sure how all that would have worked out. Sad

  19. Helloooooooooooo there, Mary!

    So great to see your comment because you have been in my thoughts for the past month, wondering how you've been and if you had a nice holiday season. Happy New Year, my friend!

    WOW....8K a month?!?!? That's incredible! And it's much more expensive that the one I mentioned in this post. To be honest, I don't know if Fountain View included meals, but I would think so at that price. I read some reviews online and there was a mixture of both positives and negative. Many mentioned the high price of the apartments.

    Like you, I won't be moving there! LOL!

    Thanks again for stopping by, my friend. Have a great weekend!


  20. That’s per MONTH??? I can’t even imagine having that kind of money for rent!

    Maybe it includes a car, trips, and a butler… one can dream. Still couldn’t afford it, though! Ha!

    For that price, it better come with more than just a Fountain View. 🩷

    Have a great rest of your week, my friend! 😘❤️

  21. "Maybe it includes a car, trips, and a butler… one can dream. Still couldn’t afford it, though! Ha!"

    Kari, I freaking LOVED that! Made me LOL! And me as well. No way I could afford that, nor would I want to invest that much money into my space. Just give me simple and the basics. I'm not one for fancy schmancy. I'd rather spend my money on traveling.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! Have a great rest of your week too!

    (((((((((((((((( YOU ))))))))))))))))))))


  22. Ron, you are so funny! Loved the bit about the need to use a moving company to get the book out of Barnes and Noble to your apartment! I also checked out that book when it first came out and was shocked about the price. But at the same time, not shocked. It's BARBRA STREISAND!

    Cannot believe the price for that studio which is only 429 square feet!

    Love hearing that Pennsylvania takes care of their seniors. As they should. As ALL states should. We're all going to be seniors one day.

    Have a great weekend. I always look forward to your blog posts. x

  23. Hiya, Clair!

    Isn't the price of that book incredible? You're right though, it's BARBRA STREISAND - LOL! I can't even imagine what the ticket price was when she was still doing concerts.

    I did the math. It's $800. per square foot for that studio!

    "As they should. As ALL states should. We're all going to be seniors one day."


    Thanks so much for stopping by today, Clair. Have a faaaaaaaaaabulous weekend!


    I see the same thing whenever I shop for food. It goes, up and up and up every time I shop.

  24. Melanie Nisbet- RileyFriday, January 24, 2025

    Honestly Ron, I'm not surprised. That's about how much a small condo is here (Chicago area) in a senior living building. It's ridiculous. I don't know how people are affording that, even if it does include meals, a gym membership, etc. My husband and I are in our early-mid 60's. We have lived in our ranch home (with a basement) for 34 years. We'd like to move to a one-level home in an over-55 community, but we haven't been able to find anything in our price range or that we like. The property taxes here are also through the roof.

    As far as the Barbara Streisand book, get it from the library! :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  25. Greetings, Melanie!

    "That's about how much a small condo is here (Chicago area) in a senior living building. It's ridiculous. I don't know how people are affording that, even if it does include meals, a gym membership, etc."

    Me nether, I don't know HOW people can afford these over-the-top prices. Especially seniors.

    "My husband and I are in our early-mid 60's. We have lived in our ranch home (with a basement) for 34 years. We'd like to move to a one-level home in an over-55 community, but we haven't been able to find anything in our price range or that we like. The property taxes here are also through the roof."

    That's exactly what I'm experiencing too. I would like to move outside the city, but even in burbs the prices for rentals is astronomical. And yes, I know from talking to people who live in homes in PA, that the taxes here are through the roof as well.

    Yup, I'm going to check for that book at one of our local libraries. No way will I pay fifty bucks. LOL!

    Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a faaaaaaaabulous weekend!



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