There are only a few things that make me want to leap up and stand on a chair, curling my fingers and toes, and scream in HORROR.
One of those things is the sight of someone wearing white gym socks with flip flops, and the other is watching a cockroach scurry across my apartment floor.
Such as it was last Tuesday evening.
About once a year (during the warmer months), I bare witness to a roach that has somehow found access into my apartment; causing me cardiac arrest. And I’m not talking about your average run of the mill little roach, I’m talking about a huge, and I mean HUGE cockroach. So huge, you could literally throw a saddle on it’s back and gallop into the sunset while drinking a salted margarita, singing “La cucaracha.”
I kid you not.
While living in Florida this became an almost every week occurrence because of all the humidity and dampness. Florida is the perfect stomping ground for cockroaches. In the Sunshine State they call them Palmetto bugs. And in case you didn’t know, Palmetto bugs are actually the Florida state bird.
That's how big they are.
However here in the northeast, especially us city folk, we refer to any and all bugs as illegal aliens. I sincerely think bugs should be forbidden to enter a city without a passport and a green card.
Now I realize that bugs (even cockroaches) have a purpose in this world, however I don’t think that purpose should involve me having to see them. EVER.
Anyhoo….last Tuesday evening, as I got up from my desk and walked towards the kitchenette, I saw something move on floor out of the corner of my eye. And when I turned to look to my left, I saw a GARGANTUAN brown roach running across my nice hardwood floors; heading into the bathroom.
For the first few seconds I stood there paralyzed; staring at this hideous creature that invaded my home. And I could sense that the roach knew I had seen it because it stopped dead in it’s tracks; thinking to itself, “Holy shit….I’ve been had!”
Without moving my head, I looked around my apartment for something to SMASH it with. Just then, the roach ran into the bathroom and cleverly hid itself under the radiator. I quickly grabbed the closest thing to my left hand, which was a small beautiful oriental three-panel screen which I had purchased in Japan. And as I slowly crept into the bathroom on my tippy toes, I held my murder weapon above my head, anticipating the roach’s next move. Finally, that little bastard darted out from under the radiator and began running towards me….yes, TOWARDS ME! I JUMPED up, but then with one quick move and a sissy-mary SCREAM, I threw my beautiful oriental three-panel screen on top of the roach and then stomped on it.
And when I lifted the screen, I saw this……
Yeah, I know this picture is gross, but not any grosser than this one……
Hi Ron,
ReplyDeleteWelcome back!!
Well, we are starting off the week with a real bang!
As you know,I lived in HI.Similar to FL's weather,with heat and humidity. That is also cucaracha paradise!!Like the fat one in the upper pic.They were the worst!I swear,you couldn't leave any food out. They eat everything.
They fly too( I hated that).
That is they one thing that I miss the least living here. No gargantuan cacaruchas!!
Congrats for the direct strike.Boy, that was gross!!
Have a nice week baby xo
Did you ruin the screen? Oooo Ron, you were brave even to stay in the same room as that evil looking creature, before or after! I would have DIED if I'd seen it. Guess I don't have the stomach for bugs! My agreement is total regarding socks and flipflops. In addition I can't stand to see men wearing shorts, sandals and SOCKS.
I don't mind bugs. I don't mind mice.
I just wanna know that I might expect to see 'em INSIDE.
Did the screen survive?
I remember being in an upmarket hotel room in Tenerife and seeing a roach run across the floor. I did a vertical leap onto the bed and screamed for MWM (who was in the bathroom at the time). He came dashing in and I pointed to the roach. He then picked up a shoe to squash it and jumped when I screamed at him not to hit it. WTF - he was going to hit it with MY shoe!
ReplyDelete"Hit it with yours not mine" I yelled!
I hate white sock with any sort of shoes!
Geez, thanks for the reminder! Here in Texas, the cockroaches have airline ID's stenciled on their sides, too. I am glad I am reading this in the morning - this would be a sure-fire nightmare maker if I read it later. The "after" photo was a keeper! Love to be here, and to read your latest world perspective, good friend. EFH
ReplyDeleteAlso, gross. EW! I hate cockroaches, too, and those big shiny ones are the worst. We had cockroaches in an apartment we lived in, thanks to the couple next door who used to put anything and everything down their kitchen sink. (The maintenance man found hair and bones.)
Anyway, I hope your Japanese screen is OK. If I see a horrifying bug, I put a teacup over it and wait for Dave. I think if I lived on my own, I would STILL do this -- I'd just have to watch where I stepped.
Okay, I totally understand the gross & creepiness factor of a bug like that in your house. I would have totally FLIPPED out too. I cant handle any kind of bugs. And I agree with you. Flip flops and socks should be a CRIME. But you made me laugh out loud literally when I read this line:
ReplyDelete"I sincerely think bugs should be forbidden to enter a city without a passport and a green card."
Ahahahahhaha! Ahahahhahaha!
Bonjour Barbara~
ReplyDeleteThanks, my friend....it's good to be back. I've missed blogging like you have no idea. I was going through blog withdraws all last week - HA!
I know that HI is the same weather as FL, so I know you KNOW what I'm talking about when it comes to the icky BUGS!
"They were the worst!I swear,you couldn't leave any food out. They eat everything.
They fly too( I hated that)."
OMG....YES!!! They FLY!!!! That totally freaks me out! While living in Fl, I had to keep every single bit of food in the fridge because if I didn't, those damn bugs would find it. That's one of things I don't miss about living in the tropics at all. Bugs, AND the heat!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend! Always so great seeing ya!
Have a wonderful Monday....X
Good Morning Valerie~
ReplyDelete"Did you ruin the screen?"
HAHAHAHAHAHA...I knew someone was going to ask me that!! No, I didn't ruin it, but there is a permanent STAIN on one of the back panels.
"Oooo Ron, you were brave even to stay in the same room as that evil looking creature, before or after! I would have DIED if I'd seen it."
OMG, Valerie....I DIED too! But I was bound and determined to SMASH that thing before I went to bed because I would have never been able to sleep, knowing it was still in my apartment.
"In addition I can't stand to see men wearing shorts, sandals and SOCKS."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes...I so totally agree with you! And you wouldn't believe how many photos I found online with men wearing sandles and SOCKS while googling for images. GROSS!
Thanks for stopping by today, dear lady. I look forward to catching up with you this week!
Happy Monday...X
Hiya Mel~
I don't mind bugs. I don't mind mice.
I just wanna know that I might expect to see 'em INSIDE."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes...I couldn't agree with you more. They should at least give us a warning of some kind that they are present. Kinda like the music sound in the movie JAWS - HA!
Yes, the screen survived, but there's a permanent stain on one of the back panels. It's sooooo GROSS!
Always so great see ya, dear lady! Mucho thanks for stopping by!
Happy Monday to ya.....X
Good Morning Akelamalu~
ReplyDelete"He then picked up a shoe to squash it and jumped when I screamed at him not to hit it. WTF - he was going to hit it with MY shoe!
"Hit it with yours not mine" I yelled!"
Bwhahahahahahahahaha! OMG, that was HYSTERICAL!
You GO, girl!
I think white socks should only be permitted with sneakers - Amen!
Thanks for stopping by, m'dear! And thanks for the great morning laugh!
Happy Monday....X
Howdy Expat~
ReplyDelete"Here in Texas, the cockroaches have airline ID's stenciled on their sides, too."
Bwhahahahahahahaha! OMG, that made me HOWL! Tooooo funny, man!
I know that Texas, as well as Florida has major BUG issues. I read someones blog post about a year ago who also lives in Texas, who shared that scorpions are also an issue. OMG, I would DIE!!!
Always so great to see you, Expat! Thanks for stopping by, bud!
Wishing you a cockroach-free Monday!
Goooooood Morning JD~
ReplyDelete"We had cockroaches in an apartment we lived in, thanks to the couple next door who used to put anything and everything down their kitchen sink. (The maintenance man found hair and bones.)"
Eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! OMG, it sounds like HORROR movie!!!
Yes, yes....those BIG shiny are the worst. They look like they're wearing a suit of ARMOR!
"If I see a horrifying bug, I put a teacup over it and wait for Dave."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You GO, girl! Like Susan Sugarbaker once said on "Designing Women"...."I think the MAN should always kill the bugs!"
Yes, the screen is okay, it just has a permanent stain on one of the back panels - ICK!
Always great seeing ya, JD! Thanks for stopping by. Looking forward to catching up with you today!
Have a great Monday....X
Gooooooo Morning Meleah~
ReplyDelete"I cant handle any kind of bugs."
Meeeeeeeeee toooooooooooo!! OMG, you should see me when I see a SPIDER! I literally FLIP OUT! Spiders are another bug that runs wild in Florida. And they're BIG and HAIRY!
"Flip flops and socks should be a CRIME."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...agreed! People who are seen wearing flip flops and socks sould be given a fashion citation!
Always so wonderful to see you, my fellow Libra friend! Hope you're feeling better. Looking forward to catching up with you today!
Have a super Monday!
Smashed that totally innocent decorative screen? I've got two words for you Benjamin: bug spray. All kidding aside, yes, bug spray eliminates collateral damage of any nice pretties that might otherwise be used as a weapon to fend off those dastardly invaders. They are not on my list of friends and thankfully, they have lately been finding refuge in places other than my particular home. For this I am exceedingly grateful.
ReplyDeleteMy sincere thanks to you for dropping by earlier and your always sweet remarks. ~hugs~
OK.. first, Welcome HOME! We missed you!
ReplyDeleteSecond: I JUMPED up, but then with one quick move and a sissy-mary SCREAM, I threw my beautiful oriental three-panel screen on top of the roach and then stomped on it - let me just say I died laughing when I read this because I just left a comment on Suzi's blog about her spider post that Hubby had done the same thing last night when he saw a spider on the floor. I can see I'm gonna have to post about his spider phobia.
third - Roaches big enough to saddle and ride into the sunset? LOVED that analogy! I too abhor roaches. And it's like they can SENSE it so they always target ME. I hate hate hate them. When I used to work at the animal shelter they would put the food in these HUGE metal trash cans and we'd have to scoop it out with this big scoop but somehow the roaches always found a way in those containers and I HATED having to put my hand in there because invariably one would run across my hand and I'd have heart failure and run screaming from the room. The guys thought it was hilarious. NOT!!
Hello Diane~
ReplyDelete"Smashed that totally innocent decorative screen? I've got two words for you Benjamin: bug spray."
HAHAHHAAHAHAHA! I know, I really should keep a can of bug speay on-hand, but I don't have any at the moment - drats! So quick thinking made me grab that oriental screen, which BTW has a nasty permanent SQUASH stain on the back panel. Serves me right, hu?
So glad to hear you don't have any dastardly invaders in your home. Lucky you!
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, dear lady! Always a delight to see ya!
And you're so welcome...I LOVE visiting your blog!
Happy Monday....X
Hellooooooooooooooo Peg!!!!
ReplyDeleteAwww...thanks, dear friend! I missed y'all too! I had "blogging withdraws" all last week. It felt like something was missing.
"I died laughing when I read this because I just left a comment on Suzi's blog about her spider post that Hubby had done the same thing last night when he saw a spider on the floor."
OMG, now that you mentioned that, I can't wait to head over to Suzi's blog and read that post because it sounds HYSTERICAL! Aren't us men, MACHO? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
" I too abhor roaches. And it's like they can SENSE it so they always target ME. I hate hate hate them."
OMG...I know exactly what you mean because those damn things always target me too. One time while living in Florida, I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt something tickling my arm. And when I woke up and turned on the light, I found about TEN Palmetto bugs CRAWLING all over me IN MY BED!! I couldn't sleep for weeks!
Thanks so much for stopping by, dear friend! I have off today, so I'll be dropping by your and Suzi's blog. Can't wait!
Have a VUNDERBAR Monday!!!
oh my gosh! I thought for a minute someone in socks and flip flops scurried across your floor!
ReplyDeletethe horror!
just kidding. but it's funny to think about. like out of the corner of your eye you think you see something and there it is! socks! flip flops!
I hate those big roaches. But at least it wasn't one of those little germ-ridden ones!
Hellooooooo Lora~
ReplyDeleteHowdy neighbor!
"but it's funny to think about. like out of the corner of your eye you think you see something and there it is! socks! flip flops!"
Yes, that IS funny!!
And I'll tell ya something, I would almost rather see a HUGE cockroach out of the corner of my eye, than a pair of feet with gym socks and flip flops. This past summer I saw SEVERAL guys walking through the store looking like that; wanting to SCREAM...."TAKE THOSE SOCKS OFF!!!"
Thanks for stopping by, Lora! Always a delight seeing your comment! Hope you're having a MARVI Monday!
Missed you last week and glad you're back. But who the heck gave you a picture of my feet? Dang, I didn't think anyone saw me!
ReplyDeleteHiya Suzi~
ReplyDeleteAwww...missed ya too, dear lady! It feels great to be back.
"But who the heck gave you a picture of my feet? Dang, I didn't think anyone saw me!"
Oh, damn, I was trying to keep that a secret! Ok, I confess....Peg emailed me the photo last week!
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you're enjoying a spider-free day!
Welcome Back Ron!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Man if you had just stood still it would have run underneath your feet looking for a place to hide, then all you would have done would be press down and listen for the crunch, unless you were wearing white socks that is :)
Howdy Jimmy~
ReplyDeleteAwww...thanks, bud! It's so great to BE back. I missed you guys and gals all last week. You have no idea how tempted I was to read everyone's blog posts on my google reader!!!
"Hey Man if you had just stood still it would have run underneath your feet looking for a place to hide, then all you would have done would be press down and listen for the crunch, unless you were wearing white socks that is."
HAHHAAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG...why the hell didn't I think of that??? But, nooooooo...I had to SCREAM like a sissy-mary and stain my nice beautiful three-panel Japanese screen!
Thanks for stopping by, my friend! I hope you and Cindy a wonderful week. I look forward to dropping by your place tonight and catching up with ya!
Enjoy your evening!
Welcome back! So what would happen to you if you saw a person with white socks and black flip flops desperately trying to stomp on roaches??
ReplyDeleteHi Dr. Cynicism~
ReplyDeleteAwww...thank you, sir! It's great to be back.
" So what would happen to you if you saw a person with white socks and black flip flops desperately trying to stomp on roaches??"
Thanks for stopping by, buddy! Hope you had a great day!
Come on, man. I *really* didn't need to see that. That's *disgusting*. Could you have at least started this post with a "NSFW" or some-such warning? And to think that I used to hold you in such high regard. But then you just *had* to include a picture of...it.
ReplyDeleteI mean, white socks with sandals? Next time, please think of the children before posting such filth.
Good to have you back, Ron! :-)
Hi Herman~
ReplyDelete"But then you just *had* to include a picture of...it.
I mean, white socks with sandals? Next time, please think of the children before posting such filth."
Bwhahahahahahahahahahhha....Oh man, that TOTALLY made me HOWL! You are toooooo funny!
I know....aren't I disgusting? I really should have placed a NSFW warning.
Thanks for the great laugh, buddy! And thanks for stopping by.
Hope you had a super Monday!
Woah. This was a very disturbing post. The thought of feet, white socks, and flip-flops . . . I shudder just thinking of it. Can you even use RAID on this monstrosity?
ReplyDeletei hate roaches and i'm about to go throw up now. thank you.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! I, too, cannot stand bugs. Especially cockaroaches. Thanks for the visual, though! And I have seen the Palmetto bugs in Florida, they are NY roaches on steroids, for real. They are huge.
ReplyDeletethe socks in sandals horrified me!!
ReplyDeleteroaches are pretty disgusting and I'm so happy that I haven't seen one in a long time
they're probably out in the shed organizing and waiting for reinforcements
Hi Vodka and Ground Beef~
ReplyDelete"The thought of feet, white socks, and flip-flops . . . I shudder just thinking of it. Can you even use RAID on this monstrosity?"
Bwhahahahahahahahaha! I'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee and just SPEWED!
You're hilarious!
And you just gave me a great idea for a new product...
RAID: Flip Flop and White Sock Spray>
Thanks for stopping by, you wild and crazy woman!
Have a FAB day!
Hi V~
ReplyDelete"i hate roaches and i'm about to go throw up now. thank you."
OMG, I hope you weren't reading this while eating breakfast!
Thanks for stopping by, girl! Have a MARVI day!
Hey Gal from Brooklyn~
ReplyDeleteThank you, it's great to be back!
"And I have seen the Palmetto bugs in Florida, they are NY roaches on steroids, for real."
Bwhahahahahahahahaha! That's flawless! And TRUE.
Thank you for stopping by, dear lady! Have an awesome day!
OMG Dianne....your comment made me HOWL!
ReplyDelete"I'm so happy that I haven't seen one in a long time
they're probably out in the shed organizing and waiting for reinforcements."
And I bet you're right!
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady! And thanks for the great morning laugh!
X to you and the gang!
Eeeeeeeeech! Now that would have made a great video for Youtube, Ron! I don't know how many items I've lost or destroyed early on trying to catch those buggers. hahaha, now that I think of it, the purchase of my first house was inspired by them! When my ex and I first married, we lived in an apartment in Queens, NY, and there were so many that in a about 6 months, we got our downpayment and bought our house on Staten Island. hahaha, the cucarachas served their purpose! :))
ReplyDeleteHope you a wonderful respit, Ron!
Helloooooo Petra~
ReplyDelete"Now that would have made a great video for Youtube, Ron!"
OMG...now, why didn't "I" think of that?!?! You're right! I'll have to remmeber to whip out my webcam the next time one of those evil cucarachas invades my home!
"I don't know how many items I've lost or destroyed early on trying to catch those buggers."
Yes...me too! Books, magazines, shoes, etc.
"When my ex and I first married, we lived in an apartment in Queens, NY, and there were so many that in a about 6 months, we got our downpayment and bought our house on Staten Island."
YAHOOOOO! I LOVE Staten Island. When I lived in Manhatten, I would sometimes take the ferry over to the island and just hang out for the day.
Yes, my friend...I had a wonderful respit, but it's so FUN be back blogging again!
Thank you MUCHO MUCH for stopping by today! Hope you're having a super week!
Welcome back, bro!
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to mention that the "Palmetto" bugs/mutant cockroaches FLY in Florida! Roaches don't skeeve me too much but my X will scream like a little girl if one gets too close. I'm the official roach/Palmetto bug executioner in the house. It'll be cold in Philly soon so hopefully you won't see anymore for awhile.
Glad you're back! Missed you. The socks and flip flops grossed me out far more. Bugs don't bother me but rodents and you would see me having a complete meltdown. Just be glad you haven't had any bed bug infestation. I've heard that in the cities it's getting out of control. Movie theaters, department stores, ugh!
ReplyDeleteHiya Nitebyrd~
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sis! My little break was nice, but its so great to be back!
"You forgot to mention that the "Palmetto" bugs/mutant cockroaches FLY in Florida!"
YES! YES! YES! Ewwwwwwww...they FLY! And that's the part that really SKEEVES me!!
"I'm the official roach/Palmetto bug executioner in the house."
You GO, brave girl! Its funny, because I know of so many males who are much more scared of bugs than females - HA!
OMG, I can't wait until it gets cold here because I never see a bug during the Fall/Winter months.
Thanks for stopping by, Sis! Hope you had a FAB Tuesday!
X ya!
Hiya Jen~
ReplyDeleteAwww...thanks! It's great to be back. I missed ya too!
"Bugs don't bother me but rodents and you would see me having a complete meltdown."
We have a few little mice that run throughout the store I work in (during the day), and you should hear the SCREAMS in the department when someone spots them - HA!
"Just be glad you haven't had any bed bug infestation."
OMG, ain't that the truth? And I heard that Philly's hotels have been reported as one of the main cities where this is a BIG problem! Ewwwwwwwwww!
Thank you for stopping by, my friend! Always a delight to see your comments!
Hope you had a great day!
"but then with one quick move and a sissy-mary SCREAM, I threw my beautiful oriental three-panel screen on top of the roach and then stomped on it.
I love it! You rock in your sexy white (thong?) socks. You smote it good Ron. You smote it good.
Hellooooooooooo Katherine~
ReplyDelete" You rock in your sexy white (thong?) socks. You smote it good Ron. You smote it good."
Bwhahahaahahahahahahhahaaha!!!! Sexy white THONG is right! That's exactly what it looks like, I never even thought of that!
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady....and thank you for the FAB laugh!
Hope you had a super day!
OH you want a cockroach horror story... read on, neighbor, read on....
ReplyDeleteMany years ago while living on the 4th floor of an apartment building we got infested with them. OH.MY.GOD! It was terrible. Some of the tenants downstairs must have had the exterminator spray their apartments so where did the little bastards run... UP! We had them in our kitchen cabinets and on the counter. They found their way into the living room and used our bookcase and books for housing. I FREAKED. We dragged the bookcase out into the hall and called the bug man ASAP.
It was disgusting and awful. I had to throw food out, not knowing what dry goods they may have gotten into. The bookcase was saved but some of the books were not. :*(
Bleh. Ick.
Now... we've got crickets in the basement. No worries, Greta takes care of them. ;-)
Good Morning Crystal Chick
Your cockroach story DEFINITELY blows mine out of the park!
"Some of the tenants downstairs must have had the exterminator spray their apartments so where did the little bastards run... UP!"
I would have FREAKED too!
I could much more deal with crickets than cockroachs. YAAAAAAAY, Greta. You GO, girl!
Thanks for stopping by, neighbor! And thanks for sharing your story. I won't sleep tonight - HA!
Have a great Wednesday!
OH EM GEE. seriously, you make me literally, laugh out loud to myself. in my office.
ReplyDeleteit's kinda pathetic.
I was going to quote something, but then as i kept reading i could decide what was funnier, the riding into the sunset or the "holy shit, i've been had"
And i don't know what is a bigger travesty, the socks with flip flops, or that you dont' live down the street from me?!?!?!
Why universe, WHY?
Hey Blunt~
ReplyDelete"And i don't know what is a bigger travesty, the socks with flip flops, or that you dont' live down the street from me?!?!?!"
Awww....you're such a sweetie! I too wish I lived down the street from you. Can you imagine the giggling we'd do with a couple glasses of wine and our webcam's; making vlog's????
Heaven help the Internet!
Listen, when you come to NYC for your next blogdate, I'll meet ya there (it's only an hour and twenty minutes from Philly), and we'll go shopping at Bergdorf Goodman and have high tea at the Plaza Hotel, ok?
Thanks for stopping by, girl!
Always a delight!
Enjoy your evening!
This is officially the first time I've ever seen a picture of an actual smashed cockroach, taken by the person who actually smashed it. On second thought, it's also the first time I've ever seen a picture of a smashed cockroach, regardless of who took the picture. Dang.
ReplyDeleteHiya Matty~
ReplyDelete"This is officially the first time I've ever seen a picture of an actual smashed cockroach, taken by the person who actually smashed it."
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Isn't it disgusting? Sorry for grossing you out. I hope you weren't eating dinner while reading this post - YIKES!
Actually, to be honest with you, I got this photo off the internet, but this image looks exactly like the bug I smashed.
I once almost stabbed myself with a kitchen knife because a roach attempted to climb up my leg, before flying at my neck. Needless to say, at that point -- I feared the roach more than the knife.
ReplyDeleteGreetings Yileen~
ReplyDeleteWelcome! Thank you so much for dropping by and sharing a comment. Nice to meet you!
"I once almost stabbed myself with a kitchen knife because a roach attempted to climb up my leg, before flying at my neck"
OMG...I'm freaking out just reading your comment!!!!
"Needless to say, at that point -- I feared the roach more than the knife."
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! I'd be the same way!
Please stop by anytime! You're always welcomed.
Enjoy your weekend!
That's exactly how I act with a cockroach in site. They're doing a ton of construction at the hospital so it shakes them out of them comfy lairs and right into my office! And they are huge mothers, too! I make sure to keep my tote bag and purse high off the floor.
ReplyDeleteOh, shit. Do they climb??
Hola Chrissy~
ReplyDelete"They're doing a ton of construction at the hospital so it shakes them out of them comfy lairs and right into my office! And they are huge mothers, too! I make sure to keep my tote bag and purse high off the floor."
OMG, that's what would happen to me everytime it rained in Florida. They would run inside my apartment - eeewwwwwwwwwww!
"Oh, shit. Do they climb??"
Bwhahahhahahahaha! Yes, climb AND fly!
Thanks for stopping by, girl!
Enjoy your evening!
Are you shitting me? They climb?!?!?
ReplyDeleteOh, I love you girl!