In all the years I’ve been online, I have never lost my internet connection.
Not even once.
Okay I lie, maybe once, for like a minute or two, but not a WHOLE DAY.
However, last Friday morning while I was responding to comments on my post, I suddenly lost it.
Both my internet connection and my mind.
You would have sworn I had been cut off from my oxygen supply because I started hyperventilating and gasping for air. I PANICKED.
I turned off my modem and waited 30 seconds like they tell you to do, then turned it back on and waited for the internet light to glow green, but nothing happened.
I tried it again. Nada!
Then, after the third time, the internet light that was suppose to be green, turned RED.
I instantly called my internet provider, and after about 45 minutes of listening to a USELESS automated system, which incidentally sent me in circles because every help option they offered was not the help option I needed, I finally hung up and tried calling back again.
Round and round in circles I went, again and again, listening to every help option for the second time but got no assistance.
By this point I was pacing my apartment; CURSING up a storm.
After my third attempt at getting assistance, I finally spoke to a REAL PERSON, but after she put me on hold she disconnected me, so I had to call back AGAIN.
Oh, I wish you could have seen me, folks. I looked like a raging bull, getting ready to plow my bull horns into a matador.
I had steam coming out of my nostrils. I was LIVID.
Then, when I finally got another real person on the phone, I was connected to someone from a foreign country who could BARELY speak English. And after 20 minutes of trying to understand each other, I was told that a generator in the Pennsylvania area was down, and that certain DSL customers were being affected.
Yeah, uh-huh….and that certain customer would be ME.
I asked how long she thought it would take to get an internet connection again, and was informed that it could take up to several hours, but to keep looking at the red light on my modem, and that when it turned green it meant I had internet service.
(I felt like slapping her)
So, I quickly jumped in the shower and dressed for work, and then I took my laptop to a Starbucks so I could use their Wifi to update my blog post; telling everyone I had lost my internet connection and would be responding to comments in the evening when I got home. Hopefully.
All day at work I was mumbling to myself, “OMG…I better have internet service when I get home! I better have internet service when I get home!”
The only thing I could think about was getting back online.
It was at this point I started to realize that perhaps I have a SERIOUS addiction to the internet.
Do you think?
Anyway, when I walked through my apartment door, the first thing I did was walk over to were my modem is and slowly peeked at it; praying to the internet gods above that the green light was on.
And guess what?
It was….
hello ron and you couldnt possibly think only you react this way without their 'link to life'!! haha, and don't you just love talking to the Indians and Chinese in our language...yikes, drives us nuts...one thing, big plus for macs and that's no auto system and no non-english speakers so you get right through to a real live person....it's heaven.
ReplyDeletexoxoxo and thanks so much for your lovely sweet comments on my posts lately-always they are so appreciated.♥
Not that it will make you feel any better Ron, but.....been there, done that! I know how you feel because it's very frustrating when it goes out and there's nothing you can do about it. And the customer service is just top notch for these companies. They have a strangle hold on the internet market, and they know we need them, and so you get 45 minutes of waiting on the phone. GRRRRRRRR
ReplyDeleteBut glad to have you back online, because your posts are always well worth my time.
i know the feeling. i can live w/o tv, maybe, well no not food, but air, yes, w/o air but i can't live without my internet connection. i would move to the library or anywhere it was for free.
ReplyDeleteOh I know that feeling Ron it's SOOOOOOOO frustrating! I think maybe we are addicted to the internet m'dear.
ReplyDeleteBeen done and done that, Ron, and I've felt the same frustraton. People who manage to get a REAL PERSON to speak to should receive a knighthood, and if someone is clever enough to get an ENGLISH SPEAKING REAL PERSON, they should be elevated to royalty. But you've given me an idea, maybe I should assume an unintelligible dialect with all the nuisance calls I receive. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteOH RON!!!
ReplyDeleteI can SOOOOOO relate to this post! It's like our life hinges on the internet.. Every breath we take in and out depends on whether or not that life-line is connected... I remember VERY well losing connection with a certain COX cable company in California years back and I can tell you that the same thing happened with the automated messages ...etc.. real vs. machine - and then being connected with someone in India who spoke English with an accent SOOO thick you could cut it with a machete! Okay, no joke!
One thing I learned this summer though.. b/c I did NOT always have a steady connection in places I stayed- was that I couldn't really count on always being connected... AND so, I made sure I had my trusty red external hard drive with all of my fav. series that Alex had recorded for me.... That way, instead of connecting to the inet... I was able to watch shows on my computer.... It wasn't as bad, as it was only at night when I got back from sight seeing all day! Plus, I had PLENTY of time to work on my photos on the days I couldn't connect!!
I can't imagine right now, though.. while at home- if the internet went out on me?? I'd FREAK!!!!!
Take care and happy connection to you... Happy Monday, too!
Good Morning Linda~
ReplyDelete"haha, and don't you just love talking to the Indians and Chinese in our language...yikes, drives us nuts..."
OMG...it drives me INSANE!!
And it's not that they're rude or anything like that, but it's so frustrating because I can't understand them when they try to explain something. It seems like it takes FOUR HOURS just because I'm always saying, "Excuse me, but could you please repeat what you just said, I didn't understand what you just said."
OMG, I had no idea that Mac's had their own customer service for online connection problems. That's faaaabulous!
You're so welcome, dear lady. I ALWAYS enjoy reading your lovely posts and commenting!
Thank you for stopping by! Have beautiful Monday!
((( Linda )))
Good Morning Matty~
ReplyDeleteNormally, with Verizon I get outstanding customer service (when I can eventually get them on the phone and talk to a REAL person), but lately whenever I call, I'm transfered to some foreign country where they can hardly speak English!!?!? Sheesh! It's soooo frustrating, isn't it?
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who has been through this.
Thanks for stopping by, Matty. Always a pleasure to see your comments.
Have a great day, neighbor!
Morning V~
ReplyDelete"i can live w/o tv, maybe, well no not food, but air, yes, w/o air but i can't live without my internet connection. i would move to the library or anywhere it was for free."
HAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAH! "yes, w/o air." I soooooo know how you feel, girl! Without internet service, it's as if ALL life-support has been taken away from us!
I wonder if we're addicted to the internet?
Thank god for FREE Wifi at Starbucks!!
Always great seeing ya, V! Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Monday!
Good Morning Akelamalu~
ReplyDelete"I think maybe we are addicted to the internet m'dear."
HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah...I think you're absolutely right!
"Hi, I'm Ron...an I'm Internetaholic."
Thank you for stopping by, m'dear!
Happy Monday to ya!
Good Morning Dear Valerie~
ReplyDelete"People who manage to get a REAL PERSON to speak to should receive a knighthood, and if someone is clever enough to get an ENGLISH SPEAKING REAL PERSON, they should be elevated to royalty."
Bwhahahahahahhahaha! OMG, you CRACK ME UP!
And you're right!
"maybe I should assume an unintelligible dialect with all the nuisance calls I receive. What do you think?"
Bwhahahahahahahahaha! That's BRILLIANT!! And you know what? I'm going to try that the next time I get a solicitor call...
"Sorry, me speak no English."
Thanks for stopping by! And thanks for the great Monday morning laughs!
Happy Monday, dear lady!
I know EXACTLY how you feel...how did we live without internet?! I hate those automated responses, and even worse is getting a real person you can't understand or is not helpful...they don't make it easy to actually get to speak to a live person, drives me crazy!!!
ReplyDeleteBonjour Leesa~
ReplyDelete"and then being connected with someone in India who spoke English with an accent SOOO thick you could cut it with a machete! Okay, no joke!"
OMG...yes! yes! yes! I could BARELY understand them at all. And I felt bad, because they were trying to be very helpful, but I could NOT understand what they were saying?! I think it's horrible that "they and we" have to go through this everytime we call for customer service.
" I made sure I had my trusty red external hard drive with all of my fav. series that Alex had recorded for me...."
OMG, that's so great, Leesa! Which reminds me, I need to get an external hard drive for my new laptop because it doesn't have a external slot to play movies. That's one of things I had to give up when purchasing this laptop because it's so THIN.
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing in my frustration of losing internet connecion. It helps to hear other people's stories. I don't feel so bad acting like a mental patient now - HA!
HAPPY MONDAY, my friend!
comments wasn't working most of the morning all over blogger so I think I did a bit of your dance
ReplyDeletealong with lots of cussing and key banging
we have more power outages than I think is sensible so I have gotten used to no internet, no cable, no phone
I'm not comfortable with it but I have become used to it
Good Morning Suzicate~
ReplyDelete"I know EXACTLY how you feel...how did we live without internet?!"
God only knows!
And what's really funny is that when computers first came out, I SWORE I would NEVER get one, nor get online.
HA!.....what a laugh!!!!
"...they don't make it easy to actually get to speak to a live person, drives me crazy!!!"
No, they don't. And yes, it DRIVES ME CRAZY!?*#?!
Thanks for stopping by, Suzi. And thanks for sharing in my frustration.
Have a wonderful Monday!
Gooood Morning Lady Dianne~
ReplyDelete"comments wasn't working most of the morning all over blogger so I think I did a bit of your dance
along with lots of cussing and key banging."
OMG...THANK YOU for sharing that because I thought it was only happening to me. Last night I tried to leave a comment on someone's Blogger blog and took me FOUR times!!!!
Yeah...I was also doing lots of cussing and key banging, myself - HA!
It was the same thing when I lived in Florida. They have power outages A LOT. So you would think I'd be use to it by now.
Thanks for stopping by, dear lady! Always love talking with ya!
Have a super Monday!
X to you and the gang!
Happy to get you reconnected dear!
ReplyDeleteIt's scary how reliant we become on things like internet. If the days of Mad Max ever descend upon us, I would guess that about 80% of the population (including myself) would instantly die of withdrawal from the internets. AAHHhhhhh!
ReplyDeleteBonjour Susu~
ReplyDeleteThank you, beautiful lady!
Alleulia! I got connected!!!
Hope you're having a wonderful Monday!
Hey Dr. Cynicism~
ReplyDelete"If the days of Mad Max ever descend upon us, I would guess that about 80% of the population (including myself) would instantly die of withdrawal from the internets."
HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA! You are sooooooo right, my friend! And "I" would be part of that 80% population!
OMG...what did any of us DO before the internet??
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you had a great time on your trip last week. It's GREAT to see ya back!
Enjoy your day!
Ron of course this is another thing we have in common...internet/computer addiction! This is why I periodically take a week off from my computer now just to prove to myself that life goes on....when you are "off"line! You should try it sometime. It is really liberating. I am glad you are back on and in touch once again...what would we do without our Ron and his uplifting posts!
ReplyDeleteHello Susie~
ReplyDelete"Ron of course this is another thing we have in common...internet/computer addiction!"
Yes, THAT and our common bond we share about Sex and the City, and beauty products. HAHAHAHHAHA!
Are we a HOOT?
You're right, I really should try taking a break from my computer, just to see if I can actually do it. I bet it IS liberating!
OMG, though....just the thought of not going online for a WHOLE week makes me SHUTTER.
Thanks so much for stopping by today, my dear friend! Always a happy moment to see your comments.
Hope you're having a lovely Monday!
Carrie Bradshaw
Not to worry, Ron, I'll be joining you in the pad next door soon! HAL drives me crazy! I'd be rich for every time I've said I belong in "simpler times". ;)
And I can't believe I missed your birthday! Have a wonderful year, Ron! :))
Internet/Computer addiction is a serious condition that many people suffer from, there is no cure at this time but a study is ongoing to find a way to help people deal with the serious side effects, the first thing you have to do is wean yourself from the internet and to find out how to do this go to www.iamaninternetjunkiedotcom...
ReplyDeleteOK maybe this wont work but it is funny how much we rely on our internet connection and how many friends we lose contact with when it's gone, I can relate to the frustration and would be as livid especially when being sent in circles for an answer that has fixed it's self.
"Just say No to No Connection"
Hellooooo Petra~
ReplyDelete"Not to worry, Ron, I'll be joining you in the pad next door soon! HAL drives me crazy."
HAHAAHAHAHA! Me too, me too! Well, at least we'll be padmates - HA!
And to think that I once said, "I'll NEVER own a computer or get online, NEVER!"
NOW look at me!
Oh, no worries, dear lady. You didn't miss my birthday because it's ALL year long! So, thank you!
Hope you're having a wonderful Monday. It's rainy and COLD here, but I'm LOVIN' it!
Howdy Jimmy~
ReplyDelete"the first thing you have to do is wean yourself from the internet and to find out how to do this go to www.iamaninternetjunkiedotcom..."
Bwhahahahahahahahaaha! And you know what? I think I need to check that website out!
It's true, we (as bloggers) really rely on the internet to stay connected, so when it's not there, it feels like we've been cut off from our friends.
"Just say No to No Connection"
Thanks for stopping by, Jimmy! Always a delight to see ya!
Hope you're having a swell Monday!
Tell Cindy I said Hi!
I'm a crature of habit. I don't mind a change in the routine as long as I'm in charge of the change. :-/
ReplyDeleteThat's my deal.
It's not that we don't lose connection--we do. Gosh, we're talking smalltown Iowa. It's when that loss interferes with me doing what I 'normally' do.
THAT'S when I get piffy...and mutter....and find myself at a loss as to the 'NOW what?!'.
*shaking head*
I can be rigid, huh? LOL
I'm glad your 'connectivity' is restored...and that no one was harmed in the process.
Let's remember that 'close' only counts in hand gernades and horseshoes! ;-)
Heh...man, too much. Yeah, I can totally relate. We're mainlining the 'net and it's impossible to go cold-turkey. Withdrawals are the worst. When there's no online connection available I feel...disconnected. Does that make sense? I'll pace around the house, periodically checking back to see if a miracle happened and I'm back online. Come to think of it, just *thinking* about not having an active 'net connection gives me the heebie jeebies.
ReplyDeleteTotally been there and done that! We've had connection issues, viruses, and crashes that required us to get a new computer!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to think I'm not addicted to the internet... but OH how I am. And not just here in Blogland, but at FB too. Sometimes their server gets glitchy or they're doing maintenance or something. It's not very often and the longest has only been a couple hours but you'de think it was DAYS.
Glad you got the green light! Have a wonderful week.
Hiya Dear Mel~
ReplyDelete"I don't mind a change in the routine as long as I'm in charge of the change."
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! OMG, Mel...that's exactly how I feel. As long as "I'm" in charge! Us Libras LOVE to be in charge, don't we?
This is the first time I ever lost my internet connection for a WHOLE day, so I didn't handle it very well to say the least. But, I'm sooooooo glad it finally was restored.
"Let's remember that 'close' only counts in hand gernades and horseshoes!"
Oh, you funny, funny lady!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing the laughs. You made my night!
Hope you had a GREAT day!
(((( Mel )))))
Hey Herman~
ReplyDelete"Withdrawals are the worst. When there's no online connection available I feel...disconnected. Does that make sense?"
PAALEEESE! YES, it TOTALLY makes sense to me, because I feel exactly the same way. It's an awful feeling.
"I'll pace around the house, periodically checking back to see if a miracle happened and I'm back online."
YES! YES! Me too! I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth, while peering into my apartment at the modem on my desk, HOPING that the light green light would come on, but it didn't!
So glad to hear that someone else is as panic-stricken as I am without the "connection."
Always so great to talk with ya, buddy!
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you had a great day!
Hiya Crystal Chick~
ReplyDelete"We've had connection issues, viruses, and crashes that required us to get a new computer!"
OMG yes, I remember when you spoke about that on one of your blog posts last year. Isn't it the PITS? I a very bad virus on my old HP computer that literally distroyed it, so I had to get a new one. I miss Windows 98. I truly think it was the best software for PC's.
"I'd like to think I'm not addicted to the internet... but OH how I am.'
Me too!
I'm more so with blogging than FB. As you know, I'm hardly ever on there, but I know how addictive it can also be because several of my friends say the same thing. It's very addictive.
And yes, a few times while I was on FB it did get a little glitchy. Ah, but so does BLOGGER - oy vey!
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing in my frustration and addiction, M!
Hope you had a swell day! Hasn't the weather been VERY Fallish? Today almost felt like Winter!
I hate that when it happens. And, it's always when you need to get something done or really want to get something done. I have been known to start screaming at the modem. Yes, I think we have a serious problem. But, this is why it's so great to have a laptop and be able to go to the coffee shop. Then you can get jacked up on caffeine and sugar and really crash when you come home.
ReplyDeleteGlad you are reconnected!
Good Morning Jen~
ReplyDelete" And, it's always when you need to get something done or really want to get something done."
Yes, THANK YOU! I was right in the middle of answering a comment and *POOF*...I was disconnected.
I'll try screaming at my modem the next time to see if it helps - HA!
"Then you can get jacked up on caffeine and sugar and really crash when you come home."
HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA! You said it, my friend!
Thank god for laptops and Starbucks!
Always grrrrreat seeing ya, Jen! Thanks for stopping by.
Have a fantabulous Tuesday!
I did respond to this yesterday but I guess mine got lost in that never never land that sometimes pops up. I was in VA for the weekend with no cell service and no internet and thought I'd lose my mind. I kept my cell phone on and with me the whole time even though it was useless as I had no signal. I guess I was thinking MAYBE it might miraculously work? LOL At least I could use it as a watch!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Peg~
ReplyDeleteSo sorry your comment got lost in never never land. Something is going on with Blogger lately, that's doing weird stuff to comments. Thank you so much for stopping back and recommenting. You're a such a PAL!
(((( Peg ))))
OMG, don't ya just hate not having internet service?? It's like being cut off from life-giving sustenance!
"I kept my cell phone on and with me the whole time even though it was useless as I had no signal. I guess I was thinking MAYBE it might miraculously work? LOL At least I could use it as a watch!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'd be the same way!
Thanks for stopping by, dear friend!
Hope you're having a terrific Tuesday!
It's not an addiction, it's a . . . well, um . . . ok, it's an addiction. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteGreetings Doug~
ReplyDeleteWelcome! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a comment. Nice to meet you.
"It's not an addiction, it's a . . . well, um . . . ok, it's an addiction. Sorry."
And yeah...I think you're right.
"it's a . . . well, um . . . ok, it's an addiction."
Please stop by anytime. You're always welcomed!
Enjoy your day!
well maybe i'm on to something with this whole lack of responding to comments. i won't have to stress about getting a message out to the masses in the event my internet explodes.
ReplyDeletebut forrealsies, i would D I E if my internet stopped working.
last week, some construction co knocked down a wire that took out 100 cell towers and i didn't have a phone for two days.
this is why, when you move to CHIcago, you need to live down the street. in the event of an emergency, or drunkenness, i just need to be able to walk to your house.
having to call any customer service number makes me start getting nervous. You just never know how much time and anxiety is going to be sucked out of your soul in the process. Glad that it was only 1 day. Equilibrium returns. Thanks so much for your sweet comments over at my blog. You're the absolute bestest. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, Blunt....I LOVE YOU, GIRL!
ReplyDelete"this is why, when you move to CHIcago, you need to live down the street. in the event of an emergency, or drunkenness, i just need to be able to walk to your house."
Bwhahahahahahahahha! Yes, when I move to Chicago we will most definitely be within walking distance from one another!
"but forrealsies, i would D I E if my internet stopped working."
OMG...I DIED! You should have seen me, I acted like someone took my food, water, and air away from me - HA!
Thanks for stopping by, bestie! Always a delight!
Hope you had a super day!
Helloooooo Diane~
ReplyDelete"having to call any customer service number makes me start getting nervous. You just never know how much time and anxiety is going to be sucked out of your soul in the process."
Yes! Yes! Yes! I feel the same way! All together, I must have been on the phone for close to an hour and a half - no joke.
"Glad that it was only 1 day. Equilibrium returns."
Ahhhh...my equilibrium returns!
I always love reading your posts, dear lady. So, thank YOU!
And thanks for stopping by today!
Hope you had a terrific Tuesday!
Oy, having no internet is more than losing an anchor, it feels like losing a limb!
ReplyDeleteI feel for you... and glad it wasnt me!
I was home sick this summer and the internet went down, and I was stuck watching crappy daytime TV all day. Who knew Maury Povich still had a show?? Never mind... why?
Greetings Brahm~
ReplyDeleteWelcome! Thank you for stopping by and sharing a comment. Nice to meet ya!
"Oy, having no internet is more than losing an anchor, it feels like losing a limb!"
Yes! Yes! That's exactly what it feels like. I felt like I lost an arm or a leg.
"...and I was stuck watching crappy daytime TV all day. Who knew Maury Povich still had a show?? Never mind... why?"
Bwhahahahahahahahaha! OMG, that's hysterical!!!
Who's Maury Povich?
Please stop by anytime, you're always welcomed.
Have a great day!
Ron, I have had too many of those experiences. Where you try to get help from a real person and all you get is recording and instructions that will make you do everything but fix the issues. When I do get to converse with a person (I think) it is always someone who cannot be understood because they do NOT speak English well enough for any one to understand. And the guy is always from India, who, when asked his name always says "Barbara". What the hell do they think they are doing and guess who are they doing to? MEEEEEEE.
ReplyDeleteThen they put you on hold while they go to the kitchen and make a bloody mary and eat entire 6 course meal. They thank you for holding then they place you back on hold so they can take a 20 minute shit.
They finnally come back on line with a full stomach and empty bowels only to tell you that you have to talk to someone else who is just as hungry and full of Shit!
After two days of this guess what? The light suddenly goes on and the damn computer is humming again.
Wow I needed that.
Ricky Router
Hiya Dave/Ricky Router!
ReplyDeleteOMG, I'm sitting here laughing so hard at your comment that I farted.
"And the guy is always from India, who, when asked his name always says "Barbara".
Bwhaahahahahahahahahaha! OMG, that's HYSTERICAL!
" They thank you for holding then they place you back on hold so they can take a 20 minute shit."
I have tears coming out of my eyes!!
You couldn't have explained this aggravating experience any better, my friend. And so brilliantly hilarious!
Thanks for the great morning laughs!
Have a great Wednesday!
I know exactly what you mean! And when I call tech support (in India), I become a raving lunatic. I don't know where it comes from but I guess it's the reaction of an addict whose drug has been taken away.
ReplyDeleteGlad you got your "fix" back.
Thanks for stopping over to check on me and Bern!
Love you~
My Ronnie,
ReplyDeleteNow, aren't we all happy that you made it! I can only imagine your aggravation. It is true, we blogggers are all hooked and any cutting off of our "life line" is very upsetting.
Now, when it is for entertainment, I say that I can come back once it comes back (of course if not, do the same exasperating telephone rituals). But... when I have my work which is due to be sent/ need an urgent e mail for the boss, that is making me very nervous. Remember; I work via the internet.
Take it easy and have a great day.
ReplyDelete*jumping up and down*
It's soooooo great to see ya, girl!
((( Chrissy )))
"And when I call tech support (in India), I become a raving lunatic. "
Yes, THANK YOU....India. And even though they are very nice and TRY to be helpful, I CANNOT UNDERSTAND THEM!
"Glad you got your "fix" back."
HA! Me too!
Thanks so much for stopping by, I've missed ya!
X to you and Bern!
P.S. tonight while I was walking home from work, I saw a guy walking his beagle and immediately thought of Miss Bern!
Bonjour Barbara~
ReplyDelete"It is true, we blogggers are all hooked and any cutting off of our "life line" is very upsetting."
Yes! Yes! Yes! Like being cut off from our "life line", exactly.
"when I have my work which is due to be sent/ need an urgent e mail for the boss, that is making me very nervous. Remember; I work via the internet."
OMG, that's right your work is online, so I can only imagine how frustrating it can be if you lose your internet connection.
Thanks a bunch for stopping by, my friend!
Hope you had a wonderful Thursday!
OMG! I would have DIED. As in "Dropped Dead". I simply cannot live without my internet! Thank GOD it's fixed!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Meleah~
ReplyDelete"OMG! I would have DIED. As in "Dropped Dead".
I know what you mean, because I almost DID die!
Thank GOD it's fixed!!!!!
And thank you for stopping by, girl!