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Ola everyone!’s GREAT to be back blogging again!

I enjoyed myself this past week, but I really did miss talking to you folks.

I found myself thinking about you quite often, and wondering what you were up to.

Hope you all had a wonderful and enjoyable week.

The weather here in Philly was PERFECTO! We got a nice break from the horrendous heat and humidity; where the temperatures dipped into the low 70’s, and in the evenings, got as low as 59!

OMG…I can actually feel Fall slowly making it’s entrance.


Well, I was able to do this week, what I'd hoped; which was to get some posts written for my new blog and also put the final “tweaks” on the template. I actually spent a great deal of time online, discovering some incredible free tools and advice for web design. I’ll be sharing those things with you on my new blog.

Ok, so here’s what I’m planning to do…..

I’ll be unveiling my new blog link on Friday’s post, so that if any of you would like to visit, you’ll have the weekend to do that. And it will also give me the time to respond to any comments left there.

To start with, I will only be posting once or twice a week, until I can figure out a schedule that’s comfortable. This new blog will be a journey for me, in which I’ll be taking one step at time; seeing where it leads me.

So stay tuned on Fridays post for Ron’s new adventure!

I also have some additional exciting news….

Last week, someone in my apartment building was throwing away a perfectly good HP printer/scanner, that I GRABBED before anyone else could get their hands on it.


Anyway, what I did, was scan a photo of something that I’ve been DYING to share with you since last winter.

Those of you who have been reading here for some time now may remember a post I wrote, about when I portrayed the Wicked Stepmother in a professional children's theater production of Cinderella.

(go here for the post)

WELL…here is a backstage photograph of me in my total “stepmother garb” - along with the two actress who wonderfully portrayed my stepdaughters….


Are you SURE?

Ok…don’t say I didn’t warn you…

ooooh...Don’t I look lovely?

(I know you’re all whistling right now and fainting from such beauty)

I think I look like a cross between, Bette Davis as Baby Jane Hudson in the movie Whatever Happened to Baby Jane…and a little like a “drag version” of Barbara Streisand around the eyes and nose.

Anyway…I hope you weren’t drinking any liquids when you first look at this photo, because I would have hated for you to SPEW your drink all over your computer screen!?#!?

It’s GREAT talking to you guys again!


  1. good morning and welcome back young man

    great picture I bet that was a lot of fun to do.


  2. *choking on coffee*

    Ummmm....the good news is none went on the laptop.

    LOVELY accessories, mydear.
    And the color--a good choice for your uuummm....complection?

    Very nice.
    Very wicked step-motherly lookin', I must say.

    And I'm scared at how organized and disciplined you're becoming around the postings.
    Mostly cuz that'll never happen for me...LOL

    I will patiently wait for the unveiling. Will it be cause for a new dress?
    (just wanna be forewarned, yaknow.....LOL)

    *HUGE hugs* Nice to have you back, sir. Kinda missed your..ummm........accessories..LOL

  3. First of all Ron, great to have you back! I have missed you all week.
    Second.....WHOOOOOAAA!!! OH MY DEAR GOD!!!!! That is hysterical! You look like the stepmother in the Disney cartoon version of Cinderella! That is awesome, I love it!
    Thank you so much for sharing that.

  4. Hi Ron,
    It's nice to have you back ;). I'm really looking forward to seeing this new creation that's under wraps.... exciting ! I'd like for some of that creativity to rub off on me;I'm into a quiet (yawn) blogging period.

    Ahhh; it's getting cooler down in Philly ! I can't stand muggy conditions either. Why am I happy about your weather? I'm coming to Philly next month ! I'll drop you an e-mail.

    Great photo ! :) You really outdid yourself for your role with your outfit & makeup.

    Au revoir; keep the creative juices flowing ;)

  5. Good God Ron you look like a proper Dame! Fabulous!

    I'm pleased to hear you got done what you wanted to do and I look forward to reading your new blog.

    You missed my 55 and wordzzle this week honey. Well it's still there if you want to take a look.

  6. Missed you..but excited to see the unveiling on Friday!! Oh how I do love suspense! :)

    LOVE, LOVE the made an awesome wicked stepmother!! eh,eh,eh

    Have a wonderful week my wonderful and gifted friend!

    Love Ya!


  7. Morning Lady!

    Thank's good to be back!

    And yes...can you belive there's actually a MAN under that dress!?!!?


    Thanks so much for stopping by, Lady!

    Always great seeing ya!!

  8. Morning Mel!


    DAMN...sorry about the computer screen!?!

    (I should have put the warning BEFORE the photo)


    I complection looks like I should be standing in a "wax museum!"

    (the makeup was SO CRACKED!) "Virgo rising-organizational traits" are coming out when it comes to juggling two blogs. That's why it was good I took last week off, to give myself a basic game-plan.

    No, dear don't have to wear anything special for Friday's unveiling...dress comfortably!

    Thanks for dropping by today, Mel!

    Missed ya too!

  9. Morning Nicole!

    Thank's great to BE back!

    Missed ya too!

    It's funny you mentioned the Disney Cartoon Version, because that's what the director wanted...VISUALLY. He wanted the audience to feel as though they were watching an animated film...come to life!

    He was a very creative director, and I was so happy that he had the "gonads" to cast a MALE in the role. I think we were both nervous about it...but we also wanted the challenge.

    Thanks MUCH for stopping by, Nicole!

    Always good talking to ya!

  10. Good Morning Barbara!

    Thank's feels good to be back!

    Creativity for me, comes in waves. Like you, sometimes I go through a "quiet time blogging" and others times it feels as though the creativity is coming so fast. I'm happiest and feel the most vital...when I'm expressing creativity. I truly have the heart of an artist. I've also discovered that sometimes when I think the creativity is "quiet" it's actually "planting creative seeds" for what's yet to come!

    OMG...I'm so happy to hear about your visit to Philly next month! And YES...please do email me. If it fits into your schedule, perhaps we can meet for a cup of java somewhere. September is usually beautiful weather.

    Thank you for dropping by today, Barbara!

    Nice seeing ya!

    Glad you enjoyed

  11. Morning Akelamalu!

    Don't I look like DAME EDNA???


    (although...I'm NOT very PROPER!?#!)

    Yes, last week I kind of layed low and didn't do any blogging, other than respond to comments here. But I will be getting back to visiting this week, I promise!

    (and dear god...I don't how the hell I lived this week, without reading your Friday 55!?!!?)

    I LOVE those things!

    Thanks for stopping by today, Akelamalu!

    It's so great seeing and talking to ya!

    Have a great Monday!

  12. Hey Ron, I'm so excited about the new Blog. I've really enjoyed reading Vent and am so impressed with the speed and style with which you crank out material week after week. You should write for Saturday Night Live! Although after seeing you as the Wicked Stepmother I've got to tell you I can get you a job doing that at the Magic Kingdom anytime. I know one of the Actresses that play her now and you look just as good. Love ya, L

  13. Morning Dearest Gypsy-Heart!


    Missed ya too!

    Hey...I also think I may look a little like my hateful know, the "one" who reminded me so much of the Wicked Witch of the West!?


    I hope you had a wonderful week creating more of those BEAUTIFUL art pieces! I'll be by later to catch up with you!

    Thanks for stopping by, Gypsy!

    It's always good sharing "creative energy" with you!

    Have an awesome week!

    Love ya!

  14. OMG...Laurel!!!

    You're not going to freaking believe this...but just yesterday, while I was scanning this photograph I kept thinking about YOU and thought to myself, "Gosh...I sure hope she stops by to read this post!"

    So THANK YOU!!!

    Hey...didn't Jim do a great job directing this show?? TALENTED MAN! I wonder if he's still directing?

    I'm so glad you enjoy Vent - and so HAPPY that you stop by. It's great to be talking to you via blogging! I sure hope you'll stop by the new blog and will enjoy.

    ooooh...I wonder if Disneyworld would ever consider hiring a guy to play the Wicked Stepmother?!?!?

    Thanks loads for dropping by today, Laurel!

    I hope you're enjoying your summer!

    Love to you!

  15. Yes, hasn't the weather been glorious! Well, today is a bit warm maybe because I was in and out of the car running errands. But Wednesday's to be deeeelightful.

    OMG, that picture!!! Awesome! It looks like you all had GREAT FUN with that performance. Bravo!!
    Now that you have a scanner, I hope we'll be getting even more pictures. What interesting experiences you have had!

    Can't wait for the unveiling of your new blog. If it's anything like this one we're all in for a treat. So of course I'll be over there rambling on and on too. LOL

    Have a happy week, enjoy the weather, but keep thinking FALL!!
    Chat soon. Huggies, M

  16. Oh My Gawd! You're like totally freakin' gore-ge-us in that get-up! I went to a Halloween Party as the Wicked Something and didn't look half as good. I love to play dress up, so much fun to be other people.

    Did I ever tell you thant on long plane trips I make up characters to be for whoever I'm sitting next too. It's great fun.

    Missed you terrible but I'm happy the week was productive for you and cooler!!

  17. Evening Crystal Chick!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Yes...I agree, today (because I too ran errands) was VERY warm, but thank you for telling me that Wednesday will be much cooler. I try not to look at the 5 day forecast, because I DON'T want to see HEAT!?!?

    Doing this show WAS great fun. I had always wanted to portray a woman onstage, and never dreamed that I'd get the chance to do it. When the director ended up casting me as the stepmother...I SHIT!

    Putting the new blog together has been such a great experience, because I'm learning so much about all the free available tools online. It's incredible!

    Thanks again for dropping by today, M!

    And yes....FALL, FALL, FALL....

    it's my new mantra!

    It'll be here before we know it!

    Happy week to you too!

  18. Hiya Dianne!

    It's so GREAT seeing ya!!

    Me too! Dress up is fun, isn't???

    This is why I'm a total freak when it comes to Halloween. I actually think Halloween should be once a month!

    And I'm sure you looked absolutely gorgeous too as the Wicked Stepmother!!!

    I'm one of those people who enjoys all the "evil characters" in Disney films. They're so much more interesting and fun.

    Hey...that's a great idea you have about making up characters when you fly. I think if we had known one another as childern, we would have been very COLORFUL together!

    Thanks so much for stopping by today, Dianne. I missed you too. I'll be around everyone's blogs within the next two days, to catch up with everything!


  19. Welcome back, Ron !

    You make a perfect wicked stepmother :)

    Looking forward to Friday's new blog look - how fun !

  20. Ron...I love it and think you look adorable. How about you and I doing something... I be Joel Grey Ina a nice tux and I slip on that skimpy outfit Sally (Liza) put son...Mein Herr. Ohthat would be a awesome...i won't disappoint you...I've practiced. hehehe.

    I was singing to my little one this past little one was confused...he would look at me as I sang and then glance at the he was thinking WTF...MOM, is that you? It was Lisa Stansfueld....If I could change the way I live my life today...I wouldn't change a single thing...cause if I change my world into another place...I wouldn't see your smiling face...hehehe he was confused.

    Nice to have you back...nice to have your smiling face back. hehehe

    ciao babes...hehehe I love that picture...oh and autumn is my fave time of the year.

  21. Evening Annie!

    Thank you!'s good to BE back.

    Don't I look WICKED???

    I look a little like my fathers mother!

    (she was QUITE wicked!)

    Thanks for stopping by, Annie!

    Always great talking to ya!

  22. Ola Senorita Miss Jones!

    OMG woman, I think you're PSYCHIC!!!!


    Because I actually played the Joel Grey role (MC) in Cabaret!!!! Holy shit...I can't believe you just said that!?!? Ever since I saw the movie (back in the early 70's) the MC was a role I always had a secret desire to play! Sixteen years later....I got cast.

    Hey...and YOU would be a FREAKING FABULOUS SALLY!!!What a wonderful role!! I could just see ya dancing at the Kit-Kat club!

    (pole dancing...woo-woo)

    I've always been attracted to that particular time period, when Germany was very decadent (1940's)!! and I would probably have opened our own Kit-Kat Club....called The Spiky Club!

    And another THING that you're psychic Lisa Stansfield, because just WAIT until you see my blog post on the new blog, Friday!!

    (that's all I'm going to say)

    Except....that I LOVE HER!!!

    And "Change" is my favorite song.

    Don't ya just love the Fall? Everything looks so inflamed with gorgeous colors! I'm so happy that I was born in October...HALLOWEEN!!!

    Thanks a whole lotta for stopping by this evening, Spiky.

    It's so good to see ya!!!!

    Ciao bella!

  23. I'm so glad you're back, Ron! I missed you!

    I LOVE, just absolutely LOVE the picture of you as the mean stepmother. Fabulous costume and makeup. You're awesome!!

  24. Howdy Rhea!

    Thank you, dear lady...and I missed you too!

    So glad you enjoyed the photo.

    God...don't I look like something out of a Cinderella nightmare?

    It was SO much damn fun to do, though.

    When the show was over...I cried, because I didn't want to give the dress back. So the costumer told me I could borrow it for Halloween if I wanted.

    It was an amazing costume, because it even had "little-bo-peep" pantiloons under the dress.

    And my boobs were 38D's!


    Thanks for stopping by, Rhea!

    It's always great talking to ya!

  25. Alright Mister Blister, I came by to see the link to your new sight and find out that we've got to wait until Friday!

    Well, I've only got one thing to say to you my fine feathered friend..."can't wait till Friday!" Ha, and you thought I was going to say something else huh?

    Glad you break ws a productive one ofr you, and I'm really glad to see you back in action. You bring so much to band of friends in the blogging world, that a week without your smiling face seems like so much longer.

    Now,about that picture. Holy Guacamole, that is priceless! I'm thinking Joan Crawford meets Martin Levy!! Between the hair and the near unibrow I was rolling. You my friend, could put evil stepmothers everywhere out of business. I loved it.

  26. Morning Mr. Jeff!

    Hey, thanks're such GREAT guy!

    Thanks for your kind words.

    I appreciate that!

    But, I know...aren't I HORRIBLE and WICKED to make everyone wait til Friday???

    (that's because there really IS'NT a blog...I'm just fucking with everyone)


    No, I promise...Friday will be the day.

    Hey, listen...I think YOU'VE got the "sight" about the photo here...

    I never thought of it...but I DO look like Joan Crawford. And a little like Martin Levy too!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by this morning, Jeff!

    Your presence here is so freaking ENJOYED!

    Later, gator!

  27. Oh you make a FAB drag Queen! I don't know if you think that's a compliment or not. hehe.

  28. Welcome back, hun! Glad the weather cooperated and you had a good week.

    You look so damn close to Tim Curry in Rocky Horror that I almost peed myself! You must have been the BEST fucking wicked step-mother in history!

  29. Hiya Trixie!

    So nice to see ya!

    Thank you....YES....I absolutely think that's a compliment!!

    I think every man should have the wonderful experience of dressing up as a lady. I think they would probably appreciate what a woman goes through with all the make up, layers of clothing, and haircare.

    It was an experience I wouldn't have traded for the WORLD!

    Women ROCK!

    Thanks for stopping by, Trixie!

  30. Hey Miss Fabuolous Nitebyrd!

    FABU seeing ya!

    You're so funny!

    Didn't you absolutely LOVE Tim Curry in Rocky Horror???

    God...I had such a stupendous time playing the Wicked Stepmother. It was one of those magical moments in my life, when I completely let go...and had FUN!

    Thanks for stopping by this evening, dear lady!

    I missed ya!

  31. I do a lot of theater too! Its great to knwo anotehr thespian over the internet! cant wait for your new blog. I'm excited!

  32. Hi Nica!

    It's always so nice hearing from you!

    WOW!!! See...there was a good reason why you and I met up here in Blogland!

    Don't ya just LOVE the theater? I perfomed onstage professionally for about 25 years (off and on). The photo that I share here, was during a time when I was working for a children's theater company in Orlando, Florida. It was the best company!

    Good luck to you in your theater career!

    Or rather...Break a Leg!

    Thanks for stopping by, Nica!

  33. OMG
    I humbly thank you for the best laugh i have had all day...hell all week.
    You are an absolute delight!

  34. Hellooo Lady Sorrow!

    You are SO very welcome, dear one!

    Glad you had a giggle!

    I've been wanting to post this photo FOREVER. Lucky for me, someone was tossing a scanner away. I mean, can you believe that?

    Hope you're having a wonderful week, Sorrow!

    Thanks for dropping by for a little "drag"

