This was a photo taken of me when I worked as a male stripper at The Eden Rock Geriatric Center in Miami Beach, Florida.
oooh…and don’t you love my tight little buns of steel?
I can’t tell you how much they got the pacemakers racing in some of those elderly ladies!
(um…and a few of the elderly gentlemen too)
However, I finally retired my Velcro tear-away underwear, to live a more simple and wholesome existence…
….like sharing my psychotic life on the Internet.
To all you fabulously wild and crazy folks, who stop by here to read and share your lives with me…I would like to wish you the HAPPIEST of NUDE YEARS!
And I say NUDE, because if you think of each new year as being naked…you can spend the rest of the year dressing up your life with wonderful new experiences.
Thanks for being such a BIG part of my 2008, everyone!
You’ve dressed my life with much laughter, enlightenment, and love.
So as we begin a nude year…I would like to give each of you, your very own movie projector.
Blessings and love to all you STARS in the sky!
*right click on projector image and save to your computer to receive your Nude Year gift.
OMG ron, YOU are OUT of your ever-lovin' freaky mind!!! you do know that right?? I cracked up so badly LOUDLY from- first the butt on the ken doll, pants pulled HALF off, and then, post to beat all posts, the Afro Afro(there is a song that that rhymes with, I can't remember what the words are..da da da da daaaa...oh well OH MACHO MACHO MAAAAAN, is that it?) man!!!
ReplyDeleteand those eyebrows!! wow, did you need a little waxing or what? you and my hubbie, who now MUST wax that and most everything else once a month to stay married to me!! LOLOLOL, you completely cracked me up and laying here, quiet as a mouse, hubbie in bed and me "trying" to get tired enough to GO to sleep and now THIS??
OMG! I can't stop giggling over this...of course, I had to put the butt with the strange high school prom pic gone mad guy together as ONE REAL MAN....ummm, hmmmm...the buns of steel are nice but tan plastic, and well, we have to draw the line SOMEWHERE and aren't you glad we all grow into our faces, at least most of us do AND our hair because it falls out, hahaha, including women's ...
although, you know, I knew it had to be you when I saw those lovely eyes under that Afro of a hairdo-don't, and how lovely are your eyes...they must be the best part of your face!! so kind and compassionate, so see, I am not laughing at everything....and you meant for me to be laughing so I am, you accomplished that one! Wow, I need you around more often, especially during these holidaze....thank god, one more day and they're OVER....
well, I must go to sleep and hope not to have weird dreams of high school and the guys who needed a good stylist or a decent pair of tweezers OR scissors OR anything, for god's sake...did they have those for guys then, no, I don't think so....anyway, ronnie, good night to you....much love to you!
sigh-I will NEVER fall asleep after this one.....
Chippendale Ron could entertain me anytime...velcro tearaway pants, paper-stuffed tighty whiteys, hoochiemama lips and all!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Party Animal!
LOL Happy Nude Year to you too Ron. I can't believe another year has almost passed, can you?
ReplyDeleteMay 2009 bring you Good Health and Happiness and I look forward to the delights of another year reading your ponderings. xx
Happy, Joyous, Glorious New Year to you, sir.
ReplyDelete<-- wishes good things for you
Ron, I'm so looking forward to 2009 with you! Your blog brightens my day and makes me laugh. I'm glad you decided to cover-up your articulated butt and write. The old ladies loss is definitely our gain!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, bro!
Happy Nude Year Linda!
...I SO totally know that I'm out of my ever-lovin' freaky mind!
Kind of scary...isn't it?
Thanks so much for your sweet words, dear lady. So glad you had a giggle!!!
OMG...isn't the photo of the little Ken doll so cute? I saw it on the Internet the other night and HOWLED!! It was originally a HUGE photo, so I had to crop the shit out of it to fit on my blog. Some of the other photos they had of him were totally naked! (I mean, with a pee-pee and everything!!)
And the passport photo of me, well...
...let's just say, that I that I'm soooooo glad for CHANGE!!!
(and eyebrow tweezers!)
Thanks so much for stopping by today, Linda.
It's always such treat talking with you!
Wishing you a Happy Nude Year filled with much laughter, health, and love!
Aloha and Happy Nude Year Debi
ReplyDeleteHey, listen...I was thinking of maybe doing an international male stripper tour sometime in 2009!
And if I get to Hawaii, we can do lunch and some bargan shopping, ok?
I here Hawaii has fabulous g-strings!
Thanks oodles for dropping by today, Deb!
Have an AWESOME Nude Year!!!
Mr. Chipdale
ReplyDeleteYou said it...
...where did 2008 GO????
It felt like a FLASH, didn't it?
I'm so looking forward to all the good energy I feel in the year ahead!
And you too...
...wishing you the BESTEST of EVERYTHING in 2009!!
*and another GREAT year of sharing with you, my friend!
Love, laughter and health to you and your family!
Happy Nude Year Mel!
ReplyDeleteThank you, my friend!
And the same back at ya!
God...can you believe it???
You and I have been blogging now for over a YEAR!!!
Thanks for being such a great pal, Mel!
Wishing you a 2009 filled with much laughter, love, and abundant good health!
Cheers, dear friend!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sis!
And your awesome soul adds a hell of a lot of BRIGHTNESS to this blog!
You've got the BIGGEST and GENEROUS of hearts and make this world all the more loving.
Me too...
...I'm so ready for 2009, because I can almost FEEL the positive energy we're ALL moving into!
Have a SPECTACULAR Nude Years Eve and Day!
I'll be toasting you with my glass of red wine tonight!
Cheers and love!
WOW!! Good thing you packed away your buns of steal.... that could be really dangerous!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! HILARIOUS story... I can't laugh, though.. or I'll start choking!!! Thanks so much for the projector, too! I LOVE it!!! Being from Hollywood, and all-- you know!!! Now I have my star AND a movie projector to go with it... SWEEEEET!!!
ReplyDeleteI think my year--- or at least the part of you that started to include you in it... (thanks to Barbara)... would not have been half as funny!! You have literally funnied-up my year, Ron!! You are PRECIOUS... not the the guy from "The Lords of the Ring," but of the rare and precious stones that are just PRICELESS!!!
Thanks for all your entertainment, correspondence, and cyberfriendship! That's priceless, too!!!
Love and Happy Nude Year to you and your loved ones.... Leesa : )
Bonjour Leesa!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all...I LOVE your new avatar!!
You really DO look like a movie star!!!
So enjoy your STAR and Projector!
Thanks, Leesa...and I feel the same about you too! It's been an absolute HIGHLIGHT of my year getting to know you. Your correspondance is very much enjoyed and cherished. I always get very excited when I tell people at work that I blog with such cool individuals from all over the world. It's so wonderful to experience the sights and traditions of other countries, isn't it?
Wishing you and Alex the Happiest of Nude Years, filled with much "good energy" and LOVE!
Have a wonderful day tomorrow, Leesa!
Talk to ya, next year!
Tee, hee!
That sounds like a plan to me! Heck, I'll even volunteer with some choreography, help with the costume changes, and be the one to spray bottle the mist/oil on the bodies.
ReplyDeleteYep. We have lots of mens' thongs in stock here...because our men are not as fashionable and hunkalicious sexythang as you ;O they seem to think we don't mind the holy underwear with treads...
I know, I know..."OY VEY" LOL
Hi Ron,
ReplyDeleteHappy Nude year back to ya !!
Where do you find these pics ?!!
What a riot :)
You have a great year 2009 my friend. Stay happy & healthy and you will already have a lot of riches like that.
Big big hugs to ya from D & I §
See you in a week; I'm on a blog break !!
OMG...Debi...you're a RIOT!!!
ReplyDelete"they seem to think we don't mind the holy underwear with treads..."
That cracked me up!
Oy double Vey!
Ok, it's a deal!...if we tour Hawaii, your in girl!
Have the thongs and the spray oil ready!
And I was thinking of calling the troupe....
The Rondales
What do ya, think?
Happy 2009, Deb!!!!
It's finally HERE!!!
Bonjour and Happy Nude Year Barb!
ReplyDeleteI get most of my blog photos off the Internet by googling the STRANGEST things!!! I also sometimes get them off of Flickr.com.
Thanks a bunch for dropping by on the first day of 2009!!
Gosh...can you believe it's actually here???
Have a WONDERFUL time on your blog break, Barb. You deserve it...so ENJOY!
Love to you and Didier!
Talk to ya in a week!
Holy buckets--a year!
ReplyDeleteTime flies when you're having fun, eh?
(((((( Ron ))))))
Thank you for sharing your life with me.
And welcome to 2009, sir!
ReplyDeleteYou said it!!!
Time sure does fy when your having fun!
It seems yesterday when I started writing 2008 on my checks. Now it's going to take me the next three months to get use to writing 2009!!
Hope you're having a spectacular first day of the new year. Mine is exactly as I wished...peace and quiet!
aaaaaah...the good life!
Thanks for stopping by Mel...and for also sharing your life with mine!
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Hey Ron...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the lovely words... You, Barbara, Debi, Giggles... and many, many more are all the wonderful people who I know from blogging and it really adds a lot of joy to my life to know that I have made wonderful friends around the world, too...
I don't know if you know my other blog.. it was my travel blog to Cali in April/May... If you haven't checked it out already.. the address is:
Look out for all the food pictures... you may have to clean the rivers of droll off of your screen afterwards!!
Take care and HAPPPPPPPPPPPPY NEW YEAR to you!
Bonjour and Happy Nude YearLeesa!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome, my friend!
And I "ditto" your words about the JOY these friendships bring to our lives!
Ain't it GRAND?
Yes...I will definately check out your other blog!
(and will be sure to wear a BIB for the DROOL!)
Thanks for stopping by for a New Years Day Hello!
Hope you and Alex had an awesome day!