Well, here it is folks….the ending of an old year and the beginning of a new.
Tonight at the stroke of midnight, we will be entering the year 2011.
Can you believe it? I mean where the hell did 2010 go? I feel like I just finished writing this post last year, and here it is next year!
2010 wasn’t at all a bad year for me, but it did have its challenges.
My work hours being cut.
Two major dental issues.
Financial struggles and uncertainties.
Four sudden deaths of family members of close people I work with.
I realize I may think differently than most people, but I don’t believe anything that happens to me, happens by accident. Therefore, even the challenges I’ve experienced this year have taught me lessons, made me more resilient, and also made me lose more of the need to control my life. Everything I learned this year carries over into 2011, and prepares me to live what has yet to come.
I’m not one to set goals for the year because my goals will forever change and shift like the wind. Instead, I try to consciously stay in tuned to my inner voice and allow it to take me where I need to go. I follow my life, I don’t navigate my life to follow me.
And this works for me, because it teaches me what I’ve come here to learn.
To surrender.
And allow myself to be created through.
Which sometimes means having to experience challenges, yet learning how to use those challenges to experience the life I am meant to live.
So if I truly believe this for myself, which I do, I must also trust that my life is going exactly as planned.
With no bad years.
Only challenging ones.
So, thank you 2010 for all that you taught me. It was a challenging year, but a year also filled with wonderful adventures, self-discovery, new friendships, and immense joy and humor.
I have a lot to be grateful for.
I would like to take this time to thank all of you for being here with me this past year and sharing your lives. It was freakin’ faaaaaabulous!
And remember something….a new year means shedding ourselves of regrets, failures and mistakes, because really, there are no such things.
As long as you learned something.
There's just a nude year……..