I would like to conclude this weeks posts, by sharing one of my longtime passions.
For me, there is nothing more dramatically effective, than black and white film…
…especially when it comes to Hollywood glamour.
I can sit and look through picture books for hours on end, just staring at these images; appreciating the time, energy, and attention to detail, that went into creating one single breathtaking shot.
And without a doubt, George Hurrell was my all-time favorite Hollywood photographer.
Not only was he tremendously talented with a camera, but everyone who ever posed for him, said that he always made them feel relaxed and special, which allowed them to shine like the bright star they were.
So I would like to share with you some of the images that made this man, the most sought after photographer in Hollywood.
Lights, camera…and strike a pose!

And thank you Mr. Hurrell, for leaving this world…with such Glamour.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Please Note: Like last Friday, I will be working some extra hours, and responding to all comments later in the evening. Thanks again for your understanding and patience.
What ever happened to class in movies? Too much violence
ReplyDeleteHmmm, no comments left and I'm the first? Wow!
ReplyDeleteGoodmorning Ron from Paris,
I love this post especially because I enjoy black and white photography as well. I work with several photographers here and this extra touch is divine.
How is fall by you? The leaves here are a mock version of my favorite season in Chicago - Indian Summer.
Off to get myself up with a nice expresso.
Have a great weekend,
I love black and white photography - so graphic!
ReplyDeleteI also love Hollywood Glamour. I swear Ramon Navaro just winked at me when I looked at his photo! :0
What a terrific passion to have!!!
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard of this photographer, but will now go do a little research on him because those pictures are fabulous. Black and white photography is so beautiful. I imagine he must have made everyone feel very relaxed, and very attractive too in order to capture such wonderful images.
Thanks Ron, for the information and sharing something you love.
I'll check him out soon!
Have a delightful weekend.
Peace, M
OMG, Ron, I just saw the chocolate cake and champagne at Anndi's page and had to come back over and say I want in on that party!!!
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoyed a nice birthday, spending the day your way. And thinking of those you love and who love you. My goodness the list of us well wishers much be very long.
You're a special person and have such a beautiful light that always shines thru. Wishing you many many many more years of AWESOME. As THAT you definitely are!
Best wishes my friend.
Peace, M
Hi there. I clicked over from Anndi's. Those are stunning photographs. I too enjoy black and white films. There's a richness, a depth in shadow, that makes them psychologically evocative. As well as just plain beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you wholeheartedly about black and white photography. Maybe it's the nostalgia...the simpler times that we/I like to think of.
ReplyDeleteModern photography can and is still brilliant in it's own right, but knowing what went into capturing the images on film in the days before digital and other technological advances seems to make them all the more special.
The picture of Dianna Ross was an interesting one in conjunction with all the others. He still captured that glamor of yesteryear with her didn't he?
OK, in my blog hiatus, I missed your birthday. Oh the shame...
ReplyDeleteI think a little song is in order (or odor if you heard me actually singing)
(clears throat) Ahemmm!!!
♫"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Ron,
Happy birthday tooooooo yooouuu!!!"♫
Oh ya, I got you a little something too,
just in case you're running low on them!!!
Evening Debi!
ReplyDeleteYou said it, girl!
I don't mind a good thriller/suspense film, but not a lot of violence.
Nothing like the classics!
Thanks for stopping by today, Debi!
Wishing you have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Brigitte!
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment!
Nice to meet you!
There's something about black and white film that's so magical, isn't there? And it's actually more challenging to work with too. Black and white film is all about shadowing. I use to work with several photographers in Florida, as a makeup artist, and it taught me so much about highlights and lowlights.
Fall here is happening very slowly, with all the weather change throughout the world. Fall is not how it use to be. Last year the trees barely change and it's sad, because this is my favorite time of the year.
But I'm also a HUGE Winter lover too!
It's funny that you mentioned Chicago, because I've considered moving there. I hear it's a wonderful city, with very friendly people.
Hope you enjoyed your nice expresso today!
Please stop by anytime. You're always welcomed!
Have a GREAT weekend!!
Good Evening Akelamalu!
ReplyDeleteSomehow I just KNEW you'd love black and white film, as much as I do!!
Isn't is spectacular????
Hey, I actually had to look up WHO Ramon Navarro was. I discovered he was a silent film star!!!! Isn't the shot of him awesome???
Thanks a bunch for stopping by today for this salute to Hollywood Glamour, you GLAMOUROUS lady you!
Have a FABU weekend!
And strike a pose!
Good Evening Crystal Chick!
ReplyDeleteBeing someone who loves taking photos, I just KNEW you'd enjoy these!!
Honestly, their were SO MANY to choose from, it was hard for me to narrow it down to these few!
Many of today's photographers, cannot figure out his technique, because of the way he "shadowed" so dramatically. And when you think about how camera's were not very advanced back then, much of what he did, he figured out on his own!
Please do check out Mr. Hurrell, all his photos are magnificent!
Thanks for stopping by today, M!
Hope you're feeling better and in tip-top shape!
Have a wonderful weekend!
The weather is suppose to be incredible!!!
Greetings San!
And thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and leaving a comment!
Nice meeting you!
Isn't Anndi a DOLL???
Love her!
I've also seen you over at my buddy, Jeff's!
Another GREAT human!
Your beautiful expression of black and white film was so WONDERFUL!
I love the words you used...
"psychologically evocative"
That's PERFECT...cause that's what it feels like to me too!
It's so nice meeting someone who appreciates them as I do!
Please stop by anytime you feel. You're always welcomed here, San!
Enjoy your weekend!
Howdy Jeff!
ReplyDeleteHEY...it's SO GREAT seeing ya, buddy!
I've missed you!
Yes...and you said it perfectly, Jeff!
Part of it is the nostalgia, and the other part is the AWE I feel, in knowing that he could capture these photo's with BASIC special effects. And he was also able to capture the "essence" of the person.
Truly remarkable, isn't it?
And thank you for mentioning the last photo of Diana Ross, because I added that for the EXACT reason you just mentioned!!
To show how his genuis was TIMELESS!
Mr. Hurrell worked up until the time of his passing, photographing all the stars of today.
He was an incredible talent!
Thanks SOOOO much for stopping by today, Jeff!
Always a pleasure!
Enjoy your weekend, bud!
Hello again Crystal Chick!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU, dear friend!
Your words really touched me!
Wasn't that the SWEETEST thing that Anndi did?
Love that lady!!!
Thank you for being such a HUGE part of this blog, in adding all your wonderful insight and personal stories to my posts. I ALWAYS enjoy reading them!
It's been a VUNDERFUL blessing meeting you, M!
Thank you!
I had a wonderful day. And the weather was SO perfect...I couldn't have asked for anything more!
Enjoy your weekend, M!
THANK YOU, Jeff!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG...the song sounded freaking FABULOUS!!
Not only are you an incredible writer...but you also SING!!!!
Hey...and HOW did you get those little "notes" on the song???
They're adorable!!!
Oh...and thanks SO MUCH for the "gift" too...I was actually starting to run LOW on those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can never be too rich...or have too many exclaimation points!!!
Thanks again, buddy...I really appreciated your birthday wish!
I sent you an email with the web sites for finding the information. If it doesn't get to you, or it's unclear, let me know.
ReplyDeleteTHANKS SO MUCHJeff!
ReplyDeleteThat was so nice of you!
I'll go check my emails now!
Later, gator!
<-- has no fancy whozit thingies BUT---
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday happy birthday
Happy birthday to you!!!
*hugs and well wishes*
And nothing says it like a good black and white.
I have albums full of long ago photos and I see something new every time.
Brilliantly stunning, these photos you shared.
Morning Mel!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU SO MUCH, dear lady!
Not ony for the song (and I think you and Jeff should cut an album, with your awesome voices) but also for your hug and well wishes!
So enjoyed them!!
And yes, so true, Mel. That's probably why I enjoy looking at these type photos over and over again...I see something different every time!
Thanks for stopping by today, Mel!
Hope your having a GRAND weekedend!
What a lovely post Ronnie!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree! The old films are the best films! What the heck has the world come to, with their stoopid coloured cheesy storylines! *GiGGLeS*
I'm obsessed with Marylyn Monroe! (Though she was more on the trashy side! heehee!)I have a collection of all her things, black and white photos, bags, posters, calendars, everything! Even a very expensive franklin mint doll of her!
And I love to dress up as her at costume partys when ever I get the chance!!! If only I could dress myself to look in black and white! *GiGGLeS*
Beautiful photographs! These are what true glamor shots are..NOT the ones they do at the mall.
ReplyDeleteI am thinking of having one done, before I am "ancient of days". I have a photographer friend that thinks she can do it. :O
I loved all of these, but I think my favorite is Marlene Dietrich. She looks like such a powerful bitch in it! hee, hee
Thank you for sharing this.
Evening Giggles!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you enjoyed this post, dear one!
Don't you just LOVE black and white film?
I can SEE you dressing up as her too!!
I read a few books on her life and even though she had the image of being a sex symbol, there was a side to her that was so innocent and sweet. I think she was a product of being severely USED by the BIG WIGS of Hollywood, to make a lot of money off her.
In those days, stars were OWNED by the studios and had to do everything they were told. Now-a-days it's very different. Stars have more of a "say" in what they should and should not do.
(and I think that's a GOOD thing)
I often wonder, if she had lived longer, would she have gone on to become an actress, other than what she was noted for...a sex symbol?
Anyway...I think she left behind MUCH beauty and sweetness!
If you ever get a chance, and haven't already done so, rent the movie about Marilyn Monroe portrayed by Mira Sorvino. She did a FABULOUS job!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing in this celebration of GLAMOUR, Giggles!
Hey...and if you have any photos of you dressed as Marilyn...I would LOVE to see them!
Have a wonderful evening!!!
Good Evening Dearest Gypsy-Heart!
ReplyDeleteOMG.....you and I have the EXACT same taste, because the photo of Marlene Dietrich is MY favorite too!!!!
I couldn't decide between using THAT one, or another one of her. But something kept drawing me to the one I used. And I agree...she looks powerful! And also very sexy. And I LOVE the cigarette hanging from her mouth with the trail of smoke, don't you?
Hurrell was a master at "shadowing"...and I think that's what made his photographs so dramatic!
Hey...and that's a FABULOUS idea of having one done of yourself!!!
If you do....PLEASE let me know, because I would LOVE to see it!!!
Thanks a BUNCH for stopping by today, my dear friend!
Always a wonderful TREAT!
Enjoy the rest of your evening!
Love ya!