A few weeks ago at work, I was standing at one of the cosmetic counters talking to one of my favorite coworkers, when all of a sudden I heard a ring tone emanating from somewhere in her chest region.
She immediately grabbed both her breasts and began squeezing them right in front of me.
“Ohhhhhhh….where the hell is my cell phone, I can’t find it?!”
She quickly reached inside one of her bra cups and groped her breast.
“No, it’s not in that one.”
She then reached inside the other bra cup and began feverishly groping her other breast.
“OMG there it is, I found it……Yes, HELLO?”
Well can I just tell you, I was utterly flabbergasted. Yes, ME…flabbergasted!
After she got off the phone I had to ask, “So tell me, why do you keep your cell phone in your bra?”
She said, “Because it’s the most convenient place. A lot of women do.”
“Oh really? Well if it’s so convenient, why did it look as though you were publicly giving your girls a little afternoon delight?”
“Because my boobs are so big that my cell phone will sometimes get lost.”
“Then why don’t you try wedging it in your cleavage. It might be easier to secure.”
Afterward, I thought about it and realized she had a point. Unlike men, who usually have a shirt, pant, or suit pocket to store their phones, where does a woman conveniently store hers?
Viola….in her bra!
This gave me a crazy idea. Just for the heck of it, let’s try to imagine men doing the same thing. I mean what would happen if one day the fashion industry suddenly stopped making shirts, pants, and suits with pockets? And what would happen if there were no such thing as a cell phone belt clip? What would a man do with his cell phone?
Viola….he could also wear a bra!
So, I went online and found some nifty men's bras. What do you think?

It looks a tad more macho.
Oh and look gentlemen, you can even try wearing your bra like this….

Have an awesome weekend, BRAthers!
Ron...being that I am one of those women who is not so well endowed in that arena I think I might share a man's predicament. Since I hate talking on the phone usually (although I loved our conversation) I think I will stick with keeping my phone in my purse far far away from me. That way i only have to check it on occasion!
ReplyDeleteGood Evening Susie~
ReplyDelete"being that I am one of those women who is not so well endowed in that arena I think I might share a man's predicament."
HAHAAHAHAHA....OMG, that's funny!!!!
Me too, dear lady. I also hate talking on the phone. That's why I don't own a cell phone. And yes!!!! I too loved our conversation. We will talk again, I'm sure.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Susie!
Always such a great moment to see your comment.
Have a great weekend! X
*slaps forhead* Here I always though you can't go wrong with basic black. I guess I was wrong!
ReplyDeleteSheesh. Isn't that what a pocketboook is for? I've never "stored" anything in my bra except for my boobs...which last I checked was were they were suppose to be!
I do occasionally slip it in the waist of my pants if they don't have pockets. They make those convenient clip thangs for just that purpose!
*hugs* from me and the blonde diva I live with
I used to be one of those women ... it's such a CONVENIENT place to keep the cell phone. I mean if we can keep a handkerchief there, why not a phone? I know some keep money there but I draw the line at that... grins.
ReplyDeleteHey men's bras... wow-wow! The black one is definitely the most masculine;)
ReplyDeleteI do it if I have a nightgown or sundress on and my son is nearby. I don't like to be too far away from the phone in case of emergency!
I slide it down the left side, on the outside. You can't even tell it's in there!
Gooooood Morning Vixen Kitten~
ReplyDelete*"slaps forhead* Here I always though you can't go wrong with basic black. I guess I was wrong!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Me too! He looks like the Incredible Hulk getting reading to BUST out of that bra!
It's funny, since noticing her storing her phone in her bra, I've been seeing soooooooo many more women doing it.
But, you're right.....
"I've never "stored" anything in my bra except for my boobs."
You GO, girl!
Thank you so much for stopping by, dear one! It's always so wonderful seeing you.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Much X to you and blond diva!
Good Morning Valerie~
ReplyDelete"I mean if we can keep a handkerchief there, why not a phone?"
OMG, you're right...I used to remember my mother keeping her handkerchief in her bra too! I totally forgot that.
"I know some keep money there but I draw the line at that..."
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA....oh, you are TOO funny!
Thank you for stopping by today. So glad we've met - you're such a delight!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Bonjour Susu~
ReplyDelete"Hey men's bras... wow-wow!"
Yes, can you believe I actually found these online??? I'm wondering....WHO wears them?
"The black one is definitely the most masculine."
Thanks for stopping by this morning, Susu!
Have a beautiful weekend!
Good Morning Lora~
I do it if I have a nightgown or sundress on."
HA!....see, she must be right because lately I've been noticing more and more women on the streets storing their cell phones in their bras, dresses, etc.
"I slide it down the left side, on the outside. You can't even tell it's in there!"
Oh, you MAGICIAN, you! HA!
Always great to see ya, Lora!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by!
Have a FAB weekend!
P.S. can you believe the cooler weather we're getting?? YAAAAAAAY!
I've seen some men who definitely NEED to wear a bra! LOL
ReplyDeleteI've never met a woman who carries her phone in her bra - most women here carry a handbag with the phone inside. :)
Good Morning Akelamalu~
ReplyDelete"I've seen some men who definitely NEED to wear a bra!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....OMG, I was WAITING for someone to say that, THANK YOU!
Yeah, me too!!
"I've never met a woman who carries her phone in her bra - most women here carry a handbag with the phone inside."
Perhaps it's an American thing?!
Thank you for stopping by, m'dear!
Always grand!
Have a wonderful weekend!
At first I thought you were talking about Peg then I realized she sets hers to vibrate not ring!!!!!!!! You are hilarious!
ReplyDeleteGooood Morning SuzieCate~
ReplyDeleteOMG...you're not going to believe this, but I had a feeling that Peg stored her cell phone in her bra!!! However, at least she sets hers to vibrate.
And I'm sure it FEELS much better than a ring tone.
Always so great seeing ya, dear lady! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Have a grrrrrrrreat weekend!
OH NO YOU DIDN'T defile my husband Daniel Craig by putting a bra on him!
ReplyDeleteI don't wear a bra, but then I don't really use a cell phone, so I guess I'm cool. If I were a man, I swear I would rather wear a bra than one of those idiotic-looking cell phone clips on the belt of my pants. Those are the worst!
Good Morning JD~
ReplyDelete"OH NO YOU DIDN'T defile my husband Daniel Craig by putting a bra on him!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No, I actually found that photo online as is, can you believe it? I wonder if Daniel knows?
Yeah, I don't even own a cell phone, so I don't have to even worry.
"If I were a man, I swear I would rather wear a bra than one of those idiotic-looking cell phone clips on the belt of my pants. Those are the worst!"
HA! And have you ever seen the people that have 2 or 4 of them clipped on their belt??
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Always great seeing ya!
Enjoy your weekend!
Hysterical pictures!
ReplyDeleteI have a cell phone and use it more than I'd like to (wasn't life simpler years ago when we didn't have them, or was that just because we were young and everything seemed that way?? lol) but mine stays in my purse when not in use. I really don't want something like that touching my body.
Okay, okay, another little battery operated device now and then is fine. *wink wink*
But I think we are surrounded by too many wireless things, electromagnetic gadgets, micro waves, etc. etc. How many people are dealing with sleeping disorders, headaches, illnesses,
and other issues? It doesn't sound unreasonable to me that one of the possible causes could be our constant exposure to all this modern technology. It's supposed to make our life better, but I feel that in some ways it doesn't.
My jury is still out on the whole cell phone age. I live near a cell tower, and we tried to fight it going up in a residential neighborhood with no luck. The laws are not people friendly anymore. It's all about the corporation.
I use mine but try to not overuse it. My husband has to use his for business and it's so weird that he sometimes can feel it vibrating when he's not even wearing it. That's just creepy. LOL
Sheesh, I'm such a killjoy today, aren't I?? I think I need a genetically modified soy drink from my fav Starbucks cafe quick!!! LOL
Have a super great weekend! Wishing you a few cool breezes!
Hiya Crystal Chick~
ReplyDelete"I really don't want something like that touching my body.
Okay, okay, another little battery operated device now and then is fine. *wink wink*"
Bwhahahahahahahaha...you GO, girl! Too funny!
And yes, I agree...wasn't life simpler when we didn't have them? I had one when I lived in Florida, but since moving to Philly 9 years ago, I just don't have the need.
"But I think we are surrounded by too many wireless things, electromagnetic gadgets, micro waves, etc. etc. How many people are dealing with sleeping disorders, headaches, illnesses."
I totally agree. In fact, while searching photos for this post, I came across an article about excessive cell phone usage being related to all sorts of illnesses. Who knows, but I don't doubt it.
I honestly have nothing against cell phones themselves, because I think they come in very handy at times. However, it's the WAY people use them - excessively. And because I live in a city, I'm constantly surrounded by people on the streets using them and not paying attention to other people around them and almost getting hit by cars while crossing the streets.
I think technolgy is wonderful, but when used consciously.
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing on this post, M! I ALWAYS enjoy our conversations.
Have a spectacular weekend! Hey, and can you feel a bit cooler air today? I'm loving it!
When I go to six flags.. I stick my phone..camera..money in my bra.. Once I "boob-dialed" 911 while on a rollercoaster..
Greetings Olivia~
ReplyDeleteWelcome! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing a comment. Nice to meet you!
"Once I "boob-dialed" 911 while on a rollercoaster."
Bwhahahahahahahha....OMG that's HYSTERICAL!
I honestly can see WHY some woman use her bra to store things, it really IS convenient!
Stop by anytime!
Have a wonderful weekend!
First of all, Daniel Craig, yeah! Second of all, that woman with the phone amidst her breasts is a fruit loop. I don't know who she's hanging out with but I don't know of any women publicly groping themselves to find their phones. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer not to be touching myself while out and about. The occasional repositioning is fine but beyond that inappropriate would be the word I would use.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. It completely made me giggle. Afternoon delight....
I just don't think I could really put my phone in my bra. Not because it would be uncomfortable, but because it would be just too embarrassing if it started ringing or buzzing and I actually had to go in after it. Sounds as if it was rather a shocking sight to witness...n'est pas?
ReplyDeleteI actually wrote a post about this: http://pegbur7.wordpress.com/2010/02/14/the-boob-has-it/
ReplyDeleteI love your pics. I didn't go that far. You are too hilarious!
Hiya Jen~
ReplyDelete"First of all, Daniel Craig, yeah!"
Yeah...I agree! *wink*
"Second of all, that woman with the phone amidst her breasts is a fruit loop. I don't know who she's hanging out with but I don't know of any women publicly groping themselves to find their phones."
HAHHAHAHAHAHA! Even ME, who does not normally get flustered, WAS!
Always great to see ya, my friend! Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great weekend!
Good Evening Diane~
ReplyDelete"Not because it would be uncomfortable, but because it would be just too embarrassing if it started ringing or buzzing and I actually had to go in after it."
HAHAHAHHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on my face when I saw her digging for that cell phone. Shocked is an understatement.
Thanks for stopping by, Diane! Always a pleasure to see you!
Enjoy your weekend!
Howdy Peg~
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the link. I will definitely go back and read it sometime this weekend. Can't wait!
Always great seeing ya! Thanks for stopping by.
Have a MARVI weekend!
What a great idea! I hate where I keep my phone, in the inside zipper pouch in my purse. By the time I get to it, the person would be better contacting me by a letter popped in the mail. Geesh.
ReplyDeletep.s. I'm mad at you and you know WHY!
Hellooooooooo Kathy~
ReplyDelete"in the inside zipper pouch in my purse. By the time I get to it, the person would be better contacting me by a letter popped in the mail."
Try your BRA. It may look strange while digging around for it, but it's probably a lot quicker to answer. If I ever get cell phone, I think I'll get me one of those bra's in black - HA!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, neighbor!
Always a joy!
Have a super-duper weekend!
P.S I know, I'm so sorry. I just had to take those additional hours at work. We'll get together, though. Perhaps in the Fall.
Hm...if I put my slim flat phone in my bra...I would be lop-sided...(no further explanation should be needed...I guess I better get a 2nd line...)
ReplyDeleteWhy wear bras when you guys have 'jock-straps'...(beats a pair of 'socks'...hhahahahaha)
Hi Finally Getting to Even~
ReplyDelete"Hm...if I put my slim flat phone in my bra...I would be lop-sided...(no further explanation should be needed...I guess I better get a 2nd line..."
Bwhahahahahahaha....oh, you KILL ME!!! That was brilliant!
"Why wear bras when you guys have 'jock-straps'...(beats a pair of 'socks'...hhahahahaha)"
Oh, I was SO hoping someone would mention that! And you're right. However, if I had a cell phone, I'm not sure how comfortable I would feel about WHIPPING out from down under.
Thanks so much for stopping by! And thanks for the GREAT laughs!
Hope you enjoy a faaaaaaabulous weekend!
Well Ron as you know I am one of the few that does not carry a cell phone so being that I am not that big in my chest area and I don't have a cell phone I suppose I would get a few strange looks if I went to try on a bra.
ReplyDeleteCindy has told me that I have the big head once in a while so I suppose the hands free mobile would be the one for me when I get a cell phone.
Howdy Jimmy~
ReplyDelete"Well Ron as you know I am one of the few that does not carry a cell phone."
OMG...I you're the FIRST person I met through blogging that also does not have a cell phone! YAAAAAAAAAAY...I guess there are a few of us, hu?
"Cindy has told me that I have the big head once in a while so I suppose the hands free mobile would be the one for me when I get a cell phone."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, and for me too! However, I think the black one would be the way to go, don't you? Simple and classic!
Thank you for stopping by, my friend!
Always enjoyed!
Have a wonderful weekend, you two!
And congrats again on Benji!
BWAHAHAH...brother, you are too much. It's strange, but seeing Daniel Craig wearing one of the these almost seems to make it forward fashionable. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI think Seinfeld was spot-on when he called in the "bro".
Thanks for the laugh. Genius post!
Good Evening Herman~
ReplyDelete"It's strange, but seeing Daniel Craig wearing one of the these almost seems to make it forward fashionable."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA......ya know, but I think you're absolutely right! Let's look towards 2011 as possibly being the Male Bra Year! I've already decided on the black one - HA!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing a laugh, my friend!
ALWAYS enjoyed!
Wishing you and your family a FLAWLESS weekend!
I just couldn't leave this post alone. Nope, I'm remembering the Seinfeld episode where Kramer and George's dad invent a brassiere for men. They argued about the name. Was it to be a "Bro" or a "Mansierre"?
ReplyDeleteI'd have to ask that woman, especially if she was a friend and knew me, "Here, let me help you with that."
The again, there is the gender equivalent by placing the oblect in your pants. Maybe us old guys would have a hard time using the boxers and all, but the whitey tighties could hold a cell phone. Imagine grappling for that. I'd use vibrate for sure.
Goooood Morning Spadoman~
ReplyDeleteGreat to see ya!
OMG, you're the second person to mention that episode on Seinfeld, and I'm so sorry I missed it because it sounded HILARIOUS.
I think I prefer "Bro." HA!
"I'd have to ask that woman, especially if she was a friend and knew me, "Here, let me help you with that."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Now why the hell didn't I think of that? Oh, well...next time!
"but the whitey tighties could hold a cell phone. Imagine grappling for that. I'd use vibrate for sure."
Yeah, me too. And then I could call myself over and over again from another phone.
Thanks so much for stopping by and adding to this post. MUCH enjoyed!
Hope you're enjoying a great weekend!
Well, I can see how it would be convenient... but what about those of us who don't have enough boob for the phone to get "lost"... we would just end up looking like we have one normal boob, and the other slightly square, bulky and either vibrating or ringing... not very sexy if you ask me. And cleavage? No, not here, my phone would be down to my pants within minutes- also not attractive on a girl... slightly square, bulky and vibrating- in the front of my pants? Not a good look. At least for me. I think I'll keep mine in my purse.
ReplyDeleteHey Viv~
ReplyDeleteIt's soooooo great to see ya!
"And cleavage? No, not here, my phone would be down to my pants within minutes- also not attractive on a girl... slightly square, bulky and vibrating- in the front of my pants? Not a good look."
However, it could be kinda stimulating!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, Viv! Hope you're getting a bit cooler weather like us in Philly. I'm so happy about this little heat break, I'm jumping up and down.
Enjoy your weekend!
*shaking head*
ReplyDeleteI just don't like cellphones THAT much. Seriously.
It's in my purse. If it's not on the clip, attached to some belt--that's where you'll find it.
ON the clip.
Or IN the purse.
JUST sayin'.....LOLOL
Howdy Mel~
ReplyDelete"I just don't like cellphones THAT much. Seriously."
Meeeeee neither. That's why I don't have one. So, I guess I'll never have to worry about wearing a MAN bra!
Thanks oddles for stopping by, dear lady!
Hope you, himself, and the bug are enjoying the BESTEST weekend!
X ya!
I was going to mention the jock strap option, but I see someone beat me to it.
ReplyDeleteNow get this...We just went to the movies tonight and while in the restroom I couldn't believe what I saw. Standing at a urinal, there was a guy taking a whiz; His Johnson in one hand with his cell phone in the other reading god knows what. Talk about taking multi-tasking to a whole other level! Sheesh!!!
OMG...Jeff....I was JUST thinking of you!
ReplyDeleteI swear to God!
How GRRRRRREAT to see ya, bud!
"His Johnson in one hand with his cell phone in the other reading god knows what. Talk about taking multi-tasking to a whole other level!"
OMG...that made me pee my pants! You are TOOOO funny!
Now get this...one time when I was in the restroom, I saw a guy inside one of the stalls TALKING ON HIS CELL PHONE and TAKING A POOP! You have no idea how lovely is was to hear his voice blended in with the sounds of YOU KNOW WHAT!
Thanks so much for stopping by tonight, Jeff!
What a wonderful treat!
Hope you and your family are having an awesome weekend!
Hallo from Salzburg, Ron!!
ReplyDeleteThat post made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! You are hilarious and just to talk a little about man-boobies and not cell phone storage here-- I think that SOME men should DEFINITELY wear man-bras... BHahhahaha!!!! Hilarious and I loved the last pic!
Bonjour Leesa~
ReplyDeleteOMG...it's sooooooooooo VUNDERBAR to see you!!
"and just to talk a little about man-boobies and not cell phone storage here-- I think that SOME men should DEFINITELY wear man-bras..."
Thank you for stopping by, my friend!
I am soooooo enjoying your photos of Salzburg. And I can tell you're having a fabulous time!
You GO!
i'm so very, very confused right now.
ReplyDeletei think i shall kick back, sip some wine, and ponder what it all means.
while i'm doing that i'll try to ignore the ringing from my bra.
Hey Brit~
ReplyDelete"while i'm doing that i'll try to ignore the ringing from my bra."
SEE! You're like the fifth woman on this post who confessed she does it!
You GO, girl!
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you had a super weekend.
P.S. enjoy your wine!
When I have no pockets, the tata place is my pocket. I leave it on vibrate. The first time I thought I'd tried this method I was in walking through Saks. The phone started vibrating and I couldn't figure out what was happening to me. I Paniced. I was sure it was a heart attack. Finally realized it was the cell.
ReplyDeleteHi Grandmother Crone~
ReplyDelete"The phone started vibrating and I couldn't figure out what was happening to me. I Paniced. I was sure it was a heart attack. Finally realized it was the cell."
I remember one of the very first times I put my cell phone on vibrated (when I had one) and I had the SAME reaction that you did. It scared the hell out of me!
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady!
Always a joy!
darn, my comment never made it and i don't know what i wrote, but just laugh anyway, i'm sure it was funny.
ReplyDeleteHiya Val~
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about your first comment not making it through. You know how BLOGGER is...tempermental at times. I hate their commenting system!!!!
But, I'm absolutely SURE your comment was funny, so...
OMG....that was hysterical!!
Thanks for stopping by, girl!