Last week my buddy Chrissy @ I Shoulda Been a Stripper shared a post, highlighting a very inspirational review she discovered on Amazon about the book, The Secret.
I would like to take this time to share my own personal views on the power of manifestation, because I do believe in it. However, somewhat differently than the simplistic way the book explains it.
Let me start by saying that I am open to all beliefs and philosophies; willing to understand them. However, I don't believe that any book in it’s totality is the be all and end all. As a reader, I will intuitively sift through the information and take what feels right for me.
No two lives are the same because everyone‘s life-experience is different. Therefore, any book that claims to contain a "special key” I immediately question.
When it comes to the power of manifestation, I’ve learned one very important thing…
Know thyself before attempting to manifest.
TRUE manifestation is only successful if I understand that there is a higher design going on in my life and am willing to manifest in conjunction with it.
As long as I am attempting to manifest with only my THOUGHTS, then all I’m really manifesting is what I THINK I want. So then manifestation becomes an endless cycle of chasing the fleeting desires of my EGO.
I also realize that it is impossible to manifest everything I want, just because I want it. Manifestation is not that simple, because there are other things involved than just conjuring up a desire and having it delivered - and I don’t care how much I believe and visualize it’s going to happen.
Let me give you an example.
There are two people applying for the same job. Each one of these people believes they hold The Secret to manifest whatever they want. But it just so happens they both want the same job. So tell me? Is it possible for these two people to get the same job? No. One of them will get it and the other won’t. So how does the person feel who doesn’t get the job?
Probably like they failed at manifesting, instead of understanding that maybe there is a higher design going on which is leading them to a job more suited for their talents, than what they THOUGHT.
The general message of this book sets people up for confusion and frustration because it doesn‘t go deep enough; leaving out many things. One being...
Fate. And the fate of others.
I know there are many people who don’t believe there is such a thing as fate, but I do.
Fate has a purpose.
There are certain things that will happen to me regardless of how much I think I can instantly change them through manifestation.
It may be my fate to experience an illness. It may be my fate to have financial struggles. It may be my fate to go through several marital divorces. Because in experiencing my fate, I am to learn something from it. And to believe that I hold The Secret to manifest something different, before I’ve actually learned from it….only makes me feel defeated by my circumstances when it doesn’t happen.
I would like to conclude this post by saying that the main reason why I’m not a fan of this book is because it presumes that I believe I lack in some sort of abundance.
The only way I know how to manifest abundance, is to never believe I LACK in it to begin with.
As far as my own life is concerned….I already know myself as abundant.
I went through financial bankruptcy six years ago, so it doesn’t get any less abundant than that. But do you know what? I never felt MORE abundant during that time, because I had nothing else to focus on except my abundance. And that’s what my fate with bankruptcy has taught me.
Yes, sometimes I may have the ability to direct the course of my life through manifestation.
And other times I may simply need to follow my fate and learn from it.
And it is during these times, I will use the power of manifestation to accept.
Know thyself first…by knowing the difference.
The Secret.
Have a great weekend everyone!
You made an excellent point at the end:
ReplyDeleteAnd it is during these times, I will use the power of manifestation to accept.
I cannot stand that book. It purports that one can achieve anything against all odds IF ONLY THEY SEND OUT ENOUGH POSITIVE ENERGY.
Man this is a hot button issue for me. At this point in time I really am working on accepting the things I CANNOT CHANGE around me.
Can I change the fact that my brother is bedridden with MS, has a feeding tube and a catheter and is in hospice if only I send out enough positive vibes?
Can I change the fact that, at the same time, my mother is in end-stage Alzheimer's with colon cancer if only I send out positivity?
Can I try to accept what's happening and make the best of what time is left with positive energy?
Done ranting. Thanks for listening.
"And other times I may simply need to follow my fate and learn from it.
ReplyDeleteAnd it is during these times, I will use the power of manifestation to accept.
Know thyself first…by knowing the difference."
Thank you for this post this morning. I also believe in fate. I also believe that everything happens for a reason, even if I do not understand that reason at the time. I suffered with an opiate addiction for most of my life and I truly believe that I would not be the person I am today had I not gone through that dismal part of my life. It taught me so many valuable lessons that I have actually come to be grateful for my past addiction. Thankfully I'm clean now but I wouldn't have changed a thing given the chance. I would never possess the wisdom and acceptance that I do today. Enjoy your weekend!
This is one of the more honest and authentic posts about manifesting and how we as humans (with our unconscious minds + egos) create the complications to the simple process of "hold it in your conscious thoughts and you will manifest it."
ReplyDeleteThank you- you rock!
Love this post! And I agree with alot of your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI read part of 'the Secret' awhile back. And watched some of the video. They just didn't speak to me. Hey, I think it's terrific for people who's lives have been affected and changed for the better and attribute it to something like this. I do have a couple friends who found it all very believeable and important to work with the concepts. Okay, fine. To each his own. Certainly. It must have been the right thing for them.
But having studied astrology for many years I'm more inclined to say that we all have certain themes to experience in this lifetime... and others, as I do believe in reincarnation. So you can think 'win the lottery, win the lottery, win the lottery, day and night for months on end and if it's not 'in the chart' so to speak for you to have this experience then I just don't think you will have it. That's not to say that you wouldn't be able to come into some money now and then for different things, not to say you couldn't earn a lot of money in a job, but if that BIG WIN is not to be... it's not going to happen.
Now, I don't mean to say that we are robots or puppets and our lives are completely mapped out and fated. We were born with free will and have an assortment of choices available to us about alot of things. So I don't believe that our higher consciousness, Soul, God, Universe, whatever one wants to call it will not allow us to have our Egos running rampant.
Hey, alot of us are stuck in Ego mode. LOL
But at the same time I just think there are only certain energies available to us.
They have a range of experiences that can manifest as different things. But I don't feel you can make ANYTHING YOU WANT happen just because you have the thought and follow through with it in a certain way. And like you mentioned, at a time when you were in a very bad financial situation you still felt abundance. So I think some of the ways we look at things need changing. Redefining.
Oh I better just stop now... or I'll be writing my own book right here on your page. LOL
Have a fabu weekend!!
Good Morning Cardiogirl!
ReplyDeleteYou perfectly summed up my own feelings....
...Can I try to accept what's happening and make the best of what time is left with positive energy?...
I've gotten to a point in my life (and it sounds like you have too) where I'm learning more through acceptance rather than trying to change things.
I DO believe in the power of manifestation, but it's HOW I choose to use it. And that's my whole point in this post.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings, Cardiogirl.
I admire you.
Have a GREAT weekend!
Hiya Brndoutw8tress!
ReplyDelete...but I wouldn't have changed a thing given the chance. I would never possess the wisdom and acceptance that I do today...
It's the wisdom we learn through acceptance, that gives us the sight to see the reason.
Thank you so much for sharing yourself on this post, Brndoutw8tress. You've added much!
Have a great weekend!
Hi Reid!
ReplyDeleteWelcome! Thank you for stopping by and sharing a comment. It's nice to meet ya!
...with our unconscious minds + egos...
You said it!
It's conscious manifestation that's successful.
Thanks, Reid!
Stop by anytime.
Enjoy your weekend!
Hiya Crystal Chick!
ReplyDeleteIt's so great seeing ya, neighbor!
As always, you have expanded my own thoughts and feelings in my posts to an even greater understanding - thank you!
And you summed it all up in one perfect sentence...
I think some of the ways we look at things need changing. Redefining...
Redefining...that's it exactly. Redefining my perception.
It's all how I SEE it.
And most definitely...I DO believe I have choices, through free will. However, when I make those choices in conjunction with a higher design, my choices are more conscious.
That's what I mean in..."Know thyself first."
Again...thank you so much for sharing yourself on this post, M! You always add abundance!
Have a great weekend!
Don't ya LOVE this weather???
The secret has fantastic parts to it but used as the whole thing I am not sure how often it works.
ReplyDeleteIn reading Think and Grow rich it mentions the secret and even says "you will recognize the secret" in the book. It is quite a bit more hardcore in the area of doing.
The Secret behind the secret movie also has some additional things you might like to add to your personal winning formula.
My opinion is that you might have to come up with your own formula too because you have unique strengths you can use to your advantage as well.
Hey Tom!
ReplyDeleteThe secret has fantastic parts to it but used as the whole thing I am not sure how often it works...
Exactly. Which is why I will always read any book and take from it what feels intuitively insync with my own life-experience.
Like you so wisely shared...
...we each have our own unique strengths in creating our own formula. And yet, I also believe that as we grow...the formula grows and changes with us. So it is important for me to stay open.
Thank you very much for stopping by and adding your insightfulness!
Nice to have you here, Tom!
Enjoy your weekend, bud!
I have had my head in a different space lately, and have not been by to partake of your humor and your insights.
ReplyDeleteActually i poked in briefly and saw it was a gust post, and ~hangs head~
didn't read and left.
~sheepish grin~
But since I serendipitously titles my last post Manifest, well
what can i say?
feeling a little kinship with you my beloved friend.
And as always you have spoken to my heart and expressed how I feel about a great deal.
It feels so wonderful to have something I feel, and had lost sight of
Manifest for me again, when i needed it most.
Thank you
you are an Angel!
Hey Ron! Very thought-provoking post....I was commenting out loud to laptop before I realized you COULD NOT HEAR ME.
ReplyDeleteI reacted the same way to The Secret when sister gave it to me...my immediate reaction (which I chalked up to being a cynical New Yorker) was that you can't just wish it into reality. You've gotta help it along...somehow. I remember saying to her, "So, I can just sit on the couch and say what I want?"
So, I hear you.
I also believe that a good vibe (self-confidence, believing you're worth whatever your goal is) can help move things along.
That...and the ability to manifest several cocktails...and we're golden.
You're so on target with how people try to manifest their egos desires.
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving me food for thought this weekend.
Hello My Dearest Kathryn!
ReplyDeleteThat...and the ability to manifest several cocktails...and we're golden...
OMG...that made me HOWL!!!!!!
But all kidding aside, I agree with you whole-heartedly...
...that a good vibes DOES and WILL help things along.
The point of this post was not to say that manifestation does not work, but rather about seeing the bigger picture WHILE manifesting. And this is what I feel was left out in the book.
I also laughed at your reference to being a cynical New Yorker, because I happen to LOVE New York with all my heart - AND New Yorkers. I don't find New Yorkers cynical at all...just REAL.
I have a wonderful feeling that in the near furture I will be living there again!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by and adding your humor and insight to this post, my New York friend!
I've had a very long day at work today, so I will be stopping by your place tomorrow morning.
Helloooo Lady Sorrow!
ReplyDeleteOMG...you have no idea how excited I was when I saw that you had left a comment!
It's SOOOOOOOOOOOO good to see you, dear lady!
And no worries, my friend...because I totally understand that sometimes we just need to be quiet within ourselves and take time to reflect and just BE.
I'm so happy to hear that you had something manifest again and rediscovered!!!
And yes, I did see on my google reader that you had posted something with the word manifestation in the title, but did not have the chance to read it immediately, as I had a VERY busy day at work. But I will be sure to read it tomorrow morning while sipping my coffee.
I guess you and I ARE serendipitous today!!!
Love ya dear lady. And I thank you for taking the time to stop by and share in this post!
{{{{ Sorrow }}}}}}
Hello Chrissy!
ReplyDeleteHey....and thank YOU for getting me inspired to share this post.
I had been wanting (for YEARS) to post something about my feelings on this book, but it wasn't until I read your post, sharing the review, that the words just came to me.
Thanks for dropping by, my friend!
Have a FAAAABULOUS weekend!
I have not read the book and these days have tried to stay away from those recipes for inner happiness diatribes.
ReplyDeleteI too believe in fate on some level and that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we just don't understand or realize what that reason was at the time.
At the end of the day, it is all about perspective and how we choose to view our lives. Whether you want to call it manifestation or fate it is about acceptance.
Hi Jen!
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day, it is all about perspective and how we choose to view our lives. Whether you want to call it manifestation or fate it is about acceptance...
That's how I feel too.
"recipes for inner happiness diatribes."
Love it! Gosh...that could be a title of a not-to book.
Thank you for adding your insight, my friend!
Enjoy your weekend!
I have never read the book, but when I heard about the Secret, I was wary about premise of it. Yes, I do believe that positivity helps you to push your way through to what you want, but by just saying "It will be mine!", Uh, I don't think so. The writers of the Secret know the way to manifest money. Tell everyone, "You can have it all. Buy our book!" Believing in yourself & knowing that things do happen for a reason, is what my "Secret" is. Things come my way when they are meant to & not always in the way I expect. Acceptance is a hard lesson to learn but one of the most important.
ReplyDeleteron, you said my feelings so beautifully, you left me speechless! I am not a fan of this book and never was...it was always based on crap and still is and when you mix in some of the huge egos involved in the selling of this whole thing, it gets ugly in a hurry...
ReplyDeleteif someone is fool enough to believe that all they have to do is want something and they will have it, they haven't learned anything about what life is for nor will they see what is there for them, they may not be imagining....how sad is that...
much love to you...
Hello Collette!
ReplyDeleteAlways so nice seeing ya!
As you already read here, I felt the same way as you when I first heard about this book and even more so after reading it.
There are two things you shared that I also believe...
...Things come my way when they are meant to & not always in the way I expect. Acceptance is a hard lesson to learn but one of the most important...
Acceptance has been one of my most profound teachers, because it shows me that anything I need to manifest is already manifested...in the PRESENT.
And also...
...Believing in yourself & knowing that things do happen for a reason, is what my "Secret" is...
Thanks for sharing, Collette!
You've added much to this post!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Hello Dear Linda!
ReplyDeleteYou said what I feel so perfectly...
...if someone is fool enough to believe that all they have to do is want something and they will have it, they haven't learned anything about what life is for nor will they see what is there for them, they may not be imagining....
I have found that for my own life...life gives me what I need, by automatically manifesting it. And through acceptance, I often discover things BETTER than what I would have imagined or MANIFESTED.
And acceptance is not always easy, but as Colette shared...the most important.
Thank you for sharing your insight, my friend!
You've expanded this post!
Much love to you...
I was directed by I Beati to your blog, Ron. Love, love, love it!
ReplyDeleteI am a screenwriter and am in love with classic and indie films! But back to point on The Secret. I did read it, but I think it's very simplistic. I found Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and The Tao very helopful in manifesting. Good luck to you and am so happy to have found another who loves to live spherically!
Perhaps you'd care to visit, Whose Role is it Anyway, where I write mini-scripts with polls of actors to play the different roles. Currently, there's a tribute posted, but will be posting a mini-script soon!
Again, it was really nice meeting you, Ron! Petra :))
Greetings Petra!
ReplyDeleteWelcome...thank you for stopping by and taking the time to share a comment.
It's so nice meeting you!
I'm not sure who Beati is, but am glad you found your way over here.
WOW!....your blog sounds AWESOME and I will most definitely be stopping by later this evening to check it out!!
Yes, I have read several of the authors you mentioned in your comment and found Wayne Dyer to be my favorite. I like his books because the subject matter changes as HE changes and grows. He also explains things more down-to-earth.
Anyway, so nice meeting you too, Petra. I look forward to reading you.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
I manifest, therefore; I am!!!
Bonjour Leesa!
ReplyDeleteI manifest, therefore; I am!!!
That's IT!!!!
You am!
Thanks for dropping by, Leesa!
Happy Monday to ya!